Saturday, November 24, 2012

"What are YOU doing to make a positive difference?"

Once again, a good idea for a new post title came from a comment in the previous thread.

 In this season of thankfulness and sharing, how can each of us step up to make D131 better?


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Anonymous said...

We could stop using a blog for our dirty work and actually talk to the people that we have questions for.

Anonymous said...

I am the person who posted in the last thread about being a tutor at the Dominican Literacy Center. I would encourage anyone who has an extra couple hours per week to consider volunteering. Not only will you help an immigrant learn English-- you will gain an understanding of another culture!

Anonymous said...

There are also opportunities to work with our kids at Family Focus, and at area churches such as First Presbyterian. They have homework clubs where community members work one-on-one with kids at big tables, then the kids and adults share a meal.

Anonymous said...

6:58, we could "talk to the people we have questions for" AND post on a blog AND write letters to the editor AND call in to radio programs...

...the days of face-to-face communication being the only way to ask a question or express an opinion ended about 300 years ago.

Get over it!


Anonymous said...

Too bad NONE of you do anything but post on a blog.

Anonymous said...

Eligible is what I meant not legible.

Anonymous said...

4:50 p.m., you obviously don't know me. I frequently contact my elected officials by mail and phone about issues that concern me, and I attend open houses and parent conferences where I ask my kids' teachers questions.

Oh yes, and I ALSO post on a blog.

As I notice YOU do, also.

Anonymous said...

I don't post on this blog.

Anonymous said...

You just did...



Anonymous said...

Great pictures of the 2012 Tomcat Turkey Bowl!

Anonymous said...

Those are some nice pictures. Thanks for posting them, 6:53 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Those are some great pictures. Thanks for posting. I don't know how I would have found those without this amazing blog :)

For those of you that are stupid, the previous statement was said with as much sarcasm as possible.

Anonymous said...

It's always nice to see links to good things happening in our district. 6:53 p.m., keep them coming!

(Said with no sarcasm at all--just sincere appreciation)

Anonymous said...

An article in this morning's Beacon-News:

Anonymous said...

And a related article:

Here's a quote from Annette Johnson, from the above article:

“This year, one thing that has worked out really well was we had a reduction of 10 bilingual teachers and an increase in general education teachers,” said East Aurora School Board President Annette Johnson.

“What is happening is that the kids, as we’re seeing more second- and third- generation kids (living in the district), their English skills getting better. We’re definitely trending downward on the need for bilingual education.”

Johnson said that families are growing roots in the community and becoming more involved in the culture, which is leading to more parents with English skills and, thus, more children coming more prepared for school in English. The rollout of preschool programs across the district has also boosted English skills among young students, ensuring they spend less time in language-sheltered or bilingual programs"

Anonymous said...

A grEAt example of someone making a positive difference (from the D131 Facebook):


Kohl’s Department Stores and TED, the nonprofit organization devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading,” awarded 18 educators across the country with the opportunity to have their most impactful and influential lesson featured as an animated video on TED’s global TED-Ed website which was built in part with a $1.25 million contribution from Kohl’s Cares, as part of the “Lessons Worth Sharing” program.

One of those 18 educators is East Aurora’s own Jason Shipinski of Simmons Middle School.

Mr. Shipinski’s chosen lesson - Using a backdrop of medieval Japan, groups learn the value of teamwork, negotiation, and collaboration – will be featured on the site for educators and students over the globe to use!

“We are thrilled to reward these outstanding educators with the opportunity to have their greatest lessons reach and motivate learners around the world,” said Julie Gardner, Kohl’s executive vice president and chief marketing officer.

In addition, the winning educators and their nominators will receive a $100.00 Kohl’s Gift Card.

Anonymous said...

Simmons has been much quieter this year. Mechelle Patterson and Wilson Morales have been hiding out in their offices. They hardly ever show their faces. It's been much better.

Anonymous said...

TO: All Staff

FROM: Dr. Roberts

DATE: Tuesday, November 27, 2012

RE: Educational Consultants

Starting today, November 27, 2012, there will be two educational consultants working within the district two to three days per week. Their names are Dr. Marion Hoyda and Ms. Carol Sossong.

These two consultants have been contracted by our board to conduct an audit for the purpose of evaluating our curricular and instructional programs and produce a report that will become the basis of enhancing our academic improvement efforts K-12. At the elementary and middle school levels the focus will be literacy and numeracy. The audit at the high school will include all subject areas. A final report will be submitted to the Superintendent and Board. The report will include findings which celebrate our successes and identify recommendations for improvements.

Dr. Marion Hoyda is a former Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and a retired Superintendent from Tinley Park. She will be auditing our secondary programs.

Ms. Carol Sossong is a former Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and retired in that capacity from Joliet Grade School District #86. She will be conducting the audit of our elementary programs.

Their work will involve every aspect of our educational programs and they will have free reign to meet with and talk with the staff. My assistant, Lisa Morales, will be coordinating setting up these meetings. You may be asked to meet with either or both of them at some point. Please provide them with any and all information so that the audit can get completed in a timely fashion. The audit should be completed by March 2013.

Based on this impending comprehensive audit of our educational programs and the fact that the roles and purposes of several components of our educational programs need to be reexamined and/or redefined, I am suspending all curriculum council meetings for the remainder of the 2012/2013 school year. Once a comprehensive plan and reexamination of the role of the curriculum councils has been completed, they may be reinstated for the 2013/2014 academic school year.

Anonymous said...

Now we have to pay retired, outside the district, superintendents to come in and do Jerome's job for him.

I thought the recent district messes were the result of Jerome focusing so much of his time on curriculum. Apparently, he can't even handle the task when he is completely focused on it.

When are we cut the dead weight we have at the top???

Anonymous said...

Wonder what will come out in the new curriculum audit announced today...

Anonymous said...

What will happen?

The bank will have about $500,000 less and nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

Annette Johnson has moved the bully act from the service center to Simmons. That's why Wilson and Patterson are hiding. Johnson is forcing staff to keep a kid in honors that cannot keep up. She knows more than the teachers and will blame us for his failure. This is what happens when we snicker over what happens to administrators; the chicken always comes home to roost.

Anonymous said...

No, the curriculum will probably change because it's a foregone conclusion the consultant will recommend change to justify the fees they're charging. It'll probably change to something they'll call new, but if you look closely it'll be something that was "in fashion" 10 years ago before they changed the curriculum to what it is now. Remember way back when I was in school in the 50's & 60's, we had classes in grammar, writing, etc. Then there was the "writing accross the curriculum" craze where the idea was to not have separate grammar, etc. classes, but to include all that thruout the entire curriculum. Then not all that long ago some studies came out that because of social media, texting, etc. our students didn't know grammar, writing, etc. So the answer was to start having specific classes in grammar, writing, etc. I'm sure eventually they'll decide to drop those classes and go w/ some other form of "across the curriculum". Then they'll bring back separate classes. Each time costing districts hundreds of thousands, which goes into the pockets of the consultants, book companies, etc.

Anonymous said...

November 28, 2012 6:50 AM -I have always thought the same thing! The district even have classes now to teach kids how to get along in society and the workplace. Keep it basic, simple. 3-R's, expect respect in the classroom and take care of business. Make parents accountable. Let the social service agencies take care of extreme problems.

Anonymous said...

If you read closely they said the Board hired the consultants. It sounds like hey will write a report say everything is screwed up and fire the leadership. Long over do.

Anonymous said...

Parents in this District get treated like dirt because they are poor and uneducated. It's the administrators and teachers that need to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

If parents are involved and supportive, it doesn't matter as much how much money or education they have. Their children will have a good chance of success, because the kids know the parents (or in some cases grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) are there for them. And when there's a problem, the involved parent is more likely to work with the teacher instead of expecting the teacher/school to do everything.

Some of our highest-achieving students come from homes without much money, but with supportive, involved adults.

Anonymous said...

1:00 PM -So true...Amen!

Anonymous said...

No, they need to go back to Mexico! Would I get free tutoring in Mexico? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Again, no thanks!

Anonymous said...

Your right 11/28 12:47! That is why this is the only district in the state of illinois that does not have busing for its students. It's a travesty for all these kids. Can you imagine if they had no busing in Wilmette, Hinsdale, Naperville, or Lake Forest? Never would happen. Yet even in Chicago's poorest areas there is busing. Why is that? Why does East not support busing? Where are the elected leaders advocating for the minority students they purport to represent? Its all a big joke!

Anonymous said...

I think every board member should get their substitute certificate (if qualified) and substitute in the district for a day. They can then experience what the teacher is dealing with on a daily basis. I don't think they could handle it!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree!

Anonymous said...

I know some of them could not handle it! Thumbs up-I 'like' that suggestion.

Anonymous said...

The Board members all have a college degree except Cervantes who is a full time student and Gonzalez was a teacher in the district and still trains people to be teachers.

Anonymous said...

9:32 you don't have to have a teaching certificate to substitute. Just a bachelor's degree or higher.

Anonymous said...

They would do a better job than the teachers don't forget you are the bottom 3% in the State.

Anonymous said...

hey 6:58 pm

God help you with your racist views!

Anonymous said...

The teachers aren't in the bottom percentages, the students are (or at least their test scores).

My kids had excellent teachers when they went to D131 schools. It was the parents who were dropping the ball (this was back in the 1990s--I doubt things have changed much since then). Because some kids had behavior issues or didn't do their homework, the teachers had to spend a large chunk of class time dealing with the problems & catching up the slower students. But under the circumstances, all my kids' teachers did an outstanding job, and I never met a lazy D131 teacher!

Many of the teachers in our district have been here for our kids for 20+ years, despite being treated poorly by administration. I would love to see School Board members try to substitute teach in our schools--but some of them would probably consider it beneath their dignity.

Anonymous said...

Went by the service center tonight on my way home and much to mu surprise there were picketers. Bunch of Latino parents hiding signs. Stopped and someone told me they wanted Aird fired and no forced policy on transgender

Anonymous said...

Don't need help. I'm good. This is the United States of America, not Mexico.

Anonymous said...

11:29, I agree with you on all points. We have great Teachers. Some Board members think Ward 1 is above all other EA. In fact 6:58 sounds like it could be one of the Board members when she thinks no one is listening in.

Our teachers are #1. I have had children in EA for a number of years and have nothing but the utmost respect for D131 teachers.

Anonymous said...

I love working in d131! Wouldn't want to work anywhere else!

Anonymous said...

What's Nestor doing to earn his 3 figure salary?

Anonymous said...

6:23 p.m., this is what was going on:

Anonymous said...

This fits right in with the blog topic. These community members are speaking up on behalf of their community. Something the Board forgot to do when then they turned this policy into a media circus.

I do not believe Dr. Aird should be held responsible. She did her job as directed by her superior. There should have been a committee, the Board and Dr. Roberts who had an opportunity to make input on this before it went public. This Board runs around like a baby without a diaper, doing it's "job" without a thought and someone else will have to clean up after them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah just because somebody writes a policy that people don't agree with does not mean that somebody has to be fired. Back off people. Fight the policy not the person.

Anonymous said...

November 29, 2012 7:10 PM

Guess what...The USA is a country of immigrants. Unless you're Native American, your relatives came here from another country too. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Aird was done a bad job with the Elementary schools for years. That s what they should judge her on.

Anonymous said...

Joan Glozbach is the policy hound she should be punished as well

Anonymous said...

Don't need help. I'm good. This is the United States of America, not Mexico.

November 29, 2012 7:10 PM

At least you know your geography and I am glad you are good. Move on because our Hispanic students need our love and education too. Just in case if you have never been to Mexico some of the conditions there are the reason why they move here to get a better chance at life. We are all God's children. elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

If Dr. Aird was doing such a poor job, why wait until now to say something. Admin is just trying to find a fall guy(gal) and certain members of the board post negative comments to make it appear they are justified in her "punishment."

Put the Board and their employee (Dr. Roberts) on admin. leave and reassign him to another area. He is not an effective leader. Election time will take care of the others.

Anonymous said...

7:49 These community members are speaking for PART of the community. At the meeting where the board overturned the policy, another part of the community spoke in favor of the policy. It is appropriate to have a BALANCED policy that protects the transgendered student while respecting the rights of the others. I agree the transgendered student should be addressed and treated as the gender THEY feel they are, but that instead of using the "wrong" restroom or locker room, an alternative should be provided (such as unisex restrooms, etc.). But NO ONE speaks for the entire community.

Anonymous said...

This transgender policy was never needed. It was just Aird using it to promote her own personal viewpoint. With a couple of exceptions at Simmons, the teachers and admins of 131 do a good job of protecting ALL of the children in 131. We don't need to single out select groups. Keep it simple, in 131 we will not tolerate bullying of any child for any reason, period. There was never any reason for this can of worms to be opened. I think there are much bigger issues in the district then this. How about the enormous waste of money at the admin level while teachers pay for basic supplies to teacher 30 plus children in their classroom. Most of the classroom don't even have things as simple as working pencil sharpeners. Ask for one a you get the 5.99 pencil eater special. Crap rolls down hill and there is a major landslide going on in 131.

Anonymous said...

East tried to pass a referendum, twice. Tax payers voted no. Can only do so much.

Anonymous said...

You mean 6?

Anonymous said...

Mainly Attila the Hun. Not the entire board. Ray has been ducking the newly found limelight on east Aurora. Is he letting Annette bury herself and waiting to walk into the president role?

Anonymous said...

Was the turkey bowl an ea sanctioned event? Did all these players sign waivers? Was there a charge to use the field?

Anonymous said...

To: November 29, 2012 10:56 PM

Regarding the protesters outside of the service center. Usually people only protest when they are not allowed inside and the people making the decisions aren't listening.

These meetings are open for all to participate in. The only reason they are outside with signs is to make a political statement. The drum they keep beating is shared locker rooms.

It is well known that shared locker rooms is no longer being considered. It makes you wonder what their real purpose is other than bashing the LGBT community.

It makes a person understand why such policies are needed.

Anonymous said...

6:01- The Turkey bowl was NOT sanctioned, waivered or charged.

It was a bunch of young men from EA, who got together in their hometown during the holiday at a neighborhood field to have some fun.
What was your intended point?

Anonymous said...

Central Office news is Becker went crying to the Beacon as to we're his check was. Hey Kurt you toooo broke to wait. We all get paid on the 30th. Loser. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

School grounds. What if someone got hurt? Now anyone can use the fields without the proper paperwork?

Anonymous said...

Overweight teacher married to an overweight Person with overweight kids. Go Grab some cake.

Anonymous said...

What is this 6 period schedule thing trying to do? I mean, I know it might be good in the long run, but won't it screw the kids in the half periods over? I heard the counselors are saying that now they'd have to get these kids in night school and zerohour classes just to keep them caught up with the rest.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is, will retired ADMINISTRATORS' insurance rates be doubling, too?

Anonymous said...

Parents are taken advantage of because of their lack of education on certain topics. Lets take special Ed for example. How long have the schools been breaking the special education laws? Parents don't know the difference so the schools get away with it!! Either that or they don't have the money to fight it. Terrible either way for our students. Someone needs to look into that.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious?? Give me a break. You are being ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

To: December 1, 2012 6:59 AM

Administrator premiums could double, triple or even more. When you are paying nothing, it doesn't matter what the percentage is.

Anonymous said...

9:54 how do you know it "might be good in the long run"

What does that even mean? You don't even know what the current schedule is or what they are talking about changing it to. You don't know what other districts do with regards to scheduling and have no basis for comparison.

MORON - This is a perfect example of when asking a blog a question is STUPID - Go find out the answer, email Mr. Conrad or one of the assistant principals at East High. Stop expecting a stupid blog to answer your questions.

Anonymous said...

12:16 PM

Don't know the current schedule?
1st-3rd periods are "full periods"
4th-8th periods are "half periods"
9th and 10th periods are again "full periods"
Reducing this 10 period schedule to a 7 period schedule is bound to screw kids over. It would lengthen most classes, but they're also trying to push study halls on kids, which can harm those who've already decided to take 7th classes. (something that would be impossible under the new schedule.)

The way it is supposed to work, one period would be half lunch-half study hall.

This doesn't sound like much of a change but it changes the 7.5 periods we have now to 7. Most other schools have 8 periods with a lunch study hall split.

Fewer classes, fewer options, harmful to kids currently in half period classes and almost out of high school.

Anonymous said...

How about the district goes after people who had insurance and didn't pay for it before we look at raising premiums.

Anonymous said...

I work at a high school in another district. We have 8 50 minute periods a day (well, 3rd period has an extra 5 minutes for announcements). Lunches are periods 4, 5, & 6, for a full period. Study Hall is also a full period. There are some exceptions -- sometimes a student and his/her parents will schedule a class instead of study hall or lunch. Some classes (primarily AP) are a period and a half, so the student has lunch or study hall in that other half period. Since the lunch period is 50 minutes, students will often schedule meetings w/ teachers, or go to a department's resource center, during part of their lunch.

Anonymous said...

Right. So how is any of that "good in the long run."

Anonymous said...

Administrators now pay the same as teachers they never paid a dime. Lets see how they like it in the real world. Families on the East Side can't afford Insurance so they really have my sympathy

Anonymous said...

Families on the East side better find insurance. It will soon be against the law thanks to Obamacare.

Anonymous said...

They put a lady who is support staff on a repayment plan because she never paid insurance last year. Between the repayment plan and current insurance she is left with hundred dollars ever 15 days. She is diabetic and is now forced to take support from her daughter.

Yes she should have been paying insurance like the rest of us but Joan Glozabach will not listen to reason.

I also know the Retirees have not seen a increase for a number of years and things need to be fixed. But again Joan Glozabach is giving everyone 2 weeks to find new insurance. Then she refused to write a termination notice so everyone could go on TRS. Why not? having district insurance myself it does not take a rocket scientist to realize if the district insurance for Retirees is so cheap everyone older will flock to this plan. That makes insurance for the younger employees more expensive. TRS is what other districts have but it seems Joan needs to be a little more helpful.

Anonymous said...

A moron would be a person who refers to a blog like it is a person, rather than realizing it is a group of people making personal opinion or POV comments.

Anonymous said...

We continue to witness the post Boatright era of EA B-ball. This is what happens to a program when an offense is dictated towards one player for 4 yrs. and there is absolutely no concept of "TEAM". Today's Beacon article has a quote from coach Jeffries, "we just don't play defense". Wow...what a shocker, a Jeffries coached team that doesn't play "D".

Anonymous said...

Actually, 3:28, how about we go after the people who didn't make the proper deductions first? The people who were getting insurance w/o the deductions should be given a payment plan or something to catch up. It wouldn't be fair to dump it all on them to immediately pay up because someone else didn't do their job.

Anonymous said...

The real questions are:

Why does every doctor need to be a multi-millionaire?


Why do insurance companies need to make billions and billions of dollars every year?

These are the reasons why so many people can't afford insurance.

Simply put, many people die every year because of these groups greed. When are people going to wake up and demand better.

Anonymous said...

Your second comment, 4:43 is one thing Obamacare is trying to fix. It sets a percentage of premiums collected that have to go for healthcare, and the company has to refund anything over that back to the consumers. The purpose of that is to encourage the companies to stop paying obscene salaries to the executives.

Your first question was incorrect. Specialists may become mult-millionaires (I agree their fees are too high), the doctors we rely on the most, the primary care physicians don't make near that much. Many struggle to meet their overhead costs (rent, offices staff, nursing staff, malpractice insurance, etc.).

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the woman who is on repayment plan had to be aware she along with Penny was running a scam on insurance deduction. Everyone gets a pay stub with what deductions are being taken out. She is just as wrong as Penny. Hopefully the district does more with Penny. Yes she lost her job but what about charges brought against her for fraud. I don't want to see her go to jail but something more should be done.

Anonymous said...

How much taxpayer money is being spent on this?

Anonymous said...

Are you really stupid. It says that each of the consultants will receive $650 per day.

Anonymous said...

3:11 is far from stupid; they specifically want to know how much (presumably local) TAXPAYERS are paying. Are the funds coming out of our district's budget (and if so, what line item)? Or is this audit being done by the state, and financed through sales tax or lottery revenue?

Anonymous said...

It it's coming from the state, the consultants are out of luck because the bill will never be paid.

Anonymous said...

The Beacon doesn't mention how these administrator/consultants were selected?

It seems immediately suspect when one of the former administrator/consultants comes from the same town that Jerome Roberts was a former superintendent in.

How can they not know each other?

As usual, the fix is in. Save the district roughly $50,000 and stop the charade now.

Anonymous said...

As far as employees being wrong in not paying the proper insurance premiums, I know of at least one teacher who tried to correct it. Over the course of a year (beginng from the first paycheck it wasn't deducted), this teacher sent eight e-mails trying to rectify the situation. After multiple no responses from Penny, the teacher sent an e-mail to Joan G. This was nearly a year ago. The problem was NEVER fixed until Penny was fired. Joan had first hand knowledge of the problem several months ago and did not take care of the situation. Unfortunately, this teacher is too scared to report the problem and is also paying a huge amount in each check for current premiums and back-pay.

Anonymous said...

The State will hire the same consultants when the I strict is taken over. They are just trying to save their jobs they know its coming.

Anonymous said...

Something you won't want to miss:

Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. our top EHS instrumental and choral groups will be presenting their Winter Concert! Admission is $2.00. Our hard-working, talented young musicians will be performing a variety of selections that are sure to entertain and delight all ages.

One highlight will be the Wind Ensemble (directed by Mr. Brian Liska) performing "Sleigh Ride" by Leroy Anderson. This piece is becoming an EHS band tradition, having been featured at multiple EHS concerts since the 1980's (perhaps even before then; maybe someone has programs saved from earlier years). From the sleigh bells at the beginning to the trumpet "horse whinny" at the end, this piece is a crowd-pleaser!

And two choral groups, Soave Cantando and Singsation will be performing holiday-themed selections. This will be the first concert under the direction of Ms. Lisa Gawlik, with Ms. Suzanne Allen graciously returning to accompany (Ms. Allen retired last spring, but no suitable replacement has been found).

Come support our EHS musicians!

Anonymous said...

8:15 a.m., thanks for posting this information. I just went to the East High website, and saw no mention of Lisa Gawlik as the EHS choir director. I downloaded the December newsletter, and didn't see her mentioned there either.

It's too bad that the "powers-that-be" in this district can't be bothered to put accurate, updated information online for our community. At least we have this blog, imperfect though it is!

Anonymous said...

Joan G. is a big front she wasn't to much smiles when she was almost suspended for overlooking what Aird was blamed for. This district is so corrupted and now Joan G. is acting like she knows all details about insurance hope she looks over all that paperwork going to her office or Jennifer G. will blamed for any mistakes be careful (Jennifer)don't trust Joan!

Anonymous said...

Ryan Boatright performed in the capacity needed. It was never a one man team he was the best player in the area. This team is the same sophomore squad that two years ago were terrible. They lacked talent then and they still have not improved. A star player is essential on every team but this squad cannot play. Therefore Jeffries inadequacies are highlighted even more. Time for change? Stop hating Ryan, he gave your miserable program something to cheer about for three seasons.

Anonymous said...

I’m confused, December 4, 2012 5:51 PM, how exactly is the Director of Human Resources responsible for the actions of the Elementary Programs Director?

Human resources deals with employees not student policies, like the transgender fiasco.

I don’t see how this is Joan’s responsibility at all.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is hating on Ryan. The whole point of the Boatright statement was meant to point out Jeffries "inadequacies". If that team from Boatright's senior season could play defense they would have gone to Peoria.

Anonymous said...

To: December 4, 2012 7:23 PM

Joan Glotzbach is the administrator in charge of the "Personnel and Policy Committee".

All new policies must go through this committee. She is the administrator most directly responsible for the policy.

Anonymous said...

West High's winter concert (band & choir) is also tomorrow night:

Good job, Mike Chapin (D129's community relations person). West side schools' cultural events always seem to be well-publicized. And, this particular article includes a mention and some comments by new WAHS band director, Dr. Rodney Schueller.

However, I have seen absolutely nothing in the local media about our concert tomorrow night. Why? Our kids deserve community support for their hard work, just as the West High musicians do. And, EHS has a new choir director (Ms. Lisa Gawlik) whose name is still NOWHERE to be found on the high school website! Ms. Gawlik is an outstanding teacher (I knew her when she taught at Simmons) who has stepped into a difficult situation after the previous director left just before school started. She and her musicians DESERVE to be recognized--too bad administration dropped the ball once again.

Ms. Gawlik, if you read this please know that you ARE appreciated for everything you're doing to teach our young musicians! Hang in there--you should know from being in this district for awhile that our kids are the best, despite administrators who have their heads up their rear ends!

Anonymous said...

Why are they scared if they are on a repayment plan already? They need to speak up because it isn't their fault. Maybe some can be forgiven if they do speak up.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. our top bands and choirs are performing their Winter Concert! Come support our students and enjoy a variety of grEAt music!

I'm especially looking forward to hearing Mrs. Suzanne Allen accompany the choral groups, under the direction of Ms. Lisa Gawlik. Mrs. Allen worked at East High for many years before retiring last spring. She was always very encouraging to our kids, and it will be a delight to see her again. She's an excellent pianist as well as a fine Christian lady.

Anonymous said...

As a non-tenured teacher, they are scared to speak out against the HR director by stating she knew this was happening for at least a year.

Anonymous said...

If they are scared as non-tenured and have documentation that HR knew a year ago then they should take it to their union rep. But again it is just lies being spread.

Anonymous said...

If they're non-tenured the school can always quite easily come up w/ some excuse to not renew their contract, or to deny them tenure. Union or no union, non-tenured teachers are right to be scared.

Anonymous said...

Evidently the Illinois Family Institute is a "certified hate group", according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Who knew?

Anonymous said...

The answer to your question, 8:26 is "everyone".

Anonymous said...

Ray and Annette's knock down drag out fight at B&G Committee today was an embarassment to the district! They way they argued and yelled and screamed at each other was very immature and stupid. Annette claims to be such a leader but she yells and screams about Ray being raised on welfare (a racist statement) and how her check book is bigger than his. Ray claims to be such a religious person but he acts like this in the public? This school district is going down fast!

I hope the Beacon News will FOIA the audio recording of the committee meeting & run a story on it! Since we like to air our dirty laundry, lets not stop now!

Annette you will never get reelected! LEAVE NOW!

Anonymous said...

I am not in favor of any type of bigotry. Regretfully, there is some at the forefront of our district managers. I do not believe faith and consideration for all people involved is ignorance, bigotry, or mean-spiritedness. Maybe a difference of opinion?

The article in the Beacon does relay valid points by this so called hate group, though. Why is a non community member helping to make decisions on policy for EA?

I pray one persons previous comment about board elections goes to God's ear. We have never had so much embarrassment and low moral within the district as we have seen with this Board and it's president.

Anonymous said...

Heard the same thing Ray was defending another crooked bid on Janitor supplies. Seems like the District was spending triple the cost on paper supplies. Sounds like Johnson had all the comparisons of cost. Ray should have never started with personal and kept it business. Something was said about Johnson's mother and that when it got personal. The entire office heard everything.

It sounds like the maintenance guys are in trouble for misspending money again. They all need to go. The States Attorney needs to look into the bids. But Ray needs to watch how they are spending money and get on track with the rest of the Board.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear that fight.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody really think that in a district that allows an Assistant Principal (Wilson Morales of Simmons Middle School)to keep his job after beating up a middle school kid, is going to get rid of any administrator or board member for arguing with an adult?

You're dreaming.

The only chance we have is to vote in new board members who are going to clean up the mess this district is in.

Anonymous said...

Why is a non community member helping to make decisions on policy for EA?

This may be a valid question, but that cuts both ways. The Illinois Family Institute is a non-community group, and wants to make decisions on policy for EA. So if that individual should come off the committee, then the IFI should shut up.

Anonymous said...

Ray Hull is of no value to the D131board.

Anonymous said...

While I do agree that substantial purchases should be bid out, the board has gone to the extreme.

Here is a real example I saw recently: Replacing a simple $5 thermostat.

The teacher/staff member has to fill out a work order, sending it to the building custodian and carboned in to at least the buiding principal. The custodian has to do an evaluation and pass this on to building and grounds. Building and grounds has to assign the job to the appropriate mechanic. The mechanic has to do an evaluation of the parts needed.

The mechanic next has to go to at least three stores and find the lowest price on the $5 thermostat. If necessary, return to the store with the lowest price, purchase the thermostat (probably with a purchase order, more paperwork) return to the school and replace the thermostat.

Bottom line, replacing the thermostat has become a process requiring many hours of staff work, unnecessary paperwork, gas consumed, wear and tear on district vehicles, etc. etc. etc.

A simple $5 job has now cost the district hundreds of dollars and in this example, children have been sitting for hours, if not days in a room without heat.

If this has not, now become the epitome of "Penny wise and dollar foolish" I don't know what is.

We are now spending the most amount of money for the least amount work I have ever seen in this district. Talk about a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.

Anonymous said...

Last night's choir & band concert at East High was excellent! The kids' outfits looked festive, and they were obviously enjoying themselves as they played and sang. There was a fairly big audience, too! All in all, a rousing SUCCESS.

Thanks are due to this blog, as well. I would not have known except for reading it here that Mrs. Allen was accompanying the choral groups last night; I (and several other EHS choir alums) went up to her afterwards & said hello. And the new EHS choir director, Ms. Lisa Gawlik, is doing an awesome job. It's too bad we have to find out things on a blog because administration drops the ball on keeping the community informed (as of this morning, there is still no mention of Ms. Gawlik anywhere on the EHS website).

Anonymous said...

Annette Johnson works very hard for D131. Ray Hull works hard for himself and his interests. Its that simple.

Anonymous said...

Finally she knows how we feel in our meetings. Screaming and yelling is all we know. After the name calling she says email me, call me, I want hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Our building are horrible at Simmons we had mold so bad in the locker rooms last year the teachers finally reported it to OSHA and they tested the air and found it unsafe. Patterson knew about this for months and had work orders in but never followed up to find out why nobody followed up.

Electing a knew Board is ok but they must be willing to fire everyone starting with Roberts. Maybe then Wilson will not be protected.

Anonymous said...

Annette Johnson does work hard but she needs to stop doing Roberts job. The good old boy bid system has been in place for years. Remember the serial bully got his house remodeled and Roberts got a outdoor grill from Cordigan.
The maintenance guys have been well taken care of for years, Why was Hull trying to stop progress? I thought he was honest.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be so funny, if someone would accidently choose "Google Account," as their identity while logged in to their district email, so it would show there name, instead of "Anonymous." I would love to see who makes these comments!! Although, it wouldn't work when Annette comments, cause she uses her business email as her contact.

Anonymous said...

Becker is the biggest loser, ever!! What a joke last season was! All the money spent on him is crazy! Examples: Locks for the locker room that cost over $1000, that ugly storage thing he put in Gates backyard, new jackets had hats for him and his staff and burned all the jerseys after the season was over. Now they are going to need new jerseys for next season!! He's not coming back next year, is he???

Anonymous said...

oh puleeze. you think Simmons is bad? At the high school the band room floded and they had the custodians cleaning up the asbestos tiles and everything with out any masks. The third floor(English) still has asbestos and many teachers have had cancer on that floor. The social studies wing floods and trhe mold smell is overpowering. The math hallway one room (the last on the left) had mold so bad when the teacher returned there was black mold and mushrooms growing. Leaks go undetected and untreated. The whole old building is a health threat. Talk about unsafe working conditions. Why doesn't OSHA visit there?

Anonymous said...

Becker was paid the biggest salary out of all coaches in he District because of his experience. What experience??? His group of friends made $60,000 off the District. I can't believe he got away with burning jerseys but it happened. Also the equipment he had donated sits in a junk pile with parts missing and no instructions. The District will spend more money throwing it away.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to contact the Illinois Department of Public Health immediately if in fact what is being said about asbestos, mold and so forth is being handled improperly. The schools would be shutdown at once if this was the case. This is serious business but someone who is potentially exposed needs to contact the agency. D131 Workers can also contact OSHA.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry buildings and grounds. If you screw up the district will give you another six figure job to screw up.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who missed the concert, you can hear recordings of the EHS choir performances HERE:

No recordings have been posted of the bands' performances--wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you email the band director to find out instead of posting on a stupid blog.

Anonymous said...

How true is that Nestor got that six figure job all of us can't figure out what he does. It is hard to work for 131 when examples like him keep getting flagged in front of us.

First, he gets involved with a student and gets rewarded and gets promoted. He screws up that department then gets promoted again.

Someone should look into all he free rentals going on in the District. it is still controlled by Nestor. Look into the free indoor soccer and wrestling that does not have any fees coming in but we pay to have a Janitor come in to open up the building

Anonymous said...

7:19 a.m., the band recordings are now posted. You can find them here:

You're in for quite a "treat"--especially the horse whinny at the end of Sleigh Ride ;)

Anonymous said...

I love how 2:41 is pretending that they are not also 7:19 - There are like three people who post here.

Anonymous said...

11:58 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. are probably the same person, too.

Anonymous said...

And 7:36 a.m. is also 5:22 p.m.

--Hey, that's three people, total!


Anonymous said...

I have been a musician for more than thirty years (performer, director and judge) and I listened to both the choir and band performances.

The choir did a fairly good job. There were a few minor intonation issues but overall, they did a respectable job for a high school vocal group. They can hold their heads high.

The band, on the other hand, was very painful to listen to. Tone production was terrible, intonation was almost non-existent. Even rhythmic accuracy was below average. I would suggest that the district remove the online recordings of the band. I’m sure it could be used in an educational malpractice suit against Brian Liska and the district.

Anonymous said...

1:25 - You are a liar and full of crap.

If you are truly what you say you are, post your name and your credentials.

You are nothing but a Kaisershot lover who has a personal vendetta against the current band program.

Anonymous said...

Post your name. If you thought the choir recordings are better than the band recordings you are obviously stupid. It is as simple as that. You are so ignorant I cannot believe what you have posted. I would love to know who you are but you will never post your name because you are not what you say you are.

Anonymous said...

1:25 is a moron and a liar. It is probably Kevin himself or one of his equally stupid friends.

Anonymous said...

1:25 - To say such blanket statements proves you are not what you say you are.

Anonymous said...

1:25 is a person with ears. I doubt it's Kevin but could be a teacher/director friend of his or a band alum from "back in the day". As was mentioned before, the EHS band performed "Sleigh Ride" pre-2005--so no surprise that there might be some comparisons made.

Anonymous said...

Whatever he is, he is a liar and cannot back up his statements. The band sounds fantastic with some mistakes. Yeah, there are some mistakes, but not worse than the choirs mistakes. FACT.

Anonymous said...

Who says it's a "he"?

And speaking of Sleigh Ride, what did they put in the horse's oats that made it whinny like a constipated cow??

Anonymous said...

I am no Kaisershot lover. While I do give K a lot of credit as a musician, I find him to be a pompous a__ and he has such a negative attitude, I can't be around him for very long.

As I recall, the band received a very low ratings in recent competitions. Apparently other director/judges agree with my assessment of the East High Band Program.

Unfortunately, most administrators don't have a clue what a good music program is.

Anonymous said...

6:59, if you think Kaisershot's a pompous a$$ you never knew the director before him, G. Edward Nelson! At least Kaisershot listened to parents and students' concerns and spoke up in their best interests. My fellow band members in the '70s used to say that the "G" in Nelson's name stood for "God". Our parents couldn't wait till he finally retired!

Anonymous said...

WRONG - A few individual students received low ratings. Not a BAND.
The last time the band went to a competition a few years ago they received a division II rating. Which "isn't perfect" but also not "Painful to listen to" or "terrible."

You on the other hand are still a liar and ignorant and have no credibly because you refuse to back up any statement.

Anonymous said...

Great so here is the moral of the story. Not every band director is for everybody. Every band director does it differently. Leave them alone. If you don't like their music don't listen to it. But you don't need to insult people anonymously on a blog to make yourself feel better.

What a bunch of babies and ignorant cowards.

Anonymous said...

"The last time the band went to a competition a few years ago they received a division II rating"

One EHS band received a Division III rating--how convenient of you to "forget" to mention that FACT.

Anonymous said...

Kaisershot only cared about kids if they took lessons from him. Liska is popular with all students.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are stupid - You are WRONG - They did not receive a Division III - Stop twisting the truth. YOU LIAR.

Anonymous said...

I am so tired of this conversation on here. Ignorant A$$ holes who just can't get a bug out of their butt post lies and twist the truth constantly. They make up facts, insult adults and kids and need to find a life.

Shut up. If you don't like the music then don't listen to it. Move on already.

Anonymous said...

Apparently December 9, 2012 7:07 PM got confused between the Division III that the band actually received and the Division I trophy that Liska had made. He just averaged two out.

Anonymous said...

6:59 p.m., you hit it on the head when you said most administrators don't have a clue. Definitely true about administrators in THIS district, who ignored and defied hundreds of parents, students, alums, and community members in 2005. Don't think that some of us haven't saved the evidence (newspaper clippings, pictures of "Keep Kaisershot" signs, etc.)--just in case morons like 5:55 p.m. try to revise history.

Anonymous said...

"Kaisershot only cared about kids if they took lessons from him"

...Absolutely WRONG!

7:15 p.m., my kids were in band under Mr. K and I can tell you that NONE of the kids in EHS bands (at the time) took private lessons with him! He DID, however, coach every ensemble group (for free) that participated in Solo & Ensemble contest. Maybe that had something to do with the kids' success.

Anonymous said...

Apparently 7:20 is a moron and doesn't have a clue and likes to make things up.

Anonymous said...



You people sound sooooooooooo stupid.

Anonymous said...

Good job Rayanne. Your stupid blog is doing what it does best. Isn't this the reason you started it. To bash Liska for everything he does even when his kids sound amazing and are playing advanced music at an extremely high level.

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooooo sick of reading about Kaisershot. Move on, let it go already! There are only about 10 people who care. Move into the present and look at the issues at hand. Ancient history!

Anonymous said...

I had kids play under K and Liska and they were BOTH very good teachers for our kids. But the BEST teacher they ever had for band was Bill Tripp.

As far as these recordings, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. But it's funny, just like w/ movies. The movies I've always enjoyed the most were the ones the critics panned. And when I watch a movie the critics love, I often wonder if they saw the same movie I did.

1:25, you're entitled to your opinion, but no more than any other anonymous plog commenter. If you didn't like the music, fine, but calling for it to be taken offline is out of line. If the music should be taken offline, then your comments should be deleted -- but that wouldn't be right, either.

Anonymous said...

@7:15 pm. "Wow, you are stupid." Liska, that's you posting!! That's exactly how you talk. Why don't you worry about your crappy band, instead of posting on this blog. You are terrible, and so is the band. So glad your wife didn't get the choir job, or they'd suck too!!

Anonymous said...

9:44 p.m., you & I are in agreement about 2 things:

--Bill Tripp was indeed one of our district's best! My son had him for beginning band and still remembers him as one of those who had a positive influence on his life. Gone too soon, but never forgotten!

--Taking the recordings offline is not a good idea, especially because some anonymous poster doesn't like them. Let people listen for themselves and judge for themselves. In fact, here's the link again:


Anonymous said...

8:00 p.m. claims that the current EHS bands "...sound amazing and are playing advanced music at an extremely high level"

Again, listen to the link and judge for yourselves. And if you don't happen to like what you hear, place the blame where it (mostly) belongs:

...on CORRUPT ADMINISTRATORS like Gordon Postlewaite, "Serial Bully" Radakovich, Larry Malaker, and Marin Gonzalez who insisted years ago that a band director who was well-respected by parents, students, alumni, and his fellow teachers had to be replaced so the EHS band program could be "IMPROVED". Those corrupt administrators may be gone from our district but their unfortunate legacy lives on, not to be forgotten any time soon.

Like it or not, comparisons will always be made and discussions take place about that decision. It would be grEAt if people could place the blame where it belongs: not on Mr. Kaisershot or Mr. Liska but on the people truly responsible: CORRUPT ADMINISTRATORS.

Anonymous said...

7:16 p.m. said:

"Wow, you are stupid - You are WRONG - They did not receive a Division III - Stop twisting the truth. YOU LIAR"

No, YOU are the "LIAR", 7:16 p.m.! Just because you're counting on people to forget or ignore the recent past does NOT mean you can revise the history of this district and get away with it! Here's proof:

In 2007, two EHS bands (the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Bands) went to organization contest. Only 37.5 points were awarded (the amount given for a Division II rating). That means that the other EHS band received something other than Division I or II. Did they get a III or IV? Who knows...but it was definitely NOT a I or II, as recorded by the official IHSA records!

Anonymous said...

Talk about beating a dead horse...

...or is it a constipated cow??


Anonymous said...

hirious all this bs talk about band, sports, bills....and East ranks in the bottom 2% academically in the whole state of Illinois. Where are the priorties? Does anyone on the board, in the district give a

Anonymous said...

According to Illinois State Test Results, East Aurora was ranked 572 out of 669 schools. That puts 15% of state schools ranking lower than East Aurora. While nothing to be proud of, it's not the bottom 2% that we keep hearing posted on this blog.

Here's another fact for you to consider. Of those 669 Illinois High Schools, only 8 are considered passing AYP. That's roughly 1% of the states high schools passing.

If any teacher had 1% of their students passing, somebody would be looking at why and putting the teacher on some sort of remediation plan. The states expectations are obviously not in line with reality.

Anonymous said...

You are speaking of the High School only currently D131 is ranked 700 out of 709. The elementary schools are the problem once they reach High School not much we can about them.

Rumor is there is only one Elementary teacher on remediation. It shows poor leadership and maybe Dr Air Head, Dr Roberts and the Board should spend time on that instead of the transgender committee which never received input for the High School.

Anonymous said...

572 out of 699 unbelievably disgusting! East continues to be a mess under Johnson and Roberts.

Anonymous said...

The Highschool or Elementary students are not being taught by Johnson it's the teachers. The decline started in 1998 and never got better. With only 3 teachers on remediation in the entire district that is the first place to look. Time for a turn around model administration gets fired with 50% of the staff.

Anonymous said...

Really really stupid people posting here again who don't have a clue.

See, these posts just show your hatred for Mr. Liska and how ignorant and low you are willing to go. Why are you talking about his wife, you don't know her. Where does it stop? Are you going to talk about his mom or his kids?

Where does it end. It isn't about the band, it was never about the band, it is about a group of stupid people who blame Mr. Liska for replacing K and they will back stab, lie and find the negative in everything Mr. Liska does. That is the bottom line.

All of what you people say doesn't matter because it is all filtered through hate. I hope one day you can move on.

I encourage you to address your concerns about Mr. Liska with ANYBODY but this blog. In fact I DARE you to address these "concerns." Because then you would have to actually show your face - COWARDS.

Anonymous said...

Can the PARENTS who are dropping the ball be put on remediation?

Because most of the kids who are failing, are the ones whose homework doesn't get checked and whose parents can't be bothered to go to conferences.

Anonymous said...

700 out of 709!!!! The district needs to be taken over by the State of Illinois. Johnson needs to be replaced because she supports Jerome Roberts who has not done anything to change those numbers. Where is the Mayor of Aurora, Tom Weisner and all the alderman who should be demanding somthing be done. Doesnt Rick Lawrence now represent a large portion of children on the east side. Where is he? Aurora will always be a cesspool as long as it has a school district like this within its borders. This is not just an East problem. Easts problems affect the entire city. Come on Mayor Weisner time to start pulling some strings on this disaster. Lets see what you got...

Anonymous said...

5:34 p.m., I'm a friend and supporter of Kevin Kaisershot and I agree with you that bringing Mr. Liska's wife into the discussion was way out of bounds. Fortunately, that was only ONE comment, and I hope it doesn't happen again.

But on the other side, there have been false accusations of lying about provable facts, like the Division III rating at organization contest. You can expect people who remember the facts and have proof to speak up. That's NOT "hatred"--it's setting the record straight and reminding the community of what actually happened.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:45 a.m.:

"Like it or not, comparisons will always be made and discussions take place about that decision. It would be grEAt if people could place the blame where it belongs: not on Mr. Kaisershot or Mr. Liska but on the people truly responsible: CORRUPT ADMINISTRATORS"

Anonymous said...

Well actually that post WAS a lie - Because the post originally said the last rating they got was a Division III. They had to go back to 2007 to find that division III. And it wasn't even Wind Ensemble it was Symphonic Band. So again, not full lies, but twisting the truth to make it look worse.

Anonymous said...

WEISNER and the alderman created the East Side to much high density and low income housing. Then there is are the illegals who live 20 to a house and pay taxes for one family. The schools are totally overwhelmed. Teachers teaching high populations of ESL kids in overcrowded classrooms. Parents checking homework- how are they suppose to read it. The majority of parents can't sign their name.
It is not the teachers or administrators or board it's the population they serve. Why does the Magnet Acedemy work- because of the parents all kids there meet or exceed.

I think this Board did well they have tried many things unlike the past.

I also supported K and they did send Marin Gonzalez packing which was a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Ok so where is ald. lawrence, kifowit, schuler, garza, hart-burn??? Why are they not speaking out? where is the almighty linda chapa la via? isnt she an alum?

Anonymous said...

The residents of the East Side don't care the alderman always run unopposed. Look at the Mayor unopposed for screwing up the city. Look at Chapa unopposed for ruining the State. Look at Kifowhit neighborhood is falling apart and they elect her to the State. Don't think it will ever get better because it won't.

Anonymous said...

Dear Moderator,

Since lately you have been taking inspiration for blog topics directly from the blog itself, I have a suggestion for the next topic:

"All posts concerning EA Band will be deleted"

Please make this happen.



Anonymous said...

not true. there are many east side residents who care. all aurorans should care too because it affects all of us.

Anonymous said...

Anyone reading this who has a little time & money to spare this Saturday, and wants to join a grEAt effort to help others:


East Aurora High School presents a KERMES FOR KATRINA on Saturday, December 15 from 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the EAHS Cafeteria!
A “Kermes” is a community festival used to raise funds for a particular cause complete with food, games, music, and fun!

We are raising funds for nearly 50 East High students to travel to New Orleans during Spring Break to help those who still affected by Hurricane Katrina seven years later!


Anonymous said...

6:01 p.m. said:

"they had to go back to 2007 to find that division III"

Well, according to the IHSA site the EHS band hasn't gone to organization contest since 2008.

So to be completely accurate, they did indeed receive a Division II rating the last time they went...and that was back in 2008. The previous year, 2007, two bands went. One band got Division II and one got Division III.

But as the constipated cow might say, it's time to MOOOOOO-ve on!


Anonymous said...

7:04 a.m., don't you know there's no Sanity Claus??


Anonymous said...

7:04 is the only one with a brain.

Anonymous said...

Then he/she should be smart enough to get their own blog. Meanwhile if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen--or do what the rest of us do and cite specific evidence to back up your claims that others are liars, morons, ignorant, etc.


C.C. (Constipated Cow)

Anonymous said...

Hey Liska, we will continue to post bad things about the band, until it improves. Until then, shut up, and stay off the blog. Oh yeah, you deserve it, because you are the biggest jerk Ive ever met!

Anonymous said...

To: December 11, 2012 7:04 AM

If you are offended by comments posted on an internet blog, you must be new to the internet.

You're an idiot if you need somebody else to censor comments so that your delicate ears aren't offended.

If you can't deal with an open discussion forum, don't read it. Go somewhere else, take up basket weaving or knitting or some other stress free activity.

Democracy is defending to your last breath the right of somebody to speak ideas that you would spend your entire life fighting against.

If you can't understand that concept, it won't be long before nobody is listening to you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you address people as Liska on this blog. I am not him. But I'm sorry that fell that way. Maybe you should act like an adult and address your concerns with the person you don't like instead of talking behind their back like a middle school girl. Unless you are a middle school girl, in that case just continue with your anonymous ramblings of stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Pssst. You know what. It is impossible to tell who somebody is on this blog because everybody is "anonymous" - You see, so "calling people out" as you "know" who they are just shows how stupid you really are.


Anonymous said...

@10:30am. You are being sexist calling people "middle school girl." Makes you just as wrong as others on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey other Liska, quit sending stupid emails about the stupid TTC's, that aren't even working! I hope you're volunteering your time for this, because you don't deserve a stipend for it! Also, is awesomeness even a word?

Anonymous said...

Don't like what you see on this blog?

Try this one:

Yes, it's "ancient history" (started in 2005!)--but it's in the first 6 or 7 hits (out of THOUSANDS of matches) when you Google:

kaisershot aurora band

Obviously, a lot of people still are interested in this "old" topic. Maybe the history of how one of our district's finest teachers was treated (and how the "improvement" promised by corrupt administrators hasn't happened) is a big reason why D131 still hasn't found a replacement for Mrs. Allen's accompanist position.

The Internet never forgets!

Anonymous said...

I just Googled "Kevin Kaisershot", and what do you know--out of the almost 10,000 hits the Openline thread was one of the top 10. Even a middle-school girl can read all about D131 administration's desperate and disastrous decisions 13 years ago.

Complete with plenty of obscenities, courtesy of one particular "team".

Anonymous said...

Kevin got ihis moment when Marin was fired. It was a great day for him and the community.

Anonymous said...

I just "yahooed" Kevin Kaisershot and it didn't come up until page 6 -- maybe not so many people care anymore.

Anonymous said...

@10:50am. Quit saying middle school girl! It makes you sound like an a$$!

Anonymous said...

It saddens me that 10:42 obviously works in the East High Building and can't grow up or even be civil to people that they don't like or agree with. Could you please find a job that suits you? Maybe one that does not involve children.

Anonymous said...

I just yandex, dogpile, yippy searched it and it was not within the first 10 posts.

Anonymous said...

FYI West is about 470 out of 669. Neaqua Valley is in the top 10. Nap Central top 20.

Anonymous said...

700 out of 709!!!! The district needs to be taken over by the State of Illinois. Johnson needs to be replaced because she supports Jerome Roberts who has not done anything to change those numbers. Where is the Mayor of Aurora, Tom Weisner and all the alderman who should be demanding somthing be done. Doesnt Rick Lawrence now represent a large portion of children on the east side. Where is he? Aurora will always be a cesspool as long as it has a school district like this within its borders. This is not just an East problem. Easts problems affect the entire city. Come on Mayor Weisner time to start pulling some strings on this disaster. Lets see what you got...

December 10, 2012 5:39 PM

This is what should be discussed on this blog, not some band director from the past. Focus East, Focus.

Anonymous said...

The only thing scarier than being that low on the list, is the thought of Illinois taking over the district. What has Illinois EVER taken over that was helped by the state? Quinn as our superintendent? That would make us long for Roberts to be back.

Anonymous said...

District 131 is a mess. How about if all schools (but especially EAHS) drop all extra curricular activities and concentrate on improving test scores, graduation rates, etc.?

Or is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

I've got a better idea, how about we forget all this standardized testing crap? It has already been proven that since NCLB was started test scores have gone down, drop out rates have gone up and those politically connected have made a fortune off our tax dollars.

Here's an interesting idea, why don't we let the teachers decide what is best to teach (instead of the politicians) and forget about teaching just basic skills.

That's all we are doing is manufacturing a bunch of mindless wage slaves for the corporations to get rich off of.

Head 'em up, move 'em out. Keep rollin' rollin' rollin'.

Anonymous said...

Bloom Township High Schools did that and the conditions became worse. Students have NO incentive to be in school now.

Anonymous said...

6:10 dropping all extra curriculars will reduce scores, not help. Study after study has shown that many of the "unimportant" things like PE, music, art, extra curricular activities, etc. improve grades and scores.

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