Friday, December 14, 2012

2012 recap: What a year it's been!


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Anonymous said...

And what a couple of childish brats we had in the central office, insulting each other's mothers instead of reasonably discussing the challenges of our district!

Anonymous said...

I too am disgusted at what I read. Johnson and Hall should not be on any board let alone D131. The district faces so many challenges and it is being run by a couple of children.

Anonymous said...

Hull stopped the board from revealing the misuse of money at B&G. Sounds like more stuff with the States Attoney. The beacon only reported 5 minutes the entire real discussion was about the waste of tax payers dollars. We need a new paper and Hull must be in on it

Anonymous said...

BTW Johnson and Roberts are huddled together the cats out of the bag I am a district employee who said enough.

Anonymous said...

Feud between East Aurora School Board members turns ugly
By Stephanie Lulay and Erika Wurst

AURORA — Two East Aurora School Board members let an ongoing feud boil over, trading insults such as “slumlord” and “loser” at a board committee meeting last week.
East Aurora School Board President Annette Johnson, an Aurora business owner, and board member Ray Hull, head of the city of Aurora’s water and sewer department, engaged in a bitter war of words at the afternoon meeting on Dec. 6.

Following a disagreement about janitorial bids, Johnson and Hull took a detour from the Buildings and Grounds Committee agenda:

“I guess you work for me at the city because I pay your wages through my taxes,” Johnson said. “While you were living in public housing, my mom was paying those taxes.”

Hull responded: “How do you like that big ol’ house by yourself over there? What do you hug at night, your pillow or your mannequin?”

Hull: “I love the projects. Me and (East Aurora spokesman) Clayton (Muhammad) was right next to each other in those same projects.”

Johnson: “Yup, while I was paying those taxes.”

Hull: “My mother was paying rent, too, and your mother might have been a slumlord, for all I know. Just like you.”

Johnson goes on to say that Hull lacks intelligence and is a loser, while Hull says that Johnson is mean, nasty, bipolar and “crazy as a roller.”

“Mr. Hull is just a loser, quite frankly,” Johnson said.

Hull fires back: “Your mama was a loser, and your daddy was, too. And you’re one, too.”

East Superintendent Jerome Roberts and board member Anita Lewis attempted to curb the fighting at the meeting.

“Why don’t you guys go out to supper?” Lewis said. “What does this have to do with me sitting here for buildings and grounds?”

But the fighting continued.

Johnson: “Mr. Hull had his degree paid for by me, Mrs. Taxpayer. Listen to this man, attacking my dead mother.”

Hull: “And you talking about me being a loser. Go find someone to marry... You didn’t pay nothing for me, honey.”

During a discussion with staff earlier in the meeting, Hull called Johnson a bully.

“No one is having an antagonistic situation except you, you came into this room looking for a fight, and you’re going to get one from me,” Johnson said to Hull.

“You can bully everyone in this room. You can bully these boys but you won’t bully me,” Hull said. “You’re not going to tell me anything.”

At one point, a school district staff member came into the room, asking if she could close the door because of the loud quarrel.

“No. It’s a public meeting,” Hull replied.

Hull said Thursday the fight that escalated out of control was a “symptom of a much bigger problem.”

“It’s a symptom of a dysfunctional board. This is certainly not the only incident that’s been ugly,” he said.

Johnson called the incident a “blow out” fight.

“It’s been one thing after another (with the board) and it just caught me on the wrong day,” Johnson said.

Both Johnson and Hull said they regret parts of the argument.

“I rolled in the mud with (Johnson). I made a choice. I never would have said anything about her mother if she didn’t say mine was a freeloader,” Hull said. “I know I let God down with my behavior.”

Johnson said Hull’s words came on the anniversary of her mother’s death. Hull said his mother died when he was 19.

Apologies aside, both board members said they don’t agree with the other’s management style.
Johnson said Hull “gets more into defending individual (East staffers) than looking at the bigger picture.

“He’s hard to work with,” Johnson said.

Hull said he cannot “stand by and
watch (Johnson) abuse staff.”

“The board — we don’t work as a team. It’s like Annette Johnson and the Pips. It’s her show,” he said

Anonymous said...

From the Openline blog:

Anonymous said...

Johnson is a very successful business person she could get rid of him if she wanted to. There is more to this than meets the eye. With all of that education and the number of years she was been in business she could do it. Basically she is telling us he will do nothing and they will pay him.

Remember with his missing in action they have plenty. How much could it cost.

Anonymous said...

9:40 It's hard to get rid of someone you're in love with

Anonymous said...

Sad part of all of this is our kids have been shown examples of bullying and laziness. Annette and Raymond shame on you both for making the kids see this public display of bullying. You don't think our students read the newspaper? What kind of example of leadership have you displayed to our parents and the public?! To get as low as insulting each other mothers but oh wait you run our district so you must think that is okay. We have parents who by no choice of their own have had to rely on welfare just to get through. You just made those who are impoverished feel even lower but oh well you are our leaders. All three of you need to resign. Jerome you are showing kids that it is okay to receive high pay for doing nothing. God help you all because you definitely need serious prayer. All I can say is Thank God for the district staff who put up with this garbage just to give our students hope for their futures.

Anonymous said...

From Openline

Hey openline I work at the district Stephanie Lulay and Erika Wurst should resign they are not reporting the entire story. They reported 5 minutes of a tape. The real arguing was about no big contracts and the district paying friends like Janco big dollars for janitor supplies. Hull defend the corrupt contracts Leonard attempts to bring in more plumbers and electricians. Johnson complains about wasteful spending. Where is that story. Could Hull be defending the mayors cronies being he work for the city. Investigate contracts Hull handles at the city if you can defend this behavior Mr Hull. Follow the money

Thanks Rick

12/14/12 10:42 AM

Anonymous said...

10:21 you have made some excellent points. Ms. Johnson has made many bigoted remarks that have never made it to the public eye. Her and a couple of her supporters, who are as prejudice as she, think she is justified in the way she does business.

If you do not live in her neighborhood or if you are anything but white-she considers you beneath her.

I am glad the true Ms. Johnson was seen for who she truly is. She will say and do anything to justify her agenda. That agenda has NOTHING to do with educating the children in EA.

Anonymous said...

I'll say this for Dr. Jerome Roberts: He is a TEAM PLAYER.

Annette Johnson, not so much.

Anonymous said...

10:46 AM Unfortunately you got that one wrong That's not Rick Lawrence. That is Annette Johnson

Anonymous said...

Sent out to D131 staff today:


In response to today’s article in the Beacon News, I thought I’d clarify a few things.

First, the words “riding Dr. Roberts’ contract out” could not be further from the truth. In fact, I along with the majority of board members, have worked hand and hand with Dr. Roberts to make the changes necessary to fix problems that have built up over the last thirty years. Organizations are only as strong as the leaders running them, and we have strong leadership in the classroom, in the superintendent’s office, and on the board.

The sad reality is I am NOT upset with Dr. Roberts because he did the job of a superintendent and passed a referendum that made the district financially strong today. However, I AM upset with some employees who were trusted to watch the district’s dollars better and they didn’t!


The district will save over four million dollars plus this year in health insurance premiums alone. Last year, we would not have experienced any changes, paid the same rates, got a wellness plan and stayed with Blue Cross if the former Assistant Superintendent of Finance would have been watching the store.

I am sad that managers of the Maintenance Department have wasted valuable resources and money. A recent janitorial bid would have saved enough money to purchase 350 iPads alone for kids. With that said, we are addressing change in that department, too!

Focusing on the finances is very important because the state continues to cut much needed revenues to schools. With recent savings driven by looking at every line item in the budget by myself and Dr. Roberts, we would have had another $6.5 million dollars for raises and innovative classroom instruction programs.


Recently, the teachers voted to give the children fifteen more minutes of instruction time at elementary. More importantly, the teachers spoke up about what will make the school district stronger. With that, we decided to form several reform committees so that teachers would have an equal voice. Our teachers brought to light many issues that needed much change. We have listened. Talk to your Union President, Mr. Adam Harding, and please continue to provide feedback through his town hall meetings. We can only continue to get better.

In the last couple of months, we have seen much needed changes in the Technology Department, Finance Department, Bilingual Department and Secondary Education Department. We will open a full Magnet/Stem Academy in the fall. This is a project that started in 2008 as a key part of Dr. Roberts’ vision for the district. It was taken to a new when the Board of Education purchased the new building and secured a grant so that every child who attends the new school will have a computer.

Important changes in Secondary Education with Dr. Christine Warren will occur as early as January. She has been working hard with the new Technology Director to incorporate new high level tech programs that will address reading problems. This is just the beginning of the positive changes in that department.

The Bilingual Department implemented a different program this year to incorporate more English instruction time in the curriculum. This will now align with other programs in other school districts and improve test scores.

We are moving forward and working together to do what is best for our kids.


Anonymous said...

You people write about trash all day like this and 27 people got killed at a elementary school including 18 children

Anonymous said...

So very tragic, 12:27 p.m.

But what does that have to do with people commenting on this blog? Is commenting on a blog somehow connected to the shooting of all those people?

Enlighten us, O Learned One!

Anonymous said...

...while, YOU, YOURSELF comment on this blog


Anonymous said...

12:05 left out the best part of the letter:


Outside media forces like the Beacon News take statements out of context. The only real articles you can believe are the ones coming from the school district including the Letters to the Editor that Dr. Roberts wrote recently and the one that I will submit myself.

So just to clarify, I do not feel I am riding out his contract nor does he feel that. We are working together as leaders of this district. The best leaders are ones not afraid to make changes and show a different type of toughness in doing so. Change is always unpopular, but needed. It is true that sometimes passionate honest people say the wrong things, but that does not that they are doing the wrong things. We learn from it and make better choices for excellence.

I am proud to be an alumnus of East Aurora High School. I am proud to be a lifelong resident of East Aurora. I am honored to serve as the President of the Board of Education and I am happy to call Dr. Roberts my friend, my colleague, and one of the most astute educational leaders that I know. East Aurora School District 131 is alive and well.

Annette Johnson
President, East Aurora Board of Education

Anonymous said...

Annette is grasping the edge of the hole she is sinking in. Does she truly think the staff of 131 are going to put any stock into what she has to say. Her IMAGE is shot and she has made the image of D131 school board a joke in the educational community. Luckily our teachers and our families are not the people she has stereotyped them to be. They have kept our students image a positive one, inspite of the Boards unprofessional decisions and behavior.

Anonymous said...

Anette and Ray Hall fighting.

Anonymous said...

Annette it still does not excuse you and Hull from ignorant comments. Give it up because before any of this had come out in the Beacon some of your so called loyal Board members and staff had already got it out to the public. You have a leak from within the service center and I am not talking about faucets. We all know exaggeration comes from the Beacon but that still does not make it okay from you or Raymond.

Anonymous said...

Annette it has not been 30 years. I have been with the district for over 30 years so please be truthful. I have to say this is the worse display of leadership. I also have siblings who went to school with you and back up a lot of prejudice things that you have said while you were a student.

Anonymous said...

To the blogger who wrote about the kids in Conn. you are correct we need to take a moment of silence today and nothing seems important I will hug my child tonight.

Anonymous said...

Atilla, you are correct, we will not believe everything we read including the garbage you just wrote. You have embarrassed yourself and the district many times, and the article that came out today is the icing on the cake. The fact is you did verbally spar with another member, and took shots at Ray and his background. Ray comes from a similar background as all EA kids, so I guess you do everything, and shots at him can also be directed to our student body. Good for Ray for standing up to you and your idiocy. Ray has nothing to be sorry for. You have humiliated, berated, cut-down, and embarrassed numerous people in this district, and the fuse is getting short with the public. To even have to send an e-mail to staff proves you are an idiot. Did all the people you have fired e-mail anyone? Nope, they went down with a little dignity. You're ship is sinking, and you cant even do it with class. You still have to show how stupid you really are. Guess what, people already know. Every single staff member, custodian, and employee in the district is laughing at you, and guess what, they have relatives on the East Side, and they are going to vote your ass out this coming election. You are a complete joke. Things have changed since when your Caucasian self graduated 40 years ago. You are not an East Sider. You are 204, and need to stay there. Look up crazy in the dictionary, you fit the very definition. Anyone that has to raise their hand, and say, "hey, look at what I have done" isnt worth a dam to begin with. You also keep blaming Jay and Maintenance for things. How much longer are you going to play that card? When you point fingers, you have three fingers pointing back at you. You are crazy, and everyone knows it. Go home to your empty house, and have fun by yourself. Your days as Board President and embarrassing this District are almost over. Slumlord you are.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have my plate with the swirly face and I'm attaching it to my drill...alright look directly at the swirly plate...keep looking and listen closely...the Beacon liiiies...don't truuuust it...only listen to meeeeeeee....only listen to MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like how people say "I'm a taxpayer and you work for me" well those people that work for a city or state pay taxes also.

Ms.Jonson's statement about public housing is a racist statement and there is no room on a board for that kind of thing. She is a bully and I wouldn't want to work with her. It is said she has two successful business but she doesn't run any of them someone else does.

Ray acted badly also but I can only imagine dealing with her. Let's see those bids you say he is paying too much for and let the taxpayers make the decision if they are paying too much.

With the credit cards when that got out and it was proven that the district didn't even look at the receipts and some you could tell was personal expenses did the district get there money back because by law you can get charged for misuse of district money.

Anonymous said...

Ray Hull made racist remarks by calling the board members the pips. He is not a good example for children.

I want the real story not personal remarks why is he defending contracts that cost the district more money

Anonymous said...

10:58 You are damn right that Annette has made bigoted remarks about blacks, mexicans, and homosexuals just like her mom did. The projects comment is nothing compared to other things that she says. The apple don't fall too far from the tree! Ask any of the people at the district office who have to work with her behind closed doors how she curses and says things that would have the entire community against her if they knew! Hell, the Board Members know this yet they don't stand up and say anything! They are scared of the Bully too! I hope more people stand up and release some of those other recordings that they have of Shrek being an idiotic bigot.

Anonymous said...

"Recently, the teachers voted to give the children fifteen more minutes of instruction time at elementary."

I'm pretty sure that's wrong. The elementary EMPLOYEES have added 15 minutes to their day, but not instructional time. Correct me if I'm wrong?

Also, the beacon employees usually audio tape when they interview someone. Saying that you never said those words "riding out Roberts' contract" is a pretty strong accusation against a journalist.

One more it really an appropriate use of district email that goes out to staff, parents,and community members to 'clarify' your words you spoke to a journalist?

I'm sorry, one more this long email not ONCE, NOT ONCE did she apologize or acknowledge the terrible publicity she has brought upon our district in the childish exchange she had where she made fun and demeaned ow-income families (of which over 85% of our children come from).

That is APPALLING...she sent out an email to staff, parents, and community members and did not even acknowledge the MOST bothersome article about the district in the beacon today?! She really thinks we are stupid and can be easily redirected...

Newsflash, nobody cared about the article about Dr. Roberts. And nobody believed your email today either.

Anonymous said...

The 15 minutes is for the teachers, not for the students. Just more lies from the board prez.

Anonymous said...

The only one defending Annette is Annette. Santa please bring us some sanity to D131.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can get the recording. FOIA it from the central office. The meetings are taped. This is how the paper got the recording. Roberts needed to go along time ago. Annette wanted him to stay because she wants to run the district. Lewis needs to go also. She is right up there with Johnson but is good and slippery-she hides it well. Those 2 are in cahoots with each other.

Anonymous said...

The Beacon needs to do their job and not become a tabloid. Writing a verbal exchange and not writing details of why they fought is bad journalism. Just a few facts
Janco got contracts that only they could supply by the brand they carry.

Janco charging $ 47.00 old contract. Valdez $27.50 plus dispenser $48.7 installed by supplier. The district will own the dispenser forever eing able to use any kind of products they want. Maybe the kids should do the math buy 2 cases of paper it pays for itself.
Janco $49.40 old contract Mayfare $17.50 plus dispenser $13.50 installed by supplier. Do the math half case pays for dispenser.
Someone needs to ask why the maintenance department would not install these to save money immediately.
Few other examples
Floor stripper old contract price Janco $116.76 new Janco price $43.34
Floor wax Janco $105.20 old contract new contract $66.88.
Read the bids number do not lie.
Why did the maintenance department take 800 trips to Menards. Usually 2 guys in the district truck. Seems not a lot of things got repaired.
Why did the District only award plumbing and electrical contracts to a selected few.
Why did the district cut down $65,000 in trees with a no bid contract.
Enquiring minds want to know. Maybe 6 of the board members are worrying about the taxpayers dollars.

That coupled with a 4 million dollar insurance saving, credit card misuse, travel expense misuse, the benefits coordinator not paying insurance, bills being paid with sales tax and late fees.
I think the Taxpayers should be a little angry. This is all documented for the tax payer that would like to FOIA it. Not the anonymous stories that fly around on the blog.

BTW there is more to come as the brooms come out in d131 because nobody will have the courage to come forward expect your elected Board.

Anonymous said...

9:40 - Yeah Annette (Shrek/Atilla the Hun) thinks that we are stupid! She thinks anyone who didn't graduate from Northwestern is stupid (although it's still questionable if SHE even graduated from Northwestern). She thinks anyone who grew up on welfare or in public housing is stupid (including all of our students who do). She thinks anyone who does not agree with her and speaks out against anything she is doing is stupid(as social workers, we know that is a clear sign of low self esteem). But can you blame her? Look at her! Listen to her! Watch her! She's the example of stupidity, low self-esteem, and hideousness. Everything about her screams LOSER! Everything except, of course, the Corvette that she brags about driving when she talks to the kids of East Aurora. How sad is that? Let's vote this big goofy loser out of office NOW! In fact, let's not wait until April, give our community a great Christmas present and make her resign!

Anonymous said...

9:40pm has hit the nail on the head. Just more of Annette's "holier than Thou" I can berate and fool the masses attitude.
Other Board members need to distance themselves quickly if they hope to run and win in the next election.

Anonymous said...

Witch Hunt. If Maintenance screwed up, how come no one lost their Job? No one from Maintenance did anything wrong, because if they did, people would have been fired. Nice try Johnson. You are an Idiot. Have some class and resign.

Anonymous said...

The Beacon is doing their job. But when you have people who are as dumb as hull and Johnson who act like kids and trade insults in public, there isnt a newspaper that wouldn't print that. How about the leadership in 131 changes, and we get rid of Shrek and Ray who claims to be a man of God. Get people who will act professional and treat people with respect, and the beacon wont have to step in. they will only print tabloid material when we have clowns who give them the material to do so.

Anonymous said...

Annette should go into Professional wrestling with the WWE and Vince McMahon. She is tall, big, ugly, already has nicknames, and could entertain the masses. Can anyone imagine her coming off the top turnbuckle against John cena? If Shrek and atilla doesnt Work, we can change her wrestling name to the Missing Link.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Ray again. This blog brings out hate in everyone. until Ray, Annette, and Anita got on this board they seemed like nice people. I think all of hem have had it with the name calling for a unpaid position.

As far as the maintenance and insurance Ms Weaver brought hat up four years ago but nobody listened.

Weaver at the time and her family got called every name in the book. I give credit to all the Board members who stick it out in that district at least they do pay taxes unlike our administrators or maintenance supervisors.

Anonymous said...

5:28 AM See you are up bright and early in that big old house by yourself posting district information! Or maybe it's your buddy Anita posting it for you! Together you make a perfect 10! Go ahead and stand next to each other, yupp a perfect 10! LOSERS!

Anonymous said...

This board sat one the things they are fixing now for almost 4 years and now they do something is it because it is time for re election.

Where i work I had asked why they did contract work with some of the people they did and the one thing they say is that if anything goes wrong with it or it is defected they take care of it with no cost. So just because something is cheaper it might not mean you are getting a good deal.

How is it that other large districts have Superintendents that can do this all by themselves without the President of the board doing part of the job.

Anonymous said...

How about Johnson calling Roberts a astute educational leader. WOW, We thought she would finally separate herself. But no, I guess the rumors are true cant fire somebody who is your friend she admits that in her letter.

From a teacher standpoint we do have 15 minutes of instruction time next year for elementary. There is talk of the High School and Middle schools increasing periods. That will not work. That astute educational leader does not have a curriculum in place to teach with.

Fact from Fiction As far as Hull, many teachers are afraid of him at EHS. He wrote demeaning emails to some and accused Conrad of blogging his daughters files. When teachers wrote to the Board and called the ROE about Raquel Wilson he sent our emails to her. Several English teachers quit because of him. We filed for protection with the Union and because we did not mark emails confidential the grievance was rejected.

The Board needs to resign and stop emailing us scripture Mr Hull no God like person writes or calls name like you.

Resign, Johnson maybe you can take Roberts with you that would be a Christmas gift.

Anonymous said...

Johnson did go graduate from Norhwestern she had the degree, picture of her corvette and samples of her food products with her. BRAVO for her but the message to he class was dont worry be happy go to Waubonsee you are poor, just graduate and come and work for me in my minimum wage plant.

It's funny the approach was never you can be a successful as me. She only showed up a few times with Clayton in toe taking pictures and handing out tax deductible cookies from her company. Her message was I am successful because I am white you Mexicans just be happy to graduate.

Go back to Naperville that's your neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

12/14 10:13 well I am not Annette but a hardworking D131 taxpayer who has kids that I cannot even send to 131. I think Annette Johnson is just what that district needs (and many of the people I know who live in 131 think so too. This district has been a complete mess for decades and finally there is someone who is willing to work hard and start to turn the district around so that everyone who lives in 131 has an real option to sent their kids there. So go Annette!!!

Anonymous said...

5:28 AM- we know it's you Annette! The brooms are coming out because you're riding it! The witch hunt can end when you finally look in the mirror. Be the true leader and fire yourself and Roberts. Time is the only thing you have on your side and there isn't much of that left.

Anonymous said...

Says "went to Lewis University" No mention of Northwestern or ever having earned any degree.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the name of Annettes Mannequin?

Anonymous said...

Annette's manequin is better known in these parts as Jerome Roberts.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Great leaders do not trade insults with anyone especially when they know it is being recorded. Great leaders should not have to send an email to the entire 131staff explaining their philosophy on anything. Great leaders do not intimidate people who Work on their team. Great leaders do not use the word "I". Great leaders do not micromanage. Great leaders do not constantly blame one department for the woes of the district, yet leave every person in the same position. Great leaders never threaten to fire people on a daily basis. Great leaders never say "I" sign your paychecks. Great leaders have personal skills. Annette has none. Great leaders don't constantly bring up how bad things have been, they move forward. Great leaders do not tell Clayton to put them on the schedule of every banquet, event, or dinner to speak and then brag about how successful they are. Great leaders are humble. Great leaders are apologetic when making mistakes, and aren't afraid to admit it. Please tell me again why Annette is good for district 131. Do you realize that employees who are teachers in 131 have other teachers who call them from other districts and laugh at the circus they are a part of. Same with administration and other positions. 131 is a joke, the Beacon knows it, and as long as we have clowns like Annette, Jerome, and Ray, the circus will get full coverage on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

Central Office news is Roberts never came to work Friday and Lisa had no clue where he was. Maybe Christmas came early and he resigned

Anonymous said...

No one is scared of Ray. He is a preacher who is a wanna be thug. He had no talent when I went to West with him, and needs the Board to inflate his ego just like Annette.

Anonymous said...

Lisa doesnt need to know where he is at. Only Attila. Jerome ducking out on a day when things are hitting the fan. Typical. Strong leader for ya.

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher in D131. I take pride in working with children who have the same hopes and dreams as those children in neighboring, more affluent districts. Most of these students work hard and simply want a fair chance to be successful. To have the president of the board take a shot at anther board member for growing up in public housing, is absolutely despicable. Many of our children live in public housing and read the Beacon. Think of how it must feel to know that the woman, in charge of your school board, considers you " less" of a person because of a situation you have no control over. How much more appalling behavior must we as teachers, students and community members endure from this inept administration? How can we take any direction that comes from the top seriously? We spend a good portion of time trying to stop our students from acting like these two classless board members. I hope the teachers can continue to keep the best interest of our students in their collective hearts. Please keep the goal of a successful future, for all of our kids, the motivating factor for moving forward.

Anonymous said...

So Ray Hull not only disrespects the Board president, he disrespects a women. Class act.

Anonymous said...

4:14PM why should Donkey come to work when Shrek is in charge of everything? Why would a person show up on a day where his 'friend' ripped him to shreds in the local newspaper?

Anonymous said...

Please post one of the emails that Ray sent to the staff at East. This will be the nail in his coffin.

Anonymous said...

From the Denise Crosby Article: "Hull calls Johnson a slum lord, crazy as a roller, mean and nasty, and bipolar. Johnson, in return, called Hull a loser, reminding him he once lived in public housing and lacked the intelligence to get into the business school from which she graduated."

Good old Beaconfused gets it wrong again. PLEASE FOIA THE TAPE PEOPLE! Annette didn't tell Ray he was living in the projects while she was paying his taxes as a reponse to any of those things listed. SHE SAID IT FIRST!

In her typical, rude, egotistical, low self-esteem, UGLY manner, she made a racial and socio-economic jab at Ray FIRST and then he responded! Both are wrong, but she is the instigator.


Anonymous said...

6:15 PM Not only did Annette Johnson disrespect a board member,she disrepectd EVERY child and family living in public housing and EVERY person who got their degree online. Classless Act

Anonymous said...

The Beacon did what any tabloid would do, print trash. The account of the classless name calling by Hull and the racist comments by Johnson had no journalistic value. It was intended to get Johnson and Hull to resign. It was to further humiliate the district. It is a second rate tabloid with second rate reporters who cant find work at at real newspaper.

Anonymous said...

GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT! They can only print what we gave them! If the Beacon is a trash rag, then Annette Johnson and Ray Hull are the trash! Simple as that!

Anonymous said...

Alley Cat Jeopardy
Ray had no talent
The Answer is: What is " Yo mamma "

Anonymous said...

I see the Beacon reporters and columnist are blogging too.

Anonymous said...

7:52 am is Annette Johnson.

Anonymous said...

I have heard from many that have worked with Ray and said he was good to work with. Now I don't know him personally but that is what is said about him. I wish he would of step up with the credit card issue where the district paid for alcohol at the tile one conference he seems to be not a follower as some on the board.

Back a couple of years ago this board decided to make the President of the Board a one year term none of the board members stepped up to take that position the last two years and they elected Johnson again and again. It shouldn't be that hard of a job since we should have a Superintendent that should handle most of the day to day functions of the district that is why the board hires one.

For Johnson to bring up public housing and who lives in them is a slap to this district since we have so many that do and try to make a better life for themselves. The district should be a stepping stone for them and there are many programs in our district to help them do that. When we have a president of our board that belittles someone on the board that many have come from poverty lived in poverty and worked his way up to being a manger in the water department is a slap in the face to our up and coming students that are trying to break the mold and rise to something better in their lives. I didn't fine Ray's comment about Johnson's and her Pip's racist. She had most of the people on the board elected. First Graza then Lenoard and that other women and we the people elected them again but they follow what she says. Is it the best for the district that is hard to say. They keep talking about the fiance mess but what about all those credit card charges that they don't have the people paying back Like Adams that charged her personal phone bill she paid with the districts money.

Anonymous said...

Also if the Beacon reads this blog you have the credit cars statements that show the misuse of district money where the paid the bills of some of the administration that are personal charges and if you where really a good paper and wanted to do something you would go to The State Attorney with it and show you are really a good paper that wanted to do right for the taxpayers of this district.

Anonymous said...

The only people bashing the Beacon are those being exposed by the truth. These fools have no business making educational decisions for our children.They have no idea how to conduct themselves as professionals. It is beyond comprehension as to how these people continue to thrive in this district. How do they come to work everyday or show up to board meetings knowing the shame they have created? Eastsiders! Take a strong stand! Demand the resignation of these self-centered Bozos who obviously couldn't care less for the welfare of your children.

Anonymous said...

Enought with Ray and Annette they are not going to resign and nobody can make them. This is the community who could care less and elected Mary Fultz who was a felon. BTW Ray backed her, the board is a classless act.

Ray has a history of attacking women he came and spoke before the board before he was elected and called Dee and Rayanne a embarrassment.

It's funny Dee and Rayanne had identified the same problems, insurance, credit cards and maintenance issues. The Beacon never reported that then and they will not now a tabloid rag.

Sylvia Caudillo free loader said...

does anyone know when the next board meeting is. I would like to say something about what I read in the news paper to ??? Johnson. I live in housing im handicap by bad luck I want to show her my college degree that I was trying to become someone in life. not a free loader like she said she has no right putting anyone down not knowing the situation or condition she has no shame. My kids are A and B students some of you may know them Jesus and Juandaniel Torres. my spine is deterioration of the spine, my fluid is low in my spine and may end up in a wheelchair. and shes not the only one that pays taxed my mom, sisters, family, and friends pay as well so she needs to stop being a BULLY and a Raciest. I want to tell her in her face how I feel about what was said I took it personal because I feel useless, worthless to my self and family I struggle she needs to know she hurt my feelings. but what can she feel if she cared less what they were doing to my nephew Jose Vega. by the way its me Sylvia CAudillo the free loader

Anonymous said...

when is the next board meeting this lady is going to hear me.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia you stated in Public you are a friend of Ray Hulls and Ray couched your nephews baseball team. NOT exactly a objective speaker
Ray did noting to protect Jose but maybe you should speak with Johnson about what she did to protect children at Simmons. After another incident just like your Jose Vega It's Hull who is protecting Patterson. Maybe people say the wrong things when they are trying to clean up messed situations in a corrupt school district and Hull keeps stopping the rest of the board from doing so.

Before you speak get the facts. You owe it to Jose. Maybe you can help put pressure on as well. Remember what happened to the teacher that spoke up. He was transferred and blamed for helping you. He was also blamed for reporting the district to OSHA. That fine maintenance department that Mr Hull was protecting.

I hope you are running or the Board we need people like you to step up.

For the record I am not Johnson just someone at Simmons that watches and observes.

BTW a bunch of these same corrupt administrators are using Hull to goat you don't give up the fight Ms Johnson.

Central Office leak is Lisa Morales that is why Wilson keeps his job.

Sylvia we would like to reach you but your number has been blocked

Anonymous said...

Isn't now about the time when Annette and Ray post on the blog and leave their name. Ray Ray and Shrek, you have the floor. Remain professional as you have always been. Does anyone know what other leaders or board members post on a blog, leave their name, and reveal confidential information and there is no repercussions? Only 131.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for. Annette is a rottweiler with no leash. She will bite back.

Anonymous said...

Blogs are about hate and if you don't have a ax to grind then you don't usually blog. That said, I have worked with Mr Hull and got to know Johnson for the last couple of years. They have been very committed to working with children and are unpaid volunteers on the D131 administration.

Last month the staff came to a meeting and asked forgiveness with Dr Aird who made a mistake by not properly reporting out the Transgender policy. Johnson and Hull along with the other members agreed. If any policy has divided the community it is this one. Outsiders came and protested by the hundreds then the parents became upset. So as good Christians if we can turn the other cheek for this, then why not Hull and Johnson.

I as a community organizer have never seen more people devoted to fixing 131. It needs to start with the paid administration. Hang in there Lets not stop the positive momentum that is taking place.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Sylvia Caudillo! You go girl! I'm glad someone is standing up to this Racist Bully! Your concerns about your nephew fell on deaf ears maybe they will listen now when you speak out against the Biggest Bully in the district!!!!! Anyone else who has an issue with Shrek/Atilla/Annette should come out and speak up too! She looks down on all of the families who live in public housing. Show her who we are!!!!!!!

Remember to get there early to sign up!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:09 PM The next Board Meeting is tomorrow at 7PM! Teachers from the district will be there with signs and a petition that says we want Annette Johnson to resign! WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! ALL STAFF WE NEED YOU THERE!

Anonymous said...

It may be time for the State of Illinois to take over. They have done it twice recently, in East St. Louis and in North Chicago.

If this district doesn't fit the profile for a district needing takeover, none do.

Perhaps, that's where Jerome Roberts was on Friday.

The district has been been a perrenial failure. It is run by incompetent and corrupt administrators. And, the school board is completely disfunctional.

Anonymous said...

If I were Jerome Roberts, I wouldn't have shown my face on Friday either. Our superintendent was just emasculated by both Annette Johnson and Raymond Hull publicly. What an embarrassment our board and administration have become.

The teachers and community have been saying for years we need a change at the top of this district. Our leaders are the biggest hinderence we have to educating our children.

Hopefully some good will come from this and some people will have to resign.

Anonymous said...

8:14 PM& 8:42 PM Oh be quiet Annette! Stop trying to change the topic and take the spotlight off of your racist bigoted remarks! We are not going to let your racist ugly self slide on this one!

This must be a weekend from hell for you. I bet all you are doing is hitting the refresh button every 3 minutes to see what people are saying next about u and then trying to counter that with these silly posts about other things! We are on to you, u goof ball!

How about you stop the stupidity and just resign? Yeah? It's so sad that a leader of a school district is not only a racist, bigot, and a bully, but also such a loser that she won't take responsiblity for her actions and still thinks this community is dumb enough to support you and can't tell your posts from others. Go make some of your gross tasting pasta and get off the board of ed!

Anonymous said...

Just looking at the agenda for mondays meeting. It includes minutes from the recent building & gronds meeting. I don't understand how it can not mention the confrontation between board members. Like it or not, minutes are to reflect what happened at the meeting. Also, in the financial report for petty cash, why are all items shown who and what for, except supt. secretary doesn't indicate what reimbursement was for?

Anonymous said...

The Donkey is Hull that defends the administrators that put the district in the bottom 2%. They are the ones that have set the board members up to fight with one another. The Administration like Jay Augustine and Nestor Garcia have had sweet heart deals and have been stealing the district blind for years.

The court jester is Roberts by smiling at the loner Johnson he makes her do his dirty work while he laughs all the way to the bank.

Why do you think Aird and Glozabach did not tell the board about the transgender policy. Tell me a policy Joan does not read.

They have been setting everyone up for years. Look at Rayanne and her union grievance. Look at Dee, Roberts lied to the board about her.

History repeats itself and Hull and Johnson are the latest pawns.

Good luck to the new people who get on that board they will either be lap dogs or receive a benefit from the district like the maintenance jobs and no bid contracts Bob Mccue received from Cordigan and Clark and Oneil and Arrow Plumbing.

Also message to Johnson we had respect for you when you denounced Jerome but when you leave the Board he will never call you back. We see and know the comments he makes behind the boards back. The comment after your letter was well Jerome must have called you.

Also, Lewis stop thinking he likes you he has been overheard with Cathy Latez talking about what a bad parent you are and that you have custody of your grand kids.

Ray he calls you the Minister Hull and laughs with Clayton.

Aird and Roberts nicknamed you Shrek...Annette.

Stella and Maryanne are drunks

Nacho is a dumb kid

And Dick is the Nazi

That is the real Central news but I do pray that you all come together.

Anonymous said...

The board meeting is tomorrow the 17th. Why does it take something like this to get people there? There are things said many times at meetings that people would want to respond to.

Anonymous said...

The administrators don't have low moral because of the Board Prez they have low moral because of no more free insurance. Our administrators got a zero deductible plan with all the perks like $100,000 in life insurance, free dental, free vision, free long and short term disability of nothing. Now they pay have have the same plan the teachers get. That's why the boycotted the Chrismas Party Mr Hull.

Tell me one struggling resident or senior citizen living on a fixed income that got that.

So when your pals in maintenance and the service center tell you stories check them out. Mr Hull start representing the people who elected you instead of he administrators that do not make residence in 131 or resign. Someone should start a recall election on Hull

Anonymous said...

Ok people. Let's forget about the crap that hovers over our district and let's come to reality. Instead of wasting our breath on the trash talking from our lovely board president who thinks her fortunes and life is guaranteed forever and let's focus on what's really going on, OUR CHILDREN! In this day when we're witnessing such evil tragedies occurring in our schools, when we're reading and watching on the news 20 innocent little babies murdered at the hand of an evil person, when we're being asked how much safer can our schools become, when we're simply afraid to even send our children out of the house because we don't know if they'll be returning. Let's focus on our children, let's pray for us all, for the families in Newtown Connecticut ask god to give them strength and focus on the memories. Really how does one begin to recover from this. As a parent I would lose my mind. Therefore people I ask let's not focus on the embarrassment that our district leaderships are portraying today. Let's focus on the children. Those innocent little human beings that give us a reason to move forward in life everyday. Hug and kiss your children and tell them how much you love them everyday because you never know when it may be your last.

"Children are the messengers we send to a time we will never see."


Anonymous said...

To: December 16, 2012 4:09 PM

Here is the real question: If there was a serious matter that befell District 131 as did in Connecticut, does anybody believe that our current leadership could handle the crisis?

Our current leadership can't handle a toilet paper bid without flying at each others throats and self destructing.

The children of District 131 (and every other district) deserve better than we currently have. It's way past time to clean house.

Anonymous said...

7:55, 11:52, and 1:51, 3:21 are all Annette! Sad, sad, dog woman sitting at home all alone with her mannequin and dogs posting all day on a Sunday. That's so damn sad. Such a pitiful way to live. Give it up, Annette and just go back into your cave. We didn't know who you were before you got on the board and we will soon forget about you when you resign or are voted off. Have some dignity and just stop posting. You are looking pitiful. Well, more pitiful than you normally look anyway!

AND FOR THE RECORD, don't put "AND FOR THE RECORD, I'M NOT JOHNSON" in any future posts like you did at 7:55 a.m. That is the TELL TELL sign that it IS you. Ya idiot!

Anonymous said...

4:09 p.m. We can focus on the children AND force out the idiots on the school board at the same time! HELLO! Some of us can walk and chew gum at the same time!


Anonymous said...

Should be an interesting School Board meeting tonight.

And the January 7th meeting will be cancelled, so it will be more than a month (January 22nd) until there's another one.

Anonymous said...

If a serious matter befell D131, I have NO doubt our front line-building staff-would have handled things above reproach. But our Board and Central office would find a way to turn it into a media circus.
We have to thank God for those who teach our children, they have little to no support from those at the very top of the chain.

Anonymous said...

Stop posting and calling Johnson more names Ray. That is not being a Minister. Some of us do support the much needed changes and I am not Johnson her car is over at the Service Center so I am sure she is not blogging. The Community still supports you

Anonymous said...

Agree. Our Board cant handle sitting in a Meeting that they know is being tape recorded without insulting one another.

Anonymous said...

Its a disgrace that 131 has been improving its image each year, and Shrek and Ray Ray have ruined it with there antics the last few years. Back to start on the monopoly board.

Anonymous said...

Ask Ray Hull why he wanted to be on the board. It wasnt to better the education of the thousands, it wasnt because he wanted to help D131, it was all about him and his daughter, period.

Anonymous said...

At last people can finally see how Johnson really is. There is talk about how she demeans people and how she feels about others that are not financially sound as her. Hull did lose it and say things he shouldn't of but I don't think he goes around all the time acting like he is better than everyone else.

As far as people knowing the facts before they speak to the board it is recorded about the statement Johnson made about Hull's mother and that they lived in public housing and that is a slap in the face to the community members that live in them now and for some it is because of illnesses.

This whole board looks bad in keeping Roberts he is just not Superintendent material if he was he would be running the district like he is paid for and not Johnson. There are many large districts where the Superintendent can handle it because he has a good staff and the board does their job and makes policy for the Superintendent to follow.

In the cases of E. St Louis and the other district the first person to go was the Superintendent. Then when the new one came and The Board didn't follow his lead and the guide lines of The State the board was removed.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell. Everything just keeps getting pushed to the next day.

Anonymous said...

A lot of this has been occurring under Roberts watch. It was not until Johnson got on the scene that things began to be cleaned up. He needs to be fired. East Aurora is affecting the entire City. Why Mayor Weisner has not intervened behind the scenes is baffling. The way I see it is either Weisner does not give a crap about Aurora OR he just is not as influential as many might think.

Anonymous said...

There was two that tried to start cleaning things up but Johnson but a stop to that she wanted the glory. A district is not suppose to rely on a board president to run a district that is why they hire a Superintendent that is the law. If a Superintendent isn't doing his job then it is the whole board that should take action. Until the Beacon did the first article and people start asking question and it was time for re election did anything start happening.

By the way how could the district have a A+ rating with Standard's and Poor if bills weren't being paid.

Anonymous said...

Hey 2:17pm AWESOME! I totally feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the board members have begun to take sides in this ridiculous quarrel:

Anita has already come out publicly in support of Johnson and has left Hull out to dry.

This thing is nowhere near as ugly as it is going to get yet.

As for the people hoping that they are going to resign, don't hold your breath. Our board members don't have the intelligence to know when that time is and even if they did, they lack the necessary class to do it. We are stuck with them until the community votes them out of office.

Anonymous said...

It was interesting looking at the honor roll list for the Magnet Academy. These are supposed to be the district's elite students, yet only 1/3 of them made the honor roll.

I guess they might pass a minimum skills test and have outspoken parents but they don't work any harder than the rest of the students in District 131.

Anonymous said...

This just in:

Anonymous said...

8:52 a.m. you are so sad! We post from our cell phones all the time or we have our equally unattractive friends/fellow board members post for us to say our car is at the service center. This crap is so sad. I bet no other board president does this! Just our dear old ugly Shrek.

Anonymous said...

This board is dysfunctional and needs to go. There is no way one board member should side against another one especially when a racist remark is made. You all need to go a read how a board member is suppose to act. Anita would side with Johnson she probably knows something about her she don't want let out. Anita is a back stabber please get rid of these people.

Anonymous said...

7:50 Anita Lewis ought to read the minutes from December 3, 2012 on last nights agenda. Mr. Hull stated that he sent an email to Dr. Roberts regarding the bills and has not received a response. There were items being purchased from a supplier that is not the lowest bidder. He stated “in an open session meeting it was stated that every dime counts so I now find out that this is not the case because we are purchasing materials from vendors who are not the lowest bidders”.
It does not sound like he was advocating buying from the highest bidder. Who is hung out to dry and who is caught in a lie.

Anonymous said...

Of course the honor roll list at the Magnet is short. They don't grade students on the weak standards applied to the rest of the district. Magnet students are held to a higher standard.

Anonymous said...

Oct. 15, 2012 : Mrs. Lewis further stated that the media is quick to print when something goes wrong but what is not on the front page is all the great things that has happened. In the last several years art has been put back at the elementary schools, thanks to Dr. Aird. Also, Dr. Aird was instrumental in chairing the gifted committee and we now have a gifted program for our students. Smartboards were installed in every classroom. Mrs. Lewis thanked the maintenance and technology department for their assistance in this task.
Hypocrite!!! Is the maintenance staff doing a good job or not? Praise for Dr. Aird before the transgender policy was moved forward from the policy committee that you are a part of. Is she good or bad for the district? See which way the wind is blowing before you answer.

Anonymous said...

6:19 - BS - That is such a bunch of crap. You have bought into this "higher level" magnet academy BS. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Why is Roberts still employed by the D131 taxpayers? Please, can anyone answer this question.

Anonymous said...

To: December 18, 2012 6:19 PM

If the Magnet Academy is following some higher level curriculum, why has this never been brought before the school board and approved?

I defy you to show us any evidence of the higher standard that you claim in your post.

The fact is, there is only one curriculum standard and only one ISAT test being followed for all students.

Here are the differences. The Magnet Students start with higher test scores (All students must be meeting or exceeding standards to get into the school). The students get much more support from the district. Textbooks, Ipads, new computers, etc. etc, etc. Our regular schools still have classes looking for text books (Some are 20 years old) and using computers that still have 3 1/4" floppy drives.

The students at the Magnet Academy have much smaller class sizes. I know teachers who have classes at the Magnet Academy and other district schools. They talk about how their average class is six students (They have even had classes of 2 students) while at the regular school, they have 30, 35 or more students.

District 131 is creating a two tiered education system in Aurora. A small number who are receiving the education they deserve and the vast majority of our kids who are being herded through like cattle.

The parents should be going together and filing a class action lawsuit against the district for the educational inequities for our kids. While they are at it, they should consider an educational malpractice suit at the same time. There's got to be some bright lawyer out there that would love to make several million dollars representing these parents.

Anonymous said...

Pinky, You remind me of Bart on SOAP, He thought he was invisible.

Anonymous said...

7:54 your full of it. Go ahead and file your lawsuit. I think parents have a better chance suing for no busing, but anyways. The FACT is that the students who attend the Magnet Academy are ones who actually DO their homework. Who's parents think that getting educated is a GOOD thing. That going to school is a PRIVLEDGE. The Magnet school is the best thing that has ever happened to D131 and I (begrudgingly) give Jerome Roberts and the current school board lots of props for getting it done. For decades this district has spent MILLIONS of dollars on the kids who are behind and have no desire to get ahead. Finally there is something to help those who want to learn and are eager to do so and there are teachers who want to be part of this movement. Go bark up another tree.

Anonymous said...

So if you know that the rest of the students don't care about education how come you get so pissed off when the school fails to meet standards?

You stupid people try to have it both ways all the time.

Anonymous said...

Looks like some new people are running for school board in april. It's about time...

Anonymous said...

To: December 18, 2012 8:51 PM

You offered lots of opinions but as I predicted, no evidence. What documentation do you have that any more homework is done by these students when they are at the Magnet Academy than they did at their neighborhood school? Where are the polls of parents opinions? What evidence do you have of the Magnet School being a priveledge or the best thing to happen to District 131.

Here are some facts. We were told that this program was not going to cost the taxpayers a single penny. This has repeatedly been proven to be untrue, including the latest $10 million dollars spent on their new building.

You claim that the students there are working harder than students elsewhere in the district but as just documented, only 1/3rd of the students there made the honor roll. Apparently 2/3rds of the students there are not working as hard as you think.

Here is what I am saying, quit acting like Annette Johnson with her beliefs that most people on the East Side are a waste and not worth the good peoples tax dollars.

All our kids deserve the best chance possible.

Anonymous said...

It comes down to the teachers. They simply are not effective if the academics are so bad. Its really that simple.

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot if you think it is that simple. I can't even count the ways that it isn't that simple.

1) Parents - If parents don't care kids don't care
2) Hungary - If the kid doesn't eat he does not give a S*&% what 2x + 5 =
3) Homeless - If the kid is homeless he doesn't care to write a persuasive essay on the use of technology in the classroom
4) Administrators - If there are no consequences for bad behavior, kids are going to do whatever they want.

There are more, but that is it for now stupid.

Anonymous said...

To: December 18, 2012 9:44 PM

Teachers don't decide curriculum, don't have a say in what children are in their classes, don't determine class size, don't establish discipline, can't have a child reassigned if they are a chronic discipline problem.

They must deal with students who aren't properly dressed or properly fed. They deal with children who are being abused at home or who are dealing with parents who are alchoholics, drug users, gang members or other types of criminals.

They deal with children who have all sorts of medical limitations including many who were affected by parents taking drugs while they were pregnant.

They deal with all sorts of kids who themselves are in gangs, take drugs and participate in all sorts of criminal behavior. They bury some of their students and watch others go to prison for the rest of their lives.

They do all this for less money than other teachers make in the six county area. They do this with little to no support from the districts administrators. They do this day after day while reading about the incompetence and greed of their leaders both on the board and in the administration in the paper.

AND they do this for a community of idiots who are completely spineless and only dare to criticise teachers anonomously on a blog.

You should be grateful for any teacher who is dedicated to the students enough to keep coming back for all this abuse.

Anonymous said...

It is my opinion, as a parent, the teachers can only be as effective as the programs and processes in place by admin. allow them to be.

Anonymous said...

can we talk about how messed up the pr for east is? all you ever hear about is boatright... he's long gone, let's hear about other things our current kids are accomplishing as well as about other successful alums that serve as good examples. apparently if you're not a clayton favorite you get no recognition for doing great things.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the ea girls Basketball Team. Where was the support from shrek, Roberts, Ray Ray, And the Rest of 131. If it was a boys game everyone would have been there. Johnson is supposedly big on girls athletics and the entire athletic program but she wasn't even there to support. What happened to title 9 and supporting all sports? Yet another example of poor leadership in this district starting with loud mouth Shrek.

Anonymous said...

If teachers don't know,I want to assure you, there is a silent majority who knows how hard you work and for less-than-deserved financial compensation or verbal recognition.

Those degrading or flip comments about teachers are more than likely made by some of those admin or a Board member pointing fingers to take focus off their own short comings. Many of us remain anonymous because we don't want to put a target on our backs or our children's.

Sorry to be spineless, but it doesn't mean we don't care. There are people at the service center that will stir the pot and go to extremes for their personal motives.

Anonymous said...

Not many positives to publicize. Please list what you have seen. Everything that is publicized is watered down and really nothing special for any other School.

Anonymous said...

Let's get some perspective. East Aurora schools are not filled with gang banger, drug dealing, drug using, future inmates. There is a small minority of kids that may head in that direction or at least make enough bad decisions early to ruin their chance at education. I also believe there is a small percentage of parents who are basically losers who are unfit to take care of themselves let alone raise children. I also believe there is a small percentage of kids who have strong, realistic goals and dreams involving higher education and careers. These kids probably have a pretty strong support and encouragement from home. The majority of our kids and parents are good decent people. I think what these kids lack are those goal setting role models. I aunt so and so or uncle so and so in college, or a doctor, lawyer, accountant? Does college or career seem possible. Can they see themselves outside of the Aurora scene or is that all they know? Motivation, ambition, drive, competitive fire??? Where is it? It takes a village to raise a kid, right. Everyone needs to step it up and quit pointing fingers.

Anonymous said...

From the Openline blog:

I have worked in this district for many years and am upset to see things how they are and now the district makes another bad move by hiring Rehman Ali as our new Technology Director. Rumor has it that he was let go from his last two jobs for stealing, spying, and harassing employees. Quick Google search turned up this
Items 20,31,32,38,39,40,55,59,62,and 63 are of interest.

Anonymous said...

Now word is out that the Board has chosen to hire a personal friend of Mr. Leonard to run the Maintenance department. How is it that Leonard can do this kinda crap, bragg about it publicly, and no one seems to call him on it? I thought this was the kind of politics Johnson was getting us away from?

Anonymous said...

10:01 p.m., there's nothing wrong with someone recommending their friend for a position, if that person is qualified! In fact, it can be a win-win for everyone.

Now if someone is hired just because he/she has "connections", and it turns out they can't do the job, that's a different matter. But it would probably be obvious within a short time whether this was the case, and if so then the "friend" who pulled strings would also be in trouble.

Anonymous said...

The numbers may not lie but the product sure does! Cheaper isn't always better, and in this case it's just cheaper! Do all the research on the product, not just the price.

Anonymous said...

To Dec. 18, 8:51PM,

The parents would really have no chance at winning a lawsuit for no bussing since they were the ones who voted no to the referendum. Apparently, they didn't want to pay higher taxes so their kids could get to school on time.

Anonymous said...

The schools in Aurora have only gotten worse under Tom Weisner. Where has he been on the education system in Aurora? What has he done?

Anonymous said...



I know it's you :)

Anonymous said...

9:45 a.m., who are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to something GOOD happening in our district:

Anonymous said...

Who's Jaime?

Anonymous said...

I think "Jaime" is Mrs. Kaisershot.

I'm sure she reads this blog and probably posts here too, as the saying goes "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". She is probably still P/O'ed because of how her hubby was treated by the district.

But I know her, and she is a VERY busy lady! I doubt she has the time to follow this blog like someone who is retired, unemployed, etc. much less able to be a moderator.

Anonymous said...

9:45 am were bit.

You do read & post on this blog, or you have someone doing it for you :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Sooo sick of the Kaisershot thing! Why does everyone love him so much. He's the biggest jerk I've ever met!!

Anonymous said...

What is happening with Daneen Adams?

Anonymous said...

To December 18, 2012 4:50 PM
Interesting: You reference the December 3 board minutes, but they are not public yet. You must be a board member or 131 staff that has access to the minutes before they are approved and shared with the public.

Anonymous said...

Probably still robbing the district and blaming it on the secretary.

Anonymous said...

1:58 p.m., if Kaisershot is a jerk at least he's a jerk who stood up for parents & students, refusing to kiss administrations' butts. People who have guts like that usually have strong personalities and may seem arrogant when they're actually confident & assertive.

I wouldn't say people "LOVE" Kaisershot all that much, but a lot of us parents appreciate what he did for our kids. It's a shame the administration screwed up back then, but we're stuck with their decision and "it is what it is".

Anonymous said...

When the board approved the new contract for busing they stated that they didn't have to go with the lowest bidder and they didn't. RichLee was the lowest bidder and they picked Durham that cost the district half a million more.

Anonymous said...

Why does D131 continue to employ Jerome Roberts?

Anonymous said...

He listens to Johnson and has sold out over 20 employees under her. He is only worried about his check cashing which it does. Can Johnson update us on the departments that have new leaders. Where is the progress at with the newly hired people? How has the district changed for the better? Hire and fire is the motto of Johnson. What does everyone think Johnson will get her mannequin for Christmas?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From another blog, a few days ago:

Anonymous said...

recommended read:

Applies to our district and students. Let's take time to reflect on the positive and how we can work together to provide an environment where these students and families can overcome the barriers and struggles they face and achieve success.

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to forget about Aird and Glozabach who started this why is the Board not firing them too. Lets make it 22. Instead Aird has been heard saying she has the support of the staff and she will become the next superintendent when Jerome resigns. Look for Jeromes resignation soon you heard it hear first.

Anonymous said...

This is not rocket science. All of you are missing the boat. The crucial connection to our student's success is how we treat our teachers. Administrators should be like the head surgeons of a top notch surgical team; they should constantly be asking their team( all of their teachers, not just their best buds) "What do you need?" "How can I help you?" Instead the reverse is true. Administrators treat teachers like criminals, like bad children who they are trying to catch behaving badly. Make a mistake, there will be hell to pay. instead of nailing teachers to the post. Give us support, and stop the spying-- we are not the enemy!!! Quit scapegoating us!! If you want to see change, change yourselves and your crappy relationship to us!! Instead of trying to look like you are doing something by targeting and firing good, hardworking teachers( the frontline to the student body)give us support because that is supposed to be your job...

Anonymous said...

While the Retirees loss their health insurance at the district Charles Ponquette continues to get free health insurance. That was a benefit the board of the distant past that lMr Hull served on gave to him before retirement. The contract grants him this benefit for life. First you defend suspect contracts in maintenance now this gets uncovered.

Anonymous said...

From the Beacon:

Looks like the latest attempt that Linda Chapa Lavia is making to screw over public education. The article does mention that she is the sponsor of this terrible bill.

This bill seeks to pass on the State of Illinois' pension responsibility to the local school districts. In other words, programs/extra curricular activities will be cut, teachers will be cut and class sizes will become even larger than they are currently. Your childs education will suffer for it.

And this at the same time Linda Chapa Lavia sends her own children to private school on your tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

December 23, 2012 4:14 PM -I appreciate your sharing that story. It is about most of the students in our district.

I have seen the seniors, on their recognition night, name off the colleges they have been accepted or offered money to attend. The joy is for the short term. Most cannot afford to pay for going to those big name colleges even with the packages offered.

Sadder is the fact our school Board has a majority of those feeling they are from the class of "haves" making decisions for the 'have nots."

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot. Chapa Lavia pays taxes, and also pays for her childrens private School which is her choice. She pays the tuition, not the taxpayers. This is America, she can send her kids to any private School she wants.

Anonymous said...

Do the teachers and administration pay anything into their pension funds? This is happening in the private sector and has been for some time why should someone that work public sector be any different.

Anonymous said...

Annette Johnson was a good for the district at one time. I have had personal experience working with her on the insurance and union committee. I know the town hall meetings and giving our union president full release was all her. I sat in many meeting with Glozbach, Adams, Aird, Augustine and Roberts without Johnson there. They sat and said nothing, and allowed the lawyer to do all the speaking. When she was there it was different, it was all about more instruction time, our ideas, school and copy supplies, and getting salary lanes corrected so we could catch up with other districts. You can ask your reps or Adam Harding if this was not the case.
However, now she does not seem to be that person. I am sadden what changed. It is her defense of Jerome Roberts. Why can she not see that? I know you know the truth. Why do you defend him, he is playing everyone like a fiddle while he puts in his time. He has made it clear he is done in March 2014. What respectable leader would leave in March. It shows he is counting the days until legally he can achieve full pension. Remember, for those of us who have been around long enough he left as building principal in January 1993 for a higher paying job in Downers Grove. He only cares about himself.
He knows a new board will not do anything because they will be learning. He is the problem board members stop fighting against one another. The children and our futures are hanging in the balance. The teachers do not have the tools to teach.

Anonymous said...

Yes, teachers do pay into the teachers pension fund. About half is supposed to come from teachers and the other half is supposed to come from the State of Illinois. The problem is that our State Representatives have not only NOT paid, their portion into the pension fund, they have used the pension funds as the states personal piggie banks. They have been stealing from the teachers retirements to pay their buddies.

They have taken money out of the teachers Pension System to pay other State bills and now are claiming that the Teachers Pension Fund is broke and should be the responsibility of local communities.

If these acts were commited in the private sector, our representatives would have been put in jail.

By the way, Linda Chapa Lavia is able to send her kids to private school because of the six figure salary she collects from WE, the tax payers. Unlike teachers, her salary is not determined by the tax base of her local community.

Anonymous said...

The first step to school reform is simple. All our representatives, local, state and federal must send their children to the same public schools the masses are forced to send them to.

Of course this is the same for many other areas of reform. If there was one level of health care for all in this country, the poor would not go without necessary services.

If our representatives and their children were the first ones on the battle line, there would be no more war.

Do you want to get rid of grid lock in politics? Add a simple amendment. If our representatives don't balance each years budget, they are not allowed to run for office ever again.

Two tiered systems always leave the masses without. The priveledged amongst us always believe, as long as I got mine, who cares about the rest?

Here's a thought for you. The top 400 people in this country have more wealth than the bottom 150,000,000 do. That's 400 people controlling more money than half the people in our country.

Is this a system that really works?

We are now all slaves. Wage Slaves. Master doesn't use the whip anymore. He uses money and the law to keep us in line.

And our politicians are their protectors at the expense of all the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Teachers pay more into their pension than you do into social security.

Anonymous said...

Not only do we pay into our pension funds, but the state has raided our contributions, leaving us in the lurch.

Anonymous said...

December 24, 2012 9:44 AM,

I can't speak for administration, but teachers in D131 contribute almost 10% of their salary to the pension system (TRS). Some districts pay the 10% for the teachers, and some districts split it 50/50, but all teachers in IL contribute to TRS.

Anonymous said...

Here is a Central Office news flash maybe the Beacon will report on this.
Roberts is covering up for his landlord that gives him free rent by allowing her to coverup a student that was beaten at the Urban League by Gwen Miller former friend and Principal at d131.
The police came 2 days later to the Urban League to check up. A male student was grabbed by the shirt and shaken causing bruising around his neck.
Roberts was called because they did not want it to get back to Warren and Latez.
Johnson and Hull are both aware of this and because Hull works for the city and Johnson is in her race debate neither can say a word. The rest of the puppets on the board will also keep quite.
How much more are we to take from Jerome Roberts.

Anonymous said...

As a teacher in this district, I can tell you that not only are we the lowest paid teachers around, but we are also one of the only districts where the teachers pay 100% of their pension contribution. Administrators in the district get their pension and health benefits paid for along with their large paychecks and special extra pay. Look it up on the district website. It's not hard to find the administrators compensation.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me 9:44 AM I pay about $600+ each month into my pension and have done so for at least the last 20 years. So in answer to your question yes public school teachers do pay into their pension. I cannot speak for administrators.

Anonymous said...

Not that there's any will in this district to punish any administrator but the District can't do anything about Gwen Miller without risking a discrimination lawsuit.

Simply put, the district did nothing when Wilson Morales beat up a student. Now, if the district does anything to Gwen Miller, she will claim it's only because she is black and the district is not treating all the administrators by the same standards.

And, she would most likely win the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

With a poverty rate of 81% and a average income of $55,000 this district can't pay as much as others so if you don't like the pay go to a district that pays better that what people do in the private sector if they don't like what they are getting. As far as administrators not having to pay anything towards pension and health benefits that is they it is in the private sector managers get those things for free also but not the workers. Some companies are changing that now that the economy is bad.

Linda Chapa Lavia wants to send her children to private school that is her right to do so and they are probably getting a better education than in public schools. If I had children now I would do my best to send my children to private school or home school.

Anonymous said...

If she was working for Urban League, they should be the ones holding her accountable and the district should hold the Urban League accountable.

She as been verbally abusive to students for years before her 'resigning.'

Children should be first, as was the district motto. 131 does not walk the walk.

Anonymous said...

Gwen is not a employee she works for the Urban League why are the kids going over here in the first place. Theodia plays her cards right gives free rent to Roberts and is buddy buddy with Johnson. Hull could do something about it and speak up being he is black but like others before him that work for Weisner they are afraid of their jobs. Theodia petioned for her and the other board members will not cross that bridge not that they would anyway. The child beaten was Hispanic and his parents he been to the police station.

If the board does not do anything about the Urban League I for one will turn this over anonymously to the State and Feds. Jerome Roberts never called DCFS. Since I hate hypocrites dare Hull who like to tell us he is a man of god to protect the children instead of his job. I also challenge Johnson to be the person she started out as and not be afraid of being called racist to do something. You know Roberts knows that is your out on a bad contract if you are really about the kids Annette.

Anonymous said...

To: December 25, 2012 8:54 AM

You are a part of the problem (as are most of our politicians) with the education system here in America. The countries who are all higher up the educational chain than the USA don't have the multi-tiered education system like we do.

The schools in most countries are not paid for at the local level. Children don't receive an education based on the income level of their parents. Children all receive the best education possible in their country.

In other countries, politicians don't withhold funds for public schools while sending their children to high priced private schools.

If you go to Europe, they would say that you are being un-democratic. How can you say your politicians are representing you if they have segregated themselves from the life that they are forcing you to live?

The reason for local residency requirements is our representatives are supposed to come from the same area/conditions that their constituency reside. If they use their money to create a seperate world from their constituency, what's the point?

Linda Chapa Lavia is making poor decisions for your children and insulating her own children from her own poor decisions by sending her kids to high priced private schools. How does she pay for this. By voting wage increases for herself while cutting funds to education and other social services.

Rule number one should be, all decisions made by politicians must be equally applicable to all citizens, especially the politicians making the decisions.

Anonymous said...

The administrators got forced this year by the board after the union asked for it to force adminis to pay their own insurance. At least that is a step in the right direction. It is my understanding that was about a 12,000 decrease. They do get pension so that the next thing the board needs to take away. D131 administration is horrible and they should be treated like the teachers. Support staff for insurance only is that fair?

Anonymous said...

If the urban league can't protect the students the district should pull out like west aurora but don't expect that even if we get rid of Johnson the Mayor already has Hull and Dan Barario was out getting names for Kristan Strand and Zack Montroy. Weisner will always make sure she is protected and who will stand up for the children. Just wait its all about renewing certain TIF districts for the chump Et Siders. Vote Rick Lawerance Alderman At Large

Anonymous said...

My question is why hasn't anyone looked into the Urban League? They have no code, tuition rate nor official school calendar like the other private facilities. Students are being pulled out of other facilities for no reason and then placed at the Urban League maybe the state needs to be notified about this Cathy Lattz!

Anonymous said...

It seems EA teachers and administrators have fared real well under this current board I was reviewing h new public disclosure the wages are about the same. Tis in a minimum wage community of citizens just barely getting by. The teacher are still about $1100 under a teacher at west aurora but that better than before. The secretaries are way overpaid at East $16 hr compared to $12 at west aurora. The admin salaries are lower but way overpaid in both districts . Rydland makes $292000 Roberts $262000.

Lets look at the school ranking out of 709 East is 700 West is 596 .

I ask are we getting are monies worth?

Anonymous said...

I work in a business non school related. I have seen similar wage structures where those doing the work, the company is known for, make far less in relation to those who "run" the company.

This district and many others, had they been any other business, would be "out of business." The teachers in 131, in my opinion, work twice as hard to be effective in doing their job. Especially, in light of the bad publicity the CEO and the Board of directors has given them. As in many other businesses, those at the top want to push the blame to the work force and others rather than admit they have been poor managers and agents of the positons they have been entrusted.

Anonymous said...

12/26 12:42 I would then ask where is the Mayor Tom Weisner? What is he doing and all of the City Council to improve the horrible standing of Aurora schools.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is blaming the teachers there are many good stories he Beacon could write but they always make he East Side he dumping ground whether is he schools or crime they always make te East Side Look bad. I know other boards or the city council fights all the time. I fir am glad to see the Beacon move out of town they are a step below the Equire

I also know they have defamed good hard working administrators that spend 80 plus hours a week in the building working for he kids. Not one dollar was misspent. Lets on the East Side show he Beacon by stop buying heir newspaper. Where is the follow up on West Aurora and the Ormond story.

Anonymous said...

Hey December 26, 2012 12:03 PM did your keyboard lose it's T? The Beacon has reported good things about the district but with the good there is bad that needs to come out. The problem with the Beacon it doesn't follow through like others and take what they got to The States Attorney to see if a crime has taken place. As far as money not being misspent you must not have seen some of the charges on the credit card bills.

Anonymous said...

like all politicians, Chapa La Via an East High graduate, got hired as an advocate for poor schools, but she, along with countless others, is a wolf in sheep's clothing. She wet her finger, stuck it in the air, and saw politicos were clamoring for school teacher pension reform. What she is is ignorant of, although there is statewide success challenging unions, country-wide there is an even larger groundswell of people who are tired of the republican right wing platform. She has lied to us. I don't care where she sends her kids to school, but I don't appreciate you running on a ticket as one thing, and morphing into another just to advance your career. I used to look up to you--you now make me sick. Linda, go watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and try to recover SOME scruples . Your flip flop is a slap in the face to all who suported you in your early career. Ween't you a real estate agent?

Anonymous said...

The words lawsuit and states attorney keep coming up. there would have been charges by now. No one in maintenance lost there job. What is the district going to do, take the people to court that still Work for the district. How about the beacon print what was charged. Annette Johnson is the one who keeps bringing up states attorney. File charges or shut your mouth Annette.

Anonymous said...

Well stated. Chapa like any good politician only shows her face when she can get publicity, thats it. Through the years, she has told teachers to call her anytime and she will speak to classes and help where needed. Teachers have called her office and never even received a call back. She is not an East sider and doesnt represent our population any more.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard Annette Johnson talk about the States Attorney only this stupid blog. Doing a poor job or driving around in the district truck is not a crime just a lazy employee who will get fired when the new sheriff moves into town just like the tech department.

Anonymous said...

To: December 21, 2012 8:06 PM

It doesn't look like much has happened to Denean Adams. Her picture is still on the district's administration page and it states that she is the Assistant Supperintendent of Curriculum.

I guess that using district credit cards to gamble in Atlantic City is a completely acceptable practice in District 131. At least December 26, 2012 12:03 PM thinks so. They stated "Not one dollar was misspent" by administration.

I guess the board must have over-reacted taking away the administrators credit cards. What they should have done is thrown a few people in jail. Speaking of which, what ever happened to Penny Halvax? I never heard that any charges were ever filed.

Anonymous said...

No matter where they take the money from the districts or the State revenue the taxpayers will be the ones that lose because they money for the pensions have to come out of something. If it stays at the State level they will find another way to tax us and if it goes to the school district property taxes will increase and our home values on the East Side will keep going down.

Anonymous said...

If our home values go down.....don't our property taxes go down too!?

Anonymous said...

Why do you think secretaries are way overpaid? What do you think they don't work as hard as the teachers?

Anonymous said...

The district turned Penny over to the States Attorney he has done nothing . He has also doe nothing with the Ormond case maybe the Beacon could help and write some articles. Central office news is Deanne will be back she used FMLA and the district to pay for her Phd and now brags to us hard working district employees I am Dr Adam. A few are spoiling it for the others that work so hard.

Anonymous said...

We were really hoping that email she sent out was her resigning!!! Turns out it's just a PR stunt because she's up for re-election. Wise up east side voters. Time to do something about the people running your school board!! They make us all look incompetent!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said!!

Anonymous said...

Did you read/hear the whole thing? They were both going at each other. BOTH are guilty.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem though. Everyone is afraid to get bit. Let people give her a piece of their mind. She deserves it.

Anonymous said...

They don't work at the high school. We have magnet students failing every class.

Anonymous said...

You need to have your home reassessed in order for your taxes to go down.

Anonymous said...

Where is the data on the performance of the Magnet School kids? Are they doing any better than the rest of D131? If they were I would bet the data would be published, but since it isnt I guess its safe to assume that they are performing just as poorly.

Anonymous said...

Chapa LaVia is one who voted to take money out of the teachers' pension to pay the states bills.

Anonymous said...

It's annettes dumb self that posts on the blog about states attorney and throwing people in jail.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter if you have your house assessed, the district cn levy up to 8% over the value with a Truth and Taxation hearing. For years they did this now the board said No. Give them credit on the good things they do. Thank You, your taxes will go down this year on the district portion however the cities and library are going up so if your house went down by 10% by law they had to levy 3% so your distrct tax will go down 7%. City and Library will go up 8% combined. This is the types of questions we need to ask.

Anonymous said...

Teachers pay close to 10% of their salaries into TRS and most also have another retirement plan of sorts as a back up.

Anonymous said...

Here's an obituary from today's Beacon-News:

Koppenhoefer, Joan M. 58, of Aurora IL. at rest December 20, 2012 at St. Joseph Hospital Joliet, IL. Beloved wife of Bob; loving mother of Robby (Nicole), Larry, Sean, Mike, Gloria, Denise (Neil) Moore and Billy; special daughter of Gertrude and the late Robert Anderson; dear sister of Gerald (Holly) Anderson and Kathy Anderson; cherished grandmother of Donald, Stephanie, Jessica, Kiersten, Allison, Alexis, Bryan, Robby and James. She is survived by many loving nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Joan was a devoted wife , mother and grandmother and she will be missed by all. She was a important part of East Aurora School District 131 and served in many postions for over 20 years. Joan was a proud veteran of the U.S Army. Family receiving guests Sunday, December 30, 2012 from 2:00 PM- 8:00 PM at Dieterle Memorial Home 1120 Broadway Montgomery, IL. Prayers Monday 9:15 AM at the funeral home to Our Lady of Good Counsel Church 620 5th St. Aurora IL. for a 10:00 AM Mass. Interment Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery Elwwod, IL. For directions and guest book Dieterle Memorial Home (630) 897-1196.


From what I've heard, Mrs. Koppenhoefer and her husband were in an auto accident last Thursday night near Joliet. She died instantly; Mr. Koppenhoefer was seriously injured. Both Bob & Joan were involved in D131 for many years (their home is next door to the service center). I'm sure the family would appreciate our support and prayers in this very difficult time!

Anonymous said...

According to the Beacon, Linda Chapa Lavia is coming to East High on Wednesday (6:30-8:30 PM) to explain to us why the State should not have to pay its bills regarding public pensions and instead, local communities should have to pay the states bills instead.

It time we spoke up and let Linda know it's time the State takes responsibility for their own bills. Enough passing the responsibility of the buck down to us.

Anonymous said...

Wow who is spreading that. Bob is in the hospital with triple by pass and Joan who was suffering from cancer had a massive stroke on the job at the ASC

Anonymous said...

I just saw Joan a few weeks ago, and if she was sick I couldn't tell (and she didn't mention it). Regardless of how she passed away, she will be greatly missed.

6:25 p.m., thanks for posting the obituary.

Anonymous said...

Board member Leonard is at it again and braggin about it. Gettin his drinkin buddy Feltas hired by the district as ops manager. There playin a joke on the district.

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