Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Many voices, many choices"

Quoting from a post in the previous thread, we indeed have many voices and many choices--in both local and national arenas.   One opportunity to express our opinion is at the polls;  make sure you VOTE (and encourage others to do so, as well!) 


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Anonymous said...

I voted yesterday. Agree that it's important, and I tell my family members who don't vote that they have no right to complain!

Anonymous said...

I vote that Jerome Roberts should be fired!

Anonymous said...

Something the Board needs to follow up on finally. I have been interested in coaching for years in our district and was told I could not apply for the Athletic Director position at the High School or even Middle School Level.

Why has Kevin Talkington been the Head Track Coach in the Spring at Waldo AND also the Athletic Director for years? Is this not the infamous double-dipping our district is trying to prevent? Roberts and the Board better get on this before it hits the fan! AD's at West Aurora District coach up to 3 sports and still have their AD stipends...with less work! Ironic. Talkington already has it wasy without having to supervise football or boys/girls soccer games at "home" because of no 'game field'! He just tries to hide under the radar but why do certain people get special privaledges?

Anonymous said...

I can’t give Kevin Talkington too hard a time. It’s true he does half the job, the other AD’s do (Because Waldo has no field and he supervises no outside sports). Unfortunately, even after double dipping and doing half the job the other AD’s do, he is still being way underpaid. The other Ad’s are being screwed far worse. What adds insult to injury is that while the AD’s are making only a few dollars an hour for their hard work, the district decided to create the six figure position for Nestor Garcia. They switched him over just before everything hit the fan at buildings and grounds. The AD’s make just a few dollars an hour to do the work and Nestor gets big money to watch them do it. It’s scandalous.
As for the West Side, it’s true. The AD’s make significantly more money. In addition, they are given comp time during the day as extra compensation and are allowed to coach all year. As a result, the West Side retains their Ad’s for many years. They now control almost every City of Lights Competition, which means they set the conditions, schedules etc. for the contests giving the West Side a huge advantage over the East Side. It’s no wonder the West Side wins almost every contest. They set the schedule giving their teams the advantage. They hire referees that always seem to make controversial calls in the West Sides favor. Etc.
Things never change in District 131. The corruption and greed at the administrative level cost the students of the district their educational opportunities. And we wonder why our children are at the bottom in everything.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous post (under the previous thread). The East Schools are at the bottom academically in the whole state. Why hasnt the Mayor of Aurora taken some action? Where is the leadership in this City? Why is the Superintendant still employed there? Aurora is a joke.

Anonymous said...

First open enrollment for insurance options came out today. Word is that we are heading back to Blue Cross Blue Shield! Thank god!

Anonymous said...

Middle school referees making controversial calls? If you're that interested in middle school, you are a loser. Find another hobby.

Anonymous said...

Hey genius, its a policy that positions have to be posted, which means you could have applied. If you didnt know that then you are a complete idiot, or you are talking to the wrong person. Either way it seems if you cant figure out how to apply for a position, then you lack the knowledge and common sense to have the job.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean West sets the conditions and schedules? This isnt ancient rome and people aren't fighting people with swords and shields. Middle school competition, the best team wins.

Anonymous said...

Saw this article in the Beacon this evening:

Anonymous said...

The West Aurora AD’s set the brackets for the sports competitions. That’s why in volleyball, certain West Schools get two rounds of Bye’s before they even have to compete. In other words, East Schools have had to win 5 games in a row to win the City Championship, while certain West Schools only have to win three. In basketball the past few years, it’s always arranged so that the best two East Side Schools play each other in the first round and so, knock one or the other out before they even compete against a West Side School. The West Side Schools always seem to play parochial schools who consistently do not fair well (usually because of a lack of number of players). In short, the West AD’s make certain that to win the competition, East Schools have the toughest road to go through. At the same time, they make sure that West Schools are almost guaranteed to be in the top spots.

This is no secret. East Side coaches have been screaming about this for years. Of course, it’s even worse now that the City of Aurora no longer runs the tournaments. The West Side AD’s can do whatever they like and the only options left for the East Side are to take it or quit.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that they sent it to the district attorney but when they know that administrators that didn't have their receipts for purchases they will assume it was for the schools?

Anonymous said...

So was it the AD's or the referees that gave West 56 points in the football game? Did they give East the points to win the conference in Soccer? Can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

The schools on the East side suck because the PARENT'S on the EAST SIDE SUCK.

We don't have parent's on the East Side, we have sperm suppliers and egg incubators.

Anonymous said...

Middle school fanatic. You need another hobby. Brackets are set by overall records. Seriously, there is a fix in middle school tournaments. You have no clue what you are talking about. Quit while you are ahead.

Anonymous said...

To November 3, 2012 1:35 PM

I am hoping and praying you are not an East Aurora teacher or employee. If you are you need to seek employment elsewhere or maybe you already have tried but did not get hired. Most of our parents work hard and support their children and their education. Yes we have a few who don't care but let's not make that kind of assumption about everyone.

Anonymous said...

I disagree its our Mayor that SUCKS! Tom Weisner is the one who everyone should be turning their heads towards.

Anonymous said...

No, we have many "parents" ignoring their children, not getting them to school on time, and being ok with a D's and F's.

You complain about the drop out and graduation rate. Well, who the heck is letting these kids drop out?

Anonymous said...

As usual, someone's making a broad generalization ("parents on the east side suck")--and as usual, it's not an all or nothing situation.

There are many parents in our district who are dropping the ball, who couldn't care less about whether their kids do well in school (much less stay in school & graduate). And on the opposite end of the spectrum are parents like the Gerhards, who are there for their kids and encourage them to succeed. Most parents are somewhere in the middle and do what they can, but may not be well educated themselves or may have to spend most of their time just earning enough money for the family to get by.

When kids excel, there is plenty of credit to be shared. And when kids fail, there's a lot of blame to go around.

Anonymous said...

Check with the State Law moron. You can drop out at the age of 17. Blame it on Annette Johnson, she voted for it as well.

Anonymous said...

Well guess what Mary Sunshine, the world makes broad generalizations. Nobody looks at each parent individually, and when a high school goes from 1,000 freshman to 500 seniors, I think parent's deserve the blame.

When there is a line out the door of kids late to school, I think the parent's deserve the blame.

When a kid fails every class and never turns in any homework, I think the parent's deserve the blame.

Anonymous said...

AMEN, 8:18 PM!!

Anonymous said...

8:22 p.m., your use of punctuation sucks.

Is that your fault, your teachers' fault, or your parents' fault?


Anonymous said...

Only district in the entire State that does not bus it kids to school. What the??? How do these kids get to school on time? How do they walk in the snow and rain to school? What an absolute joke East Aurora is to the entire City. That's why I too agree the Mayor of Aurora has some fault here.

Anonymous said...

As far as kids getting in late I go by the high school every morning around 7am and there are students waiting to get in. I also go by a grade school and when my child was in Gates there was a line of cars and I think since so many take their children to school is can cause them to get in late.

As far as busing that isn't the Mayors fault it was this district and remember they went all the way to The State Supreme Court to not do it. You can Google it there is an article out there. How many times did a referendum come up and it didn't pass and the district didn't push it like other ones.

No as far as who lives here the Mayor does have something to do with it and can stop the Section 8 housing but so can the district they can go and say no more we need to get parents to live in this district that cares if their children learn and that means all races.

Anonymous said...

To: November 2, 2012 9:37 PM

That is what you get when there is no real oversight. Why was Jay Augustine not reviewing Penny's work, especially when it came to her paycheck? And, why was Jerome Roberts not reviewing Jay's work? And, the board should have been reviewing the superintendent's work.

Now, we are supposed to believe that these same people are supposed to be able to investigate themselves????

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on. I think Weisner sucks and needs to go, BUT the school district is an independent entity from the city. It has to be, because it includes kids from outside the city. Is the district's performance the fault of the Montgomery or Oswego mayors, since some of our kids live in those towns? The condition of our schools is the fault of the Superintendent and his boss, the school board. Weisner hasn't helped any by allowing additional housing to be built, adding to the school's burden, while not bringing in enough industrial to help w/ the revenue side (and what industrial he does bring in always comes w/ tax breaks so it doesn't help the schools). We CAN blame Weisner and the city for not holding Bigelow to his word; Hometown was supposedly going to be aimed at older people and empty nesters (at least that's what he told the city to get approval), but then was actually marketed to families bringing in more children than the schools could easily handle.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor has no control over the schools but he has control over the neighborhoods. The West side is heading in the same direction. East is in the bottom 5% of the state West is in the bottom 20%. Lets remember West is still 38% white. If you read their statistics or East Aurora this demographic is meeting and exceeding. Statistically low income children will drop out or have lower scores. We can blame parents but if they lack education it is difficult to close the achievement gap.

The Mayor could help by ending multifamily housing housing just one suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Did the Sun Times News Group end that whole thing about having to pay for online viewing? I have visited a ton of pages and I have not seen that paywall for some time now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey Congratulations, The Cowherd 7th Grade Basketball Team won the Joliet West Basketball Tournament yesterday. This is the second year in a row that they've won the Joliet West Tournament.

This is 6 championships that the Cowherd Teams have won in the past year. Great Job!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing, Penny hasn't paid into her insurance for the past 5 years and she is a felon?

The administrators of District 131 haven't paid into their insurance for the past 5 years and that's just district policy.

It must be sweet to be at the top and set all the rules in your favor.

Hint Hint: They should all be up on charges.

Anonymous said...

2 cents worth on the bus comment. Many of our neighborhoods have city buses stopping at a corner nearby. Our family used them in the 60's,70's & 80's. Before that 40's & 50's family members walked from North Pigeon Hill and many never missed a day of school or were late.
What happened to the days of consequences for being truant?

Anonymous said...

I work in 204 and hey had the same hing with their insurance two years ago. It seems the Beacon is picking on Aurora East again. Sad as a alumni. But then again one of our own gritted stabbed in Naperville and it was never reported.

Anonymous said...

I agree about Mayor Tom Weisner. He has opened Aurora on a silver platter to all the low end loosers from all over Chicago. These folks are now infiltrating our neighborhoods our schools and our city. The other problem is his relationship with the head of the Urban League. Get rid of Weisner and many of Aurora's issues will go away.

Anonymous said...

To: October 10, 2012 8:25 AM

Regarding the dinner for Wells at Riva/Navy Pier in Chicago, it was not just against District 131 Policy, it was also against the law.

Total bill was $1,212.16
There were thirteen people in attendance. That comes to $93.24 per person.

According to the Illinois Gift Ban Act:

There are 12 types of gifts that are permitted under the act...

Food or refreshments not exceeding $75 per person in value on a single calendar day...(Even this is assuming three meals not one).

A person who violates any gift ban is guilty of a business offense and subject to a fine of at least $1,001 and up to $5,000. (That would be per board member)

This should be reported to the State's Attorney's office.

Apparently, it's not just secretaries in District 131 violating the law.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Ms Johnson for fixing the Insurance. However, you need to get the purchasing system fixed next. You claim to be a great accountant. So why is it we t get the money owed to us for classroom supplies the rules change daily. Classrooms are still without books. Rebound books never got shipped back to the buildings perhaps that is why the kids already in November do not have books. Simple building repairs are stopped.

Anonymous said...

The Beacon didn't uncover the story of the insurance scam the district gave that story to the paper.

In large business there can be times when people that leave don't get reported or over looked. Every couple of years they do an audit to the insurance and also check the dependents which where I work it is under the HR department to check that.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Administration will be paying their fair share of insurance. Same as staff. The PO system is completely messed up. It changes day to day and no one is sure what the process is any given hour. We are still missing books, materials are a mess and the principals are???? We need leadership, our students deserve more.

Anonymous said...

The bussing situation is the fault of the voters. A referendum was voted on years ago to add bussing service and the voters turned it down. Don't talk about the no bus situation being a joke when the community as a whole votes no.

Anonymous said...

Administration doesn't pay for their insurance or their retirement. The district pays it. Perk of being admin!

Anonymous said...

It is interesting how so many people are allowed to blast others without putting their own names to their comments!!! Most of you don't know anything about the people you are talking about! This is a disgusting display of ignorant people badmouthing others without any proof of facts!!!!! I am disappointed that East Aurora puts their name on this blogspot!!!

Anonymous said...

Penny has been on the inside at Central Office for many years. You just know she has some dirt on her bosses there.

I will be interested to see how this all unfolds and who she will throw under the bus to try and save her own skin.

We can only hope that several people will be up on charges. If the board refuses to clean house, maybe the States Attorney can do the job for them.

Anonymous said...

To the comment moderator:
Do you ever check facts or just print any disrespectful comment anyone wants to print??

Anonymous said...

If you think the comments on this blog are badmouthing or disrespectful, look here:

Some of the posts on the above thread make our blog look like a Sunday school program.

Anonymous said...

So because another blog is worse it is ok to post lies here.

Anonymous said...

Openline Blog allows disgusting and obscene posts, as long as they're directed at Openline's target of choice. And I don't just mean the comments -- the actual posts from Openline are worse than anything you see on here. Openline does delete posts -- but only if they're well reasoned and point out Openline's distortions and lies. Another favorite trick of Openline is to put up a post that is blatantly untrue, but then disable comments so no one can respond.

Anonymous said...

10:00 p.m., feel free to correct and/or dispute anything you read on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I have, and the ignorant morons just shoot me down. I'm done trying to correct things on a stupid blog that spreads gossip.

Anonymous said...

So if people shoot you down (maybe with evidence or examples to prove their point), what's keeping you from shooting THEM down with your own evidence or examples?

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Or start your own blog.

Anonymous said...

From this morning's Beacon-News:

Anonymous said...

Wow--the morning announcements at East High took more than 5 minutes so the School Board ELIMINATED them?? They could have shortened them by designating certain days for sports event announcements, certain days for clubs, etc. (as the senior class president suggested). But NO, our unenlightened School Board said to heck with students' best interests or compromise, and did away with announcements altogether.

AND, 500+ students signed a petition asking that announcements be reinstated (in a shortened form). Let's see if this School Board is willing to listen to what students and parents want, or if they act more like the "School Board from Hell" back in 2005.

Anonymous said...

7:54 - Get over it.

Anonymous said...

A comment was made under the Beacon article how other schools take a minute off the class time to give announcements why can't they do that. This board does sound like the board from hell since they choose to not listen to the students.

Anonymous said...

Get over what? I'm fairly new to District 131 (my son's in 3rd grade), and I don't know what the reference to 2005 means. What I do know is, when I was in high school we had daily announcements. Kids need to know about after school clubs & sports activities, and if 500 students sign a petition then the school board should definitely listen to them.

Anonymous said...

9:35 a.m., if you want to read about what happened in 2005 go here:

For a more recent discussion:

There's no need to discuss it on this thread, because it is old news. Every once in awhile someone will refer to the "School Board from Hell" or "Serial Bully Radakovich"--this is where those references come from.

Anonymous said...

Good for Dee Weaver for reminding everyone that the Magnet Academy wasn't supposed to cost any additional money--I sure hope she runs for School Board again in the spring, she keeps her eye on OUR tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

I work at another high school. Our 3rd period is 5 minutes longer than the others to allow for announcements. We also have written announcements that are e-mailed to everyone in the school (staff and students). They're pickier about what they're going to use the verbal time for, because everything can go in the printed announcements.

Anonymous said...

Here at the high school, we also have 5 minutes extra for announcements during first period. The scheduled time is 55 minutes, with the first 5 allotted for announcements. It is ridiculous that they removed them, and as a result, there is lower participation.

Anonymous said...

In case anybody has forgotten, we have a serious issue in this district with students dropping out of school. Recently, it has been about a 50% drop out rate at East High. The average freshman class is over 1000 students and the average graduating class has been less than 500.

Research has repeatedly shown that students who are engaged in school activities have a much lower drop-out rate. Students don’t show up every day to take the ISAT tests, they show up for sports, band, drama, NJHS, etc.

Why would any competent administrator take away the one and only vehicle for disseminating information about these activities away? In addition, announcements are the means in which student accomplishments are celebrated. It is extremely motivational to a student to have their name mentioned in the morning announcements. It makes them work that much harder the next time to achieve positive things for their school.

Announcements are also the main vehicle for creating school pride. Celebrating group and individual student accomplishments create an environment of achievement and pride for the student body. It’s amazing that the children of this district realize the importance of morning announcements yet the school leadership doesn’t have a clue.

This is just one more example of the lack of competence and leadership ability of the current Central Office Staff. Their only concern is test scores because they see that as the direct cause in keeping their inflated salaries. The administrators have to quit looking at only their own self interests and put students first. That’s student achievement academically, socially, emotionally, etc. We are creating human beings, not test scores.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the board has demoted Christie Aird. She is no longer Assistant Superintendent in charge of elementary, she is now the District Grant Writer.

It's amazing that none of the actual decision makers during the process have had any consequences.

Not, Joan Glotzbach who is in charge of the Personnel/ Policy committee.

Not, Jerome Roberts who must approve everything that goes before the board.

Not, the school board who voted to approve the policy (Supposedly without even reading it).

As long as we retain the same incompetent administrators at the top, we will continue to get the same failing results in our schools.

Anonymous said...

Ask the union leadership why the announcements time was reduced. It was a part of the negotiations.

Anonymous said...

I am curious, if the grade schools are in the bottom 5 % of schools in the state isn't Dr. Aird the director for elementary education. Dr. Gonzalez was removed when the high school and MS did not show improvement. What differences exist between the two. Dr.Aird is at the top of the pile.

Anonymous said...

To: November 6, 2012 12:35 PM

If announcements have been cancelled in the schools and this is interferring with sports and activities, shouldn't Nestor Garcia be standing up for these programs? He is the administrator in charge of sports and activities. Why do the students have to field petitions and present to the board? Activities are down up to 50% and Nestor does nothing.

If Nestor was doing his job, he would be going before the board and pushing for the programs he represents. Just another incompetent District 131Administrator receiving a huge salary for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

The difference between the elementary schools and the high schools is that the elementary schools, while still behind, showed improvement. The high school scores were headed south.

The real employment issues in this district have nothing to do with test scores, but rather with who's butt you kiss. Once you are certain administrators Sh## list, it doesn't matter what you do, they will twist it around and find a way to terminate you.

These are the personal vendettas we've discussed on this blog for years.

Anonymous said...

More lies. The HS test scores have been going up for years.

Anonymous said...

To: November 7, 2012 6:10 PM

Here is a link to the high school test scores for the past 8 years.

As long as you aren't one of those who can't face facts, it should be obvious to you that your statement of steady increases isn't supported by the test results.

Anonymous said...

What, now this blog is making fake websites to prove their point?

Anonymous said...

Nothing fake about it; I just went to the website myself & saw the statistics. 8:20 p.m., thanks for posting the link.

So 6:10 p.m.--where's YOUR proof that EHS scores have been going up?

Anonymous said...

Yes, and the link clearly shows a seven point drop in test scores from 2010 to 2011. Exactly when the district took the high school away from Marin Gonzalez. As we all know she decided to become an administrator in Chicago Public.

Anonymous said...

It looks like 04 was the best year so far. In the other years some of the subject gained a little but in 2012 for the High School the scores went down.

Anonymous said...

I saw quite a diverse listing of people on the committee. Some are from the LGBT community, some from conservative religious backgrounds and organizations.

Kudos to D131 for encouraging dialogue on this issue!

Anonymous said...

encouraging dialogue from members hand chosen by the board

Anonymous said...

I believe they allowed people to sign up freely. However, why do they not have these meetings about test scores.

Anonymous said...

the newspaper says the board picked the members

Anonymous said...

The board may have picked the members based on who expressed an interest in being on the committee. Regardless of how they were selected, the committee members are a diverse group and represent many different facets of our community. This is a good thing, however it was organized!

Anonymous said...

i don't know the members personally so i don't have the assurance that they are a diversified group. what i do know is that the board picked them. it remains to be seen if it is good or not.

Anonymous said...

I third bell chiming in here. I know a few of the people on the committee, and I feel they represent a diverse community pretty well. I would rather have see only one board member on the committee. Preferring that to be a younger perspective, such as Cervantes. The over 50 group is a bit over represented.

Anonymous said...

Who else would pick them they cant pick themselves

Anonymous said...

What ever happened with Daneen Adams? Is she still on FMLA or is she on Administrative Leave?

Why hasn't she been fired for stealing money?

Anonymous said...

From what I can tell from the list of committe members, there is only one person on the group who would be advocating for the LGBT kids.

I found it interesting that they included Eric Stade in the group. They have him listed as a teacher. What they don't mention is that he is strongly religious and spoke at the board meeting against an LGBT agenda for the district.

I also found it interesting that they listed Clayton Muhammad as a District 131 Administrator. If Clayton is now an administrator, why is his salary not included in the administrator salary compensation report(Pursuant to Section 10‐20.46 of the Illinois School Code (P.A. 96‐434). You know, the one that is required, by law, to be current and the District 131's is at least two years old.

Don't kid yourself, the deck is definately stacked against the LGBT kids in District 131.

Anonymous said...

Adams and Aird should both be fired along with Roberts and Glozbach.

Anonymous said...

You are a joke the test scores went down with Marin then up somewhat. They still remain the lowest in the State. D131 needs new administrators. If the bet Aird-Head can do is worry about transgender students (a few) then she should have been fired before Marin. Marin may be the serial bully but would have never made such a poor decision.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Nestor Garcia, Clayton Muhammad, Mechelle Patterson and Wilson Morales. They all need to go.

Anonymous said...

The sad state of our district is that they focus on transgender issues that in all practical purposes only involve a few students .

Anonymous said...

you said it 7:05 why would they focus on academics? Why do they continue to support that sham outfit-The Quad County Urban League? Why did they open their doors to all the Jericho Circle kids? Because you have an uneducated board, an inept Superintendant and a board president who likes to get her ego stroked

Anonymous said...

Saw this on the D131 website:

The East Aurora Tomcat Football Team and Coach Kurt Becker made their debut this weekend on CBS. The popular annual television program, Courage in Sports, aired at different times throughout the country on Sunday, but you can now set your DVRs and/or watch it at one common time TONIGHT!

The 23rd annual Courage in Sports, a one-hour special recognizing individuals who have overcome monumental challenges to achieve greatness in the world of sports, will re-air across the nation on CBS Sports Network TONIGHT, Monday, November 12 at 8:30 p.m. Central.

For more than two decades, Courage in Sports has honored sports legends such as Muhammad Ali, Hank Aaron, Arthur Ashe, Kerri Strug, Walter Payton and Cal Ripken Jr.

The 2012 Courage in Sports features national athletic stars including East Aurora’s own alum and Head Varsity Football Coach, Kurt Becker. Deeply affected by the loss of his onetime teammate Dave Duerson, this former offensive lineman for the 1985 Super Bowl Champion Chicago Bears has returned to his alma mater of East Aurora High School to take on the issue of concussions and head trauma at the youth football level. Courage in Sports features Becker’s inaugural season as Head Football Coach as he works with the Tomcats on health, hope, and having the courage to overcoming all obstacles in their path.

“I think that the lessons Kurt is teaching right now are paramount and putting these kids in the best position to succeed” said legendary Coach Mike Ditka.

Watch the inspiring trailer for the segment on East Aurora at and on the teaser for the entire show at

The 2012 Courage in Sports will air tonight, Monday, November 12 at 8:30 p.m. Central on CBS Sports Network. In the greater Aurora area, CBS Sports Network is available on:

• AT & T/U-Verse Channel 643
• Comcast Channel 418
• Direct TV Channel 613
• Dish Network Channel 158


It's grEAt to see positive, inspiring stories like this!

Anonymous said...

I saw the show and recognized some of my former students from middle school. It was awesome to see them doing something positive instead of the negative we always hear about concerning our kids. The football team may not have a good record win wise but to those students who remained with the team to the end; they are true winners. We have good kids in our district. Let's continue to encourage them and not tear them down. Thank you coaches and football team for showing that true EA spirit!

Anonymous said...

Nothing against Coach Becker, he's a great guy and taking on a big challenge at East High but he's been here for only a few month's and had a winless season. Yet, he is honored with this "Courage in Sports Award".

At Cowherd, we have a coach who has been working with District 131 kids for the past 37 years. He has brought to District 131 countless awards including 5 different team championships in just the past year. Where are his accolades?

How many people here know which coach I am referring to? I am guessing few, if any of you know his name.

The reason people have such a dim view of District 131 is because we don't publicly celebrate our accomplishments. It is a real failure of our PR department and now, also a failure of our superintendent in charge of sports.

There are great things happening in District 131, it's a shame we don't celebrate them. Heck, with the new policy on morning announcements, even the students aren't allowed to know our successes.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the time Coach Becker has been here I still applaud our kids. The show has the right to feature anyone it wants too. Maybe someone should recommend the cowherd coach and kids to Courage in Sports. It was nice seeing EA students doing something positive.

Anonymous said...

The Cowherd coach you are talking about is a win at all costs jerk. He is well known for playing kids who are academically ineligible and could care less about whether his players have strong character. How many of his "countless" championship athletes went on to do anything at the high school level?

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right 9:25 PM. At least one and possibly two of his star b-ball players from last year's championship team don't even live in EA's district.

Anonymous said...

To: November 12, 2012 9:25 PM

You are full of sh**.

First off, coaches don't determine eligibility, the athletic director's do and the whole process is overseen by the building administrators. If any coach was playing ineligible players, they would not be coaching again. If you have any evidence of what you are claiming, report it to the principal. It will be dealt with.

As for how many players did anything at the high school level, that is not the middle school coaches problem. That is the responsibility of the high school coaches. It is the high school coaches job to recruit the best players and get them playing at a high school level.

Perhaps we need a few more "win at all costs" coaches in this district. Maybe then District 131 wouldn't be a district that fails at everything.

While it may take character to lose with grace, it also takes character to win with grace. It takes determination and a lot of hard work to win a championship. It can't be accomplished without building character.

It sounds like a lot of jealousy in your comments. It guess you must have done some coaching yourself and NEVER won a championship for your teams.

It really sounds as though you need a lot of character building for yourself.

Anonymous said...

To respond to your 9:45 comment.

The coach doesn't determine residency. The administration does. The coach teaches the game to the students in the school.

Again, if you have evidence of a student's residency in another district, you need to report that to the administration. It will be dealt with.

If it were true though (and I'm guessing it is not), it would be interesting that players from other districts would go through all that much trouble just to play for that coach. They must see something special in the man that you are incapable of seeing for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Wow, now we're criticizing those in the district who are successful. It definately shows poor character to post a blog and criticize annonomously, people who are being successful in reality. You really need to get a life.

Anonymous said...

All of the negativity is a greater hinderence to the students than any coach. EA are like crabs in a barrel. You people absolutely refuse to allow anyone to recieve praise without a detractor coming with the negative. This coach is a volunteer who receives a stipend and does a better job than many who are paid staff. He coaches the 7th grade bball and fball and the last I checked they go to eight before HS. Like it or not he has coached his teams to more victories than the coaches at the HS could even imagine and that include the ex bear. If kids are inelligble the administration should recognize it first. This is another lie just to tear this mans reputation apart.
The documentary was not about the students, it was exploiting the students so that the coach could have his day in the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

Let's bring back Fernando Salinas, Carol Farnum, Dan Barreiro, Bob McCue, Juanita Wells, and others. Scary thought isn't it? Why arent these guys being held responsible for all the mess that is being uncovered at East?

Anonymous said...

The problem in District 131 is that it is full of individuals that are lacking the determination, skills and abilities to reach a championship. They can’t achieve a championship for themselves and are so full of jealousy and hatred of those that succeed. It absolutely blinds them. You really must find a new path for yourself. The one you are going down is full of nothing but bitterness and misery.

Anonymous said...

The problem with d131 is they have horrible administrators which includes Central Office who picked the building Principals and now the he entire district has fallen apart.

They get recent college grads as teachers who need guidance and do not get support. The teachers get fed up and leave and around it goes again.

By the time any board catches up with them they are up for election or get frustrated and don't run.

Until the board completely cleans house from Roberts to central office to the buildings d131 will not change.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the board reports do not show when someone is on leave or FMLA.Has this changed and we were not informed about it??? Or again does the district pick and choose when to report this just as well when to fire or dismiss someone depending on who it is!

Anonymous said...

Easy. They are not on the Board anymore. Next question.

Anonymous said...

It is the coaches responsibility to check eligibility, not administration. If you are glorifying middle school sports, then you have issues. Also, if we are speaking about the same coach, then he also coached at the high school for many years. Did he have a winning record in football and basketball? If you dont know the answer, then maybe you should do a little research. Also the correct spelling is "receive" and "ineligibility." These vocabulary terms are taught in the third grade, and there is also this thing called spellcheck for people who have weak grammar such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

anyone know where waldo principle has been? he has been out since wednesday last week...did his antics finally catch up to him?

Anonymous said...

If the coach receives a stipend, then they are a paid employee and not a volunteer. Are you really that stupid?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure ineligibility is not a 3rd grade vocabulary word.

Anonymous said...

I too would like to know what the previous Board was doing? Can they be held liable?

Anonymous said...

To: November 13, 2012 9:53 PM
To review it again, since you don’t seem to understand the process. The coach plays eligible players. Eligibility is determined for the week by the AD (following board guidelines). All of this is overseen by the administration. As to the coach’s high school record, that is complicated by the fact that he wasn’t the head coach. Coach Tamberelli was. If you have an issue with the high school record, you may want to take it up with Coach Tamberelli.

As to your grammar and spelling comments, that particular post was not made by me but I will add an observation. I have noticed many times on this and other blogs that individuals who have no real argument to make resort to personal attacks against individuals or their use of spelling and grammar. Stick to the issues. The personal attacks just make you look ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Correcting someone's grammar, and then categorizing it as a personal attack makes you look ignorant. Sorry, people who post on this blog or comment on any matter and are critical of people should be able to spell. If that particular individual cannot spell, then they should not be acting like they know it all. Also, Tamberelli is the last and only coach in the past 30 years who has a winning record. So I'm not sure why I would take anything up with him. The football team has had a losing record the last 30 years under 6 head coaches. You look ignorant, not me. Get your facts straight, and one glorified assistant at the middle or high school is not going to turn it around. If it was that easy, then it would have been done. Since you don't seem to understand, please let me explain. Eligibility is determined on a weekly basis not by the AD or Administration but rather by the student/athlete who has to "earn" the grade. That grade report is then placed in the coache's mailbox, and that particular coach is responsible for playing the eligible players. The AD and Administration is not and does not check every single athlete because it is the coache's responsibility. Do you think that Neuqua Valley's AD and Administration checks all one thousand of their athlete's grades? Before you comment on something, please understand the entire process. I can use crayons and markers next time if you still do not understand.

Anonymous said...

FYI I have been a teacher and coach in District 131 for many years and have been a part of the process for that entire time. It's absurd to think that a student determines their own eligibility.

The teachers report student grades to the AD who then follows board policies to determine the eligibility status of every athlete. This report is then conveyed to the coaches. The coaches must adhere to this process or they won't be coaches. The entire process is overseen by the building principals. If you don't believe it, feel free to contact any building principal.

Now, I will leave you to play with your markers and crayons.

Anonymous said...

Now that you mention it, I would prefer if ALL posts were done is crayons and markers.

Anonymous said...

Actually, as a former coach I can tell you that playing ineligible players is a common practice. I witnessed a coach in another district have to forfeit over half his season because he got caught. It sucks that it happens but it is impossible for an athletic director to know exactly who is playing at all times. They leave it to the honor system that coaches do what is right and honest. It's a shame that it doesn't happen because it teaches our kids that cheating is ok when you don't get caught.

Anonymous said...

"Coache's" is "coach's." Just an FYI. Maybe you want to proofread before you talk about grammar and spelling. Makes you sound hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. I concede.

Anonymous said...

If you are a coach, then I am an Astronaut. Sounds like you are a washed up 50 year old veteran teacher who has gone nowhere in life. Maybe you're the reason why 131 teams are terrible. Back to my crayons and markers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, such brilliant conversation. How did we ever get along before this blog.

Anonymous said...

By using crayons and markers.

Anonymous said...

To the astronaut and 9:58pm. If we go by the way of the astronauts timeline, I suppose we got along fine when all the dinosaurs were on the board. Pre blog era. Personally, I have never worked in the district but I am well over 50 and I do not feel washed up but rather free of having to deal with young know it alls. Many of us over 50 believe in Karma, or rather 'what goes around comes around.' Best wishes young space hopper.

Anonymous said...

Before this blog, we had THIS blog:

Anonymous said...

Good for you. More stupid people saying more stupid things.

Anonymous said...

When you can't deny indisputable facts, you can always call people "stupid".

Denial, excuses, & distraction...some things haven't changed over the past 8 years or so. Hoping for improvement? Hasn't happened yet; not likely to happen in the foreseeable future.

Get over it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Word has it that the new Asst Super of Finance quit today, as did the Accounting Supervisor. Looks like Johnson is at it again with her bullying and foul mouth. Word has it that she humiliated the new Asst Super of Finance one too many times and she up and resigned. What's she been there...all of six weeks, maybe less? Good going Annette. Who's next on your list? Pretty soon there won't be anybody left to bully. Then you can run the whole show right into the ground. It's not too far from that right now. Congrats! You and Roberts enjoy those drinks you're having tonight in celebration.

Anonymous said...

I'm in my 80s, and still run circles around whipper snappers like you. But thanks anyway for calling me young; feels good fellow space hopper. At this age, I don't believe in Karma. I believe in Metamucil and Geritol.

Anonymous said...

This is true. Does anyone like annete Johnson? Does anyone really want to work under her leadership? The answer is no. but Roberts cashes his checks each week and no one stands up to Shrek the bully, so the ship keeps sinking.

Anonymous said...

Real story is Glozbach found out she lied about her creditionals. She is the second one this month. The Grant Writer was the same way.

Anonymous said...

The new Business Manager was totally overwhelmed and had the integrity to leave. it is my understanding she returned to her previous job. She was also concerned with the long commute and long hours. The District will get a retired BM for the remainder of the school year. Lets not create more lies and gossip.

The accounting supervisor is still with the district. .

Anonymous said...

Hey Annette, thanks for the update! If all that's true, why was she hired? More district 131 incompetence. It's comforting to know that all this information was discovered after the fact and after board approved. Who's the next worker to be threatened and fired, Annette?

Anonymous said...

I graduated from East Aurora back in 1987. So sad to see how bad things are now.

Anonymous said...

November 15, 2012 7:22 PM I truly bow to you, oh great one! You got me! Though I know not who you are, you have earned my respect just for time served. I am not yet of geritol age but not so far behind that I cannot appreciate what you have experienced.

Thank you for chiming in and putting me in my place. :)

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you must be a district employee. I support Ms Johnson change is very hard and feeling are going to get hurt. She is correct things have not changed in the District for 30 years. Everyone that's works in administration is step and fetch. The district needs a bully. That should be the superintendent. I am happy she is willing to do that role but I would love to ask her this. Would you have given him a contact now?

Anonymous said...

7:33 p.m. and 7:59 p.m. are Annette AGAIN! We guarantee you! That lady left because you drove her crazy! She told many people in her office that you were insane and she couldn't work around such humiliation and intimidation! STOP LYING, ANNETTE!

Anonymous said...

Marin Gonzalez
Racquel Wilson
Tony Martinez
Robin Hedrich
Cam Ledbetter
Chuck Roberts
Jay Augustine
And now the lady just hired to replace Jay, Diane McLusky quit yesterday!

These are all people booted or chased away because of a bi-polar, out-of-control, insecure Board President ; a weak, spineless, ineffective Superintendent; and a Board who just sits back and takes their word for everything and votes for it. This BS ain’t cleaning house! This is a war by Shrek and her sidekick, Donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

7:26 said:

"The district needs a bully. That should be the superintendent"


7:26, do you know how much damage the previous superintendent, "Serial Bully" Radakovich did to our district? He got that nickname because he had been responsible for getting rid of outstanding, well-respected teachers in at least TWO previous districts before he came to D131. I was at the School Board meeting when a community member questioned Radakovich about those two incidents, and Carol Farnum slammed her gavel down before any discussion could continue.

Because of "Serial Bully" Radakovich, our district had a reputation among teachers & staff as being an oppressive, secretive place to work. The superintendent before Radakovich, Dr. Charles Ponquinette, had been a very effective leader who did NOT rule by intimidation. We need another superintendent like Dr. Ponquinette, not another bully!

Anonymous said...

7:55-- Marin Gonzalez, Cam Leadbetter, and Jay Augustine were not casualties of Annette's (or anybody's) war.

They were casualties of their own behavior and decisions.

Anonymous said...

Casualities of war?! They were all ineffective and many not qualified for their positions. Our district is not in any position to be worried about feelings or intimidation. DO YOUR JOB- personally there are many of us that hope that list grows. Start with Aird, and most of her minions in Elementary. Most of the admin at Middle School needs to go. Then when we have quality leadership we can begin to get rid of ineffective teachers. Annette many of us see your vision and stand with you!
I challenge anyone to attempt to defend any of those "casualites" as actulally having been effective?!

Anonymous said...

Why did it take her so long to get started and by the way she is doing the superintendents job so why are we paying him.

Anonymous said...

Everyone listed was a horrible employee thank god someone got rid of them.
Marin Gonzalez please

Anonymous said...

How was Jay Augustine able to keep his job for as many years as he did if he was doing that bad? Jay kept EA in the black for years, and now all of a sudden there is a huge problem. Who was the individual who met with Jay each year and completed his evaluation? Would that happen to be Roberts? Because if it was, and Roberts gave him a clean bill of health each year; then Roberts should also be held accountable for the mistakes Jay supposedly made which is a fabrication in itself. The truth is that Roberts and Annette are two birds of the same feather, and Roberts does what Annette wants, and Annete keeps Roberts because she has control of him and he will do the dirty work. For all the people who want to clean house; go ahead and do it. Do you really think you are going to get any educators who are better? Do you really think that educators want to come to a low paying district in every category there is and then catch the heat when things dont go right. Please. Not going to happen. Ever. East Side is done, it is over. Educationally, athletically, community wise, everything. Highlight anything you want, but it doesnt even stack up to what other schools are accomplishing. Its the parents and the kids, not the educators. Whoever wants to keep cleaning house can keep doing it. It has been the same way and the house has been cleaned many times. Guess what, it hasnt been the answer. The problem has still been there no matter who has been steering the ship. The only issue now is you have Atilla the Hun running the show, and not only does East rank at the bottom of every category in the state, it has a leader who is a joke in the publics eye and in every staff members opinion. Sad on all fronts.

Anonymous said...

No list of bills since September board minutes

Mauricio Palma said...

The fine arts department at East put on a wonderful performance of Beauty and the Beast tonight! If you'd like to check it out, you can enjoy it tomorrow night at 7 in the Hawks Auditorium. The last show will be on Sunday at 3. Don't miss it.

Oh and before I forget, Roxanne Abrica (a junior) will be representing East Aurora tomorrow at Hampshire High School for this year's IMEA District 9 festival (concert begins at 3).

Anonymous said...

Previous poster said D131 can "highlight" what they want. I guess there is slim pickins. Here is what they posted for Friday.

FRIDAY FUN FACT: Did you know that the color of twist ties on loaves of bread designate what day that week the loaf was shipped to the store?
• Monday – Blue
• Tuesday – Green
• Thursday – Red
• Friday - White
• Saturday - Yellow
If the shelves are almost empty (or if you look behind the bread) sometimes you can see the diagram on the wall that lets the stockers know which colors go with which day, so that they can put the older bread at the front.

Yes, we knew that! Please share news we can use from our schools, not the grocer.

Anonymous said...

Mauricio, thanks for posting. It's always nice to see positive things about our district :)

Anonymous said...

8:44 p.m., not only is there no list of bills since September, the faculty/staff information on the EHS website is embarrassingly out-of-date.

For example, the "new" (she's been there since August) choir director is Ms. Lisa Gawlik. Her name is nowhere to be seen, either on the Fine Arts link or the general staff listing. This is inexcusable so far into the school year!

Our website is often the first and most convenient place the community goes for contact information on our district. It is extremely disrespectful to TAXPAYERS to refuse to provide current information, especially about such basic things as faculty and staff.

Anonymous said...

She has only been there since the end of september. Stop lying

Anonymous said...

East Aurora not scoring points in coach’s playbook
By Denise Crosby November 16, 2012 4:06PM

What Kurt Becker is doing for East Aurora High School football is impressive ...

Becker is upset because he was not given an administrative position he says School Board President Annette Johnson and Superintendent Jerome Roberts promised him to help offset the financial hit his vending business would take. In addition to coaching the Tomcats, he was in charge of East football’s feeder programs, including the three junior high teams and a new youth tackle league the Bears helped sponsor.

“Where I come from, your word is your bond,” he said. “But that doesn’t seem to matter with them.”

Not only did the School Board “renege on its promise,” Becker insisted, he and his coaches never saw contracts, and have yet to receive their stipends for the football season. The trainer also came to him Thursday night, he added, “very concerned” she’d not been paid in five weeks.
Johnson insisted the trainer is getting her salary on time; and that the coaches, Becker included, would be paid for the football season at the end of November, which is 30 days after its official end.

She described the snafu over the administrative position Becker was to have received as “unfortunate.” But she puts the blame on the state budget cuts that hit in July, which left the district with a $2 million shortfall. Instead of laying off teachers, she said, officials cut administrative positions and held off on all but the most needed repairs.

That brings us to another of
Becker’s concerns. He said he went to bat for the impoverished School District for a $250,000 NFL grant for the Tomcat’s football stadium that’s badly in need of renovation. Becker said Bears personnel told him all East Aurora had to do was write a grant request and the money was theirs.
Johnson contends the NFL money was part of a matching grant the district could not afford to meet. But Becker countered, saying “no one even bothered to look into the offer.”

Johnson insisted sports at East High are an important focus of the district’s student-enrichment philosophy. And Becker’s “success and winning attitude,” she added, is a huge piece of the plan to revive its winning tradition.
“I love Kurt Becker,” said Johnson, who lauded the head coach, despite a winless season, for the “huge impact” he made on East football. “But people get focused on one program and don’t see the big picture ... we are trying to fix 30 years of dysfunction all at one time.”

Becker argues it’s the current leadership that needs to be fixed — and immediately. As an example, he talked about the Chicago Bears meeting with the district to partner with five community programs. Except for the youth tackle league he directed, Becker said there was no follow-up.
Part of the problem could be the district is so focused on putting out fires. Recent controversies include problems with credit card accountability and insurance record-keeping that led to the resignation of one administrator and the firing of an assistant. The district also took serious PR hits for the way it handled a bullying policy that resulted in the suspension of yet another administrator.

“There’s so much chaos over there, it leads to dysfunction. That, in turn, leads to paralysis, which creates more dysfunction,” Becker said.

“How do you change a culture among the kids when you need to change the culture of the system?”

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:44 complain to Attila the Hun. She fired the web master back in September and required him to re-up for his job if he wanted it back. So he did and guess what? She fired him again!!!!! The guy she hired is so bad at his job nobody wants anything to do with him. So got some complaints? Send them to Johnson.

Anonymous said...

I'm so disappointed in Jerome Roberts I have lost all respect for him,at one time he cared about staff now he is just about himself what a COWARD how corrupted this district has become!!! Further more tell me why if Jay Augustine has resigned since September his name continues to be on payroll/board approved bills maybe Johnson needs new glass's??

Anonymous said...

Johnson can't keep authorized signers long enough to get new templates made. They quit after six weeks. It takes that long for the template to be made.

Anonymous said...

Augustine cost the taxpayers millions he never logged into the AS400. The one running the department for years was Jane Holtz. Augustine pet Penny Halvax is under investagation by States Attorney.

The Bond was done by consultants not Roberts or Augustine.

Augustine let the business office throw away receipts well he sat gossiping with his wife all day and the women did the work.

As far as McClusky she was a deer in the headlights but had integrity to give it up. They forced her to do a job she was not prepared for.

The business office will be fine but they need to take time and find the right leader. Blame this on Roberts and Johnson when things came to light in July they should have fired Jay

Lets stick to the facts

Advice to Johnson stop protecting Roberts he will only bring you down when will you have enough. Stop protecting him. You have done good things but your legacy is his. GET RID OF HIM and the entire central office team starting with AIrd, Garcia, and Goltzbach

Anonymous said...

What receipts did Jay throw away? Also, what is AS400? The Superintendent is suppose to run the district not the board president and the other board members are suppose to support that. It seems they can only do one thing at a time but they have many committees that are suppose to help with the process of making decisions. The problem here is that no one follows the law.

I wonder if they are all at the Title One Conference staying two nights on the districts dime and down at the Light Parade in Chicago and yet they can't keep a promise to someone to pay a stipend. Giving your word is just like signing a contract and can be won in a court of law you see it everyday in the court shows. If they did go to The States Attorney about Penny I hope they look into this district and see that there are a few that broke the law and threw some under the bus.

Anonymous said...

3:25 p.m. is Annette again! She always tries to get the heat off of herself by saying the same thing! If you talk to her you will know these are her words and way of saying things. STOP IT ANNETTE!

Anonymous said...


Since when can one member of the Board and the Superintendent promise a job in administration without the rest of the Board knowing and approving? She admitted to it in that article. Corruption!

Anonymous said...

I'm an EA alum and a current educator. I am so embarrassed by the poor leadership of this district. Poor financial management, overcrowded classrooms, poor policy making, no accountability, etc. Every time I read something, which is like every week now, I get madder and madder because the kids are getting the worse end of this deal.

Anonymous said...

Just ONE MORE example of a hard-working, high-profile D131 employee mistreated by administration.

And as before, it's our KIDS who will suffer for it.

Anonymous said...

Good point November 17, 2012 6:51 PM in The IL School Code it states that no one board member can promise anything the whole board has to. This will go on until the people that have the information go to The States Attorney and that includes the Beacon. The keep reporting things but not following though like other news papers on example the credit cards.

Anonymous said...

I work in another school district, and not having contracts for the coaches BEFORE they started work is a problem. The coaching contracts are pretty standard, just plug in the name of the specific position and the amount of the stipend and print it out. On the other hand, not having been paid that stipend yet is pretty typical of high schools. That's the problem w/ working on stipend instead of on wages. The stipends for fall sports are paid in our school in late November. Winter coaches don't get their stipends until late March/early April. Spring stipends come late June/early July.

Anonymous said...

12:01 AM -I agree with you totally. The ones who have a lot of power in this district, who are in the know, are the teachers and the D131 employees . The unions need to ban together and seek advice on how to hold those who run the distrct accountable for their shortcomings.

The community does not have the inside info but they do have the power of their vote.
Some of the current Board are seeking re-election. If all those in the know do not spread the word and the community elects the same people who have sacrificed our children's education for their personal agenda's and image, then shame on all of us!! Educate yourselves, your neighbors and your students and their families. Use your votes wisely and VOTE in the next election.

Anonymous said...

Kurt Becker is starting to learn some of the same lessons that the teachers have known for years.

1) The administrators and board of District 131 can not be trusted. The teachers voted down the contract the first time, in part, because there were many items that were not written down and we were supposed to” trust” that the administration would work it out later. Kurt Becker will know for the next season (If there is a next season for him) to have everything written up in a contract.

2) District 131 never pays its bills on time. Someone figured out years ago that they can make a few bucks by collecting interest on other peoples money. They screw others as long as they can at every opportunity.

3) The Central Office Administration are a bunch of narcissists. It’s all about them. The kids are a distant second and the teachers/coaches are so far behind, they are not even in the picture. Welcome to the staff of District 131.

4) The Central Office Administrators are too incompetent and or unmotivated to follow through on anything. Grants were not followed through despite having Nestor Garcia who is supposed to be in charge of sports activities and the district having an administrator in charge of grant writing.

5) Kurt already understands that the solution to the problem is to clean house at Central Office. It’s a shame that Johnson has been board president for years and doesn’t have a clue.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Kurt have to have a administrator certificate to be an administrator?

What Johnson and Roberts pulled is illegal it is pay for play and we have a governor in jail for that. How is it when you look at the list of bills there are stipends for food and stuff but they can't pay these people that wanted to help the football team. What kind of agreement did they have with Becker about paying the stipend are they paid every month to all that get them if so not paying an employee is illegal.

The whole board looks bad in this and it is time to get some people that will follow the law.

Anonymous said...

The kids and teachers get screwed while the administrators have whatever they want at their fingertips. We have to beg for basic supplies and support. We have to wait months for something that should take days.

Anonymous said...

Annette strikes again. She constantly has an answer for everything which says she's just blowing smoke and covering her own rear! The fact is that Kurt Becker was promised a job by her and she didn't follow through with it!
This is the same $50,000 a year Fundraiser position that Annette tried to force through Personnel Committe at the end of the school year and Mary Ann Turza rejected it because it was just too fishy! GO CHECK YOUR MINUTES! This is the same position that Ray Hull mentioned at the Board Meeting months ago when he said, "THE BOARD did not promise anyone a job". THE BOARD had no clue and it was ANNETTE who promised Kurt that job. She always does things like this.Ask anyone at the high school how the Athletic Secretary got her job. She was FORCED in there by Annette Johnson. Annette is corrupt and I hope that people can see this after today's article. Why would Kurt Becker have to lie? He doesn't. I would love for them to have this dialogue in the public so that he can call her a liar to her face.
We hope that more D131 employees will stand up like Becker and come forward about the unfair treatment and verbal abuse and harrasment and bullying at the hands of ATILLA THE HUN Annette Johnson!


Anonymous said...

Since Roberts and Annette have asked for the resignation of many employees in the District, not just a few, how about they do the respectable thing of also resigning from their current positions with all the debacles they have overseen and let happen. To not resign would be hypocritical of them. And to the person who called Roberts a coward. Not even close, he is smart, and protecting that paycheck he gets. Cha-Ching! Cashing it every two weeks. He is a sellout though, selling every employee out he can to protect that green. Where has the ever vocal Ray Hull been? Everyone runs for cover when the heat is on the other side.

Anonymous said...

Another embarassment for the district. Sorry Coach Becker, we were going to pay you but the Illinois School Grant did not come through. EA will take your commitment, but EA will not hold up its end of the bargain. Enough of Annette. Am I the only one thats tired? Oh wait, let's have her keep cleaning house like some people have said before. Judging by today's article, it looks like cleaning house isn't working. How many other embarassments does the District need while a lame duck superintendent does nothing and a Autistic Board President is out of control.

Anonymous said...

That is assuming what the Beacon wrote was true. I called ever board member last summer May when I heard Becker wanted a million to rehab the football field. There was also a rumor that he was making $100,000 a year. I spoke with Johnson, Hull, Leonard and Trusa many of them confirmed that he would apply and be treated like all the other applicants. they said it was a Fundraiser job. But no promises of employment were made. that was Jonson too. Johnson stated the funding got cut so to me they told the truth.

They said they are not spending a dime on the Football field.

It seems if Becker was about the kids he would do it for free.

I will also disclose I live two blocks from Ray, have been a Band Booster and have a sister that teaches at Waldo.

This board is doing a good job but it is time to put a folk in the Football program.

Anonymous said...

7:29 PM

You are an idiot for one reason.

If he was in it for the kids he would do it for free BS.

Why do you stupid people think that if something is done for kids, it has to be fore free. Why should the district benefit from something for free? The district makes money off of the football program.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see how long it will take the district to pay Kurt Becker now. The PE teacher who stood up for the SpEd student last year had to wait over a year to get his football stipend. Somehow or another, Mechelle Patterson just couldn't figure out how to file the paperwork the correct way for him.

Just another of the petty retalliations the district administrators put staff through when they stand up against incompetent administrators.

Unfortunately, Kurt is probably going to walk away (waving a one finger salute) from the district. As usual, it will be the students who suffer because of incompetent administration and board decisions.

Anonymous said...

It will come out when the district is asked to disclose
the money that was wasted on a washed up football player.

Talk about hiring your friends the district paided through nose for Kurt's friends. I bet wages alone will come over $50,000 for 28 kids. Kurt alone was paid $12,500 while teachers in the district work all year in overcrowded classrooms.

By the time te real story comes out about Becker CBS will run a story called Profile of a Loser.

Anonymous said...

7:29 p.m. is Annette again!

She tries to be tricky by mispelling common names like her own but she's not smart enough not to say the common things she always she says to everyone. STOP IT ANNETTE! WE KNOW IT'S YOU!

It says this person called the board in May and Annette said the funding was cut. The funding was announced in July. GET SMARTER ANNETTE! YOU CAN'T FOOL US!

She's trying to clear herself because the fact is that she DID promise Kurt Becker that job! Every administrator knows it and Board members know it too! Annette, if you are such an honorable woman why don't you just fess up and stop lying about this? What kind of example is THAT for the kids?

Board Members, teachers know that you read this blog. She is making ALL of you look HORRIBLE and you know it! Can't one of you stand up and tell the truth about this for the kids and for us? VOTE HER OUT OF PRESIDENCY!

Anonymous said...

Coach Becker, if you're reading this I have a message for you:

THANK YOU for coming to East High and working with our kids! Your encouragement and knowledge have been a real boost for them. Our kids have a lot of heart and your coaching makes a positive difference in their lives.

And I am SO SORRY that our administration treated you like they did. Like you, I go "way back" in this district and remember how Mr. Kaisershot was deprived of his EHS teaching position, despite students, parents, & community outcry. Unfortunately the same arrogant attitude seems to be present today, with students' best interests being put on the back burner to preserve administrators' precious IMAGE.

Priorities were screwed up then, and it looks like things haven't changed much. Too bad, because our KIDS deserve the best.

Anonymous said...

To the idiot that called Becker a washed up player. Newsflash moron; Coach Becker was an All American at Michigan, an NFL Player for nine seasons, owns his own business, and has a college degree, an NFL Pension, and is at liberty to do what he wants with his life. Just so you know, the average time an NFL player spends in the league is 3.5 years. Becker far exceeded that. What do you have to match it besides your GED? Loser. Becker has already won in the game of life, and took the football job at EA because the Board President gave her word she would follow through with her end of the bargain.Please leave a list of your accomplishments, and start with your GED. You must be big time, six figures a year, and a BMW. Truth is you drive a beat up car, and cant even clear 30 grand a year. Your the bum.

Anonymous said...

8:45 a.m., I'm an old-timer and you speak for me also.

Anonymous said...

The way I see it is Becker cannot produce so he is looking for a way out. Simple as that!

Anonymous said...

Kurt Becker is a coach, not a magician! He has done an outstanding job with our kids, but cannot be held responsible for the fact that a significant percentage of kids who originally went out for football at East High dropped out early in the season (for various reasons: academic ineligibility, job/family obligations, moving, etc.)

Coach Becker has to work with the kids he has--and he did a grEAt job under the circumstances!

Anonymous said...

Truth is Becker was shaking down the school system he was offered a PPA job he said it was beneath him. Becker business is failing and the State cut gambling machines in clubs. If Becker was such a smart business man or was telling the truth why did he not get it in a contract. read between lines he said he was leaving his job to work with the kids. Why would you do that unless you had a contract saying. Also why did he not speak to the other Board members? When was Dr Roberts or Annette Johnson in interviews to promise him this. Mr Hull made it clear to him and was on the interviewing team. Look around ask questions about his business. He is the same bully who pushes teachers aside and calls them low life.

Anonymous said...

If Becker was looking for the job and that job was to coach at EA, and he needed that job, then why would he want out now with a failing business. Wouldnt he need the coaching job. Truth is, and the bottom line is the Board President did not live up to her word. You can bring up Ray Hull all you want. Annette runs the show, and she promised things she cant produce, and went back on her word. I doubt that Ray knew that Annette promised Becker things she now cant live up to. Ask Clayton and Tony Martinez, Annette told them to get the headlines ready for the Beacon even before the interviews started. Did Ray hull know that? Black and white in the newspaper, Annette admitted it. Who is held accountable now? Annette? Jerome? Or nobody? Someone step to the plate and swing at the softball that has been lobbed over the plate. Which board member or community member has had enough of the corruption, lies,and backroom deals. Typical District 131 would say no one is going to step to the plate to fix this debacle by Annette. She does what she wants. Becker has been successful for the last 35 years, and now all of a sudden he needed EA and a job at EA to assist him financially? You cant be serious. Does anyone really believe this? Wait, the people who say that he was looking for a job are right, I am sure his life will crumble to pieces if he does not get a job at EA. Please. Annette promised something, and did not follow through on her word. Period. Annette, resign! Do everyone a favor and resign! Do what you want employees to do when they make a mistake, resign! Not only one mistake, but multiple mistakes. Resign. Resign. Resign. Goodbye.

Anonymous said...

I think she always said he would be a good fit but the State cut the budget and they never had the position but in he new budget. Would you have rather had them lay off a teacher to pay for Becker. Why if he wanted to help the kids is he demanding money.

BTW should all the administrators, board members, superintendent and teachers resign because they all have recommended people for jobs.

I am not seeing the point. Kurt promised three wins and now is blaming everyone because he failed

Anonymous said...

For those who don't recall, it was just a year ago when the district board and administrators were bragging about the $65 million dollar surplus the district has. Even if the district did lose $2 million owed by the State, it's no excuse for not paying the man what was promised.

Here's an old story, it's called:

The Gorilla Story

This story starts with a cage containing five gorillas and a large bunch of bananas
hanging above some stairs in the center of the cage. Before long, a gorilla goes to
the stairs and starts to climb toward the bananas. As soon as he touches the stairs,
all the gorillas are sprayed with cold water. After a while, another gorilla makes an
attempt and gets the same result—all the gorillas are sprayed with cold water.

Every time a gorilla attempts to retrieve the bananas, the others are sprayed.

Eventually, they quit trying and leave the bananas alone.
One of the original gorillas is removed from the cage and replaced with a new one.
The new gorilla sees the bananas and starts to climb the stairs. To his horror, all the
other gorillas attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries
to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.

Next, the second of the original five gorillas is replaced with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm.

Next the third original gorilla is replaced with a new one. The new one goes for the stairs and is attacked as well. Two of the four gorillas that beat him have no idea
why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest gorilla.

After the fourth and fifth original gorillas have been replaced, all the gorillas that
were sprayed with cold water are gone. Nevertheless, no gorilla will ever again approach the stairs. Why not?

“Because that’s the way it has always been done.”

Kurt Becker is just the latest gorilla to enter the cage. He has no idea why things are the way they are. But then again, neither does Annette or Jerome.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 5:20pm, there is a big difference between recommending someone for a job, and recommending and promising them things you cant come through on.

Anonymous said...

If Becker was to become administor how was he going to work for 131 and his own business. The district should worry about the 85 million I refuse to pay another dime in taxes. Becker lives in Sugar Grove and worked for Marmion for free why is he shaking down the East side.

Anonymous said...

You know it's funny. One of the biggest arguments you people have about why nobody goes to a board meeting on Monday nights is because they have to work. Well there were a hell of a lot of parents at East High tonight for conferences.

So what is your excuse now?

Anonymous said...

From my understanding when this first started was the district went to Mr. Becker about the job of coaching football. He was to get a stipend and as Johnson stated in the paper a administration job. Even if what they say he might get a administration job for doing this it is illegal to do that. Mr. Hull says that it was a maybe so that means they where talking about it. Until the board talks about this in open in a meeting no one will ever no what really went on and by law this should of been talked about in a open meeting. I have not taken the time to look at the board minutes but I believe this wasn't brought up. The State has been cutting from all districts and some of the Superintendents have been going to ISBE to talk about it has ours? the board should of seen this coming but still in the real world if you make a promise you should keep it.

Anonymous said...

More tarnish on our administration's precious "IMAGE".

Anonymous said...

Ok. What is everyone not getting about this? Beckers son was on Marmion team and volunteered time. Big difference in volunteering as an assistant at Marmion, and taking on a head coaching job at a who has had a losing record the last 30 years ANNETTE MADE A PROMISE SHE NOW IS NOT KEEPING. SIMPLE.

Anonymous said...

You got that right. And not one board member showed their face. Yellow stripes down the middle of each members back. superintendent didnt even show. hiding. Scared to face a faculty and staff that doesn't want to even see them.

Anonymous said...

9:25 PM, Please, please, please, if you can't put a proper sentence together, don't try to write one. I have "no" idea what you are attempting to say but I do "know" that you have "no" understanding of how to use "no" or "know". I do "know" you have "no" education.

Anonymous said...

9:07, if our district would join the 21st century and put School Board meetings online (as neighboring districts do), it wouldn't be an issue whether people could show up on Monday nights. They could still virtually attend the meeting.

And those parents who went to conferences last night wouldn't have had to choose between the meeting and their kids' conferences. Also, any teachers/staff who had to be available last night for conferences couldn't physically attend the School Board meeting, but could have watched it online had they only been in a more enlightened, progressive, updated district than 131.

Anonymous said...

I attended the meeting last night. Very interesting it seems the board is going to have a transgender policy at some point. Interesting

Roberts said they are not seeking a increased levy
Yeah not higher taxes this year.

They are auditing the building for what they lack educational with two consultants Roberts stated they are no positions that are not on the block based on this report. He found the scores unacceptable.

Great finally they are addressing this

Johnson addressed Kurt Becker and said he was told he could apply for a newly created position last year. He was not promised anything. He would apply like all the other ones. When the State cut them 12 million they cut positions not teachers.

I would agree that is why we pay taxes for education not a losing football team.

The board also seemed very supportive of each-other. What I seen I support them as well.

Anonymous said...

I like how Annette says that she doesn't know why the new finance director quit. OF COURSE SHE KNOWS!

Annette humilated her, berated her, and degraded her on a regular basis. She came out of Dr. Roberts office crying and running down the hall after a meeting with Annette. She told her staff how Annette called her names and Annette was throwing papers at her. Annette knows this is true and so does Jerome.

A day before she quit, she told people that she could not work with the terror of Annette who always wanted to control everything and never let her even try to work things out. Its sad that she left a great career to come to East only to be bullied by Annette and left out to dry by Jerome.

Now Annette is in the paper praising the ladies in the finance department when just last week she was calling us idiots and incompetent fools. This woman will do anything to win an election.

Shrek and Donkey strike again and we are embarassed in the paper AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

7:33- Great job, Annette! You are improving your typing skills for this one!

Anonymous said...

Becker was clear that for him to take on the daunting task of turning the East High football program around he would also need a position with the district. He couldn't commit all the time necessary and only earn a coaches stipened. He was asked to coach in March and there was a position available in July that could have been a perfect fit. Instead it was given to the buildings and grounds guy that failed to track any expenses and started the financial avalanche.

Anonymous said...

Why can't D131 'show us the money?"

Anonymous said...

Kurt Becker I think you did a great job with the football team regardless of what people say. I also applaud you for speaking out I hope someone hears you as in the community and they vote out Johnson & again shame on Jerome Roberts! Johnson must really have something over Roberts head that keeps his tail between his legs!

Anonymous said...

3:53 you couldn't be further from the facts. Becker was promised the Fundraising Coordinator position not the Athletics Director position. Even Annette admitted to that in the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:34....I don't know who you are but I have to agree with you. What you said is the honest to God truth. I was a witness to it several times. Annette needs to go. She has created total chaos within the district for no good reason. Sure there were a few things that needed to be fixed/addressed. And they have been. But to take a whole district and turn it upside down is completely unacceptable. She's done more harm than good. The best thing she and Roberts did for the district was to hire Diana McCluskey. They're just too stupid to realize it. You taxpayers need to pay attention. Find out what is really going on in your district. Ask questions of the teachers and district employees. Don't rely on Annette and Roberts to tell you the truth. They can't tell a truth to save their lives. Do some research people.

Anonymous said...

The "glory days" of east basketball is over. Last years record was 3 and 23 and this year they are getting creamed at the St. Charles Thanksgiving tournament. Looks like it is going to be a long season.

Anonymous said...

word on the street is that they're bringing in a new basketball coach that speaks spanish at the request of marin gonzalez

Anonymous said...

its OVER on the east side...what else can we say....its sad for us alumni who remember what the east side used to be....but little mexico has ruined it.

Anonymous said...

Annette said in the beacon that it is a good transition right now with the finance position. Is there anyone that can explain how it is a good time to lose the finance director? Annette gets dumber by the minute. Maybe Annette can play on the Varsity basketball team and be just like bill lambeer of the pistons and maul players. Just make sure that there is an order for 4XL shorts which you will have to get at least three quotes. As a former vendor that serviced and had a great relationship with EA, i'm glad they got rid of me.

Anonymous said...

The teachers are really happy with the insurance and the wellness program. We also are getting education on tax free savings and reducing child care costs tax free. Our union gives 100% of the credit to Johnson.

This wonderful accountant you speak of could not explain a purchase order to us. Many of us had doubts about Mcclusky.

Ask around if the teachers need something or administration does not follow through on a educational promise Johnson pushes to get it done.

Don't be fooled by the blog it's a few hateful people that do not want 131 to progress.

Anonymous said...

You are so right 5:28am the corruption machine is fighting back and that is what you mostly see written on this blog. The only thing I can really critize Johnson about is her inability to address the appauling academics at the district. This is their fundamental purpose and all we hear about is football, transgendered policies and finances.

Anonymous said...

11:30 p.m., where have you been that you don't know Marin Gonzalez is GONE from D131? She might have some influence on the West side (through her husband who is on their School Board), but she no longer works for our district!

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