Sunday, September 15, 2013

"A new day in EA"

Here we are, almost a month into a brand NEW school year...

How are we doing so far?


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knows131 said...

It looks like the new high school construction will be costing the district more than expected. The swimming pool area was filled in as announced leaving a concrete floor however, no work has happened since. The area was supposed to be covered with rubberized flooring and turned into the new weight and wrestling areas but no construction has happened. The now severely overcrowded gym classes have been force to use the former pool area with the concrete floor for gym classes. Needless to say, this was a foreseeable accident just waiting to happen. A child this past week fell down during the gym class and cracked his head hard on the concrete. He was dizzy and throwing up immediately after the incident and taken to a hospital. He has not been back to East High since. If he is seriously injured, I’m sure a significant lawsuit will be following. 2.7 million dollars without 1 more square inch of space to show for it and now a child who may be brain damaged for life (and the lawsuit)

EAnewday said...

What is this blog coming to : Roberts announced Johnson came up with the New day in EA praise. She also had everyone chanting it at Red & Black. It may be a new day but she will soon grow tired of this group of new administration and play musical chairs again. All except for her buddy Jerome Roberts. It is hoped they retire together.

EA tax payers better bite the bullet: the new classrooms are in full swing and every core curriculum classroom stands at 32 plus. PE classes are over 50. We need a new High School not a quick fix.

Anonymous 1 said...

When did Roberts claim that Annette Johnson came up with the "New Day in EA" slogan because Beatrice Reyes Childress claimed during the first two days faculty in-services that she created it?

bandmom said...

TOMORROW is the Buona Beef Benefit Day, for the EAHS Band! You must have a flyer, which you can download here:

Booster said...

Band mom, that link didn't work for me (too long?)

Go HERE for the flyer:

knows131 said...

School Board meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m.

newshound said...

Stupid Administrators said...

The reason they are under budget is because at the very least they slashed department budgets. They are so proud that they are taking money away from the people who actually spend it on students rather than snacks and trips across the country for administrators.

Anonymous 1 said...

Iread the Beacon article. Let's not kid ourselves. Every time Annette starts talking about making cuts or saving tax payers money, what she's saying is that the district is taking money away from our children and their education.

Teacher salaries are not being cut, administrator salaries are certainly not being cut. Outside service costs keep going up. The cost of everything the district buys is going up. Bussing has gone way up. Food services increase. Where is the savings coming from?

The only thing not going up (and frequently being cut) is program budgets. Sports programs have the same budget now that they had 30 years ago (When half the sports were being offered that we have now). Band, choir and drama budgets have not been increased in decades (and their budgets were pathetic for even back then). After school programs have not seen increases. Text book budgets are not increasing. Every time a teacher tries to get funding for students, they are told "No, there's no money for our kids".

But, I'm sure glad Annette is so popular with the rich, retired folks in Stonegate who want to keep their ill-gotten gains.

Taxpayer2 said...

Don't be fooled they still are having snacks and working lunches you just don't see it because they are not letting you see the list of bills and I do believe some have got their credit cards back.

auroramom said...

Just printed out the flyer...I'm going to Buona Beef in Montgomery for lunch and to support our band students. Hope to see a lot of you there!

Rayanne said...

I went to Buona with my granddaughter. The line was out the door and the place was filling fast with EA staff. Wonderful to see the support for our students and band program!

oldtimer said...

Booster, thanks for posting the link to the Buona Beef flyer. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise (didn't see it in the paper or on the district website). I went to Buona for lunch and had pizza & a Coke, so the band got a couple of bucks on me, too.

anonymous2 said...

It's nice to see positive, supportive comments about the band on our blog.

Maybe this really is a "New Day In EA"!

anonymous1 said...

funny that the fund raiser is being held at a place that is not within the district. Too bad there is not a single decent place to eat anywhere within D131 boundaries.

auroramom said...

Minutes from the September 3 board meeting are now posted on the D131 website. Thanks to the folks in the central office for posting them in a timely is noticed and appreciated!

Alum88 said...

I read the comments regarding upper and middle class teachers. Shame on you Raymond Hull many of us care about our students in ways you will never know.

newshound said...

Just Wow said...

The school board knows nothing of the teachers at the High School. There were teachers in building over the summer working and preparing for the upcoming school year and not a single school board member stopped and talked to those teachers.

Taxpayer5 said...

Alum 88 where did you read the comments. I would like to read them , also.

knows131 said...

You can read a summary of Mr. Hull's comments here:

Darnell said...

Mr. Hull stated that one of the things that he believes may be missing which is why we may not be seeing the results we want is that we are forgetting about the students and the types of students that we are dealing with. He stated that relationships are huge when it comes to dealing with students. Understanding the environment that the students come from and how to relate to them is also huge. Mr. Hull stated that we need to look at the district’s recruitment process. He feels that it could be difficult for an upper middle class teacher to come into the district and really be able to click with our students because they may not understand what goes on. Mr. Hull stated that the district needs to make a concerted effort in recruiting more male minority teachers to help the young males. He stated that there are a lot of minority males hired as substitute teachers but they cannot seem to get full time jobs in District 131. Lastly, Mr. Hull stated that the district has had very robust efforts put towards our higher achieving students and a lot of effort into the bilingual program students but there are a group of students that fall in the middle that are really affecting our district test scores. Mr. Hull stated that from looking at the ISAT scores the African American students are being left behind in this district.

Teacher1 said...

So Hull states middle class teachers (White) have no place in our schools and can't identify with the students. Who is he kidding. He has insulted every hard working teacher and they all deserve a apology.

oldtimer said...

Mr. Hull has a point about teachers needing to understand about students growing up in poverty. Several years ago before I retired from the district I attended a seminar/workshop on understanding poverty (based on a book by Dr.Ruby Payne). It really opened my eyes about the differences between wealthy, middle class, and poor families as far as attitudes, values, and approaches to problems.

I don't know if our district still participates in this type of workshop, but if not it might be worth looking into.

just sayin' said...

What Hull says about Black students being behind, was pointed out years ago when a (Black)man named O'Neil was interim principal. He addressed the problem with the students....Bilingual were being blamed for low school scores when in actuality blame was also with low scoring Black students. People need to quit worrying about being politically correct and take off the kid gloves and put blame where it is deserved.
Teachers are doing all they can but are the middle men. The Board and the parents who vote for them and are responsible for their children having all they need each day. They are the ones that need to step matter what race or nationality the students don't care and are eager learners until they have been jaded by the adults in their world. Parents blaming the teachers and the School Board blaming the parents.
Students years ago accomplished much more with much less. Students of ALL walks of life. Look at our distinguished alumni on the district website. Parents need to step up and the Superintendent needs to get a clue!

Taecherea said...

Mr Hull is a racist who does not have a clue as to how a teacher is hired. Instead of checking on hiring requirements he comes to a board meeting and spouts off. Every teacher is hired based on endorsements. In 131 ELL is a must as well as a majority of teachers need to be bilingual. There is also a basic skills test. Did he question Ms Glotzbach before making wild assumptions?

All he wants is attendtion and has become a joke

newshound said...

Real thinker said...

Blaming the Superintendent, board or teachers is ridiculous. the East Aurora District is overwhelmed with hard to educate students and growing. Now I read the Mayor is turning LASALLE St in to non for profit row. No taxes and more free services. Now EA gives free breakfast and lunch to everyone. The teachers and board are shoveling sand in a sand strom.

Taxpayer1 said...

I read the article in today's Beacon and it shows the problem with East Aurora. While West Aurora is getting relief with public housing projects the East Side is getting more non profits. Alderman Lawerance has complained for years about World Relief and the students they have brought to the area. Now they are setting up a non for profit center of different types of organizations that will not bring tax base into Aurora. he schools are already overburdened. I can not sell my house fast but then again nobody will buy it.

Just saying said...

Annette says-“All change is preceded by some degree of chaos.” I would think 4 years is a bit much!

Anonymous 1 said...

There have been questions about why we are still using the Urban League for years when every other school district has pulled out siting poor services and excessive charges. It has been a very poor choice for students.

This past year the district agreed to a much more expensive contract with the Urban League (without any reasonable reasons given). Now we are hearing that the district is paying these higher fees well in advance of any services. Why is the district paying now for services that won't be supplied for months to come.

Annette "Johnson said the district has the discretion to pay contracts in the installments it chooses and does so often with construction companies". What she neglects to state is that no payments are ever made in advance of services rendered. Even construction companies have to do the work before they are paid.

When is somebody going to investigate these highly questionable activities?

Annette also states “This was explained to board members in emails in a variety of ways. I do feel we’ve been going more than out of our way to keep everyone up to speed.”

What "WE" is Annette Johnson referring to? The only "WE" she should be a part of is the school board. If Annette Johnson is part of some other "WE" that needs to be explained to the school board, she is violating school code.

Does anybody in this community expect transparency when the school board members are kept in the dark?

Taxpayer5 said...

Maybe it's time someone investigate the questionable activities of Community Christian Church and their affiliation with World Relief. District 129 has been very vocal against World Relief because they bring children in from many countries and the schools need to provide instruction in multi languages.
A Recent story in the Beacon shows the City donating FREE property to this organization and Community Christian to bring more of this to Aurora. The district already has over 100 children served by these special needs. Two of the board members took campaign contributions from these organizations . Organizations like this are distroying the district not helping.

arm chair observer said...

Anonymous 1 has made some very valid points. What needs to be done is educating the stockholders. Yes, the Board is working as 2 separate forces. One is "we"- Annette and who SHE chooses. The other is the remaining Board members. Ray Hull may not be good at relaying his irritation with how business is handled by the school board, but he is definitely justified in his frustrations attempting to get some good works accomplished dealing with madam prez.

auroramom said...

Taxpayer5, World Relief is a wonderful organization that provides much-needed help to people from all over the world who are in great danger of dying from hunger or violence. Most of their funding comes from churches and private individuals. I've contributed to World Relief through my church for years, and it's money well spent.

What suggestion would YOU have to help, for example, orphans in Sudan or Syria?

Low income taxpayer said...

World Relief is like Ellis Island. A place where families from other countries have chose to come, for a chance at a better life. Unless you are a Native American, all of our families did the same thing.

Quit trying to bash two of the Board members who actually care about people and our community. Geez, I wonder which camp Taxpayer5 is from?

Band1 said...

Annette Johnson got rid of administrators like Marin Gonzalez.
World relief is a good organization but it needs to place families in other school districts like Oswego, Batavia and Indian Prairie. They have all the business taxes coming not East Aurora.

Ray Hull is a loose canon that has not done one thing for the children he only wants attendtion.

anonymous2 said...

I don't know about Oswego or Batavia but I do know that there are World Relief kids/families in D204 schools (specifically, from the Sudan and Afghanistan). Probably in D129 as well.

Pops said...

World Relief families/kids are doing things the right way unlike the undocumented/illegal ones that are in our district and other districts.

low income taxpayer said...

You tell it, Pops!

auroramom said...

Pops, many of our district's students are kids who were brought across the Mexican border by their parents when they were very young. The KIDS did nothing wrong; they had no say in the matter. Many also have little knowledge of Mexican culture or language; they would be unable to function in Mexico if their family had to go back.

Should innocent children be penalized for a decision made by their parents? I don't believe they should!

proud parent said...

I could care less about Mr hull has too say after I heard his comments at the board meeting I have lost all respect in him!!!!!

Setrecord said...

I teach at Allen School in a classroom of 27 students. I am do not get the assistance of a tutor. I have a child from Cambodia and another from Burma. Both are lovely children but I do them a disservice because I do not have the time to help them. The other children also suffer. Although I like Ms Strand and think her organization does great work reality is the school is overwhelmed.

Alum57 said...

I attended a football game and need to ask when is EA going to stop the football program ? They only had about 25 students on the sideline. This is a danger to the students.

Anon Again said...

Real Thinker:
"The teachers and board are shoveling sand in a sand strom."

Tell me how the teachers are shoveling sand in a sand storm?

I am very curious since the teachers have no control over what the district does. They have to do what they are told by the district.

Teachers don't make decisions for the district. The school board and service center does and that gets passed down to the schools. The community voted in the school board that has been making the decisions for everyone.

tomcat1 said...

Real Thinker

The teachers have the tools to teach. The administration is new today. The Board made changes expect for the superintendent but one man cant change a district. Remember we are shoveling sand the kids come to school with no educational skills and at night parents are not reading to them or doing homework. Its time everyone except that.

A teacher in a classroom changes lives not anyone else. They need support from parents which is not happening.

newshound said...

Taxpayer5 said...

Reading today's article shows the bigger problem in our district. Paying a parent to mentor a child and using State and federal dollars to support this. In my child's life I never had to be paid to come and work at the school. The School teachers at 131 have a hard job because they are not only teacher but parent to the students. Ms Strand is also part of the problem and needs to be watched closely as to the way she wants our tax dollars to get spent. Shame on the parents of 131

auroramom said...

As a parent of a high-achieving child, I commend Ms. Strand and everyone else who saw the wisdom of using parent mentors. It is money well-spent!

Taxpayer5, when a teacher has students who are struggling to learn or who have behavior issues it is usually the brightest and best behaved students who are shortchanged. If that teacher is the only adult in a large classroom, a big chunk of his/her time has to be spent on attendance, bathroom passes, discipline, and "catching up" those who are falling behind. An additional adult is a HUGE help...and the tiny stipend paid to these parent mentors is just a fraction of what a district would have to pay a certified aide.

And like you, I volunteered my time in my kids' classrooms. I was fortunate to have some free time during the day, and a husband whose income allowed for me to donate my time; many D131 families do not have that luxury.

Aurorares said...

Interesting article today paying a parent to spend time with their kids shows what is wrong with the USA. I voted for Strand and am very disappointed to find out she supports this behavior. The district should provide parents with help but not pay them. What a waste of taxpayer dollars.

newshound said...

Pops said...

The children need to ask their parents why they did this to them. It is the parents fault that the children are suffering, not ours. Would you or I get a pass from going to jail if our parents committed crimes for a living and said this is the only thing we knew to do? The blame belongs to the parents and only the parents. They could have and should have done it the right way.

auroramom said...

Pops, would a child be sent to jail because his/her parents committed a crime? Maybe in North Korea, but certainly not in the U.S.

Regardless of what the parents did or how the children got here, THEY ARE HERE. And like children anywhere, they are innocent and deserving of care and support!

Just saying said...

Auroramom took the words right out of my mouth, Pops.

Pops said...

I did not state my last comment right. The parents are still the ones who are to blame. I do believe that the children would be able to live in the country they came from. After all, they had to learn to live here. They keep up their own traditions(which they should)so shouldn't have a problem in going back to their country. No child should have to suffer so these children need to ask their parents why they did what they did. They are the ones putting the suffering on the children.The parents could have and should have done it the right way. I did not mean they should go to jail, was trying to use an example of something and it came out wrong.

oldtimer said...

Pops, I suggest that you do a little research on why so many people from Mexico want to come here. Like you, I used to resent them "helping themselves" to our country...then I got to know some of them personally.

I heard from one Mexican co-worker how two of his family members were shot by drug lords in Guanajuato. I heard about busloads of tourists being pulled over by Mexican police (!) and robbed at gunpoint. And I heard about parents who had no way to feed their families, so they paid thousands of dollars to "coyotes" to lead them north so they could at least have a chance to find work.

Pops, unless you are 100% Native American your own great-great-grandparents probably came here from Europe for a better life. Yes, they did it legally (maybe had a relative sponsor them or bought a plot of land in a frontier area like Nebraska or North Dakota)...but today the situation is desperate for thousands of people who just want to have a chance at feeding their families and escaping the drug wars in Mexico.

Put yourself in the shoes of a Mexican father, "Pops"--wouldn't you try to provide safety & support for your family even if it meant you had to come here illegally? I'm sure I would!

anonymous2 said...

So if I rob a bank to get money to support my family, it's OK because it's for the good of my family? If I speed to work to get there on time so I don't get fired and loose my job (because then my children will suffer) it's OK? I can break laws as long as it's for a good reason and with my children/family in mind?

auroramom said...

Robbing a bank is a felony; illegal immigration is a misdemeanor. Not a good comparison, Anonymous2.

Is watching your family starve a better option than crossing a border illegally to take a job most Americans won't do? What kind of parent would stay in a place where innocent people are shot on a daily basis, if they can go to a safer location?

newshound said...

Pops said...

Innoccent people get shot here everyday. These illegal ones could have done it the right way. How many of these end up committing felonies here or their children? Where is the fairness in all of this for the immigrants that are doing it right?

Oldtimerea said...

I heard the other day many district cronies are attending the wedding of Michael Radocovich to long time District sweetheart Ericka Aoki. For those who don't know her she was a Bilingual teacher at Allen. At the time she was making $47,000 while other teachers of her experience made $38,000 back in 2004. She was one of many he dated and favored.

His groomsman are Gordie Postiwaite, Jim Vaughn and John Struck. Talk about a bunch with their hands in the cookie jar. Most of the old group are attending including Marin Gonzalez who now has resigned herself to telling everyone I am so happy to finish my last 5 years out as a Principal.

knows131 said...

The GOOD news is, "Serial Bully" Radakovich, "Peyton Place" Postlewaite, and their corrupt pals are almost all gone from our district...once Jerome Roberts leaves the old era will be essentially just a bad memory. I pity the new (third) Mrs. Serial Bully...hopefully she'll keep her teaching credentials current just in case!

alum5 said...

Thank goodness for Annette Johnson she did clean house. The past election could have seen many of them return. Marin would have been named Superintendent and John Struck interim after they early termed Roberts contract. Jackie had a big month and many at EA read between the lines.

EA is better now. Byrd had a hard job ahead of him but he is a good communicator and that is a start. He does not sit in his office like Shelia. He holds division chairs accountable with communication as well. We are taking baby steps today.

I don't care for Annette but she did take names and clean house. Many wonder why she backed Roberts and lets not forget Nestor Garcia is still there. When will the board address him.

Yes, when Roberts leaves he needs to take Nestor with him

arm chair observer said...

Annette did not clean house. What was being done in the dark, finally came to the light. Things she allowed to happen. When the stuff hit the fan, she was on it like flies, claiming credit for 'outing' the wrongs in the district. When in truth she helped JR hide all the errors of his ways. She shoved the PR guy aside and she took to the media, pointing fingers at everyone for all the bad press but herself and JR.

SHUT UP Alum5 said...

What an idiot your are Alum5 - "Marin would have been named superintendent."

You say it with such authority. Please go away, quickly.

anonymous1 said...

It saddens me to report my son has left D131 for good.I encouraged him thru out his time in D131 and attended P/T conferences regularly. I usually felt the teachers were doing a good job with what they have been given,which was not much.I have little to no confidence in the Administrators as a whole. I may be wrong, but they all seem incompetent in there duties.When will we as a community wake up and judge the bad parenting going on.I will leave this comment with a slight tear in my eye as my whole family has gone thru EAHS, but when is enough enough.Parents no matter (White,Black,Hispanic,or Asian)take a good hard look at your involvement in your child's education and ask yourself, "Am I doing my part in the success of my child's education"?I went to the open house at East last month and was again appalled at the lack of attendance.The blame game will continue to go on without mirrors reflecting the lack of support from 99% of parents in D131.

Just saying said...

Anon1- I agree with you. Parents have to hold admin responsible for giving teachers and the students the tools for a good educational program. They also need to step up and do their job as parents and make sure their children are given all they need from home. Guidance, support, encouragement should be given at home as well as school, but parents lay the foundation for expectations and accountability, not only from their children but also from those who run the business end of our school district.

newshound said...

Anonymous 1 said...

It's interesting that the district raised all those tens of thousands of dollars under the premise of supporting our districts extracurricular activities.

The sports programs have received all that money but every time the arts need support, they have to go out and raise their own money.

Just look at all the coaches the sports programs have while the entire high school band program is run by one person. Look at all the summer sports camps and all the coaches paid by the district raised money while the band camp kids have to pay for their own camp and the band directors have to volunteer their time.

There is obviously a horrible double standard. Imagine how great our music programs would be if the district supported them as they have with the sports programs.

Bandmom said...

Everyone knows Johnson loves the sports programs when will the school board stop throwing money out the window? Why did they have free sports camps and nothing for the band? Maybe it's time to ask.

knows131 said...

Anonymous1, at least the band has a boosters organization. The choir program does not...maybe it should be "Music Boosters" instead of "Band Boosters", or the choir parents should step up to the plate and help the director like the band parents do.

oldtimer said...

Historically, D131 has thrown most of the money towards the high school and its programs (still do!), and left the elementary and middle schools with little to nothing (still do). Sports boosters (started out as "Dads Club" in our district's early days) has always been specifically for the high school program, but Band Boosters was established in 1929 to support the ENTIRE district band program.

Well, lo & behold after 84 years our Band Boosters has decided to throw the elementary and middle school programs under the bus and become a HS-only support group. Maybe this is where the HS should look for assistance as financing a field trip out-of-state shouldn't be the district's responsibility. Here's hoping that the future sees younger students still feeding the HS programs when presently they are given next to no support!

Go away said...

Maybe the students are throwing a CAR WASH to help raise money. What is your problem oldtimer.

Come to the car wash or don't. Nobody is asking the district to pay for the New York Trip.

auroramom said...

I don't Oldtimer, but do know some who have kids & grandkids in our middle school band programs. It would be nice if some of the fundraising money benefited younger students as well. 84 years is a long tradition to break, especially in an economically-stressed district like ours.

Bandmom said...

All the money goes to a losing football program. more parents come to the game to see their kids in band than football. I counted the sidelines and only 29 kids are in the football program. More coaches than football players. The band had over 80 kids involved.

The shorts boosters hog all the fundraising at games and have the food sales shut down by halftime not yo mention the soccer games that no fundraising takes place. We the taxpayers pay taxes for that why is that fair. I have talked with Nate Perry and Shelia last year? This year I talked with Mr Bryd and Renner again no help. We are stuck with small car washes. ROTC has the same problem. The board needs to take action the kids are losing out.

Strand is in band booster but says it is a conflict of interest. Hull paid dues but again never came to meetings. I am sick of the do nothing board. It seems if it is not Annette Johnson's pet cause nothing happens.

Anonymous 1 said...

The reason the sports programs are holding sports camps for the elementary and middle schools is because the administrators are beginning to understand that you must build a program from the bottom up. Basically it's a paramid effect. To have enough players at the high school level with the proficiency to run a competetive team, you must start with the most kids that you can at the elementary and middle school levels.

Unfortunately, while they are beginning to understand this in the sports programs, the arts are lagging far behind. There are only one or two elementary band directors who are doing a good job and starting the number of kids we need to build an excellent program. Others are barely doing their job and it shows. Further, the programs are not being funded by the district and many types of instruments are not available to our kids. You are never going to have a decent sounding band with nothing but flutes, clarinets, saxes and trumpets.

The district really needs to stand up and support the music programs. Instead during the recent principals meeting, the administrators were discussing how fine arts time interfers with core curriculum time. They are actually looking at cutting band in the elementary schools.

Research has repeatedly shown how students in the fine arts programs excel at academics. The more districts cut the fine arts programs, the farther behind students fall academically.

While the administrators I've spoken to acknowledge the research, they continue to look at cutting the district's programs.

Last year they decided to change the high school bell schedule knowing full well what it would do to the fine arts programs. Now they are looking at cutting at the elementary level. If the community doesn't stand up and demand better, it's just a matter of time before they cut everything non-academic in the district.

newshound said...

Bandmom said...

The reason the sports camps are at elementary is Annette Johnson. She likes sports and the administrators kiss her big fat you know.

newshound said...

oldtimer said...

To those who think Mexican immigrants have no business being in Aurora, I found this article in Time Magazine today:

Low income taxpayer said...

Old timer, I agree and thank you for sharing the article. Ignorance to the circumstances of others and our political and economic climate have caused people to be hateful to things they do not understand, out of fear.

Nearly ALL of our families sought out some sort of relief by immigrating to the USA. Whether it was political or financial, it all boils down to looking for a better way of life. To be a bit cliché, we are the melting pot, the sum of all those individuals. Hence, the name "United" States. Past, present and future human beings who want better for themselves and their families, seek the American dream.

We can only pray that the circumstances of those in Mexico can be resolved by their local government so they do not feel forced to leave what they consider 'home."

Soccermom said...

When is Ray Hull going to resign he made derogatory remarks about Hispanics for all administration to hear. Really Mr Hull first white teachers now Hispanics is there anyone you like.

newshound said...

EA Pride said...

Congratulations to our varsity football team for their win against Elgin last night!

newshound said...

newshound said...

auroramom said...

Do we really need all-day kindergarten? My kids went to preschool 3 mornings each week, for about 2 hours. Then half-day kindergarten, and then first was a GRADUAL transition (over a 3-year period) from staying home with Mom or Grandma to spending the whole day in school. It just seems a lot for 5-year-olds to handle. Let little kids be with their families until they're really ready for school!

anonymous2 said...

The Beacon article about our EAHS musicians going to New York was excellent...hopefully community members will pitch in and help raise the funds for our students!

knows131 said...

Yes, it was an "excellent" article...about the BAND. Only the band director was quoted, and all the pictures were of band kids.

Why is the choir program treated like a red-haired stepchild in this district? Both band and choir students are going to New York, but there was only a passing mention of the choir kids. Last year at this time, our EAHS choir musicians were still sitting in study hall instead of can bet that wouldn't have happened to the band kids! And when I go to the district website, Ms. Gawlik's name isn't even listed under the high school fine arts department...there is just an empty space.

When will ALL our hard-working high school musicians be acknowledged and celebrated in this district??

Maybe you should ask the people who actually know something said...

knows 131 - I hope you get all the answers you want asking a stupid blog your questions.

You know what I noticed. At the top of the article was this:

By Kalyn Belsha

You know who that is, the person who wrote the article. Maybe your questions should be directed toward her.

auroramom said...

Maybe the Beacon is planning another article/interview/photo gallery featuring the choir musicians.

Be patient...

choir parent said...

Why would Ms. Belsha from the Beacon know why the choir director's info is missing from the EAHS website?

And I did call the EAHS office (last spring) and ask about it, when I needed to contact Ms. Gawlik about my daughter's schedule. They said the information would be posted "shortly" we are in October and still a big fat blank space.

EA Pride said...

The article said it will be the "first Big Apple trip in at least three decades"

Well, I was in the band back in the early '70s and can tell you that we definitely didn't go to New York under Mr. Nelson. I'm not aware that the choir did any out-of-state travel during that period, although the band did go to Wisconsin and Iowa (if I remember correctly). My son was in the East High band in the mid 90s and did get to go to Florida. The biannual trips to perform at Disney World started in the 1990s under Mr. Kaisershot, and were resumed in 2010 after a 5-year gap (supposedly because of the economy, although a jazz group made up of East alums & students did manage to go in 2007).

It would be more accurate to say, "the first Big Apple trip in at least fifty years" (or "five decades"). Maybe one of the district's historians can dig deeper and find out whether any of our music groups have been to New York City...if not, then we could say "the first Big Apple trip in the history of the EAHS music program".

Is that better? said...

I think you know I meant your questions about the article, not about the district website. Sorry I did not spell it out for you. About why it is "only about the band" as you say.

You couldn't figure that out? Maybe you are a little slow.

Here I will repost my comment so that it makes sense to you.

knows 131 - I hope you get all the answers you want asking a stupid blog your questions about a Beacon News Article .

You know what I noticed. At the top of the article was this:

By Kalyn Belsha

You know who that is, the person who wrote the article. Maybe your questions about the Beacon News article should be directed toward her.

Classic Blog said...

It never fails. Whenever there is something good, this blog never fails to RIP IT APART.

d131insider said...

I wonder why this article hasn't made it to the Facebook page yet? hmmmm

I remember hearing at Red & Black that we would be utilizing social media to share ALL of the good stories coming out of EA.....remember new day in EA

Guess Advocate of the Year for one of our own doesn't muster the respect that the band students receive.

Hanley don't be fooled- you are a mouthpiece for one person and their agenda not for the district.

EAmom said...

Choir parent, you have a valid point...I also had a question about my daughter's Singsation audition and when I went to the district website last week Ms. Gawlik had a webpage listed but it's information about the Simmons choir, not East High or Singsation. And I also saw the blank space under "Fine Arts--Resources". I don't know who is dropping the ball but you're right that vital information is missing.

D131 Teacher said...

Typical of a certain segment of our district that a valid concern, politely expressed, is portrayed as "RIP IT APART"

Someone seems a little paranoid...

duh said...

to d131insider:

you are correct that this information will not be shared with the masses as it caused too much "bad press" for the board when they simply didn't do their job and read a policy before them.
You are also correct that Hanley is a mouthpiece as Shrek has a track record of running the PR department- I hope he wises up!

Congratulations to Aird on the award and here's hoping that she sues the pants off the Board and specifically Shrek!

Uh, what said...

I think it is typical for this blog to gravitate to the negative and ignore the positive. The typical post is one slanted positive comments and then go right on to the negative, multiple negative.

NOT paranoid, just truth.

D131 Teacher said...

Truth usually involves both positives and negatives. Just positive would be "spin".

And my suggestion for the choir parent would be to call the Beacon and leave a voicemail for Ms. Belsha. Tell her that your daughter is an EAHS choir member and that you will appreciate her interviewing and photographing choir members who are planning to go on the NYC trip. You don't have to give your name, just leave a polite message.

loves Aurora said...

"The first Big Apple trip in the history of the EAHS music program"

...I like the way that sounds!

A new day in EA, indeed!


newshound said...

Beyond Belief said...

To auroramom:

Whether or not we need all day kindergarten depends on your perspective. Most community members would say absolutely not.

However, many of those in power (including leaders in our district) believe that parents in communities like District 131 are complete idiots and the more time they keep the kids away from their parents, the better the child will be.

That's why we have gone way beyond providing 8:00-3:00 education and lunch. We now provide breakfast, lunch and after school programs. We have after school clubs and sports, Saturday programs and programs all summer long. It's also why many in power want school all year long.

Every minute that these children are away from their incompetent parents is another minute that the children don't receive their parents bad influence and is another minute that the government can control these childrens enviroments and thoughts.

People are always protesting the governments influence in their lives, yet rarely look at how much influence the government has on their children. We drop them off (because school is a cheap babysitter) with no real idea what brainwashing is happening on a daily basis. More and more the government is deciding what is taught in schools. Teachers have little to no input on what is now taught to your children. We simply follow the format that we are ordered to teach.

Welcome to the New Day in EA!!!!!

EA Alum said...

My take on it is, all-day kindergarten is an OPTION. As in, it's available for those families who feel it's right for their child. No one is pressured by the district to send their child to a full day of school when they are 5 years old.

Parents like having choices, and this is something that some will choose to try. As for me, I was fortunate to have a stay-at-home mom in my young childhood years. I never went to preschool and didn't miss it. But if no parent is available to care for a child during the day, then being at school is probably better than daycare.

auroramom said...

With Halloween coming up, here's a link to some information that may be helpful for parents:

newshound said...

Teacher1 said...

I know teachers in Oswego that complain since Carla Johnson was pushed out of the district it takes three people to do her job. She is a breath of fresh air. Thank God Aird and Adams got displaced by the board. David Bruscek is another winner we are finally making data driven decisions.

I also hope All day kindergarten becomes a reality it shows the BOE is listening.

Beyond Belief said...

To EA Alum:

Did you read the article about the full day kindergarten? There was no mention of full day kindergarten being an "Option". Quite the opposite.

The numbers that David Negron presented to the board were for a full day kindergarten for all students. His numbers did not estimate parents opting for their child to attend a full day kindergarten.

Perhaps you should figure out what you are talking about before you make comments. You are apparently one of the incompetent adults the district wants seperate from their children as much as possible.

Read it Again said...


Quote from the article: "He estimated the district would receive anywhere from $1.5 million, if half of all kindergarteners participated, to $3.6 million per year, if all participated."

That sentence implies that it would be an OPTION to enroll in all day kindergarten.

Read it Again said...


"In Illinois, school districts must offer at least half-day kindergarten, though it is not mandatory for students to attend. A school district that decides to offer full-day kindergarten still has to provide a half-day program."

So full day kindergarten would be an OPTION.

EA Alum said...

Beyond Belief, perhaps YOU should figure out what you're talking about before you make comments.

Here's a direct quote from that Beacon article:

"In Illinois, school districts must offer at least half-day kindergarten, though it is not mandatory for students to attend. A school district that decides to offer full-day kindergarten still has to provide a half-day program"

It is not mandatory for students to attend ANY kindergarten...and our district would still have to have the half-day program available as an OPTION.

Shut up Beyond Belief said...

Apparently Beyond Belief is one of the "incompetent adults the district wants separate from their children as much as possible."

Teacher1 said...

Why would you not want your child in All day Kindergarden. Do you know what teachers face in EA. The majority of the children have never been exposed to numbers or the alphabet. Do you know how difficult it is to catch up.. This year the district gave out backpacks made up of educational materials that most children are exposed to by two. This blog is angry and will never acknowledge anything positive.

Way to go administration and board. Thank you for listening.

anonymous1 said...

Well now we know that
Read it Again
EA Alum ...and...
Shut up Beyond Belief

are all the same poster.

It's interesting. I have the original Beacon article still up on my computer from several days ago and it does not contain the quotes that you site in your responses to me. It showed that kindergaten would not be an option.

Further, all your responses are time marked between 9:39 and 9:51 last night and yet the new "updated" Beacon article you are quoting wasn't posted on the Beacon (and moved up to the top story) until this morning.

So we also now know that
Read it Again
EA Alum ...and...
Shut up Beyond Belief

is somebody in the district who apparently has access to district public relations information before it goes public. I wonder who that could be?

EA Alum said...

I am EA Alum. I am NOT "read it again" or "shut up beyond belief".

And I have no insider information; my only connection to District 131 is the fact that I am an EAHS graduate. I don't even live in the district anymore.

I simply posted a word-for-word quotation from the Beacon article as it appeared online yesterday afternoon. If some are too lazy or sloppy readers to not read all the sentences in a newspaper article, that's their problem.

You are Stupid said...

I am read it again and shut up beyond belief. The same person. What is it to you.

You can't read, it was clearly in the article LAST NIGHT and that is where the information was taken from.

I don't know what was in the article 2 days ago or last week or whenever you say you got your information but LAST NIGHT the quotes were in the beacon.

Deal with it.

auroramom said...

Teacher1, I am one of those parents who would choose not to have my child in all-day kindergarten. When my kids were little, I was a stay-at-home mom with grandma living nearby to help with childcare. For my kids the half-day kindergarten program was just the right gradual transition between their preschool experience 2 hours/day 3 days/week, and first grade 7 hours/day 5 days/week.

I am NOT opposed to our district's offering parents the option of a full-day kindergarten long as it is indeed OPTIONAL. Parents appreciate being respected enough to make decisions based upon their child's needs and family situation.

And Teacher1, you might want to check your spelling and punctuation next time you post. It's "kindergarten", not "kindergarden"...and two of your sentences were questions, but you didn't use a question mark.

Just saying said...

I am one who thinks Kindergarten all day should be an option, also. Someone mentioned children not knowing alphabet and such when entering me, this means we should be offering more preschool. So now we expect the teachers to teach the children entering our buildings everything they should have learned age 2-4 and 5-6. We, also need to educate the parents. They need to know and understand what THEIR responsibility is and how it should be done. We feed the children 2 meals free now in D131, we give them clothes, coats, backpacks, school supplies. It is time the parents take on a little more in seeing the children get the basics BEFORE entering school. Don't ya think?

newshound said...

Ea1 said...

There is no more room for preschool that is why they are getting a building.

anonymous2 said...

This year's musical at East High is "Zombie Prom"...for a description, go here:

newshound said...

EAA said...

Thank you newshound. I do not get the Beacon. I do like reading the EA stories, though. I appreciate your comments.

auroramom said...

Saw this on the district opportunity to help the less fortunate in our community:

anonymous2 said...

Friday's are a good night for pizza--and we can help our students, too!

oldtimer said...

Looks like the old corrupt administration had themselves quite a reunion:

"Serial Bully" Radakovich, "Peyton Place" Postlewaite, Marin Gonzalez, Wilson & Lisa Morales, Jim Vaughan, Jay Augustine, etc.

Ea1 said...

John Struck, Nestor. Garcia, Anne Benevidas, Jane Osborne Postlewaite, Larry Melcor, Clayton, Bob Mccue, and Ray Hull also attended. What a bunch of low scum suckers in one room.

They all remained friends because they all got rich together.

ea2 said...

Hollingsworth, Alejandro Benevides, Rick Johnson and White also attended see Michael does not have any friends only the ones he bought off at 131 to be his friends.

Hmmm.... said...

Is that why Nestor didnt get anything set up at the high school this weekend for triple threatt or the youth football game?

knows131 said...

The thing is, the current Mrs. "Serial Bully" is actually a nice person. I remember Erika from working at Allen several years ago.

Like the saying goes, love is blind.

Or maybe Dr. R only showed his nasty side around teachers and staff he didn't care for and saves his nice behavior for friends & family.

EA Alum said...

All I know is he EARNED that serial bully label & reputation! My sister in law is from Skokie and went to Niles West high school in the 1980s, when Radakovich was an administrator there. Just like at D131 Radakovich made the band director's life miserable, and parents jumped to support & defend Mr. Cook. Who knew that 20 years later he'd pull the same crap in our district?

oldtimer said...

Well, that episode will always be part of our district's history but it is water under the bridge today. The important thing is for the community to learn from it and make sure we never again select a superintendent with that kind of history/reputation, and our current School Board seems to be doing all they can to get taxpayer and parent input.

As for Radakovich, I have no intention of ever being within spitting distance of him...and if I am, someone better restrain me!

131 Staff said...

EA Alum, I'm from Skokie and you spelled the band director's name wrong--it was Mr. William Koch, not Cook.

You were right, though, about Radakovich bullying him.

newday said...

I may not be a fan of Annette Johnson or Jerome Roberts but Marin and company would still be in charge if it was not for them. Good going sweeping EA clean of that bunch of theives

eastsider said...

About Radakovich being a nice person at home and a bully at work, I know from my own family that some people really do have a Jekyll & Hyde personality. My uncle was a line supervisor at Caterpillar for many years and died suddenly in his 40s. The funeral home was packed with his family, friends, and neighbors talking about what a great person Uncle Bud was and how it was too bad he passed away. None of the Cat employees were at the wake or funeral...I heard later that they went to a local bar instead and had a party celebrating that he was gone.

newshound said...

beenaround said...

Radakovich is not a nice person at home he cheated on his wife while she was sick. He also dated at least three teachers in the district while Sup. Not only did he bully the staff he picked the bones of the district clean. Why would so many old timers show up from administration? It is because they had been his puppets. They got paid big dollars while the district was left in bankruptcy.

newshound said...

newshound said...

oldtimer said...

23 years is a long time to use the same set of band uniforms, and I remember a lot of them were damaged by mold a couple of years ago. About time they got replaced.

loves Aurora said...

I'm a volunteer tutor at the Dominican Literacy Center, and several of us tutors and students read "Into the Beautiful North" by this author, who came to East High today. An EXCELLENT book, highly recommended!

newshound said...

A video from today's Tribune, featuring our own Coach Kurt Becker:,0,2117193.story

newshound said...

anonymous1 said...

Does anyone else notice that all Annette Johnson does is point the finger, blame others and make excuses? How is this woman still our board president? The district teachers all hate her and want her GONE!

Ea1 said...

Lets be fair the band uniforms are another Nestor Garcia screw up. When is Annette Johnson going to ax him like she did with all the other horrible administrators. Why does she protect him? I know the band has put in requests with him two years in a row. I also know for a fact he paid coaches this summer that never coached a kid. His camps are a disaster.
On Monday the PE.classes that are already overcrowded can not take kids bowling. Why because Nestor has not paid the bill.

Many teachers say Annette cleaned house with people like Marin and do respect her. But she also keeps Nestor and now finally Roberts retired. But seriously Annette when are you letting go of Nestor. Please don't tell me he is allowed to work until retirement. He will be here another 10 years because we all know his affair led to a young family to support.

just saying said...

Why does everyone think Annette is the fixed-it-all and blame it all person.

First, Annette is Board president because the majority of the Board members CHOSE her to be. SO blame the 'majority' of the school board.

Next, the Board does not hire and fire anyone but the superintendent. So if there are problems within the district the only reason the Board should be blamed is for continuing to employ a superintendent who is not doing his job. Again, it is NOT all Board members but the majority who voted to give Roberts a new contract and not get rid of him ASAP when all this bad PR hit the fan.

newshound said...

ea1 said...

Every organization needs a leader. In the case of Annette Johnson she was and is the leader.

It should be the Superintendent but it was not. If you lived through the Radocvich era he blamed all his problems on the teachers and targeted them. I remember when he was proudly gave a speech that he removed 60 teachers and bullied the union of their rights. If he did not like someone he made your life difficult and many left.
He used weak administrators who would say yes to him and not question him. Many stayed and ran the district after he left.

Currently only Nestor and Roberts remain. Next year it is only Nestor. Lets hope for a clean sweep.

Anonymous 1 said...

I certainly hope the district is looking for a building with more than 24 classrooms. It would be nice if for once they could have some forsight and not just look at what is needed right now.

Maybe we couls even do something to alleviate some of the overcrowding that the district is already dealing with.

newshound said...

anonymous1 said...

It looks like the new atheltic director at the high school has been taking lessons from former athletic director rick Johnson. This guy is worst-rude to studetns coaches and parents.

anonymous2 said...

The new athletic director may be rude, but I doubt that there is anyone in the district as terrible as our Bilingual Director. She is terribly rude, disrespectful, unprofessional and dumb as rocks. Unfortunately for us she is Beatrice's lap dog so we are stuck with her.

anonymous3 said...

Thank you Ray Hull for looking out for the small minority of African American students in this distict. As one of the few AA teachers, believe me, we know how our student's are being left out and just huddled into the frey, along with the small percent of Caucasion student's. don't let the bullies stop you from voicing your opinion about the minority. Someone has to remain an advocate. and now many of our majority students are experiencing the same economic strife of single parent households and the problems that occur with that.! The focus is totally on the majority as is always the case in this country and our district is the same way. We can't change that, but good looking out! We got your back!

teach1 said...

Ray Hall is a racist who needs to resign. We need more Latino teachers. Why does Hall not speak up for us we are the majority!

auroramom said...

"We need more Latino teachers", African-American teachers, etc.

I couldn't care less what ethnicity (or gender, or age, or religion) my kids' teachers are. I just care about how they teach. My family's experience with D131 teachers has been that they are overwhelmingly hard-working and highly qualified. Most of my negative experiences in this district have been with my fellow parents who don't seem to realize that they need to send their kids to school prepared to learn, and need to be involved with their child's school regarding behavior issues, etc.

Purposely screening teacher applicants by their ethnic background would eliminate some outstanding teachers and be a real disservice to our students!

arm chair observer said...

Aurora Mom is exactly right. But if you want to point a finger at a Board member for not standing up for the Latinos, why not the one who is still struggling with her English skills....Stella Gonzalez. Rather than trying to get more 'Spanish' teachers as Marin did travelling repeatedly to Spain, why not go to the community she represents. She has said more than once how "long, long, long, long time" she has been in 131, well why isn't she reaching out to get the parents involved. Who better to communicate to the majority of the 131 families than our Bilingual Board member, who is suppose to care so much about our students. Listen to her words dripping with sentiment for them at board meetings. Actions Stella!! Speak much louder and I do not hear you!

newshound said...

fed up said...

Auroramom you are right. we do need more teachers who reflect the culture of our students. We have to raise our standards. When I speak to former students their only goal is to go to community college. That's all well and good, but we need Hispanic and African American teacher's, especially young men to come back and teach. Parents please raise your expectations for your children. they are doing great. Tell them that they can go to a 4 year university as well as a community college. Look at all the money that Waubonsie Comm. college is making. It's because our students are coming out below the educational standards. they cant get into a 4 year uni. because they still cant read and write proficiently in English, and have to go to Waubonsie to take post High School classes to get into college level courses; and the ones who can, must feel that they are not worthy or good enough or qualified enough to attend a 4 year Uni. This is the only way that we are gong to see the teachers that can relate to our Hispanic, Black, Asian etc students. We have to raise our standards. We must prepare our students for 4 year universities. it takes THE PARENTS, Teachers ,and Admin. to do this. Come on the time is now!!! We're loosing ground here people, dealing with petty crap, like who's on 1st.

Anonymous 1 said...

Unfortunately, this district teaching staff is very out of proportion with it's population. Ray Hull is not very articulate but he does have a valid point that our children need positive role models from their own culture.

There are many fine caucasian educators in this district who work very hard but there are also many who have very low expectations for our children and simply believe that minority children are incapable of excellence. It is a more subtle form of racism.

There are very few African American educators in District 131, less than 4%, while almost 9% of the students are African American. The Hispanic population is even farther out of proportion. Only 18% of the teaching staff is Hispanic, while 85% of the students are Hispanic. Even worse, most of the Hispanic educators are teaching bilingual classes and many have poor english speaking skills. As you can see, Ray Hull is correct when he states that our children have very few role models from their own culture.

The fact is, the vast majority of the African American and Hispanic adults our children interact with at school are either poorly educated aides or custodians making minimum wage or little more. That's not the role models we should be presenting to them.

While the cultural disparity was bad under John Struck as District 131's Human Relations Director, the disparity has become far worse under Joan Glotzbach's reign.

It will be interesting to see if the board finally clears out the rest of the Central Office Administration at the end of this year. One look at the district's administration web page shows the core that Jerome protected last year, Joan Glotzbach, Beatrice Reyes Childress, and Nestor Garcia. While we're at it, we also need to get rid of Lisa Morales and finally have a completely fresh start at Central Office.

Anon 2 said...

Anonymous 1- I was with you on most of what you say, but I believe role models can come in any form. Older or not, Hispanic or not, men, you think boys learned less in the days when all teachers were women? Back to the house, the home where the children are raised is where the role model standard should be set. If not there, then anyone can become the role model. That is what is relayed when telling us about children who are in gangs. A child will choose people they wish to "be like" from school, TV, neighborhood. Our teachers help lay an educational foundation for the children to use their mind, and make educated choices. Those first 5 years in the home start that foundation for respect and the yearn to learn. This is where our District has asked for years for us to send our children to school prepared.

This doesn't only mean to pack their backpack, it also means the parents need to send their children to school with an attitude of wanting to succeed.

I feel it is a "subtle form of racism" to continue to believe children need someone of their skin tone or background to educate them well.
Why can't little white boy Johnny want be like his Black English teacher. Or why can't Juan want to be like his White biology teacher. Trying to say our kids need role models "like them" to succeed is putting bias and doubt in eager open minds.

What happens when he goes off to college or in the work force, now he has learned in EA, life is unfair because his world is not filled with people of like background and he cannot work past that racist mindset that was part of his education as a child.

Alum57 said...

Thank you Anom 1

I shows the bigot. Ray Hall for what he is. Why can't kids have many role models.

As for the clean out of Central Office BRAVO to the board for getting this far but finish it off and don't forget to take Wilson Morales and Frank Delasanto with you. They are not good examples. Look at the company they keep is that a good moral value.

oldtimer said...

I'm wondering how any guys my age ever grew up to be productive members of society, if it's so important to have teachers be role models. My first 8 years of school my teachers were almost all nuns. Then when I got to East High the only male teachers I had were P.E. and automotive/shop. The men I admired were my grandpa & uncles (Dad had passed away young), my boss at the hardware store I worked at when I was 15-16, and tough guys on TV. It never occurred to me to look to my teachers for anything besides knowledge...and yet I managed to raise a family and pay my taxes.

Should we be using a quota system to determine who we hire in our district? Only if we want to further discourage good teachers from applying to teach our deserving students!

arm chair observer said...

Hooray, for Oldtimer and common sense!

newshound said...

taxpayer 3 said...

Why are we paying for the administrations coffee and Ice Mountain? Where I work we have to buy our own. We have a regular coffee pot and pay for our coffee and water we don't have a Keurig Coffee Maker

Check Group:
Keurig Coffee Maker
Maxwell Coffee (18)
NJoy Creamer
NJoy Sugar
Office Depot 8oz cups
Office Depot Napkins
Check #:
Check Group:
office depot file folders

ea37 said...

Central Office news is Marty Feltes long time friend of Dick Leonard will be getting a big raise. Roberts claims this is necessary since Marty works sooooo hard. The raise will consist of about $40,000. The job changed from BA degree to HS diploma. All for Marty.

Rumor is other Directors are not happy. In fact Tech Director and boy toy of Reyes Childress departed on a unexpected vacation.

Rumor is Roberts told staff its whatever AJ wants. Really Annette is it a new day in EA.

To Strand, Hull and Peyea will you vote along because that is all you are doing.

They put up a good show wasting everyone's time chasing down endless reports but in the end they vote yes.

Everyone is afraid of bigfoot and again AJ gets what she wants.

anonymous2 said...

I called the State Board of Education legal department when I heard about the Marty job posting and how it was not open to the public. What are you going to do about this? It's past time to keep complaining on this blog and time to let the state know what is going on.

taxpayer1 said...

Good luck with the State. I have reported d131 many times and they do nothing. The State has given Uno a Charter School 70 million in unaccounted State dollars. Do we really believe they care about Marty Feltes or poor children in general.

just saying said...

I have called the State Board a few times in the past. They seem to always find the fine line that allows D131, a pass on their 'errors.' They don't seem to keep a running tally that shows how many times they walk that fine line.

newshound said...

newshound said...

EA Alum said...

Want to help our EAHS musicians go to New York? Here's an easy (and tasty!) way:

Fan of the EA band said...

Please post the link again on how to help EAHS musicians or tell us where to look. I couldn't get it to work. :(

auroramom said...

I couldn't get it to work either...try the band Facebook page (you can download the flyer there):

oldtimer said...

There will be a special Board of Education meeting tomorrow at 6:00 p.m.

Only one item on the agenda:

"Discussion of Tax Levy"

newshound said...

reality check said...

“All change is preceded by some degree of chaos” if you operate like AJ (see Beacon). She has publicly stated (Beacon) that “when she wakes up she the first thing she thinks about is her next change” for the good old 131.

She has no idea or experience in running a large corporation. She can’t produce the research, the management meetings, and personnel input from experts which is required to achieve improved performance. Nope, ‘I wake up in the morning ……..’

Examine the recent summer construction at EHS. Years of reports forecasting population growth and Administrators documenting the issues. In the spring of 2013 she wakes up and determines that something has to be done. She and her cronies dream up filling in the pool that had just been upgraded at the cost of over $40,000 for piping the pool mechanical room, over $100,000 improving the filtration system, and (drum roll) paying about $500,000 more to the EHS contractors to expedite the work in the last half of the summer.

The $2,200,000 cost escalated by $640,000 because of not handling it in a business like manner. The research was there, the growth documented, but…. planning ahead. The real research, planning and transparency that corporations are required to complete.

AJ is not a CPA. Even an accountant would not waste $650,000. That’s bad math. That’s poor business.

How many teachers is that? How many Ipads?

Or how many hungry children and families would that feed????

The students, teachers, and district are being ripped off by the board majority.

Had enough yet?

Alum1 said...

Hey Ken at least AJ pays taxes and owns a home which is more than I can say for you

newshound said...

Check this out this weekend--our own Kurt Becker will be featured on Fox Chicago, talking about coaching at East High:

newshound said...

EA Pride said...

One more chance to see the EAHS musical "Zombie Prom", today at 3:00 p.m.

Support the arts in our district!

oldtimer said...

Looks like "Serial Bully" Radakovich, "Peyton Place" Postlewaite, and their Stonegate buddies will have to dig a little deeper to pay their taxes:

anonymous2 said...

Aww, cry me a river...


auroraknows said...

The taxpayers don’t like the new taxes. Johnsons trying to keep them happy cause they vote for her and Leonard.

Johnsons been running scam on the voters for years. Since 2007 she’s been a resident to be on the Board. Livin @ her mother’s house. They took an illegal tax brake.

2007to 2012 they reduced the taxable value:

HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION (legal) - by $6000 each year

SENIOR EXEMPTION 65 & OVER (legal when mother lived there but not in 2012) - by $4000 each year

Still used in 2012 even tho nobody over 65 lived there – by $4000 - is about $300 in tax savings

SENIOR ASSESSMENT FREEZE legal when household makes less than $55,000 (illegal when Annett moved in in 2007 cause she makes a lot of money) – by $30,087 each year

From 2007-11 5 years x 30,087 is $150435 - is about $12000 in tax savings

Thats $12300 in tax savings in her pocket

Shes not working for you. She lyin and cheeting again

She don’t care if you taxes go up

oldtimer said...

And here's how administration is spinning it:

Arm chair observer said...

She held off that tax increase long enough to get voted in, again by her Ward one. She promised NO TAX increases. Now she is out spreading the word that it is the city assessment that is to blame, and it is a complicated formula, not the school boards fault, the taxes are going up.

Hmmmmm....I guess she must have missed class that day when they taught about taxes when she was earning her accounting degree. Bwah..ha..ha!

Alum87 said...

It sounds like they moved our taxes down. What is your problem. Annette Johnson is not the only board member.

Just saying said...

Annette Johnson is the only one who makes promises to people, her neighbors and other board members of that neighborhood. She speaks in public like she is the one who has accomplished everything on her own, yet wants to blame everyone else when the bad press comes out.
We all know there are 6 other Board members, but she controls 3 of the others (a majority)who could not have an independent idea without her dictating their thoughts.

Pops said...

You are right, Just saying. I am really beginning to have doubts about the 2 new ones also. Hope they can stand the pressure.

Ea3 said...

Annette Johnson did many good things but she was a failure because she never fired Jerome Roberts. I love the fact that she lead the charge to get rid of Marin the serial bully disciple and many others. Jerome was part of the group that needed to leave sorry Annette you failed

Just saying said...

Pops, I think they can stand the pressure, but the best they can do without a majority is run interference and hopefully add some logical thought processes into the choices Annette is determined to impose.

Insider at 131 said...

Rumor has it from admin bldg. that major scandal will be exposed soon involving big bucks wasted for years. 131 will be reported and investigations to follow Stay tuned

Armo chair observer said...

Insider at 131...people have sent out these teasers before and nothing comes to light. I hope your tip is correct and the stuff hits the fan that has been brewing for WAY too long.

newshound said...

newshound said...

Anonymous 1 said...

Does anybody believe this nonsense?

We're raising the tax levy and using the money to pay off the districts debts but the tax payers will not be paying any more money?

If anybody still believes Annette just look at your tax bills from the past few years. She has been claiming year after year that the board will not be raising taxes and yet everybody's tax bills keep going up year after year. That's why she has her fan club from Stonegate coming to board meeting after board meeting. They've had enough and just wait til they see their tax bills for next year after this tax levy takes effect.

I have very little sympathy though. Remember,you all voted Annette Johnson back onto the school board.You reap what you sew.

Anon 2 said...

AMEN! Anonymous 1.

Hopefully, that mistake will NOT happen a 3rd time and Ward one has seen the light.

Ward1 said...

The problem is the City of Aurora. I am proud I voted for Annette. I will remind you she does not set the house values.
The two new members are off taking over Laselle Street and turning it into non for profit row. That means ZERO taxes.
Peryea and Strand are the problem not Annette. Thank god we have her.

D131 Teacher said...

I noticed yesterday while in EA High school that the doors are locked from the inside.... I am a teacher, and couldn't leave until a guard swiped her card to let me out. I asked about fire safety and she said the doors would automatically open in case of fire. Hmm - I hope they would. What about other emergencies when people need to leave last? I don't think I'm comfortable with kids being locked IN the school. Does the fire department know about this?

insider at 131 said...

Ward 1 Rumors are heating up at the admin bldg that something is happening that is a big concern which will surface soon hopefully
stay tuned

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