Tuesday, June 4, 2013

We're trying an experiment...

For the next month or so, this blog will not be publishing anonymous comments.  Everyone must identify themselves (although you can use a pseudonym). This may make it more difficult for those who like to pretend to argue both sides of an issue and easier for those who want to respond to someone else's comment or question.  At the end of June the blog administrators will evaluate whether to continue the new policy or go back to allowing anonymous comments.


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Ralph said...

You know this won't solve anything right because people could still post as two people. Here I will show you.

This is me posting as Ralph

Jose said...

Ralph, you are so stupid.

(it's really me, I'm just calling myself Jose now)

Jose's pal said...

Well, at least you can call him "Ralph" instead of just "Anonymous" or 8:44 a.m.

Annee said...


The Devils advocate said...

People are already pretending to be 2 anonymous' (?) when you see multiple praises for the Board president, you know it is her one member fan club pretending to be a group of people.
I think it is a good idea, if for no other reason than for replying to comments.

(to add name click on "Name/URL")

Annee said...


I don't agree with everything Annette Johnson does, but I appreciate the fact that she does whatever she can to save our district's money.

Mauricio Palma said...

Filling in the pool, huh?

My mom visited East's pool a couple of months ago when my sister's 2nd grade class went there for swimming lessons. She complained to the school officials about how disgusting it all was.

Anyway, this just seems like quick fix sort of solution. The entire high school needs to be rethought.

churchmusician said...

When my kids were in second grade at Dieterich in the mid 90s, I appreciated that they had swimming as part of their P.E. program. At the time the pool was clean and well-maintained.

But I realize that it costs a LOT of money to fix and maintain a pool. And the high school desperately needs that space for P.E. classes. I'm hoping that the local park district will make its facilities available to our district so D131 kids can continue learning how to swim.

One persons point of view said...

Please tell others or attend the next board meeting. Let the board know you are not happy with heir choices for a quick temporary fix. You may be surprised to hear what some people have to say about the claims of the Board president, during her recent board comments bout the school construction.
Is this the best choice for 131? What happened to all the excess money they were bragging about managing so well only a few short months ago?
Too bad they didn't hold out buying that expensive magnet school for a few, and put good money behind good reason for the majority at the high school.
The old board who made many of these decisions moved forward like a bull in a china shop, under the guise of fiscal responsibility, Ms. Accounting major, business owning, board president.
The old accountant was on top of the growth in the schools and would not have waited until March to put into process a financial plan to build in June for August completion. Another one thrown under the bus for what purpose?

1PPOV said...

Thanks newshound. I do not get the paper. If anyone believes these administrators have just chosen to take major pay cuts, they better look again. Annette and her 3 puppets are destroying every good thing about EA 131. I hope ward one is happy with voting her back in. All of EA is going to pay the price. It is truly a sad time for our schools, personnel and students.

Hurt1 said...

It is a sad day indeed...and has been for a while. Like the administrators or not, they are being treated badly. We will end up loosing great people. In one year Annette and her lap dog Beatrice have ruined the district. Anyone who works for this district should be very very careful. Anyone could be next.

newshound said...

Under the School Improvement Grant (SIG) program, a district can be required to replace most of its administration in order to receive the grant money. Don't feel too sorry for administrators--they knew this was in the works so it wasn't a surprise, and they will still be working in our district.

Hurt1 said...

Intelligent, educated people who have dedicated themselves to out district should not be treated worse than dogs. So I do feel bad for them. These moves were not due to a grant. I am praying for healing for our district. This bully mentality isn't working.

Best Blogger in the World said...

The reason this district sucks is because of the community PERIOD.

newshound said...

Hurt1 said "These moves are not due to a grant"

...Read for yourself:


Notice that part of the requirements for school turnaround is replacing the principal.

newshound said...


It's official...the 6-period schedule begins this fall at EAHS.

Let's hope our School Board and administration keeps an open mind and is willing to re-evaluate this new bell schedule if (as many of us suspect) it turns out NOT to be in the best interests of the students.

Hurt1 said...

Newshound...I know all about the grant. I'm saying these moves are not due to any grant. Think about it...

newshound said...

Hurt1, all I know is that my pal who teaches at EAHS told me that the district had applied for a School Improvement Grant and that part of the "hoops" we had to jump through was to replace a bunch of administrators. And, there seem to be many other school districts that have done something similar as a requirement for that grant.

newshound said...


EA Pride said...

Once again the district is taking a hit. Who's at fault this time? Its the pressure, test scores, taxes , staff fleeing, change, the city, the mayor , the beacon, I had a bad day, the boosters, the old timers , the Christians, Christy, Marin, Ray, Kisten, Zach, Jay, Ray ann, Dee, Serial Bully, Denise , Nestor, Stephanie, Scott, Jim, Dave, Jan, Clayton, Bob Green, Pinky, Kurt, and the board is not going to do a thing about. Next

newshound said...


auroramom said...

Did anybody besides me notice that Ms. Johnson left that voice mail message on the mayor's HOME phone? A very unprofessional thing to do, and surprising from a businesswoman.

I tried to be neutral said...

I have always read this blog to try to keep up to date with things happening to the district where my kids went and where I live. Part of me has always given the benefit of the doubt to Ms. Johnson. Rhe bad behavior, name calling, and lapses in judgement were one thing, I could even forgive her lack of leadership at times.

However enough is enough. She is now placing our kid's futures in jeopardy just to get in a pissing match with the mayor over personal grievances. This is one of the most horrific abuses of power I have ever heard of. Shame on her, shame. If this community doesn't rise up and demand a change it will prove we are deserving of the horrible situation our district is falling into. Please for all of our kids, it is time to do something.

Anonymous1 said...

It looks like the Beacon will be doing an article critical of the blog this Sunday.

The blog is no more a cancer than the Beacon is. It just a source of information. Of course, an intelligent person will treat it as a blog and less reliable than traditional news sources (Although information always seems to be reported on the blog first).

The cancer in this district is it's leadership. It is completely dysfunctional and will remain so as long as Roberts and Johnson remain.

Attacking information sources is attacking the symptom, not the cause of the problems.

It really isn't that difficult. You need to put children first.It is so obvious that our leadership does not do this. Maybe they are just too far displaced from the children. Perhaps they need to spend some real time in a classroom.

Annee said...

According to the Beacon, certain people think this blog is "cancer". They want it shut down.

Take a look at this thread, from another local blog:


Notice the obscenities, use of the N-word and other racism on just this one thread...none of which are currently allowed on our blog.

To those who consider the EA blog "cancer", good luck eliminating all the anonymous blogs from the internet. It's like the mythological Hydra: cut off its head and several more grow back. People will just take their comments elsewhere--but they will no longer be silent!


Annee - Shut up, you are a cancer. You are evil and full of hate for this district and everybody who works here. If they don't agree with you then it is the wrong choice and then you post your hate in as many places as will let you, like people really give a crap what you have to say. I hope this stupid blog does get shut down because NONE of you have the guts to start another one up.

auroramom said...


Wow, do you need to get a life or what? "Evil and full of hate"...hmmm, wonder what comments lately fit that description? Maybe "truthful, verifiable, and just don't like things coming out" is more like it.


Sunshine said...

How can Johnson say the district wasn't going to attend the meeting doesn't it take the whole board the decide that? When is it that the board is going to stop this and get a Superintendent to run the district which is they way it is suppose to be. A board President isn't suppose to.

The many stories that are coming out about this district in the paper will hurt the district more than this blog. Start getting the test scores up and smaller class rooms and quit worrying about a blog.


SHUT UP auroramom - you don't have a clue.

auroramom said...

I'm fairly new to this district and may not know all the history, but it seems that yelling "SHUT UP" is a childish way to respond to someone. I put my kids in time-out when they do that.

A teacher said...

It is unbelievable to see such childish behavior and the amount of grammatical errors here. Instead of getting on here, complaining and talking crap, get off this site and do something productive. No wonder why our school district is developing such a bad reputation. I feel bad for those that actually do something positive for our district, but most of all, I feel bad for our students who have to deal with such idiots and mediocrity.

This stupid blog is a cancer said...

Really "Anonymous1" (stupid name)

"Although information always seems to be reported on the blog first"


Were these on the blog first?
1) Annette's Voicemail to the mayor
2) East High remodeling
3) Mrs. Conrad stepping down as principal
4)Dr. Aird stepping down from her position
5) The district buying the magnet academy building
6) The Fight between Annette and Ray

Always - Pretty stupid choice of words


SHUT UP "a teacher" you need to get a life

auroramom said...

Your life seems to consist of yelling "Shut Up" at people.

You need a time-out or some anger management classes.



auroramom said...

You first.


1PPOV said...

Hmmmmmm..........who else do we know that has anger management problems??

Jackie55 said...

I don't know who else you know that has anger management issues.

By the way, how many of there are you, or are you using the royal "we".

Anonymous1 said...

And who would benefit the most by this blog being shut down? Could it be the district leadership who would much prefer to act in the dark? They certainly don't appreciate the scrutiny that this blog generates (mostly deserved).

Knowledge Is Power said...

The real cancer in this district is corruption.

Ignored and/or left untreated, corruption and cancer both spread and take over, ruining the health of the body (or school district).

1PPOV said...

The royal " we" in this district, who have witnessed at board meetings or read the Beacon or listened to audio tapes have heard " madam president" and have seen her morph into boardzilla.

Interested said...

1PPOV - You speak for everybody in the district?

auroramom said...

Since 1PPOV probably stands for "one person's point of view", I doubt that they are speaking for the whole district.

Annoyed said...

They 1PPOV should not be using "we" when he/she speaks.

auroramom said...

Maybe there's a mouse in their pocket...

1PPOV said...

Dear Interested & Annoyed,

I am one persons point of view aka 1PPOV. I am also one person and I may have worded my comment incorrectly and would just like to reply by saying:



newshound said...


auroramom said...

Those of you who are concerned that the 6-period schedule is not in students' best interests should look at this student-sponsored Facebook page:


Another stupid idea said...

Late start day every Tuesday!

newshound said...


No mention of Openline or any other blog...also no acknowledgement that commenters on the Beacon website are also allowed to use pseudonyms.

This blog is a JOKE said...

This blog is a joke. It's a joke because the "new" administrator won't even attach his or her name to it.

Annee said...

And YOUR name would be...?


I'm not running the blog. I'm not facilitating the discussion. I'm not choosing what gets posted and what does not.

Too polite to yell said...

Nah, you're just doing what you do best...yelling "shut up".


SHUT UP BLOG said...

This blog is a joke and so are you people who defend it. Zero accountability for what is posted. Lies, hate, slander, half-truths, twisted facts. That is the "legacy" of this stupid piece of crap.

auroramom said...

Interesting that the Beacon article criticizes this blog for allowing people to hide who they really are, when the following "people" have posted comments on the Beacon website yesterday & today:

--Overpaid Teacher
--tom jerry
--Busy Bee

Pot, meet kettle.

Annee said...

As always, you are more than welcome to specifically refute any "lies, hate, (or) slander" that you find here. Or is it just easier to yell "shut up", since this particular blog doesn't allow obscenities??

SHUT UP BLOG said...

Here is the difference. I know who runs the beacon. I can go and complain to the beacon. The beacon has a system in place that if a comment is wrong or offensive you can flag the comment and they will review it and take it down.

THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE. You won't like that answer but there is the truth.

SO shut up with your stupid pot/kettle because there is a HUGE difference between commenting on a blog run by "The Administrator" and the beacon.


No Annee, you're wrong. It is impossible to refute lies here because you morons only believe the lies and everything is negative, and everything is taken to the worst possible conclusion. So it is much easier to tell you to shut up because you are too stupid to realize how ignorant you truly are.

Just sayin said...

Seems a bit hypocritical to say a blog "cranks up anger" and then advertise it for even MORE people to become aware of its existence?

Anonymous 1 said...

I found it interesting that the article seemed critical of the blog because people could post information anonymously, yet except for Johnson and Montroy, every source Denise cited in the story chose to do so anonymously.

Apparently Johnson and Montroy want to be in public office but don't really want to hear from the public. The board certainly wasn't interested in hearing from the community about the bell schedule.

The truth is, if the blog were as useless and full of crap as some claim, nobody would read it. The Beacon reporters wouldn't keep up to get stories for the Beacon. Even the board and administration wouldn't read it.

The blog is a source of information for the community and the reason those in power don't like it, is because it is a source of information that they have no control over. They don't want an information source that reports credit card scandals or building and grounds scandals. They don't want the illegal things happening in our school district to be made public knowledge.

While I understand the leaderships motivation for wanting the blog shut down, it's a useless endeavor. Even if it was shut down, another would be started the same day. You can't silence an entire community.

Annee said...

Well, I find it offensive when someone repeatedly yells at me to "SHUT UP". But instead of complaining about it (or lowering myself to their level to yell back) I just consider the source and move on.

And when something is posted here that you think is untrue, what's preventing you from presenting your own version of the facts? You have just as much opportunity to speak on this forum as anyone else...or is it just easier to yell "Shut Up"?


John said...

Annee, as always you are always right. You are never wrong. The blog is perfectly fair and always respectful to teachers, administrators and students.

You keep posting that smiley face :) and everything is ok with me.

Robert 99 said...

Do you people realize that there is a difference between "hearing from the public" on a stupid lying blog or face to face conversation, where somebody could ask a question back.

This is no a "forum for discussion" even though that is what is should be.

This place is bully central where cowards come to attack people facelessly because they are "protecting their identity."

Anon 93 said...

The blog isn't a NEWS SOURCE either. Just because some blogs are news does not mean that ALL blogs are news sources.

Blogs that want to be taken seriously have an open forum and are run by credible people who aren't afraid to put their name as owner or administrator.

A News Sources has checks and balances (aren't perfect) and they have a system of recourse for when something is wrong.

Sunshine said...

So some think thinks this blog keeps the district from getting people to work here so how about the article in the Beacon about the Mayor and Johnson and how she was to busy to attend a meeting for students that would help the ones not going to college? She stated she was upset with the Mayor about how he supposedly did not support her in her re election? Then we have The Feds investigating the district for bulling. Then you have the board President during the re election calling out some administrators saying they where chumming with a contractor then after someone said something about her the three went on administrators leave. You have had the board president state she didn't trust administration and if she had to micro manage she would. All of this was in the paper and don't you think if you where looking for a job this wouldn't help you pick this district.

There has been some mean things said about some on here and some of those statements are made from Johnson. I hear more from people about this district that have never read this blog but people that have lived in the district that moved because of the poor quality of the schools.

Respect in the blog said...

How about the blog administrator BLOCK OUT those that say disrespectful things (shut up, profanity, morons etc) You can make this blog informative, opinionated (yet respectful to disagree) and weed out those that are just verbally abusive, slanderous, and "stirring up trouble" I know some will say "Freedom of speech" violation yet "abusive & false accusations" are considered in my post

auroramom said...

11:17, the problem with that is, what one person posts as a fact (like for example a contest rating) someone else twists around and interprets as "stirring up trouble". Pretty soon we'd just be talking about the weather...oh wait a minute, we can't talk about that either because the superintendent should have closed the schools when it snowed or flooded.

John 316 said...

But when somebody posts a FACT that isn't a fact then it is stirring up trouble.

Annee said...

Gee 6:56 a.m., I don't remember saying that I was "always" or "never" anything...

...but I'm happy that everything's o.k. with you.

Oh, and you might want to get your eyes checked. I didn't use any smiley faces on this thread--just winks.



So I guess the "blog administrator" is whoever Annee is.


auroramom said...

"a FACT that isn't a fact"--

Whatever that means?

The thing is, an inaccurate statement on a blog can be (and often is) challenged and supported with examples and/or corroborating evidence. One example of this was when someone said that Kevin Kaisershot wrote only baby-level music. Others jumped in, mentioning specific examples of more advanced pieces he wrote and performed. That's just ONE of many times people have set others straight on this forum.

But when something is mentioned here that certain people would prefer be swept under the rug, it does tend to bring out the "SHUT UP" by those who are unable or unwilling to make a reasonable argument.

Anneee said...

When a Fact isn't a Fact - It means this

When somebody posts something as if it is a fact, but in real life it isn't a fact.

That's what it means. Not that difficult to figure out.

the real Annee said...

Either something posted is true or it isn't. If you think it isn't then what's keeping you from presenting your own case, evidence, or argument?

Oh, I know...it's so much easier to blame the whistleblower or just yell "shut up"!

Anneeeeeeeeeeee said...

Annee, I'm so tired of this discussion. it's pointless to argue with you because you never see the other side of any argument. You are the problem with this district. You are the type of person that would rather talk about somebody on a blog rather than confront them in an adult manner face to face or even in an adult manner email to email.

That is the problem with this blog. It promotes ignorance and petty name calling and bullying. When you post something about somebody who you don't know, have never met, and have never tried to contact in the real world then you are nothing more than a coward and a bully.

newshound said...

While some of us are obsessed with discussing the blog itself, the "other" blog is actually talking about issues in our district. Here are a couple of recent comments:

Anonymous said...

Do you really believe that Weisner wrote the letter in Friday's Beacon? Did you ever think that Clayton Muhammad might have written it to settle old scores with his former employer? There has never been an explanation as to a reason why Muhammad took a significant pay cut to leave the school district and take a job with the city. There must be a story there somewhere. If only someone can find it.

6/8/13, 6:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Muhammed left because a grandmother questioned his giving kids rides and having students on Facebook. He returned the district computer a month later with no hard drive. Human Resources got the complaint In early January after events over Christmas. A month later he was gone. I doubt he would attack Johnson or Roberts they never shared the complaint with the board.

6/8/13, 8:41 PM

Jose said...

Go Granny Go!!

newshound said...

Here's what a student has to say about that new bell schedule:

"There are over 700 people who are apart of this page just as you yourself are, you guys might be asking yourselves "what good would my opinion do." "What's the big deal of this 6 period schedule" or "what's the point of even doing something." Well personally I'm damn sick and tired of this school always F-----g with us, always trying to save their own pathetic asses. All the while they could honestly give two less sh*ts about us. The whole reason we the students are against the 6 period schedule is because it makes a study hall or act prep class mandatory what this does is cancel out electives, it's also mandating that clubs meet in the mornings So if you like let's say gsa or video club then you'll have to wake your ass up at 6 to be at school by 7, and if you want any type of decent education then you'll have to stay for the 8th period after school to go to ANOTHER class, all because the school can't get its act together. Why do you think our grades are s---? Its honestly because we don't care anymore. We've lost all enthusiasm, and who's fault is that? They want to blame us but we're only there to learn, but what do we learn? Honestly, they only teach us tests, they teach us what they're required to, and nothing more because it's easier. But we're the ones who have to listen, who have to obey and to accept their spoon fed lies. Well you know what I say? Some of you might not care but im tired of being quiet and accepting things as they are. I say it's time to rally,to do something that makes a change, to finally have a say. This is my proposition, if you see anything or hear anything that you don't like then SAY something, and don't just blindly listen, like some flock of sheep, we are not willing to listen to this anymore, we are students of EAST AURORA, and well, this is our school"

AnonymousAnonymous said...

Sounds like a baby throwing a tantrum.

auroramom said...

Well, then there are more than 700 "babies" who feel the same (based on the number of people on the Facebook page Oppose the 6).

131resident said...

Hurray for you newshound! There needs to be more of you students speaking up. If you don't then no one knows how you really feel. Don't pay attention to comments like that from Anonymousx2. He/She is just showing his/her ignorance and negativity. Go for it and keep expressing your thoughts. Get together with other students and show up at the next board meeting (6/17) and let this board know that you students aren't going to take bad decisions made by this board anymore. GO FOR IT....MAKE IT COUNT!!!!!

Just sayin' said...

To those students wanting to be heard. There is a book called Kids are Americans too by Bill O'Reilly or a book called What are My Rights by a former judge Thomas A. Jacobs. Maybe you can find some helpful advice.

Tomcat2 said...

Yes, the students need to speak out for the 6 bell system these are the students that want to succeed. We have a board president that is more concerned about a community that is complaining about their taxes and going to a meeting with our lawyer than how the students of this district want. When our board is more concerned about taxes and not what our students are saying would be good for them then we are on the wrong track.

Anonymous 1 said...

Unfortunately, the only thing that Annette Johnson and Jerome Roberts care about is money (and ISAT scores). Educating our children is far behind in their calculations.

The only way they are going to hear the students is if they strike at the beginning of the year. The kids just need to refuse to go to school.

The amount of money that the district gets depends on student attendance. The state takes the best three months attendance of the year, which is always the first few months and that's how they determine the schools funding.

If the students simply refuse to come to school, the leadership will have to listen or suffer the consequences of the lack of funds (and the bad press).

Schools are there to service the students and community. It's like a business that refuses to listen to its customers. They aren't relevent for very long.

Mr. Reality said...

I have to laugh at all of you 131 people. Here you are complaining about overcrowding, funding, blah, blah, blah....

The truth is that you have no one to blame but yourselves for your current predicament. I think it is a safe bet that the vast majority of you voted for Weisner, Quinn and Obama. What do all three want, amnesty for illegals. We have a serious problem in Aurora with illegal aliens here and their children are enrolled in our schools which is the primary reason for overcrowding. News flash folks: more illegals are coming and the overcrowding will get worse. Get this to your head, you voted for this so don't complain.

You deserve all the problems since you supported the three politicians responsible. Not only that, but these three idiots cannot solve the financial situation since they are...well...morons. Guess what, your three heroes will make your financial situation worse. Watch the tax base of Aurora (and Illinois) continue to decrease as more people decide to move away.

So what does 131 have in store for its future? Well, it does not look good. I know a few teachers that have left 131 for many reasons: desire for better pay, want a better/safer environment, sick of all the Spanish spoken (two teachers have told me that!), tired of kids that do not want to be there, etc. Good luck trying to attract quality teachers. Who wants to come to 131? How is East Aurora's ACT score coming along? Still struggling to stay in the mid teens? How is that graduation rate? Still falling. How about the dropout rate? Still rising?

At least you have that daycare center at the high school. You have that going for you. That and the fact that soon you will be competing with Chicago for having the worst public schools in the state.

Again, you have no right to complain. It is all your fault.

auroramom said...

Mr. Reality, my "reality" has been much different from yours!

My reality is that I have known many, many Mexican immigrant families over the past 20+ years. They have been my neighbors, co-workers, and children's classmates. I do not know whether they were undocumented (it's really none of my business), but I do know that the Hispanic immigrants I've known personally have almost ALL impressed me as being hard-working, family-centered people. Every Mexican immigrant I know is proud of their Mexican culture (as I am proud of my northern European heritage), but is also eager to learn English, work hard, and participate in making our country better. I and many of my fellow moms volunteer as tutors to help immigrant women learn English. These women inspire me, working long hours at manual-labor jobs and then caring for their families and still managing to find time to learn our difficult language.

Yes, many of D131's students come from financially disadvantaged homes. Their families cannot afford the karate classes, soccer camps, music lessons, etc. that my own kids participated in to boost their achievement. But guess what...D131 students don't have the sense of entitlement and arrogance that I've seen in a lot of D204 students. Sometimes kids who have to work a little harder for what they have appreciate it more and are more teachable. I know that positive, teachable attitude is a BIG reason many of our best teachers stay here when they could make more money elsewhere.

Mr. Reality, what have YOU done lately to make our community a better place??

Objective Viewpoint said...

Mr Reality: Without a doubt, your comments bring out the worse in attempting to look at the problems in 131 Objectively. East Aurora has been in disarray for many many a year and continues to struggle, HOWEVER the major transition they are in will be for the better if full cooperation is given and others are willing to be part of the solution.

teachermom said...

Hey Mr. Reality, how about blaming the big business owners in our town and across our nation who are benefitting from the cheap and easily exploitable labor of Hispanic people? We used to fine businesses who hired non-citizens, but Mr. Reagan put a stop to that cause it just wasn't good for business. You must know that these families wouldn't move here if our employers weren't putting out the welcome mat for them? Our economy depends on their labor, just like it used to for slavery. ( I mean no offense to the Hispanic population - I have great respect for them as well and I know they are just trying to support their families.) Yes, our schools are stressed trying to deal with all the numbers and spanish speakers. It's very difficult - I am a teacher for d131. But look to your big-business politicians who created this mess - and yes, I include Obama in that, but also both Bushes and Clinton.

It's just a bit more complicated than you want to make it.

newshound said...


newshound said...


Knowledge Is Power said...

"The Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates team is headed by Marvin Edwards, who served as Elgin U46’s superintendent from 1993 to 2002 and now teaches at Aurora University, where he leads the college of education’s doctoral program"

Aurora University...college of education...isn't that where "Serial Bully" Radakovich has been working for the past several years?

Annee said...

Oh great--the worst superintendent D131 has had in recent memory's buddy/boss gets to help pick the next super...anybody else see a problem with this?

Curious said...

Why are people referred to as "ALIENS" when we were all born on the same planet? Am I missing something or did the government bring them from Mars?

auroramom said...

Curious, the term "illegal alien" is usually used by right-wing "Tea Party" types who like to use immigrants as a scapegoat for this country's problems. (Kind of reminds me of Hitler & the Jews back in the 1930s).

It's sad that some of our fellow Aurorans are unable or unwilling to put themselves in others' shoes and empathize with those who are so desperate for a better life that they will come here and take menial jobs the rest of us won't. Mexico is a beautiful place (I've been there several times), but my Mexican friends tell me horrible things about innocent people (sometimes their family members) being robbed or killed and the police doing nothing. It's not a place to raise a family; no wonder so many Mexicans take their chances coming north. The Tea Party crowd doesn't care about actual families...just whether someone with brown skin "has papers" or not.

newshound said...

There's a special School Board meeting this Monday night. The agenda is as follows:

I. Roll Call
II. Review and Discussion of Educational Consultants Reports
IV. Adjournment


Maybe we'll find out whether our district got the School Improvement Grant (the reason some say there was a big turnover in our administration, having to meet the requirements for the grant).

Anonymous 1 said...

I'm sure the "Educational Consultants Reports" are the firms that the board wants to hire for $20,000-$30,000 to "assist" the district in finding a new superintendent. Apparently it's very difficult to find employees when the salary is only $250,000-$300,000 a year.

If I recall correctly, the district has a Human Relations Department. In fact,at last count, the Human Relations Department has three administrators collecting more than $300,000 a year to hire district employees.

That's all the district needs to do is place ads on the Kane County Regional Office Job Bank and the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) Job Bank.

Whay are we throwing away $20,000-$30,000 hiring an outside firm. It's just another way for retired administrators who are collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in their pensions to steal even more tax payer dollars away from the children.

I have a better idea. Why don't we take that money and but some instruments for the new Magnet School Band which currently has no instruments and the director is being told to go to the community and beg for funds.

When is this community going to say "enough is enough"?

newshound said...


Many of the best and brightest D131 students are undocumented...thanks to Loyola they can "Dream Big" and become doctors!

Accountability said...

Shouldn't the minutes from the June 3rd board meeting be posted by now?

PAL said...

No the minutes have to be approved on Monday's meeting before they can be posted.

Sunshine said...

Yes, it has been ten days and by the Open Meetings Act they should be posted. Also the list of bills from March and April should be made so we can see them.

newshound said...

The minutes for the May 20 meeting have now been posted:


The minutes for the June 3rd meeting will be approved at next Monday's School Board meeting, and published after that. Because of all the "special" meetings lately it may look like the administration is behind on putting the minutes online, but they're actually doing a pretty good job.

Now if our district really wanted to join the 21st century, they'd broadcast meetings online in real time. We have the technology to broadcast other events (candidate's forum, graduation)...why not School Board meetings??

Sunshine said...

I read the post wrong about the June 3rd meeting and they do have to approve them at the next meeting but they still don't have the list of bills for March and April showing on the approved minutes of those meetings.

just saying said...

I recall a board member a few years back offering a camera or some service/ hardware or something so that video could be posted. I am sure a few on the board do not want John & Jane Q. Public seeing how they are representing their voters.

newshound said...


newshound said...

From the minutes of the special School Board meeting on May 21st:

"Mrs. Annette Johnson shared a proposed agenda for board meetings beginning in July and
asked board members for their thoughts.
Mrs. Gonzalez stated that the board operated as a
of the whole in the past and it was good in the sense that the information was given
all at once but the meetings turned out to be very long. She stated that this was one of the
reasons for the
change to a committee structure. The committee structure allowed for the
committees to discuss at length the information. Mr. Raymond Hull stated that when he was on
the board in 1999 the board operated as whole. The committee system did not go into effect
until Dr. Radakovich was hired. Mr. Hull and Mrs. Turza stated that if the board decided to go
to a board as a whole that the information presented not be as lengthy and not do as many Power
Point presentations.
Mrs. Mary Lou Peryea asked that if s
he would be able to ask questions as an audience
member if she were to attend a committee meeting. Mrs. Johnson stated that she would not be
able to and Dr. Roberts stated that legally you could however if the administrator being asked the
question has not
prepared for the question or it is not on the agenda then they would not be
prepared to answer. The suggestion was made to do away with the Curriculum and
Finance/Personnel committees. These two areas would present information at the first board
of the month with action for any items taking place at the second board meeting.
first board meeting of the month would be a little longer"

If committee and/or board meetings were broadcast online, community members would be able to see and hear discussions of important district business. What's keeping our district from joining the many others that have seen the wisdom of putting meetings online?

Sunshine said...

I have to agree it is time they started broadcasting the board meetings what are they afraid of that someone might really see of how dysfunctional some of the members are?

The list of bills for March and April are still not highlighted so we can see them.

Knowledge Is Power said...

Anybody go to the board meeting last night? Anything said about the new bell schedule??

EA Pride said...

I noticed that the district has hired Mrs. Nancy Tabb as Fine Arts Accompanist. Good call! Mrs. Tabb played for the spring choral concert and did an excellent job. My daughter really enjoyed choir last year with Ms. Gawlik and hiring Mrs. Tabb will make the EAHS choir program even better.

auroramom said...

EA Pride, I hope your daughter is able to fit choir into her schedule this year. With the new bell schedule it may be difficult to find a spot in the school day.

The upside is, if she can fit choir into her schedule there will be more rehearsal time because the periods will be longer.

Stupid Blog said...

Mrs. Tabb did NOT play for the spring concert. Mrs Gawlik did it by herself and with CD´s.

oldtimer said...

Well, I didn't go to the spring choral concert so I don't know who accompanied. But my nephew was in Singsation this past year and he did mention a "Mrs. Tabb" who played for the East choral groups this spring. The kids really liked her and according to her resume she has a masters degree in music from Northwestern. Our district is very fortunate to have her working here.

EA Pride said...

I'm not worried about my daughter being able to fit choir in her schedule, because she doesn't need to take a foreign language. She is already bilingual because we speak spanish at home & with her grandparents. So she has time for an elective.

Anonymous 1 said...


The audits show exactly what everyone on here has been claiming for years, the teachers do not get the support from the district that they need to be effective teachers. That is a lack of support in leadership and finances.

What I found very interesting is how the auditors found serious issues in the districts curriculum plan. It is in complete dasarray. That is interesting to me because for the last year, we have been told that the scandals in the Business Departmant and Buildings and Grounds etc. etc. etc. (You all know the issues) were happening because Dr. Roberts has been so focused on Curriculum.

What excuse are going to give now? It is so clear that the man is completely incompetent! The only question is: Are we going to have to suffer with that incompetence for the whole 2013-2014 school year?

newshound said...


DUH said...


The teachers have known this for a while. What a joke- "no curriculum developed (except Math) since 2008." What did Denean Adams do for the past 5 years? What did the facilitators do? Stole money from the taxpayers! Denean kept getting promoted during this time? Now Beatrice is steam rolling the common core and we are going to be in a bigger mess. And Shrek's answer to this is more administrators and realigning? How about training the teachers and putting that money in the classrooms. The staff, parents and community should be up in arms over this. Annette needs to resign- she likes to blame "boards of the past" but there is no way around this one- Shrek voted to keep paying facilitators and Denean to do NOTHING- as proven by the consultants (not to mention anothe 20K thrown down the drain by this leadership).

Anonymous2 said...

Anonymous 1-
That last question you posed was answered last night as again Shrek professed her love for the superintendent as far as stating that he will go down as the Superintendent who changed the district.

newshound said...


taxpayer3 said...

Denean paid her personal bill with the district credit card and took vacations but she is not the only one that misused district money.

Sickntired said...

Interesting report...and I agree with DUH above. Beatrice suddenly knows everything and common core workbooks will fix everything. She does not know what she is doing...just grasping at straws. She promoted diane argueta and now jen tapia. Neither have the experience or professionalism to be in their position. And now we put the person with years of curriculum experience into the classroom. Doesn't anyone else see that moving aird was retribution for annette being embarassed??? When is someone going to stop her?? Denean was never held accountable for what she did because annette was grooming her to be the next super. She needs to be stopped.

D131 Teacher said...

Why is it that our district allows for adminsitrators to use their power to get away with everything and anything. People being unfaifthful to their spouses continues happening here and nobody does anything about it. My principal is having an affair with one of my colleagues, some of us know about it, but we are afraid to say anything. Maybe they should have an anonymous tip line for things of this nature at the district office, but then again, he might be working there this next school year.

D131 Teacher said...

Let me predict what the trend is going to be for the next year or two....Beatrice will continue running the district with no curriculum knowledge, but because of the lack of leadership from Roberts and the power hunger atttitide she shares with Annette, she will have free rains to mess up our district even more. On the other hand, the new directors coming in, will blame everything that goes wrong on Dr. Aird, easy escape goat for the second time. Reasons for making this prediction, at the Board meeting the consultants praised the January initiative, one we as teachers thought and still think was a rush one. They keep talking about inconsistencies across the district, that is not Dr. Aird`s fault, that all comes from Roberts. In all this, where are our children and our opinions?

Sickntired said...

The way to let someone know about an affair is joan g...she is confidential and can investigate.

I totally agree with D131 teacher. Annette and beatrice are power hungry and will continue to mess the district up. Where is our voice?? When is enough enough?

auroramom said...

Actually, I don't think it's any of my concern if someone is having an affair in my workplace...UNLESS it affects my job!

If the staff member who is sleeping with the principal is getting preferential treatment or perks that others aren't, then it becomes everyone's business. D131 Teacher, if I were you I would document any specific examples of preferential treatment and send that information (confidentially) to Joan G. If the supposed affair is not affecting the work being done at your school, then my advice would be to look the other way.

oldtimer said...

I remember back in the '90s at East High, the (married) principal (initials G.P.) was having an affair with a teacher (first name Jeannie) who was married to another teacher (Tom). Jeannie left Tom for G.P.--and Tom had to introduce G.P. at an end-of-the-year banquet. Tom said that G.P. was "the man who made him what he was today".

Fast forward 20+ years, G.P. and Jeannie are still married (guess when a guy finds his soul mate, little details like already having a wife & family shouldn't matter). G.P. will be a groomsman for "Serial Bully" Radakovich's wedding this fall.

newshound said...


Get a Life said...

Get a life

newshound said...


EA Pride said...

I remember Erika Aoki...she was a bilingual teacher at Allen School back in 2004 or so when my daughter was there. Good teacher, nice person. So she's engaged to the serial bully, sometimes people are nasty at work but nice to their friends & family. For Erika's sake I hope this is the case.

knows131 said...

While 204 lets go 200 teachers in the last few years and increases class sizes, 131 hires more employees and celebrates their budgetary stability. What is wrong with this picture, you might ask? Two simple answers, our surplus of resources coming from our poverty grant exceedes 204 by 400%. Their scores either stay stable or increase. Our scores either decrease or decrease drastically. Their answers to the State? "We still havent been able to narrow the achievement gap", our answer to our community? "Lets hire more incompetent people at the district level, lets take away resources at the school level, lets continue making decisions without a three, five, ten and twenty year vision". Again, this new superintendent has to be somebody that knows how to work with a surplus of revenue, knows curriculum, has worked with a low Social Economic Status population and most importantly is a strong visionary who will NOT let the Board (president) dictate his decisions and who will créate a TEAM

newshound said...


newshound said...


Shut Up Blog said...

It's so nice to see the blog "scooping" the Beacon with so many stories about East Aurora.

Annee said...

What morons like Shut Up Blog consider "scooping", the rest of us consider sharing information.


Come on said...

Annee - You are obviously one of the "Blog Administrators" - Who are you, reveal yourself so we know who censoring us.

Annee said...

"You are obviously one of the blog administrators"...

Maybe, maybe not. And if so, choosing to use a pseudonym (as are you also).

Get over it.


auroramom said...

Since we didn't get that grant, what are the odds that the School Board will LISTEN to the vast majority of students & parents and reconsider the new bell schedule??

Just sayin' said...

Annette already said in that one news story.....the bell schedule will happen. Lets hope they reconsider the destructive construction at the HS.

knows131 said...

Take a look at any news articles related to school districts, take a closer look at who the person is from the district who addresses the reporters...in any school district, this is always done by the superintendent or one of the district adminsitrators, the Board has nothing to do with that. Again, would the new superitendent allow this to continue happening? Would the new superitendent allow Annette to address the papers, or would he or she be assertive enough to do it him or herself

Change is needed said...

Johnson won' t hire anyone that she cannot control. She has been given plenty of rope, when is the hanging gonna happen?

Sunshine said...

Makes you wonder why we didn't get the grant. We are in the bottom 5% , low income and a 6% graduation rate which was what qualified the district. Maybe they think the plan for the High School isn't a good idea but as long as Johnson runs this district things will go her way. The bell system should be stopped having students stay a little longer in the class room won't help if they don't want to learn.

Just sayin said...

Maybe having two shifts would alleviate some of the problems. Maybe have early start and late finish. This would allow an extra class period to start before normal hours and and one after normal end. Which could be advantage for teachers to start early, leave early, start late, leave later.

No construction, minimum additional costs.

Accountability said...

Where are the minutes from the June 3rd School Board meeting? They would have been approved at the June 17th meeting, and should have been posted by now, IF the board was being considerate, transparent, and respectful of our community.

Taxpayer3 said...

They have ten days by law to have them posted and they like to wait to the last minute. The list of bills from March and April are still not being able to access.

I see they hired Clark as Business Director and in the paper it stated he worked for East St. Louis and I don't know if it was when the State came in and took over but I would think it would be a sign business as usual at D131 someone who will look the other way.

knows131 said...

How can Beatrice Reyes Childers have so much power and the audacity of boasting in her building that anybody that is associated, likes, is friends with or has anything to do with Dr. Aird, she will make it her personal goal to get rid of them? Who does this lady thinks she is? And why are they allowing her to get away with this? People think she knows what she is doing, she has no clue. She was a building administrator for one or two years. As a teacher she wasn’t a very good one. As a bilingual director, she didn’t even have all her qualifications. The MAP books we got in January came from Diane as she was passing by a table at a conference, took a look at them and went to tell Beatrice that they would be something good for our district, next month, we all received them. Two people making such an important decision? The district doesn’t have any money, yet Beatrice gave an IPAD away as a raffle item during a SIP day and all the bilingual teachers in the district received another $50 for classroom supplies. Can somebody stop her?

newshound said...


DUH said...

I agree with knows131- people need to take a closer look at what is really going on and not just what is presented in flashy reports...for example ACCESS scores and exits that supposedly increased? Not true- the district just lowered their expectations and score a student needed to exit. Therefore increasing the exits and inflating the program- the sad part is the beacon bit on it. Now with hiring tapia as PD person it gives them another yes person. All our training will be dictated by Beatrice and her sorry excuse to prepare for common core. Where will the training be for Olweus- the board purchased it years ago and all we have received is an overview (yet the district has been sued and agrees to mandates by the Feds), where is the training on classroom manaent as we burn out young bright teachers because the students have behavioral needs that continue, where is the direction coming from? Beatrice ha ha- theist article regarding the supt that that beacon published stated the consultant counted that the salary has to be competitive at 230K cause you get what you pay for. Maybe Shrek and the runner stamp board will realize that statement is true for the teachers too.

FOIAway!! said...

Everyone that works in D131 should FOIA the consultants reports. Lets see what they really say- I hope the union is all over that. Remember it stated that no curriculum has been developed in years and that the district needs to support teachers. It was supposed to be out in March, what was it not you ask- because of the election. Then it was delayed again till after school got out so that the district could sweep it under the rug. I also recall as another poster did that the reason for Dr. Roberts not being aware of all of the scandals was because he was focusing on curriculum. Ha- I hope that the union does something with this. Sara are you listening?

Old timer 2 said...

I was an assistant at Simmons during the GP, JO affair..
Boy does that bring back memories! Not the only indiscretions, it was a regular Peyton Place in1976, and apparently not much has changed in that regard.....but any one of us old timers (now retired after 36 years).....can tell you that at least we had some measure of leadership from the central office, and a few administrators you could actually trust.......I feel so sorry for my colleagues who are still giving their all teaching in this cesspool of a work environment, not to mention the kids who are getting shafted.......it's actually embarrassing to tell people I spent my whole teaching career in d131, the way things are now....I wish I saw light at the end of the tunnel, but it seems to be blocked by bullies and deadbeat administrators!

Accountability said...

The agenda for the July 1st School Board meeting has been published online. The following is listed for discussion:

VI. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda, as listed
A. Regular Board of Education Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2013


Why are the minutes for the June 3rd meeting being approved on July 1st? Aren't minutes supposed to be approved at the next board meeting (which would have been June 17th)?

Sunshine said...

If you go back to the June 17th board packet you will see that they only had on there to approve the minutes from the special June 10th executive meeting someone must of forgot to put it in to approve them.

Just saying said...

Have the bullies and the deadbeats seen the light disappearing at the end of their tunnel.

Time to stop playing with the general fund for building. The state and the Feds are not giving D131 any more money to waste. They have seen the news articles and realized the Board and the district are being led by people who are not fiscally responsible.

Cancel all construction and get creative at constructing some new effective plans for educating our students in an atmosphere conducive to learning.

Anonymous 1 said...

The problem is that we have a board and administration that don't give a damn about education. They only do the bare minimum necessary to warehouse our children.

Teachers ask for needed supplies and told there are no funds, while at the same time Annette and Jerome brag about the 90 million dollar pile of money they are sitting on.

Maintenance is not given the materials or manpower they need to take care of our buildings. Just this week, the custodians were talking about how they were not even given stripper for the floors. Apparently, they are just supposed to wax in the dirt.

The board spends 2.4 million to fill in the swimming pool or in other words they spent 2.4 million dollars and did not create 1 additional inch of building space. Why? Because it was cheaper than doing things the right way.

While the West Side leadership had the forsight to make sure they had the land necessary to expand as their district grows, our board and administration have left us completely unprepared.

When is this community going to stand up and demand better for our children?

Taxpayer3 said...

You have to wonder how a district that has so many empty homes that are in foreclosure the district can say they will have 400 new students coming to the high school. We need leadership from a good Superintendent that leads our district but the board get one that can't lead but lets a board president do it.

knows131 said...

Why does the district continue disrespecting our community? There goes to show the importance of our social capital!! Another soon to be approved administrator who is neither bilingual, nor bi cultural, and we expect our parents to be involved in our students’ education?…how, when they would need a translator to express their concerns, questions, suggestions or what it’s even more critical, when the administrator and staff would need to send a possible strong message to the parent and it has to be done through a translator? This is just as ineffective as when you tell your own child, wait until your dad gets home so you can have your consequences. Let’s cite a sentence from the book that was given to us right before we went on summer break, according to Bowles and Gintis “they were evidence that the school system was rigged to create a docile proletariat.” (p 72). This doesn’t only apply to our students, it also apply tour community. Are we sure we should continue the institutionalized bias behavior we have had for so long at the cost of continuing our vicious cycle of not producing enough high school graduates? Don’t get me wrong, I am in complete disagreement with our bilingual program, even with the new model. Our children need to learn English as soon as they start their schooling years, but it needs to be taught in the lower grades by teachers who speak English perfectly and who understand their background and of course who are also bilingual. Spanish can be taught at home, parents can be supported at school on how to help their children at home with academic work, through our parent liaisons, reading teachers, their own child’s teacher (our contract says that we need to offer one planned night activity). Let’s get with it people or we will never get out of this mediocre system!!!

Knows 131, too. said...

Dear Knows 131,
I second your emotions!

A quote from a foreign born student who came to D131 in the 60's when there were no bilingual programs. "They (131) are doing a great disservice to the students."
The student graduated HS with honors and went on to earn a college degree after coming to Aurora from another country at the age of 8, entering school with no special programs, no government assisted bilingual educational grants, no free meals.....EA has done a bad turn and can't seem to get back on track.

oldtimer said...

In the 60's there were not 35 students in one building who could not speak the language . Some buildings have multiple classes of els students

Knows 131,too said...

Yes, old timer, you are right on! There is still a problem with the way the ESL are taught when the parents were complaining about them being kept in the program too long. Or when the teachers who instruct them keep falling back on the native language or do not speak both languages well. How can they be effective teachers for these students?

newshound said...


me, too said...

Since your 'experiment' time may be coming to an end, I want to say, even though people remain anonymous, I like the use of some sort of name.

Anonymous 1 said...

It looks like the district is being sued yet again:


It sounds as though Annettes arrogance is costing the East Side Tax Payers yet again. How many companies have to sue the district before somebody investigates the school board for the illegal way they are distributing contracts?

This is just the latest in a line of companies (and community members) who are wondering about our hiring practices and why the lowest bidding company doesn't get the contract. We're paying an extra 1.7 million dollars for our busing contract. Now weare going to be paying extra for food. It makes a person wonder who is getiing something under the table?

Just saying said...

Annette thinks she knows more about building maintenance, food service and finance than any of the experts. How can we hope to get a superintendent with expertise in education with a board president whose priorities are skewed, and bully tactics continue to embarrass East Aurora?

Anonymous said...

Funny that Johnson would not award the bid to alarm detection because they were a few hundred bucks higher than the lowest bidder but here the rules have changed again. What a joke.

taxpayer3 said...

After reading the article about the food service lawsuit you have to wonder why the board didn't have all the information about each one that bidded on it and the results from the bids and how the food tasted when the ones that went and tasted the food thought of it. It looks like the district doesn't know how to handle it and Johnson's statement of
Johnson said the school board delayed the vote because the administrator reviewing the food services bid documents, Nestor Garcia, had recently come back from vacation and found additional documents from Aramark saved on a CD that needed further review.

That is like saying my dog ate my homework. Why is an administrator going on vacation when a bid needs to be taken care of because if they have no food service from what I hear the district can't start. I wonder if they went a tasted any of the food from the bidders that is a important fact. There are four people on this board that is making our district a joke they need to go.

Anonymous said...

We have currently three lawsuits for over two millions dollars including one from a top administrator, all due to Annette’s ways of handling business and people. Anonymous 1, you are absolutely right when is enough enough. Look at other districts and what the Board has done when one of their members puts at risk the integrity of them and the District itself...that person is remove immediately.

newshound said...

The minutes for the June 3rd School Board meeting are finally published:


Note the extensive comments on the new bell schedule.

Anonymous said...

Someone should google Organic Life it looks like the Board is protecting the district . hey had a food strike in Niles and had to ay a $650,000 fine.

Other than the Food service which I am happy the District is protecting my child I am not aware of any other lawsuits.

Also nothing changed with the board they all vote 7-0

Taxpayer3 said...

A board can't vote to remove a member they have to go through the ROE by making complaints and bringing facts to them how the member is acting which I believe none has done. Ray has spoken out against Johnson but then he turned into the bad guy. Maybe with this lawsuit with bidding process on the food service we might get the attention we need for the State to see that the board president is running the district.

Taxpayer3 said...

I goggled organic life also and saw the article about Organic Life here is part of it that talks about the Law Suit.

Due to all the hype from #LunchStrike2013, the NWN has learned District 219 gave Organic Life $300,000 in August 2012 during a settlement over a contract dispute.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Organic Life threatened to file a $650,000 lawsuit, after the school failed to pay for food enhancement and payroll and management fees.

District 219′s public relations director Jim Szczepaniak said this morning that despite the fact most of the community was unaware of the litigation threat, information has been public.

There is some talk about the quality of food but that will happen with all food services. They seem to have had sine problems but worked with the district to solve them.

The problem with what happened here is they did not follow their own process for contracts.

newshound said...


Sunshine said...

Here is an article about organic lunches and the benefit from them. I have read the article about the students in Lisle and cold lunches happen in every district. There are many more benefits for our students with this kind of lunch by helping with students not getting so much sure with healthy eating and I don't see any problem with that as a parent. Also it states that many things they use are biodegradable which helps the environment.

At the end of the article below there was a reaction about the students getting sick.

Sunshine said...

Here is a article about Organic School Lunches and tells the benefits of them. In the Goggle search about Organic Life there was only that one report about them and they have been in business for some time. I bet if you goggle any of the other ones there will be something on them.


knows131 said...

It sounds like the Board/Johnson is protecting the students by not using them. Maybe before we jump the blog should get the truth OrganicLife, settle $650,000 contract dispute - Chicago Tribune http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-09-06/news/ct-tl-niles-food-caterer-settlement-20120906_1_food-service-provider-district-officials-student-m eals Subject: Breaking News: Niles West Students Boycott Organic Life Lunches | Niles West News http://www.nileswestnews.org/news/breaking-news-niles-west-students-boycott-organic-life-lunches/

knows131 said...

Little Juan said, Looks like Nestor is spending some of that 100G salary on a vacation. He probably should take care of his job before leaving. I don't understand how his name is always connected to the district screw ups yet he continues to get paid. Save the tax payers some money board. there is so much dead weight to get rid of. Put the money toward the kids.

oldtimer said...

Come on Annette we know the other board members are your puppet or the other ones are the puppet of old guard worthless administration that you rooted out, either way you proclaim yourself the Board Pesident of change so why not fire Nestor. Oh maybe because he has something on your boyfriend maybe the pool or grilling center Cordigan paid for. You are our hero so be heroic fire him. Afterall you got rid of every other worthless admin. Oh but you protect your boy Jerome and Nestor.

auroramom said...

Here's something POSITIVE--

Our band camp kids looked AWESOME in the 4th of July parade yesterday! Congratulations to them, their directors, parents, and alums who helped make yet another summer band camp a rousing success!!

newshound said...


auroramom said...

Another positive event for our kids, happening this week & next:

Former Chicago Bear and MTV Made coach Ray McElroy will be in Aurora next week running a free football camp for East Aurora School District students.

Triple Threat Mentoring is hosting the camp, which is open to students in grades three through five. Camp kicks-off on Monday, July 8, and ends on July 19.

Kids will meet Monday through Friday, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the East Aurora High School practice fields.

“When you combine Ray’s motivational speaking his football background and his passion to help youth, this is the perfect fit,” said Caleb Luper, president/CEO of Triple Threat Mentoring. “We’re extremely lucky to have Ray run this camp, and it’s a great opportunity for Aurora youth because it is a free camp.”

McElroy played for six seasons with the Indianapolis Colts, the Chicago Bears and the Detroit Lions. He is the current team chaplain for the Chicago Bears football club and a full-time professional motivational speaker.

To register, visit triplethreat.org/footballcamp

knows131 said...

Why is the position for Director of Secondary Programs posted? I thought Christine Warren was the Director of Secondary Programs. Did she resign or get promoted to something we don't know about yet?

newshound said...


oldtimer said...

Dr Warren quit last week. She went back to Plainfield.

Accountability said...

Central Office news is she resigned she was never capable of Secondary good riddance now if Annette would just get rid of Roberts and Nestor. Looking back on the rumor mill Roberts had a boat in the harbor with Cordigon and Nestor and Jay had many trips to the Illinois River along with the entertainment center and new pool Roberts got when he became Sup. It always smelled and how anyone could keep Nestor with all his baggage was interesting. Johnson had him when he was suspended a couple months back then let him off. Jeromy must have talked her out of it. Why do you back Jerome AJ enquiring minds want to know.

BTW Central Office thinks all the other board members are a joke expect Hull and Annette we do wonder why for all the good you have done you want your legacy to be Jerome Roberts Ray keep up the good work we know there is only so much with one vote you can do and at least you had the courage not to show up.

BTW Kristen and Lou we all watched what you would do about the Urban League and we have lost all respect we now know you are bought and paid for. Kristen you are the biggest joke defending the Urban League in public. Lou get off the Board there is nothing fun about 131

taxpayer3 said...

If anyone should get of the board it is Johnson and her three pets. How many lawsuits have we had since she has been on the board and they don't even follow The IL School Code by letting Johnson run the district.

Anonymous 1 said...


Now the new high school construction is going to cost at least 2.77 million dollars (and still not one more square foot of building will result). And we will be losing our pool.

The work will be completed in just three weeks. That's almost a million dollars a week that this construction company will be taking from our district.

Normally, about half of a projects cost is labor. That means there should be at least 460 workers working full time for those three weeks. I'm guessing 20 will show up. It makes a person wonder where this money is really going?

newshound said...


knows131 said...

Two comments from another blog:

"'K. D. , of Aurora, asked board members if they’d considered all their options before deciding to fill in the pool.

“You seemed to have jammed this through,”' he said during the meeting’s public comments section."

Jamming something through? That is so unlike the East High school board! I am very, very glad they elected new board members this last election, maybe they can straighten out the incompetence of the school board.


Thank you, K. D., for speaking up! If it hadn't been for the pool at EAHS and the patience of Ms. Woytowych, I probably never would have learned to swim! With the large population of minorities at EAHS, you'd think teaching swimming would be a priority. According to USA Swimming, 70% of African-America­n children cannot swim, compared with nearly 60% for Hispanic children and 42% for white children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that African-America­n children between the ages of 5 and 14 are three times more likely to drown than white children in the same age range. But sure, let's fill in the pool and teach kids how to wrestle. Brilliant.


I fully understand that it would be cost-prohibitive to repair and maintain the pool, and that the space is needed for other P.E. classes. But I'm still waiting to hear any response from our School Board or administration about what will be done to enable our students to learn to swim and/or pursue swimming as a sport. Filling in the pool is understandable ONLY if a "Plan B" is presented.

auroramom said...

Knows131, I agree that there should be a plan B to continue teaching our kids to swim. As a parent, I would support charging a small fee to include swimming as part of the P.E. curriculum and maybe have kids bussed to a park district facility.

Swimming and water safety are very important skills every child should learn. My kids benefited from the D131 swim lessons when they were in second grade--and I'm hoping that program continues in some way.

anonymous2 said...

I attended the board meeting and listened to the debate. The need for 12 classrooms seemed very real. They stated kids will still be 32 to a classroom after that. 32 is to many even with 12 classes. I think it time we speak up and demand a indoor pool at Phillips Park.

knows131 said...

With all the complaining last year about the board spending more money on Durham bus company the truth comes out Rich Lee allowed a student to get raped. Sometimes we as bloggers do not have all the facts and should get them before jumping to conclusions.

Like the High School expansion project I am sure we don't understand all the costs in operating e pool. We need to complain to the City with regards to over crowding...they seem to have a impossible job creating more classrooms.

Dumb said...

I totally agree that this blog NEVER has all the facts.

But about the expansion project. It is not a surprise that the high school has been growing. Every year it has been growing. 3 years ago they should have started work on an expansion project that would have worked and wasn't just a temporary fix. Nobody is looking ahead. Everything they do is a reaction.

anonymous 1 said...

knows131 you're an idiot. Rich Lee didn't "Allow" it to happen. Bad things happen by bad people and even the best organizations can't stop all bad things from happening. That is not a reason for the tax payers to be spending an extra 1.7 million dollars a year for the same service.

Now if you had a case like the Catholic Church where dozens, if not hundreds of pedifile preists are abusing children and the organization was deliberately covering it up, I could see your point that you would want to seek out another organization. But even then I would question why the other organization would deserve an extra 1.7 million dollars for the same service.

Taxpayer3 said...

Where did you hear that about the rape and where is your proof. By the way rumor is the West Side isn't using Durham next year so maybe we will be paying more for bus service this year also.

Knowledge Is Power said...

Taxpayer3, here's your proof:


And anonymous1, I have worked for the Catholic Church for +30 years and known probably 100 priests personally. Only ONE of those priests was a pedophile...and the Church definitely did not "cover it up". There are people who commit crimes against kids in every profession: teachers, administrators, bus drivers, clergy, etc.

anonymous 1 said...

Knowledge you should read this and tell me if you still believe that the Catholic Church doesn't cover for pedophiles. The chuch has paid out over 3 Billion dollars in lawsuits for their actions.


Knowledge Is Power said...

Anonymous1, I did read that article. Two quotes stood out for me:

"The report stated there were approximately 10,667 reported victims (younger than 18 years) of clergy sexual abuse between 1950 and 2002"

"The 4,392 priests who were accused amount to approximately 4% of the 109,694 priests in active ministry during that time"

Let's do the math...96% of priests are/were NOT involved in this scandalous & criminal activity. And 99% of the priests I know personally were among the good ones. That earns the Church an "A" in my book.

And it seems that every week or so we read about a teacher, aide, or bus driver who has abused a child. Does that mean that school districts are covering up for that employee's criminal activity? Should we view all school district personnel as potential abusers, the way many blame the Catholic Church for the actions of a tiny minority?

I do realize that for anyone who has been mistreated by an institution (church, school district, employer, etc.) the issue is very personal and their bitterness is understandable. But to characterize an entire organization (in this case the Catholic Church) based upon the actions of a few is very misguided!

Anonymous 1 said...

Knowledge Is Power, you really are an idiot. The church gets an A in your book?

If you read the entire article, you would conclude that the reason the church was being sued was because of the cover up not just the abuse. They were not reporting pediphile priests to the proper authorities and defrocking them. They would simply move the pedophile priests to another parish where they would continue their abuse of children.

10,667 reported cases (not the total number, just the reported number) earns the church an A in your book but one incident on the bus is justification to fire a bus company and have the tax payers pay an additional 1.7 million for decision?

I also think you would have trouble with getting a conviction for sexual abuse in the bus case. Yes one person was 20 while the other was just 15 but both were special education students who functioned as children. It sounds to me that these parents are using a technicality in the law to go after a company they feel has deep pockets.

None of this justifies the tax payers paying the extra 1.7 million dollars for the same service.

R U serious said...

Knowledge is power, you are a moron! An "A" for 4392 pedophiles...you are insane. Think of the many many thousands of lives (and probably more like millions when you consider family members of those victims) that have been trashed by "men of the cloth." These are supposed to be the most trusted members of society and they wreaked havoc upon thousands of victims, all in the name of GOD. I can't think of anything more despicable than this. Except for maybe someone who would give that track record an"A".

auroramom said...

I think every parent would agree that pedophilia is a real concern in every organization...there will always be "bad apples" who groom children and take advantage of their trust. Abuse knows no religion, age, gender, or ethnic boundaries. I would suggest that it is the duty of parents to be aware of who their children are interacting with, both online and in the real world.

And I also feel that if the Catholic Church allowed priests to marry, there would be less sexual abuse. Just my opinion, not that they're likely to consider it ;)

iteach said...

Looks like good things are on the horizon at d131?as a teacher we had our first presentations of the new Directors and I was impressed. All of them come from high performing districts and have geat ideas. Welcome to d131.

newshound said...


anonymous2 said...

The poor residents of Stonegate living in 300,000 dollar homes on fixed incomes. How can you afford such luxury on social security?
Ask Gonzalez ,Turza what they are doing with 57% of your taxes, you elected them to represent your interest. The City provides services for their portion of the taxes. What about the resident who send their kids to Annunciation, St Teresa, OLGC, St. Joseph, ACC, ACS and other private schools. They should get an exemption as well. Lets give an exemption to the parents are stuck in the under performing schools. Don't buy the 2014 Lexus ; wait on the 16 model.

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