Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Spring is just around the corner!

And lots of things are happening in our community: concerts, athletic events, fundraising, political campaigning, volunteer opportunities...

What are YOU choosing to do this spring to make our district better?


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Anonymous said...

Pancake breakfast this Saturday--support the Band Boosters and help pay for our wonderful district Band Camp this summer!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is interesting that the wicked witch of the central office Marin Gonzalez does not seem to be backing the wicked witch of Simmons central office news is the two had a bloom stick fight and doc the no balls superintendent had to get in the middle. Rumor mill is the Beacon is not done with the district this as Clayton hides. Question why do we pay him when the going gets hard he is never around for a statement.

Anonymous said...

What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber bullying is bullying through email, instant messaging (IMing), chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images send to a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA) (Kowalski et al. 2008). Cyber bullying, like traditional bullying, involves an imbalance of power, aggression, and a negative action that is often repeated.

Cyber bullying has some rather unique characteristics that are different from traditional bullying:

Anonymity: As bad as the "bully" on the playground may be, he or she can be readily identified and potentially avoided. On the other hand, the adult who cyber bullies is often anonymous. The victim is left wondering who the cyber "bully" is, which can cause a great deal of stress.
Accessibility: Most children who use traditional ways of bullying terrorize their victim at school, on the bus, or walking to or from school. Although bullying can happen elsewhere in the community, there is usually a standard period of time during which these children have access to their victims. Adults who cyber bully can wreak havoc any time of the day or night.

Bystanders: Most traditional bullying episodes occur in the presence of other people who assume the role of bystanders or witnesses. The phenomenon of being a bystander in the cyber world is different in that they may receive and forward emails, view web pages, forward images sent to cell phones, etc. The number of bystanders in the cyber world can reach into the millions.
Disinhibition: The anonymity afforded by the Internet can lead children to engage in behaviors that they might not do face-to-face. Ironically, it is their very anonymity that allows some individuals to bully at all.
Common Forms of Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying can take many forms. However, there are forms that are the most common.*

Harassment: Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages
Denigration: Distributing information about another that is derogatory and untrue through posting it on a Web page, sending it to others through email or instant messaging
Flaming: Online "fighting" using electronic messages with angry, vulgar language.
Maybe the administrator of this blog should stop the bullying that goes on. Watch Judy Judy one day . Whenever a person says that they had an agreement with the other person to do something the other person says just the opposite. Without proof or witnesses you cannot get to the truth. The student at Simmons is being picked on therefore Mr, Rolf the great avenger should come forward with a statement stating he has directly witnessed a particular student harassing that young man. Give the specifics of the incident. Then explain what he did to stop it. Otherwise he is not standing up for the student, he is exploiting the child for his own selfish motives.
The child had to be terrified standing in front of that board being told what to say. In a court he would been ask other questions. But once again when that happens you look like a bully.

Anonymous said...

Great Post 6:01. So everyone who consistently puts down another person with intent to harm is a bully. Bully , bully , bully.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is 6:01?

Anonymous said...

Annette Johnson always wears those pants that are too short for her. She looks like she's wearing shorts. LOL

Anonymous said...

It appears Jerome Roberts is being sued. The Circuit Clerk has record of it. 12 L 37.

Anonymous said...

To: February 8, 2012 6:50 PM

Do you have a direct link to the lawsuit you are referring to?

Sylvia Caudillo said...

Feb. 6 2012 11:12pm
Feb. 72012 9:52am

could not post here on the above conversation so hope they see it here.

For those people that wrote on the blog at the above times and dates. If you don't know what is going on you need to shut that hole in your mouth. I the Aunt is not doing this for money if you think we are then we will consider in an acting career. Jose is not my child he is my nephew. 2nd my sister has brought this issue with the school Patterson ignores her worries. She works I don't so that's why i attend the board meetings. And NO!! stupid i didn't tell Jose to tell the board he wanted to kill him self didn't you pay attention stupid. Jose told his doctor and the bull he has to go throw everyday. The doctor wrote out a letter to the school that Jose needed supervision at all times. WHY! because the doctor cares. But did Patterson ignore the letter Yes!! does she care NO!! is she now doing something Yes! But because her job is on the line. So if you really want to know the truth why don't u call me 6304053809 before your hole becomes loose again. And by the way you gave me an idea a lawsuit is not a bad idea now that i think about it. Thank you!! any good attorneys u know about or anyone LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

Kim Peterson is a teacher Roberts chased around with along with Sara Fernandez they worked at the high school Sara went to spain kim was pregnant she was suppose to be getting married. Now it makes you wonder why would she be file a lawsuit against Roberts

Central office rumor was Roberts wife left him over Sara however Roberts would be seen around having lunch with the two of them but not at the same time. Roberts is now divorced and a wage assignment was filed for child support recently.

Anonymous said...

To Sylvia C.
There are far more people in your corner than the few who are trying to dilute your nephews problems. We realize you can get no suppport from the administration in 131. Many of us have felt the same hopelessness in getting resolution to the poor decisions of those in authority.

A lawyer is a wonderful idea, but nearly every lawyer in Aurora at one time or another has worked for the district. Hiring a lawyer from the city who would take the case on contingency-meaning no charge if the case is not found in your favor.
I hope your nephew's health and education can be prioritized and that you find the help you need to bring an end to these problems in 131.

Anonymous said...

Amie is that you?

Anonymous said...


First of all, your nephew is extremely fortunate to have you supporting him. You are truly a brave, loving aunt to repeatedly speak out for Jose's best interests!

And about legal action: maybe you and your sister could contact Robert Green (the D131 teacher who won his lawsuit against the district), and his attorneys might take your case also. Or, get together with others who have been mistreated for a class action lawsuit (maybe Chuck Rohlfs could help with this).

If legal fees are an issue, a fund could be set up at a local bank. I know that I would contribute, and probably some others who read this blog!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the attorney representing the boy who said he was bullied at simmons?

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Sylvia,
The crap that has been going on here, at Simmons, has gone on long enough. Everybody, to this day, rips on Randall Ellison for all of his shenanigans as principal- but he did run a tight ship when it came to student discipline and students knew, full well, you did not want to be in his office for causing trouble. Now, the students have no fear of reprisal for actions most would deem untolerable, and criminal. The kid who cracked Jose' in the back received severe penalty- a thirty minute detention. Boy, he sure learned his lesson. Also, someone is indeed supposed to be watching him between classes and in this current climate- 3 big fights late last week, you would think all teachers would be in the halls monitoring student safety, along with all staff members. Not happening! I strongly recommend contacting the ISBE and demand this case be brought before state educators. You, unfortunately, are wasting your time pleading your case to the supreme rulers of 131. They have zero interest in serving you or your child. I repeat, they continue to scramble with all of their closed door meetings, etc. trying to, not help you or make schools safe learning environments, but figure out once again how to make this go away quietly. If they could figure out a way to remove your child from school, it is assured they would do it. What a shame, I mean sham. Is it 3:15 yet?

Anonymous said...

7:15 AM
She cannot afford one and the board knows it. That is why the campaign is for making this go away- get rid of the teacher, silence the kid, aunt and mother and return to the state of La La La "its utopia in 131". Invest in your future, the brightest, the best- 131. They truly believe this. It's frightening.

Anonymous said...

Randall Ellison was ran out the door at Simmons the same way Michelle Patterson will meet her fate. Our staff is a great staff overall but the silent minority get all the attention. All the us who know this is wrong is just as guilty for keeping silent. Bob Green was one of their star teachers and rolf has taken his place as the unhinged gym teacher. It funny that green is championed for repeatedly getting physical with students over a long period of time regardless of what happened this last time,but no one is talking about that because he one of them. Rolf is continually insubordinate and staff defends him with their silence. Bring on the next principal and same thing is going to happen because the rotten core will still be there. The issues are more about certain staff who work to undermine every principal that comes in this building. The Beaconfused have become puppets of anonymous staff. The news paper is now acting as the bully; congratulation Erica I hope you win a Pulitzer for your ground breaking first of its kind story.The principal cannot defend herself publicly and so she is guilty because of her silence.

Anonymous said...

Who is "them" you are talking about?

Anonymous said...

"Them" are my fellow union members who continue to keep the fire going. When you sling mud some will get on you.

Anonymous said...

If this mother was so caring and the aunt so caring why is it they will not transfer the child to another school. Who has the best interest of the child. Rolf was out poking fun of the training going on for bullying so again does he care about himself or the children. The aunt knows she will never find a lawyer because the facts will come out that the district followed procedure. It is the aunt who exploited Jose for her 10 minutes of fame.

Sylvia C. said...

I want to thank everyone for your support and thoughtful comments. I will get a hold of an attorney and will let you know if we will need support from the public. If you all see the problem then the attorney should as well.

I hope this would be out on a Spanish news so the Hispanics parents can stand up for their children who are being bullied at Simmons. Patterson said to me today at Jose IEP meeting that the kids are bulling Jose because i have his name out in the paper. This is the first time its out on paper what about the whole year he has been bullied. But she knows shes wrong if the parents here in this community don't read English. She just finds a way to cover her own mess and try to blame others like she blames the teacher.

Anonymous said...

You can't just transfer your child to another school the district has to do that. Your child has to go to the school that is in their area. I do believe a board member got their grandchild moved because of bulling so maybe she can tell this parent how she got it done.

For the parent and aunt keep up maybe ask the ALUC or contact The State Board of Education. I find it disturbing that the Administration did not call the parent when they talk to the child about what happened and it took two days before they called and told them about the incident.

Anonymous said...

How would the students know this is out in the paper do you really believe they read it and what caring parent would even tell their child about this. What ever the reason the students don't have the right to do it and the district is wrong to let it happen.

Anonymous said...

To the family have you tried contacting some of the news stations to see if they would do a story on this. Most stations have a place on their website to contact them about things going on and it couldn't hurt to tell your story they might pick it up.

Anonymous said...

Here is a website that might help.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia you know the school has made a offer that you refused in Jose's best interest you just want your 10 minutes of fame at Jose's expense. I would love for this to go to family court than the real story can come out. Stop bullying this child Sylvia

Anonymous said...

Sylvia is DEFENDING her nephew; she is speaking out on his behalf.

If it were not for Sylvia, this boy would probably be more traumatized than he already is. Every child should be fortunate enough to have a family member who cares about him like this!

Anonymous said...

What is the offer she refused? Did you offer the child to go to another school? Would that make a difference in this district. What are you doing for all the others that don't speak up.

Anonymous said...

The aunt knew Hull she addressed him that she knew the Vega family. Why did she not contact him individually instead of putting the boy through addressing a large group of adults. Hull is a minister and very vocal he would have not turned his back to this child. She is grand-standing. Now everyone is afraid of being sued and the kid is the loser.

There is also a Special Ed PTO that meets Lewis helped form this again why not address her individually,

Johnson is all concerned about image and is also very vocal why not call her.

Why because she loves the spot-light hopefully she has no children of her own

Anonymous said...

Why should this child be transferred to another school? Take care of the problem. Also, this bullying is probably being done to other students. Want to transfer them all? Transfer the bully's. Make the administration and board do the right thing. Seems like Denise Crosby is now interested in this. Check for an article from her coming in the Beacon.

Anonymous said...

The only offer that this child and his family received was:


That was reported by the Aurora Beacon.

It the same offer that all the band kids received years ago.

I would have refused such an offer myself.

Anonymous said...

What is up with Roberts and Kim Peterson interesting that she would have legal action against him as a individual I wonder if the Beacon could look into this

Anonymous said...

No Board member can act alone. Talking to one of them can't get you anywhere unless they all vote on something. If Hull is a minister he should know the laws he would be breaking if he acted alone.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the single most important job of a school board
is to employ a superintendent and to hold him or her
responsible for managing the schools in accordance with
state law and the school board’s policies. The board also
should set educational goals for the schools — based on
state laws and community values — and see that the
superintendent and the total staff vigorously pursue those
Because a school board is a governmental body, it can
take action only by majority vote at a public meeting. The
individual board member has no authority other than the
right to cast a vote at such a meeting. A board member
who attempts to speak for the total board, direct members
of the staff or make other individual decisions is acting
outside the law.

You can read the whole article at this url.

Anonymous said...

What does Hull being a minister have to do with ISBE law? Ministers are suppose to adhere to both God and mans law but so are all who claim to be Christian. Here is one law my dad told me" thou shall not bare false witness". Jesus Christ was crucified because of a group of so called lawyers and their lies. Even his disciples scattered and abandoned him when the soldiers came to get him because they feared for their lives. Sounds like the staff at Simmons, the school board, and even those within the community who know the truth.

Anonymous said...

I checked the over/under in Vegas on the number of really good fights at Simmons today. Since its Friday, the number is set at 2. I am going to bet the over. Last Fridays 3 brawls are a predictor of future behavior. Couple that with the fact that no one gets any real punishment, its a lock.

Anonymous said...

To "our staff is a great staff"
If you insist nothing will change with a new principal and the rotten core will still reamin, undo your self-professed silence and do something about it. Go up to him and voice your deep, heartfelt concerns and ask for his resignation. Let me know how it goes coward.

Anonymous said...

Hull can't act alone in a disbute of the district. Even the Lord said to follow mans laws. Also it is the administrations job to take care of this that is why the one thing that a board does is to hire a superintendent to follow the policy of the board. In fact the board is not suppose to have contact with the parents or students. You need to follow the chain of command if you want the outcome to handled right.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to an excellent article written by retired EHS teacher Tom Strong, about one of our finest counselors (Jacki Montroy):

Anonymous said...

District 131 has used NCLB as the reason for their failing. They can now use a waiver as an out if IL makes the request.

Anonymous said...

I as a parent had a issue resolved by emailing the Board. It was handled in a timely manner and my child did not have to stand up in public and be humiliated. I have always found Mr Hull to be a helpful person and direct me to the correct people as well as Ms Johnson and Ms Lewis. Common sense needs to prevail.

Anonymous said...

Proper procedure is to talk to the teacher and if they don't help go to the principle and if that doesn't get you no where you go to the superintendent. It is not the boards job to do the administrations job their job if they do it correctly and by the law make sure their on employee is doing theirs.

Anonymous said...

You forgot that when all the others don't work you go before the whole board and make a statement because no one board member should be giving advice to someone it could cause a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

People here conveniently forget that the family of this boy went to the assistant principal, the other assistant principal, the principal, the superintendent, made several pleas to the board and even went to the press before bringing the child before the board.

Until they were shamed by the little boy, the only response the family had received from the administrators and board was "the matter is closed".

I truly believe the response we saw at the board meeting from Mechelle Patterson says it all. She walked out when the child was speaking and even refused to look at him when he was walking by her. How would you like to have this person looking out for your safety.

The community is now seeing Mechelle Patterson as she really is. This is what most of the Simmons Staff has seen from her for many years. The only question is if and when the board deals with the issues at Simmons.

Anonymous said...

I am a nurse, and if a patient even mentions any suicidal thoughts they are sent immediately to the hospital for observation/assessment. If this boy truly said that to his doctor, he should have been hospitalized.

Anonymous said...

I love how one person is doing all the speakng out for the staff at Simmons, how come no other teacher came forward with you at the Board Meeting Mr. Rohlfs!!! Because you are using this situation to your own advantage!! You can't stand the administration and will stop at nothing to get rid of them. Didn't Marin get rid of you at the highschool for being a "loose" cannon. The boy is not even at the school anymore who did this to him in October, what do you want, the police to get involved and go get him and bring him in also. If you are unhappy at Simmons then leave.

Anonymous said...

10:27 p.m., thank you for reminding us that this boy's family did indeed go through the proper chain of command in trying to deal with this situation. They have been persistent, refusing to accept the central office's famous "the issue is over/the matter is closed".

But I would not heap all the blame onto Mechelle Patterson! Marin Gonzalez is famous in this district for being two-faced and vindictive. I have actually had some interactions with Ms. Patterson, and found her to be reasonable and caring (at least in my experience). It is possible that Ms. Patterson was advised by her attorney to say nothing at last Monday's meeting and/or to avoid interacting with the boy or his family. I wouldn't put it past Dr. Marin Gonzalez to rush over to the family and console them so she can give the appearance of supporting them when she actually was part of the coverup. Remember, she got that "Dr." at Aurora University, at our expense, under the tutelage of "Serial Bully" Radakovich. She learned from the "BEST" how to treat students, families, and community members!

Anonymous said...

"one person is doing all the speaking out for the staff at Simmons"
This is due to the fact our 131 admin are known for taking action against those who do not kowtow to their commands. There have been many who have lost their jobs. We only see those, such as Green, because of his persistence. And look at the negative spin that was put on his work at the schools.
Some have gone away quietly to find employment elsewhere. Some have stayed and grit their teeth and dealt with the poor leadership. A person cannot just walk away from a job to which you have dedictaed your life. There may be no hippocratic oath for educators, but we have many in our district who are here for our kids despite the work climate created by central office.

Anonymous said...

There are those who know that unions are a necessary evil but the original intent of negotiating wages and hours have mutated into wolves in sheep clothing. Public safety, health care, education have all began to hold municipalities, hospitals, and tax payers hostage. Old school teachers , public safety and healthcare used to do their job for the love of it,when the compensation was low now its a "career". In every workplace no matter what the profession there are those who believe that the management is irrelevant, stupid, and no matter what management does there is push back. There are some disgruntled employees at Simmons like at every other building. All teachers who don't leave are not necessarily dedicated to our students. Some like Rohlf would never be hired anywhere else. He stays because he is protected here by Rhodes and the citizens council. He will keep on until one day he will actually get whats coming to him. Things are not perfect here but contrary to popular belief good things such as Simmons report card are a result of both good teachers and good administration. Not flawless but human instruction and leadership.
Great point that Marin Gonzalez was grande standing by what she did, good move though because she has been under pressure all year. Has she given an up or down opinion on the principal. We will never know because we are not told of all the behind the scene action. We all know that training began last week in our building. My understanding is that we(staff, students) will be expected to learn about on the spot intervention for all involved. Most of the problems take place out of the eyesight of staff but the students see it first hand. How many of us are actually standing outside our classrooms looking for potential problems? How many of know what to look for? If we can't be everywhere all the time how can four administrators be everywhere all the time. Not being where he is supposed to be with regards to his students is why stays in trouble with the administration and constantly flapping his jaws about nothing relevant. Michelle Patterson had tried to approach Jose and his Aunt chaos would have ensued. The young man is no longer in the building, so to say that nothing is happening is just wrong.
Rohlf should share with the community how many times he has been written up prior to any of this and lets do a public opinion poll of whether or not his motives for continuing to stir the pot are genuine. Let me fire the first shot. He was at the board meeting trying to recover his lost wages for his suspension for insubordination. He never said one word in defense of the child except whatever affected him. The board obviously saw his body of work and rejected his appeal. I'm sure the union have done their best to defend him.
The board obviously has looked at Michelle Patterson body of work as well. Hopefully they remain prudent and objective in all their decisions.
Don't be so sure you want to hear from the community because the community is talking and you would be surprised about what. This blog represents less people than are in most of our classroom. The Beacon is a disgrace to journalism. They should take their rightful place next to the Enquire.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:31 obviously you don't talk to the right people in the building or haven't been around long. Bob Green is a disgruntled employee because he could never get the head coaching job he wanted. He has been constantly passed over for coaching positions. This last case against him was certainly weak at the least and poor decision making led to the district being made to look as though he was being picked on. The truth is he has been bitter for so long and I'm not saying some of it was not justified but if the district had did their job years ago it would have never gotten to where it is now. Green even went to court against the union. Because of "failure to represent". They were fed up with him as well. Craig should speak up; he knows the truth, but then again Rhodes is in the administrations pocket.The administration acted this last time out of frustration and that was a bad decision. Unless you are Bob Green you have got to be kidding. Green is much more intelligent than Rohlf ; just talk with them both and its clear immediately once Rohlf opens his mouth. Bob Green understands right where to go before he crosses the line with students. He provokes them so that he has some reason to engage and then he gets into the semantics and technicalities of what he did. He happens to be good at what he does, much better than the district administration.

Anonymous said...

Denise Crosby: Family wants action from school to stop bullying
By Denise Crosby

I wasn’t there, but reporter Erika Wurst painted a compelling picture of what went on earlier this week at the East Aurora School Board meeting. And I have to tell you, it wasn’t pretty.

You had one family so desperate to find relief from the bullying their seventh-grade special education student is enduring this year, that an impassioned aunt pleaded her case at a public meeting.

Standing beside her was the child himself, a small, timid kid with disabilities who tearfully told a room filled with somber adults that he admitted to his doctor the bullying was so bad he wanted to kill himself.

And then there was the school principal, refusing even to make eye contact with the child or family.

Bullying isn’t a pleasant topic under any circumstances. But this story, just about everyone agrees, is particularly heart-breaking.

Over the years we’ve received lots of complaints from parents — they come from every school district in our readership area — who are upset their children are being harassed in school. Sometimes we write about it. Often we don’t because in the end, a parent doesn’t want to put his or her name on the story for fear of a backlash toward the child.

So you have to give props to Jose’s family for going public. “We felt we had no other choice,” said Sylvia Carillo, the boy’s aunt.

Jose’s mother says she’s been trying to get the bullying to stop since last October, when her son’s shorts and boxers were pulled down during gym class. The family’s beef is that the school has done little to resolve this chronic problem, even accusing officials of tampering with statements. In another odd twist, the gym teacher who tried to stand up for Jose received a five-day suspension for insubordination.

The superintendent’s office says the bullying matter was handled in an appropriate and timely manner: Case closed. The School Board points to its $50,000 anti-bullying program as evidence this issue is taken seriously in the district. And both School Board President Annette Johnson and Simmons teacher Isabel De Los Santos assured me later they are seeing positive results since the program was initiated in the fall.

Bullying is not a problem just at East, with schools everywhere trying hard to address this difficult issue. But it’s not going away, no matter how much time and money is thrown at it, if adults let personal agendas — like politics, personalities and image — get in the way of the well-being of young victims.

That’s why kudos should go to Marin Gonzales, East Aurora’s superintendent of secondary education, who rushed out of the meeting to console and applaud Jose and his family, promising to put a plan in place to help the boy.

That’s in stark contrast to Simmons Principal Mechelle Patterson, who, according to witnesses, left the meeting when the family began to speak; and refused to acknowledge their presence.

I don’t know what was going on in Patterson’s head during all this, of course, and she did not return my phone call asking for an explanation. De Los Santos insists the principal does an excellent job there, and this whole thing got blown out of proportion because the gym teacher stirred the pot inappropriately.

Nevertheless, board President Johnson assured me the district is “giving this matter a lot of attention.” Indeed, the principal on Thursday met with the family, who said Jose was offered the choice of changing schools or staying at Simmons with a new schedule and adult supervision.

They chose the latter, Jose’s mother, told me. And I hope all those involved will be able to put the pain and embarrassment of this unfortunate situation far behind them.

We’re talking about a child here ... it should always be about the child.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that the teacher that was quoted in the article, Isabel De Los Santos is not being disciplined. As teachers in this district, we are forbidden by administration to go to the press and are under strict instructions that all correspondence with the media must go through Clayton's Muhammad's office.

It is portrayed in the article as though she is just an ordinary teacher at Simmons but the truth is, she is in very tight with the administration of this district. In fact, her son is the principal at Brady Elementary. His name is Francisco De Los Santos.

It's amazing to me how far the administration and board will go to try and discredit anyone who speaks out against their incompetence.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Quoting from Denise Crosby's article:

"The superintendent’s office says the bullying matter was handled in an appropriate and timely manner: Case closed"

The superintendent's office includes Marin Gonzalez. So the "case closed" response came directly from her! Gonzalez' rushing over to supposedly console the child looks like a big act to me, grandstanding in front of the press.

Anonymous said...

De los Santos is not the only one who knows about the great things at Simmons , she happens to be one who spoke out. I'm sure the rest of the teachers giving their input had the chance to expose themselves as well but no ,the big bad administrators will haunt you down. Everyone doing their job has nothing to worry about. Please produce a teacher doing their job that has been written up or singled out for speaking their peace. Rohfl record speaks for itself; he should be fired not just suspended. What a worthless article, is that the best Denise Crosby has to offer after all the years or writing. She just piggybacked on the other amateurs back. What about all the others in the room? the board member just stared as well. Were they all supposed to rush out and hug the child in order to prove they were compassionate. How did Hull get a pass from the Aunt because he knows the child?. I didn't see him rush out to hug the boy. Either the whole board is guilty or non of them is, sorry hull. Either the whole staff at Simmons is guilty of doing nothing or no one is. When the test scores tank the principal get the blame even though they don't teach any classes. So if there are successes at a building the principal deserve credit as well. Keep up the good work Ms. Patterson.

Anonymous said...

Simmons is not meeting standards and hasn't for many years. They've never made AYP and have been on the states watchlist for 10+ years. Kids are getting beaten up daily. There is mold growing in the building and many areas have poor ventilation. There are rooms sitting at 60 degrees while others are 90. the teachers are being bullied as much as the students and morale is as low as can be.

What successes are you referring to that Mechelle deserves credit for?

Anonymous said...

Kids will be kids.

Anonymous said...

De los Santos is related to Frank at Brady. She is also a kiss-up. Why was she able to comment on Rolhfs performance did she not violate the records act.
As for Marin what a grand stander clear to she that she put Patterson under the bus.
No comments from Clayton or Roberts on such a explosive topic. They always defer to Johnson. Typical Johnson lets spend money that will solve everything.

Crosby sure had Patterson sized up

Anonymous said...

Rolf is a nut and should have been fired years ago. He came in one causing teachers to file complaints that he Kill a child rather than adult but that a child should die before a dog. When told to get help he refused He also drove his truck across park district land to show off to his friends who dared him. He leaves the grounds during the day and comes back smelling of scope. Everyone knows he drunk. That is just a few things

Anonymous said...

This kid got what he deserved.

Anonymous said...

Kids will be kids.

Anonymous said...

And bullies will be bullies.

Remember what Maya Angelou says:

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"

Anonymous said...

The board member who got her grandchild transferred is Anita Lewis.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but SD 129 and 308 did not make AYP either; just ask Amie. Simmons has and does perform better than the other secondary schools. So don't give out any credit and its still a reflection on the entire staff. Were all in this together. When you hear terms like kiss up that means anyone that supports management initiatives. Yes she is related to Frank the Kane County Teacher of the Year. Don't hate someone who really cares about students and it not just here to collect a check. For those who are neutral in this understand this is personal , all of it.

Anonymous said...

Simmons has been a failing school for more than a decade. Even back when you only needed 30% of your students to meet standards, Simmons was failing.

Other districts are only having trouble now that the requirements are being pushed closer and closer to 100%. Eventually, no school will be able to make standards.

I have worked with the students at Simmons as well as the students at the other middle schools in this district. If Simmons students are outperforming the other schools on standardized tests, somebody is tampering with the results.

The students at Simmons have far more language barriers than the students at the other middle schools. That's simply because they have a much higher hispanic population than do the other buildings.

We already know Mechelle has no problem lying and falsifying official documents. Perhaps it's time somebody did a little investigating of Simmons ISAT tests. It certainly wouldn't be the first time a principal in this district has altered test results.

Anonymous said...

Amie is that you. You know what the board your on did with test scores so remember the old saying people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. D129 is no prefect place either.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the Illinois School Report Cards, Oswego Has 20 schools whose collective total of years on the watch list totals 6 years. The West Side of Aurora has 15 schools whose collective total is 18 years. The East Side of Aurora has 16 schools with a collective total of 82 years on the watch list.

Again the standards keep rising and by 2014 the only way you are not on the watch list is if every single students in your school is meeting standards.

I did find it interesting that Simmons has the most students meeting standards in the district, especially when you consider that they have a significantly higher hispanic population than any of the other secondary schools. They have the greatest percentage of students with language barriers but are performing the best. Something there is not adding up correctly.

If you look at the elementary schools who feed into Simmons, They are schools who are scoring ten points lower than Simmons, the staff at Simmons is either doing the most phenominal job educating kids (incredible considering they are doing that at the same time they are breaking up fights)or they are cheating on the test. Either way someone needs to look at what they are doing there.

Either copy their success or fire the cheaters.

Anonymous said...

6:23 p.m., who says it was Mechelle falsifying or changing that child's statement? I think there's a good chance it was Marin.

Maybe a handwriting analysis can get to the bottom of it.

Anonymous said...

The statement had not yet left Simmons when it was discovered that the statement was altered. For Marin to have altered it, she would have had to have done it in front of a Simmons Administrator.

Also the forged statement was most likely written by a left handed person (writing was slanted to the left) Mechelle is the only left handed one of the bunch.

Anonymous said...

With attitudes being displayed by staff members it is a small miracle that the children have half a chance. This is a so called dedicated staff member. You are another disgruntle teacher who will never get that next step up you desire, just face it. Collect that check and head back to the westside and wreak havoc over there. Surely they would want such a talent over there. Ms. Patterson shot JFK also. She got ahold of a gun from Clayton ; it was small one. Johnson and the board pardoned her and then gave her a job. She forged her signature on her diploma because she really didn't graduate. She met Jerome over at Kim Peterson house and have been friends ever since.

Anonymous said...

I saw the statement Mechelle claimed the child wrote (So did the board). This is a special education student with limited mental abilities. He was able to point to the part that he said he did not write. The section he claimed was not his matched perfectly with where the handwriting changed.

The statement was in the possession of the Simmons Administration the entire time. If not Mechelle, then who?

Anonymous said...

Someone higher up (Marin) could have told her what to do/what to write.

There's plenty of fault to go around here; as someone who knows Mechelle as a generally caring, competent administrator I don't like to see her taking the entire blame.

Anonymous said...

Play the game or take the blame.
131 motto.

Anonymous said...

WHO CARES - You all aren't smart enough to do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Let's see what the lawyers can do.

Anonymous said...

The lawyers will do what they always do, they will charge many thousands of dollars to resolve simple issues that should have been resolved by the parties involved.

Unfortunately, when you have people who are not risking their own money, they only care about dragging things out for years while they collect hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public.

S. Caudillo said...

Patterson did mention in the meeting she would have the handwriting checked by a handwriting analysis just to prove it was not tampered with. YA RIGHT???? i want to see it happend. Anyone knows of someone let me know so i can have it checked and bring it to the next boardmeeting.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

To: February 12, 2012 7:13 PM

Yes, it will be investigated like they investigated the mold issues in the building. They come back and claim there is no mold problem and ignore the teachers when they show them areas where the mold is growing an inch thick.

It's all about protecting their image. Somehow they always seem to be able to find a company that can gaurantee the results long before they ever do an investigation.

Way too many people have seen this childs statement. Everyone who has seen it (except for Patterson) immediately knew that the handwriting did not match.

I personally saw the statement. There is no question that two different people wrote on that paper. This kids parent should bring in her own handwriting expert.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a handwriting analysis expert. They will even give you a free consultation.

Tam Kaiden


Anonymous said...

What a waste, to pay for a hand writing expert. It would probably be cheaper to get a lie detector, then they can get all questions answered at one shot!

Anonymous said...

Lie Detectors don't work.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard of

I would be interested to hear educators take on this 'movement.'

Anonymous said...

Another East Aurora scandal. Coach Hubbard is Wendall Jefferies friend. He chokes a kid and does not go to jail. The school resource officer is guilty of not upholding the law. Read the Beacon

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, answer one question. What could Ms. Patterson say to you at that meeting that would make you say "we forgive you, you're doing a wonderful job" Some believe you would welcome her embrace. Give us the truth please.

Anonymous said...

Coach Hubbard is not a certified teacher, nor was Coach Hubbard a certified coach, even by district board policies. Coach Hubbard should never have been allowed to be around children in the first place. Of course laws and rules don't apply to certain individuals in this district.

It is amazing that his rear has not been sent to jail. I guess the student is just another bullying victim like the kid at Simmons. Boys will be boys in District 131.

S. Caudillo said...

What!!! i never nor my sister said that we forgive Mrs Patterson shes a dead beat lier. If anything she would change the conversation every time i was attacking her with what has happened. She said that we forgive her YA? right...

Anonymous said...

According to the Beacon the assistant coach had further statements on his blog. I found this online. It was amazing to read. The Beacon's version was very sanitized to say the least.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012EAST AURORA Illinois High School Sophomore BASKETBALL Coach CHOKES Sophomore Player after losing Road Game.
You would think out of all the scenarios one might encounter you would never think in a million years it would be this one. Because i echo the same sentiments that Former Detroit LION GM and Penn STATE All-American Football Player Matt MILLEN said during the SANDUSKY Investigation, " IF WE CAN'T PROTECT OUR CHILDREN THEN WHAT DO WE HAVE AND WE ARE IN TROUBLE AS A SOCIETY".

I, the BLUEDUDE, is also a COACH on the STAFF an very Over Qualified Assistant on that level at East Aurora ILLINOIS HS and have been a in this Position for 2 Seasons. I used to work on the NBA Level so you can just Imagine in my mind sometimes HOW DID the BLUEDUDE get to this point.

Anyone having COACHED with the COACH who had our PLAYER in a FULL NELSON Head LOCK for about 30 Seconds....KNEW this COACH should have never been coaching anyway. On numerous Times in PRACTICE every single say the CHALLENGING of the PLAYERS Well-Being, and overall PSYCHE of the PLAYERS was and has been OVER THE TOP. I put it to you like this I wouldn't have this COACH be a PRISON GUARD at SAN QUENTIN MAXIMUM Prison in CALIFORNIA fearing that he will start of a PRISON MASSACRE.

Then you say BLUEDUDE why didn't you do something? The COACH in question Best Friend is the VARSITY Coach and he had this COACH on the SOPHOMORE LEVEL so no other COACH could get close to his job. Also they both LOSE at such a HIGH RATE (Sophomore currently 4-16 and varsity at 2-21) that why put a COACH under the VARSITY that could WIN all the TIME to make the VARSITY Coach Look like he can't COACH.

So the so called PROGRAM and I, the BLUEDUDE, have called it the JUVENIAL Detention HOME on the EAST SIDE of least that's how they COACH it maybe the WORST handling of KIDS I have ever seen and all the ADMINISTRATION knew this GUY was DANGEROUS. If your reading this story please Contact every NEWS OUTLET in AMERICA an even across the WORLD for this STORY because the BLUEDUDE who now Fears for my own WELL-BEING, because his BEST FRIEND and the VARSITY Coach is still there, doesn't want this to happen to any other HIGHS SCHOOL Student-Athlete ever again.

Yeah I am not going to get into the DETAILS of WHAT HAPPENED but the COACH inn QUESTION has been BORDERLINE provoking our PLAYERS the whole 2 Years i have been there. Think about what the BLUEDUDE saw as I entered the Locker Room after signing for the BUS with 2 of my 3 KIDS in that Locker Room.....A HEAD SOPHOMORE COACH HAVING A PLAYER IN A FULL NELSON HEAD LOCK AND THE PLAYER LOOKED AS THOUGH HE COULDN'T BREATHE and the BLUEDUDE is still shocked over it. Think if that was your SON or DAUGHTER....RIGHT.....YOUR CHILD is getting that kind of TREATMENT in a HIGH-SCHOOL that is suppose to be a somewhat SAFE Enviroment where you trust the COACHES and TEACHERS around your SON or DAUGHTER everyday.....unthinkable.

PLEASE tell everyone you know to READ this STORY forget the VIEWS or HITS on my BLOG...they need to know this HAPPENED at a HIGH SCHOOL and every HIGHER UP who is responsible for this should be SUSPENDED Indefinately without PAY and until further Investigation.

It was a SAD DAY over at EAST AURORA ILLINOIS HS that DAY and the BLUEDUDE, Coach HARRIS, has been scarred for LIFE of what I saw with my 3 KIDS in attendance.

Follow the BLUEDUDE on Twitter @bluedudesports and put me in your circle on GOOGLE PLUS AJ HARRIS Sports BLOGGER...GOD BLESS and LOVE your CHILDREN to the FULLEST and let your SON or DAUGHTER know you are there every step of the WAY....please tell everyone about the STORY including the NEWS Outlets......THANK YOU

S. Caudillo said...

If u want to know what happened in that meeting please call me so i can explain to you.... there is more to it. 6304053809 and i wont say who called.

Anonymous said...

Here is the article from the Beacon.

East Aurora coach resigns after alleged assault of student
By Stephanie Lulay

AURORA — An East Aurora High School sophomore basketball coach has resigned following a locker room incident reported by a fellow coach, according to district officials.

In a written statement he provided to district athletic officials on Feb. 6, A.J. Harris, an assistant coach for the sophomore boys team, wrote that fellow coach Archie Hubbard assaulted a student in the team’s locker room after returning from an away game at Bartlett High School on Feb. 4.

Harris said Monday that he entered the locker room and found Hubbard had the 16-year-old basketball player in a choke hold. Harris said the boy was screaming.

“I saw coach Archie Hubbard with (student) in a full nelson headlock choking him to where (student) could not breathe,” Harris said in the report.

“(Other players) were screaming and yelling to let the kid go. Kids were crying,” Harris said. “He’s a loose cannon.”

Harris said he told Hubbard to let the boy go, and Hubbard did a few seconds later. Harris then drove the boy home, informing the player’s parent of the incident, he said.

Harris’ 10-year-old son and other sophomore basketball players were in the locker room at the time of the incident. Harris’ son said the 16-year-old was told by Hubbard he was kicked off the team, then an argument ensued.

“It was scary,” the 10-year-old said.

Anonymous said...

East Aurora spokesman Clayton Muhammad said an investigation was handled by the School District and the school’s police resource officer. During the investigation, Hubbard submitted a resignation letter, Muhammad said.

“He is no longer coaching at East Aurora High School,” Muhammad said.

Hubbard is not a teacher in the district.

Muhammad said Monday the teenager is still on the basketball team.

Hubbard said Monday night that he would not comment on his status as a coach. “I have nothing to say,” Hubbard said.

Harris said Hubbard became mad after the students were talking on the bus.

“If we lose, we have a rule — no talking on the ride home,” Harris said.

Harris said the 16-year-old boy was shaken by the incident.

“He’s not right,” Harris said.

Muhammad said basketball coaches visited the boys’ family after the locker room incident to apologize for a scenario that “escalated out of control.”

Muhammad said charges have not been filed against the coach.

Harris also posted his account of the incident on his sports blog. He said he’s worried that he’ll be fired as a coach for speaking up and regretted not calling police to the scene.

“I don’t care (if I’m fired). I want parents to know you’ve got to watch these coaches. They aren’t always doing what’s in the best interest of your child,” he said.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that every good person in District 131 is afraid of the retalliation they are going to face for following the law and reporting wrongdoing?

Here is an assistant coach who did the right thing and protected a child who was being assaulted and choked. After reporting the incident, he now must be fearful for his own position and fears the retalliation sure to come from the administration and Wendell Jefferies.

I am sure it will be no time before we start to hear about how terrible a coach this guy is and all sorts of other incredible stories that stretch the bounds of believability.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing February 13, 2012 10:43 PM. We will now hear similar things as we have heard about Green and teh teacher at Simmmons who stood up for that young boy being harrassed. First our students are victimized, then the teachers who try to do what is right by the students are victimized.
It is no wonder we have an atmosphere of failing.

Anonymous said...

Here is what it said after the article in the Beacon.

© 2011 Sun-Times Media, LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed without permission. For more information about reprints and permissions, visit To order a reprint of this article, click here.

Please remove the article people can read it in the paper and then comment on it. If you don't you are breaking the law just like the district.

This was on the News this morning about the coach.

Anonymous said...

Well since the Beacon gets many of its stories from the East Aurora Blog, its only fair that we get to use some of their material as well.

I am sure the Beacon (who read this blog regularly) can speak up if they feel there has been a violation.

Anonymous said...

What is written on a blog is not copywrited articles in the paper are and you are delusional if you think a paper gets information from here.

Anonymous said...

"Fair use" is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. Examples of fair use include commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching....from wikipedia.

Personally, I prefer to get a link to the story rather than have the story copied and pasted in the blog. I can then read it in whole myself from the source.

Anonymous said...

I've spoken to Beacon reporters and they have told me that they do read this blog. It has given them a heads up about upcoming stories on many occassions. It at least gives them a direction to begin investigating.

Anonymous said...

Just what heads up have they gotten that they have reported on?

Anonymous said...

Well, remember that Dr. Roberts was really, really sick over the summer - pretty much on his death bed and Marin was going to take over.

The Beacon did report that COMPLETE FABRICATION.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the blog was wrong about Dr. Roberts being ill, but no harm was done. In fact, many prayers and good wishes went out to him at the time; I wouldn't mind someone starting a rumor about me being sick (I could use the prayers!)

But several times in the past year or so this blog has either scooped the Beacon (like on the recent Simmons bullying) or covered something the Beacon didn't mention at all (the moldy band uniforms).

Anonymous said...

"scooped" the beacon - you mean somebody can post a rumor that they heard faster than the beacon can write and article and publish it in a newspaper. WOW - are you serious?

Are you really that stupid to say that a blog "scooped" a newspaper - Just because a rumor happened to be true, does not give this stupid blog credibility.

What if that rumor was wrong (like the Dr. Roberts one)?

Anonymous said...

Then someone would refute and/or correct it, as has happened many times before.

Anonymous said...

Here is the latest bullying that is going on at Simmons.

Mechelle Patterson's old sorority sister, Jackie Gibson (who only got her job at Simmons because her sorority connection to Patterson) has been going around Simmons all day pressuring non-tenured teachers to go to the next board meeting and say nice things about Mechelle.

The pressured teachers have been all over the building expressing how they are feeling harrassed into going to the board meeting. They are afraid of the retribution that is sure to come if they don't support Mechelle and, of course, afraid of losing their positions at the end of the year.

I believe we do have board policies regarding harrassment in the workplace. The problem is, who is going to investigate this? Everyone knows, it's Mechelle who is behind this latest harrassment. Who can they turn to and what non-tenured teacher (and many tenured ones) are going to stick their necks out knowing how vindictive Mechelle has been?

Somebody needs to come down and help the Simmons Staff. They are almost as vulnerable as that poor little special education kid. How do you defend yourself from a vindictive principal when the central office and board have done nothing but cover up for the wrongdoer?

Anonymous said...

It amazing. Patterson will stop at nothing. That all she gives a damn about is herself.

Here's a newsflash for you Mechelle, if you put students first, you wouldn't be having the issues you are having now.

Is this really a hard concept to grasp?

Anonymous said...

How about all the teachers that are being pushed to say something nice about Patterson go to the meeting and say what they are being pressured to do? If everyone that is being pressured does this and the reporter is there, bet this makes the paper too. She probalbly will be due to everthing going on. It is about time you all stood up for yourselves. Has anyone gone to the union about this and are you all documenting all of this?

Anonymous said...

Our union is absolutely worthless. The teachers pay them but they represent the district.

Anonymous said...

The State should be doing an investigation into the ISAT testing at Simmons. It always been a subconscience thing but I too have wondered how, the Simmmons administration with the most difficult population in the district has had the best school test scores. Especially considering how completely out of control the building is regularly.

Last spring, after the tests were taken, there was a counselor at Simmons who spent about a week going into the room where the tests were stored (Nobody else was allowed into the room except for the occasional visit by an administrator). He walked into the romm regularly carrying a handful of pencils and erasers.

I had asked him what he was doing in there all week. His reply was that he was correcting student names and information on the test booklets. Student information must match school records.

I had remembered when I was growing up all those horrible bubbles we needed to fill out for our name, school, grade, demographics, etc. and simply thought, I don't envy you having to make sure every booklet was correct.

Now I am recalling that the students today don't fill out those bubbles. All that information is computer generated on a sticker that is placed on the student booklet before the student ever sees the booklet.There may just be a handful of booklets that may need to be adjusted for whatever reason. A task that would less than an hour, not an entire week.

Now I am seriously wondering what the counselor was doing in the test booklet storage room for an entire week and why he would need handfuls of pencils and erasers.

The State of Illinois really should go back and take a very close at the test booklets from Simmons.

Anonymous said...

Where were all the teachers who support Rolhf at when he spoke at the board meeting. He has two supporters ; the students aunt, and the fat old lady with the blue vains and walker.

Anonymous said...

The teachers who support Mr. Rohlfs are hiding in their rooms and running out of the building at 3:15 because they are afraid of the retalliation from Mechelle Patterson.

Patterson actually has a surveillance camera locked on the PE office (This has been confirmed by office staff workers who have witnessed Wilson Morales monitoring these cameras on a regular basis).

Teachers at Simmons have been pulled aside by administrators and warned not go to the PE office. Even if they are stopping by the PE office before/after school or during their lunch period, they have been warned.

Patterson has done everything she can to intimidate her staff and isolate anyone she dislikes.

Anonymous said...

Jackie Gibson is related to Avis Miller who is the big union rep do you think the union will do anything to protect the teachers at Simmons. Hull and Cervantes visited Simmons of late and was seen yakking it up with Patterson. Just a way to show support and stick it to the staff.

Anonymous said...

Board positions are coming up on the ballot in the near future. Let the people in office know what you think of them and the work they have done for the district. Re-elect or reject.

Anonymous said...

The story that will never die. It's dead already. She was assured her son would be safe and watched out for. What else is there? Forged documents, ill-conceived methods and practices- who cares? If you care, get another job somewhere else. If you don't care, go about your business and run for the door at 3:15 with all the other sloggers. It is what it is and no one is going to change anything. Either deal with the way it is done in 131 or leave. End of story, enough already. We all know everything. we know who Roberts, Morales, Patterson, Rohlfs, Isabella, and on and on and on. It's over. Let it go. Move on. Teach.

Anonymous said...

What a heartless, shallow shell of a person. It is easy for a perpetrator of wrong doings to tell victims to get over it. Victims continue to be victimized long after the offense. Even when they have 'moved on' the wounds remain.

How do you tell a special needs child to move on from being stripped in front of peers, then stripped of his dignity & vicimized even further by those with which his well being was entrusted.

Anonymous said...

This is the fat old lady with the blue veins and walker. How do you know I am a supporter of that teacher? I do not know why Scotty has not beamed you up and back to where you came from. I do not even know that teacher, never even seen him until tha meeting. Did you see me talking to him? I think not. And just how do you know I have blue veins? You look up my pant legs or something?

Anonymous said...

Can I share my story with you? When I was in grade school and middle school there were bullies. We had fights. Little kids, fat ,skinny, four eyes, big ears,on and on were reasons to tease each other. We didn't wear bike helmets or elbow pads. We got scarred, scabbed , cut and bled. Parents weren't charged with neglect, teachers could paddle, parents supported the teachers not the children. We are survivors, tough, fighters, and our mothers didn't baby us. Please quit with all the drama about the boogey woman and ghost in the closets , thing going bump in the night . One day that young man will have to leave the nest and adversity will stare him right in the face. At this pace he won't be able to survive away from his aunt. This is why men are necessary to raise young men so they can assist in them being men.

Anonymous said...

February 15, 2012 7:39 PM Your comment is why these people grow up and bully others when they grow up they are not taught that it isn't right. Yes, one day he will have to grow up and go into the world but he needs to know that these kind of things are not normal and if someone doesn't stand up and say something it will keep on.

The people you talk about have grow up and are still bully people as they grow older because they weren't stopped as a child and think they can still do it and I believe we have some of those on the board.

Anonymous said...

Well, when I was growing up ( 50 years ago, in a southern state) the schools were segregated. It was against the law for a Black man to marry a White woman. Divorced women were looked down upon, so lots of women "put up with" their alcoholic, abusive husbands. Almost everyone smoked, and a child with asthma or allergic to anything was told it was "all in your head". Most families sent only their sons to college (if they could afford even that)--girls were supposed to aspire to be homemakers from high school graduation onward, and depend on their husband for every nickel they spent.

Things have changed, and mostly for the better. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

What is your point February 15, 2012 8:33 PM. Are you saying we should live in the past and let abusive people keep on abusing? That we shouldn't try to stop this madness and be better people? Do you still believe that black people should sit on the back of the bus or have their own water fountains or not get an education. That people with disabilities should be put somewhere because they can't function in the real world? Times have changed and we should give everyone the chance to grow no matter what their disabilities.

The one thing that has changed is how some will bully and people look away they don't want to get involved in it or make a change. Or how they turn their heads to the person that does the bulling and don't notice how they are planning to hurt someone and come in and kill students of a school because no one would listen.

Anonymous said...

8:33 said that things have changed, mostly for the better. I think they meant that it is a GOOD thing that bullying is not tolerated the way it was years ago. I agree.

Anonymous said...

8:25 bullying is not right but the reality is that behavior in one form or another is normal. Maybe not in your world but in the real world. We really are animals we just happen to be moral creatures. My point is everyone who bullies someone as a child does not grow up to be a bully. Its actually the contrary. Research shows that the older we get the sense of right and wrong, remorse, empathy all begin to kick in; essentially and eventually you grow up.
Most women don't understand the behaviors that young middle school males exhibit so I understand where you may be. You will never see my position.
This is another example however of certain people who want someone to regulate behaviors that will work its way out naturally with minimum intervention.
When I grew up a physical bully could be stopped in many instances by defending your self. Stature does not indicate the size of the heart. Liberals take away that option so we have regulate everything. You can paddle students anymore so we pay for alternative education, another waste of money and more regulation. One kid gets a head injury and every child rides around looking like a ninja turtle. If an injury occurs with the helmet sue the manufacturer Spill your coffee, sue Mc Donalds. Jose has not gotten beat up and since no one will fess up to seeing anything. He should plant his feet between the bullies legs one time really hard and they will be able to identify him. You want love and world peace its not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

There will be a "special" School Board meeting this Monday at 6 p.m., before the regular meeting.

The only item listed for discussion is:

"Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Student Discipline, Negotiations and the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee"

Wonder what that's all about?

Anonymous said...

Then, "Specific Employee" will indeed lawyer up, force the district to shell out a huge settlement, along with attorney fees incurred by the district. Everyone is prepared for this because thats how it works here. I am guessing about 3 years salary and records returned to a clean slate should do it. afte all is said and done, about 250k dent in the school budget. Is this neecessary? No. Give the students, teachers and parents a true reason to believe that the district is running a "no tolerance" polic when it comes to all the bullying crap that goes on and assure them they will be fully supported when it comes time to speak up for this stuff and fostering a learning environment. How much does that cost? Nothing. Your choice.

Anonymous said...

7:43 p.m., I was also bullied in middle school, "back in the day". But I had two older brothers watching out for me, so there was never a need for me to go to school personnel about it. Some of my classmates looked to gang members for protection. And one bullied kid's dad was a cop--he picked his sons up from school a couple of times in his squad car, sending a clear message that the law was on his side.

Fast forward to the 1990's, when my own son was a small, brainy kid picked on by grade-school "thugs". I put him in karate classes; his (mean-looking) dad walked him to school a few times. My son never had to take a playground or gym class issue to the office--he/we handled it ourselves, as it should be.

HOWEVER, not every child has the same resources available to combat bullying, and some resources are less than ideal (gang affiliation, for example). You and I may have been able to deal with being picked on without it escalating--but there are many kids who cannot. A good parent (or aunt) will use every possible approach to protect and defend their child, often persisting until embarrassed administrators finally recognize a problem.

Anonymous said...

The one they should be talking about is the do nothing superintendent. While I don't think this board could pick a good one to replace him they could make sure he is doing his job. It seems the board president wants to do it and that isn't her job.

The administration is poor because they have poor leadership. The superintendent should be guiding them and making sure they follow policy.

In looking at other districts websites of there policies because our policies don't cover all the things the others do you can see how our district is weak in some areas. Also many other districts are contacting the state about changing how IL funds schools. Their Superintendents are out there talking to The Governor and The State Board of Education. You can go to the websites and look how they are planning for the future of their districts funding. What is ours doing? What is our superintendent doing about this?

There was a letter to the editor in The Beacon Thursday from a community member and it was well written. If we could get more involved them maybe we could become a better district for our students.

Anonymous said...

Go honor a great guy tonight Ernie Kivisto

Anonymous said...

Central Office news is Adams is out at the EHS and Jerome Roberts is in. Shocking you heard it here first.

Anonymous said...

February 18, 2012 4:46 PM- doesn't matter what we heard first if it doesn't make sense?!?

A few administrators and Board members are just riding out their time. Roberts was handed a ticket by the Board to ride the gravy train until he retires. Don't look for significant positive change until a Board with heart for the students hires a superintendent who cares about educating EA students.

Anonymous said...

Central office news is Roberts submitted his letter of resignation to the board for review at the next board meeting.

Anonymous said...

Central office news is that D131 has fired all teachers and administrators. All posters on this blog have been drafted under an emergency decree, and under penalty of imprisonment have been ordered to report to the nearest school first thing Tuesday morning to receive their class assignments, and will begin their teaching careers that day. Those living closest to the central office will report there to begin their career as educational administrators.

After all, you all think you know more about every aspect of education than those who were silly enough to actually go to college and learn about educational design and theory.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that everyone has been a student in a school at some point in their lifetime. For some reason they assume that this makes them an expert in education.

Following this same line of thought, everyone who has been a patient in a hospital is now qualified to practice medicine and every defendent in a court room is now qualified to be the judge.

The real issue is that politicians and school boards need absolutely no qualifications to serve and yet have control over education. As long as the system remains as it is structured now, there will be no real education in schools.

Anonymous said...

This is 4:03. Actually, my main (obviously overly subtle) point was making fun of the "Central office news" that frequently gets reported here, usually right after it was made up, and which more often than not turns out to be unsubstantiated gossip.

The secondary part of my comment was to sarcastically lambaste the posters who know so little about education that they don't even know how ignorant they are. You're right, 8:15. The best education occurs when the professionals are supported and allowed to do their jobs. Every time the idiot politicians get involved, we get another standardized test and since so much is riding on those tests, valuable classroom time is taken away from education to teach the kids to pass the test. Even though professional educators, and anyone w/ a brain (cuts out a lot of these posters, doesn't it?), know that standardized tests are NOT a true indicator of how well educated the students are. And aren't very good predictors of future student performance.

Anonymous said...

Central office news is that Marin is going to co-superintendent with Roberts.

Anonymous said...

All "central office news" should be taken with a shaker of salt.

Or put another way, believe it if & when it happens.

Anonymous said...

I see why Roberts may want to retire. The above links story ends with:
"Illinois’ new plan includes provisions for closing a persistently failing school, firing its staff or converting it to a charter school, if it remains on a watch list for five or more years." Geez, how many 131 schools would that include. Let the finger pointing begin!

Amie Thompson said...

Who the HELL said "Amie is that you?" You are a coward! I have better things to do than read this stupid blog, but I was warned about this and this the first time I have EVER posted here! How DARE you? Haven't you heard? I support education, not tear it down. I spend many hours per week beyond my normal job trying to improve and support education, so if you think this is me, you don't know me at all.
It's people like you that hurt the educational reputation more than anything done by the district, the system doesn't work? Fix it, don't whine about it. THAT you can quote!

Come talk to me personally, if you have the guts.

The real Amie Thompson

Feel free to have any rebuttal you like, I will not be back.

I'd do a little name calling of my own, but as I am only 99.5 positive who you are I won't make the assumption.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Amie Thompson?

But I will start the finger pointing - I blame the "parents" 100% for the mess of this school district.

I put parents in quotes because I use that term loosely when describing the people who had these kids. It takes more than banging and popping out a kid or 12 to be a parent. But the people in this district are NOT parents.

If they taught their kids out to act and behave and followed up with them on homework and cared about getting better than D's - This conversation would not be happening.

Anonymous said...

Here is another article.

To bad they don't go after school districts that misuse money this one would be on the list.

Hopefully we get on that new program because this district needs a change.

Anonymous said...

Amie Thompson is a teacher who gets paid by d131 and is often off dealing with the issues on the West Side since she is on their Board. D131 gets stuck picking up the tab when she attends events for d129 during the day and we have to pay a sub to watch her class at Simmons. Yeah she sure cares about d131

Anonymous said...

Yes its true, EA taxpayers pick up the tab for her WA activities. How is it Amie, that you are helping things when your favorite activity at Simmons is bashing Simmons!

Mauricio Palma said...

Congratulations to Mr. Liska on becoming the new Aurora Legion Band Director. I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects EA band students.

Anonymous said...

After reading a variety of posts on this blog after a while with no internet connection, I am appalled to find how this website is. Everything from band to beacon bashing goes on. I can't seem to understand why everyone here fights. This school district is beyond dysfunctional, with someone angering someone else all the time, and people being targeted for attack. Also, people on this blog hide behind a veil of anonymity that allows people to verbally bash each other without consequence. This means that even a TEACHER could be bashing someone like Mauricio Palma, a senior in freakin high school. Also, stop bashing individual people and their situations. I was rereading posts from a while back about the pit orchestra director stipend, and I realized that most of you don't understand what it takes to run something efficient in this district. Then again, the amount of this district's failures are proof of that. I am tired of the fighting, and the tension, and the name calling. We need to get along and fix the district. The parents need to stop having kids, the kids need to read some freakin books to get their abysmal test scores up, and everyone needs to chill out. The situation in this district is stressing everyone out, and from a younger perspective, the average people on this blog are biased babies about everything. Mind your own business when it comes to other teachers, improve YOUR situation, and stop complaining. I find it hard to try to improve the school in my own way when it seems like I have nothing worth saving,evidenced by this disgusting travesty of a website as well as school itself. I want change, and others want change, but our methods of achieving change all seem to be different. To some that's complaining, to some it's working, but all of us need to cooperate to make the district better. I have never been ashamed of my district, regardless of all the blatantly bad things that happen, until I viewed this page today. You all should be ashamed of your lack of actual support. You have let me down, and I seriously hope that some of you think about what you should be actually doing.

Sincerely, a frustrated high school sophomore,

Tanner Cassidy

Anonymous said...

Tanner Cassidy probably doesn't even exist - Somebody probably made him up.

Anonymous said...

Mauricio Palma said:

"Congratulations to Mr. Liska on becoming the new Aurora Legion Band Director. I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects EA band students"

Mauricio, this sounds like a great chance for you and your EHS band-mates to participate in a community musical group. And as far as how it affects EA band students, it will probably affect them the same way that it affected Mr. Orland's band students and Mr. Kaisershot's students (back when each of them was the director of the Legion Band)--it will be an excellent opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tanner, you were a smart kid at Simmons, and you are showing your exceptional maturity now. Thank you for putting us on the right track. How's IMSA treating you?

Anonymous said...

I am torn apart constantly, because while i got accepted to IMSA, I stayed at East because I thought I could do something to make it better. Also, I am a real person, miscellaneous poster. -Tanner Cassidy

Anonymous said...

Legion band has already had band students participate. Tanner Cassidy and Mauricio Palma are among them, and with them being students, we should listen to them.

Mauricio Palma said...

Tanner is a sophomore at East Aurora. He's in the EA Jazz ensemble and Wind Ensemble. There are maybe a couple of videos of him playing. Clayton Muhhammad probably took a picture of him soloing at the Martin Luther King event. He's one of my closest friends at East.

This seems like a repeat of what happened a couple of years ago where Rudy, Jake, Kristina, and I where talking to you guys and some of you seemed baffled by our existence.

Anonymous said...

February 20, 2012 8:04 PM probably doesn't even exist - somebody probably made him up.

This is fun!

Anonymous said...

I remember Tanner from Simmons--his sister is a student there now.

And Tanner, I don't see anyone "bashing" Mauricio on this blog, for at least several months back. Whenever he posts something it's a mention of an upcoming event like a fundraiser or concert. If anything, people usually comment positively.

Tanner Cassidy said...

Hi. I made an account, and this is me. I am real. I am among the top ranking in my class, and can have many people reference my existence.

Anonymous said...

Tanner, you've got to do what's best for you. You will be successful anywhere. Glad you're doing so well.

Plans for college?

Tanner Cassidy said...

Yes, for music education. I plan to be a high school music teacher and performer somewhere. Thanks for asking. I'm already looking for potential scholarships and various places to study.

Anonymous said...


I hate to break this to you but only 21.7% of the students where you go to school can even pass a minimum proficiency exam. That means that the vast majority of your peers can't even fill out a job application let alone fill the position.

You're not at the top of a mountain, you're at the top of a mole hill. If you think you are that good, you need to find people just as good or better than yourself. It's the only way you are going to reach your potential.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for looking at possible colleges early--too many kids your age leave it till senior year! My suggestion would be to visit several places (North Central, Illinois State, NIU, U of I...) this summer, and start practicing towards college admissions/scholarship auditions. Theory classes and piano would help, too (maybe Waubonsie for that?)

Tanner Cassidy said...

I am currently learning piano and clarinet, and am looking to go to U of I at Champaigne. Also, I am trying to make this theoretical "molehill" better. A mountain is boring. Our little molehill is a challenge I am willing to work on. Also, I feel like I thrive in an environment I can mold to my preferences. At other schools I don't have the freedom to do many things. Jazz Band as a freshman is an example of that. At other schools, I probably wouldn't be in it yet, and I feel that the jazz band has had a huge effect on my musical career.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:09... hate to break it to you, but Tanner, educated at Simmons, was accepted into IMSA, bet he could pass any examine you'd through him. Just like the John Gerhard (who just got a perfect score on the ACT) was educated at Simmons. Maybe if teachers spent more time teaching than bashing, perhaps more kids could join John, Luke, Maricio (another Simmons wonder kid) and Tanner.
Sorry, you're swimming upstream in your bashing... stick to politics... better season for it.

Anonymous said...

Tanner so glad you're doing so well. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Tanner, you sound like a young man with plenty of ambition & drive. My advice to you would be, make the most of the opportunities you have. Playing in the jazz band is great--how about also playing at your church, organizing some of your fellow students to play at retirement centers, playing in the pit for summer musical, or offering private saxophone lessons to grade school students? You live in a unique time in history, when so much educational information is available (like YouTube)--use it to the fullest. Best of luck to you!

Tanner Cassidy said...

I've actually played at a church, played in a caroling band at christmas, teach Ms. Huggins' kids at Hermes, and have played in The Wiz and Hairspray, and am planning on playing in another play this summer. It makes me glad that I am fulfilling all of you're suggestions.

Anonymous said...

9:34, thanks for mentioning the Simmons connection! There are indeed many good things going on at that school (the band, for one; the choir for another)--it's not just coincidence that many of our highest-achieving EHS students are Simmons products!

Anonymous said...

"it's not just coincidence that many of our highest-achieving EHS students are Simmons BAND products!"
Mr. K has always been an inspiration. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Tanner, you brought up the musical director stipend ($7,330.00 just for rehearsing & directing the pit for "The Wiz"). I know your parents; your mom works at Hermes School and your dad has been laid off (as many of us have, including myself a few years ago). Before you defend that $7,330.00 expenditure, ask yourself one question:

How many hours would your mom or dad have to work to earn $7,330.00? I know that I would have to work about six solid 40-hour weeks for that amount of money. Yet our district's administration seems to reward certain "favorites" with exorbitant stipends like this.

Just something to think about...

Anonymous said...

And before someone accuses me of bashing the band director, let me add that this has very little to do with an individual teacher. If I were offered more than 7 grand above & beyond my regular salary for a relatively few hours of work, I'd take it too.

It's about ADMINISTRATION spending money unwisely that could have been better used for our kids.

Anonymous said...

How many hours did he work for it?

You don't know. You have no clue how many hours he worked.

Mauricio did not come from Simmons - he is a "high aachieving" band student - They come from everywhere. You just focus on the ones that prove your point.

Anonymous said...

10:15 a.m. said:

"Mauricio did not come from Simmons"

WRONG. He most definitely DID.

He was honored by our School Board at a meeting in 2007, for his participation in the Spelling Bee at Simmons. And his name is on several Simmons band programs--proof positive that he did, indeed, come from the same school that nurtured several other outstanding current EHS students.

Anonymous said...

Everybody has a short memory Kaisershot was paid the same for pit band. The stipends have gone up with the new contracts but nothing changes. BTW Kaisershot could not take the high road and let his band kids play at the pancake breakfast what a shame.

Anonymous said...

7:34 the money the band director received is mandated by the union contract. There are no favorites in the schedule of stipends. Some extra curricular activities that require more work after 40 hrs receive higher stipends than others. Some of the sports team that generate revenue also receive even higher stipends. The amounts change with each contract .

Anonymous said...

Two things have happened to ALL STIPENDS in the last few years.

1. They all went up in terms of amount.
2. They all had two more pay levels added to them, meaning the more experience a person has, the more money they get.

Ah, but you still won't get it because you HATE Mr. Liska and all your comments are dripping with it.

Anonymous said...

4:51 p.m. says:

"Kaisershot was paid the same for pit band"


As discussed in a previous thread, his stipend was less than HALF of the $7,330.00 paid for the pit director in 2011.

And 5:46 p.m., you are correct that stipends have gone up in recent years. However, you are wrong about this being about "HATE". It is about our administration spending money extravagantly; it would be criticized no matter who was receiving the stipend.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a large amount to be paid. As things get rough in the coming years for districts and they have to make cuts and as they always do the first thing they cut is the students activities. They will cut back on after school activities, band, clubs, plays and maybe sports. Are the teachers and administration ready to give up some of these perks for the students.

Anonymous said...

Getting paid to do a getting paid a perk?

Anonymous said...

Well when you get paid to do a job and then for doing a extra a high amount it could be a perk. We will see as time goes on and money gets tight who a district will think more about the student or the administration.

Anonymous said...

After hearing all of the comments recently about Simmons Middle School I felt I needed to weigh in. In an age where children are raising children because parents have to work 2 jobs,of our many single parents, or of our teenagers having babies, what can we expect of our childrens' behavior at school. If we as parents do not take responsibility for "OUR" children, then who should? My child made a mistake at school and was suspended his first 3 weeks in middle school, incidently at Simmons. He learned form this and moved on. I felt his punishment was harsh but I stood by the school. They can not always be there to protect our children as in the "Pantsing Incident" but they do the best they can. By the way, my child too, had this happen in the locker room 4 years ago. Until we as a society say enough is enough and stop always being politically correct and hold ourselves accountable for our children's behavior and stop blaming the school's for everything nothing will change. Face it parents, DO YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOUR CHILD IS LIKE WHEN YOU ARE NOT AROUND? I thought I did until I watched him in class as he was unaware that I was there. If you think your children are angels, think again. It was a rude awakening for me, I was in denial. Peer pressure is even greater today than ever. For some reason being a fool in school is better than learning. Why do we always seem to side with the children? We know it is in their best interest to deceive us, it is their job, they are kids and kids will do and say anthing to not get in trouble. Don't you remember being a child. We all did it, except we weren't bringing guns to school or geting each other pregnant in 8th grade. Gone are the days of youth and it's because we are taking it away from them by not holding them accountable for their actions. We defend them and blame everyone else including the school for thier unruly behavior. Ignorance will be the down fall of our community not the schools. Too many of us take for granted our teachers. My children have had bad experiences and great experiences at Simmons, as would all students in any middle school. WAS YOURS PERFECT? I am very greatful to the teachers my children have had at Simmons. They were wonderful, caring and challenged my children on a daily basis. Middle school is the hardest time in a child's life. You would be kidding yourselves if you did not agree. The transition from elementary to middle isn't easy for all. Stop blaming Simmons for everything and look around, we are a society in crisis. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU VOLUNTEERED AT YOUR CHILD"S SCHOOL? Quit complaing and get involved! It may not be just your child you protect, think of the satisfaction in that. The child in your house isn't the only child your raising. This is our community and "OUR" children so stop being a hinderence and help our teachers raise your children. By the way,PARENTS, WHERE ARE YOU? I have been to numerous sporting events, art shows, fundraisers,band/choir concerts and dramatic events and the way we support are young people in this district is pathetic. They deserve better. It is hard to perform for 10 people in an audience, we are not all working. You should be proud of our students many accomplishments, I am. Don't you think it is about time we showed them. When you take an interest in your child's life they do too, so stop making your 5th grader babysit your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader and remember who the adult is and why your child may be behaving the way they do.

Tanner Cassidy said...

Many people on this blog have probably never worked on anything beautiful in their lives. A band, for example is a very beautiful thing. It is also a journey. A difficult journey. Many schools have SEVERAL teachers on their payrolls to do the things that our districts expect INDIVIDUALS to do. I find that paying someone a gratuitous amount to do an unfair, asinine amount of work is fair. If another teacher did more then what was required of them, then I think that financial compensation should be played to them as well. For example, if an English teacher runs three clubs a week, morning tutoring for students, two or three sports a year, and also does their own duties to the fullest, then they should be rewarded, not hampered by this page. People who do their jobs to the fullest and then some should be rewarded, not reprimanded, and should be an example to everyone in the district for doing such extraordinary work. These teachers are also the ones that the students appreciate the most, so why can't the readers of this blog see the same? The school system is about the students. Listen to what they have to say about their superiors, because the students are the ones who have to deal with them, NOT you outsiders looking in.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with Simmons they problem I have is that they didn't follow policy after the incident. Yes, there is not a lot of parent involment but that is the makeup of our district. Yes, most don't know how there children act when they aren't around but the problem does need to be addressed to help it stop. There will always be students that bully others but lets follow policy on how to handle it.

There are some on the blog and others that in their lives have played in a band been in a play and enjoy it and knows it is important that the schools have them. In fact this blog was started by a former member of EA band. As a taxpayer they have a right to comment about spending habits and should take it up with the board if they don't like it.

As another poster commented that things are going to get harder with money and as they stated the first cuts will be things taken from the students and then the teachers so I think many are concerned on here about it.

Some on this blog go over the top but they probably do that in their day to day life. There are many blogs out there are you going to go to all of them and say stop? I don't like everything on here and don't come on for awhile and if you don't like what is said don't read it but as far as I know we still live in the USA and have a right to speak how we feel.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to finish your statement for you

"USA and have a right to speak how we feel", even it is it untrue and bullies other innocent people.

Anonymous said...

That is true and sometimes the talk is rough on here but that goes two ways some on the other side have done the same thing and posted bad remarks about the administrator on here. Also, the one that does the nasty language is someone in the district and I think some of use have a good idea because we have heard them use nasty language.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I love it when people "know" who is posting here - You don't have a clue.

You mean there is only one person in the district who has ever used a swear word. Moron. Who is it, name names - You have no problem bashing Clayton by name or Liska by name or Marin Gonzalez by name - BASH BASH BASH

Who posts all of the "nasty language?"

Anonymous said...

10:18 made a valid point about parents being responsible for a lot of what's wrong with our schools. That's one reason why a lot of us don't like "No Child Left Behind"--it automatically places all the blame/responsibility for a failing school on the school personnel, instead of holding parents accountable for sending kids to school ready to learn. Wouldn't it be great if there were a space on our kids' report cards that graded PARENTS for attitude, participation, etc.?

Anonymous said...

Tanner Cassidy says:

"For example, if an English teacher runs three clubs a week, morning tutoring for students, two or three sports a year, and also does their own duties to the fullest, then they should be rewarded"

Tanner, I don't think that anyone wants to deny a teacher extra pay for extra work. The example you give of someone running 3 clubs each week, tutoring in the mornings, and multiple sports throughout the year would easily involve 200-300 hours above and beyond the school day the teacher's salary pays for. In that case, $7,330.00 extra could be justified.

But someone who puts in maybe six weeks worth of 3 hours after school is different. Yes, the last two weeks preparing for a show involve late nights and weekends--but that is offset by the fact that some of the pit rehearsal took place during Jazz Band time, during the school day. There are many of us who, even with a college degree, have to work close to 300 hours to earn $7,000+. I know that you as a student do not have to pay property taxes, but in these difficult economic times it is painful for taxpayers to see large amounts of money spent on things like this.

If the administration tries to convince our community to vote "Yes" for a tax hike (referendum) in the near future, it is expenditures like this that will be brought up again & again, like it or not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, for people with money to waste a discussion about mere thousands of dollars is definitely boring!

Anonymous said...

I wish everything said on this blog wasn't so pointless.

Anonymous said...

Keeping track of how our tax dollars are spent is pointless? Holding parents accountable for their kids' success or failure is pointless?

Interesting definition of the word "pointless".

Anonymous said...

posting on a blog that's an interesting definition of productive

Anonymous said...

It's my time to waste if I choose to be "unproductive" by posting.

And your time to waste by reading it.


Anonymous said...

Tony, Tony,'s time to put your issues with certain administrators to rest.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is Tony??

Anonymous said...

Trading spaces: East, West students walk around in each other’s shoes, hallways

By Jenette Sturges

AURORA — There are some details around a high school that only a student would notice.

“West has to wear their ID tags all the time ... There’s so much space in the hallways ... A lot of diversity,” chimed in East Aurora High School students, on the things they noticed after a morning spent at West Aurora High School.

Twenty-six students traded places Tuesday — 13 each from East and West Aurora — to shadow their student counterparts throughout the school day, at West High in the morning and at East all afternoon. The event, dubbed the Aurora 360 Youth Exchange, was designed in part by students to bridge the gaps of a city “divided by the river.”

To learn more about their two schools — what they have in common and what’s different — students from leadership positions around their schools paired off according to their positions and classes, and shadowed each other throughout their schedules.

“He came with me to study hall and to gym,” said Eddie Sak, a senior at West High, of his partner, East senior Nathan Acevedo. “He’s got quite the shot.”

East Aurora students took their West Side visitors on personal tours, showing off highlights like the NJROTC’s many trophies and the swimming pool — something West Aurora lacks.

And then there were the unofficial tour highlights common to all schools — where students hang out to skip class, which security cameras don’t always work.

“We haven’t had any fights though this year,” said Stephanie Lazcano, East senior and student board member.

“Really?” said her counterpart on the West Aurora School Board, Nataly Rios. “We’ve had a couple.”

Those were the eye-opening moments of surprise organizers were hoping for, in their attempt to tear down the negative images each school has of its crosstown rival.

“The rumors aren’t true,” said East senior Angie Sosa. “Everyone has these stereotypes that when you come to East you’re going to get beat up.”

Instead, West students sat in on an AP humanities class that debated “Candide.”

East students followed around West Siders to band, gym and lunch, and decided West’s students were decidedly less stuck up than their reputation might suggest.

“I thought this is just going to be a bunch of snobby people rubbing it in,” said East Aurora’s Miguel Sanchez. “But they’re really just like everybody else.”

And East students dispelled the talk that their school was dangerous.

“I told my friends I was going to East for the day, and one of them told me to bring a bullet-proof vest,” said Chase Woods, a junior at West. “I thought East was ghetto, or rough, but the kids aren’t much different from kids at my school.”

To close out the day, students reconvened to share ideas on how to pull the two sides of town together.

“Become those ambassadors,” said East Aurora Community Relations Director Clayton Muhammad. “Become those voices, so that when your friends say something, you can say, no, that’s not right. Those Tomcats or those Blackhawks are OK.”

That sparked debate over whether the collective students of Aurora should be “Tomahawks” or “Black Cats.” But students also suggested more events to get students crossing the river and meeting each other — from a high-school-level citywide sports festival to a lock-in or a dance or a Mr. Aurora competition.

Or, perhaps, the expansion of the Aurora 360 Exchange next year to include more students from more clubs, spending more time at each school.

“There’s those misconceptions everyone has,” said Acevedo. “It’s nice opening the book and seeing the stories.”

Anonymous said...

I guess the fight between the basketball coach and players doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

I think that's wonderful! I'm glad to see East and West get together.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to a flyer about tonight's Communities In Schools benefit dinner:

It's from 5-7:00 p.m. at East High.

And afterwards, come to Hawks Auditorium for the "Music From The Movies" band concert.

Support our hard-working D131 students!!

Anonymous said...

Copywrite law being broken again - Why are we posting articles that need to be paid for?

Anonymous said...

And with comment moderation enabled - this will hold the "Blog Administrator" Responsible for all the content on this page.

Anonymous said...

The heck with the copyright. Why not just copy and paste the one line of the link to the page? Then if we choose to read the article we do not have to scroll & scroll to see the whole article.

Now we get to read it in the blog, on the EA website, Facebook and in the Beacon if we get it. Please share only links.

Anonymous said...

AMAZING band concert at the high school last night! Congrats to Liska and all his students - it was FANTASTIC!!!

Anonymous said...

The Communities in Schools benefit dinner was outstanding also. Dinner and a show, at a very reasonable price--good things happening in our own backyard!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to me how petty and jealous all of you are. This blog is here for one reason only, to bitch, never to praise what good things are accomplished.

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