Monday, August 29, 2011


When my kids were in middle school and high school, I used to remind them at the beginning of every school year that the choices they make now will produce results later. Good choices (studying, paying attention in class, following rules) were usually reflected on their report card or at teacher conference time. Poor choices could result in a negative consequence--maybe a detention or loss of privileges.

The start of a new school year is a good time for all of us (students, teachers, parents, staff, community members) to remember that the things we choose to say and do NOW will have ramifications LATER. Let's think before we speak or act!


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Anonymous said...

Good comment September 20, 2011 8:15 AM.

Who where the people outside the High School last week in the morning talking to the students as they walked to school and giving them some kind of pamphlet.

Anonymous said...

8:15 makes a good point. Maybe we should all join "Team Kids' Best Interests" and acknowledge the strengths of our band programs instead of picking at the weaknesses.

But maybe we should also direct the blame for negative situations (such as the moldy uniforms, and total lack of explanation at Friday's game) to those who have been responsible:


Anonymous said...

Did anyone stay for the end of last night's Board Meeting, when they were scheduled to discuss the district's legal bills?

Anonymous said...

The problem has not been with Team K or Team L, it was and still is with Team A (Administration). Because of their poor handling of the entire band debacle, there have been two waring factions in this community for the past six years.

As is very apparent, the matter was not "closed" then or now. You can't simply make a public statement and shut down the voices of an entire community. The simple fact is this issue will not go away as long as K, L and the administrators are in this district.

Now we see why no competent administrator ever messes with a popular program like band.

Anonymous said...

September 20, 2011 8:15 AM


I want you to post that (or something like that) every 10 posts or something.

That is the most intelligent thing that has ever been said on this blog.

As you can already tell, many of the people who have posted after you still don't get it.

Anonymous said...

What do you want to know about the legal bills? I did notice under petty cash they are now using the term meeting expenses for food or snacks they have at meetings. What expenses do you have when you have a meeting the administration must not like how some are commenting on all the food the district's buy. What do us taxpayers have to pay for snacks at a meeting for them when they should bring there own I know where I work if you want something to eat or drink you bring your own because we don't get taxpayers money to use unwisely.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about petty cash; those are nickel & dime issues.

I care about LEGAL BILLS. Specifically, the many THOUSANDS of dollars that are being spent on the settlement for Robert Green, and court costs in the Mary Fultz dispute.

In the Robert Green case, it looks like our corrupt ADMINISTRATORS are to blame.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to get your Buona Beef!!!

Anonymous said...

I did go to Buona Beef! I was there around 11:10, and bought a chopped grilled chicken salad, lemon cookies, and Diet Pepsi. When I handed the cashier the flyer, she said that I was the first to give her a flyer.

Hopefully there have been MANY more!!

Anonymous said...

The nickel and dime issues you have to look after because they can add up and it is not only that it is the other money they spend that they don't account for. What are the legal bills some of them they have no control over and this district spends a lot of money on things they shouldn't. If you are so concerned about the legal bills FOIA them and do something about it. Everyone just dwells on one thing but you have to look at the whole picture of how they are misusing the districts money. So what are you looking for in the legal bills and what if they are misusing this money are you going to do keep saying something on the blog where will that get you? You can FOIA what you think they are misusing in the legal bills and then doing something about it or be quiet.

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought about petty cash and how you don't care about it and how this district uses our money. It has been said that the district will ask for another referendum at the next presidential election. As most of us struggle to make our bills and put food on our table this district has a petty cash for snacks for meetings. Or as they go to the next conference in November and take their families on our expense that doesn't benefit the district or our students we pay for that. While the administration get Jimmy Johns for meetings or goes to a country club for a retreat some of our seniors that what to help children go without food for that or can't pay their taxes lose their homes we can make sure our administration gets full benefits so their lives are good and they don't even live in the district. Yes, we should be proud that the people that work in our district have a good like who cares about the ones that live here that pay them.

Anonymous said...

We went to Buona beef tonight and happy to see 5 other EA family/ supporters there, the short time we were there.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that Ms. Johnson has her own business and I wonder if she has in her budget for snacks for meetings and if her employees go to seminars that she pays for spouses when they go. Maybe even when some of her employees have to go to late meetings if she supplies food for them?

Anonymous said...

On top of the massive legal fees that the district has to pay in the Green debacle, the district now owes Mr. Green over $100,000.00in back pay and benefits for the past year and a half.

All of this is because the administration has been pulling illegal crap for years and Mr. Green challenges them on it. While people can argue about how good or bad an employee he has been, Mr. Green is about the only employee in the district who will stand up to the administration.

He has certainly won more battles than he has lost against the administration.

Anonymous said...

Sept 20, 10:02

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