Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

No, we're not getting into the Christmas spirit quite yet; we're talking about the beginning of a brand new school year. It's a fresh opportunity for students, staff, and the entire community to pull together to help our kids succeed. It's a new start, and a chance to do grEAt things here in District 131.

On your mark...get set...GO!


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Anonymous said...

How about Juanita Wells today defending Mary Fultz is that not a slap at the residents for having to deal with a candidate that steals are votes and does not follow procedure. Juanita attacked the band students now the residents this women if you can call her that should crawl back under the same welfare role that created her.

Anonymous said...

If anyone hears Juanita talk you know she can't form a sentence she and Clayton backed Fultz and it just shows another mess that they are so capable of creating

Anonymous said...

Talk about a fresh start, wow, what a truly inspired post

Anonymous said...

Wells does have a lot of nerve since she broke laws herself by going to the Title One conference last Nov. and then the board and administration giving her a farewell dinner with some spouses on the districts dime which is against the IL School Code. Travel going to seminars, conference or training should be for the benefit of the district not the person. How did it benefit the district when Wells didn't run again and how does it benefit the district giving her a dinner and then rumor has it she got an extra night in Chicago and the sitting board right now knew about it. This whole board even when Wells was on it picks and chooses the procedures they want to follow.

Anonymous said...

Like someone said on a previous thread, there are certain people in our district who act like the rules don't apply to them.

The last remaining member of the infamous "School Board from Hell", Juanita Wells, is one example.

"Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad is another.

The GOOD news is, Ms. Wells is no longer officially in power in D131.

The BAD news is, well,.......

Figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, in our neighboring district:

Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board members will likely approve a measure later this month that will allow them to live stream their meetings over a website called Ustream.tv.

Earlier this summer, Board President Bill Walsh asked administration officials to study videotaping meetings and posting them on the district’s website in a move to be more transparent in sharing information.

John Petzke, executive director for technology in the district, said after looking at several options he found the Ustream video-sharing service to be the most viable.

Anonymous said...


“The conversation started with videotaping and then I kind of stumbled upon streaming and it’s a much better experience,” he told board members Monday night.

It’s also a cheaper option. Because it is ad-supported, streaming meetings over Ustream.tv would be at no cost to the district. However, Petzke said officials have the option of removing the 30-second ad which would be displayed at the start of the streamed meeting for $99.

Currently the district uses BoardDocs, the electronic governance program that makes audio recordings of the meetings available to the public.

“But that’s about a day or so delay,” Petzke said.

He said Ustream meets Walsh’s directive.

The technology “allows the general public who can’t otherwise attend the meeting to participate,” he said. “It allows us to increase transparency.”

Board members will likely approve using Ustream at their next board meeting, which will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22, in the community room of Oswego East High School, 1525 Harvey Road.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Kids from Chicago, Maywood are getting vouchers and going to East schoolds. Johnson knows about this, but cannot seem to figure out a way to find out how many are coming for Jehrico Circle??? My thinking is the mayor told her to shut up and sh listened. Her AND ROberts should be screaming about all of this yet where are they? In today's article she said nothing about working to stop the overcrowding just an oh well the tax payers will have to pay for it in another referendum. I already got two calls from friends on the sat side and they are pissed at how she is handlng this.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make if someone new moves into the district in an aviailable unit, or someone from jericho circle moves in with a housing voucher. how would someone from jericho circle moving into a unit create more school enrollment than anyone else moving into the unit?

Anonymous said...

The Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Conference is going well. It is inspiring administrators and teachers across our district. Definitely a wonderful way to gear up for a new school year!

Anonymous said...

People get your facts together;there was never any retirement party given for Juanita Wells. She did not attend any conference in Chicago last year. Ms. Weaver and Wells were the board members who did not attend the conference , everyone else did.

Anonymous said...

Your a liar or she is.

Anonymous said...

Wells has been a leach on the board for 18 years she has received many free trips to Florida, Washington, California and what has she accomplished or brought back to the district.

Let us not forget that the old Board had picked Roberts Superintendent and then her and Carol Farmun still went to Denver and Scottsdale to interview two different candidates for Superintendent knowing darn well he was offered the job.

Her newest mess was supporting Mary Fultz it seems Juanita/Jerome/Clayton knew she did not live in the district and someone told them on March 31st she was trying to register to vote. People after she was elected called the Board/District and that is what started the legal problems.

It is also more troubling now that Juanita is out playing the race card by saying the Board needs to seat her because she got the most votes. Its funny how that did not apply when the Board seated Ken Maurice after Russell resigned months after election. Do the same rules not apply or was that ok in Juanita mind because Ken was black. Juanita like most getto blacks has been stealing the tax payers blind

Anonymous said...

About the overcrowding--this was posted on Openline Blog, and is worth repeating:


I think a lot of people are concerned about the QUALITY of students as much as (or more than) the QUANTITY.

If most of the students supposedly flooding into D131 schools were from families that sent them to school well fed, appropriately dressed, and with their homework checked I doubt there would be this much outcry. If the parents of these kids joined the PTA, paid for their kids' school supplies, and reinforced the school's rules at home there would be a totally different reaction to increased numbers.

Bottom line: Kids are either assets or liabilities to our school systems, just as adults are assets or liabilities to society. We wouldn't complain about increased assets--but definitely DON'T want more liabilities!

Anonymous said...

So you are say that the board approved the minutes of 12/06/2011 where Wells stated.

Comments of Board:
Mrs. Juanita Wells thanked the board for the opportunity to attend the annual Triple I conference in November. There were many very good workshops. Mrs. Wells also stated that she was very pleased with the Magnet School presentation that was given. It made her proud to be a part of this district.
Mrs. Stella Gonzalez congratulated the administrators that presented at the Triple I conference. They did a great job.

So the board approved minutes that had false information.

Here's the link to the board packet. Everyone knows she went why are you lying?

Anonymous said...

It is not fair to the students to be in over crowded class rooms you have less assets because they don't get a quality education. I went to the City meeting on Jerico Circle last night. The entire West Aurora Board was present with Dr Ryland and many of their administrators. Dr Ryland and Neil Ormond spoke.

Johnson & Clayton did attend but said nothing however none of the other members attended including Dr Roberts. Johnson did have a article but she did not speak. More-over the other members are joke they are not involved in the Community and because Hull works for the City he will zip his lip.

I did see Juanita Wells in attendance for Mary Fultz. Mary and her mother spoke. No body could figure out why they were there speaking or why her problems are the cities. They asked for the city to back her up against the Board. Alderman Lawerance told her we are not the school board they still did not seem to understand.

This community is a joke

Anonymous said...

Your comment about Hull is wrong I think because the Mayor is against the overcrowding and AHA so I don't think Hull would be afraid to comment. I don't understand why Clayton was there he is just a PR person it should of been Roberts.

Anonymous said...

Why should the board members go to the Council meeting when nobody from the East Side cares unless its to complain about what they are doing? How many eastsiders were there to complain?

Anonymous said...

At this point what do we have to complain about they aren't trying to re build Jerico Circle here and that is what the meeting was about.

Anonymous said...

Because all the Jerico families got vouchers they are moving to the East Side. The West Side alderman are encouraging them to do so. Now they are becoming your neighbors. I already know of two familes from Jerico that moved to Simms and George Ave. They had 6 kids between them they will now be attending over-crowded schools. Roberts should complain he should talk about over-crowding just like Ryland and Ormond did and said it was effecting their schools. Clayton should not speak but Roberts and Johnson should she just sat their like a bump on the log

Anonymous said...

August 10, 7:49 am
I agree with quality of students being an issue. But, I don't see how Jericho circle residents are that different than the current enrollment (parent involvement, paying for fees, etc) other than they may speak English.

Anonymous said...

Where is Dr. Roberts? What are we paying him to do? Wh is he not speaking up loudly about he overcrowding and all the families from JC being told to move to the east side?

Anonymous said...

Any "speaking up loudly" that happens officially in this district is done by ONE PERSON, "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad.

All staff members have been told repeatedly that any communication to the media MUST go through Clayton Muhammad. He (and only he) is qualified to put his own special spin on events in D131.

Evidently the other school districts in our area aren't as concerned with micromanaging every word that comes out of their superintendents' mouths; it seems that there are direct quotes from Rydland in D129 and O'Donnell in D308 on almost a weekly basis.

Maybe those districts are less concerned with IMAGE than we are.

"Making choices for arrogance"

Anonymous said...

SO what has Annette Johsnon done about Clayton? Nothing. She keeps talking about how great everything is financially. Who the hell cares. The schools still are not educating the kids period. The scores are about as low as they go and what does she and the Board of Education do? Nothing. There needs to be a big shake up in the staff at East but even Johnson and this so called "better" board will not do it.

Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago U-46 school district got rid of their Superintendent and he fired I think all the administration because of how long the test scores where bad. I don't know how they are doing now but that is a start maybe fresh faces would do some good and maybe a new superintendent since ours doesn't do anything and won't get rid of bad administrators.

Right now the district is spending money like water while all other districts are cutting back so when will that hit us and it will. Maybe the administration should cut out all there eating out and bringing Jimmy Johns into the schools.

Anonymous said...

Too bad they can't fire some of the PARENTS, because they are the ones dropping the ball on the test scores when they don't do their part to provide support at home. The best teachers and administrators in the world can't work magic with kids who are poorly nourished and who don't get a good night's sleep, or whose parents have little regard for formal education.

This district has added several administrators to the central office, yet is advertising for substitute ("guest") teachers. My suggestion: have administrators fill in as substitute teachers on a regular basis. That way they can get a firsthand view of exactly what goes on in our classroom, and what kind of kids (and parents) are in our district.

But I doubt that our administrators would do that; it makes too much sense.

Anonymous said...

There was a shake up the Board put Deanne in charge of the High School rumor is Marin and a few others are not being asked back when their contract are over. To bad they did not act sooner. Central office is buzzing that the only thing left in Marin's control is Middle School.

Shelia and her group also got told either get better scores this or resign. Joe Harmon did and it was not his health. Cam will be the next. I for one was happy with this announcement but teachers heard it was the Board

Anonymous said...

Rumor is Mary Fultz was involved in a fight with her daughters boy friend on Echo Lane and police were called she said he hit her with a frying pan. It seems poor Mary did not start that fight either. Funny how she was in the same house as a address she used to try to enroll her son in basketball camp. If you want to find Mary she resides at 407 Echo Lane

Anonymous said...

Cam Leadbetter is one of the better administrators in our district. I hope he doesn't leave!

And could it be possible that it's Mary Fultz' daughter that lives on Echo Lane, and that Mary was visiting her when the altercation occurred?

Anonymous said...

how is the district ok financially when the last referendum was supposed to last like 60 years, and now johnson is saying in another few years a referendum may be necessary.

Anonymous said...

The District said the referendum would last 25years and it was for education. Let us not forget the 2001 building referendum that finished the additions on all buildings that was suppose to last 20 years as well and now they are out of space. I would guess that is what she was talking about. Something is up I heard a new teachers speech from Jerome and he said when he became super in 2006 the district had 12,000 kids now this year it will have 15,000. Again this is a city issue why is the district not out talking about it. Some of the teachers said enrollment was really up at registration again this year the High School alone will top 3,500

Also, I was present when Fultz tried to register her kid at East she produced a fake lease with white out all over it and a form showing her as legally in charge of her son who lives on Echo Ln. If she is his guardian and he lives at Echo Ln and now she had problems with the police there she must live there. She needs to get her own family in line before entering in to some else by making policy for education

Anonymous said...

by Mary Fultz on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 9:41am

Anonymous said...

Won't someone help this poor, unfortunate victim of unfair treatment at the hands of people who insist on following the rules?

She really needs your help!

Or, as she would put it,


Anonymous said...

Good article in The Beacon about surrounding districts and how they are cutting budgets and helping parents with school supplies and making changes to the list of supplies students need to bring. These are the things that give districts good images of helping them and taxpayers save money.


Anonymous said...

Message to Mary Fultz give up you were never a resident or a registered voter you cost the tax payers $12,000 in legal fees because you don't follow procedures your life is a mess start worrying about yourself and your children. Your mother,son and daughter currently have open criminal cases at the Kane county and now you have been involved in a criminal altercation that you started sending your daughter boyfriend to jail. WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE ARE YOU FOR THE KIDS PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM MINE.

Please continue to live on Echo Ln so I don't have to pay your son's bill to send him to Alternative School like he is in d204.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Mary Fultz handled her situation poorly. As an advocate for her community who wants to put families first, she appeared to put herself above all else.

Rather than step down graciously and prove her case with the guidance of her friend R. Irvin. Then, she could have come to interview for the seat with her "proof" and saved her face & D131 many $$. Or returned in 2 years and ran again with all her ducks in a row.

I don't believe she'd get 10% of the vote if she were to run again, after the way she has presented herself since this all came about. Right or wrong she has not shown herself to be in the best interest of the students.

Anonymous said...

Well said August 12, 2011 7:01 PM.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the district is doing a orchestra survey interesting they have a horrible band they should try to make that work first.

Also the stories of Marin must be true I see a organizational chart that us residents are not allowed to see. Why would the district have one of those if she did not get reassigned.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how you can't see past your own ignorance and hatred.

Anonymous said...

3:38 p.m., if you think our bands are horrible, you must not have been at the Fourth of July parade! I was SO proud to be an East Sider when those band camp kids marched by!

And about the orchestra--I think that is Dr. Roberts' pet project. He went to a national conference and was impressed by a student orchestra performance; also, since D204 has a strings program he wants our district to be competitive in that regard. It's a noble goal, but would be very expensive and require additional classroom and storage space.

Let's see how the parents feel about it.

Anonymous said...

Before we start anymore programs how about getting test scores up and enough classrooms for the students that should be the first priority.

We do have many problems with getting the test scores up with lack of involvement from parents and how long this district keeps ELL learners in that program. The district started the preschool program to help with that but is it we should have some students that went to it that are in the regular classrooms by now have the administration tracked the progress.

Talking about the preschool are the rumors true about the black mold in the ceiling? If it is true are they going to clean it up or just put something over it. I thought they had an inspection you would think it would of been found because anyone looking at any property knows to checking under ceiling tiles.

Anonymous said...

Something grEAt happening in our district, from the Beacon-News:


In case the first day of middle school wasn’t frightening enough, students at Cowherd Middle School will have to face down a pair of larger-than-life cats.

“It’s pretty ferocious-looking,” Principal Crystal England said.

During the summer, the Cowherd athletic department commissioned artist Eulojio Ortega to paint a mural for the school’s gymnasium.

“Athletic director Tony Garcia worked with the school’s coaches and phys(ical) ed(ucation) instructors to make it a true community space, an environment full of school spirit and immersed in our school colors,” England said.

The mural is largely orange and blue, with two cougars, and a the word “cougar” painted into a mesa in the background.

Ortega said he was particularly proud of the mural because of the effort he saw from the students to raise the funds themselves.

Most students would get their first glimpse of the mural on the first day of school, when the administration holds its student welcome back assembly.

Members of the community who would like to get a peak are invited to the school’s athletic competitions throughout the year, England said.

Anonymous said...

It's not just the new mural, Cowherd Sports has been doing awesome things the past couple of years. Their teams had a bunch of trophies they won last year. They covered the main office couter.

They also put together a magnificent new fitnes facility. There were a lot of professional machines (Treadmills, weight training, free weights, etc.) in there. I heard their athletic director was able to get the whole thing donated to the school.

The program really has a positive impact on our kids.

Anonymous said...

Should have been there tonight. Mary Fultz spoke, Wells spoke on her behalf. Some of Mary's family gave their time to Mary so she could have more minutes. Johnson reemed some new ones with some of the asmins. She was really something to watch and listen to. But what she was doing is really the superintendants job and he is the one who should have been reemed out. Marin seems to be in the same admin position she always has been. Adams really did give a good presentation. Johnson really had a hard time with trying not to loose it. Her face got so red when Fultz was speaking we thought she was going to explode. Keep this in mind, no matter what Johnson is always going to think it is her way or the highway. She goes beyond the bounds of her position.

Anonymous said...

At least Johnson cares and why are the admin's opening a building after school starts Johnson should ask questions that is why she is on the Board.

Mary Fultz is a joke she is always the victim. Hull and Wells are still backing her the Board was going to enforce the rules and Hull made them look bad by saying let her speak.

Anonymous said...

From this morning's Beacon-News:

AURORA — Ousted board member Mary Fultz made a final plea to be properly seated on Monday night at the East Aurora School Board meeting.

The board will begin interviewing potential candidates during a special board meeting on Tuesday.

Fultz’s spot on the board has been highly debated since the April 5 election when she won the position, but was found ineligible after it was determined she was not a registered voter at the time of the election. Candidates must be registered voters in order to serve, according to state law.

“I’m merely asking to be properly seated,” Fultz said as she addressed the board during public comment on Monday. The board waived policy and allowed Fultz to speak for nine minutes instead of the usual three.

Fultz said that she followed policy and procedure to the best of her ability when she began campaigning for a spot on the board, and that it was the Aurora Election Commission that got things wrong in April after the election. Linda Fechner, executive director of the Aurora Election Commission, confirmed Fultz was not eligible to vote in Aurora.

“This is a cover up that was turned into a scandal by the Election Commission,” she said. “I feel there has been bias behavior toward me, and I want to know why. I deserve to know why.”

Fultz also disputed allegations that she is not a resident of the East Aurora School District. Board members must have been living in the district for at least a year in order to be appointed.

On Monday, Fultz provided a lease for her home, a bank statement and driver’s license to prove her residency. She said the ruckus regarding her residency has caused defamation of character toward herself and her family.

“This has embedded a bad image of me in the minds of people who don’t know me,” she said.

On Tuesday, board members will interview eight candidates, including Fultz, who have applied for the board’s two vacant seats. The second seat opened with the July resignation of newly elected member Robb Hill, who blamed time constraints.

Former board member Juanita Wells publicly asked the board to not seat someone in Fultz position until the court has time to review further information. Fultz was not present during a recent court hearing where a judge deemed her ineligible to be seated. Fultz maintains she was never summoned for the court date and didn’t have a chance to plead her case.

“What if the court finds in favor of Ms. Fultz and the position is already filled,” Wells said.

Anonymous said...


The district has spent more than $12,000 on the process.

Three candidates who ran for the board in April have applied, including Fultz, 967 Serendipity Drive; Ignacio Cervantes, 628 High St.; and Juan Sifuentes, 1024 Peterson Ave., all of Aurora.

Others who have applied are Richard Leonard, 1655 Margaret Lane; Marcella McIntyre-Duermit, 1180 Kingsley Lane; Sherrell McKennie, 1143 Lehnertz Circle; and James Pistorius, 1065 Serendipity Drive, all of Aurora; and Fernando Chapa of 1330 Park Drive, Montgomery.

Despite the controversy surrounding her election to the board, Fultz said she remains dedicated to the cause of helping the district’s children.

“I can still come here and put all of this behind me because that’s the kind of woman I am,” she said. “I hope if I ever run again, you will all vote for me.”

Anonymous said...

I agree. What are they doing to get the test score up? Roberts should be fired and replaced immediately, but Johnson just cannot seem to do it. What the hell?

Anonymous said...

Replaced with whom, 7:29 a.m.? Another serial bully?

The problems in this district are NOT Roberts' fault. I'd blame the parents for low test scores before anyone else.

And the Mary Fultz debacle has cost our district more than 12K. Johnson and the School Board should present Fultz with a bill the next time she shows up at a meeting to speak.

Anonymous said...

Make it a huge, oversized cardboard bill--like when a check is presented and it's blown up so two people have to hold it.

Anonymous said...

GrEAt idea, 7:50 a.m.

And the 2 people holding that blown-up cardboard bill should be Mary Fultz & Juanita Wells.

Anonymous said...

Johnson and alla the board should be asking Roberts. It is his job to be up on these things. Also whenever any of the proposals came before the board for approval, there should have been a date on them for completion. Also, when the final proposal was accepted and went before the finance committee the completion date should have been there also. Johnson cares for herself and the recognition she gets.

Anonymous said...

If Fultz was a registered voter as she states, she should have voted (early even)and there would not be this problem. Why at the last minute did she decide to ask if she was registered in D131? Makes one wonder.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this on the Beacon website:

The East Aurora School Board appointed its final two members on Tuesday night following a round of interviews of eight candidates.

Nacho Cervantes and Richard Leonard were the two candidates that came out on top.

Cervantes ran for a board spot in the April election and came in fourth place. Leonard just recently put in his bid for the appointment.

School Board President Annette Johnson said that board members unanimously agreed on the appointments.

“(Cervantes) brings to the board a neat perspective,” she said. “We are looking to improve some programs in the district ,and he only graduated a couple years ago and has a new look on things that a lot of adults don’t have. We were moved by his comments.”

Leonard, a local business owner, will bring a lot of experience to the board as well, she said.

“We will have a lot of activity with buildings and grounds next year, and he will be a great asset,” Johnson said. “We inherited a great board member.”

Anonymous said...

And from the Montgomery Patch:

The East Aurora School Board has chosen its two new members.

After a round of interviews this week, board members took a vote Tuesday night, selecting recent East High graduate Ignacio “Nacho” Cervantes and business owner Richard Leonard to fill a pair of open positions.

Nineteen-year-old Cervantes ran for the school board in April, and missed the cut. Cervantes is a student at Aurora University, majoring in criminal justice.

School Board President Annette Johnson said Cervantes “will bring a fresh set of eyes and ideas to the board, since we have been on a mission to add to student achievement.”

Leonard, Johnson said, brings years of business and construction management experience to the board—which it will need, she said, since the district plans more than $3.5 million on building rehab next spring.

Tuesday’s decision brings to a close an involved process that began with the April election, in which community activist Mary Fultz won a seat on the board. Acting on information given to them, the school board challenged her election, citing records that showed she was not a registered voter at the time of the election, as required by state law.

Last month, a Kane County judge declared Fultz’ election invalid, and the board declared her seat open. Fultz applied for the vacant position, but was not chosen.

Then, on July 22, Robb Hill resigned his position on the board, citing time constraints. Hill won his seat in the April election.

The board interviewed eight candidates for the open seats, including three who ran in the April election: Cervantes, Fultz and Juan Sifuentes Jr.

Anonymous said...

Ignacio Cervantes on the school board, WHAT A JOKE! This is just what our residents need an individual with no professional experience and I am not impressed with experience that comes from having anything to do with his student involvement at AU. How did the board in their right minds feel that this individual would be an asset to the current board. As a resident and parent I am outraged and disgusted. I would like to know how this happened? I am furious, and I have no agenda other than wanting some answers. You the board expect us, the residents to believe there was no better choice. To be honest I expect Igancio Cervantes to keep his mouth closed, he knows nothing and can instruct me as an educated adult on nothing.

Anonymous said...

They could only choose from those who submitted applications--would you rather they picked Mary Fultz?

And although I have some reservations about young Mr. Cervantes (he's a protege of "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad, and attends Aurora University where "Serial Bully" Radakovich is on the faculty), I do think that he will bring the perspective of a recent EHS graduate to the Board. He does have a certain amount of knowledge about how a School Board operates because he was the student board member a couple of years ago. And he will also inspire others his age to be involved in our district.

Anonymous said...

Cervantes ran for the Board. His votes were received legally unlike Fultz who came in and lied about her voter status. Fultz was the joke the way I see it not all our votes went to the wind.

So who is Leonard

Anonymous said...

Has Cervantas ever even paid a utility bill? What a joke of a board. Hey, how are those test scores? How many more braindead kids are you going to spoon feed while the ones with intelligence are left to rot.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are all giving the new school board members a chance before ripping them apaprt.

Bussiness as usual on the stupid blog.

Anonymous said...

Cervantes owns his owe business at 19 which is more than I can say for you and he is paying his own way though college

Anonymous said...

I say give Cervantes a chance and maybe he can try to give administration some thought on how to get the students care about test scores. As far as paying bills maybe he has helped his parents with bills or if he has a car he is making payments. It doesn't matter about those things because the ones on the board now don't check them.I don't believe the board now even pays attention to the list of bills or even looked into the credit cards the administration has. If you look at other districts they get a list of bills at each meeting of the month.

Anonymous said...

When you get down to it, Cervantes wasn't just chosen by the board. Once you dump the other two, he had the next most votes in the last election. I wasted one vote on Fultz. Now the vote I cast for Cervantes actually counted.

Anonymous said...

Nacho Cervantes brings a unique perspective to the School Board. Yes, he is very young--but because of his age, he's just a few years removed from actually experiencing the joys & trials of a D131 educational experience.

I think it's a strength for our School Board to have a wide variety of ages, ethnicities, educational levels, and occupations. And I'm sure that Mr. Cervantes will take his position seriously, partly because he's aware that many in the community are watching him closely.

Like 12:19 said, let's give him a chance.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know who paid the bill for the Cervantes campaign. If he is a struggling student, who pays his own way, I find it interesting that he had the best (as in costly) campaign signs of all who had run for a seat on the board. Also, I do not believe he knows anything that will serve us and the students. His age/youth is being used as a spring board for making a colorful board with greater perspective??? I would prefer professional experience and I do not accept that he was the only candidate that was trying to get into the position. I am not on any agenda or trying to assist any of the other candidates, so there is no need to throw the names of others into my comment. I would like to know where the funding for his campaign came from. If it is true that the funds came from our district than he is really no better than so many other individuals that the public has complained about.

Anonymous said...

Remember, Cervantes is a protege of Clayton Muhammad--so his campaign was probably organized and at least partially funded by "Farrakhan's Disciple" himself.

But why not give him a chance? He may turn out to be a good School Board member. And if not, then he can be replaced by someone else.

Bottom line: he's been selected to be on the School Board, whether we like it or not. It's in our kids' best interests for us to support the board's decision unless & until there is evidence that a mistake was made.

Anonymous said...

From what I heard Cervantes and some others got funding from the Hispanic Community and if you shop around you can get things for a good price. Yes he might have been with Claytons group but maybe he sees thing differently now. Was their other candidates that would of been better we don't know since we weren't at the interviews. As for others with experience the ones we have on the board don't even follow how a board is suppose to act they pick and chose what they want to follow. They pick and chose the board policies they want to follow. Awhile back the board stated that the administration was suppose to get approval for any travel or for conferences they go to and they haven't followed that. Does anyone know if Johnson knows the other candidate they chose?

Anonymous said...

The article in today's Beacon about the new Cougar Mural at Cowherd was great for both the school and district. The article was great but nothing compared to the actual mural. I went to go see it today and it's absolutely stunning.

The mural is on an entire wall. It's probably 25 feet high and 100 feet wide. The artist is extremely talented and the shear size of the mural adds to it's majestry. It just drips Cougar Pride. All of our district students should be able to experience the school pride that this is going to give the Cowherd students.

What was really awesome to see was the students who were there today and their reactions to the mural. All of their jaws were just dropped and I've never heard so many positive comments by middle school aged kids. They were absolutely blown away by the difference in their school. I am sure this will have a profound effect on every part of their life. It's something they will always remember and feel proud of.

Anonymous said...

Its funny when Clayton/Johnson started this a year ago everyone on the blog attacked them. Now that West Aurora is doing it you will think that is a great idea.

Some grade school students in the district could use a little mentoring from adults in the community, and West Aurora School District 129 is reaching out to area churches to provide it.

On Aug. 25 the district is hosting a breakfast at Fearn Elementary School in Aurora, and inviting local pastors and clergy to discuss more about partnering with the district to serve grade school students.

The district is looking to the local religious community to provide volunteers to help students. Volunteers from the local churches would undergo training from the national group Kids Hope U.S.A. and follow a curriculum.

“Part of the time they may help with homework, and there is a student activity,” according to Michelle Gallo, assistant director of special education.

The mentoring would be for children who have some behavioral issues, Gallo said. They are hopeful to bring in as many volunteers as possible through the church community, Gallo said.

The district and the volunteers would have to observe principles of the separation of church and state, and parents of the children being mentored would be notified, she said.

Anonymous said...

The "jokes" already on the board are Turza and Gonzales. Give the young man a chance. All of us had to start somewhere and somehow. Just because someone is older and more "experienced" does not mean they can fill this position. I can't wait to see if the other new board member will also be a puppet of Johnson's.

Anonymous said...

No, I still think bringing in clergy and mixing church and state is a very poor decision to be made. And with high percentage of pedophile clergy, it's a lawsuit just waiting to happen. Especially since these outside people won't have the legal protections that teachers have.

The difference is that, I don't give a damn about what they are doing on the West Side. When the West Side has to pay out millions to settle a lawsuit, my taxes won't go up.

Anonymous said...

You can bet they are both puppets of Johnson's But I say the young man is no worst than Gonzalez and Tursa. Gonzalez can barely speak English and only joined the board for a job for her daughter then her daughter got fired.

Let us not forget Lewis and Hull and all the special favors they have received for their grand children and daughter. Hull will get a free ride and scholarship for his daughter. Do you not think he is benefiting.

At least Cervantes does not have kids that will benefit maybe he will actually do something.

The reason they are puppets of Johnson is they are all self serving and Johnson who is the only one that does anything only does it for the praise she gets she is image driven. Clayton is so afraid of her he is now her PR person.

Rumor around Central office is she is behind getting rid of Marin and Nestor is not far behind. Everyone was a buzz about that.

Anonymous said...

Central office news is Marin was reduced to being only in charge of middle schools. Everyone can not believe she is being paid Asst. Superintendents salary for that. Deanne Adams now runs the Curriculum for the entire district as well as special ed and the High School. Aird was given Bilingual.

Nestor is in big trouble for the new Child service center not opening. He was told not to attend the Board meeting but Johnson reamed Nestor/Jay out.

Hull also yelled at the admin's for not working as a team.

Anonymous said...

"Its funny when Clayton/Johnson started this a year ago everyone on the blog attacked them."

"Started" is the operative word. Johnson puts out PR on ideas that never come to fruition. Now they are going to promote another "plan" for funding students extra curricular. How about a plan to clean house and educate students? She is more worried about how she appears to her neighbors rather than the district as a whole.
Get a clue lady. Your postition is about seeing that our 131 children get a decent education, not your image as a local wannabe politician.

Anonymous said...

How about those test scores?

What about racial diversity?

Clean and safe school?

Yet what is the Board working on?

Anonymous said...

11:40, I understand your concern about pedophiles--but there are ways to prevent things like that from happening. For example, at my church we offer an after-school homework club. Along with the 2 or 3 tutors helping the (20 or so) kids, there are at least 2 parent volunteers at each session. Tutoring takes place in an open area, and the restrooms and drinking fountains are in an adjacent hallway which is monitored by the adults.

Yes, abuse is always a concern. But it would be a shame to deny kids a worthwhile opportunity because of a miniscule chance that something bad might happen--especially when every reasonable precaution is being taken.

Anonymous said...

Scores at d131 saw the biggest jump ever this year so the leadership of the district seems to be working. The schools all have had Kids Hope in our buildings for 3 years now west is starting it. Stop running down your district

Anonymous said...

So what did the scores for east high go from 22% to 23% meeting standards? WOW

Anonymous said...

The District agreed the score went down at the High School instead of settling for it they replaced Marin. Teachers at East are very happy and the energy level this year will show marked improvement. I know I work their. Give people a chance stop being negative life is to short.

Anonymous said...

For all that what to help students this year with supplies Joplin MO is in need of just about everything for their students to start school. Let's show that EA Spirit in helping and go to:


and help them have a wonderful school year.

Anonymous said...

Johnsons whole motivation is to build a political career. She is bullying everyone she can to get what SHE wants. She has all the answers and no one else has an original idea. She plays both sides against each other and uses intimidation to get people to back away. "It is the parents of the district that is responsible for the problems". She and many other ward 1 residents chant this. She refers to the "serial bully" and now she has become that person.
This board is no different from the "old guard". Yes this community voted "most" of them in and this community should take a good look at this mess and make the changes that need to be made.
Mr Cervantes and Mr Leonard, I pray that you stand strong against the bullying and pressure to follow like sheep.

Anonymous said...

Hwy what is the cost for the new pre school now? Who is paying for the errors?
I wonder if Abby will be a grand opening shaking hands with Johnson with Dr Roberts cowering behind?

Anonymous said...

May the light shine on you lies. May the community come to learn the stealing and misuse of money this district allows to happen. May they stand strong against any new referendum they try to shove down our throats "for the good of the children"
Liars everyone of them
Liars and thieves

Anonymous said...

Welcome back students!

Anonymous said...

WOW troubles again in the District because Weavers loser husband finally got a job at the new CSC after a year of sitting around.

Anonymous said...

In this economy, a lot of people are losing their jobs and "sitting around" for awhile through no fault of their own. I know Ms. Weaver, and I'm happy that her husband has once more joined the ranks of the employed.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the most evil, hate-filled people are always worshiping God and going to christian concerts.

Anonymous said...

Some of the world's most evil, hate-filled people are NOT Christians. Moammar Gadhafi, the late Bin Laden, Kim Jung-Il, etc.

As for Christians, it's been said that the church is not a museum for saints; it's a hospital for sinners. And most of us who call ourselves Christian try to follow the example of the Son of God who loved us enough to lay down his life for us. As in any large group, there are some hypocrites. But the message of grace and redemption has lasted for 2000 years despite all the negativity: "Jesus Saves".

Anonymous said...

What does it matter if Weaver's husband got a job or not what had that have to do with the district?

Anonymous said...

8/20 @ 7:56pm is Johnson. Johnson does not have an orignal idea, she listens to what others say and then uses their ideas on many things, except when it comes to certain things on the preschool and Magnet. She likes to throw her weight around about finances, which many are not impressed in how good she thinks she is, and making other people look bad when they really are not. Where is the money coming from for the preschool? How is that mold thing coming along? In the Bethesda building? Wonder how they are coverig this one up?

Anonymous said...

Very well stated-August 20, 2011 9:18 PM. Who is August 20, 2011 8:38 PM to judge others?

Matthew 7:2 Or For God will judge you as you judge others.

Anonymous said...

Same goes for August 20, 2011 7:56 PM.
What kind of person would make this type of outrageous criticism? Totally, immature and out of line.

Anonymous said...

What kind of fool would say the new preschool n special ed center was a mistake. The remodel did not come out of district funds it was federal grant funds. A win to the tax payers of d131 that the entire county is paying for this. Then the purchase price of 1.6 million. Tell me how you can build a building for that price. I thank Ms Johnson for her service to the child and I think she and Ms Schuler should cut the ribbon. BTW full disclosure I do not live here I live on the other side of town that just spent 1.3 million on astro turf. That while bus routes got cut and teachers did not get rehired and class sizes are growing.
Come Monday I will be organizing my new office at CSC and serving your child-Thank You Ms Johnson

Anonymous said...

I always love when people state Things like"The remodel did not come out of district funds it was federal grant funds. A win to the tax payers". Where do you think the Federal Government gets their tax dollars from? I'll tell you, the same place local tax dollars ard collected from, The people of this community. Don't kid yourself, it's our money they are spending. Just because the money stopped in Washington before they spent it, doesn't mean it isn't our money.

Anonymous said...

I wish you and all those little ones a healthy happy atmosphere.

Concealed mold is not a good deal at any price. Ms. Johnson has numero uno as her priority, no matter what facade she may use.

Anonymous said...

@August 21, 2011 11:25 AM-so true! Some people have their noses so deep in brown, they cannot see the reality of their circumstances.

False praise for favor can come at a very high price.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding the district started the Preschool with grant money and it has been running on that money and I believe they are using some of the districts money also. Here lately you have been hearing about Quinn cutting some of that money so was our districts cut and if so that means they are using our tax dollars for this. Also I heard that children from other districts can go the preschool shouldn't we take care of our own first. It is mandatory to have preschool and we should take care of our K thru 12th grade first. If the district has to ask for a referendum are you willing to vote for it for a program that the district doesn't have to provide.

Anonymous said...

My prediction is that D131 will, indeed, ask for a referendum. Specifically, it will be on the same ballot as the Presidential election in November 2012. That way, when thousands of public housing residents show up at the polls to vote, they can also vote to help themselves to property tax money they know THEY won't have to pay.

After all, it worked in 2008.

Anonymous said...

August 21, 2011 9:03 AM
Just to clarify - 129's turf was privately funded; from community donations and booster (sports & band) money, not district funds. Have fun unpacking your new office.

Anonymous said...

Why would they they have 100 million in the bank get real. As for the mold prove it. This is another lie this blog creates to drag down the district and yes d129 had alot of private donations they also hired a fund raiser.

Anonymous said...

The negligient ones in this district know how nearly impossible it is to prove their wrong doings. That is why their first comment is either "who said that?" or "prove it!"

Anyone willing to speak up, will be dealt with, or if there is a chance of bringing to the light what is being done, they will scramble to conceal.

Anonymous said...

From another blog:

"Now that Moammar Gaddafi is pretty-much out of the picture in Libya, what will happen to the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights? Known as Gaddafi’s Nobel, the award put $250,000 USD in the hands of folks sympathetic to the Libyan strongman and his ideas.

Among the winners? The Latin American socialist quartet of Evo Morales (who won twice!), Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega. No big surprise that their countries have so far failed to recognize the rebel winners in Libya.

Also, Islam convert and Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy"

...Later, the blog goes on to mention that the entire world is pretty much acknowledging the fall of the murderous regime of dictator Gaddafi...

"Except, of course, for Chicago’s own Rev. Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam. Still standing behind Gaddafi -- the online version of Final Call, the Nation of Islam newspaper, is still claiming a Gaddafi victory -- Farrakhan has received about $8 million from Gaddafi above and beyond the prize monies"


Louis Farrakhan is a man whom our Community Relations Director, Clayton Muhammad, admires and emulates. Farrakhan recently held a conference for educators in the Chicago area where he denounced standard public school curricula as white imperialism.

For glaring examples of hate speech, look no further than Farrakhan's notorious remarks about Jews and Caucasians.

Anonymous said...

The mold is there.

Anonymous said...

prove it

Anonymous said...

There has been work done on the roof of that building and who knows how long it had been like that so it is possible that there is mold. When a building sits with little up keep on it things like that happen.

Anonymous said...

This was in the Huffington Post yesterday (written by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach):

"...And then there is Louis Farrakhan, the obsessively anti-Semitic head of Nation of Islam who condemned the United States last March for taking military action against Gaddafi and defended the murderer of the Libyan people. At a press conference in Chicago he said, "It is a terrible thing for me to hear my brother called all these ugly and filthy names when I can't recognize him as that. Even though the current tide is moving against him ... how can I refuse to raise my voice in his defense? Why would I back down from those who have given so much?"

In September 2009, while I spoke outside the UN at a Libyan dissident rally attacking Gaddafi while he gave his rambling address to the UN General Assembly, which included the allegation that the Israelis were involved in the murder of JFK, we were all but drowned out by hundreds of Nation of Islam followers who were bused in to support Gaddafi. Will the Nation pay any price for supporting a tyrant and a murderer, or will we who are responsible for the memory of the Lockerbie victims and the US servicemen whom Gaddafi killed be silent as his friends now go mum?"

Anonymous said...

I hear Gaddafi's looking for asylum now that the rebels have taken over. Don't be surprised if he ends up in Chicago staying with Clayton's idol Farrakhan.

Anonymous said...

Maybe "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad can invite Gaddafi to our district to present a workshop on leadership.

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like he already is taking tips from him. Admit nothing and do anything to stay in power.

Anonymous said...

From the Beacon:

In an effort to make sure every Tomcat has the opportunity to succeed, the East Aurora School District has kicked of its 165 HOPE campaign to raise money for academic, athletic and art programs which some students couldn’t otherwise afford.

In conjunction with the district’s 165th anniversary, the HOPE (Help Our Pupils Excel) campaign aims to raise $165,000 and provide opportunities for East Aurora’s underprivileged students.

School Board President Annette Johnson said the funding drive is near and dear to her own heart because of the opportunities she was awarded as a former Tomcat.

“As a young adult I was very shy,” Johnson said. “(Sports programs) made me the person I am today. They taught me how to be aggressive, work as a team, and acquire all of those skills that sometimes students don’t get exposed to. It’s really important that kids have those opportunities.”

The money will be distributed to students based on financial need, Johnson said. Students will be asked to submit an application for funding, and explain what the benefits of the program would be. Camps can range anywhere from $100 to $500 to attend.

“We will have an agreement that they will do some type of community service (if they are awarded campaign donations),” Johnson said. From picking up bases to cleaning bleachers after a ball game, participants will be giving back to their community.

Students attending district-run camps, as well as camps run by outside organizations, can apply for aid. Johnson said the HOPE campaign will expose children to camps at a younger age.

“A lot of districts we compete against have really robust camp programs,” Johnson said. “Our kids haven’t really been exposed to camps at all. They don’t get down to our younger elementary school levels, and we want to offer the comprehensive opportunity for all kids.”

The campaign kicked off last week when teachers arrived for the district’s Red and Black Pride Day. So far, money keeps rolling in, Johnson said.

“Our staff has made amazing contributions ... they really jump-started the campaign. They see the need to rebuild extracurricular activities as well as the sports programs,” Johnson said.

The campaign will also seek donations from local businesses, alumni and foundations.

Donations can be made on the district website, www.d131.org, through a Pay Pal account; or at school open houses and other district functions.

Administrators said the initiative will instill pride and passion in East Aurora students by providing additional opportunities.

“I’ve coined a phrase that says, ‘It gives our kids 165 reasons for hope,’” Johnson said.

Anonymous said...

How about saying we will do our best to make sure we get our students test scores up even though we have problems with some parents not caring about their children doing good in school. Why is it that only the board president cares about these things and not the superintendent which should be doing things like this? I have always been told where I work there is no I in team but it seems like in this district there is and that is Johnson trying to take the stage while other board members stand back and do nothing.

Anonymous said...

You got to be kidding? Johnson is making a joke of her position. She should be making admin accountable for our district failures. The things she is calling her new ideas are things that have been tried or done before in years past. She wouldn't know that since she has had her head elsewhere and is out of touch with the families and the community of 131.

Anonymous said...

No matter what it is Johnson is trying to raise money for the kids stop being so negative

Anonymous said...

So how can helping underprivileged kids be a bad thing

Anonymous said...

I think they have a policy that the Board President speaks for the Board whether I like her or not at least Clayton is out of the news

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the board address the 40+ students in my class and large numbers of students many of the other teachers in our district are trying to teach? The fact is, with large numbers of students in classrooms, there is little teaching going on and a lot of classroom management / discipline being handled.

If we want to improve test scores, class size needs to be the first item addressed. It's been mentioned on here that the West Side limits class size per their union contract, perhaps we need the same thing on this side of the river.

Anonymous said...

Then go to West

Anonymous said...

As a parent, I would rather the $165,000 be spent for teacher assistants for huge classes like 9:24 p.m. mentioned. I can (and do) provide my child with extras like athletic programs through the park district. But our kids' teachers have to handle so much stuff other than actual instruction, that test scores don't have a chance of improving.

Bring in an assistant to help with bathroom breaks, passing out materials, administering timeouts, taking attendance, etc. so the teacher can actually TEACH.

Anonymous said...

Go to West

Anonymous said...

Johnson is diffitnely an I person. It will be her way or the highway. I will not contribute to HOPE as I do not trust Johnson and I am sure she is the one who bascially will pick and chose who get what and where to go. Also, who is handling the monies for this. In case this no one who is in charge of HOPE has not noticed, but it seems almost all the students in this community is underpriviledged, but can wear designer shoes, have cell phones, ipods, etc. If the parents can afford to get these for their children, the money used for these things can go towards what Johnson wants here.What needs to be done is get the test scores up.

Anonymous said...

What was it they hired instead of teachers assitants, more counselors, I believe. Like that is going to help the teachers with the overcrowded classrooms. Lewis is trying to do something now, like Weaver in the past, but the show will go on and now Lewis will be the object of Johnson's rath. Too bad Lewis did not join ranks with Weaver when she could have. Now Lewis will know what it is like to stand alone. Butjust like with Weaver many out there will be behind her.

Anonymous said...

Teachers are being hired as tutors in fact over 65 were hired this year alone many of these teachers have masters degree's. They have pull out groups for over crowded buildings If Ms Weaver and the brain trust would have not run the wrong referendum maybe a building bond could have built a new building. The sad part is none of them could read a financial statement

Anonymous said...

Ms. Johnson is supposedly financial savvy, yet the best she can do for our students is ask for more handouts. This community has given till it hurts. Yet, we still want to cater to the ones pulling the most from the community.

I think we need to look more towards the hand up rather than handout. Teach the parents how to give their children what they need to succeed. Teach them to "fish."

Anonymous said...

You people have no clue as to how any board functions. You have presidents of boards so that you have a single voice not a single idea. Its apparent that Annette Johnson toots her own horn a lot but we have no idea what goes on behind the scene. It would inappropriate for every board member to speak out publicly about their their individual input on a topic. Thats why when Dee and RayAnn were on the board it was a chaotic free for all. The other board members are more refined at how to deal with issues publicly. Annette Johnson has never had to compromise on much in her life. I have been at meetings and there are times when board member will put forth their ideas and opinions. Just because they disagree does not mean they have to embarrass themselves so that us bloggers think they are puppets. If there was one solution to all of this districts problems it would have been done already. I read that only 8 folks applied for the vacancies and I bet none of you applied. Class sizes have been discussed but there are no teachers or union reps there raising the issue. The board members are fools or genuinely care to put up with the abuse they receive.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe when Dee and RayAnn were on the board it was a chaotic mess they did speak out but not as one voice like Johnson. Yes, the board president is suppose to be the speaker for the board but Johnson when Weaver was president wouldn't let that happen and don't say she would of said something the board didn't approve. Also Weaver voted against that referendum and where would we build another school?

Anonymous said...

I hear she is a dictator and it's her way or the highway. It is time for the board to start addressing the issue of overcrowding they should wait until a teacher or union rep. complains. Look at all the new administrative positions they made did they complain.

Anonymous said...

This is from IASB training for school board members and talks about laws they are suppose to follow.
You can read the whole thing @

Perhaps the single most important job of a school board
is to employ a superintendent and to hold him or her
responsible for managing the schools in accordance with
state law and the school board’s policies. The board also
should set educational goals for the schools — based on
state laws and community values — and see that the
superintendent and the total staff vigorously pursue those
Because a school board is a governmental body, it can
take action only by majority vote at a public meeting. The
individual board member has no authority other than the
right to cast a vote at such a meeting. A board member
who attempts to speak for the total board, direct members
of the staff or make other individual decisions is acting
outside the law.

Anonymous said...

August 24, 2011 8:13 AM put it there. That is what a Board is s'pose to do. Make sure their employee is doing his job in "based on state laws and community values"
Those in charge have lowered those values and act as if they are doing the district a favor to offer a less than adequate education for the 131 children. A few Board members have superiority attitudes about their place in this community.

Anonymous said...

The district needs a dictator if not Marin Gonzalez would still be in charge. Sounds like some folks in Central Office don't like the new and improved board. Also sounds like Hull, Gonzalez, and Lewis have put their foot as well. If you are a administrator now at central office it is not business as usual

Anonymous said...

You may think they are new and approved but they are just different than the old one. This board turns there heads in how administration spends money and does not follow the State Law. We have Nacho coming on and I think he will be good if he follows the laws. He made a comment about going out and talking to students and others and that is against the law.

Anonymous said...

Central Office rumor is Nestor stood up against the big bad wolf and now Johnson has his head on the chopping block

Anonymous said...

If Nestor's head is on the chopping block that should have been the case before he got his current wife a student knocked up at 17. Funny the district just hired her at Brady to be a Social worker. I hope they don't have her giving instruction on teen pregnancy/

Anonymous said...

Again Johnson has no business being in anyone's face that is the superintendents job and I believe part of the IL School Code. She has no business being involved like that.

Anonymous said...

Nestors business is old news and they are still together, and she is now over 21. What's your point?

What better person to teach than someone experienced in the subject. The best truant officer would be a person who as a child tried to break/ bend the rules. So I feel Nestors wife would be a good social worker. Don't presume to be a judge for a person by ONE fraction of time in their life.

Anonymous said...

So you want a child molester who got a 17 year pregnant working with kids. West Aurora puts those types in jail and he did not even get anyone pregnant.

FYI the district paid Nestor's wife's education with service credits at AU. AU gives d131 free educational credit hours based on the room agreement they have. Maybe the board needs to ask why rooms are given to AU when the kids don't have enough space. Maybe Johnson since she seems to be the only one asking questions needs to get off her dead ass and walk over to Hermes. Two classrooms are given to AU there and some classes topped 44 kids today at Hermes

Anonymous said...

How many years ago was this woman 17 years old? Did her parents press charges?

Seems like someone likes keeping tabs on the discretions of many others. Keeping the dust stirred maybe takes focus off themselves. Hmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Seems like the other blog has no problem with the current board. But the address the true problems
unlike this blog that consists of a bunch of bitter administrators and a few sour grapes former board members

Should East Aurora School District 131 Be Split or Merged with Indian Prairie School District 204?
On Tuesday, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation passed in June that establishes a commission to review the potential of realignment and consolidation of school districts in Illinois.

While many have assumed this refers mostly to small rural school districts, it's important to note that State Rep. Linda Chapa-LaVia (D-Aurora) and State Sen. Linda Holmes (D-Plainfield) were among the sponsors of the legislation, with both of them having districts that include East Aurora School District 131.

The crisis in recent years at East Aurora is finally starting to be addressed by a new school board, but many say the depth of the problem is complicated by a landlocked district that has zero economic development, massive growth in density and demographics that make it difficult to fix quickly.

And, some say that as Aurora's far east side grew, East Aurora School District should have included more of the "Fox Valley" portion of Aurora that is now part of Indian Prairie School District 204, considered one of the better school districts in Illinois.

So, if districts are realigned and consolidated, should East Aurora School District 131 be one of them? Should it be merged into Indian Prairie School District 204? Should portions be split into Oswego, Batavia and perhaps West Aurora?

Or should East Aurora School District 131 stay within its current boundaries?

Anonymous said...

The state should take over like it was supposed to after consistent failures. Give the kids a chance with a new district, new admin and new board
sign me,
Bitter Sourgrapes

Anonymous said...

Comment from Joplin Mo for helping their band.

Thank you so much for donating to my project! My students will be so excited that people from so far away cared enough to provide them with the equipment they need to have a successful marching band year!

This is truly a big relief to me personally, I have been worrying all summer how I was going to able to get these new drum carriers for my students! Times are tuff and our spring fundraiser was a complete bust. This is such a blessing for these kids and they really deserve the best!

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!

With gratitude,
Mrs. P.

Anonymous said...

MOlestors don't marry their victims. The police will tell you that in Illinois if a sventeen year old is arrested they are considered an adult . A 17 yr old can have an abortion, drop out of school, go off to college, become emancipated, on /on. At least this man married the young lady and she was not pregnant. I would prefer that teachers not attach themselves to a hs seniors but to be together all this time he obviously cared and she wasn't forced. It also sounds like she continued her education; doesn't sound like an abusive situation to me. When hs seniors get pregnant and don't marry people complain and now it looks like if they do the right thing afterwards its still wrong in someones eyes., that someone probably sleeps around for free and has the nerve to come off as holier than thou. Reading thru the lines the person bringing this up probably never had anyone propose to them.

Anonymous said...

Instead of pushing for an orchestra program, Dr. Roberts should ask parents whether they would support a keyboard lab. Keyboards are fairly cheap, portable, and easy to store. Music theory skills (especially chords and bass & treble note reading) are easily taught using piano keyboards. And students who can play keyboard would be very valuable to the entire EAHS music program, for example in the jazz band and pit for the musical. I've even seen "marching keyboards" (kids wearing a 2-octave keyboard on a strap like a snare drum & playing as they march).

And the district would not necessarily need to hire an additional teacher. Mr. Stellmacher has experience teaching keyboard lab in a previous high school.

Of course, a keyboard lab might not be as flashy and "IMAGE"-worthy as an orchestra. But it would be a grEAt idea, in the best interests of our students!

Anonymous said...

I remember hearing that Dr. Barwa's previous high school principal job was in a school (Burlington Central) that had a keyboard lab/class piano.

Do any other area high schools offer keyboard class? I do remember seeing a classroom full of digital pianos at Waubonsie H.S. a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

When my son was a teenager, he & his friends thought keyboards were cool because they were high-tech and could be plugged into a MIDI interface on the computer. My son would make up and record tunes and sound effects to go with his favorite video games. And there were (and I'm sure still are) programs online that he could learn & practice theory skills on his keyboard.

I don't remember stringed instruments having that "cool" factor--although maybe that was just our son & his friends' attitude?

Anonymous said...

My sons were both into keyboards and creating music and sound effects, also. Sort of like the grade school recorder- HS keyboards would be more affordable and more easily accessed by more students. Good thought. Especially since I heard the band was going to try and promote students at the HS level to join a beginning band.

Anonymous said...

Good luck getting our Community Relations Director, Clayton Muhammad, to support a keyboard lab.

He's a disciple of Louis Farrakhan--and Farrakhan's a violinist.


Anonymous said...

Aug 24 5:32 You got it right on 131 needs to be disolved and merged into batavia, 204, 203, oswego, west and others. The district simply cannot support itself anymore. I have heard that there is also a group out there seeking legal consult on bringing a class action lawsuit against the district for the # of illegals that the 131 taxpayers have to support and who are unable to send their own children there because of the depolorable academics and overcrowded schools.

Anonymous said...

That was a nice article in the Beacon-News today about Elizabeth (Gerhard) Ortiz. I know the Gerhard family from my church (First Presbyterian). What a wonderful district we would have if more parents were like the Gerhards--encouraging their kids to excel academically and make a positive difference!

Anonymous said...

Amen August 25, 2011 7:18 PM

Anonymous said...

The Gerhards are a great testimony what can be obtained thru an EA education and family support.

Zach Sipes was also mentioned who works at EAHS, another great EA example.

Anonymous said...

ok but face it their story is an anomoly.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a another winning season

Get better every day.

Out on the new practice field at East Aurora, this is the mantra and the hope. It has been since Bill Bryant has been the head coach, and it’s something that is beginning to bear some fruit.

Laquan Brown sees it, too.

The senior quarterback, a four-year member of the Tomcats program, says his current teammates are working with more polished fundamentals.

The freshmen and sophomore classes have coaches excited with the talent they have, some of which has been moved up to the varsity level this season.

“There are some positives,” Bryant said. “But again, it comes down to how much game experience these kids have and they don’t have a lot. So every play is going to be a learning experience for them. Hopefully each quarter they play they’ll get a better understanding of schemes and those kinds of things.”

Experience is something the Tomcats are definitely lacking, with five starters returning.

Perhaps the most important returning starter the team could have is Brown, who was thrown into the varsity fire last year as a junior — and he’s been the definition of “getting better every day.”

Bryant said Brown has spent his offseason not only preparing his body for the rigors of the Upstate Eight Valley, but watching film and asking questions about the offense.

“I take it very seriously,” Brown said of his role. “I want to know everything that I can know. I want to know what I’m doing, what the offensive line is doing, what the receivers are doing. I want to know what the defense is doing to try and stop us from what we’re doing. It gives me a better understanding of what I can do to win battles.”

The Tomcats are excited about the return of senior receiver Chris Shaw (5-8, 155) and the addition of sophomores Desmond Gant (6-1, 177) and Marshawn Carter (6-2, 180), which might allow for big plays.

“We have a few new receivers and underclassmen who can go get it and our line is playing much better. I feel like we can come out and compete,” Brown said. “They can be playmakers.”

One of the reasons why the Tomcats feel they can get better every day is their new practice facility. The addition allows the freshmen to have their own practice space as well.

“It’s a whole lot better than it’s ever been as far as a practice field goes for us,” Bryant said. “It’s nice to be able to go out there on a field that’s in good shape and it’s not going to get torn up. That’s great for us. I don’t know how many injuries may have been attributed to the bad field conditions but I know now the kids seem like they practice better, they practice harder, and I don’t think they have the sore ankles and knees. My hat’s off to the administration getting that done.”

Now, it’s up to the Tomcats to do their part.

“I want to see us get better,” Brown said. “Me as a passer, runner and the ability to read a defense. Our receivers — the route running. The line — blocking and staying together. I just want us to improve.”

Anonymous said...

I have taught in East Aurora for many years and I love it. It has its problems, no place is perfect. I think some people on the blog need to be more positive. I'm not saying things that could be improved should be ignored, but why whine about things that cannot be fixed or changed? I think the orchestra situation is a good example. Orchestra is expensive and might not be a good fit for our district but instead of griping someone came up with an excellent suggestion about keyboards. I see that as a positive comment not the usual complaining eternally over an issue.
People have made their points. The school board members are not the best, we have over crowding issues this year, the band thing that seems to live on forever, etc. We've heard it and we understand it. Why talk about it over and over and over. Is that going to change things? Offer a positive solution and if there isn't one come up with a way to live with the current situation. School board members are not going anywhere until their term is over. Stop complaining and learn to deal with the situation at hand. Teachers do this all the time. We do not get to choose the children in our room. You get some great kids and sometimes some not so great kids. You don't sit there complaining about who's in your class. They are there and will remain to be there so make the best of it and learn to work with what you have.
The whining gets old. It doesn't solve anything. When it gets close to election time, remind people about not re-electing current board members. That should be enough.
Overcrowding in the schools is an issue. We only have so many classrooms to work with in our district no matter how many staff members you want to hire. They could hire fifty teachers to deal with over-crowding but without classrooms to use, what's the point. How do we handle the situation at hand? Have they looked at all the buildings? Are some overcrowded and others aren't? Maybe boundaries between schools needs to shift to handle the load. If all buildings are under the same strain than we have to deal with it. Central Office would then have to come up with a long term solution. Maybe build another school. But that will not change the fact that we have overcrowding NOW. It might be a difficult year without an immediate solution. We will make it through this. Teachers need to do their best and handle it. There are MANY outstanding teachers in this district. We can rise above the problem and make it work. It might not be the ideal circumstances but we can operate and still get students to learn and flourish in our classrooms.

Anyone can stand around and complain. Let's be more positive and come up with solutions for situations instead of just whining.

Anonymous said...

Very well stated August 26, 2011 5:43 AM. I am not a teacher, but i know without many teachers like yourself our District would be in worse shape. Thank you for your tolerance of the admin, the board, and the community, who rarely acknowledge all the teachers who are truly there for our children.
Bless you!

Anonymous said...

You're a morno 5:43

Anonymous said...

I work at Waldo and love the kids. Yes our building is overcrowded also but changing that did not happen over night it is a problem of the city.
Tests scores are going up my building had the biggest jump. We also have a good band program here.

I think the Board does a good job along with are administration. I also feel Dr Roberts has maintained his open door policy. I am happy and I do live on the east side

Anonymous said...

what's a morno?

Anonymous said...

You don't know, then I guess you are one too.

Anonymous said...

A morno is a mixed-up moron.

Anonymous said...

Well then, we have a lot of "morno's" in District 131.

Anonymous said...

5:43 says: "why talk about it over and over?"

When something happens over & over or continues being a problem, it is absolutely appropriate to talk about it over and over!

For example, a parent said that her child's classroom is overcrowded, and there should be a teacher assistant in large classes. This has been mentioned & discussed "over and over"--but for many families starting the school year it is a fresh issue.

Some people (students, parents, staff) may be new to our district, and what seems like unnecessary repetition to us older folks is new to them. Like the saying goes, "the past is prologue".

Also, it's been said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. In other words, those who speak up loudly and/or frequently about an issue will often see results.

And no one on this thread mentioned "the band thing" until YOU did. Seems like you're guilty of what you're criticizing others for ;)

Anonymous said...

When I attended Red/Black they said they are working on a plan and would have something out soon it did not get that way over-night so lets all try to be positive and if we see no plan then lets complain

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets replaced.

Anonymous said...

...by an even squeakier wheel!


Anonymous said...

There is one thing that other districts do that care about their students and taxpayers is to check residency it and also that the students are going to the right school. I remember a few years ago at Gates when I registered my child there was a sign saying your address is not your babysitters address it is where you live.

You can't tell me the administration did not see this overcrowding comming and maybe they should of thought of for a short term fix a portable classroom what do they go to seminars and conference's for if they are not learning these things.

Anonymous said...

About the keyboard suggestion--

Last year I saw the Broadway musical "Wicked" in Chicago, performed by a professional company. The pit orchestra sounded amazing (to me, anyway--I'm a singer, not an instrumentalist). When I looked at the program, I was surprised to see that there were only 7 people in the pit: 2 reed players (playing flute, clarinet, saxophone, & oboe between them), 1 brass player (trumpet & trombone), 1 percussionist, and THREE KEYBOARD PLAYERS, one of whom was the conductor. The string sounds were all synthesized, and sounded very convincing (to my ear, anyway).

This was an example for me of how learning to play keyboards is a 21st-century, marketable skill. Our district would be serving our kids better for their future in the "real world" by promoting this than an orchestra program!

Anonymous said...

The majority of the money we receive in District 131 is from State and Federal sources. The more students we have, the more money we receive. Removing students in District 131 results in less funds received. In other districts, where the majority of the money comes from local sources, it benefits the district to remove out of district students.

In District 131, administrators would lose funding and therefor, lose power and clout. District 131 will never remove a student.

Anonymous said...

It's official, the State Board of Education has sided with Robert Green over District 131. He is to be reinstated with full back pay and benefits.

Looking at the findings by the State Arbiter, the district had six burdens of proof to terminate Mr. Green legally. They only met one of the burdens.

This is yet another example of how incompetent and vindictive our Central Office Administrion is. Piss them off and they will go as far as illegally terminating you for having done so.

Teachers need more protections from bully administrators, not less.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the board gave the superintendent and administration the power to fire Green. When you look at it and they say there was just one burden of proof and you have to have six of them makes you wonder about the administration, superintendent and the board. How long is this board going to let the administration not follow rules and make poor judgements?

Anonymous said...

How did you find about about Mr. Green?

Anonymous said...

It's on the State Board Web-Site. It's a matter of public record. They have transparency, they don't hide behind "It's a Personnel Issue".

Go to the ISBE home page, Click "Teacher A-Z Index", Go to "Teacher Dismissal Files", Click "2011", Click "Select" for Robert Green.

Anonymous said...

Between back salary, back benefits, substitute salaries, lawyer and court fees, etc. etc. etc. It's going to cost the taxpayers of this district well into six figures for the Green debacle. From just what I am adding up it's probably a quarter million dollars. And now that they have really pissed the man off, I am sure other lawsuits will be coming from him.

Having poor administrators does have consequences on the education of our children. That money could have been spent on much more positive endeavors.

We are begging the community for $165,000 for student extra-curriculars and at the same time throwing away far more than that.

Anonymous said...

What is Mayor Weisner doing about overcrowding on the East side? Not a damn thing. In fact, word has it that he is pushing to move Jehrico Circle kids into East and telling the Board bully president to keep her big mouth shut.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Since the parties agree Mr. Green's conduct was not
irremediable per se, the only question left for decision is did his
conduct on March 10, 2010 violate the remediation notice of
November 20, 2006? Was there physical contact with students on
March 3, 2010? Answer: Yes. Was it necessary? Answer: Yes.
Was it appropriate? Answer: Yes. Was it non-aggressive? Answer:
Yes. Was the contact with the students imposed in a calm and
controlled manner? Answer: Yes. Did Mr. Green violate the
November 20, 2006 Notice to Remedy? Answer: No.
For the facts and reasons set forth above, I find that East
Aurora School District Number 131 did not meet its burden of proof
by a preponderance of the evidence. Mr. Green did not violate the
November 20, 2006 Notice to Remedy and that Notice had replaced the
December 4, 2000 Notice to Remedy. It is hereby ordered that Mr.
Green is reinstated with full back pay and benefits accruing from
the date of discharge.
Hearing Officer
Michael D.

Anonymous said...

I read the report by the ISBE. The points I found most interesting were that of the claims by the district vs. the findings by the State Arbiter.

The district claimed "Mr. Green lost his temper with two students, yelled at the students and pushed both students in an aggressive manner". The state arbiter found the direct opposite. He contradicts everything that the district stated.

There was contact but Mr. Green acted in a proper manner with 1)A large crowd of students and 2)with two special education students that had a long history of violent behavior and who had alread pushed themselves through a large crowd of students before they initiated contact with Mr. Green.

Basically, the district administrators had taken a minor incident which was initiated by students with a long history of the violent behavior with many other teachers and staff and lied about the incident to illegally terminate an employee.

They did this because he has a history of reporting the wrongdoing by our administration. Piss off an administrator and they will be vindictive.

This is where the school board needs to investigate why certain administrators lied to the School Board and to the State of Illinois. Which administrators just cost the district a huge amount of money. Were the administrators incompetent or simply vindictive.

Someone needs to be held accountable for this very costly fiasco.

Anonymous said...

Canna & Canna suck as lawyers why did the board not use their current lawyers

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need very good, very expensive lawyers. We need the very best to protect the district from incompetent administrative decisions.

Anonymous said...

Here are excerpts from a Beacon-News editorial written in October 2007 by "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad, specifically referring to the Robert Green case:

At East Aurora, it's competence before color

October 19, 2007

"Race discrimination in East Aurora schools? Where have I been these past four years? I thought I had a firm grip on what was happening? Now, while I always welcome the opportunity to talk about issues pertaining to black people outside the month of February, this one has thrown me for a loop.

As a young black professional educator, I have learned to lean on my colleagues for their advice and counsel on matters that I need some additional wisdom to clarify.

When I read the article ("Teacher sues East Aurora district, claiming race, age discrimination," News, Oct. 11), my first reaction was to call my godfather, Charles Ponquinette. After all, he was the district's first black superintendent and held the post for 18 years before retiring and becoming vice president of the famed Hampton University in Virginia. But I figured "pops" was probably too busy to deal with such accusations that his life and legacy have proven to have no basis...

...As I thought deeply about the article, I realized that it was race and age discrimination that were referenced, although the priority seemed to be placed on race. So my mind naturally went to the woman who inspires this city to action, Avis Miller, who at 60 years old, was hired this year at first-year teacher at Dieterich Elementary School after serving the district in other positions over the last decade. But I decided not to even call Avis because she would laugh at the notion of race and age discrimination in East Aurora schools.

I thought about calling Juanita Wells, the passionate East Aurora board member and community leader, who chairs the district's Personnel and Policy Committee, the body that approves and monitors the staff and policies of the district. She has been a champion for race and age issues in this city.

I could have easily even gone across the hall to the office of our current superintendent, Jerome Roberts, who turned 50 years old during his first year as leader of this district. But I knew what his response would be. Roberts was my high school principal and went on to have a stellar career as superintendent of two other districts before returning to lead East Aurora. He knows the face of this type of discrimination and wouldn't allow it to walk into his district.

So as I walked into my own corner office at district headquarters, put down my laptop bag, and began to straighten my tie in the mirror, I realized who could offer advice on this absurd notion of discrimination in my alma mater school district. Clayton Muhammad could.

I am the proud spokesman of this great district. From a student who entered the kindergarten doors at Dieterich Elementary School in 1980 to a member of the district's cabinet and the voice of East Aurora 27 years later, with phases as teacher, school director, and community advocate woven throughout.

I wrote a column when I turned 30 that listed 30 things that I learned about life. One of the things was that race still matters. This is the reason that I am an advocate for social justice.

I would like to think that I have gotten wiser since I wrote that column two years ago. One thing I have learned is that while race still matters, we must put competence before color every time. All of the great educators that I mentioned in this text were not hired because they are black. They were hired because they are competent. And when you put competence before color, you must be allowed a seat at the table. In this district, you can even take your place at the head of that table"

Anonymous said...

2:57 p.m., it looks to me like certain administrators had gotten away with bullying before (yes, I'm referring to Mr. K), and were so full of themselves that they thought they could do it again.

Only this time they pi$$ed off the wrong guy. Good for Mr. Green for digging in his heels on this and seeing it through to the end.

Anonymous said...

Where is the accountability of the administrators?

On the word of one special education student with a long history of violent interactions with many different adults, the district removed Mr. Green. This was a typical incident with this particular student.

Within 20 minutes of the incident, Joan Glotsbach travelled from the central office with suspension paperwork already filled out on Mr. Green. He was escorted out of the building immediately with instructions that he was not allowed on any district property (including the service center). It was obvious the paperwork was already filled out and waiting to be served.

An "investigation" was performed and dozens of witnesses stated that Mr. Green stood in a doorway with his arms outstretched and instructed a large group of students to wait before entering the gymnasium because another large group was still in the room.

Two special education students pushed and shoved their way through many people and then tried to forcibly push by Mr. Green. Other teachers stated that the students were fine immediately following the incident and they had, in fact, confiscated a ball that the child was playing basketball with.

The child was called to the office because of the student referral that Mr. Green had written about the incident. Then the administrator claimed the student was crying and claiming he was injured. This was after he was found playing basketball (not crying and with no apparent injuries). The nurse found no injuries on the child. There was no evidence of any injury.

Despite the witness statements and the lack of evidence, the administration lied and claimed that "Mr. Green lost his temper with two students, yelled at the students and pushed both students in an aggressive manner". The State Board of Education Arbiter directly contradicted the districts findings and stated that the witness statements did not support what the district administrators claimed in their termination of Mr. Green.

The State Arbiter found that Mr. Green acted appropriately and that the district fired him illegally. Mr. Green is now entitled to be compensated for all of his back pay and benefits.

Mr. Green should of had an opportunity to address the school board at his termination hearing but was blocked from doing so by the central office administration.

Joan Glotzbach is the director of Personnel, Jerome Roberts is the Superintendent of the school district. Their poor decisions just cost this district hundreds of thousands of dollars and has opened the district up to further litigation.

Where is the accountability for these administrators? What will the board do to sanction these individuals? Why should the tax payers be on the hook for their incompetence?

Anonymous said...

To: August 26, 2011 6:22 PM

That article was written immediately after Mr. Green filed a discrimination lawsuit against the district. Clayton claimed publicly that Mr. Green was incompetent and that the district was not discriminating. (This opened the district up to a liable suit from Mr. Green).

The courts found otherwise. The district lost the discrimination case and were ordered to pay a large settlement to Mr. Green.

Apparently, the only real incompetence in this district is at the administrative level.

Anonymous said...

Some of us have been waiting for several years to throw "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad's famous words back at him:



Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about a couple of years ago at the end of the year when the schools where giving out achievements of teachers and service awards when someone stated that a person with 30 years at the district didn't get even a card from the district Joan Glotsbach said that wasn't in the policy and it was. Seems she likes to take a lot of trips to does the district have a clue what they are for?

Anonymous said...

I would like to see a grand total of the bill for this mess, starting back from at least 2006 (or maybe earlier, depending on when Mr. Green's "remediation" process began).

Let's see: retaining lawyers, court costs, time off work for administrators to testify, hiring someone to take over Mr. Green's teaching AND coaching positions--PLUS the quarter-million-dollar settlement. Is there any expense I've overlooked or forgotten?

This is money that COULD have been spent on teacher assistants, classroom supplies, after-school tutoring, or camps. Instead it's been squandered by arrogant bully administrators who care more about preserving their precious "IMAGE" than about OUR CHILDREN.

Anonymous said...

I have worked with Bob Green for many years. He is a horrible teacher. The administration chose the wrong battle to pursue but they do have the basic, correct idea - Bob Green needs to go. Will he finally remove his rear end from his chair with wheels? He is a running joke among his fellow teachers and that started WAY before the termination incident.He is useless as a teacher. I'm sorry the administration chose the wrong battle to pursue because I'm sure they could have taken any number of approaches to get rid of him. If we are lucky maybe he will decide to retire soon.

Anonymous said...

Bob Green is only a couple of years from retirement. If the district administrators (and board)have any intelligence, they would simply cut him a deal to retire early. They could pay a few thousand dollars into his TRS (retirement fund) and give him his full pension. Then Bob Green could have what he wants (to sit on his A$$ and collect money) and the district can stop paying hundreds of thousands of dollars battling the man in one court case after another after another.

If you read the state boards decision, you will see that Mr. Green has already filed complaints/lawsuits 8 times in past several years (and won most of them). He knows how to manipulate the system.

Sometimes the best strategy is to simply cut your losses.

Anonymous said...

This is all Johnson fault she fired and found the District ethical lawyers but allowed the district to retain Canna. Bob Green has discriminated,sexually harassed and used undo force on kids for years. This time they should have not lost the case.

Anonymous said...

To: August 26, 2011 6:22 PM

I remember that article. Clayton claimed that there was no discrimination going on in East Aurora and strongly implied that Robert green was incompetent.

Clayton stated "Race discrimination in East Aurora schools? Where have I been these past four years? I thought I had a firm grip on what was happening?..."

Apparently, this is further proof that Clayton does not have a "firm grip". Bob Green won his discrimination case against the district. He has actually won many arguements against the district.

If, in a fair and impartial setting, you can't win (every time) against an "incompetent individual", it doesn't bode well for your competence level.

The fact was that, while the state average was of black faculty members was 9.6%, our district had only 4% of their staff that was African American.

The district did have African Americans in key positions for PR purposes but there was a discrimination problem.

When it came to coaching positions, the discrimination was even worse. As a coach, it had a significant effect on his pocketbook.

It has been one poor decision after another by this administration.

Anonymous said...

Let's not get into Bob Green's coaching. He is horrible on ALL levels including coaching. How can you coach effectively with your rear-end planted in a chair? The first time he was denied a coaching position it was done by another African American so I'd say competence, not discrimination. Face it - Bob Green is the poster child for why others want to do away with teacher tenure.

Anonymous said...

9:35 a.m., my son had Mr. Green as his P.E. teacher and coach, and had a very positive experience! As a matter of fact, when my son got to high school he & two of his classmates did so well at tryouts that the coach remarked that they were ahead of the other freshmen, mostly because of Coach Green.

Like the saying goes, "your mileage may vary". A coach's methods (and personality) may work well for some students & not so well for others.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, nobody works very well without support from your employer. Bob Green has not only worked without any support but has been in the crosshairs of the administration for years.

Anonymous said...

Whether Mr. Green is competent or not is really not very important.

If green is competent and he has been poorly handled by the administration, the administration is handling their jobs incompetently and should be fired.

If Mr. Green is incompetent, the administration hired an incompetent teacher, employed the incompetent teacher for decades and was too inept to beat an incompetent individual in court and at a state hearing.

Bottom line, the administration has handled the entire Mr. Green situation very poorly and the administration should be held accountable for their incompetence.

Anonymous said...

What a BS argument to just blame the administration.

That's like saying it's the parents fault when a kid drops a glass.

Well the parent's wern't watching the kid close enough so it is their fault or the parent's didn't buy strong enough glasses so that they would not break.

Anonymous said...

Say What? What an ignorant attempt at an analogy. Parents and broken glass to management skills and work ethic.

What a "morno!" LOL

Anonymous said...

"Whether Mr. Green is competent or not is really not very important."

I can't believe anyone would really say that. While it's clear the administration screwed up royally here, it IS important whether or not ANY school employee is competent. Or maybe the school could save money by advertising for incompetent employees, and set up 2 pay scales, one for competent employees and a lower one for incompetent? After all, according to you it's not important for our teachers, coaches, or other employees be competent.

Speaking of competency, the first sentence of your comment brings yours into question.

Anonymous said...

Actually, whether or not Mr. Green was competent is a matter of opinion. 1:44 p.m. is a parent who implies that he was not only competent, but an excellent teacher and coach.

What is NOT a matter of opinion is the fact that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS have been spent on legal expenses. This was money that did NOT have to be spent. This is money that should have gone for OUR CHILDREN.

And the fact that there were several witnesses who testified that the administration was lying about Mr. Green's supposed pushing of those students just confirms what many of us have seen before: when bully administrators have a personal vendetta against a teacher in this district, they WILL scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with any flimsy excuse to get rid of him. Too bad that this time their victim fought back.

Anonymous said...

"Actually, whether or not Mr. Green was competent is a matter of opinion." That is true. BUT 3:21 was completely wrong that it's not important. The taxpayers have lost a huge amount of money on this. The only winner is going to be Green. He'll get back all his lost pay, and will essentially be guaranteed to retire w/ his full pension, even if he is totally incompetent. At this point, no matter what he does, no administrator is going to do anything about it. The best thing the district could do at this point is spend a little more to let Green retire early.

Anonymous said...

When I stated:

"Whether Mr. Green is competent or not is really not very important".

I was not referring to his competence as a teacher. Obviously, it is very important for all individuals having any contact with children to be competent.

I was referring to the question of how well the administration handled an employee and how well they handled his complaints and lawsuits.

The actions of the administration are what I was questioning and as I demonstrated in my arguement, whether Mr. Green was competent or not, the administration handled the situation very poorly and the district and our students suffer for it.

The board terminated Mr. Green upon the advice/recommendation of Joan Glotsbach, Marin Gonzales and Jerome Roberts. The boards termination of Mr. Green was based upon a lie fabricated by these administrators. This fact was revealed by the decision of the State Board's Arbiter.

The administration needs to be held accountable for their poor decisions and its consequences. The board needs to step up and hold these individuals responsible for this debacle and the hundreds of thousands it has cost the district.

Anonymous said...

So does this make Marin Gonzalez officially a "Serial Bully"?

Anonymous said...

No it does not. They were on the right track, they were just too incompetent to be able to fire a guy who is extremely incompetent too. There were a million things you could document and fire Mr. Green for, but instead they chose to pursue something they couldn't fire him for.

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