Friday, April 22, 2011

Shades of Gray

A lot of us have been less than thrilled with the weather lately; it seems like it's been one cold, gray day after another. And yet my neighbor (who teaches at a middle school) notices that her students concentrate better and work harder in this kind of weather. Maybe they're less likely to be distracted by the sight of sunny playgrounds and bike trails outside their classroom windows, or maybe the sound of rain and wind has a calming effect--but for whatever reason, the lousy weather can turn out to be a blessing in disguise in some situations.

Sometimes situations (like the weather) are neither terrible nor wonderful, but somewhere in between. Often the answers aren't black or white, but shades of gray.


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Anonymous said...

Maybe the "blessing in disguise" in the Mary Fultz debate is that everyone will double-check that they're a registered voter before they run for School Board.

Anonymous said...

Mary Fultz would have never run for the Board if it was not for Juanita Wells. Wells has been a disaster and only saw and look out for the black race. I for one will be happy to see her go her new clock could not move fast enough to see this racist gone we can see she is by the people she hangs around with

Anonymous said...

BE AWARE - The "Blog Administrator" is deleting posts that she does not like, not just posts with "naughty words."

Anonymous said...

BE AWARE--6:18 a.m. is a liar.


Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant 6:13 a.m.

Too early to see very well, without my glasses.

Anonymous said...

No - I'm not

On a previous thread I posted something like the following (I don't remember exactly) when discussing the date for the talent show:

Only on this blog, every decision the district makes is wrong.

That post was DELETED - No "bad" words or anything.

LOOK - I actually gave you an example, something the rest of you don't know how to do.

Anonymous said...

Does W.Mundy (landscaping company) do any work for the district?

Anonymous said...

There are TONS of examples where this blog though ideas were bad but they turned out to be "in the student's best interests."

Anonymous said...

I believe I have seen Mundy vehicles on school property. Unsure if they are contracted. Look on the "List of bills" in the board packet, maybe they are listed if they work for D131.

As for the prior thread comment about driver's ed requirement. I suspect there is something more to that story. MANY students have taken drivers ed. outside of that offered by EA.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this kid had been asked MANY times to present their drivers license and had not done so yet. Yes, he did to get a parking permit at the beginning of the year, but maybe they need a copy or have to write down some information that the parking permit does not require.

So instead of sending a letter that obviously the family got, you would rather have the kid show up to graduation and say you're not walking.

Blogs, taking one side of the story and running with it.

Anonymous said...

@April 23, 2011 7:43 AM -what is your point, if you have more info give it, instead of talking in circles. It is not anyone taking sides, just trying to understand what you are getting at. OK, how about -maybe the district wanted to see what address they had put on the DL to see if they were in district. Who knows?! Do you? if so, say so!

Anonymous said...

What's my point?



Anonymous said...

You are talking about many issues - drivers' education, driver's license and parking permits. Three very different things. Driver's education is a state requirement for graduation unless the student obtains a waiver. If a student takes drivers ed at a private facility, proof would be required for the district to comply with the requirements. A drivers license, is not required to graduate, but may be required to obtain a parking permit.

Anonymous said...

April 23, 2011 8:35 AM
Everybody, everything! I think you are generalizing and considering those who blog as one entity. You have exaggerated the content of those comments you do not agree with. Get a grip!

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to read about the drivers license law.

Anonymous said...

April 23 @ 9:15
The link you provided defines only the graduated licensing program that applies to teen drivers.
This link states graduation requirements in Illinois.
Page 11, section a, number 13 applies to driver's education being required.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 6:02 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Hey, word has it that the jericho circle families are being activly directed, by the city of aurora and others to the near east side once they recieve their vochers. What is the Board doing to prevent this?

Anonymous said...

They are being directed to Hometown that is the temporary housing Mary Fultz has parked herself at The only thing about Jerico is they don't want their kids going to our schools.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I heard that too. Hometown is being used to house those people for Jehrico circle. Why is the Board of Education not up in arms about this? That Board President is a spinless wimp.

Anonymous said...

Here are questions Mary Fultz asked at the April 18th School Board meeting, along with the board's official response:


Q) Whose job is it to check into the requirements for running for the School Board for East Aurora?

A) It is the responsibility of the candidate running for a seat on the school board to make certain that they are eligible to serve and that the requirements be fulfilled prior to any election.

Q) Why weren't the requirements checked before I was put on the ballot?

A) The school district is not responsible for making sure that candidates have fulfilled the requirements. The responsibility of a school board election official is to collect the necessary paperwork and to ensure that the paperwork that is presented is in order.


And THIS is who several hundred voters wanted to represent them on our School Board? Wow--what an embarrassment our district continues to be!

Anonymous said...

Mary Fultz is a loser who was backed by Wells & Hall. She can not control or support her own children and yet she wants to represent other peoples children. She feels she entitled because someone has been paying her way all her life.

Anonymous said...

She did ask more questions than has been put on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Yeah she called the Latino candidates illegal by implying the district should check citizenship. She would have been another Juanita Wells she would have represented only one group of students.

Mary Fultz expects everyone to do her job oh what a shock she never had a job

Anonymous said...

on the meeting agenda, how can they adjourn, have a discussion, then seat the new board? looks like they're planning to discuss a property when there the old board has adjourned and the new board has not been seated yet? Also, anyone know what the last item regarding litiagtion is? Is this fultz or something else?

Anonymous said...

@April 29, 2011 2:52 PM
I looked and the only other question the district agenda shows Ms. Fultz asking is why her previous questions had not been answered. What's your point?
@April 29, 2011 5:29 PM
if it is closed session, how can you presume what will be discussed. It could be a safe guess the litigation is something the new board needs to be brought into the loop ASAP. Ya think?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like they have a informational update for the Board that is on the property they bought the old board approved that a long time ago

Anonymous said...

@ 4/29 6:04
My post asked two questions. The first is XVIII. Adjournment Sine Die. Then there's apparent discussion, then the new board is seated.
Second is the final item of executive session.
I am not presuming what is being discussed, just reading the agenda, you ought to try thinking yourself.

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered the agenda always has this informational at the end the documents seem to be attached for the board only. This is the same case but they just continued on to the next meeting

Anonymous said...

She also asked if background checks(like sex offenders)are done. There was a couple more.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the current board does the normal meeting and when that is done the new board is seated. I wonder if Johnson will be voted president again. She had that changed to get Weaver out and wonder how she will finagle it to be president again. When listening to her it is apparent she expects to be. Wonder how many promises she had to make to get the other members vote, and this is exactly what is done. Just ask some of the old board members from the past and yes, this included Farum.

Anonymous said...

Seems people are missing the point of the previous post. If you look at the agenda carefully. The meeting with current board members is adjourned. THEN THERE IS DISCUSSION. Then the new board is seated. It would stand to reason that once a meeting is adjourned, that meeting has ended, until the next one starts. How can there be discussion after the adjournment and before the new board is seated? If you research the last executive adjournment, the code stated is regarding possible legal action with the board. Does anyone know if this 'possible legal action' is related to Fultz or something else?

Anonymous said...

You are right they do end the retiring board session and then before seating the new board they have an information session for Bethesda Property Update which I don't know how they can when there is not a board meeting in session.

Anonymous said...

Johnson will probably get the president position again what a shame. Before she got on the board she stated that the district didn't need a referendum and then when she got on she fought for one and it passed and the rumor is the district didn't need it. She allows the superintendent and administration to not follow board policies and her and the other members don't even follow their own policies.

Anonymous said...

A 25 year bond can not just be retired the residents voted for it and now they are stuck with it. Illinois is not a recall State. The old Board should have known better and asked more questions. The District is now showing large surplus money from the State. The old Board knew this but they are also the same people that allowed Walmart to walk away with 3 million dollars and allowed the Bigalow which never paid and is overcrowding the entire District. I do feel the new Board is trying. I will be happy to end to Wells she was the final member in the Board from hell. It is interesting that Wells stuck it to everyone by getting them involved with Fultz. Let us not forget Hall comes om the Radocvich era and needs to be watched as well.

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget the band Juanita Wells accused band students of mangling the Star Spangled Banner. Her wild accusations of students not her color is what I will remember most about her. She was the Board member for hell.

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget that you people elected her MULTIPLE times.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes there's no explanation for why certain people get elected, except for their popularity. It's like back in junior high when we'd vote for somebody because they were nice--nevermind whether or not they were smart or qualified.

Juanita Wells has a lot of friends from her neighborhood & her church, who probably rounded up everybody they knew and took them to the polls to vote. Same thing probably happened with Mary Fultz.

Anonymous said...

This board now is no better they allow the administration to walk all over them and not follow policies.

With all this extra money you don't see any improvements in the schools or with the test scores.

Anonymous said...

Juanita Wells and Mary Fultz sound like they are white that is why people voted for them. Same thing for Robb Hill who never attended a meeting. The public is so hateful of the Mexicans they don't care.

Anonymous said...

No, Juanita Wells and Mary Fultz got a lot of people out to vote from their churches & neighborhoods. Hispanics traditionally do not vote in nearly as great a proportion as Blacks and Whites do (for whatever reason). Unfortunately some elections are really popularity contests instead of being about the candidates & issues.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people would vote for Mexicans if they ran and some of the administration and superintendent wouldn't promise some that if they ran and got on the board they would get rewarded. I for one think we should have more Hispanics on the board that would stand up for their students but we don't.

Anonymous said...

Johnson should have done a better job getting her white Northeast neighbors educated about who has running 80% of the came from her area and they were all white.

Anonymous said...

I think Johnson should educate her
Northeast neighbors of how this district is spending the money.

Anonymous said...

I think we need a new borad president. It is to bad that the people that is at the meeting when they vote, can't vote also. Look for Lewis to vote for her and she probably will be the one that brings up her name. Those 2 are attached at the hip when it comes to things like this. Lewis does not want to be president. Gonzales cannot handle what she already has, Turza does not have a clue of what is going on. The only one left is Hull, which would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

The mayor is using Johnson as a puppet and she is too star struck to realize it. Watch and see how many families from Jehrico end up in the east side schools. Read todays paper,its already happening. Johnson will go down as one of the worst board presidents in East's history.

Anonymous said...

I've known a lot of kids from Aurora who grew up in housing projects over the past 25 years. Many (if not most) of them have turned out to be successful, productive members of society.

It might be a GOOD thing for some of the Jericho Circle families to relocate into our district. Why not give them a chance to participate in the many positive things we have to offer, and their children may excel as others from similar background have?

Anonymous said...

I agree with May 1, 2011 6:09 AM. Many families these days are one paycheck away from possibly being homeless. That goes from White Eagle to Hometown. It doesn't mean the children deserve any less quality education.

Seems to me housing low income at Hometown was a prediction by a few back during the Bigelow debate. So it is just new players in the game when it comes to the EA school board. These families may be getting newer housing but they are not getting a leg up when it comes to their children's education. EA has quality educators but the quality of the curriculum and available resources for them to create an atmosphere for the learning process is like a grab bag every year, brought on by the administrators at central office.

Anonymous said...

Here's one thing I have noticed since the Mayor has decided or whoever to bring low income families to the East Side is more gang activity that is not a plus for us.

Anonymous said...

why was ms. fultz's response letter addressed to a hometown address, when at the board she gave kane street as her address?

Anonymous said...

Hall church is working with the Jerico families if anybody is bring the to the east side it is Hall. Hall has been on record that we do not have enough opportunities for Afro American students but of course Hall can only look at his own community. He is also the one who thinks Fultz would be a good board member and is costing the district money by taking her to court. He also abstained and did not want a legal investigation on her when she is not following board policy. Hall as also broken the same board rules that Carlson was brought up on. Hall got a pass because his fellow brother Jerome would not charge him.

Anonymous said...

His name is HULL not HALL - You are all soooo stupid.

Anonymous said...



AURORA — From the classroom to the operating room; from football player to real estate mogul, the newly inducted East Aurora High School Distinguished Alumni are living proof that hard work breeds success.

On Friday morning, six East Aurora alums who graduated as far back as 1942 shared with more than 100 freshmen what it takes to live out their dreams.

The former students, whose careers range from doctor to business owner to school principal, were selected as the East Aurora Alumni Association’s 7th annual Distinguished Alumni Award recipients for following their dreams and giving back to the community where those dreams started.

For Kay Groot Mason (class of 1942), Daniel Dolan Sr. (1949), Robert McCue Sr. (1956), Dr. John LaCart (1965), Karen Platt Hart (1969) and Dr. Narda Coronado (1981), that start was in East Aurora.

“These are amazing individuals who have majorly impacted the world,” East Aurora spokesman Clayton Muhammad said during an awards ceremony held Thursday night at Gaslite Manor. “(Because of them) we know the brilliance that can come out of our high school.”

On Friday, East Aurora’s future alums gathered to pick the brains of their predecessors. They wanted to know what drove each distinguished alum to succeed.

For Dolan, whose family has been associated with East High for nearly 100 years, the answer was simple. “Have faith in yourself and your abilities,” he told the freshmen. “If you set your mind to something, there is no one that can stop you.”

The former Navy man turned firefighter turned commercial real estate firm founder remains a proud Tomcat to this day. As does Dr. John LaCart, who graduated third in his class when he roamed the East High halls.

LaCart, who now lives in St. Charles, went on to become an a doctor specializing in orthopedics. He was active in sports as a Tomcat, and his love of athletics helped him home in on his area of medical expertise, nursing athletes back to health following sports injuries.

“If in life you can find something you really enjoy — something that is a passion to you — that’s the key,” LaCart told the students. “Never let anyone get in your way. Keep trying, work hard and don’t give up.”

The alumni stressed the importance of a well-rounded education.

“If you think you’re dong learning now, you’re nuts,” said former East Aurora School Board president and current owner of Thomas Pump Co. Bob McCue. “Education is what you’re going to have for the rest of your life if you want to succeed.”

Mason, who owns several Aurora companies, is still learning. At 87 years old, the Aurora resident is active on several community boards, including the Downtown Aurora organization.

Mason was East Aurora High School’s very first baton twirler, and although she couldn’t afford to put herself through college, went on to become the successful owner of Chek-Lab Inc., FM Graphic Impressions, Inc. and Professional Packaging Corp.

“I’m sure every one of you is at that stage in life where you’re wondering, ‘Where do I go next?’” she said Friday. “Don’t worry; life will take you there.”

Life took Coronado to dental school, after which she went on to open her own dental practice on Lake Street in Aurora. The former marching band member, softball, tennis and volleyball player also set several swimming records during her time at East High.

Hart, who has been principal of Rollins Elementary School for 21 years, was led back to the halls of East Aurora schools. The Aurora resident was nominated for Kane County Educator of the Year in both the teaching and administrative categories during her long tenure.


Anonymous said...


AURORA — East Aurora High School is searching for alumni of the East High band program to perform in the 2nd annual East Aurora Alumni Band.

Former members of the East High band are invited to perform with the Wind Ensemble at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Hawks Auditorium at East High.

“We want to re-connect with our alumni and show the current students that there is music beyond high school,” said band director Brian Liska.

Together, current Tomcats and Tomcat alums will perform “Amparito Roca” by Jaime Texidor. A rehearsal is scheduled for 4:15 p.m. on the night of the performance, followed by a dinner at 5 for band alums and students.

Anonymous said...

“We want to re-connect with our alumni and show the current students that there is music beyond high school,” said band director Brian Liska.

Great Idea! Sort of like the Community Jazz Ensemble that Mr. K directed for a number of years after he was moved to Simmons.
It was made up of EA grads and present students.

Anonymous said...

Hull or Hall=Free-loader he is on the Board to get scholarships for his daughter.
Wells will leave a legacy of the same countless friends and relatives that have jobs with the District.

Just like Farnum and Salinas all free-loaders.

One thing for Weaver she never benefited for her position.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sort of like that, except not vindictive.

Anonymous said...

12:23 p.m., what do you mean?

The Community Jazz Ensemble wasn't at all "vindictive". It was all about providing an opportunity for East Siders (high school aged and older) to play jazz and entertain our community. And the group performed at Disney World in the summer of 2007.

How was that a bad thing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Inviting EHS alumni to perform with current students is indeed a good thing! When my kids were in choir at East in the late '90s, it was a highlight to see former choir members join with the high school kids to sing the Hallelujah Chorus & school song.

These opportunities are definitely in the students' and community's best interests!

Anonymous said...

I see the racist Clayton is already planning the next Martin Luther event for next year this well we had no coverage on candidates and ended up with Fultz

Anonymous said...

Planning an annual event to honor the legacy of Dr. King is in no way racist, 9:11 p.m.,because Dr. King was NOT racist.

Supporting Farrakhan, however, is definitely racist.

Anonymous said...

Would you plan a entire year in advance when you are doing nothing for the other 92% of the student body

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would--because the Dr. King event involves and includes people of all ethnicities, ages, and income levels. I attended this year's celebration at the Paramount, so I should know. Planning ahead for this event is a GOOD thing.

And for the record, I am Caucasian, and not a friend of Clayton Muhammad's.

Anonymous said...

When does d131 ever plan ahead certainly not when it involves educating the kids.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Dee will be more effective off the board. She is not gooing anywhere just changing seats. As for your name calling, which shows you immaturity, it takes on to know one.

Anonymous said...

Dee asked questions the other Board members are rubber stamps we lost a great Board member in Dee. So did Robert Hill ever so up to a Board meeting

Anonymous said...

Now some of the money questions she wants answered she can FOIA them and the superintendent can't stop her from knowing.

Anonymous said...

Anyone, even board members, can FOIA information. May be political suicide, but all have the same access.

Anonymous said...

Board member shouldn't have to FOIA anything they should have the information and when they ask and don't get it or administration or the superintendent drag their feet to give them it that is lack of respect for them. The Superintendent is the employee of the board and when they ask for information it should be given to them this board let's them get by without giving the information and the board is not doing their job of using tax payers money wisely. I for one would respect a board member is they when after asking for information from the superintendent of administration and not getting it FOIA that information because I would know they are respecting the tax payer in finding out if the district is misusing our money.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

From the D131 website this morning:

"During the regularly scheduled Board of Education Meeting on Monday, May 2, three members of the East Aurora School Board took the Oath of Office to begin their new four year terms.

Returning Board Members Ray Hull and Mary Ann Turza are joined by Robert Hill to serve until 2015.

The first order of business for the new Board of Education was the election of officers. In unanimous votes, Annette Johnson was reelected as President of the Board of Education. Stella Gonzalez and Anita Lewis were reelected as Vice-President and Secretary of the Board of Education respectively"

Anonymous said...

There are TWO opportunities to hear our district's finest instrumental musicians tomorrow!

At 4:30 p.m., the Simmons bands will perform under the direction of Mr. Kevin Kaisershot.

Then at 7:00 p.m. the EHS Wind Ensemble and Alumni Band will be performing, with Mr. Brian Liska conducting.

Here's a grEAt chance for our community to hear and support music in our district!

Anonymous said...

Great concert last night at East High. Wish more people could have heard it.

Anonymous said...

The concert at Simmons was wonderful, also! It was fairly well attended, but I didn't see any School Board members or administration there--probably because someone had the not-so-grEAt idea to have the yearly district recognition event "Together We Shine" at the EXACT SAME TIME.

Anonymous said...

It's called a lack of communication. The Central Office has to communicate district events to the building administrators. The building administrators then have to add those events to the building calendars and not approve any building events on those dates.

As usual incompetence from above has a negative effect on the children.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the band concerts are scheduled way in advance before the recognition event was. My kids get their schedule for spring concerts in the fall when school starts.

Whoever was in charge of Together We Shine dropped the ball, or maybe they purposely didn't want administrators to go to the Simmons band concert.

I'm guessing this was Farrakhan's disciple Clayton Muhammad.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe they thought that the whole district would not be going to the Simmons concert.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who thinks that is just plain ignorant or can't count. Middle-school band (and choir) concerts are always well attended, if for no other reason than the large number of kids involved.

Anonymous said...

We congratulate Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Beary for being properly recognized as the BEST IN KANE COUNTY. We thank them for their decades of service to our students, staff, and community!

We also congratulate all of our 2011 Educator of the Year Finalists:

· SUPPORT STAFF: Irma Yanez (Brady Elementary School)

· ASSOCIATE EDUCATOR: Crystal Cepek (Simmons Middle School)

· HIGH SCHOOL: Shane Gillespie (East Aurora High School)

· ADMINISTRATOR: Karen Hart (Rollins Elementary School)

Here are 6 examples of excellence in East Aurora, and there are many more who go unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

"Here are 6 examples of excellence in East Aurora, and there are many more who go unnoticed."

Congrats to those grEAt examples and I agree about so many more going unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment written in the Beacon openline on overcrowding at Aurora University

Two elected members of the East Aurora school Board rent houses that are not inspected by the City of Aurora. There inspection program is a bust. But moreover the East side is such a mess they can't even get there elected officials to follow the rules. Newly elected Robert Hill and Mary Fultz are the two offenders. That is why the east side is a mess the residents don't care. The article should have been on overcrowding on the east side. Aurora University is one of the few good things still left in Aurora.

Anonymous said...

1:25 p.m., a lot of people's opinion of Aurora University went downhill when they hired "Serial Bully" Radakovich to teach there, after he slunk away from D131 in disgrace.

Specifically, he has taught classes like "School and Community Relations". That's kind of like hiring former governor Rod Blagojevich to teach Ethics.

Anonymous said...

Here's an excerpt from Dr. Roberts' remarks at the April 18th Board Meeting:

"Dr. Roberts further stated that he is planning on creating a proposal for the implementation of an orchestra at East High School. He will also be increasing the current band budget and add additional instruments to both the middle school and high school bands"


There was an orchestra (strings) program in our district until the late 1980's. If the interest is shown from families, it would be a nice option for our students and worth bringing back at least on a trial basis.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of great things happening in this district by the many professionals that have dedicated their lives to our communities children. That is why it is so frustrating to those of us working hard to have incompetent administrators give us a bad name.

This past week Simmons had an incident where a large special education student who was mad over something unrelated went up to a much smaller student and for no reason started beating the crap out of him. The boy was badly beaten, bruised, scraped, bloodied and lumped all over.

The child was taken to the school nurse. The nurse did what she could for the boy and consulted the principal, Mechele Patterson. Patterson instructed the nurse to send the child to class and not call the boys parents. The nurse followed her bosses instructions exactly.

Needless to say, when the boys parents picked up their child after school and saw the injuries, they were justifiably pissed off. They let the principal know they were very angry and demanded that she have the other child arrested. The administrators refused to allow the SPED kid to be arrested.

The administrators (including Patterson and Morales) then went to the nurse and tried to accuse her of not following school procedures and calling the parents. They were attempting to deflect their own culpability by blaming the school nurse. Fortunately for the nurse, the Aurora Police Officer was present when Patterson instructed the nurse to send the boy back to class without calling the parents.

Now the parents of the beaten child are filing another lawsuit against the district. Why Patterson is allowed to keep her position is incomprehendable.

Anonymous said...

The problem to is the Board they turn there heads away on many things because they want to be the Superintendent and administrator friends instead of doing the best for the students. There is alot of misuse of money and just turning their heads about what is going on and it is time for them to set up and act like board members or leave.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile our Community Relations Director is a disciple of the racist, hateful, and divisive Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Tomorrow at 8:30 p.m., Clayton Muhammad will be interviewed on the ModestModelsInc. online radio program. ModestModelsInc. is an organization that promotes Farrakhan's teachings for Black women through the "Muslim Girls' Training" program. The call-in number is (619)639-4750.

Anonymous said...

Why were the police at the central office, the board president is on a rampage?

Anonymous said...

More lies interesting the blog administrator deletes the truth

Anonymous said...

I don't always agree with Johnson but it is time that the Superintendent and administration and central office realize they do not run the district. They need to respect board members they are elected by the taxpayers to do the will of the taxpayers. It is time to do the best for our students. In fact most of the above don't even respect the people who live in the district they are just in it for all the perks they get on the taxpayers dime. We need to do some house cleaning and it should start at central office.

Anonymous said...

Word has it she broke into mtg with super and finance dir. Started screaming. Went ballistic. Cops were called but nothing happened cause she calmed down. Was heard laughing histerically after cops left. Real professional board pres! Sounds like she needs a long vacation!!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that the people on this blog think that this kind of behavior is just great. I guess that they did not pay attention to the oath of office board members swear to, that as individuals they have no power, only as the board as a whole can they effect change. Acting like the red queen is not the way we should expect our president to act.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least red is one of the school colors.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like someones hand was caught in the cookie jar could it be the people who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in district insurance money would be making up lies.

Anonymous said...

Please expand on spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in district insurance monies. When did this happen and who did it? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Red is also the color her face turns when she is upset which is a lot lately. She should be shouting EA instead of off with their heads!

Anonymous said...

It should be off with their jobs the administrators at the central office deserve to be fired.

Anonymous said...

I know Johnson to be a accountant and probably as good as Augustine. She has also been after Cordigan & Clark with is very suspect. So if there was a problem you can bet the Central office is knee deep in corruption

Anonymous said...

Why? The board president acts like a spoiled child and demands to be seen, and you go to there must be corruption? Maybe there really isn't a conspiracy and the board president is a power hungry unprofessional lonely women.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me that you work in the central office and are worried that the State is now on its way to investigate you. Sounds like you may be the lonely one in jail

Anonymous said...

There are now 11 EEOC complaints filed just this spring one teacher was told at Simmons by Patterson & Morales that we can do anything to you because Lisa is the Roberts lackey. Simmons has another 3 teachers that will be filing at the end of the school year. Roberts and company are out of control.

Anonymous said...

Roberts was out of control before he got control, thank Farnum & company for that one. Johnson is reaping what she sowed. She had the opportunity to change direction of this district but Roberts played her like a fiddle. She does like power and admiration. She has neither, accept in her own little world.

Anonymous said...

I think Roberts and company are a little tense they are being investigated by the Illinois Employment Relations Board that on top of Johnson pushing Augustine and Garcia on Corrigan & Clark and I am sure there are other things seems Roberts is ready to resign. I applaud the Board for taking the side of the teachers recently many who spoke out got fired or moved aside. Just look at the Gates situation.
The Employment Relations Board only comes in when enough teachers get together to do sometime. Because of the strong Board we now feel empowered to speak up and have our voices heard.
Message for you Board when Roberts,Marin & Joanie go away so will your lawsuits

Anonymous said...

Like May 11, 2011 6:29 AM said, there was a chance to change things 2 years ago, but the majority of the board, who still sit at the table, chose to turn a blind eye. How many more teachers and others have had disiplne against them due to the boards being "buddies" with Roberts & company?

Anonymous said...

So there is chance to get rid of the crazy women principals at johnson, gates, and bardwell?

Anonymous said...

So now is the time to clean house! The board must get rid of Roberts,Marin,Conrad,Nester,Harmin,Patterson,Nesters two mexican maintenence supervisors that he plans on replacing Roger and Scott with and any other crony. Don't forget Lisa and her husband. Out with them all. Call in Mr. Clean, we have the money,Pay for any personel should be performanced based, Admim and Principles should be based on grades,test scores Ect.

Anonymous said...

Roberts has a pattern of making the Board President or any Board member that is anti him look bad. Lets not forget the days of Call the union on Carlson because the teachers were being abused at Waldo. Waldo is a danger zone and still is nothing changed now they fired Barnes after the teachers filed complaints. Then the Board because of Roberts got rid of Weaver. Now he has problems with Johnson the only thing the 3 have in common is they tried to protect the kids and teachers.

Anonymous said...

Johnson is arrogant and a jerk but does not take Roberts song and dance anymore. The teachers at Waldo,East,Simmons,Bardwell,Gates, & Johnson have all filed complaints. I know the Board knows this but has not taken any action. I think her attitude is like the central office so they all got what they deserve. If she is shaking them up Bravo. The only people writing in favor of Roberts are people today that know there jobs are on the line or their lazy secretaries who sit around and gossip all day when everyone is at work.

The ERLP is looking into d131 as we speak the only way they take cases is were there is mass corruption.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is Roberts wife dropped a dime on remodeling paid by the district contractors.

Anonymous said...

It is true Johnson may be a jerk but the Board President has the authority to meet with the Superintendent it was my understanding that the meeting was on his calender she was overheard saying to him that was not the first time he missed a meeting. Most days he is overheard laughing and talking with the administrators and never appears very busy. It is a common joke around staff that on Tuesday Johnson comes in always about the same time gets him moving. Then he spends the day running around to please her. After Wednesday he is back to visiting.

Anonymous said...

What is going on At Gates? Did someone get fired for speaking out? Also, many references to Johnson School...teachers there cannot speak out either??

Anonymous said...

Where is Johnson school?

Anonymous said...

Johnson is at.

1934 Liberty St.
Aurora, IL 60502
630.299.5400 (office)
630.299.5401 (fax)

Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor that Marin's husband - newly elected to D129 Board - is creating a chushy job for her in D129. Goodbye and good riddance!

Anonymous said...

6:53 a.m., from your mouth to God's ears!


Anonymous said...

So anybody listen to Clayton radio boardcast? Lately Clayton has been telling the B2M kids to go through a period of fasting and get ready to be good nation of Islam disciples.
That is what her is out teaching

Anonymous said...

7:15 a.m., I doubt that "Farrakhan's Disciple" is dumb enough to blatantly tell the B2M brothers to join the Nation of Islam.

But if an administrator openly supported a racist, hateful leader who spewed rhetoric against Blacks, Jews, Latinos, or Catholics would this be tolerated??

Why is publicly supporting Farrakhan so acceptable?

Anonymous said...

I know several kids in B2M and they are fasting.

Anonymous said...

How come you can get the list of bills from the board packet for Mondays meeting I thought the board voted awhile ago to post the bills so why now can't you?

Blog admin said...

I apologize for some recent comments being missing--I did NOT remove them! There seems to be a problem with the "Blogger" site; they were down for several hours yesterday morning for maintenance, and when the site came back online the comments from May 12th and 13th had disappeared :(

Anonymous said...

Here's something coming up this week at East High: the Jazz Band will be performing on Tuesday evening, May 17th.

I'm looking forward to hearing them again (they sounded grEAt at the Fine Arts festival)--and there will be two EHS students performing as "guest singers". What a wonderful opportunity for our choral students, to sing with a jazz band!

Anonymous said...

Beacon quotes “The district’s image campaign is near and dear to Robert’s heart.”

“This is a testament to the trust our School Board has in our administration and staff,” Roberts said.

“The board and the administration have really worked together as a team,” Johnson said. “We don’t go out and toot our own horns enough. Let’s toot our own horns.”

Of course Roberts cares about the image, he is responsible for assuring the success of our district- which is teaching ALL our children to their ability, not just the few in the Magnet School. They really do lots of “tooting” that project. Also, "trust" is not the word that comes to mind describing the Board/ superintendent relationship.

What horn tooting are they going to play, Taps? Our children are not meeting nor exceeding. The educational process in 131 is terminal. Our teachers are providing as many life saving techniques as humanly possible. While the staff struggle to succeed with the limited support they receive, Roberts and Johnson attempt a communication blitz to convince the public they are doing a wonderful job and pat themselves on the back.

Day is done, gone the sun...... til they get their heads out of their nether regions.

Anonymous said...

Again if this district is about image why can't they do things right like post the list of bills like every other month for the general public to see. Anita Lewis is the secretary and she was the one that talked about putting the check register so everyone could see it and it isn't this month.

Anonymous said...

My question is about the teachers at Gates, Johnson, and Bardwell complaining...what are the issues and who have they been reported to?

Anonymous said...

The problem is the community they elect people like Mary Fultz and Robb Hill. Hill never attended a meeting until the night he was sworn in. Now I read the committee note and he misses his first Finance meeting. That is what we have representing us
Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Members: Attendance
Ms. Annette Johnson (Chairperson) Yes
Ms. Mary Ann Turza Yes
Mr. Jay Augustine Yes
Jane Holt Yes
Robb Hill No

Rumor is he like Hull has two kids that goto East and he is going to use his position on the Board to get them a scholarship.

I bet he does not even know we have a check register

Anonymous said...

About the guest singers at the Jazz Band concert--I remember when one of my son's classmates at East High sang with the Jazz Band. Her name was Amanda, and I think this was in 2000 or 2001.

It's nice to hear that the new EHS band director's bringing this idea back and giving our choir students an opportunity to perform with the jazz band. Does anybody know who these two students are, or are they keeping it secret till Tuesday evening?

Anonymous said...

How does one get scholarships for their children by being a board member?

Anonymous said...

Like Hull who had Central Office advise him on educational choices he will Hill will get the same. Some board member can't even come to his first meeting throw him out with Fultz.

Anonymous said...

That Magnet acacdemy that was not supposed to cost this district anything is costing us considerly. As for people running for the board, many in the past that have run did not go to meetings. Not standing up for Hill just stating a fact. Roberts and Johnson are playing a game and it does affect the students in this district. Yes, Hull's daughter does get favors. Blog administrator, Openline blog had same problem as this one at the same time.

Anonymous said...

None of these board members look at the money that is spent either if you take a look at the board policies for travel to conference's and training for administrators and superintendent they can take airport limo's to the airport and if you look at the board policies for travel they have to use moderate means of travel. Do you think that the admin's should be able to travel in limo's and have you looked how much they cost. The teachers in this district still have to use their own money for supplies for classrooms but some can travel in high style. I bet the administration gets a lot of perks we don't even now about.

Don't you think the board should look into how they spend the money? Some that ran for the board stated they would see how the money was being spent and the bottom line is students first.

Anonymous said...

As for going to Board meeting many do not but once your on the Board you should at least attend your first committee meeting

Anonymous said...

So who are the two EHS students who are going to be the guest singers for the Jazz Band concert this Tuesday night?

Anybody know?

Anonymous said...

The comment about not attending board meetings before getting on the board was just that. Certainly I did not mean it for after they get on the board. Sorry if was not made clear.

Anonymous said...

8:05 p.m., the band website just says "two guest singers". It doesn't say they are students.

Maybe there aren't any EHS students who are capable of singing with the jazz band. Or maybe the current band director is bringing in a family member and/or friend, and is too arrogant to care about denying students an opportunity.

Or maybe the guest singers really are EHS students.

We'll all find out tomorrow night...

Anonymous said...

I remember when Mr. Kaisershot brought in his wife as a guest pianist with the Jazz Band in 2003 and 2004. There was a student pianist also (her name was Kristin, and she had a twin sister named Candice who played saxophone in the group). The kids really benefited from having a professional play with them, and it took the pressure off the student pianist when some of the charts were too difficult.

But the bully administrators twisted Mrs. K's willingness to volunteer to help the band into a reason to get rid of her husband! All of a sudden, bringing in adults to perform with EHS bands was A BAD THING.

Evidently those bully administrators who are still in D131 are counting on this community to have short memories and/or a double standard. Too bad many of us will continue to speak out, even if the district's precious "image" is tarnished in the process.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mrs Kaisershot should stop dragging things up from 5 years ago and worry about the victims of the fire. Her husband will leave the district and not fast enough with a big pension. Liska has never charged for lessons while Kaisershot stuffed his pockets and published music on district time.

Anonymous said...

9:21 a.m., we should all worry about (and pray for) the victims of the fire. Nice job mentioning something totally irrelevant to try to change the subject.

And I remember MANY instances when Mr. K volunteered his time FOR FREE to help students. He would not only give his time to coach students preparing for college auditions or solo & ensemble; he would write and arrange pieces for them, probably saving the district a lot of money. And he continues to write and arrange music for his students at the middle school (including a piece that he also conducted with the combined middle school bands at the recent Fine Arts Festival).

And it's very gracious of Mr. Liska to give kids lessons free of charge (as Mr. K did also). But Mr. Liska got several thousands of dollars extra last fall for rehearsing the pit for the musical, a lot of which he did during the school day. Remember the old saying about those who live in glass houses throwing stones?

Anonymous said...

And don't forget about all the extra money spent on at least 3 adult professional musicians in the pit.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the district would have to pay someone to coach students for college auditions that is on the parents.

Anonymous said...

Many times the parents drop the ball about paying for things like that. I've heard about kids at East High getting help (free) from English teachers with writing their college essays. A lot of teachers (and other adults) in our district go above-and-beyond for the sake of the students.

And they do so with no appreciation from bully administrators.

Anonymous said...

Someone seems to think just because band is mentioned it is Mrs. K.
So I guess it is safe to assume the person always being defensive about praise towards Mr. K would be Mr. or Mrs. Liska.
I am not a band director, teacher, spouse, student or parent.

Anonymous said...

Everyone acts like the Band is the most important thing to the district if you are not Kaisershot himself why would you be talking about something that is not important

Anonymous said...

Kaisershot never spoke up for himself. He spoke on behalf of the families and was punished for it. Rather than make a big public argument, he followed the orders of his superior (Marin). The students and families chose to speak out.

Even if I were to agree and say band itself or even Kaisershot himself is NOT important, the argument has always been how the admin disregarded the concerns of a large segment of the high school population. There were more parents on the curb in one afternoon than ever has shown up at a board meeting. Yet D131 school board and admin took the low road and tried to imply K. had done something that could not be spoken about but was so bad he had to be removed from EAHS.

The band topic has not been about K. or Liska or even about the band, but rather about the attitude of those who make the decisions in 131. They wonder why the perception of our district is so bad. Ten more PR reps and singing praise at every event where media is present cannot cover up what those of us who work in the district and those who have children attending school in the district know. Those who make the choices for excellence have no respect for the community.
"When the Head is Rotten, It Affects the Whole Body."

To quote a campaign slogan, we need "A leader who can deliver change"

Anonymous said...

All of you people who try to "Guess" at who is posting are just stupid.

You have a mildy intelligent post and then just screw it up with your stupid accusations.

Anonymous said...

4:12 p.m., very well said.

You speak for me, also!


Anonymous said...

To the person (May 16, 7:30 a.m.) who thought the "current band director is too arrogant to care" -- did you see that it will be an EAHS student singing? Where do you get off with your obviously nasty, one-sided comments. Guess it is time to eat crow!!!

Anonymous said...

Why can't you people just come ad enjoy the show. It must suck to be so bitter and angry all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Who's angry all the time? It's not "our side" who spews profanities.

And I think it's wonderful that Tanya Jonsson will be featured as a singer with the Jazz Band. Just as it was a wonderful opportunity "back in the day" for Amanda.

As long as ADULTS aren't brought in to perform with the kids, it's all good!

And speaking of enjoying the show, there will be a musical program at Bardwell this Thursday evening, directed by Eliseo Martinez. Eliseo is an EHS graduate, and one of our district's finest. This should be an outstanding program!

Anonymous said...

Yup your side, who can't get over it.

Anonymous said...

Has snyone been reading Openline blog? Really interesting postings going on about this district. It is under the Kifowit posting.

Anonymous said...

At least "our side" isn't trying to rewrite history or gloss over the disastrous decisions of certain administrators.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't "disastrous."

At least "our side" isn't trying to lie and blow things out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

What was "really intersting?" More people lying and speculating on stuff they have no damn clue about?

Anonymous said...

The comments on Openline blog are about how the money in this district is used/misused. Some people find that interesting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And it's also interesting how some people want to revise history and pretend that the hundreds of students, parents, and community members who spoke out against bully administrators deserved to be ignored.

And that the bogus reasons those administrators gave to the community (such as bringing an adult in as a guest performer) are now magically a good thing.

Calling peoples' attention to hypocrisy and double standards is NOT the same as lying.

Anonymous said...

You said extra money was spent on 3 adult pit musicians.

Prove it liar.

One of those three was Suzanne Allen, the rehearsal accompanist who is ALWAYS in the pit.

So proove that the other two were paid extra money. (maybe that money came out of the drama budget for the musical.) did you ever think of that? probably not.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an admission-"So prove that the other two were paid extra money. (maybe that money came out of the drama budget for the musical.)"
It was still money that should have gone towards students whether district or drama budget.

Anonymous said...

There you go, trying to discredit posts by claiming you know who is posting. (probably an administrator.)

Your comment has now been deemed stupid and has absolutely no value.

Anonymous said...

@ May 18, 2011 6:20 AM-WTF are you talking about?
Get a grip, kid, stay focused!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone looked at the Board Bio lately on Robb Hill. He is advertising his business and the tea party. How could the district allow this. Considering he rents on Louckes St I would not want him as my financial adviser what a loser. It is clear he ran for the Board to promote his own self interest and not the interest of the Children

Anonymous said...

Your right about Hill's bio they are promoting his business shame on them I wonder what the States Attorney would think about that? No board member should promote themselves on the districts dime.

Anonymous said...

What they are doing is promoting his business and lets say he gives someone advice about investments that go bad and the customer get s mad and sues him they could also sue the district since they put his information on thier website. Again, we need a whole new board or the state needs to take over because none of the follows the laws or really pays attention what is going on except if it is one of their pet projects.

Anonymous said...

This guy was promoted by Ray Hull & Juanita Wells just like Mary Fultz he will end up costing the District money.

I do find it interesting that he claims to be so great at investments when he does not even own a home. My parents all told me a roof over your head is your safest investment. It sounds to me like he is starting he is trying to make a living off the District and not working in the best interest of the children.

Look who runs the web-site. First the Nation of Islam then the tea party.

Anonymous said...

Shame on Roberts for allowing Hill to promote his business and Clayton for posting it. They must not realize the Tea Party is anti Obama.

Anonymous said...

On the district website it has that the Graduation Ceremony will be broadcast Live VIA Webcast on 5/21 which is strange since graduation is on 5/20.

Anonymous said...

Don't say this blog does not work it appears Robert Hills selling his loser self already was deleted.

Anonymous said...

Also when you click on Board of Education on the district website it shows the members that left not the new one but they can when you click meet the board members have Hill's bio on it. How much do they pay these employees to run the website?

Anonymous said...

2:10 you're wrong, I just checked and that same bio selling his services is still there. They DID however fix the graduation date that 12:18 was talking about. And 5:08 you're right it's still the old board in the photo montage.

Anonymous said...

This morning they actually had click on links to the tea party and his business directing you there. Central Office must read the blog.

It is interesting that he wrote all about himself and his financial planning in his bio. He has the nerve to lecture us. If he is so great why does he rent a house on Loucks St. What a loser. Just because Johnson's Northeast neighbors could not vote for a Hispanic last name they elected the welfare queen Fultz who forged her documents and the welfare king who has not worked in 10 years. Hey Johnson your neighbors should hang their heads in shame

Anonymous said...

Hill did not do that it was the district employees that did and they should know better or not have a job there. This is why the whole board is a joke they don't even know the laws about these things and even if they think the administration is watching this and doing the right thing they know it isn't so. A board member should not profit from their position on the board and even promoting his book is wrong. Hill says he is with the Tea Party and I can't believe they would thing this is right.

Anonymous said...

Robb Hill is recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts on safe investment alternatives.

Show us the proof of the above statement I think you should have a article from at least The Wall Street Journal that states this. I have looked to see if there is any proof of this and can't find anything stating that so you better be careful when you post something on a districts website if there is no proof.

Anonymous said...

R Hill Enterprises, Inc....
Robb Hill is recognized.....
He has created......
Author of.......
No real words of connection to D131 as others have.
At least he has info, tho.
Stella has had nada, zip, zero in her space since she was elected.
What does that say for her?

Anonymous said...

That might be true about Hill but it is promoting him and board members are not suppose to do that. Talking about Stella she has done things but the district has not put that on the website yet and no I'm not a fan of hers.

You have to remember when they put things like they do on Hill's bio it can also hurt him if someone reads his book and takes his advice and it doesn't work out for them and they decide to sue him. Also that they state he is one of the nation’s leading experts on safe investment alternatives is probably not true. I would rather have nothing said about me than lies. Remember we are stating this on the district website and if someone finds out it is lies he really isn't a expert of safe investments alternatives that goes back on the district.

Anonymous said...

The Board writes their own bio's how would someone at the District know this. How can he say he is one of the nation's leading authors. Not one article the guy is a joke at least the rest of the Board members all own homes and hold down a job. This person lives in fantasy land

Anonymous said...

Even if the board member writes their own bio it is the job of the PR person to make sure that what is stated will not compromise the district that is what their job is. They are suppose to protect the image of the district and make sure that what employees or board members don't break any laws or my lead to lawsuits to the district. They also have the right to say what goes on the website and what doesn't and if they don't know this they shouldn't have the job.

Anonymous said...

So what's the status of Fultz? Will we have a full board anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

I just read Hill's bio. Unbelievable. The others list their work history, but in a summary way that lists experience that could be helpful as a boardmember. Hill's appears to be totally self-fulfilling This should be corrected!

Anonymous said...

Robb Hill is out to promote his own business. How can he say he is a national speaker. I have yet to see one article he was talked about in. This guy operates in fantasy land and the truth is he has no job.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Class of 2011.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Clayton, Roberts, and Hull feel about comments made about Obama. This guy is a loon he complains about everyone and does not look at himself pay taxes, get a job, buy a house first Mr Hill and then you may have more credibility.

Robb Hill included a list of complaints about Democrat President Barak Obama in his pitch for the school board in Aurora (District 131). “The man’s a socialist,” he said. “I’m not a political person,” he went on, “but someone has to put a hole in the bloated spending…public schools do not provide education but indoctrination…” He called everyone in his family “loons” because of their liberalism and support of Obama. His commentary was remarkable because he comes from an African-American background, providing more evidence that conservative though has penetrated into the African-American community. Contact:

Anonymous said...

Another Board Member breaking the law. The State of Illinois has no record R Hill Enterprises. He is also not a certified financial planner and is not registered.

Anonymous said...

So since you know this information what are you going to do about it.

Anonymous said...

Not much any body can do about just remember you white racist voters what you got Mary the Welfare Queen Futlz and Robb the Welfare King of the Hill.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Hill is registered or not or if he has a License for his business but if he doesn't someone could report him as not having them. This is why a district should have their PR person check on how the Board Member post their bio. The board president wants to make this district have a better image but again and again things come out that show how they look the other way when things like this happen. Does this district really want to let someone promote their business where it is good or bad when they haven't followed the laws? What does this show the students of this district that if you get people to vote for you for an office and you don't follow the rules that it is ok? Or how about someone in the district has Hill give a seminar to their group and it is bad advice don't they realize that it is a bad reflect on the district. The more they try to move forward they move backward because they all have a motive for themselves and they will break laws to get ahead.

Anonymous said...

For peoples protection they should never hire someone to help with investments unless they are a Certified Financial Planner or they a Financial Broker. By this it allows you to see if discipinary action has ever been taken. The government does not require you to register but I would not turn my investments over to someone off the street.

More troubling with this individual is he calls his business R Hill Enterprises and he has not paid the fees to the Secretary of State for a business license. Again not required for a sole owner but very troubling.

If you advertise to be a national speaker on this topic then you would think your business background would be in order.

Today anyone can run for a office maybe if the voters would watch more carefully who they are voting for that would be a good place to start.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, we should begin by requiring our elected officials to be as certified and highly qualified as they want everyone else to be at their professions.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that is true that is what the problem is with government today.

Anonymous said...

How do you certify a person to be a highly quaified public servant?

I think people educating themselves about the canidates is a thing of the past. It seems to be more often, locally, to be a popularity contest.
I do not care what the disrict or Mr. Hill chooses to put in his bio. It shows the true priorities and focus of the man.

A persons PR can create a facade, which can allow a person to prove themselves to be more than they originally appeared or it can shield a charlatan. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

We could require courses in law, ethics and economics for a start. Basic skills necessary to run most any public office.

Anonymous said...

Also when people run for office and they state they will look out for the taxpayer and how the money public bodies spend our money for the good of the district, state or government they stick to it when they get in office. We should be able to trust the people they employ that they are doing the right thing but in this day it is not always true. Most public officials are more concerned about being elected than making sure our money is spent wisely but if they get something to their own benefit they will look the other way.

Anonymous said...

From this morning's Beacon-News:

AURORA — The East Aurora School Board will remain a member short until at least August.

Mary Fultz, who was elected to the board in April but still has not taken her seat, will be in court on Aug. 17, according to Kane County court records. Fultz was summoned by a Joliet-based private investigator to appear at a hearing concerning her ability to serve on the board.

Fultz, a community organizer who has received honors from the city for her anti-violence efforts, was the second highest vote-getter in the East Aurora School Board election in April.

However, following her victory, the district received information that Fultz was not a registered voter — a state requirement to serve on the board.

Fultz has not stepped down, and has said she will battle the district for her position. Her seat on the board has remained empty. Three new board members were sworn in earlier this month.

Fultz was registered to vote with a Kane Street address several years ago, but canceled her registration when she moved to North Aurora in 2006, according to Linda Fechner, Election Commission executive director.


So that's April, May, June, and July without a complete School Board, thanks to Ms. Fultz. And who's paying for all the legal maneuvering? It can't be cheap.

Ms. Fultz, how is this in our students' best interests?

Anonymous said...

Also why did the district have to get a private investigator to find her. Mary should just step down and do the right thing for the district.

Anonymous said...

They probably needed one because she has so many addresses. Again more waste of tax payers money on a person who does not pay taxes

Anonymous said...

Mary Fultz was hand-picked to run for the board by the last remaining member of the School Board From Hell, Juanita Wells, and by "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad.

So why does anyone really expect her to do what may be in students' best interests?

Anonymous said...

Juanita & Clayton supported all the black candidates and look how that turned out. One advertises his business the other one is costing the district money it sure is not in the best interest of the students

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that the community and parents don't pay more attention to the board and how they spend the money they get. Many people complain how their tax paying dollars are spent but don't take the time to look at how it is spent or if they do they don't do anything about it. It is a rocky road to go down to get someone or a public official to take notice but if those who complain stick together and try maybe something can be done. Hill stated he wanted to make sure how the money is spent then he should look into it he might be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that all Blacks have to think alike, only support candidates that look like them and everyone else is impartial in their selection. Those sentiments really reflect how the accuser operates. We all know who voted for Ms Weaver and Ms. Carlson, how did that work out, what were their great accomplishment. Why didn't they get rid of Roberts? What were their great accomplishments? As for Mr. Hill political views the last I checked the chairman of the national GOP is Richard Steele and he disagrees with the president too.

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