Saturday, April 9, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Life is full of decisions: how to spend our time & money, who to vote for, what to say and do in a particular situation. Parents, students, teachers, administrators, and taxpayers all have the opportunity and responsibility to make decisions in the best interests of our students.

What are some examples of decisions made recently that have benefited our district?

And how can less-positive decisions be corrected so our students get maximum benefit?


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Anonymous said...

Here's one big positive decision: today's Fine Arts Festival! It's a grEAt opportunity for our kids (from grade school through high school) to display their talents, and an equally grEAt chance for community members to see, hear, and support them!

Anonymous said...

From the Openline blog:

Anonymous said...

Do any of you know if someone lied on their candidate application that they where a registered voter and lived in a district then it was found out they lied but got voted into a position what the out come would be? This happened in D131 with one of the candidates and now the district is saying they will just have to board have someone apply for the position and they will pick them after the others are seated on the board?

4/8/11 9:16 PM

Anonymous said...

District 131 administration has a history of caring more about their image than about what's best for students. Expect the folks in the central office (especially the Community Relations Director, "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad) to try to keep this situation hush-hush.

4/9/11 6:31 AM

Anonymous said...

9:16 is this true? Did you contact D131?

Anonymous said...

From my stand point Hill and Fultz lied on their applications.

Anonymous said...

Also from Openline blog:

Mary Fultz's campaign signs said the following:



Do what, Mary? Set a bad example by lying and deceiving the community?

Making choices for arrogance, bigtime!


Anonymous said...

There will always be people who act as though they don't think the rules apply to them.

Sometimes they get away with it, sometimes not.

Anonymous said...

Mary Fultz has brought shame on the District if you can't follow the rules before you are elected what makes you think you can follow after sounds like the District lucked out on this one

Anonymous said...

Who cares if she did not live in the district for a year. It does not matter. Just move on.

Anonymous said...

So this district doesn't have to follow the rules for qualifying for school board candidates. I forgot this district is special and doesn't have to follow rules.

Anonymous said...

It's not a rule, it's just a guideline. It does not matter. Stupid rules you don't have to follow.

Anonymous said...

This is from the districts website about qualifications of school board candidates.


* Citizen of the United States
* Age 18 or older
* A resident of IL and of District at least one year prior to election
* Registered voter
* Neither a school trustee nor a school treasurer

Anonymous said...

That's bs. You did not find that on the website. Stop lying.

Anonymous said...

No BS! I found it, too.
Someone is being a little lazy, so I will give you a little help.
Go to
click on Board of Education
Then click on policies.
This part might get tricky for you.
You then have to look up page 12 under section 2.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

All you have to do to be on the school board is be a bitch. That is how Rayanne and Dee got on.

Anonymous said...

5:41 p.m. says "stupid rules you don't have to follow"...

Hey, let's all pick & choose which rules we like and which ones we don't like! What kind of example does that set for our kids, 5:41?

Anonymous said...

Just saw this on the Beacon-News website:

AURORA — The East Aurora School Board candidate who garnered the second-most votes in Tuesday’s election may not be seated on the board next month.

The School District has received information that community organizer Mary Fultz, who won a spot on the board on Tuesday, may not be a registered voter, according to East Aurora School Board President Annette Johnson.

Candidates for School Board must be 18, a U.S. citizen, a registered voter and have been a resident of the School District for at least one year immediately preceding the election, per School Board Policy 215.01. Additionally, they cannot be a school trustee, a school treasurer or a convicted child sex offender.

“It was unfortunately after the election that we found out. But this is where we’re at,” Johnson said Saturday. “Our lawyers are looking into it.”

According to Illinois State Board of Elections records, Fultz’s voter registration is inactive.

Johnson said Fultz has been contacted by district officials about the investigation.

Fultz, 45, said she is aware that the East Aurora School District’s legal department is reviewing her credentials. She said she had no further comment Saturday.

Johnson said there may also be issues with the board’s residency requirement in Fultz’s case.

If Fultz fails to be seated, the School Board will appoint someone after posting a vacancy and receiving new applications. The Election Commission is expected to certify election results by early May, Johnson said.

Candidates who ran for the School Board but did not get enough votes will be eligible to apply, Johnson said, but they are subject to the same residency and other requirements.

According to Johnson, candidates must fill out paperwork before waging a campaign for School Board that states that they meet the requirements.

“We usually look into that pretty thoroughly,” Johnson said. “But it is not up to the district to verify that someone is a registered voter.”

School District spokesman Clayton Muhammad confirmed that the matter is under review.

“Once the review is over, the School District will issue a further public statement. That is all we can say at this time,” he said.

Muhammad said the School District hopes to have the matter resolved by early this week.

Fultz received 48 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s election, the second-highest number of votes. Incumbent Ray Hull, incumbent Mary Anne Turza and Robert Hill also were elected. Four positions were up in Tuesday’s election.

Ignacio Cervantes came in fifth in the race.

Anonymous said...

Go to the district website then click on Board of Education when you get there click board structure it is there.

Anonymous said...

Only in the East Aurora School District could you have someone run and not register then you wonder why the administration does what they want. They elect people like Fultz and Hill. I am sure Roberts got a good laugh out of that. This women probably can't even read.

Anonymous said...

The thing that scares the hell out of me is she may not be able to read, but next loser in line is Cervantas. Ok the kid is nice, but doesnt he still live with his parents? What experience does this kid bring to a Board of Education for over 13 thousand children? You can bet that Johnson is going to gun for this kid because she is on a power trip and has to control everyone on the board. She is a bully just like Radakovich was. The Board is no better than it was years ago. The only reason the district has money now is that the east side blind voted a referendum in, it has nothing to do with better fiscal management. Johnson and Weisner are out of the same mold. Bullies and scammers.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is this person is a career welfare queen. Hill is no better and they are making choices for our taxes and education.

Cervantes is a nice who does put himself through college which is more than I can say for these two. However, he does not belong on a board making choices for friends he just left he does not have enough life experience. Johnson is a bully and you can bet she will pick him since her pal Clayton ran his campaign. Cervantes is a B2M who would be able to add to the resume of that group. Clayton also is on a power trip. Clayton just could not get enough of his black friends to vote for Sifuentes & Cervantes. These days Clayton is all about equal opportunity equal black equal Latino's in B2M. Gosh he even left some whites in. Many say Johnson is advising him.

Johnson just started a Community Relations Committee that will become a big focus this year. That is all about Clayton. You watch it is her idea of image not the Community. One thing for sure Johnson is sleeping well tonight now that she got rid of Fultz. Who would want her image.

By the way where is Dr Roberts in all this. Oh in San Francisco having a good time all by himself. The three are quite a team Roberts lowers the boom on her leaves her in tears leaving the Service Center. Clayton comes along and acts like her friend when that does not work Johnson pressures in the Beacon. Next week you can bet they will use all the might of the District lawyers. That if Clayton can get her to step down. You will notice Clayton is not as polished as Johnson he slipped and said it will be over early next week. You can bet they have a plan. Next week Roberts will be back at putting the dogs on her. If she were a smart and she is not she would resign. As the world turns at d131.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Johnson says:

"Our lawyers are looking into it"


Lawyers don't work cheap! How many THOUSANDS of dollars of OUR tax money are being spent on billable hours for this mess?

Anonymous said...

Mary Fultz was hand-picked as Juanita Wells' successor. She and Juanita are sorority sisters in the Bionic Elks Lodge.

This is (hopefully) the last gasp of corruption from the old "School Board from Hell".

Anonymous said...

This was also in the Beacon.

AURORA — Pint-size musicians in crisp white shirts carried trumpets and scurried past crowds in the main foyer of East Aurora High School on Saturday.

Visual and performing artists from all grade levels were showcased during the East Aurora School District’s annual Fine Arts Festival — a window into the world of art for the 1,500 guests who attended the event.

“Students get insight into what they can become and where they’ve been,” festival coordinator Brian Liska said.

Several-hundred members of bands and choruses in the district’s 12 elementary schools and three middle schools as well as high school performed everything from contemporary pieces to military marches in the Hawks Auditorium.

Liska, director of East High’s bands, said whether or not students pursue music for careers they will always remember their community performances.

“I remember squeaking out notes on the clarinet in fifth grade,” the teacher said.

In the foyer, a gallery of student artwork showcased all elements of art, from oil pastels and watercolors to self-portraits and metal sculptures.

High School art teacher Susan McCarron was a professional artist prior to entering the classroom seven years ago.

“Artists have an obligation to share their work,” McCarron said, adding that art is a way to celebrate the diversity of cultures. “Without art, we really don’t define our own cultures. It is a great way for students to express themselves.”

“The beauty about the arts is that it motivates people,” the art teacher said.

In the Little Theater, high school students gave a modern-day performance of William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

“This is the first time we have performed Shakespeare,” drama director Ross Wheeler said.

The scenery design, with glowing characters under special-effects lighting, was inspired by the motion picture “Avatar.”

“My costume is tribal grunge,” said drama student Brian Nunez, 17.

Nunez was decked out in a fluorescent green headpiece resembling leafy branches on a tree out of the forest.

“Shakespeare is like a whole other language that is challenging to learn, but once you get it you can remember your lines,” he said.

Anonymous said...

Juanita Wells last stick it to the residents was getting Hill & Fultz on the Board. They do belong to the Elks club together. I am sure Wells told them get on the Board and Roberts will give your children jobs and scholarships. That has been the story of Wells for years a career welfare queen herself until she got on the Board.
Fultz lists being a former Walmart Greeter on her Facebook page during election. Has that not the job Juanita Wells had before her black brother Jerome got her a job at AID. Juanita was also gotten many friend & relatives jobs through the years.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know how Wells got Hill and Fultz on the board. How do you do that? Give me the steps.

Anonymous said...

Are we footing the bill for Roberts trip?

I think there was a push for Mary and someone probably told her not to worry about anything because no one ever looks these things up but I guess we do have some that care about the district and are standing up for what is right.

What kind of life experience do some need the two youngest probably have a better idea of how students are being taught and their feelings of schools and they are young enough and maybe they don't owe favors to some on the board so they won't look anyway when money is spent on other things beside district's business.

Anonymous said...

This election fiasco has played out to land well in the boards lap. Now they will hand pick someone, who should have been elected by the community. Strange how the info all came out "after" the election.

Anonymous said...

You are darn straight we are footing the bill for this trip. Roberts feels it is an entitlement under the heading of "professional development." How many teachers could we have trained for class room Spanish or how to handle bullying with the $$ being spent on Roberts trip? Any number of professional development options for teachers or admin would have been better spent than for our supt. to go to CA to network for other job options.
Thank your school board for the gratuitous supt. contract.

Anonymous said...

This district hasn't changed much and they will always hide things from the taxpayers even thought Johnson says she is on top of things. If she was the Superintendent wouldn't be able to spend the money he does on himself. I do believe even though they gave him a lot of room with money that doesn't give him the right to spend taxpayers money on non district expenditures. Does anyone on the board even look at that charge card. Almost all of them sitting on the board are thief's.

Blog admin said...

April 9, 2011 7:26 PM -It was a tough job but someone has to do it.
I regret not being able to live up to the task. There are a few other requirements for which I refused to comply. Thank you for your support.
Respectfully & sincerely,

Anonymous said...

Central office rumor is Johnson and Roberts hate each other. There was some lame attempt to weaken Johnson by Wells and company lately. That did not work in fact it backfired on Roberts. Now the fight is on and Johnson is after him and all his staff members. The Board meeting are getting interesting. Johnson does control the Board and Turza got back so again Roberts will be out voted. Everyone can see who is in charge of the District and its not Roberts. Johnson was quoted 7 times Clayton only once. Why? could it be they are still trying to find a way to keep Fultz. Why did the district not have a statement sooner. How fast do I remember the days Rayanne was leaked to the Beacon for trying to better teachers.
The only difference here is Johnson is very mean and does not take no for a answer. Once stabbed in the back I have always felt she is a person Roberts would have not wanted to mess with. I am sure with owning her own business she deals with a lot smarter people than Roberts. She did get him is contract but now he is not playing nice in the sand box. I have never liked her but she is just what we need. Jay Augustine is literally back on blood pressure medicine since Johnson started investigating insurance & building bids. As the world turns

Anonymous said...

Why did Clayton not get this out sooner my thoughts are Johnson is the only one who had anything say. Is she and the lawyers she hired the only ones looking into this. Sound about right it backfired on Clayton & Roberts.

Why did Clayton call the Beacon on a sitting Board member at the time Rayanne. Its funny Waldo is warfare land right now. Good for all those teachers who would not stand.

Hey Johnson I bet you are eating some crow right now Dee and Rayanne are right afterall

Anonymous said...

Yeah Central Office gossip is Roberts went to every office last week and introduced Johnson as boss lady. First we never see Roberts and he never speaks to us small fries. Second I never knew Johnson could say hello. They even visited offices in the closets. I never knew Roberts even knew someone worked in the closet. But for him to call her boss lady he was crawling. Hopefully they did not make up. At least we all had a good laugh. Funny thing she seemed like why are you wasting my time.

Anonymous said...

There where a few on the board that would not back some of the things most of the members overlooked and yes Rayanne was one. It still goes on. Johnson sees things see doesn't like then goes full steam and then backs down because some people she doesn't want to hurt. The jobs of the board members is not to worry if some in administration get hurt it is their job to protect the students and taxpayers of the district. Let's see if the truth comes out now about that trip to Chicago in Nov. where they gave Wells a farewell dinner and invited outside people for dinner. Most board members from what I hear where there and they didn't say anything about them spending taxpayer dollars for an elected position a party. I wonder if that is legal?

Anonymous said...

What makes you think the district gave a statement first maybe the Beacon got a hold of them. If you look under the article after the elections about who one someone made a comment "Here is a news flash for you Mary Fultz is not a registered voter." I bet the Beacon did the asking.

Anonymous said...

About Dr. Roberts' trip to California--the NSBA (National School Board Association) convention is in San Francisco this weekend. This is the same convention that was in Chicago last year (several from our district attended, but didn't stay overnight as I recall).

The NSBA convention is the major event of its type, and representatives from school districts all over the country (usually administrators and/or School Board presidents) exchange ideas and network with colleagues. Dr. Roberts' attendance at the NSBA convention is appropriate; our district needs and deserves to be represented at this event.

And I commend the folks at the Central Office for scaling back expenses and limiting travel, hotel stays, etc. As I recall, "Serial Bully" Radakovich spent many thousands of our tax dollars to take the ENTIRE School Board to California for a convention. Let's give credit where credit is due!

Anonymous said...

Dr Roberts has a mess on his hands with the election and his favorite Board members replacement Mary Fultz. He should have made a comment and not hide behind the Board President. He, Carol Farmun, Juanita Wells and Lisa Morales have taken their families on many trips on the District dime for years. The current Board is just more ethical. How have these trips benefited someone like Wells. It seems the women does not have a ethical bone in her body. When she can encourage unethical paperwork and now that the cat is out of the bag she does not do the right thing and ask Fultz to resign. Who would want a person on the Board that forged paperwork.

Anonymous said...

What has Roberts brought back from professional development it seems this year either the Board or the Board President came up with all the programs.
As far as Roberts he is a loser who backed Fultz until he got caught. Everyone knows he wanted another simpleton on the Board that would defend him only because he is black.

Anonymous said...

Fultz cannot resign from a position she does not yet possess.

Anonymous said...

You have that right she hasn't been seated and even though she was elected she has not been sworn in as a board member so everything is up for grabs. We will see how the other candidates really wanted this because I wouldn't go down without a fight.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell would want it. You have already damned the new board to hell before they have even done anything.

Anonymous said...

Robert Hill does not own the house that he pretends to live at.

OSWEGO, IL 60543-9715

Did he really live in the district 1 year before the election?

First Fultz and now Hill.

Information is available on the township website.

Anonymous said...

Again we have Rayanne to thank for another Board mess. Who would want a position for no pay and their reputation attacked. That is why the best we can get is Fultz & Hill. They don't have a reputation because they are already the scum of the earth. This blog serves no purpose but to bring down the school system. Tell me one thing this blog has accomplished.

Anonymous said...

This blog has added a level of transparency our school leaders hate. It has repeatedly exposed incompetence and corruption by the administration and board. Even now, we see Fultz falsifying her eligibilty to be a board member and the incompetence of the administration, not doing a complete background check of a person who would have had a profound effect on our children and community.

This blog has exposed one illegal action after another. Some of which still continue. The only ones who usually complain about the truth being revealed are the criminals. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

10:21 p.m., it does not matter whether or not Mr. Hill owns the home in which he resides.

Here are the qualifications for School Board (copied directly from the D131 website):


* Citizen of the United States
* Age 18 or older
* A resident of IL and of District at least one year prior to election
* Registered voter
* Neither a school trustee nor a school treasurer


Owning a home is completely irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

April 11, 2011 6:53 AM

The facts don't matter to these people, only the implications that partial truths imply matter.

Anonymous said...

April 10, 2011 10:21 PM

He probably is renting so he wouldn't be listed as the owner and if he has lived there it isn't a problem. If you know he doesn't live there then get the proof and let them know.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he developed this whole plan so that he could get that big pay check and all the prestige of the District 131 School Board.

Anonymous said...

I find it intersting that people are concerned about Fultz not being a registered voter and the comment Johnson made about not being the districts responsibility to confirm it. It weuld seem to me that it is the districts responsibility to confirm that the person running for board has lived in this district for 1 year.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some do get money does anyone really check where some of the money goes there is a board credit card that some can use and no one checks it who knows what is on it the only thing they check register shows is the amount not what it is spent on. If you look at the board book some of the amounts on there for the board credit cards are high has anyone FOIA it?

Anonymous said...

Is anyone open to the idea of FOIA the board credit cards statements and working with this blog administrator to post what they get on here. When you FOIA things you can share that information with everyone and maybe this district will wake up to what is happening. There might be only a few that cares how the money is spent but maybe we can get more involved.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting Mary Fultz has been allowed to continue this long. Has she not broken the law by making false statements. It is clear she is not a registered voter but Clayton and company seem to give her every opportunity to save face. Rydland always comments on matters of importance regarding his District where is Roberts. Oh off vacationing on the District dime again.

Anonymous said...

In prefect Black trash style Mary is out on FaceBook giving praise to a black gang member and hoping he will recover from his gun shots. She also states she is celebrating her
victory that was Saturday.

She must have been told by Roberts/Clayton hold tight we will help you. Talk at the Service Center is a deal is out there but Johnson was not playing ball and went to the news. Read the article Clayton once Johnson seven quotes.

Roberts is still trying to have the second coming of Juanita

Anonymous said...

So did anyone go to the fine arts festival last Saturday? My son is in the band at Waldo, so I was there for awhile. The middle school bands were combined into one big group and directed by Mr. Kaisershot. He was also the composer of one of the pieces they played. I was really impressed with the way they sounded together. Our district is so lucky to have someone like him teaching our kids!

My son and I were also able to hear one of the Jazz Band's performances. Again, we were impressed! Mr. Liska and the high school jazz musicians are inspiring the younger kids to follow in their footsteps.

The visual arts display was excellent, also.

Rayanne said...

Yes, I attended the Fine Arts Fest. I posted comment on EA Facebook page-

"WOW! There was a lots of folks that turned out to see all the great art and stage performances. Also many filled the auditorium for all the joyful noise being made by bands and choirs. Wonderful song choices!"

Yes, I agree the middle schools did a wonderful job!
There were stage performers in the little theater from the HS & 2 middle schools that did a great job, also.
One of the elementary choir songs was directed by an EA alum, who now teaches music in D131. Great job Eliseo! :)

Anonymous said...

Read Montgomery Patch now Fultz created voter fraud when she voted for Obama

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they could do a deal with her because from what I hear it was the election commision that contacted them so it could be kept quite.

Anonymous said...

Here is the url to the story and it is better than the Beacons.

Anonymous said...

This is the truth while all these articles are being printed, and we are reading them, how much is it costing the Tax Payers for this fool to continue with her 3 ring circus. Mary Fultz, if you really care about our children in District 131, and the community why are you not stepping down!! Please don't tell us that you are doing this for the children and the community. You are doing this for yourself, because you lied to us!! We don't need anymore of our Tax Paying dollars to go for your investigation when you know what you did!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh this woman is ridiculous, if she thinks she will be seated on that board in May. She needs to move on with her life. The Board needs to move quickly so they can appoint someone else, and have a quorum. This is truly a joke for the people of District 131.

Anonymous said...

This joke of an election for the East Aurora School District 131, should be one that should go in the History Books, please don't forget to mention the main character who disgrassed us all Mary Fultz!!

Anonymous said...

It is the administration and board that disgraced (not disgrassed) the district by not doing a thorough background check on board candidates.

There are always individuals who attempt to enter school systems without the proper credentials. It is the school systems responsibility to check every individual who wants to be part of that system.

If that is not being done 1) Human Resources (Joan Glotzbach) did not do their job, 2) Jerome Roberts did not ensure that Human Resources did their job and 3) The board is not making sure they have competent individuals running the school system.

Anonymous said...

The Administration has nothing to do with checking out the canidates if anyone should be checking it is the Board Secretary since they had out the packets.

Anonymous said...

Here is some information about school board elections if you care to read and see who it is that takes care of board elections.

There is nothing stating if they should check for voter registration on these.

Anonymous said...

Then why have a law if no one enforces it???

Anonymous said...

I think it's possible that Mary Fultz made an honest mistake, and misunderstood the procedure for transferring her voter registration when she moved into our district last February. It can be complicated to dot all the i's and cross all the t's-- so I don't necessarily blame her for this mess.

But what I would like to know is, who financed her campaign? All those signs couldn't have been cheap! Who organized the get-out-the-vote calls & e-mails that brought Ms. Fultz's (and for that matter, Mr. Hill's) friends & supporters to the polls? If Juanita Wells and/or Clayton Muhammad was involved, they should have known to double-check qualifications; after all, they've both been involved in district politics for many years.

Anonymous said...

OK, I would excuse Mary F for an honest mistake, but according to the Montgomery Patch
"On March 31, five days before the election, Fultz went to the Aurora Election Commission office on Galena Boulevard to vote, according to records provided by the AEC. She was told then that her Aurora registration had been canceled, according to those records."

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone say it is the District it is Fultz she lied plain & simple. She also served time in jail so the law means nothing to her

Anonymous said...

The East Aurora School District expects to make an announcement Wednesday on the status of Mary Fultz, who was elected to the School Board last week.

Right after the election, the School District received information that Fultz, a community organizer who has received honors from the city for her anti-violence efforts, is not a registered voter, as required by state law.

“We will be coming out with a statement tomorrow,” East Aurora School Board President Annette Johnson said Tuesday. “It’s clear cut — you need to be a registered a voter, and she’s not.”

Candidates for the School Board must be 18, a U.S. citizen, a registered voter and have been a resident of the School District for at least one year immediately preceding the election, per School Board and Illinois State Board of Elections policies.

Johnson said that Fultz has not responded to a letter sent by the district and the School Board has received no indication that she will step down from being seated.

Johnson said Tuesday that the information came from an Aurora Election Commission employee.

In a post on her Facebook page Tuesday, Fultz, 45, stated: “I hold firm to the fact on March 31, 2011 I was told I was a registered voter by a Hispanic Aurora Election employee.”

Aurora Election Commission records show that Fultz was registered to vote with a Kane Street address years ago, but canceled her registration when she moved to North Aurora in 2006, according to Election Commission Executive Director Linda Fechner.

“She hasn’t been a registered voter in Aurora for a while,” Fechner said.

Kane County Director of Elections Linda Mitchell said Fultz did register to vote in North Aurora in 2006. Mitchell said that in 2008, the clerk’s office sent out mailings to remove inactive voters from the Kane County database.

“The card that came back to us indicated she had moved back to Aurora,” Mitchell said.

Fultz did not return calls Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

If this is what she was told, could she not have registered and voted at that time? The cut off was 3/31.

Anonymous said...

How can the woman step down if she is not a board member due to what is going on? Maybe some of us who go to the meetings might go early next time as people in this community, for a change might show up to see what is happening. It would be nice to see some seats in the seats.

Anonymous said...

from mary's facebook page
"Mary Fultz
April 5 at 4:35pm"
maybe someone else should show her niece the ropes and register her to vote.

Anonymous said...

If she can't follow a simple rule to register to vote then how can she follow the rules of the Board. She needs to admit she made a mistake and move on. If she is for the kids she should not be wasting the districts money on lawyers

Anonymous said...

Johnson seems to be in a hurry to get this resolved and the board position posted. Is she trying to rush this so the old board will get to pick the new member or will the new board who has to sit with the new person get to make the decision? Just wondering???

Anonymous said...

I read it a different way Johnson said in a prior article it would be the new Board.

Anonymous said...

Mary Fultz, first of all if you would have gone to the Aurora Hispanic Election Commission employee, they would have never told you, that you were registered to vote. You need to take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming everyone for the fraud you committed. Oh someome told me I was registered to vote please stop being a child do the right thing and just move aside so they can proceed to pick someone that can truly serve on that board. You picked up the packet at the East Aurora School District 131 office, just like the rest of the candidates, all the requirements and intructions were in that packet!! The question is can you read??????

Anonymous said...

9:41 p.m. says:

"If she is for the kids she should not be wasting the districts money on lawyers"

I completely agree with you, 9:41! If lawyers are needed, their fees should be paid by whoever financed Ms. Fultz' campaign.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Johnson is in a hurry I think she just wants to move on. It is costing the District a arm & leg because lawyers are not cheap. Just because someone can't take responsibility for her actions. To me it does matter which Board picks them because the majority are all the same people. I have never cared for Johnson style but she seems to be the only one addressing issues. Fultz is a loser and needs to resign

Anonymous said...

Johnson is addressing issues that others have brought up but at the time she didn't care. She needs to be in control. So since she is addressing these issues and concern the students and administration why do they have a superintendent that is his job.

Anonymous said...

From the Beacon News:
East tries to block Fultz from School Board seat
By Stephanie Lulay Apr 13, 2011 06:59PM
Mary Fultz
AURORA — The East Aurora School District announced Wednesday it will ask the court to block Mary Fultz, who was elected to the School Board last week, from being seated.

After the election, the School District received information that Fultz is not a registered voter, as required by state law.

“It’s clear-cut — you need to be a registered voter — and she’s not,” said School Board President Annette Johnson.

If Fultz resigns, a vacancy on the board can be declared.

“It’s up to her. The ball’s in her court,” Johnson said Wednesday.

At Monday’s board meeting, the School Board will introduce a motion for attorneys to pursue a judicial determination of the question, according to Johnson.

Johnson said she has the support of the School Board and East Superintendent Jerome Roberts in attempting to keep Fultz from taking a seat on the board.

Candidates for the School Board must be 18, a U.S. citizen, a registered voter and have been a resident of the School District for at least one year immediately preceding the election. Those requirements are set both by the East Aurora board and Illinois State Board of Elections.

The district sent a letter to Fultz, explaining her voter status made her ineligible to run and asked her to resign. But as of late Wednesday, the district had not received any communication from her, according to Johnson.

According to Aurora Election Commission Executive Director Linda Fechner, Fultz is not registered to vote in Aurora.

“We have to move on. Summer is a busy time for the School District,” Johnson said.

If the court agrees with the board’s opinion that Fultz should not be seated, the School Board will pursue filling the vacancy through an appointment.

New board members are expected to be seated at the May 2 board meeting.

Candidates who ran for the School Board but did not get enough votes will be eligible to apply, Johnson said, but they are subject to the same residency and other requirements.

According to Johnson, candidates must fill out paperwork before waging a campaign for School Board that states they meet requirements.

The School Board is also still reviewing Fultz’s residency credentials.

Pursuing further legal action is costly to the School District, and lawyers have spent “a great deal of time” on the issue already, Johnson said.

Fultz received 48 percent of the vote in the April 5 election, the second-highest number of votes. Incumbent Ray Hull, incumbent Mary Anne Turz and Robert Hill were also elected. Four positions were to be filled.

Candidate Ignacio Cervantes came in fifth in the race.

Fultz, 45, did not return calls Tuesday or Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

What, no public comments from the district's spokesperson, Clayton Muhammad?

Maybe it's just too difficult to spin this story into something positive for the central office's precious IMAGE.

Anonymous said...

Maybe for Clayton it is to difficult spin the fact Juanita Wells second coming is a big loser. Until this hit Roberts and Clayton would have been perfectly happy to write her speeches and have her do their bidding. Why do we need a spokesperson when it seems Johnson will do it for free. No doubt this is another example of the two of them putting another black candidate in that could not form a thought. The only difference was this one was so stupid and unable to read that she could not fill her paper work out.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it appropriate to call Ms. Fultz stupid-she got elected!
She might have thought she could slip by the rules, or was ignorant to the rules, but that does not mean she cannot read or is stupid

Anonymous said...

She feels she is entitled the majority of people if making the same mistake would have resigned. It galls me to think a career welfare queen with no job who lives on public assistance can case so many problems and legal bills for the District. Hats off to you Ms Johnson that you are taking a hard stand. But I wonder why the community relations spokesperson is not quoted or Dr Roberts can it be that it backfired and they don't want to comment. Bravo Ms Johnson

Anonymous said...

We need to find out exactly how much money this is costing the taxpayers, and then BILL Ms. Fultz and her team of supporters who were behind her campaign.

How many school supplies for OUR KIDS could have been purchased with the money being wasted on lawyers??

Anonymous said...

The Board and superintendent probably misuse the districts money more than Fultz. This could of been prevented if someone took the time to check it would of only took them a few minutes.

Ms. Fultz should step down it is the right thing to do. It was her responsibility to make sure she was a voter and when she went down to as she should of asked for her voter registration card then and there. If this is how she is going to act do the people that voted for her really want her to take the seat?

Anonymous said...

Actually, 8:01, I think the current superintendent and board are trying to be more responsible with our money than the serial bully and his cronies were.

Case in point: last week Dr. Roberts attended the NSBA convention in California. Back in the days of Radakovich, the entire School Board (and several administrators, if I'm not mistaken) went to California on our dime.

Anonymous said...

If they are being more responsible with the money why does Clayton have three assistatants so he can spend more time with Boys II Men stuff? Also, how about the rumor about the trip to Chicage in November where is was stated that Roberts gave Junatia a farewell dinner at the tune of $5,000.00 is that using our money wisely?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say "good luck" to the EHS band--the IHSA organization contest is this Saturday in Morris.

Anonymous said...

Being more responsible and transparent? How about the fact they said no one was going to Spain and now some has gone? Just better ways of doing and malnipulating things. Did it ever occur to anyone that Johnson is doing all the talking now because she wants to be in the limelight and bet credit for it? Wonder how many will be at Monday's meeting? Should the regulars go early so they can get a seat to sit in? I truly, highly doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the district hired counselors instead of teachers aid to help teachers and the counselors don't have an administrator to direct them so they can't do anything to help students until they have an administrator.

Anonymous said...

Reas Roberts reply to Carlson's concern about the gifted program. You can bet your boots if this concern was about that magnet acacdemy that there would be something done and she would not have got the reply she did.

Anonymous said...

All those admins they have and one of them can't direct those counselors? Who is the admins over counselers now. Another example how everyone in this administrations jumps into something without a plan first. Reminds me of how the magnet academy was started and still does not have a concrete foundation. The only thing the m.a. has done is segregate some students from the others and cost this district alot of money, which it was not suppose to do. For the other, teachers aids would have been best to help the teachers, alot less money for the district and no new admins which will cost the district even more. What a bunce if imbeciles we have running things, and certainly a few of them are on the board.

Anonymous said...

Here's an excerpt from a discussion on the Openline blog:

4/14/11 7:22 AM Anonymous said...

We need to find out exactly how much money this is costing the taxpayers, and then BILL Ms. Fultz and her team of supporters who were behind her campaign.

How many school supplies for OUR KIDS could have been purchased with the money being wasted on lawyers??

4/14/11 7:46 AM Anonymous said...

The bill will go to the taxpayers who failed to look into the background of the candidates before the election.

Where were openline's investigative reporters before the election? Here was an opportunity for openline to do a real public service and expose the lack of qualifications of a candidate.
The Beacon also shares the fault for failure to know the candidates.

4/15/11 7:06 AM Anonymous said...

7:06 a.m., so I as a taxpayer should be personally responsible for investigating whether a candidate is breaking the law? And I (and my kids who attend D131 schools) should be penalized for this woman and her supporters' fraud?

No, she should be assessed a fine equal to the amount of the lawyers' fees. Every dime of the cost of this mess should be paid for by Ms. Fultz and those who financed her corrupt campaign.

4/15/11 7:37 AM

Anonymous said...

This is a disgrace! This woman will not step down from taking office, and is costing us money. We just found out how Mary Fultz was given money for her campaign. Monica Silva someone who just ran for Kane County Board District 7th. This recently elected board memeber supports this type of person. Than you have Frick and Frack running her campaign Alex Arroyo, Brian Pollock, and Art Velazquez this is nothing but embarrassing for the Latino Community!!! The African Americans are not even backing Mary Fultz up!! Thank you Miss Monica Silva and your followers for putting such a burden on the Tax Payers, now why don't you step up to the plate and help her step down!!! The Board needs to move on!

Anonymous said...

I believe all that are involved thought that no one would check into anything about Mary even though those that helped her had to know she might not make the residency qualifications. Mary should not blame anyone for not knowing she wasn't a registered voter because she should of known when she moved she needed to go down and re register to vote at her new address. If citizen do not know the rules about voting then they shouldn't run for office and those that helped her should of checked but remember we live in IL one of the most corrupt states and in D131 where hardly anyone cares so that is why these things happen.

Anonymous said...

@7:58 AM-where did you get your info. Mary's Facebook paints a different picture posted chat with Mary & Friend:

Jolee S Carter says The spanish want the eastside and gone do what they have to, to get it if it means knocking you out the box
Tuesday at 9:53am

Mary Fultz says
Wednesday at 8:38am

Jolee S Carter says True acting like them wont change a thang
Wednesday at 10:10am

Anonymous said...

You know I have a voter registration card that proves to me that I am a voter. Again Mary you know you didn't register at your new address and that means you aren't a register voter so give it up you have the burden of proof to show so where is your voter registration card?

Anonymous said...

Why should it cost the taxpayers a cent? Before being seated, all candidates must show proof they meet the requirements for being a board member. If they can not show proof that the requirements were met, they are not seated. Then the ball is in their court if they want to file a lawsuit knowing that they did not meet the requirements.

Anonymous said...

If you go to the site to look up registered voters today you will see Mary still is not a registered voter so if she still wants to play the game she is playing shame on her if I can look it up so can she.

Anonymous said...

Here's what a couple of Ms. Fultz' supporters are saying on Facebook:

"...Sorry to hear that! And whoever made that call is a hater and need to mind their own business! Smh!!!!"

"...who was the anonymous caller? Why can't they be exposed? And more importantly how did they know all of your information? Sounds like a sore loser to me!"


They're blaming the whistleblower, instead of owning up to their mistake. Sounds like some of these folks took lessons from D131 bully administrators: whatever you do, never admit or apologize for any poor decisions. Just give the community the middle finger--and give our students a lesson in your priorities (which have very little with doing what's best for the kids).

Making choices for arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Whoever paid for the custom-designed printed hats and T-shirts for Mary Fultz's campaign, along with the signs, can pay the lawyers' fees.

Anonymous said...

Call Monica Silva and Alex Arroyo.

Also the Board should have not taken Juanita out to dinner the $7000 they spent in Chicago will probably pay about half the legal fees. I am sure they will still have a send off word is Juanita is making Madam President upset so Roberts does not dare get caught hanging out with Juanita. The service center party was called off after Wednesday. Gee what a shock Madam President darken everyones door step Friday.

Anonymous said...

Below info was posted 2 hrs ago on Mary’s FB-Looks like Ms. Fultz is NOT stepping down and there may be a full house on Monday!



Anonymous said...

I bet not one white voter will show up who did not know who they were voting for

Anonymous said...

The dinner for Juanita was not $7,000 it was around $1,300 but no matter how much it was if you can prove that it was a farewell dinner for her it is illegal to do that and all the people that attended in the administration and from the board are thief's.

Anonymous said...

Why do we have to get information from Mary's facebook and the Montgomery paper. Why has d131 not said anything, or the Beacon written an article informing the public like the Montgomery Patch did?

Anonymous said...

D131 has not said anything because the great Clayton PR Kinard who has the same fake background as Mary Fultz will not say anything. Why because he and Juanita ran her campaign and got caught. Now she will not resign. Central Office news is Mary has in several times for private meetings with Roberts and Clayton. The big plan was Nacho, Sifuentes, Hull and Fultz was get elected. That backfired 2 lost and the second coming of Juanita committed voter fraud. Let us not forget who hired the current law firm and it was not Roberts. TOOOOOOO bad Doc no bed to sleep in Shorewood and can't come to the office and sleep either. How does it feel to sleep in the neighborhood with all of us plain folk with the kids education you are destroying.

Anonymous said...

Juanita is a disgrace to this community and I hope all the people that go to her party at the Roundhouse tonight realize that they are just as much a criminal as she is.

Anonymous said...

Mary should by know that because she was not a registered voter, it made all the votes cast for her null and void. The way she could have provern she was a registered voter would have been to vote herself. I am someone who voted for her and now my vote was wasted. Noticed in all of this no one has said who spilled the beans on her. Those in the knows, know.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can sign up to talk at the meetings. There is a total of 15 minutes. If 5 people sign up to talk then they each get 3 minutes. If more that 5 people sign up to talk the 15 minutes is then divided between the total of the signups. Just wanted to make this clear. There is 2 times during the meeting where people can sign up to speak. So if one does not get to say everthing they wanted to, they then can sign up for the second half to try and say the rest. Just wanted to let everyone know about this.

Anonymous said...

Also to let people know who haven't gone to meeting before. They don't answer you at the meetings. Best you'll get is a written response mailed to you. Don't expect a conversation at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

You can bet Morales will have the clock out and Johnson will not let anyone run over. Watch Juanita Wells to act getto she and Fultz are two in the same welfare mama's

Anonymous said...

Look for security at the meeting also.

Anonymous said...

I read the online Beacon West is talking about their Alumni and endowment funds for the choir program meanwhile on the other side of town we are talking about a women so stupid she could not figure out how to vote. But no shock Roberts told Juanita to find a replacement and that is the best Clayton/Juanita could find.

Anonymous said...

It guess the District will be filing suit now Mary can join her mother
Beulah Fultz case # 09CFI706 room 305 on 4/29 for crimes committed Felony division and her kid Deashon who just got sprung in Aurora case #10tr69000. I sure want her representing my kids as they say the apple does not fall far from the tree

These are the friends Juanita/Clayton keeps

Anonymous said...

To: April 16, 2011 7:59 PM

I was the one who opened the can of worms but it didn't turn out exactly how I planned.

I was sure that this election would be handled as well as Clayton handles every situation. That is to say, in a half a$$ed manner. I was gambling that Clayton would not cover all his candidates rears.

I guessed the most likely would be Nacho being a kid who just turned 18, might not get registered in time for the election and Clayton is to incompetent to make sure he did. So I waited until just after the polls closed, came onto this web site and other sites, posted the laws regarding board elections and asked the question that got certain people investigating the candidates.

Within a few hours of my post, all the candidates had been investigated and it was found out that Mary Fultz was not a registered voter at the time of the election.

While my horse (Nacho) did not come in first, the outcome was correct. Clayton and his candidate were to incompetent to cover their rear. And these are the types of people running our district.

I liked the way Johnson stated that she received the information on the night of the election (The same time I posted on this web site) from the Aurora Election Comission. A claim that Linda Fechner, executive director of the AEC, said no one from her office made such a call.

The board and administration should quit denying that they monitor everything on this website (not to mention, post here frequently and try to discredit everything on here) and begin to work with people to benefit our students and community.

Anonymous said...

I heard that whose name is as of a flower of Easter or of the Valley is the one who told that Fultz is not a registered voter. This person could be(i.e.) connected with a certain Representive.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I heard this info went to Johnson.

Anonymous said...

10:20 p.m., if you were in fact the whistleblower you did our community a big service. Better this should come out now than after an ineligible board member would have been making decisions she had no right to make.

Anonymous said...

I hear it was Roberts because after her grand standing and demands he found out who Clayton & Juanita picked for him.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the list of bills in this board book boy does this district like to eat on our dime. Why can the PR person have a charge to Lugi's and is it district business?

10-42-2630-00-410-00 012241 LUIGI'S PIZZA AND FU 00099283-001 171170 04/18/11 04/11 91.6
0 PUBLIC RELATIONS SUPPLIES 00099283-002 171170 04/18/11 04/11 100.0
0 00099283-003 171170 04/18/11 04/11 110.0
0 00099283-004 171170 04/18/11 04/11 94.5
5 VENDOR TOTAL..: 396.1

Anonymous said...

Here is another charge that is interesting from 10/18/2010 boardbook
10-00-1414-00-332-60 018184 RIVIERA HOTEL & CASI 00042658-001 168492 10/18/10 10/10 286.7

Is this district business?

Anonymous said...

Looks like the employees in the district like to travel a lot I thought the board was suppose to approve travel?

10-00-1414-00-332-60 002126 BPA - CINCINNATI 00042654-001 171033 04/18/11 04/11 226.0
2 002589 BRANDON, ED 00099498-001 171038 04/18/11 04/11 690.5
2 VENDOR TOTAL..: 690.5
0 013420 MCKINNEY, LINDA 00042702-001 171193 04/18/11 04/11 281.4
0 00042703-001 171193 04/18/11 04/11 402.0
0 VENDOR TOTAL..: 683.4
0 015185 OMNI SHOREHAM HOTEL 00042704-001 171213 04/18/11 04/11 1,305.3

Anonymous said...

A Luxury Washington, DC Hotel in the
Land of American Historic Treasures

Since 1930, the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC has played host to presidents, world leaders and inaugural balls, making it a true historic Washington landmark.

Located in one of the most influential cities of the world, this grand luxury hotel offers a resort atmosphere and a personal taste of politics, culture, art and music at its best. The four-diamond Omni Shoreham Hotel is nestled on 11 acres in picturesque Rock Creek Park in northwest Washington, DC and is only steps away from the National Zoo.

Many of our 836 luxury guest room accommodations and suites offer spectacular views of the park. The hotel is just 8 miles from Reagan National Airport and 28 miles from Dulles International Airport.

Is this a good use of district money and is this the best price for a decent hotel that employees can stay at?

Anonymous said...

That is a drop in the bucket as to the Mary Fultz case if she is for the kids and it seems she is not for her own but why not resign get your paperwork in order and reapply. But why should she care she does not pay taxes and never will.

Anonymous said...

It may be a drop in the bucket now and the Mary Fultz thing will cost the district money but when administrators use taxpayers money for things not for the district use them that is stealing from the district and there is a lot of that going on.

Anonymous said...

I looked that up and it was charged as Public Relation Supplies. I didn't know Gario's had school supplies it does have a pretty good pizza.

Also under list of bills.

0 002838 CASA BLANCA SUPERMER 00041604-001 171045 04/18/11 04/11 200.0
0 VENDOR TOTAL..: 200.0
9 010111 JAKE'S BAGELS & DELI 00040950-001 171138 04/18/11 04/11 28.9
9 00040952-001 171138 04/18/11 04/11 28.9
7 00041445-001 171138 04/18/11 04/11 57.9

So food now is a stipends.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea. There has been a lot of talk in the press about teacher accountability. While I'm all for accountability, I don't believe you can hold only one part of the whole accountable and say you have accountability. The teachers don’t run the district or schools. They don’t set the curriculum. They don’t make the rules. They have no power, but they are the ones accountable. For those of you that don’t know what a teacher has to have out on a weekly basis to show part of what they are being held accountable for, let me enlighten you. Teachers are the only profession that have to have in writing what they are going to do everyday, at what time of the day they are going to do it, how they will do it, what materials they will use to do what they will do, what are their reasons for doing what they are doing (objectives), how will they know if what they did was effective (assessments), how did they modify what they did to meet the needs of students that are years apart in ability and much more. This has to be put in writing a week before they plan on doing it and they do this every week. Who among you can tell me what you will be doing next Friday at 11:15? Who will you be with? What will you be talking about? This is not a bitch session this is stating the facts. We choose this and we do this. My point is MOST people have no idea this goes on. We are accountable, it is in writing. Where is the accountability for those who run the show? What are they doing everyday? When they have meetings where is the agenda and minutes for their daily meetings? What did Dr. Roberts do from 9:15 – 11:30 last Tuesday? Saying he was working or meeting is not good enough. Where are the details? If he was in a meeting, with whom, what was the objective of the meeting, and what was the outcome (assessment)? A good leader does not ask more from those who follow him then he asks of himself. This goes for every other administrator as well. They have no accountability! Yet they continually ask teachers to do more and guess what, we don’t get assistants. We do it ourselves! I would like someone to do a study on our district to show the growth of employees at the Central Office. How many administrators have been added? How many assistants have been added to help these administrators do whatever it is they do, because we don’t know what they do? Just look at the past ten years! It has grown enormously, without an objection from our school board. D131 has not grown in proportion to the growth of the Central Office, yet no one questions it. Where is the accountability?

Anonymous said...

Another supply that is food in this month list of bills.

0 012241 LUIGI'S PIZZA AND FU 00041480-001 171170 04/18/11 04/11 149.8
0 VENDOR TOTAL..: 149.8

Anonymous said...

Good point April 17, 2011 2:08 PM.
The way the list of bills are it looks like the administration is out eating and spending the districts money.

Anonymous said...

look at the petty cash reports in the board minutes. most of the reimbursements are for meeting snacks.

Anonymous said...

Do our hard-working TEACHERS get to eat on the district's dime, too??

Anonymous said...

Nope I did not see where any grade or middle school had any supplies of food listed with their bills or in the stipends.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Gloria Salinas and the rest of the central office help sits around all day eating on the District dime after all that is all Gloria does and is in charge of ordering food. So tax payers Central office news flash that is who spends your money. Hey maybe the Board can re appoint Fernando. Working with her everyone knows it is a big bug up her big fat ass ever since hubby got kicked off

Anonymous said...

Whoever was the whistleblower, I am not impressed. The reason is someone knew about this way before the election but only came forth either right before or the day of or after the election. Just shame on the whoever or whoevers as if they would have whistleblowen when they first knew, I am sure none of what has transpired would have happened or at least it would have been brought forth to this community, school board and the appropreate places and this fiasco would not have happened.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the whistleblower was holding off because she (or he) was waiting for Ms. Fultz to do the right thing and step down. When it became clear that Ms. Fultz and her supporters didn't care that they had broken the rules, then the whistleblower brought out the information.

Anonymous said...

You are all racist.

Anonymous said...

The corporation I work for used to supply "snacks" when employee meetings were called. They stopped that over 4 years ago, when many companies started tightening their belts. They trimmed the least necessary items. Things that did not add value to their service or product.
That was over 4 years ago when D131 cried poor and begged for a referendum. This is exactly why people did NOT want it to pass. Foolish and wasteful spending practices. These perks add no value to the education of our students.
These items are not new to the budget. These things have been brought up and swept under the rug in the past. Someone new must have started looking at the budget. Good luck making change happen as long as Roberts is in charge and the board keeps patting him on the back for a job well done.

Anonymous said...

I see no reference to race in any of these comments?!?!

Anonymous said...

I work for a large corporation also and when things got tight and we weren't making the money we did before things change as far as corporation credit cards as stockholders started asking questions about money spent. Now we have a person in charge of the credit card that they use for employees charges they make to the card. Work that needs to be done has a limit they can charge to fix things and if it goes over they have to get approval. Different departments use this card like maintenance, heating and cooling even managers and they have a limit before they need to get approval. No more sneaking in things for their own expenses or managers giving themselves a nice lunch. They are now held accountable for what they spend and so should this district. Those expenses you see on here is just the tip of the iceberg. Even if we have more money than other districts they are still accountable for what they spend and it shouldn't be for administrations personal expenditures.

Anonymous said...

You all are racist.

Anonymous said...

And you are repetitive, ignorant, and a liar.


Anonymous said...

Here is my impression of the Central Office and they few times I went to Board Meetings or visited the office.

They feel they run the district and they have no respect for some board members even though the taxpayers of this district voted for them and some that work in the district doesn't even live in it. They show only respect to board members that will let them get away with overlooking their misuse of district money. Just like with Juantia leaving they are so sad but that is because she let them get away with things and she got favors back. The whole central office needs to be redone maybe by contracting some of those jobs out.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like 99% of the people on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Roberts and Clayton always wrote Juanita's speeches and now they will not have Mary Fultz to read them. The other Board members will never get into helping Roberts that much. Stella Gonzaalez may have, but now after her daughter got let go, not a chance. He really must have been confident that Mary or Nacho or Juan were going to win but now that did not happen for Juan & Nacho and Mary could even get herself registered Roberts is in trouble. Look at who is left to work with nobody knows Robert Hill. Ray Hull makes it clear Roberts has low expectations for the kids and he is no Juanita. Lewis clearly hates Roberts. Maryanne is not that type and Johnson and him are in a power grab.

Anonymous said...

Johnson thought Roberts was a puppet and found out he wants things his way. He does not like her pushing him and she wants things her way. Look for that fighting to continue.

Anonymous said...

99% of people on this blog don't charge the district money for Gario's for school supplies.

Anonymous said...

The whistleblower brought out the info the day of the election or right after. I think that is holding out to long. Why not just have done the right thing when they knew her name was on the ballot or when she was handing out her flyers? Still feel the same way. Also, if something had been mentioned sooner then her name could have been looked up and it would have been known she was not registered.

Anonymous said...

11:28 p.m., we do not know when the whistleblower (or whistleblowers) obtained the damaging information. They could have just investigated the winners of the election, and not all the candidates.

And how do we know they didn't say something to Ms. Fultz's campaign organization, if they did suspect fraud before the election? The whistleblower(s) could have brought up the matter in a private communication that neither you nor I was party to. We just don't know, and have no business making assumptions.

Like the saying goes, hindsight is 20-20.

Anonymous said...

This district does love to eat and they charge it to the stangest things. This is from the 12/10/2010 board book list of bills.

10-42-2640-00-112-00 000485 ANGEL STITCHES 00040743-001 169201 12/20/10 12/10 587.22
010111 JAKE'S BAGELS & DELI 00040728-001 169337 12/20/10 12/10 85.13

Anonymous said...

The only people who had a responsibility to reveal that Fultz was not a registered voter before the election are:

1. Maryanne Fultz
2. Clayton and others who supported and financed her campaign.
3. The district who should have done a background check on all the candidates before allowing them to run for the board.

I prefer to reveal the administration and boards incompetence and corruption after it's set in stone and they have no option to cover it up.

Anonymous said...

You are right about the board checking to make sure candidates qualified. When there was openings on the board and they had to chose one they at that time looked into the candidates that applied to make sure they met the requirements.

Anonymous said...

So bitches, what happened with the school board. Is Fultz in or out?

Anonymous said...

Check the article out in the Beacon if you want.

Too bad this is making us a laughing stock in Aurora. Mary it is up to you to see if you are a voter not the board. You have to ask yourself did I go down and re register when I moved into HomeTown? As a voter you should know that you have to re register if you move or change your name. People take the time to know the rules of voting before you decide to take the responsibility of becoming a voter.

Anonymous said...

Does she live in Hometown I don't think so

Anonymous said...

She did not make 131 a "laughing stock," this blog did.

Anonymous said...

“I was wondering, did anyone check these requirements out?” she said.

Duh! That was part of her job when filing to run for the position.
Are you over 18?
Are you a registered voter?.....
If she is challenging the board to check her integrity & accuracy, then her rights to fill the elected position should definitely be questioned.
The district is not the laughing stock, just one uninformed member has egg on their face and is trying to push the blame.

Anonymous said...

Everyone keeps referring to Mary living in Hometown. At the board meeting she stated her address as on Kane Street.

Anonymous said...

I found the picture in the Beacon interesting. While everyone else in the district is trying to distance themselves from Fultz, Mechelle Patterson certainly was not. Of course Mechelle isn't too bright, that's why Simmons is such a mess.

Anonymous said...

From today's Beacon-News:

AURORA — The East Aurora School Board approved a motion to authorize district attorneys to obtain a court ruling on the eligibility of candidate Mary Fultz at Monday night’s board meeting.

Fultz was elected to the board April 5.

Five board members voted for the motion; board members Juanita Wells and Ray Hull abstained.

After the election, the district received information that Fultz, 45, is not a registered voter, as required by state law.

Fultz addressed the board after the motion.

“My one question for the board is about qualifications,” Fultz said.

“I was wondering, did anyone check these requirements out?” she said, reading off the list of requirements. “I still plan being on the board.”

Candidates for the School Board must be 18, a U.S. citizen, a registered voter and have been a resident of the School District for at least one year immediately preceding the election. Those requirements are set both by the School District and the Illinois State Board of Elections.

“It would have been nice to have someone call me and ask me those questions,” she said of the requirements. “I have a certificate saying that I voted in 2008, so that is of no fault of my own.”

Fultz asked to speak for more than three minutes, the alloted time, but board President Annette Johnson denied her request.

Wells said that she abstained from voting because much is still unclear in the case.

“I hope the candidates’ qualifications are checked before they are put on the ballot,” Wells said. “A lot will come out of this.”

The district sent a letter to Fultz last week asking her to resign, Johnson said.

According to Johnson, candidates must fill out paperwork before beginning a campaign for School Board that states they meet requirements.

District counsel Bernie Weiler said Monday that the board does not wish to unseat Fultz, but seeks a legal determination that the board is unable to make on its own.

According to Linda Fechner, executive director of the Aurora Election Commission, Fultz is not registered to vote in Aurora.

If the court agrees with the board’s opinion that Fultz should not be seated, the School Board will pursue filling the vacancy through an appointment.

Ignacio Cervantes, who came in fifth in the race, said he would pursue the appointment.

“I came as runner-up,” he said Monday night. “I’ll let the story unfold.”

Fultz received 48 percent of the vote in the April 5 election, the second-highest number of votes. Incumbent Hull, incumbent Mary Ann Turza and Robert Hill were also elected. Four positions were to be filled.

New board members are expected to be seated May 2.

Anonymous said...

"Ray Hull and Juanita Wells abstained"...I wonder, would they have abstained from voting if Mary Fultz were Caucasian?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the black board members refused to vote on this matter of a black candidate that does not have the qualifications to be a board member.

Simply put, if you can not do your job as a board member because of racial issues, you don't belong on the board.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Fultz said:

“I was wondering, did anyone check these requirements out?


That was YOUR responsibility, Ms. Fultz. YOU dropped the ball. YOU broke the rules.

And YOU (and your supporters) should pay the hefty legal bills that are mounting because YOU refused to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

No one has brought the issue that this is because of Mary's race it it because she did not do her due diligence to make sure she was a registered voter and for those two to go with her defense about no one checking is stupid. Good riddance to Wells she throws in the race card a lot when things don't go her way. She has gotten a lot of money from this district a nice phone which they better check that the district isn't paying her bill. A nice dinner in November of last year and a very nice clock I hear. I do believe that the district giving a elected official something like that is illegal but this district is special those rules don't apply to us.

Anonymous said...

Race was not a part of this until the black board members refused to vote against Mary because she is black. Why else would they not vote to take this before a judge and find out what the right and legal way that the district should proceed.

Anonymous said...

Why is it only blacks will stand beside Fultz. Whether it's Mechelle Patterson, Juanita Wells, Claton etc.

Dr. King spoke about the day that people would be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. It appears that just about everyone except black people heard the message.

Until the day that blacks stop covering for each other simply because they are black, they have not understtod King's words.

Anonymous said...

To April 18-7:18am
I went back and read April 16-10:20pm and it states when the "whistle blower" blew.
To April 19-6:59am
Mary Fultz stated Kane St. as her mailing address. She did not state she lived there.
To April 17-7:45am
The list of requirements she wanted to know if had been checked was not about being registered to vote or where one lives, she wanted to know if anyone had a criminal background such as sex offender, if a person was a legal resident, things like this.
If anyone wonders why Well and Hull abstained, why don't they call or email them and ask. That would be the fair thing to do.I jumped to the same conclusion,but them realized I am assuming, and when I do this I know what that makes me.
I amust say, it really was a rather amusing meeting(in many ways).

Anonymous said...

To April 19, 2011 6:35 PM
The post you're referring to says Fultz recited her Kane Street address when asked to state her address. To me, that would be the address where you reside. Not sure what your point is. If she doesn't live there where does she live? In District 131? Has this been verified? Why would you give that address if you don't live there? I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

She stated it as her mailing address. This does not mean she lives there. When I was younger I used my mother's address as my mailing address and also had it on my license, but I did not live there. I actually lived on the other side of town at the time. Therefore, just because she state this is her mailing address, it does not mean that she lives there. When anyone speaks before the board they are supposed to give their name and address, and this is what she stated. I caught this. It is not asked that the person state the address at which they reside. I caught this and it makes me wonder how many others did. It will be on recored, as the meetings are recorded to the best of my knowledge. I wonder if someone has been advising her on what to say when it comes tto things like this.

Anonymous said...

I am just speculating, but when someone speaks before the board or asks a question, they get a reply via mail, so the secretary would need a mailing address. I think the request is to state your name and address. They do not specify residence or mailing. Quit nitpickin'

Anonymous said...

So send a certified letter to the address she stated as her residence, that must be signed by Fultz. If it comes back as undeliverable, you'll have a very strong suspicion that she lied about her residency as well.

Anonymous said...

Mary has too many addresses to be reached at. She needs to tell where her residency is not mailing address. I voted for her but now I wish I hadn't she can't get her story straight and her comments are immature do we need another board member that is incompetent?

Anonymous said...

No, we don't need another incompetent board members. We have enough as it is.

Anonymous said...

So how did Juanita's party go at the Roundhouse did she get that big clock at the taxpayers expense?

Anonymous said...

Back to post topic, upcoming administrative changes at Waldo could really make a positive impact on the teachers at Waldo if the right choices are made.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope there are at least a few good candidates to choose from who are willing to give working in this district a try. We don't exactly have a stellar reputation right now.

Anonymous said...

And speaking of decisions, who's the moron (or morons) at the high school who decided to have the talent show TONIGHT?

Today is Maundy Thursday (some call it Holy Thursday). Churches of every Christian denomination are having solemn services tonight. I'm Baptist, and we're having a Tenebrae communion service. The Presbyterian church in our neighborhood is having a service with Stations of the Cross. And for Catholics, Lutherans, and Episcopalians today is the start of the Triduum--the holiest three days of the year. Their services tonight include foot-washing, Communion, and a re-telling of the Last Supper.

How many of our talented high-school students will have to either compromise their religious beliefs or miss the opportunity to participate in the talent show because of this poor scheduling decision?

Making choices for arrogance.


Anonymous said...

It's called "Seperation of Church and State". Rearranging school schedules for your religious beliefs is tantamount to endorsing one religion. It's not done for any other faith, why do you feel that Christians should deserve special treatment? The students choice has not been removed. If they choose to go to their religious services, no one is stopping them. It's not the responsibility of schools to promote Christianity.

Anonymous said...

8:34 a.m. says:

"If they choose to go to their religious services, no one is stopping them"


My point is, they are having to choose between observing one of the holiest days in the year throughout the Christian community, or participating in the one-and-only 2011 EHS talent show. And it's one thing if a student decides for himself or herself to attend religious services; it's another thing if that student is part of a GROUP that's performing tonight (such as dance, stepping, or jazz band).

That's a lot of pressure on our young people and their families, that could have been avoided if administration had only been considerate of our community instead of giving them the middle finger, AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure when it was decided on to have the talent show tonight some time ago and the kids that want to practice their faith could chose not to be in it.

Again it isn't the responsibility of the schools to check to see want the churches are doing before they schedule events.

Anonymous said...

This is the time of year when families are making their final decisions about where their 8th-grade students will be going next year. And students who have gone to Catholic grade schools (such as OLGC, in our district) must now choose their high school options.

As a parent, I would definitely prefer to send my son or daughter to a school where they were not forced to choose between participating in the all-school talent showcase and attending religious services on one of the holiest nights of the year.

And this does not involve just a few churches, either. Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, and non-denominational Christian churches in our district have all scheduled services this evening.

So, to whoever had the bright idea to schedule the one-and-only 2011 EHS talent show tonight, despite its religious significance, YOU are probably partly responsible for some families' making a decision to send their kids to a different high school.

Anonymous said...

word is that barnes at waldo and the district are being sued by a teacher at waldo....anyone know anything about this or is it trying to be kept quiet like everything else in this district?
it's a good thing barnes finally got fired

Anonymous said...

You just don't get it this is a public district and not a private one so if you want your children to follow the religious holiday's then keep them in private school. There are people of all religions in the district some who don't believe that the lord died on the cross and it isn't the district responsibility to not hold anything on your so called holy days and not all churches do hold service.

It is you who should send your children to a different school if you want them to be able to attend church functions.

Anonymous said...

So if we're not supposed to take the MAJORITY religion's holy days into consideration in a public school district, why is there no school tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Good question I don't know why they get off where I work and many other places don't give workers Good Friday off anymore. But the districts no longer state it is for Good Friday they say a non attendance day not a day off for Good Friday.

Anonymous said...

There is an athletic event at the high school tonight should that not have happened either?

Anonymous said...

Barnes is just another black loser like Patterson, Wilson, Wells and Hall, Clayton and Roberts the biggest loser of all. The only thing is Jerome doesn't think he is Black.

Anonymous said...

The thing is we have employees in this district that are bad employees of all races. It does seem that Wells did like to use the race card a lot and the Central Office employees seemed to really like her and supported this elected official that was suppose to make sure all students what ever their race was and the employees where treated fairly. But she didn't and the ones that got favors from her and she got favors from them will some day pay for that. She got a nice clock worth $500.00 and a nice dinner in November which most of the Board approved.

So as far as Barnes or anyone else in this district does wrong we should look at the problem not the race because they all misuse our taxpaying dollars to their own benefit.

Roberts is a weak Superintendent but they can't get rid of him because they are all dirty and mis use district money so they will cover each others back.

Anonymous said...

Annette Johnson has been a dissapointment. The test scores are still virtually the worst in the state and the only reason the financial outlook has been favorable is due to the enormous tax increase that was shoved down the taxpayhers throats. Really, what has this new board done. Same deplorable scores, Do nothing superintendant, old school buildings, unsegregated population that remains poverty stricken, still no parental involvement. So what is it that this board has done?

Anonymous said...

Good question about what has this board done. They changed the term of for the President of the Board to one year. They still don't pay attention to the administrations spending and going against Board Policy. They did hire the PR person some help so he could work on this pet projects. They extended a do nothing Superintendent and gave him very loose goals. They hired counselors instead of teacher aids and the counselors don't have a administrator to tell them what they are suppose to do.

We are far better off than most districts that have to cut back on teachers and maybe cut programs we get money from the State while other districts are still waiting for some payments.

But our test scores are still not up and yes their are problems with getting them up with some of the students. We are no better off when we had less money it is just now the administration can waste more on themselves.

Anonymous said...

You religious people need to realize that if you miss church tonight, Jesus will forgive you.

You can miss a church service and still go to heaven. And going to church does not make you a good person, as seen on this blog.

If you are that stuck up that you have to go to church tonight, you probably didn't have any talent anyway, so you would not have made it in the show.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't God want you to share your gifts with the world? I think he would understand you missing church in order to share you gift of singing, or acting with your fellow students.

That is what He wants for his children.

See all you religious people like to go to church and TALK about doing God's work, why not actually do it?

Anonymous said...

Hey guess what, there was a fashion show at Bardwell tonight as well as ALL THREE MIDDLE SCHOOLS having a track meet.

OH NO, this whole district is trying to turn these children against GOD!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, isn't it just about the time for the board to choose a new president? Bet they change it back to the way they used to do it, because Johnson wanted to be president so the squeezed Weaver out. Heaven forbid that this board go against Johnson and elect a new president.

Anonymous said...

10:05 says:

"Hey guess what, there was a fashion show at Bardwell tonight as well as ALL THREE MIDDLE SCHOOLS having a track meet"

Those were after-school activities. Maundy & Holy Thursday services were in the evening. Kids (and their families) could have attended the track meets, and later gone to (or participated in) their religious services. Most importantly, kids would not have been put in the middle of an uncomfortable decision they would NOT have had to make, if only the EHS administration had shown a little foresight & consideration!

Anonymous said...

Good job ignoring all of the other points made. Which ultimately means that I am right.

Anonymous said...

"Most importantly, kids would not have been put in the middle of an uncomfortable decision they would NOT have had to make, if only the EHS administration had shown a little foresight & consideration!"

No, most importantly, it is the job of the school and administration to educate the students and prepare them for life. Making uncomfortable decisions is a large part of life. There are always going to be choices that have to be made between work, family, church, and other activities. Here is a chance for the students to practice making those choices while they can still get advice/guidance from their parents, religious leaders, and educators. If you take away that choice, not only from the Christian children but from all of them (which is what you really want to do), you're throwing away a teaching moment and making it harder on the kids later in life.

Anonymous said...

If you are that stuck up that you have to go to church tonight, you probably didn't have any talent anyway, so you would not have made it in the show.
April 21, 2011 8:58 PM


On the contrary, 8:58 p.m.--some of our most talented EHS singers, actors, and instrumentalists are very involved in their churches! At last night's Maundy Thursday service at our church, half the praise team (5 out of 10) singers were high school students, along with one of the guitarists and the drummer. So you are just plain ignorant to make that comment.

Anonymous said...

Well I made that comment. Too bad you are too stupid to get the joke.

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