Monday, December 7, 2009

Interjecting short topic for comment

E-communication and e-files are more common than ever before. Just as our board has gone paperless, companies are also marketing their services for putting all files on e-files. E-files save space, are easy to access saved information and data. Should 131 look for other paperless options, beyond the board packets?


Anonymous said...

Yes, they should it is a great space saver. They should also look into other ways to save.

Anonymous said...

I'd be in favor of any option that saves both our money and our environment!

Anonymous said...

Please, at the middle school and elementary schools they still have to enter grades by hand on a "scan tron" type piece of paper because their computer system is so outdated that they can't submit official grades electronically. You are talking about a HUGE undertaking to get the technology in this district up to where it needs to be.

Glad to see we can be paperless for the board where the students really get their education.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget scheduling. They are still using a system that predates windows 3.0. It's no wonder scheduling is so screwed up every year.

Anonymous said...

Yes they are still using the green monochrome DOS screen computers and dot matrix printers for scheduling. It's at least 25-30 years old. It makes you wonder where all our money is really going.

Anonymous said...

Where is our money going? Maybe not for our elementary & middle school students, but they're spending lots of $ at the high school!

One recent example is the huge expense for the Seussical pit musicians. In addition to the $6,500.00(!) for the conductor, THREE adult professional musicians were hired. That seems wasteful, especially since a previous EHS band director was criticized for bringing in an adult volunteer.

But I guess the administration will spare no expense to cover their blunders and preserve their image!

Anonymous said...

There's a nice new picture of the School Board on the district website, presumably updated to include the new member (Ms. Turza). The two student members are included in the picture, with "Student Member" after their names.

But why is Lisa Morales in that picture? And why is her name listed along with the School Board members? Was she elected?? I don't remember seeing her name on any ballot.

Anonymous said...

I here the board is giving Roberts a big raise and letting him run the district until retirement.

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for the old scheduling of posting grades for this district. If we can give away 20 million dollars why didn't anyone think of the future. It is time for this district get down to business. That includes the board with not fighting among themselves about stupid things and get down to doing what is right for this district.It does seem they move forward in some things but board start asking the teachers what will help them and I think a new system for scheduling would be good. If you can get someone to come in and redo the district website and put all those pictures of children on it you would think you could take the time and update other things. Get you priorities straight and so what is best for the whole.

Anonymous said...

I went over and looked at that photo and I have to agree that I didn't vote for Lisa and she needs to be out of that photo.

Anonymous said...

You mean that the district can not get some grant money to update our scheduling for students and to put their grades in. I would think the state would have something for that so why do we not do it.

This board can fight over lawyer fees and if someone has a family member do a internship for a state representative but we can't or won't do things to help our teachers? I wonder where some of these people work and if that is what their companies do to them? Or I believe there are a few that run their own business would they allow their employees to get two hours off a day during a vacation time and get paid for it. Our board is a joke our Superintendent is a joke and our administration is a joke and we are no better of than we where before.

Anonymous said...

This is from the posting above. Until the people in this district stand up and say they aren't gong to take this anymore it will stay the same. You have members on the board that think this Superintendent can do no wrong and is running this district wonderfully. From what I hear he wants his contract extended another year and you better believe that many of the board members want to do this. the only way this can stop is if the community steps up and stops this. Do you really believe that he should walk away from this district with his big fat pension which is probably four times as much as people make in this district fair? He doesn't even live in the district do you think when he walks away with that pension he will really care about us? It's all about the money folks not about the students in this district but as long as you sit by and let this board renew his contract you have nothing to complain about. You better believe also that after he gets it he will ask for another referendum and get all those low income people to vote for it and your taxes will go for his pension and he will be laughing all the way to the bank. I hope some that live on the far east side that is already paying alot in taxes have to pay more the deserve it for standing by and letting this happen.

Anonymous said...

Christmas cannot come fast enough for the Non-conformists at Simmons. In other words, the ones who bust their butts trying to make a difference, not the bumbling administrators and the teachers who are collecting paychecks for nothing. I am sure the kids are not looking forward to the break. Why would they? They can come to class, berate and threaten teachers and classmates and suffer no consequences. Sounds like a Utopia?? No, its a nightmare. The 3 amigos that run the joint should be asked this- Are you comfortable knowing a majority of your teachers hate the atmosphere there, that was created and nurtured by you? If you are, and refuse to change, then pity the students, yes students, who ultimately pay the price. Previously written in this blog were comments from EA High teachers complaining Simmons sends wild animals to their school. Not Cowherd, not Waldo. These are your wild animals and your signature on the place.

Anonymous said...

Why are people still posting on the last post bring it up to this one.

Anonymous said...

Don't miss the choral concert tonight at East High! Mrs. Nadel and her assistant Mrs. Allen bring out the best in our students, and the program is always entertaining and varied.

Come hear and support some of our finest young musicians!

Anonymous said...

To put that $6500 number into perspective for the musical. $6500 is more than double the amount that the district spends for the band budget at all three middle schools combined.

Almost nothing is spent on our band programs at the elementary and middle school levels and we wonder why our band band program is in such distress.

Anonymous said...

The West Side has a halfway decent scheduling system. It is certainly light years ahead of Easts system. We seem to have money for every pet project that Jerome and Clayton want for their own political futures, why can't we find money for basic needs like scheduling and grading systems.

Anonymous said...

You mix an incompetent administrator like Wlison Morales with an outdated, ineffectual scheduling system and the end result is 450 students in one lunch period, 60 students in a single class, 300 hundred students in one gym period etc. It creates dangerous situations where no education occurs.

Since the district doesn't appear to have the will to replace incompetent administrators, the least they can do is to purchase idiot proof software so their incompetence isn't so glaringly apparent.

Anonymous said...

I see the Board scheduled another special meeting for Jerome. Johnson Roberts, & Clayton looked very happy at the annual Holiday party. Wilson and Lisa sat with them. Funny the other Board members did not sit with him. When you attend these events it is tell tale who is with who. Roberts was certainly happy and rumor has it he is the sup until 2014. The question is what deal did Johnson make with him. Johnson is clearly leaps and bounds ahead of all the Board members and very political.
So why would Johnson back this loser everyone knows hes a loser.

Anonymous said...

Kissing Jerome's ass doesn't make a person political.

What, Stephanie Monnarrez wasn't invited to the party with Wilson? I guess they spend enough time each day together. He needed to get away for a little bit with Lisa.

Anonymous said...

12:07 p.m., that $6,500.00 is only part of the exorbitant cost of the Seussical pit orchestra! I'll be examining the check register to find out exactly how much of our money was spent on adult professional musicians (in addition to that $6500 for the director).

But hey, what's a few more thousand dollars to help prop up the image of corrupt administrators?

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting when looking on the districts website it does not state what the agenda is for this special meeting. I hope the public and teaches show up at this meeting tomorrow. This meeting must be about the superintendant's contract. It is interesting that Ms. Johnson did not state the agenda. The agenda was stated on the website for the last special meeting in Sept.

Anonymous said...

Again, more and more lies on this blog.

East Aurora School District 131

Board of Education Special Meeting
Monday, December 14, 2009
6:00 PM

I. Roll Call

II. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Superintendent's

III. Action, if any, Resulting from Executive Session

IV. Adjournment

Did you see Number 2 - GUESS YOUR A MORON. Look, nobody is trying to hide anything from you.


Anonymous said...

7:39 a.m., speaking of stupidity:

"GUESS YOUR A MORON" is incorrect.

The correct form would be:



And yelling it (in all caps) just magnifies your stupidity and/or ignorance.

Have a nice day!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The blog of brotherly love.

Anonymous said...

8:20 a.m. is displaying their ignorance and stupidity: yelling a profanity because they are unable to come up with an intelligent response.

A bit touchy today, are we??

Or maybe some of these comments (like the ones about the huge expenditures for pit musicians) are hitting too close to home?

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that the board can find time to think about extending the superintendents contract, appoint Boys II Men as business partners complain about lawyer fees and not even that the time to make the teachers job easier by looking into getting a scheduling tool. That would be a plus in my book to see that the Superintendent cares about teachers and not just himself.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, the executive session is to discuss Jerome's termination. Since he just got an improper raise and contract extension from the last board as they left office, I can't imagine any other purpose than to have him removed from his position, especially considering the poor decision making that continues to come from the central office.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think you are going to be disappointed in the meeting tonight then because this is a session to keep him and give him another nice rasie. They have four members on this board that think he is doing a wonderful job and deserves this money. There are two former administrators or teachers I can't remeber which that just love him you can tell when they look at him in the meetings. They also get a nice pension from the state and thinks he should to even though they complain about thier propety taxes they want to spend, spend and spend. I think Johnson has something for him because she to at the board meetings can't take her eyes off him. But that is ok because the live on the Far East Side and they pay more taxes then me and it looks like for them it will continue with these members on the board.

Anonymous said...

I am the one you are calling a moron. When I looked at this on the website last night, I scrolled down, but I did not see an agenda. Does this make it my fault or mean I am telling lies? No, it does not in my opinion. It is there just now when I checked after reading what was written here. Therefore, the reason for the post. Hope this clears things up. My apologies to whomever this offended. Guess none of us will be seeing each other there.

Anonymous said...

website says special meeting does not show there is an agenda. all other special meetings showed agendas. someone new to the website would not think to look an agenda since did not state there was one. bunch of whoopla for nothing.

Anonymous said...

East Aurora School District 131
Special Meeting
Monday, September 28, 2009
6:00 PM
School Service Center
I. Roll Call
II. Alternative School Contract
III. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Appointment,
Employment or Dismissal of a Specific Employee Pursuant to ILCS120/2
IV. Action, if any, Resulting from Executive Session
V. Adjournment

They do seem to do it different at certain times so they need to get their act together.

Anonymous said...

The did do it different this time there are two pages. Heres the first one.
All Children Can and Will Learn
Aurora East Schools
District 131
School Service Center
417 Fifth Street • Aurora, Illinois 60505-4794 • Telephone 630/299-5554
FAX: 630/299-5584
Board of Education
School District 131
Aurora, IL 60505
The next Special Meeting of the Board of Education of School District Number
131 will be held on Monday, December 14, 2009, at 6:00 PM, at the School
Service Center – 417 Fifth Street, Aurora, Illinois.
Annette Johnson
Secretary, Board of Education

Here' the second page. This is not constant but should be.
East Aurora School District 131
Board of Education Special Meeting
Monday, December 14, 2009
6:00 PM
I. Roll Call
II. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Superintendent's
III. Action, if any, Resulting from Executive Session
IV. Adjournment

Anonymous said...

That should of read consistent not constant. Didn't do my spell check.

Anonymous said...

NO, they did it the same way as the October Special Meeting. You people SUCK at the internet.

Anonymous said...

Might have done it the same way as Oct. but they didn't in Sept. Should be the same way all the time. This district is the one that should get there act together and you can bet it is someone from the people making decisions for this district that keeps calling people names and there is a cure for that and it is to get rid of them. They might think they have power while they are sitting where they are but they are nothing in the real world they are just bullies that will get their due.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's just interesting how all of you just ignored the October Special meeting and said that at the last special meeting they posted an agenda (meaning the September meeting). You pick and chose what you want to see and hear and then tell the district they are hiding something or not informing you.

Anonymous said...

So bottom line, what was the actual result of last nights special board meeting? What official acts were taken?

Anonymous said...

Please, it does not matter what the actual results were. Just make something up like you usually do.

Here we go. The horrible Roberts is now getting paid $700,075 per year and has a contract until 2017. Johnson obviously kissed his ass and Dee, Rayanne, and Anita could do nothing to stop it because there are still 4 on the board who will rubber stamp anything, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Anonymous said...

About the only people that think Roberts is doing a good job is his administration and maybe some other community members that he gives favors for and the four board members that can't see the light of day since they are so smitten with him.

You talk about lies yours was a good one with the salary. This districts is the laughing stock of the state and it always will be.

Anonymous said...

If the board and district were as transparent as they claim they are, the information on here would be more accurate. When your leaders keep you ignorant of the facts, rumors do fly.

Anonymous said...

Dr Roberts is a fair and honorable mam and I am glad to see the four board members stepped up to the three disruptive members. I am also glad the Magnet school was renewed for next year. Thanks to the four members they have put our children first instead of promoting personal agenda's. Yes they are Smitten with all the wonderful things going on

Anonymous said...

So you say a Superintendent that hasn't upgraded any of the systems for the teachers like the scheduling system. I say the four board members that voted for him has no respect for the teachers and the community. Also those four others have their own agenda and that is to make administration and the superintendent wealtly they could care less about the children and the teachers. Lets see how wonderful they are when the teachers contract comes up and what they will give them. The Magnet School is a joke. When I talk to co workers from other districts they can't believe we run one like that.

By the way that was a closed session so how do you know how people voted?

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2009 10:15 AM you state that Roberts is a honorable mam. How about our teachers that do the day to day work and are even up to the 21st century with what they have to work with. You know a lot of people thought Blago was an honorable man and where is he now. I hope we see a good raise for our teachers also with the crap they have to put up with.

I do believe that Roberts can work a spell on some of the board members but why hasn't he tried to help the ones that make him look good and that is the teachers and give them the tools they need.

I for one as a taxpayer think the
the three disruptive members have the best interest of the children in mind and no matter how they felt they didn't make a post about this. To me it just shows how some on this board disregards the laws of the state to keep the things that go on in closed session stays there. Whoever posted that comment is a disgrace to the district. You other ones have your own agenda and its not for the best interest of the children of this district it is for giving someone money they don't deserve.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that the one posting was done by a board member that thinks only administration and the superintendent should get good pay. In fact I bet one of them got a favor from the superintendent and believes they own him something. They are so proud to boost about a closed session meeting that maybe someone could say something about it but what if there is something that shouldn't be brought out is because of them. They don't follow the rules and they don't care about it. I bet they sit in their homes tonight being warm having a good meal and don't even think about the other people on the East side that has to turn down their heat because they have to make a decision to be warm or eat. Oh yes they do charity work and are probably helping to make sure the children in our district will get presents for Christmas. But at the end of the day they only worry about if our Superintendent gets a good contract and makes sure they boost about other board members that don't think they same way. Will they step forward for our teachers when their contract comes up. Remember our Superintendent should be a leader for our teachers and give them the same as he got. Our are these board members that think he is so great believe he and only he should get the glory.

So remember as all of you sit in your warm homes and have all the comforts we have families that will have to cut back to pay those taxes that will help this Superintendent live the high life while you struggle to make ends meet. They might remember you at this time of year because that is the thing they think they need to do but after that they will not care if you have food on your table but they will and so will the superintendent since he is the chosen one for this district.

Anonymous said...

That disruptive member got a job for her husband and daughter so who is screwing the tax payers and the kids of d131

Anonymous said...

it was posted about the closed session, no mention of raise of sperintendant. no mention if lawyer & superintendant drew up comtract & if all board members were involved in it or just one.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the husband got a job with the district I believe it was with the union and you need to prove that he got it because of her I don't believe it but show us the proof. It is pretty low when you have to go after someones children.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has a damn clue what any of you are talking about. Name names, what the hell is stopping you.

Anonymous said...

Collette Taylor and the Cowherd Middles School drama department did an awesome job today with their winter play. They do a job that's light years beyond anything going on at the districts other schools. The kids were absolutely amazing.

It was great seeing Mr. Henry Cowherd and his wife come out to support the kids. The kids are always pleased to see them.

Anonymous said...

And I bet that they did the play on a shoestring budget, too--unlike at the high school, where they spend money like it's water on adult professional musicians for the pit.

Remember how outraged people were last year when we found out about the $11,000.00+ hotel bills? Wait until it comes out exactly how much our corrupt administrators spent to cover up incompetence in this one instance. The stuff will really be hitting the fan!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the original topic - electronic documents. This is a great idea as much as it can be utilized. I've been to several board meetings and have seen the board members using the laptops versus the mounds of paper they used to have. Sure, perhaps the initial expense of purchasing laptops may have made it seem to be costly, but it will pay for itself with the elimination of printing and paper costs. Plus the documents are now all available for the public to see.

While I have not always agreed with board decisions, I applaud them for not only eliminating the paper waste as best they can, but also putting many more documents for the public to see. They promised to be more transparent and have shown they take this seriously. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and it would be nice to see the district try to upgrade the scheduling and grading tools for the teacher. While at first it may be a big cost but the time it would save the teachers and those that do scheduling would far out way the cost.

So now if they could only take the time to work and those things instead of the superintendents contract we might get somewhere.

Anonymous said...

The District is coming out with more positive changes everything does not happen over night. That being one of them. The needs of the students are being addressed. Jerome Roberts truly has the best interest of the District at heart.

Anonymous said...

Chapa LaVia sent out a mailing recently, explaining many things, but one thing was how she cut her own salary and blocked a cost of living raise from taking effect.

Do you think heartfelt Roberts is doing that in his new contract, because he cares about the hardships the families in th 131 community have had to endure?

Anonymous said...

If he had the best interest of the district at heart he would take a raise or not much of one and fix the things that need to be fixed. He could of when he came on as Superintendent and took the line like so many other Superintendents that started new and make changes. You know it is a good thing if you think of him as a good and decent man but when you come into a district that needs things fixed you have to sometimes be the person some don't like for those changes.

Anonymous said...

West Aurora Superintendent sure does not have the best interest of the kids. The East/West game is being held in Dekalb this year. Why so they can have a bigger gym for more ticket sales. I hope it is not a snowy ice covered road the day of the game. Compare Roberts to Ryland Roberts wins hands down.

Anonymous said...

Roberts is a better supt. for the educational welfare of our children because the gym at the HS in EA is bigger than WA, so that makes him better?

Anonymous said...

The only board members with agendas are the ones who have never had chldren in the EA school district.
They have made it their personal goal to help their administrative friends at all costs to OUR children. Also, by short changing the teachers.
They may do it by pacifying a few magnet parents, but those few members are approving EVERY thing brought before them, by time Roberts new contract is up, those ladies will have completed what they intended and no longer be on the board and 131 will be in a huge mess.
Do not fear, the state will be taking over by then!

Anonymous said...

You have to be kidding about Ryland and Roberts. Lets take one example when Ryland began at West he made sure the kids going to their schools lived in the district and got rid of those that didn't which saved the district money by being able to shut down a school. He made sure his teachers got a raise finally after the referendum. Rumor has it he continues to reach out to our district to consolidate things that they can be to save both districts money.

As far as The East/West game is being held in Dekalb this year. It has a much bigger gym so more people can come at it gives the players a sense of how it is to play in college. District 204 does this too because they get so many people coming the need the room.

There are some on the board that are blinded by Roberts and I believe to friendly with him. He is their employee not their best friends.

Anonymous said...

Best friend would be Gonzalez because they worked together. Truza is Gonzalez's best friend and will never vote against. They live next door to each other. Wells is old guard and will never cross Roberts. She looks not at his qualifications but the fact he is black. All that being said they are only three votes and not very smart. Gonzalez can not even be she understood and she is a educator.
The boards real problem is Johnson. She is not on the board to benefit the kids of d131. She knows if pushes Roberts and makes him look good she looks good. He knows she can move him along. They have decided that if they keep saying things are great the community will think that. That means they have got to do nothing.
Johnson's political friends are happy with that because now they can say Roberts is great the schools are great and blame it on the parents who are all illegal and don't vote. Everyone is happy Johnson big mouth taxpayers on the far east side can also be happy because Roberts will not cross Johnson and pass a building bond referendum mean-while the schools are filled to the rafters.
Preschool is another lip service program d131 has that makes the schools over-crowded but it is a feel good story Johnson pushes at the expense of the building.
Don't get me wrong Johnson is a gifted politician but like all politicians tell you what you want to hear.
Roberts is a puppet who will say anything he needs to say to retire from d131 now he will. After-all that is what he told everyone.

Anonymous said...

I love how some of you think it is only the 4 who are "rubber stamping." As I look through all of the Board Meeting Minutes, I'm not seeing ANY NO VOTES for things. So do the other three really want to vote no and are just going along with the crowd or are they just rubber stamping as well. Open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Ryland did give to many raises including his own big fat raise he makes about $100,000 more than Roberts. Closing schools is costing West 1.2 million per year. Yes West does want to merge programs but they also want to tap into D131's endless supply of grant money. Finance wise D131 is run better than D129. The students West focused on are ones they did not want like the illegals. They were very difficult with documentation and of course illegals don't give documentation so D131 ended up with 726 from the West Side. If Preschool was such a bad program why does D129 want to be a part of our program.
If Roberts is so poor at managing money why is West ready for another referendum.
Also much has been written about Johnson but at least she was the first board member to bring a positive message forward.

Anonymous said...

I would say that West can get their own grant money and Ryland makes more than Roberts because for one thing they get more money in taxes and he does a better job and they do have illegals but they don't allow them to stay in Bilingual all during their education. I know Hispanics even illegals that would rather live on the West side because their children will get a better education. Yes, they are saying that they might need another referendum but if you read the Beacon today it explains why. I think it is a shame that other districts aren't getting the money they are suppose to yet we are because they say they pay for low income but remember that is state money and all citizens pay into the state and some might start asking why they aren't getting their fair share.

Anonymous said...

The reason they would like to join in the preschool is they could share bussing, buildings and other resources for that programs which makes good business practice and money saving.

Anonymous said...

Ryland is a joke after reading today's Beacon it is states West receives the most out the 3 districts from the State. The State is behind in payments and the referendum they had is tried to property taxes so now they are losing millions. Why should East share they have a small preschool program but nothing like ours. We already share the Special Ed busing and Alternative school. Is that not enough or do you live on the West side and are afraid of big taxes. Say what you will the State is behind in paying bills to East as well. I don't see Augustine & Roberts throwing up their hands. I did notice the Beacon did not include East in the article. Why because we are the only ones not in financial trouble.

Anonymous said...

You wait we will be there is no way around it and a lot of peoples property has gone down in value so next year we won't be bringing in as much either. West is no way a joke and they will find ways to make it through it. Remember the don't live off the taxpayers like we do and bring in all the ELL to get money from the state and the district probably doesn't even use that money like they should and at least they can say they pay their teachers fairly not like us.

By the way if the state goes broke so will we.

Anonymous said...

If the state goes broke, education may be the least of your worries.

Anonymous said...

That is true only time will tell what happens but I don't depend on the state for my living or for my day to day life.

Anonymous said...

This blog is a joke. Can you imagine any other District having a Board Member run a tabloid. The lack of care Carlson has for the staff is unimaginable. She claims she is for making the District better. She is for her own agenda. Carlson is so miserable with her own life she wants to ruin everyone else.

Anonymous said...

ONE HUNDRED PERCENT TRUE - I know that if Rayanne shut this down that some other moron would start one, but the second she became a school board member this should have been shut down. She is endorsing everything that put on here by allowing this nonsense to continue.

Anonymous said...

I think this blog let's people vent how they feel and whether or not a board member runs it doesn't make a difference. In fact I think Carpenterville has one. In fact I have heard Rayanne and two other board members speak highly of the teachers. You see it isn't the administration that is the center of the district or the superintendent. All the board members have their own agenda and it is not for the best of the children it is for from what you hear the superintendent. You better believe if this would be shut down another would come up to tell the truth of how this district is ran. Some that has been said is hard to hear but I think what some say have a truth to it and some don't want to hear it.

You talk about the staff but what you mean is the administration and the superintendent. The lack of care Carlson has for the staff is unimaginable. The lack of respect that some on this board has for the teachers and the tools they have to teach is unimaginable.

This board does not do the job they are suppose to do they just idealize the superintendent and that is not right.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have not seen Carlson or Weaver vote against the Superintendent since they have been on the new Board. Until the other week when they voted against the Magnet school after voting for it a couple of months ago. In typical fashion they had no facts and looked foolish.
As for positive comments Johnson started making those comments and the Board followed along like lost sheep. I went to the Holiday party the Board was there Carlson and Weaver sat in the back while Gonzalez and Johnson walked around and thanked us for a job well done.
If the blog was a place to vent fine. How it benefits the District to have a gossip column I don't know. Whether you do a good or a bad job that is one thing but to have your family attacked is not right.

Anonymous said...

It is not the job of board members to thank any one on the staff it is the Superintendents. Gonzales and Johnson only care about what the Superintendent does. Lets see where they stand when the teachers contract comes up.

If those two want to do something why don't they get a new scheduling system for the teachers to help them. It sounds like someone just likes to toot their own horn. A while back on this blog someone was stating how Johnson and Carlson was doing such a fine job but Carlson must of done something Johnson didn't like and now she is going against Carlson.

Anonymous said...

There's a nice article in the Beacon today about the "Tomkitten" (preschool) library at the high school.

It's great to read about the positive things happening in our district!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw that article. It was right next to the one about the West High Wind Ensemble being selected to play for a clinic in Chicago. Meanwhile, our high school band continues its downward slide while administrators pretend nothing's wrong.

What a difference a few years makes!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I did not see Roberts contract on the agenda tonight. What is the Board doing.

Anonymous said...

Nothing, as usual

Anonymous said...

They will be voting on the supt contract tonight, the board book is not as transparent as it was intended to be.

Anonymous said...

12:14, specifically what about 10:03's comment was ignorant or stupid? I saw the article in today's Beacon about West High's band--has the EHS band done anything lately worth celebrating?

If so, please enlighten us. Otherwise your profanity-laced comments are childish and meaningless.

Have a nice day!


Anonymous said...

They also will be approving the check register, which will be published on the website. You can bet that some of us will be examining it closely to see how our money has been spent lately.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, profanity--the characteristic signature of those who have nothing intelligent to say.

Or of those for whom the truth is too close for comfort.

Anonymous said...

Or the only response that the ignorant and uneducation will understand. Like the morons on this blog.

Anonymous said...

"Uneducation"? What's that?

No wonder you use profanity--it's the only thing you can spell correctly.

Anonymous said...

They will be voting on the superintendant's contract. That is what the acceptance of the closed sessions mintues are for. Maybe details will be brought out, but I believe the superintendants contract should be available to the public. Blog administrator could you please get rid of the postings with the profanity in them?

Anonymous said...

The State passed a law that the Superintendent and administrators contracts has to be posted on the Districts website but with the new one it might take some time.

I'm glad Rayanne is proud of it. There where times I thought it should be stopped but look what has come out. One thing that I find amazing is we have not updated the scheduling system for the teachers but we can do what ever the administrators what to make themselves look good. We can throw all that crap like the Magent Program, preschool and Boys II Men but we can't give teachers and yes I would say some administrators the tools they need for running some parts of the district. It is plain to see that some of the board members act like children and call others names but you have few in following.

What makes some think that they are more educated than others. To me it means that some on the board think they are better than others but when you cross one of them the only thing they can do is act like a child and call people names. If that's what educated means I don't need it.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your glad. Only in East Aurora are we proud that a School Board member is publicly disrespecting administrators, teachers and other school board members.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Rayanne disrespect any board member or the community. She put this out there to let people vent. She might not always agree with the administration but she doesn't disrespect them. In talking to her she has never said anything bad about the teachers when we have been talking and I believe she helps out at some of the schools with the teachers. I do know that she always doesn't agree with some board members but have never heard her say mean things that some are saying here. You know people talk bad about all school districts and probably say worse than what is one here but some truth comes out in this so if you don't like it don't look at it.

This blog has been here for awhile and many things have been said but not until now does anyone really complain.

I do know that one will say the most vile things to you if you don't agree with them I've heard them say that and it is one of the new members.

This board acts more like high school kids in a club than people who should be representing the taxpayers of this district. There is no one better than the other.

Anonymous said...

You want to talk about disrespect? How about the disrespectful way administrators have treated some of our best teachers the past few years? And how about the way the "old guard" School Board disrespected the taxpayers by refusing to answer their questions, and then expecting us to automatically open our wallets?

Certain administrators in this district could write a book on disrespect, as well as cronyism & corruption.

Anonymous said...

We are frequently asked "what has gone wrong with Stephanie Kifowit?" who is Aurora's 3rd Ward Alderman and we have no answer, but we do recognize she has veered off-track to the point where she is no longer competent for taxpayers in her ward.

According to several viewers, Kifowit has made some bizarre statements recently at city meetings.

Despite spending thousands and thousands of your taxdollars to push density reduction for years in her east side ward that is full of overcrowding problems, Kifowit now says that we must do everything to keep residents and even increase them in a school district (East Aurora 131) that cannot handle any more students.

Why would she flip-flop on density reduction?

Because there is a 2010 census coming up and it will help generate dollars for every "head."

She even says we must help owners in foreclosure because we can't lose them as residents. Kifowit wants even MORE residents to move into her ward despite the overcrowding problems that already exist.

So, forget the overcrowding, the pressure on the school district, city services and the poor quality of life for the residents of the 3rd Ward.

The census is coming and that's the priority over quality of life and education of our youth.

And all that effort and taxpayer expense for density reduction? Forget about it.

Kifowit, who is constantly campaigning and seeking political office after coming in a distant last place in a failed attempt to run for mayor, might want to take a break from political fantasyland and flip-flops.

Instead, she might want to figure out where her priorities are when it comes to the best interests of the taxpayers of the 3rd Ward.

Note: In early 2011, there will be an election and opportunity to change 7 Aurora City Council seats, including Ward 3
Shared by OpenlineBlog on 12/18/2009
Labels: aurora ward 3, census 2010, density, density reduction, east aurora school district 131, fleecing of aurora, flip-flops, hypocrisy, stephanie kifowit

Anonymous said...

It is interesting she voted against Terra Oaks for the residents of the 1st ward but does not care about her own. The East Aurora schools are overcrowded. On the other hand the West Aurora schools are empty. Living on the West side residents will be faced with another big referendum. We are so far in the whole we can't get out. Meanwhile on the East side all is well best they continue to generate vast sums of money because of overcrowding. Weisner and group see the overcrowding as a way to generate much needed tax dollars. The 3rd ward will continue to be the pit of Aurora.

Anonymous said...

"Fleecing of Aurora | Alderman Stephanie Kifowit Flip-Flops on Density Reduction at Your Expense"
25 Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is interesting she voted against Terra Oaks for the residents of the 1st ward but does not care about her own. The East Aurora schools are overcrowded. On the other hand the West Aurora schools are empty. Living on the West side residents will be faced with another big referendum. We are so far in the whole we can't get out. Meanwhile on the East side all is well best they continue to generate vast sums of money because of overcrowding. Weisner and group see the overcrowding as a way to generate much needed tax dollars. The 3rd ward will continue to be the pit of Aurora.

12/18/09 6:06 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean pit it is already a pit. Hometown is a joke. The city wants the residents don't forget this year illegals will be counted as well. Low income residents generate tax dollars. Financially the East Aurora Schools are not in trouble like all the other taxing bodies. Why low income students. They don't care about education on the east side only the big dollars low income generates.

12/18/09 6:27 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That ward is a is a dump. Who the hell would want to live there. The streets sucks and the garbage on the porches and yards always add a nice touch. Good Job Kifowit.

Is it true that you have not spent your ward funds. I understand that you have over a years worth just sitting there. Why don't you fix you crap up.
Time to DUMP KIFOWIT. She could not even clean up the crap in the dog park that she wants. Get a job.

12/18/09 8:05 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kifowit is doing the best job she can, considering the resources and people she has to work with.

And speaking of Hometown, I remember that's where Weisner's crony Jim Nesbitt tried to defeat Kifowit a few years ago. For those of you who don't like Kifowit, it could have been much worse--we could have ended up with a serial DUI deadbeat dad as our alderman.

12/18/09 8:10 AM

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody.

Merry Christmas.

Leave it alone. Spend some time with your families.

Anonymous said...

7:22 & 7:32 p.m., guess what?

Most of us are internet-savvy enough to read the Openline blog if we choose, and we don't need or appreciate you duplicating it here.

But if you really want to waste your time & energy, go ahead and display your ignorance!

And by the way, I'm 12/18/09 8:10 A.M.

Anonymous said...

Jerome Roberts will be with the District until 2014. Hooray

Anonymous said...

If that's true, Jerome will be there far longer than the board members that extended his contract.

You can be damn sure there will be a strong backlash against these board members who got elected under false pretences.

We will vote your sorry asses out of your board positions. We removed most of the last board and you can be sure, we can do the same again.

Anonymous said...

You removed nothing they did not run or died or moved. You were so at getting votes the referendum passed. Jerome Roberts will turn the District around and these Board members will be hero's. Carlson was gutless and showed tonight.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Annette!

Anonymous said...

10:57, the reason the referendum passed is because it was on the same ballot as the Presidential election, in November '08. Thousands of public housing residents in our district turned out to vote for the president, and while they were in the voting booth also voted "yes" for the referendum--after all, they knew THEY wouldn't have to pay for it!

Anonymous said...

The referendum passed because the district need money out of you cheep ass bastards. Thank God it did pass.

Anonymous said...

Please keep Jason Ventura in your hearts and prayers as this is a very difficult time for his family and friends. A tragedy is never easy but can only serve to prevent others from happening. May he rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

It was nice to read in the Beacon today about yet another area band, the Oswego H.S. Wind Ensemble, playing at the Midwest clinic in Chicago. Although they may not be from our district, these young people are in our larger community and deserve our support!

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that the Board can give Roberts a big raise but not disclose the details of his contract. They have claimed they are all about transparentcy but are not they are no better than the old Board. I guess Johnson got to Lewis because now Lewis sounds like Johnson. Carlson & Weaver have tried but they lack the ability to bring out their point. Johnson knows that if see can make the East Aurora schools sound good all her political friends will be off the hook. She also new Roberts would say or do anything to keep his job. What a perfect pair see Roberts lied to all the teachers had them go door to door to pass the referendum will he sat in his nice warm office well Lisa waits on him hand & foot. On day a back message the next his lunch. Just wait Johnson and Roberts will give the teachers a royal screwing. Johnson is the board appointed union person. With Roberts we will be left to feel we are being given a favor to teacher the gang bangers of 131. Well Wilson goes out and gets donuts.
Roberts has been not been around for the last two days probably out with Johnson planning the next move to give raises to the other worthless administrators well the teachers get screwed. If the teachers go on strike lets see Gonzalez try to teach a class she can barely speak. She is to good for the rest of the Mexicans so lets see her drive up in her Lexus and teach the poor Mexicans. Gonzalez is so pro administration she will give it a try for her buddy Jerome. Gonzalez actually comes to the office and gives him a motherly kiss. Better not let Lisa catch her. Gonzalez is so under the Roberts spell she even got her buddy Tursa to join Roberts was so afraid after Fartmun left rumor has it they are spending the holidays together that he found another old lady to cast his spell on. Wells on the other hand always votes black. Lewis has now switched just a few days of playing elf with Jerome got her. Jerome is always good at finding impressionable white women to do his bidding. Sorry Jerome this is one white screwed teacher of Patterson discrimination rant that you will not fool

Anonymous said...

4:21pm 'tas loca!

Anonymous said...

This is posted on the West Sides internet site. They then post all their administrators salaries

Public Act 096-0434 requires school districts to post administrative compensation on their web sites and to submit those reports to the Illinois School Board of Education and to their respective Regional Offices of Education (for Aurora West School District 129 it is the Kane County Regional Office of Education). The act also requires that the report be included in a school district’s Board of Education meeting.

Anonymous said...

Here is the school code that our district is violating. It became effective August 13, 2009

Public Act 096-0434

SB2270 Enrolled LRB096 11338 NHT 21786 b

AN ACT concerning education.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:

Section 5. The School Code is amended by adding Sections
10-20.46 and 34-18.37 as follows:

(105 ILCS 5/10-20.46 new)
Sec. 10-20.46. Salary compensation report. On or before
October 1 of each year, each school district in this State,
including special charter districts, shall post on its Internet
website, if any, an itemized salary compensation report for
every employee in the district holding an administrative
certificate and working in that capacity, including the
district superintendent. The salary compensation report shall
include without limitation base salary, bonuses, pension
contributions, retirement increases, the cost of health
insurance, the cost of life insurance, paid sick and vacation
day payouts, annuities, and any other form of compensation or
income paid on behalf of the employee.
This report shall be presented at a regular school board
meeting, subject to applicable notice requirements. In
addition, each school district shall submit the completed
report to the office of the district's regional superintendent
of schools, which shall make copies available to any individual

requesting them.
Per Section 10-20.40 of this Code, as added by Public Act
95-707, a school district must post the contract that a school
board enters into with an exclusive bargaining representative.
The school board must provide the terms of that contract

(105 ILCS 5/34-18.37 new)
Sec. 34-18.37. Salary compensation report. On or before
October 1 of each year, the school district shall post on its
Internet website an itemized salary compensation report for
every employee in the district holding an administrative
certificate and working in that capacity, including the general
superintendent of schools. The salary compensation report
shall include without limitation base salary, bonuses, pension
contributions, retirement increases, the cost of health
insurance, the cost of life insurance, paid sick and vacation
day payouts, annuities, and any other form of compensation or
income paid on behalf of the employee.
This report shall be presented at a regular board meeting,
subject to applicable notice requirements. In addition, the
board shall make copies of the completed report available to
any individual requesting them.
Per Section 10-20.40 of this Code, as added by Public Act
95-707, the school district must post the contract that the
board enters into with an exclusive bargaining representative.

The board must provide the terms of that contract online.

Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.

Effective Date: 8/13/2009

Anonymous said...

So much for transparency. Our district can't even present the information required by law, let alone all the information that we should have access to. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

I just looked at the West Sides teacher colective bargaining agreement. If I cross the river and take a job on the West Side, I would get paid an additional $20,000 a year. It has to make any halfway decent teacher wonder why they are staying in 131.

Anonymous said...

Must be a idiot Board member causing trouble. Look on the district web-site under employment we have the info required by law. Probably the President who never looks at anything just runs at the mouth.

Anonymous said...

I looked on both websites, at the teacher contracts. At the top end of the contract a teacher on the West Side can make nearly $40,000 more than a teacher on the East Side. It's more than time to look at the teacher salaries on the East Side. The teachers are massively underpaid here.

Anonymous said...

Yes you have the info but the teachers are underpaid in this district compared to the Superintendents pay. I believe the president does look at these things.
I believe there are board members that do not follow how are board should act and step into things that they shouldn't and that are those of you that worship the superintendent. That is not your job you are in place to do what is right for the students, teachers and taxpayers.

So my wish for Christmas is that the teachers get a good contract and they get the tools they need to help with scheduling and grading so they have more time for our students. I also hope that the board members get back to the jobs they should be doing and not pinning over the Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

December 23, 2009 7:02 PM
Hello Annette!

Anonymous said...

Check this article out all of you East Side grinches.,0,202339.story