Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finding answers is a lot harder than pointing fingers

Differentiated Learning-could it be an answer for many of the students of D131?

Curriculum goals may be similar for all students, teaching methods must be varied to suit the individual needs of all children: ie. learning must be differentiated to be effective.
Differentiating instruction means creating multiple paths so that students of different abilities, interest or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to absorb, use, develop and present concepts as a part of the daily learning process. It allows students to take greater responsibility and ownership for their own learning, and provides opportunities for peer teaching and cooperative learning.
Differentiating is not new, the concept has been around for at least 2 decades for gifted and talented students. However, it is now recognized to be an important tool for engaging students and addressing the individual needs of all students.



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Anonymous said...

Differentiated instruction is the best way to go. Yet another reason why the honors program, small learning communities, the magnet program, bilingual program, special education and others deserve our support. Education is not a cookie cutter process. Some times fairness does not mean treating everyone the same. The vast majority of education professionals and education researchers will agree, look at the research.

I hope the board will consider all of those options and help the teachers by giving them the tools that they need to create educational programs that do not pigeon hole students into cookie cutter classrooms. Rather find ways of creating programs and policy that takes into account student individuality, learning styles, and ability.

Anonymous said...

God tells us not to be hurt or offended when are opponents and adversaries come against us with insults, lies and harmful things. That we are to remain constantly fearless of our enemies, and at peace. His word says, "The Lord WILL fight for you, and you shall hold your head up high and have your heart at peace and remain at rest" Exodus 14:14...

To all those that are just being slandered and being accused of wrongful doing ,pay no attention to what is being written, Always remember that there will always be someone somewhere that will say or do things because they are unhappy with themselves or because they have failed at other things in there lives. It's always easier to try and point out things in other people to take the focus off of them and what they are lacking....

It's just easier that way...if you talk about someone else and the focus is really off of them in what they lack...makes them feel's sad that this is what represents EA, I mean you can blame students, you can blame parents, now your last resort is to blame administrators of your school for your state tests being low and your schools failing , I mean seriously, aren't you the ones with your degrees to teach????

Your the ones in the classrooms not them!Your the ones who need to figure out how to teach not them, they hired you.....the only thing they should be at fault for is hiring and giving you the opportunity for someone like you to apparently teach students at their school and they are still failing....

You know taking the time to see where they go and what they do with their time has nothing to do with the fact that it falls back on the teachers that can't teach this kids....I mean seriously maybe your right...maybe these administrators should be reprimanded, I mean shouldn't Morales instead of taking a donut run for his OFFICE STaff, be in a classroom observing these incompetent teachers and get on them for not doing there job...

For real stop worrying about how other people need to do there jobs, worry about your won title because at the end of the day it really reflects on you....there just guilty for making poor choices at the interviews with you....and if your so miserable where your at then find another job... no one has you there by force you all whine and bicker on how unhappy you are move on...then get out....!

Give someone a break form having to see these posting and your co workers a rest from their ears!!! How toxic to have to be surrounded by you all.....

God Forgive you all, seriously.....

Anonymous said...

Another example of why we have a separation of church and state.

If it's all on the teachers and the administrators have no responsibility, then why are we paying these morons a quarter of a million dollars a year.

It is the administrators responsibility to hire quality staff members. They are to see to building morale. They are to handle scheduling and discipline. They are supposed to be the educational leaders, supporting and leading the staff for the enrichment of the students.

It is fairly obvious that this does happen at most of our buildings. It is not happening at Simmons. Further, it is the responsibility of the Superintendents and the Central Office to correct the situation if these things are not being addressed in a building.

It is the responsibility of Roberts and Gonzalez to work with or replace any administrators who are not handling their buildings appropriately. Unfortunately, once again, we do not see our superintendent making the correct decisions for our students.

The teachers venting on here is not the cause of the problem, it is just a symptom. Cure the disease, don't mask the symptoms.

Anonymous said...

I agree that kids learn differently from one another, and would benefit by being taught in a style tailored for their individual needs.

But one vital member of the educational team is usually forgotten: the PARENTS. It's our job as parents to be there for our kids with more than food, clothing, and shelter; we need to provide help with homework, communicate with the schools, arrange for tutoring when necessary, supervise our kids when they're not in school, know who they're hanging out with. If every parent picked up the ball and did their job, the teachers could do theirs and our kids would all benefit!

Anonymous said...

Roberts is part of the problem. Wilson would be chasing the secretary if Roberts was not chasing his wife. Roberts is so busy banding Lisa he has no time for Simmons.

Anonymous said...

Roberts allows Wilson to do as he pleases because Lisa covers for him. He spends his day asleep in the office comes out about 3:30pm visits with the staff and goes home. He never attends staff committee meetings and only attends cabinet. That is were he gets his info on how the schools are doing. That and the lunches he goes to every day with admin or schools. See Roberts wife is not around to cook him meals anymore. However Lisa is now around to fill the bill. Only thing she doesn't cook but she takes care of him in other ways. I thought the Board should know how he spends his day.
But along as Johnson backs him no need to worry he is safe for another 3 1/2 years. By then Johnson will more on to bigger and brighter things. See I never said Johnson was stupid she is another white educated liberal that feels sorry for the poor black guy.

Anonymous said...

Can people please stop writing all of these things about people, Please keep in mind our students or parents read this stuff.

It is so unprofessional, and this is really starting to get out of hand. These accusations are unnecessary to write on here.

Write them a letter or send them a personal message or better yet tell them to their face. Many of us really would like this to come to an end.

We need to use this blog in an appropriate way. Maybe some of you are not happy what building you work at. But some of us are, and we love what we do and just please take consideration for the rest of us.

Thank you......

Anonymous said...

I wonder why the students are reading this it can't be many and what benifit they get from it. I do believe that these last postings are over the top and need to stop.

Anonymous said...

No matter who is reading, or what they wrote- stay on topic or go back to the old post and comment if you want to keep discussing the old subject matter.

I believe this post is about education!

Anonymous said...

One way to offer differentiated education at the elementary school level would be for some of the high school juniors & seniors to tutor grade schoolers. This would benefit everyone involved: the younger kids would get help with their homework & advance academically, and the older kids would earn service hours.

Anonymous said...

I believe this blog is about East Aurora 131 and not necessarily about the one topic you may want to discuss. The isn't a teacher in this district who doesn't know what differentiated instruction is. It's just a buzzword for the board to use this month.

I do want to know that the employees are doing what they are paid for. Morales and the other two have written up teachers for being a minute late to school or turning in their grades, yet have no problem disappearing for hours at a time, doing who knows what.

There is a lot more to talk about than the thread title.

Anonymous said...

I am sure some people would like to only talk about the thread titles and not about the corruption at the board and administrative level. It should all be discussed.

Anonymous said...

The last 2 bloggers are correct. There are lots of things that can be and are discussed under each posting. Be it a educators buzzword or gossip.

Some people did NOT want to continue with the Simmons Saga so when a new topic was posted for discussion, anyone wishing to continue the previous discussion could have continued on that topic under the older posting, but they apparently wish to keep following under the current post forcing people to read through their repeated gossip, even though the subject had changed and some want to move on.

Anonymous said...

Bomb treats at East and Dr Roberts sits all day locked up with his Secretary. Morales is still on the trips to we don't know. Some district and the board just sits and lets this go by. The gang activity at East was less when Boys II Men were not a recognized community partner. I bet Lisa was sitting in lap well Doc was fumbling with being Latino.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid comment that is. Gang activity was less, what, 3 weeks ago. You are a moron. There have been bomb theats all last year and the year before. Most of the time in the freshman center, because the middle schools don't know how to control the kids so when they get to the high school we have to whip them into shape, and it takes time to break bad habbits. Too bad you parents don't know what your kids are doing.

Anonymous said...

I am sure they will never share this information with the community but the vast majority of failures and discipline problems at the freshmen center come from former Simmons students, just as most of the discipline problems with students at Simmons had come from Brady where Wilson was before Simmons. Wilson simply can not handle discipline problems with the children and it makes it nearly impossible to run a class when a student knows there will be no real consequence for poor behavior.

Going for coffee and donuts every day (or whatever) does have an enormous effect, not only at Simmons but throughout the district. It's more than just gossip, it's a real problem that affects students in a significant way.

Anonymous said...

You can talk about the Simmons problem all you want but that won't get you anywhere. If people don't step up and say something to someone who can do anything about it than it is just smoke in the wind. If so many feel this way about Simmons than safety is in numbers get a group and do something about it they can't fire everyone. If what you say is true then if you get fired you can sue or are you just worried about your tenure and your pension?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if it's 1 person or 500 people, if the superintendent doesn't want to do something, it's not going to happen.

As it's been stated before, it all rolls downhill from the top. Problems fester in this district for years because of the decision making from the central office. So many problems could be nipped in the bud if we had real leadership.

Anonymous said...

Problems could be "nipped in the bud" if we had more than three parents who are willing to do anything for this district.

Anonymous said...

Parents have no authority to do anything whatsoever. That's all parents can do is whine if they don't like something or sue if they have the money to hire an attorney (not likely). The authority and therefor the blame lies at the top.

Anonymous said...

9:44, you are totally wrong! We parents have quite a bit of influence over what happens in this district. Good parents send their kids to school ready to learn (appropriately dressed, well fed, homework checked). Good parents supervise their kids (or make sure another responsible adult is supervising them). Good parents maintain communication with their child's school, and are involved with PTA. And good parents also speak out (complaining if necessary) when administrators make decisions against their kids' best interests.

Anonymous said...

I stated they have no authority, I did not say they have no influence. If you take a look at what happened to the band. Hundreds came out to show their disagreement with the administration. Kaisershot was still gone. The central office administrators have the authority and the final say. Therefor the blame lies with them.

Anonymous said...

I am one of those parents who was supportive of Mr. K., and I would disagree that we have no authority. We had the authority to vote for School Board members to replace the "old guard" who bullied Kaisershot out of his high school teaching position--and we did just that! At least 4 of the current board members were outspoken in their support for Kaisershot. They're on the School Board because we taxpayers (mostly parents) put them there!

Anonymous said...

Then why does the band still suck? Kaisershot is still in the district. If you have the majority of the board elected because of this issue, it should be easy. Instead, the band is still terrible and Kaisershot is stuck in that hell they call Simmons. Jerome has the power and authority but chooses not to use it and everyone else is just screwed.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a stupid blog.

Anonymous said...

Correction it is only 3 board members. Johnson was never a band person. She did get the vote of many of us because she opposed the referendum thus opposed administration. She has been much to my disappointment very pro administration. This was proven when she bullied the board into voting for Clayton's illegal program. Gonzalez is a former central office employee and now her friend Trusa is on the board. Of coarse everyone knows old guard Wells will always vote with administration. Johnson you are a big disappointment and loser...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anybody who does not think like the 3 people who post on this blog are stupid and losers.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Must not have been important!

Anonymous said...

Wow, There really hasn't been anything posted here in days and the exact same amount has been accomplished.

Absolutely Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's something--

There was a great article in the Beacon today about 3 literacy coaches/teachers at East High. Michelle Gall interviewed them. A nice, positive feature about our district!

Anonymous said...

And something else:

The musical "Seussical" will be performed this weekend at East High. Along with our high school students, elementary students will be featured as part of "Who-ville". This should be a very entertaining, enjoyable experience!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Hispanic parent of 3 Simmons school students. I was part of the PTA and the PAC, I attend the SIP meeting. My students were in the Honor roll the 3 years. I felt that the person who is talking about Simmons never, never make it to the school. He or she never was part of the school. He or she is not a responsable parent or community member that want things to be the rigth way. You are talking whithout knowing the real truth.
It's personal from your part. Lets talk possitively, give ideas to solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

Well the only staff members who aren't at the school very much are Wilson and Sandra. Maybe they are writing about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Three literacy coaches at East High? That makes me feel much better about all our schools failing the state tests, illegal fraternities, administrators disappearing with secretaries, million dollar land deals blown, administrators who won't live in or send their own children to our district schools, etc. etc. etc......

Anonymous said...

It is really amazing how Johnson can sit at a Board meeting and now tell the public just trust all the numbers Augustine gives you. This is the same Augustine that went and mismanaged 20 million of the districts money. Then Roberts appointed him Director of Finance. Yet we are to believe Pro administration Johnson. She is no doubt a good debater because she believes her own lies.
Maybe she should sell Roberts wife on the fact that he has a working relationship with Lisa. Better yet sell Lisa on the fact Wilson is just buying Sandra donuts. Look how she she made Clayton look legal.
The best one yet is Augustine is a good Accountant. what a joke.

Anonymous said...

November 16, 2009 9:26 PM

It should make you feel better about the failing test scores, because these three people are working at East High to improve reading, writing, and language skills.

Way to be the typical East Sider, being negative and throwing out the District 131 "Buzz Words" without knowing anyting.

Maybe with the help of these three, test scores will improve, because they are not just working with students, they are working with teachers, helping them figure out ways to teach vocabulary and other language skills in non-English classes.

Oh, but you can probably see the future, because you are so smart, and you already know that it won't work.

Anonymous said...

There have been math and literacy coaches in the buildings for years. This is just the first time they did a Beacon article about it. And the ignorant among us eat it up because they are so starved for anything that even sounds a little positive. Nothing has changed in the district and the wool is still over your eyes.

Anonymous said...

8:07, I feel sorry for you. You can't see (or acknowledge) anything positive, or admit that there might be something good happening in our district? How sad, both for you and for anyone who has to live with you!

Anonymous said...

I actually see lots of positive things that happen in this district, it's just not in the crap that the administration feeds the people of this community.

The problem is that the only thing that the administration celebrates are the things that they (The Administration)can somehow take the credit for.

Almost all the real accomplishments happening in our buildings are at the individual and small group level. There are great things happening but unless the administration can take the credit for it, you'll never hear about it.

The problem is our administrators are a bunch of publicity whores. They only give a damn when it benefits them. The kids are way down on the administrators list of priorities.

Anonymous said...

I just read the minutes from the Nov. 2 board meeting. I have to say, I appreciated Rayanne's thoughtful comments about Boys II Men. She did quite a bit of research comparing their policies & procedures to the Boy Scouts (she's the mother of an Eagle Scout, so she would know)--and found the two organizations very, very similar.

I continue to be critical of Clayton Muhammad's support for (and defense of) ill-advised administration decisions such as the band issue; but I'm now convinced that Boys II Men deserves to have community partnership status similar to Scouts and other programs that benefit our youth.

Thanks, Rayanne!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rayanne did a good job covering her ass didn't she.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have School Board members who cover their asses than those who KISS administrators' asses! Rayanne did her homework and research before making that statement before the board. So much better than the "rubber-stamping" the old-guard was so famous for.

Anonymous said...

There is no comparison. The Boy Scouts are not a fraternity , Boys II Men is a fraternity. High school fraternities are illegal are illegal in the State of Illinois, the Boy Scouts are not. If Rayanne knew this, she is advocating illegal activities and if she can't see this, she is incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Well, there is a comparison between the two. You can compare anything you want. People just don't have to buy it if they don't want to.

I hope everybody keeps drinking the kool-aid of this new school board. Guess what, nobody will ever name a school after one of these ladies.

Anonymous said...

Boys II Men is not a fraternity. It is a service organization. It may have originally been established as a fraternity, but it has evolved into a more inclusive, diverse group that has the potential to be a great asset to our district.

And you can bet that many in this community will be watching Boys II Men closely to make sure it functions as a service organization instead of a fraternity!

Anonymous said...

10:54, guess what?

Most of our current School Board members could probably care less about whether a school would be named after them. What they do care about (and what we elected them to do) is making decisions in the best interests of the children in this district.

Anonymous said...

Only "Most" of the school board members care about the students. THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU ELECT THEM.

Anonymous said...

11:33, you can yell but you can't read! What I said was that most School Board members don't care whether schools are named after them. I didn't say that most School Board members care about the students.

Anonymous said...

As long as membership in to Boys II Men is done by their members leadership instead of predetermined qualifications giving everyone who wants to join an equal opportunity, then they are by definition a fraternity and therefor illegal. It doesn't matter what they call themselves.

Anonymous said...

What is a service organization? Here is what the Boys II Men website says about becomming a member. What other service organization has this type of rules.

To obtain full membership in Boys II Men, prospective brothers must:

Be enrolled in 8th – 12th grade
Have a personal desire to succeed in life
Have parental permission
Attend four (4) consecutive chapter meetings
Complete the Application for Membership
Complete an Interview with the Directors
Recite The B2M Creed during the Induction

Anonymous said...

I went to the Boys II Men web site. They still refer to themselves as a fraternity and their sister organization as the Diamonds Sorority.

They, themselves know they are a fraternity, I don't know why your head is still where the sun doesn't shine and can't figure it out.

Their colors are still black and brown for the skin color of their members. It's still discriminatory.

And to the board members that voted for this disgrace, we will remember this at election time. Just as we remembered at the last election the voting record of your predecessors.

This district will get a real board eventually. Apparently, we didn't get it right last time.

Anonymous said...

Remember all of the neighboring schools use this program. So why not pick on the West Aurora School, Batavia, or District 204. Why because none of the members of these boards will subject themselves to public comments on a blog. Why because other board members have respect for one another unlike this board. Why because a board member would never become part of ruining a administrators name like Wilson,Sandra, Lisa or Jerome. Right Rayanne

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that these other districts have Boys II Men in it?

Anonymous said...

When I joined the Scouts in the '70s, we were required to do the following:

--have our parents sign a permission slip

--pay weekly dues

--recite the Scout pledge and the Pledge of Allegiance at every meeting

--demonstrate knowledge of flag etiquette, first aid, and campground safety

--notify the scoutmaster if we planned to be absent for a meeting

Many service organizations have similar requirements. Boys II Men definitely shares some of the same characteristics of Scouts, and should be treated accordingly.

As far as the word "fraternity" is concerned, the Internet is forever! It would be impossible to remove that word from the earlier versions of the website. What really matters is whether Boys II Men will prove to be the inclusive service organization promised by Mr. Muhammad. You can bet we'll be watching!

Anonymous said...

They have a current website and it says fraternity. Yes, sometimes things from the past shows up but the one that did before is gone they took it off when they started the investigation of it. I believe when Clayton was asked about it at the board meeting he also called it a fraternity.

As far as boy scouts or girl scouts yes we have to know the pledge and get our parents permission to join in fact they encouraged the parents to get involved in it and I believe they still do. but we never had to
Attend four (4) consecutive chapter meetings
Complete the Application for Membership
Complete an Interview with the Directors
to join those groups.

Anonymous said...

Yes all these Districts have Boys II Men we are the last District to have it. So start complaining to the other Districts

Anonymous said...

That's funny when I looked at the other districts they didn't have it and I asked people where I worked and they live in a couple of other districts they said they never heard of it.

Anonymous said...

There is definitely an application form to be filled out (and signed by parents) in order to join Scouts. At least there was when my kids joined.

I don't remember an interview being required, but that would be a positive thing. It's good for kids to sharpen the skills they'll need in the adult world by doing an interview.

And about the four consecutive meetings--in Scouting you're expected to attend every meeting (or notify the leaders if you'll be absent). Every service organization needs to make sure that their members are serious and dedicated to the group's mission; having an attendance requirement is one way to achieve this goal.

Anonymous said...

The call the Superintendents office they will tell you they are using the program. You can also call Mike Chapin's office at D129 or the office of community relations at D204. They run Boys II Men day and refer to kids to the program. The problem with this blog is it is a couple of negative people who don't care to get the facts correct.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that these schools would encourage kids to join a faterenity. I know that these districts have mentoring programs that are better than ours and parents and others get more involved than in our districts but I don't see anything under the Boys II Men.

Anonymous said...

From the Beacon today under School Districts Bracing for Cash Crisis.

In East Aurora, growth has been lousy, making for a meager hike. They're expecting to get $26.3 million in tax revenue, up from last year's $25.9 million. They'll be asking for $27.2 million.

Augustine is working on a plan to basically redo the bonds East has, paying off the expensive bonds and getting them covered with cheaper ones. All they need is the permission of the bond-holders.

It's like if a person put savings in a bank account with a better interest rate.

"It may not work, but there are some organizations that have had success at doing that, so we're going to try," Augustine said.

He plans to bring the idea to the School Board next month.

While all other districts where planning for the future we just kept on spending. How will this effect our students next year.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GET OVER WHAT THAT SOME ON THIS BOARD LIES TO US. Should the parents and students not be concerned about what will happen to some programs, sports or what ever some what to cut so the programs they keep shoving down our throats that really don't do any good for the students keep going.

No one has a magic wand that will tell us what will happen next year but we should be prepared and not have some telling us that they can say that no cuts will be made. remember when you promise that things will not get tough you are the ones that will have to eat your words if things get bad. There are no givens in this world and the state is in bad shape so to promise things that you are not sure of is not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter, the world is going to end in 2012.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that someone keeps posting negative comments about Clayton. It is interesting that those same comments are ones that the board President has made in public. This coming from someone who will never speak of her daughter that spray painted the school. She is lucky the district did not charge her with a criminal act. This coming from a women that ran for the board because she was a bad parent.

Anonymous said...

I don't hear Clayton saying anything about his Boys II Men Student Board member that someone let into the high school and help do damage to it that did add up to more.

I have asked her about that and she did tell me the whole story. Yes, her daughter did it and she owned up to it and I believe she did not tell on all that was involved. I'm not going on any side just stating the facts.

Anonymous said...

If you commit a felony and she did it was her obligation to tell who spray painted the school. If Boys II Men were involved then that should have been brought forward. However Ms Weaver has a creditability problem and that is why she can not be believed from telling tales to residents to giving false information at board meetings.
Before she spreads vicious lies she should look in her own back-yard.

Anonymous said...

9:21 must be someone who either never raised children, or a hypocrite who thinks their own children are perfect angels.

Teenagers do foolish things. They have occasional lapses in judgment. That does not mean their mother is a "bad parent". Spraypainting the school as a prank was a stupid thing to do, but it was hardly a criminal felony offense.

At least one administrator's son HAS been in serious trouble with the law, however. Would you automatically characterize her as "a bad parent"?

Anonymous said...

Yes I would and that Administrator is Marin Gonzalez. She should think twice before influencing the lives of other children.
Spray painting is a criminal offense and Ms Weaver has made it a personal issue between her and administration clouding her judgment on school issues. Ms Carlson is another one the band became her focus and between the two they have wasted 2 years on the board. Carlson has become a better board member in recent months. Weaver is just her own hateful self. Everyone shes her for who she is.

Anonymous said...

No the one with the Boys II Men was last year when one of them was on the board as a student member and that one also spray painted and did other things. The cost was way more than the spray painting and from what I heard her daughter offered to pay for it.

Yes, to think that any child will not do something stupid while growing up is foolish and even as we get older we still make mistakes.

What lies has see spread? I've been at board meetings and haven't heard any. If you know what the lies are you should tell us.

Anonymous said...

She knows the lies she spreads to bring up the lies would only hurt the person she is spreading stories about. From people having affairs to employees being accused of drinking. See when the shoe is on the other foot Dee and her few supporters don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Well you would think that person would want to know she is lying about them. I will email her on the board website and ask her about this.

Anonymous said...

Another large favoritism incident at Simmons. I'll share the details at a more opportune and appropriate time.

Anonymous said...

This weekend is the musical at East High: "Seussical".

It's a fun show, entertaining for the whole family. And it features some of our grade school students as citizens of Who-ville. Guest director is the legendary Arlene Hawks!

Don't miss it!

Anonymous said...

I hope it's better than it sounds, because it sounds like something geared towards first graders.

Anonymous said...

It is geared toward KIDS, but if you were not so cold-hearted, maybe you could have some child-like fun for an hour and a half and remember what Dr. Seuss was all about; respect, equality, friendship, imagination.

Anonymous said...

Dr Seuss was about the same thing everything else is about: MONEY.

He made millions pulling the sentimental strings of millions of saps like you. It's like the Beatles, John and Paul never said let's write a great song. They said, let's write a new car or a new swimming pool.

It's always about the money. Get to that level and you are almost always the closest you'll ever get to the truth.

Anonymous said...

Good, go to the musical and spend some MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

(singing)--"Money makes the world go round, the world go round"

Hey, that's from a musical too!

But seriously, people of all ages can enjoy Dr. Seuss. It's like the Charlie Brown Christmas special--universally entertaining for those open-minded enough to give it a chance.


Anonymous said...

No, it can't be enjoyed by heartless, uncaring, sad, and mean-spirited people, who only see the negative.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately most of us can see the positive in our district, while still speaking out against what's wrong & unfair. I enjoy Dr. Seuss--but hey, if you don't than stay home. It's your time & money!

Anonymous said...

Tis the season that reminds us there are Scrooges and Grinches among us who will never find the true spirit of human kindness nor simple pleasures and happiness in their lives.

Anonymous said...

A large part of what makes other school districts great is that they make judgements about what's good and bad. They encourage those that excel and weed out the incompetent. Our district does not do that and it shows in everything we do. Doing those things for the sake of the children is not being negative, it's being compassionate.

We know what's right and wrong. Do we have the strength to fix our problems. Sticking your head in the sand like an ostritch doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that Wilson was a guest of the Superintendent at Triple I this week end. Not only was he a guest the district paid for his hotel room and meals. No other employee unless a central office person was given this opportunity. I guess he buys Dr Roberts Donuts too.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know where the district came up with all the extra money to pay THREE adult professional musicians to play in the pit for the EHS musical. And this would be in addition to the exorbitant $6,500.00 paid to the EHS band director just for directing the pit!

Unless, of course, these adults graciously volunteered their services (as used to be the case a few years back)--but then certain administrators could claim that they were denying a student the opportunity to play. Silly me, I forgot--the rules and expectations were changed by administrators 5 years ago!

Money may be tight, but this district's administration will always be able to justify spending to save their image and a$$es.

Anonymous said...

As far as the conference this week there was a few of them that stayed overnight in Chicago this weekend and probably had some family members with them. I thought the policy said that if it wasn't more than 50 miles away the district wouldn't pay for them to stay overnight.

Anonymous said...

I see that the board policy for conferences has been changed and it no longer states how far away the conference is before they can stay. But it did say that the rooms can be only be singles. The Superintendent can make changes to that though.

Anonymous said...

1:47, my guess is the administration brought in those adults to play for the musical because the pit sounded really bad last year. And if you really want to know how much they were paid you can look at the check register.

Anonymous said...

I was just looking at the check registry. What exactly do we get in return for the almost $100,000.00 we gave to the Quad County Urban League. That's almost $100,000.00 in only one months check registry. How much are they getting for the entire year?

Anonymous said...

It might be for that alternative school that so many citizens wanted.

Anonymous said...

What hateful, spiteful people you are. May God help you all

Anonymous said...

God is helping us to know when some are misusing the money of the district. It may not seem like it but there are people that care about the children of this district and the education they get.

I don't think that some of the gossip on this blog does any good and it will not get anywhere.

For all the people that post on this blog let's hope that the passion you feel for what is going on and the misuse of district funds and self worth of some in the district that works for them will stop for a minute and realize that we are in the business of educating our children and not for their advancement and their claim to fame.

Anonymous said...

To: November 22, 2009 6:40 PM

Why are you so insecure about questions regarding the Quad County Urban League? Is there something being hidden there?

I think the public has a legitimate right to know where our money is going when a public entity is spending a hundred thousand of our dollars.

Anonymous said...

Then don't ask on this STUPID BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will NEVER GET THE RIGHT ANSWER HERE. This blog is not run by the district, nor do they care about the questions posed here.

Anonymous said...

The Quad County Urban League was the organization backing Clayton and the Boys II Men. You know damn well there are shady happenings going on there. It definately should be looked at very closely.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, got that blog people. Look closely. Keep an open eye while you sit on your butts.

Anonymous said...

I'm not insecure about asking about that money. I remember when they talked about The Alternative School and the Urban League they stated it would be that much for the program. It was also in The Beacon. I do intend to ask about it and I will wait for next month to see if it comes out again.

You also can ask a board member about it.

Anonymous said...

10:04 p.m., you're half right. The blog is not run by the district; our administrators would prefer that any & all information be carefully screened by the district's spokesperson (that way they can sweep anything they don't like under the rug).

But you can bet that they care what's posted here! I know of at least one middle-school principal who has pulled teachers aside to ask whether they've been posting on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Our district can be proud of its talented kids who performed "Seussical" this past weekend! The elementary students were especially cute--what a great experience for them! Kudos to all who were involved!

Anonymous said...

And the band in the pit sounded much better than last year's. Of course, having several adult professionals playing along with the kids had a lot to do with it.

Anonymous said...

The Urban League received $160,000 from District 131 and $210,000 from District 129. The City of Aurora also paid $60,000. District 204 has a in District Alternative in a separate building. East and West have decided it is cheaper to use Urban League. These kids need to be separated and space is a problem in our schools. Before you complain get your facts to much of the blog is based on lies.

Anonymous said...

It's the same small group of Clayton's cronies every time.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder which middle school administrators that might be? Could it be Simmons?

Anonymous said...

So one would have to ask about the almost $100,000.00 we gave to the Quad County Urban League. That's almost $100,000.00 in only one months check registry. How much are they getting for the entire year?

If we have given the money already for the alternative school why is this money being spent. But you have to ask the board did approve this so if you really want to know ask them.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

You mean the board, superintendent and most the administration lies and stretches the truth.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't, but thanks for trying

Anonymous said...

Annee's actually a guy--ha ha--fooled you!

Anonymous said...

9:15, here is the most recent comment posted by Annee on the Beacon website:

I'd like to know where District 131 came up with all the extra money to pay THREE adult professional musicians to play in the pit for the EHS musical. And this would be in addition to the exorbitant $6,500.00 paid to the EHS band director just for directing the pit!

Unless, of course, these adults graciously volunteered their services (as used to be the case a few years back)--but then certain administrators could claim that they were denying a student the opportunity to play. Silly me, I forgot--the rules and expectations were changed by administrators 5 years ago!

Money may be tight, but this district's administration will always be able to justify spending to save their image and cover up past disastrous decisions.


Specifically where are the lies in this statement? Or are you just upset because certain administrators' hypocrisy is being exposed? Or maybe you'd rather the community not know how their tax money is being wasted?

Anonymous said...

The "administration" laughs at what is posted here because they know nothing will ever come from it because you are all a bunch of do-nothing losers.

Anonymous said...

No, nothing ever comes out of what's posted here. I guess things like voting in 4 new school board members, the check register being posted online, and people's awareness being raised about important issues in our district count as "nothing" to losers like 2:08 p.m.

Anonymous said...

School board members were not voted in because of this blog, there is no way that thousands of people come here for who they should vote for. I believe that the check register is posted because Antia brought it up at a SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, not on this blog. And your last "reason" is so vague that it does not even count.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of people do indeed come here--just check the site meter! Whether or not they take the information on this blog into account when voting, I don't know. Maybe it's just coincidence that most of the old-guard board members were voted out, and the balance was tipped in favor of accountability and students' best interests.

We live in a free country. Don't like this blog? Then don't read it. Better yet--start your own!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the site meter says that over the life of the blog, about 4 years, this blog has been viewed just shy of 76,000 times. So that must be the number of people that read this, or could it be just a few people coming back many times.

Now it does say an average of 68 to 140 per day. That seems like a more accurate number of people who come here for you "REVOLUTION."

Don't just take the biggest number you see, just because you like it more.

Anonymous said...

And how many people read YOUR blog, 8:15 a.m.?

Anonymous said...

Nobody, I don't have one. So what's your point. I'm not saying that 70 to 140 people is bad, but lets not make this blog "Earth Changing" or even "Aurora Changing" because it isn't.

Anonymous said...

Where do you see the site meter I don't see it.

I think some come here to see how disfunctional this district is. I think awhile back someone said a college class was watching this for some reason.

I do believe this blog gives a false preception that a board member can change things but that is not the truth it is the Superintendent that takes care of those things it is the board that hires the superintendent to follow tier policy. So if you are not happy with how things are going in the district you need to get the board to hire another superintendent so that one can get better administrators.

Anonymous said...

From the ISAB website.

One of the six principles applies directly here: "The Board Delegates Authority." That principle states that the board delegates authority to the superintendent to manage the district and provide leadership for the staff. For example, a board may adopt policy that establishes hiring criteria and standards, may delegate the implementation of that policy to the superintendent and may monitor compliance with the policy.

This allows the board to spend its time establishing what it wants, delegating the authority to get the job done to the professional staff best qualified to do the work and monitoring whether the board's direction is being followed and its goals are being achieved.

Ultimately, the board is responsible for everything, yet it must recognize that everything depends upon a capable and competent staff. This sort of delegation can be difficult for board members who are accustomed to direct action. However, to stay appropriately focused on the big picture and avoid confusing staff, school board members must discipline themselves to trust their superintendent and staff and not involve themselves in the day-to-day operations of the district.

One of the best resources to help new board members understand the requirements of The School Code and how a board must operate as a corporate entity is the Illinois School Law Survey. Now in its 10th edition, the Law Survey is written by Brian A. Braun, a school law attorney who lives in Champaign.

Anonymous said...

Screw the IASB they are pro nothing they have done anything to influence or lobby for better school laws. They are a bunch of fired or retired Superintendents and old Board members who need this organization to feel like they are a part of something.

Anonymous said...

No it seems that some board members feel they can break the law. This might have been posted on ISAB but it is in the School Code which we know no one follows those.

Anonymous said...

Everyone breaks the law that's America. If you know who they are report call them out on the carpet in public.

Anonymous said...

What good would that to to call them out nothing would be done.

Anonymous said...

Then stop complaining and live with in

Anonymous said...

Nope it is our right to complain until someone does something about it and this district follows the law. It seems some want to scream things are wrong or are felonies but they still break the law themselfs.

Anonymous said...

Complain all you want it gets you no place

Anonymous said...

I just read that the district paid Brian Liska $6500.00 to conduct the pit for the musical. I assume this is for all the added rehersals after school hours for the musical.

Many of the after school practices were cancelled (he apparently had more important business than what he was being paid for) and many of the Jazz Band practice times, during the day, were used to make up the practice time he was skipping after school.

Jazz band was not doing their jazz band requirements, instead they were practicing for the musical during Jazz Band time so that Brian could leave early.

While the band may have sounded "better" than last year (because they hired outside professionals) it didn't sound good. These kids could be doing so much better with a real director at the helm of the program.

Anonymous said...

And yet he (or one of his friends/supporters) had the gall to criticize the previous EHS band director for "hiring out" the pit (on a previous thread on this blog).

Hypocrite, much??

Anonymous said...

Enough with the band did you ever think it could be the quality of students. By the time Liska gets them if they can't play a instrument they will never play a instrument. For all you Kaisershot supporters why is Kaisershot not doing any better remember it starts from the bottom.

Anonymous said...

The band at Simmons sounds better in some respects than the high school band, thanks to Kaisershot.

And the main problem with the band program at East High isn't the current director, but an administration that continually covers up and makes excuses for the fact that the improvement promised as a reason for replacing Kaisershot has not happened. It's becoming more and more obvious as time goes by that this decision was NOT made in our kids' best interests!

Anonymous said...

Jerome Roberts & Shelia Conrad are not the Admin's in charge when Kaisershot was in demoted. So I can't understand the cover statements.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Conrad is only one of several of the current principals at East High. Mr. Joe Harmon was definitely partly to blame for K's reassignment, along with Dr. Marin Gonzalez (who is no longer an EHS principal but very much still in power as assistant superintendent).

And Ms. Conrad might not have been directly involved in bullying K out of his high school teaching position, but she has made excuses and pretended not to be aware of many blunders over the past four years.

Anonymous said...

My chld was at EAHS when Ms. Conrad was there on both ocassions. I feel she truly tries to do what is best for the students. She does have certain individuals who call the shots and to whom she is accountable. J. Harmon on the other hand, was likely the kid in school who told the bully where the kids were hiding, then shined up an apple for the teacher, just trying to stay on good side of those most powerful in his circle.

Anonymous said...

Let's be Thankful on this day that so many students where able to have Mr. K. for a band director for so many years. Many still talk about him and how they like the years in the band.

You know we have many teachers that have done good for our children and have touched their lives so lets be thankful for all of them. I wish more parents and people that post on this blog talk about them.

Anonymous said...

How sad that someone should spend Thanksgiving talking about the Band.
What a waste of life. I work with Kaisershot at Simmons and for all the former Band parents leave the poor guy alone he is perfectly happy to be out of the rat race and politics at the East. He will tell you he feels sorry for Liska. Also, Kaisershot as a person does not seek to be noticed he still makes the same salary, works less than Liska and makes more, so WHY do you think he is unhappy. In fact when Board members Carlson and Lewis keep pushing him and bring out the past I know he does not care for it. So Lewis and Carlson should put both of their brains together maybe they can form a half and leave Simmons ALONE. They only come around to get the dirt on administration. The Band is a DEAD issue.

Anonymous said...

Kaisershot makes the same salary?? I don't think so! His salary went DOWN more than $20,000.00 when he was "reassigned" to Simmons. And yet the administration pays Liska $6,500 extra for what amounts to very little actual work.

As far as the band being a dead issue, a lot of us don't necessarily care who directs the EHS band. We just want the administration to deliver on their promise of an improved band program, or admit that they made a mistake 5 years ago. Our kids deserve a quality program, and we will continue to speak up until that happens.

Anonymous said...

His Salary does not include the extra's that's it. He would have to spend extra time earning the extra's. Such as pit director. Liska also holds more hours of education that is how a teacher is paid by the cert's they hold. Kaisershot just lacks professional development credits.
Simmons funnels kids into the East Band system they are a direct result of everything else that is wrong in this District. To many kids that need a job after school not a band instrument. Jobs put food on the table.

Anonymous said...

Yes, when they report to the State everything they get is included in the salary given to the State.

Anonymous said...

"Liska also holds more hours of education"--totally, totally WRONG! Kaisershot has a master's degree PLUS two dozen years of experience PLUS additional credits in administrative & supervisory coursework (which he was required to get when he was department chair at East High). Unfortunately, all of Kaisershot's academic and professional achievements were irrelevant to "Serial Bully" Radakovich and his cronies (which include a handful of administrators still working in this district). They were desperate to replace Kaisershot with anyone who had the bare minimum qualification (a bachelor's in music education) and who they thought might be willing to kiss their behinds.

Anonymous said...

So the East-West game is going to be held at NIU this year? Why is West taking it out of town? It's in January and out of town - could that affect attendance? I've been at the first two boys basketball games in the tournament this week and they are really something! Did West even talk to this side of town about moving it 25 miles away?

Anonymous said...

Why do they need to. Screw you.

Anonymous said...

12:17, I think West likes NIU's facilities. They've had their graduation ceremony there for at least a couple of years.

Anonymous said...

Might be fun to see the teams playing at NIU rather than being shoved into a crowded auditorium at West? But it is kind of a hike and who knows what winter weather will be like. When is the game?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone here gone to see this year's basketball team? I went yesterday to the tournament. Outstanding team! They really play well together. Even though we didn't win, it was one of the most energetic, exciting games I have attending in a long time. This is going to be a great season. Heck, I'd certainly drive 25 miles to see them beat West!

Anonymous said...

Here's an update on "Serial Bully" Radakovich--

He is now teaching graduate-level courses at Aurora University (specifically "Educational Leadership" and "School & Community Relations"--what a joke!). And he is also a men's soccer coach at AU.

My son had been considering taking some grad courses at Aurora University, but our respect for AU took a big nosedive when we found out they hired Radakovich.

I guess the "Serial Bully" had friends who owed him a favor, or who pulled some strings to get him a job. It's obvious that integrity wasn't part of the list of qualifications!

Anonymous said...

There is a line in the November check register titled Board of Ed. Judgements and sub-titled Robert Green for the amount of $42,000.00. It's at the bottom of page 25 of the register.

Apparently, there was a settlement on the Bob Green discrimination lawsuit. It's not clear if this is the only payment in the case or if Bob Green's lawyers were paid seperately.

I am also interested to see Bob Green's salary this year and over the next few years to see if his salary increases are the same as every other teachers or if some of the settlement is being buried there.

I also noticed that nowhere in the board minutes is there a record of a vote on this settlement. Jerome doesn't have the power to approve a $42,000.00 expenditure without board approval. So where is the board vote on this matter. There is no public record of a vote. Where is the transparency I keep hearing about.

I guess they were to busy approving illegal fraternities, they didn't have time to oversee large expenditures to the district's finances.

I also didn't see a half page article on the Bob Green lawsuit in the Aurora Beacon. Clayton was very public about defaming Bob Green when it all started. Where is he now that the district lost the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the districts legal expenses. They had to be at least as high as Green's were. How many days were teachers and administrators pulled out their schools and classrooms for depositions? You know this whole matter has cost the district at least six figures.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

When you donate $100,000.00 to the district so that my taxes don't go up again to pay for administrative incompetence, I''l shut up. Or better yet, why don't you go to your local school and explain to the students that they are going to have to make due with their twenty year old school books for a few more years because their administrators and board are incompetent.

Until then, I'll scream it from the mountain top every time the board and administration screw up and cost the tax payers huge amounts of money.

The administration could have stopped this long before it became a matter for the courts and cost the tax payers six figures.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder while you are finger pointing. Only one of the present board members was involved in the Green case from the onset, and she defended him.

Anonymous said...

So what was happening at East Aurora tonite. One squad car out in front and down the street they had some more and it looked like someone was getting arrested.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For someone critical of finger pointing, you are pretty quick to point your finger at the previous board.

Anonymous said...

I remember a scout leader telling the children-whenever you point a finger, you have 3 fingers pointing back at you. :)

Anonymous said...

My scout leader used to tell us that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Anonymous said...

My scout leader used to say, "Shut UP, and don't tell anybody."

Anonymous said...

I was never in scouts. Looks like I missed out on getting some good advice!

Anonymous said...

My parents also said the same things to me. They also gave me other good advice. I'm not saying that the scouts or anything else don't help but you should get alot of this advice from home.

Anonymous said...

Don't miss the Simmons band concert tomorrow at 4:30 p.m.--hear some of the finest bands in our district perform!

Oh, and there's also a band concert at East High tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

The Simmons Band sucks just like all the band programs in d131. Must be a board member.

Anonymous said...

The Simmons band LOL I would not waste my time.

Anonymous said...

So go listen to the "new, improved" bands at the high school. The pride of the district--yeah, right.

But it's obvious that the administration is doing all it can to prop up the EHS band. There is no mention whatsoever of the Simmons concert on the district's website, but the high school concert is front-and-center on the scrolling announcements.

Maybe the concerts can be broadcast and/or recorded on D131 TV so people can hear and judge for themselves.

Anonymous said...

If you had any clue about copyright laws you would know that is ilegal. The bands own the right to record for a one time, education purpose, and not the right to record and post. But if the "community" wasn't so lazy and judgemental they would get off their asses and go see for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Simmons Band Director did not send a press release. There is no mention of the Waldo concert either which is on Friday night, there is no mention of the Girls Varsity Basketball game that is on Saturday, there is no mention of the Jazz Concert on Tuesday, there is no mention of the Chorus concert next thrusday, there is no mention of the Cowherd concert whenever it is. WOW there is a lot not mentioned, maybe it is not just the district trying to hurt somebody, and really just somebody not doing their job. (Like a teacher not contacting the servce center to put it on, or the survice center being lazy and not putting it on.) See how there could be two sides to the story, something this stupid blog will never get through their head.

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any copyright law that says that. Just like any business or district if they take the video with permission from parents then they have the right to show it how many times they want. If the parents give permission for it to be video tape than the district can put it on the website and show it. In fact I believe if they wanted to they could put it on UTube everyone else does. Also shouldn't it be the PR person that promotes this?

Also please post that copyright law so we all can see. Is it on the districts website?

Anonymous said...

Show me that copyright law because I don't believe you. Many schools show their videos of bands on UTube and other venues. So are you saying when bands play at games they can only show those bands playing one time and not a any replay of the game?

Also does the district have this copyright law on the website. It should if that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

This is from the Hal Leonard publishing company site on "How can I brodcast a performance"

We are not able to grant permission to broadcast compositions, which are owned by any outside party. For a broadcast license on a copyright-protected composition, you should contact the copyright owner of the composition directly. If you are unable to determine the copyright owner, please check with the performance rights societies ASCAP

That would have to be done for every piece on the concert and would most likely cost money for every piece on the concert, so again, get off your lazy ass and go to whatever concert you want to see.

Anonymous said...

This is off the the MENC (Music Educators National Confrence) website:

Recording: The voluntary guidelines allow teachers to make a single recording of a student performance of copyrighted material for educational or archival purposes. Similarly, you can make a single copy of an aural exercise or test. Beyond that, a license is required.

So the teacher can record a concert to play back for the students so they can hear what the audience heard, but a teacher cannot post that recording on the internet, sell it for money, or give it away for free. Any and all bands on YOU TUBE, are ILLEGAL.

Anonymous said...

Look at that, somebody actually has facts.

Anonymous said...

The calendar of events are also listed on each building website. The high school has all the events up and the athletic link has the games and practices listed for each sport.
This is something they communicated from the start of the website and as a parent of an athlete and a fine arts student I find this very useful.
I don't have kids in any other school so I cannot speak to it. I don't even check the district calendar since the school one is very thorough.
Can we do one thing this month - go enjoy the student performances in concerts and in competitions and just enjoy! I'm proud of my children and I know others on here feel the same about their children.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice idea, but the people on this blog don't enjoy anything, they just complain.

Anonymous said...

So you are talking about teachers not parents.

Anonymous said...

So do you mean that when the band plays at a football game or anything else that if they broadcast this on any venue that they are doing something illegal?

Anonymous said...

I guess it might be ok for a parent to post a video, but I don't think so. It would be wrong for a school district to do it. I think a lot of what is on you tube is illegal, no matter who posts it.

Anonymous said...

Guess what, I am not a lawyer, but I know that sometimes you walk a fine line, and if the person who owns that copywrite finds it (like Disney - they're everywhere) they may have the right to sue. And that is a pretty big chance you are taking. But please, anybody on this blog, post, and go to jail, and pay a big fine.

Anonymous said...

une 9, 2009

MENC: The National Association for Music Education, among the world's largest arts education organizations, marked its centennial in 2007 as the only association that addresses all aspects of music education. Through membership of more than 75,000 active, retired, and pre-service music teachers, and with 60,000 honor students and supporters, MENC serves millions of students nationwide through activities at all teaching levels, from preschool to graduate school.

Since 1907, MENC has worked to ensure that every student has access to a well-balanced, comprehensive, and high-quality program of music instruction taught by qualified teachers. MENC's activities and resources have been largely responsible for the establishment of music education as a profession, for the promotion and guidance of music study as an integral part of the school curriculum, and for the development of the National Standards for Arts Education. MENC is located at the National Center for Music Education in Reston, VA.

Why Doesn't MENC's Name Match the Acronym?

We were originally called Music Supervisors National Conference, then Music Educators National Conference. (That's what the "MENC" stands for.) In 1998, our National Executive Board voted to change our name to MENC: The National Association for Music Education to better reflect our mission.

Anonymous said...

So you are saying like when the schools have a movie night and someone brings in a video they but at a store and play it for a family night they are breaking a law?

Anonymous said...

So when the drama class does a play and they have bought the copyrights for this and the district puts it on their website for people to see than they are breaking copyright laws right.

It is amazing that we are talking about this when this district continues to break school code law, the board breaks school board law and we talk about this crap.

Anonymous said...


That you walk a fine line, and if it is illegal, which I think it is, if the "right/wrong" person sees it, and wants to sue, they might have a case.

Anonymous said...

More of the same at Simmons.

The week before thanksgiving Tracy Lopez (PE Teacher)was given the week off to take an extended vacation. She went to Mexico.

Stephanie Mitchell (the assistant principal) was overheard by other faculty members, telling Tracy how to get around the process so that she could still get paid while taking her vacation. Tracy was granted two personal business days and told that she would need get a doctors note for the other three days. Tracy responded that getting a note would be no problem, she knew a doctor that would take care of it for her.

Tracy Lopez is a non-tenured teacher who now is already out of sick days because she has been gone so much and has a reputation for screaming at other staff members (usually including obscenities and frequently done in front of students). She is completely unprofessional which, of course, makes her a favorite for the Simmons Administration.

This woman has no business being in education or working with children and yet the administration at Simmons chooses to protect her over and over again.

I did mention this on the blog a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned that there was another example of favoritism at Simmons and that I would expose it at a more appropriate time. I wanted to make sure that the paperwork approving her vacation had an opportunity to be processed through the central office. Any central office administrator worth their pay can easily look this situation up and find the documentation. They can then speak to Tracy Lopez and easily determine the facts. It's not hard. She also has a wonderful tan that she got while on her vacation.

Someone needs to do something at central office. The decisions made by the Simmons Administrators are having a huge impact on morale in the building and the education that the students are receiving.

The students deserve so much better.

Anonymous said...

What I'm say is that many in this district walk a fine line in what laws they want to follow or break. In the post above it proves it if it is true about the teacher.

All I'm saying as far as the band parents do sometimes like to video things like that and show off their kids I find no harm in it and most others don't either. Dosen't this district waste enough money on stupid stuff like that. Also the band isn't a Disney movie that is something completely different in fact at the beginning of the movie is states their copyright laws does these videos do that?

Anonymous said...

Last fall the "new, improved" EHS marching band show featured a distorted image of a copyrighted Disney character, Jack Skellington. Disney was notified (e-mailed a copy of the images by a parent), but didn't take any action against the district.

Why would Disney care about a video of their music being performed if they don't even react to unauthorized use of a copyright-protected character?

Anonymous said...

What does it cost the district for a teacher to take a week off of school for vacation. At least the teachers salary plus the salary for the sub. $2000-$3000. Why are the administrators at Simmons protecting a teacher like that instead of protecting the district and it's students.

Anonymous said...

MENC has a lot about copyright rules it is strange you only picked that one part.

Copyright: Performance ExemptionsWhen can you perform music without worrying about copyright permission? Here are some teaching-related exemptions from what might otherwise be considered copyright infringement:

(1) Face-to-face teaching activities of a nonprofit educational institution, in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction. Playing recordings in class also falls under this category. However, this exemption does not apply to

Performances by actors, singers, or instrumentalists brought in from outside the school to put on a program.
Performances given for the recreation or entertainment of any part of an audience (regardless of cultural value or intellectual appeal).
Performances in profit-making institutions (for-profit dance or music studios).
Performances in an auditorium or stadium during a school assembly, graduation ceremony, class play, or sporting event, where the audience is not confined to the members of a particular class.

Permission from the copyright owner is required for the above 4 instances.

(2) Distance education activities where a musical work is performed or displayed in a transmission in an amount comparable to that typically displayed in a live classroom session. The law places the onus of copyright policy on the transmitting body or institute. To comply with this exemption, the performance must be

Made by, at the direction of, or under the actual supervision of an instructor
An integral part of a class session offered as a regular part of the normal teaching of a public school or accredited nonprofit educational institution
Essential to the teaching content of the transmission and be made solely for and (to the extent technically feasible) limited to reception by students officially enrolled in the course

For help in complying with this exemption, use this checklist from "U.S. Copyright Law: A Guide for Music Educators."

(3) Performances at places of worship or at a religious assembly of nondramatic literary or musical works or of dramatico-musical works of a religious nature, in the course of services.

(4) Performances at a school concert—as long as no money changes hands—of nondramatic literary or musical works. No one can gain any direct or indirect commercial advantage; no fee or compensation can be paid to performers, promoters, or organizers; and no admission charge can be levied. You may ask an admission fee, but all proceeds must be used only for educational or charitable purposes. However, a copyright owner may prohibit a performance of his or her work by serving notice at least seven days before a performance (although teachers are not obligated to notify a copyright owner of an upcoming school concert).

A student concert at a shopping mall is NOT exempt—the mall gains an indirect commercial advantage.

NOTE: Copyright law distinguishes between dramatic and nondramatic works. Performances of musical plays (dramatic works)—whether in their entirety, condensed, or just scenes—do not fall within these exemptions—even if there is no commercial advantage to anyone.

MENC member Jay Althouse points out school performances that are not exempt from copyright infringement:

Concerts by paid performers, such as rock, jazz, or country bands
School dances with live bands or deejays
Orchestras in residence
Concerts by touring performing groups
School assemblies featuring outside, paid performers
Background music in school buildings

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Anonymous said...

Here are the facts people.

The band sucks, your administration refuses to do anything about it and your board is incompetent and spineless.

Nothing is going to change while Roberts is the superintendent.

We apparently voted the wrong people in as board members. Hopefully we do a better job at the next election.

Anonymous said...

Weaver Lewis and Carlson are pro band why have they not fixed the band program. Why do they not discuss it at board meetings. At the very least the admin would have to listen. All they can do is say nothing.

Anonymous said...

What everyone forgets is the Board can do nothing they have no power to change that it is the Superintendent that has the power that is who the board choose to follow their policies. Isn't it funny how the Superintendent can back the Boys II Men program and turn away from a person that led a good band.

Anonymous said...

I saw this Tracy Lopez, she was this short obese gym teacher. I remember the reservations I had about having a person so out of shape teaching my kids about physical education and health. I also recall her being very rude.

I wondered then and now how anyone could hire a person like her to teach these subjects to impressionable young kids. I believe teachers have to be roll models for our kids.

How is an obese gym teacher a good roll model for teaching kids about healthy living?

Anonymous said...

I came here at the beginning of this blog. Some good discussion has happened. But it has just evolved into name calling and people bashing.

I had a student who was in the band at Simmons and has been in the high school band for a couple of years now. I'm a tired of hearing that my child sucks - and that's what you say when you say the band sucks. I was proud of the Simmons band and I'm proud of the high school band. Am I biased? Sure am. I'm a proud parent. I've heard the feelings about the band situation. That will never go away.

When I have a problem, I go ask questions to the source to get an answer. Then its up to me to determine whether is a load of bull or valid. I take an active role in my child's education.

Please - think about what you say everytime you bring this up. I'm proud of the students. I'm proud of my child, and happy with what they are learning. Let's differ if we will, but please don't tell my my child sucks.

Anonymous said...

I do believe you are biased. I also believe you must be tone deaf.

It's not the kids fault though, it's Roberts fault, period.

He knows what the problems are, he is to stubborn to do what's right.

Anonymous said...

So what is going on at the Board? You claim they do nothing which is true. I noticed Carlson is questioning the legal bills. Carlson is questioning Roberts accomplishments and Gonzalez is doing something with the Magnet school. Then the board is discussing Roberts contract. Why are they firing him. What gives sounds like internal fighting with the Board. No mention of the do nothing President. I can't believe Roberts backer Johnson would ever let Roberts or her lawyers get fired. I guess it should be a good meeting. Can it be Carlson and Weaver finally have something on Roberts.

Anonymous said...

9:38, I'm a parent too--and I give you credit for trying to make the best of a situation for the sake of your child. I, too, am proud of my kids' accomplishments even under difficult circumstances.

But the fact remains that our kids deserve better! Specifically, they deserve an administration that admits when mistakes have been made instead of burying their heads in the sand. They deserve administrators with the guts to make decisions in students' best interests instead of supporting their cronies' personal agendas.

The East High band right now is a joke. It used to be the pride of the district, but certain folks (some still working in D131) decided the kids needed something "better". Until our kids get the program they deserve many of us will keep speaking out.

Anonymous said...

The whole band program is a joke and should be cut. Money should be spent on math & reading. If you had Glenn Miller the band would not improve at Simmons or East. The band at Simmons sucks.

Anonymous said...

The problem is people who believe as the last poster does, that activities like band doesn't matter. It has been proven over and over again, the benefits of these programs.

Brain based research has shown that activities like band help to develop higher level learning in children. In addition to higher level learning skills, it has been proven that extracurricular programs such as band, sports and voc ed. programs increase retention and reduce drop out rates in schools.

Students will not stay in school for just the three R's. They need these programs for a multitude of reasons.

There is no dispute that these programs are needed for student development. The only question is why the administration and board are not doing all they can to see that these programs are as successful as possible?

Our students deserve leadership that supports their development, not one that chooses to cash in with illegal fraternities and other programs after they go out of their way to see that they fail.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why the board is discussing the Magnet School.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding, as an outsider digging for nuggets at Simmons, that the teacher, Lopez, is still employed. Why has this matter not been dealt with by administrators? My information, and please correct an outsider if I am wrong, is that she took a one week vacation to Mexico and it was covered up by Simmons admins as a medical leave. Well, no gastro-bypass occurred because she came back tan and still fat. Why have her obscene language outbursts been left unchecked? Why is it she does these so-called "walk with me if you do not dress" during gym class and has been spotted "handling" the kids. Oh, and how is it kids that have yet to dress for gym, an outsider would think this is required, are getting passing grades for "walking" with her. Simmons admins, Morales, Patterson and the such, should be accountable and should maybe pay closer attention to the subs who are placed there. They are not only watching out for the kids, but are watching for a whole provided list of things. Deal with Lopez now or later. Your choice

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bobby brown and his Band of Reknown from an old Andy Griffith episode could help? Give em a call

Anonymous said...

What makes you think if they are discussing Roberts it is about firing him? Maybe it is about letting him stay longer.

As a taxpayer I believe the children should have the arts, band and other things that stimulate their minds. Live is not always about reading, writing and math. Maybe Bobby Brown and his band of Renown would be good for some of the children of this district and it seems that we have someone in this district that publishes music and has done many good things with bands. Seems like we would like that be known just like some other things this district likes to sing about one person. When we don't give our children an outlet to express themselfs and to be able to do anything other than day to day school work we are letting these children down. As the song says All and All we are just another brick in the wall. Let our children be something else and have a good band a good art teacher and a good role model in our schools.

It seems like some are misusing and stealing form the district when they lie about being sick and going on vacation. Where I work they finally got wise to those things and started looking into it because it is stealing from the district.

The one person who holds all the keys to this is the person that the board but in charge to look after our district and make sure that their is no misuse of our money and it doesn't look like that person is looking after the well being of our children and the taxpayers of this district.

Anonymous said...

How much money does it cost the district to always close the administrative building 2 hours early every day during christmas vacation, yet pay everyone for a full day?

Anonymous said...

7 Million dollars

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