Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yes, to transparency, why some will still say NO to the referendum

A blog comment I felt worth posting:

Anonymous said...

The Need for Public School Financial Transparency
The Illinois government-run school system continues to resist financial transparency. Instead of fully disclosing how it’s spending $20 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money, they cry out for more. In the private sector there’s something called GAAP accounting practices. GAAP stands for “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.” In the government-run school system in Illinois we see PAAP – “Politically Accepted Accounting Principles.”

We’ve got a simple question: how can anyone not support full disclosure of all government revenues and expenditures? Yet when it comes to the public school spending crisis in Illinois, those who stand to personally profit from increasing taxes resist transparency. As one observer has stated, it’s time to “solve the lexicography of the dissemblers.” Currently there is no citizen oversight of government-run school spending, and there’s precious little effective school board oversight, either.

There should be a standardized accounting and full disclosure of all district revenues and expenditures (including the district’s check register) on the World Wide Web, including:
A list of all employees in an organizational chart.
Every classroom expenditure should be outlined.
Every contract – including those of administrators, should be posted in its entirety.
(It’s clear that many school boards prefer to keep some of the perks and some of the details of the benefit packages away from the public eye, since the scale of their generosity with money earmarked for educating kids would rouse ire on the part of the taxpayers.)

March 14, 2007 10:16 AM


Excellent points and resolution.

It is my understanding, the same time the balanced budget is due from the schools in 2010, the state is going to require some sort of website posting of accounting from the schools.
It is suppose to be part of the total accountability package.

Do we dare to hope the we taxpayers may actually see how our dollars are spent?

Could this possibly be the reason the push is on for referendums to pass and money to be spent, before transparency is law?


Anonymous said...

Go to to see the rest of the article. There is a link in it to a website in Texas where some of the districts are posting their monthly expenses on line.

Anonymous said...




From THIS school board??

Not in my recent memory!

First things first: replace those 4 secretive, arrogant incumbents with folks who might actually LISTEN and COMMUNICATE with the people they work for. That's one way to "say YES to transparency"!

Then, and only then, will a referendum have a chance of passing.

Anonymous said...

This is on the district website.

"From 2001 to 2006 the Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) of property located in District 131increased from $432 million to $744 million, or 72.2%

Due to the “tax cap law” the property tax rates charged by District 131 dropped by 20.7% which resulted in a reduction of $321 in property taxes paid by a homeowner with at $100,000 house from 2001 to 2006."

A tax rate increase of .75 cents would still result in less total taxes paid in 2008 versus taxes paid in 2001:

Bull! More misleading information!

Anonymous said...

Ok Where is you proof that it is bull. Lets just state things that ARE true and then call them bull.

The sun is Yellow.

Trees don't have leaves in the winter time.

Water is wet.


Anonymous said...

There's been a lot of talk from school districts about how harmful PTELL (the tax cap) is to their budgets. It has been claimed that school districts "lose" money because of the tax cap, or that the tax cap prevents districts from collecting money already approved by voters.
These statements simply aren't true.

The expalnation of TAX CAP is that school districts may not increase property taxes faster than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or 5% annually, whichever is lower, plus taxes for new construction. In recent years, the CPI has been below 5%.
The tax rate for every year is determined by an assessment of all taxable property in the district. These assessments amount to a guess by the county as to the total property value within the district. If this estimate increases faster than the CPI, the tax rate will decrease, even if every taxpayer experiences a tax hike.

A simple example shows this:
In 2003, the property in Taxville is assessed at $100 million. The school receives $1 million, setting the tax rate at $1 per $100 assessed valuation. Next year, the school receives $1.02 million because the CPI grew by 2%. The county assesses the property at $105 million. Because of the 5% increase in assessed valuation is larger than the increase in the CPI, the tax rate is lowered to $0.9714 per $100. ($105 million x 0.9714 per $100=$1.02 million).
This is not an actual reduction. The typical homeowner's taxes will increase by 2%. As many homeowners know, property assessments are variable and often inaccurate. Had the county chosen to leave the assessment unchanged, the tax rate would have increased to $1.02 per $100. Either way, property taxes increase by 2%.

School districts do not "lose" money just because the county happens to increase property assessments faster than the CPI.
Voter approval of a tax rate does not give a school district license to increase taxes at the same rate as property assessments.

Without referenda, PTELL allows the cost of education to increase at up to the CPI. A valid question of any taxpayer facing a referendum is "Why is the cost of education increasing faster than the Consumer Price Index?" ( cost of living)

I for one did not get a cost-of-living raise this year.

Did you know there were over 900 new parcels added to district 131, est. value $29 million. Sounds like 131 may have already gotten their increase!

Anonymous said...

To anon 3/17/07 6:38AM
In the past we did shut up and did not pay attention as we should. Now that we are paying attention you do not like it, do you? The school board has to be made to be accountable now and does not like it at all. We no longer will be quiet and will vote NO until things are made right. Also, I see that YOU have as much diplomacy as the school board. I unlike you, am willing to give my name.

Anonymous said...

To the person that tried to explain tax caps. You analysis is incorrect. Tax caps limit the wealth that a district can access. They lower the tax rate because the amount of actual tax dollars can not increase more than CPI. Tax rates can not be increased at all without passage of a referendum (hence the current situation). When you start to have good increases in EAV, as East has had recently, that forces the tax rate down and limits (caps) the amount of money a district can have. The reality is if East did not have to lower the tax rate and was able to tax the increased EAV at the amount they are now asking for they would not have the financial problems that they now have. Think of all the seniors who have an assessment freeze. The amount of taxes they have paid has declined each of the last 7 years. By voting yes you are actually following the intent of lawmakers who wanted to see referendums every 3-4 years.

Anonymous said...

If we assume that the tax cap law is a legitimate argument, it is still NO EXCUSE for District 131 to be wasteful with a $20 million surplus.

The tax cap law has been in effect in other counties in Illinois, and I do not hear too much about school districts there asking for more money.

Keep in mind that the tax cap laws were imposed as a way to stop escalating property taxes.

In any case, property taxes still generally go up because of inflation and a higher EAV. THE TAX RATE MAY GO DOWN, BUT THE AMOUNT OF TAX MONEY GOES UP ALMOST EVERY YEAR.

"Where is the bull?" you ask?

In regards to this statement "A tax rate increase of .75 cents would still result in less total taxes paid in 2008 versus taxes paid in 2001", here is the bull....

My taxes:

Year Amount Tax Rate EAV
2005/06 $4562.52 (7.136125) 69,330
2002/03 $4167.36 (7.217600) 55,931


(And I am confident that that did not happen!) Theres your bull!!

Anonymous said...

Also in all of this it does not include the new 900 parcels that will gennerate the 29 milliom wihic D131 will get half of. This really should take care of the problem. The current school board does not know how to handle money except to raise administrators salaries when they are retiring so their pension is way more than you or I will get. They have also proven they do no know how to handle a decent land deal nor go after donations that was promised them which would help D131 problem alot.

Anonymous said...

We have a multitude of issues in this district, not unlike many others with a higher tax rate. They too are trying to balance their budgets and understand why they are running short on funds. Constant referendums and increases have not stopped that.
Does it really make sense to put more money in a failing system? Why not correct the system and then fund it? I am not saying we don't need more money. I have never said that. But my mama didn't raise no fool. Just stuffing more and more in a hole does not repair it, it just stops the leaking for a time. I want to fix this issue, stay on top of what lies ahead and be responsible. That is what I expect from whomever sits on that board and runs these schools.
Here's an idea. Let's do some work on the problems, let's write down what we need to work on, let's get a written plan of how were going to proceed and then let's talk about how much money is needed. Not "how about .85 again" "No, I think .55" "maybe .75" but real numbers, real information, real discussions. Is that really unrealistic?
Please join us in making that happen. VOTE NO

Anonymous said...

I'm voting yes for the refferendum and I am voting no for Dee and Rayanne.

Blog admin said...

Hooray for Democracy!
That's what it's all about.

I still say vote NO for more money to the administration till they have a solid, shared with the public, budget plan that shows they are not wasting 13,000 kids $$.

Oh yea....... and vote for me!


Anonymous said...

You have my vote Dee. I like your ideas and the way you express them. Please give us an idea of who you would like to see elected to the board...and who would work closely with you to bring about change.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd like to know who those last three the beacon posted running for the school board is maybe I will vote for them or are they just a plant to throw everyone off? No one has heard anything about them we all know who the others are why haven't those three come foward to say somethng?

Anonymous said...

Yes somebody please tell me how to vote because I can't think for myself.

Anonymous said...

To anon 3/18 12:34 thanks for the compliment. I can't tell you who to vote for but I can tell you that Rayanne Carlson and Nell Johnson are two people who have been involved and outspoken on issues they feel strongly about. I feel they have the best interest of the community in mind and will be good stewards on the board. I know nothing about the 3 newcomers, I can't even remember their names. Hopefully they will put something out soon so we know where they stand. Without that information I feel it would be a disserve to vote for them. As far as the 4 incumbents, I am the most impressed by Dan B. We may not agree on issues but he seems willing to listen and hear the other side of the story. I have never been in the position to work with him directly but feel he will be my choice, at this point, for my fourth vote. I can only go on what I know. If I wasn't sure I wouldn't vote all 4 which you can do. If you only want to vote for 1 person you can. Again, thanks for the support and let others know how you feel. Communication is always a good thing.
As for anon 3/18 6:42 negativity will never get you anywhere and it usually means you are scared or insecure. For that I am sorry. I would be more than happy to discuss why it is that I have these views if your willing to listen. You don't have to have the same views but you should at least let people be individuals and not clones of someone else. Our ability to have a choice has cost us many lives and it is a shame you disrespect those that fought long and hard for us to be able to do so. Also, not everyone is interested in telling people what to do. I love it when people have an original thought even if it is different from mine.

Anonymous said...

If you exhibited this kind of zeal when it comes to our state legislators, our schools and taxpayers would not be in this shape. Illinois is a very wealthy state that brings in more then enough tax revenue to support the schools and infrastructure. The problem lies with the pork going out to the special interest groups and political cronies. Look at the real villains in this scenario, your elected official in Springfield. Illinois is 49th out of 50 in funding its schools. That is an embarrassment! The taxpayers in Illinois should boycott every school referendum in the state until the state legislators get off their collective butts and do their job. They can easily fund our schools WITHOUT a tax hike if they cut out the pork and stop doing what is in their best interest and start doing what they are paid to do, represent the people who pay their salaries! And by the way, they don’t need a referendum to give themselves a pay raise.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has to start somewhere.

Anonymous said...

3/20/07 @1:13 pm
While I tend to agree with you in most of your statement the new numbers out from The National Education Agency rakes Illinois at 12 for state spending. There is still alot to be done and the school districts need to be accountable on how they spend this money. You can find this numbers and many more at

Anonymous said...

If we get new blood on the board I hope they ask questions when it comes to the Central Office policies. We may have a new superintendent, but it's still the same old same old. Most has to do with administration appointments. I say appointments because the interview process is just a front. I can name two positions off the top of my head where one position was filled with a person that was not qualified, but is a personal friend of the superintendent. The other is a position for principal. They had a candidate that is completely qualified, the staff wants her and she has served as the assistent principal for years. She didn't get the position because one of the Asst. Sups. has a "problem" with her. What happened to the best interests of the children???? What about doing what is best for the district? These people at Central Office need a reality check. They are not kings and queens and this is not their kingdom to do as they please. Get over yourselves!! Put others first. And by the way, the central office admin. that was hired because of her connection to JR, big waste of money. Can't make a decision and has no concept of follow through. BIG WASTE! Think how much better off the district would be if everyone was hired based on being the best candidate not on being connected. Please, please, please, new board members stop the rubber stamp.

Anonymous said...

It's up to us to make sure that we HAVE some new board members! Let's all do what we can to get the word out--vote for Rayanne, Dee, Nell, and one of the other challengers.

Break up this secretive, destructive club NOW!!

Anonymous said...

I've seen some "Vote No" signs to the referendum. How are these being distributed. Are the homeowners requesting them? Is there a cost for these signs if you want one? Who would one call?

Anyone got the answers?

Anonymous said...

To annon 3/23/07 8:11PM
You can call 375-0156 or 851-3086 for your request. Yes, homeowners are requesting the signs. We are out of signs right now, but are trying to order more. There is only 1 person who went door to door for this and that is because he wanted to. but bascially we were called for the signs. Did not have to do what the yes ones are doing. These signs were paid out our own pockets, but some of us are seniors and the rest on limited bugets or disabled and find it hard to pay for the amount of requests coming in. Now have donations in the amount of $166.00 for more signs and am trying to get some help from buisnesses or any interested parties. Thank you for your interest and concerns. no, we did not charge for the signs we gave out.

Anonymous said...

To support our kids and school district request a vote yes sign (over 500 have been distributed)... Visit the web site and click on get involved.

Anonymous said...

To anon 3/24/07 8:44Pm
It is so sad that anyone who wants to post the same kind of message or just post cannot do this on your website as you can do on this one, also the fact that you will not even give your name.

Anonymous said...

Look at how much we pay in taxes for everything that we have no say in whether we should or not. So this is what I don't understand. When we have the choice to pay more money out of our pocket or not would there be so many people willing to do so voluntarily when they know how the people that managed their money had pissed it away. It's mind boggling. Are these people on drugs? I don't get it.

Blog admin said...

It was pointed out at a Roberts Tuesday Talk meeting...Someone asked why the city doesn't step up and help the schools.

A board member pointed out-If the city helps the schools, and want additional money for doing so, they can raise our taxes without asking....but we will still be footing the bill.

If the state increases it's money to the school, they too, can raise our taxes without our vote.

The referendum is the only place we have a voice, a vote.

Our city, state and sales tax can(and will) go up, all will be done in the name of IL families and children. It is like an over spending addiction and the children are NOT benefiting.

My thought- no administrative profitability from our taxes till we see more accountability.

Just say NO!

Anonymous said...

SHUT UP, why dose every web site have to have a place where ignorant people can type their stupid opinions?

Anonymous said...

It' a Blog.....duh?!

It's a place where intellectuals and ignoramous, alike may share their views.

One man's view is another mans thorn.
Enjoy or depart if you don't appreciate the diverse company.


Anonymous said...

Yes, but my point is why does need a place for you to post? You need more than one place? It seems to me that you don't. So go to the website to find out the FACTS about the referendum, and then come back here and lie about them.

Anonymous said...

What a friggin idiot. He/she probably works for the district in the head shed.

Blog admin said...

Please read the introduction on the right hand side of this blogsite.
We will read many views on the topics discussed. Welcome them. You don't have to agree with them.

Some people are more opinionated than others or more informative or more immature but the purpose of any blog is to "log" your personal thoughts.

Thank God we have many differing thoughts or what a boring life this would be. If you can't find enlightenment in differing views try and find entertainment value :o)

Thank you everyone for visiting this blog. I wish we could find a right answer for the referendum issue. It is NOT cut and dry. The "pro" and the "no" vote all have valid reasons for their choices. It is all a matter of "preception" as Jerome once put it.

The reality is neither side can know what truly could or would be done, with or without a tax increase. There are too many variables to be certain.

We have no idea how the election may change the dynamics of the school board.

Nothing is for sure as to who will be in the decision making positions within the 131 administration in the near future, that could change "operating procedures."

So we can only hope for the best case scenario.....
which again is all a matter of opinion.

Anonymous said...

In case you missed it on openlineblog

Anonymous said...
Mark Smith lives in Oswego... He is Clayton Mohammed friend. Clayton takes poor kids to this cult on Indian Trial (to this so called religion) which supports Marks wife, and father in high style. Now they will get East High School free Call Jay Augustine to prove it he can not come up with the receipts. This school board has crossed the line. If this passes I will call ACLU then all the tax dollars will go to the Orland Park law office (Canna & Canna) to defend them. I will not allow Smith & Clayton to brainwash the kids. Clayton you are no Jesse Jackson

3/25/07 2:29 PM

Anonymous said...
I heard they are having easter services now at East. Look at the bill board EAST AT EASTER

3/25/07 2:31 PM

Anonymous said...

Yes, this just shows you how this school board does what they want without listening to people. If this school district is in need of money they should charge them rental fees if not any church or charity should be able to use East if they want. Besides that I heard that church had 1000 members. Is the auditorium or gym big enough for that. You know their are capacity laws about how many people can fit into an area. Also, did they have them sign a waiver incase someone gets hurt or something gets broken that they are responible? Since this is going to be a church service if they are going to be using candles has the fire department oked that. I work with renting out facilities and there are alot of issue that need to be addressed before renting or letting groups use your property. So if anyone knows the capicities of the auditorium or gym and you think they are going to be more that what they should have call the fire department.

Anonymous said...

This was just posted on the ISBE website.
“It is clear that the additional funding Governor Blagojevich and the General Assembly are making available to our schools, along with efficiency measures being implemented at the local level, are strengthening the financial condition of our schools,” said State Board of Education Chairman Jesse H. Ruiz. “The additional $1.5 billion Governor Blagojevich is proposing in his fiscal year 2008 budget will go a long way in helping districts improve financially even more.”

Anonymous said...

Also, for the renting of the school who is cleaning up after the service? It should not be the maintenance people at the school unless they have been paid to do it and not with our tax paying dollars.

Anonymous said...

SHUT UP YOU STUPID PEOPLE. Should the school board consult every person in the district before thy do anything.

Here is the answer from one of you.
Of course they do, we are the taxpayers, everything should have to go through me.

The auditorium holds 1600 to 1800 people and the main gym can hold up to 4000. I'm sure if something breaks the church will take care of it, and I can't imagine that the church would do more damage that 2000 teenagers in the same space. SHUT UP PEOPLE DAMN.

Anonymous said...

If the chruch does not have to sign an agreement for rental they would not have too. What if someone should get hurt they could end up suing the school these are just somethings that other school districts think of. Take a look at Oswego's policy for Does this school district have anything like this?
Yes, I do think that the taxpavers should have some say since the school board does not have any policies in place. It also seems strange that it is the church that Clayton goes too. Do you offer this to any of the other churches?

Anonymous said...

Here's how I see this the pastor is running the yes referendum committee and clayton goes to that church so its a payback to them. This districts walks such a fine line to being corrupt it's unbelieveable. They also think that people don't know but they do that is why so many are against the referendum. Not having people who rent a facility without some kind of agreement is not business like I don't know anyone who would do it. It is good for both parties. No one thinks that they are going to damage anything but things happen and a business and renter should be covered. As for 2000 students doing damaged then their parents are responsable and the district should make them pay. When you see how this is going down is does look like a favor to the church.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody KNOW FOR A FACT that a church is using the school for FREE and without a contract? Or is everybody bitching for the sake of bitching that there might be no contract and no money?

Anonymous said...

You know, the mayor of Naperville might be running a drug ring out of city hall. Lets all talk about it like it is a fact.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care about what is going on in Napervile shouldn't we be worried about Aurora?

Anonymous said...

Where are the City of Aurora officials on this mess?????????

Anonymous said...

Got a flyer today with these names on it:

Fernando Salinas,Jr.
Leticia Ruiz
Marisa Marrufo
Esmeralda Ibarra Dominguez

It appears that Salinas is not backing the other current school board members that are running and I wonder what they have to say about this?
The flyer says New Voices and New Ideas for Our Children. Salinas is not new on this board as he is up for reelection. He has new ideas now, or is it he just never had any ideas before. Was he not voicing for our children before, or does it take these 3 new candidates on the flyer with him to make him speak up now?

Anonymous said...

That's very amusing. The flyer.....Salinas is the same guy who said "if we (131) lose sports and band, I have enough money to send MY kids else where, and I will!"

That is a truly dedicated board member who cannot say he will fight to insure that doesn't happen, but instead will abandon the kids in the time when they need their school board to represent their best interest.

You go 'nando. Go take your children to another school and leave the public schools alone. If "working hard" for our students, as your flyer says, means bailing out when there is a sign of trouble, then you are not a candidate I want to see sitting on our school board.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the posting to vote for the current school board members will post to say who to vote for now?
Could there be dissention among the ranks?

Anonymous said...

Vote for the Current school board. They are better than anybody else. Vote yes for the referendum. No I am not a current school board member.

Anonymous said...

"Vote for the Current school board. They are better than anybody else."

You bet they're "better"!

"Better" at:

--Recklessly spending tax money on landscaping & expensive trips

--Refusing to answer constituents' sincere questions with anything but "no comment" or "the issue is over"

--Neglecting to keep the public informed of their decisions and actions online, as does every other School Board in the area

Seems to me your idea of "better" is different from mine! I'd like to see the taxpayers in this district get value for our money. And I think we can do "better" than the past couple of years' blunders.

We need, in the words of Mrs. Farnum, "brisk ideas, new ideas".

Vote for Rayanne, Dee, Nell, and one of the other challengers.


Anonymous said...

Have one of those flyers and find it amusing that at the bottom it states Fiscal Resonsibility. Guess this means that Fernando Salinas, Jr. is admitting that he was not responsible before. So why would I believe he would be now?

Anonymous said...

I will vote for Dee, Rayanne, Nell and Dan. I will not vote for any of the other challengers because of that flyer. They are with Salinas on that flyer, so this suggests to me that they are aware of his lack of indescrestions right now. Or could it be that they are just being used as pawns in all of this.

Anonymous said...

You must ask yourself. Why is Salinas being so aggressive with his "vote yes" and personal campaign.

Could it be he actually has no accomplishments to show for his 4 years served as a Board member? He needs these women to support his campaign. Especially, the Hispanic vote that he (and his wife)angered at the Brady Hispanic forum.

Could it also be, if he remains a part of the board he can help insure his wife's position (no lay off) at the school district administrative building?

Anonymous said...

Read in the paper today that the forum for the east side board shcool candidates is now on April 8,thought is was on the april 14. Can anyone please help in this?

Anonymous said...

yeah what the hell happened there I rearranged my schedule for this damn thing

Anonymous said...

My understading is that the forum will be on april 14 for the school board candidates, so you are safe.Can't wait to see if the 3 new ones will show up. Call the beacon and ask them. Also call the Round House about this.

Anonymous said...

This is from an email I received from the Roundhouse

10:06 BEGIN QUESTIONS all questions will be questions that can be answered by ALL candidates. No questions that attack or single out any one candidate will be allowed to be answered.
(Questions will continue longer if appropriate)



11AM AURORA EAST SCHOOL BOARD 205 N. Broadway Aurora, IL 630-892-0034 e-mail:

churchmusician said...

Did anyone read the letter to the editor in today's Beacon from the Fox Valley Ministerial Alliance?

I've worked with several of the clergy in this group, and many times over the past couple of years I've been privy to conversations at various churches about the strange practices & decisions taking place in District 131. A lot of important community issues are discussed and debated over coffee in church fellowship halls, and clergy are well aware of their parishioners' concerns.

The members of the Fox Valley Ministerial Alliance (perhaps speaking for their church members as well) seem to be making two important statements to the public:

--We support the kids in D131, and want them to have the educational opportunities that they need and deserve.

--We don't trust the present D131 School Board and administration.

I think that the Ministerial Alliance is on the right track. Yes, we should support the referendum; but ONLY if accountability and transparency are assured.

Seems to me that some new School Board members would definitely be a step in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

Yes, new school board members will be a good thing but that in it's self will not make things change overnight. Remember there will still be some old board members sitting on the board that can still keep things going on the same way.
Since the Fox Valley Ministerial Alliance sees that the school board has not done what it should be why do they wait until right before the referendum to say something.
Didn't the county records clerk have something in the Beacon too. I'm tired of all these citizens comming out and telling us what should be done. This school board wasted 20 million dollars and now they want senior citizens and others to go without because of it. What about the people that live on a fixed budget now that have to make decisions to buy food or perscriptions or pay their bills that doesn't have the option of having a referendum to help them out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tried looking up Fox Valley Ministerial Alliance and could not find anything on them. Could someone tell me how to find out about them? Until I have some answers about this group, I will give them no creditance on what they are saying.

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure that "Fox Valley Ministerial Alliance" is the new name for the "Aurora Ministerial Alliance", an organization of clergy that has been active in Aurora for more than 80 years. The Aurora Ministerial Alliance was responsible for establishing Wayside Cross Mission in the 1920's, and most recently has joined with the Urban League to support various social justice issues. My hunch is that this group of clergy wanted to change their name to "Fox Valley" to reflect the fact that their membership may include clergy from Montgomery, North Aurora, Batavia, and other surrounding towns (just as the Aurora Foundation charitable organization is now the Fox Valley Foundation).

I noticed that the Fox Valley Ministerial Alliance was mentioned in the "Vote Yes" half-page ad on Easter Sunday as being supportive of the referendum. And yet they seem to have felt the need to write a separate letter expressing their concern about the D131 School Board's lack of accountability & transparency. That says to me that their endorsement is conditional, and probably a reflection of the attitudes of their parishioners.

Anonymous said...

I am not too sure about the FV & Aurora Ministerial Alliance being one and the same. I heard thru the grapevine that Mark Smith is the person behind the Fox Valley one.

He is the chair person of the Vote Yes committee. I think he has no conditions on if the referendum passes, he has gotten his 15 minutes of fame, in the name of the church and by using our students in an attempt to get sympathy votes.

Ann is wise to beware.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the newspaper this morning, it does not look like those three new candidates, Ruiz, Marufo, Dominguez, have any idea of how to effectively answer questions or be effective school board members.

I sure am not voting for them!

Anonymous said...


Way to go!!

Congratulations to Dee & Rayanne!

And a BIG thank you to all those folks who showed up and voted for accountability, transparency, and communication on this troubled School Board!

Anonymous said...

I believe we should all attend the next school board meeting to show support for Dee and Rayanne.

Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for your support and I hope all of you will join us at the next school board meeting May 7.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that you better have some answers on how you are going to save Clubs, fine arts and sports.

Anonymous said...

Hey dummy...we are not going to save clubs, fine arts or sports. If we wanted those things, we would have passed the referendum.


Anonymous said...

Ignorant Morons.

Anonymous said...

Children, children!!!

A little math story problem.

2 'new' board members.
5 old, returning members.
Each has one vote, majority rules.

There are 13,000 students in 131.

What percentage of $20 million was spent in 6 years on 100% pay increases for administrators?

How much more was spent on programs that have not made significant AYP?

How many business partners and their dollars would it take to help offset the deficit?

How many volunteer teacher hours (like those spent rallying , marching and going door to door)does it take to oversee a club?

How many families with yes signs in their yard would it take, donating $100. each, to save one club?

How much more propaganda needs to be spread before the district can convince enough voters "it is all for the kids"?

Anonymous said...

to 4/18 4:26pm
Right to the point and I agree. I will be there at the next school board meeting to support Dee and Rayanne. My support will also go to the ones that are left or re-elected if they are willing to listen to new ideas and to try to make a change theirselves. I hope all can work together for the benefit of the students and not the administration.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dee and Rayanne. There are many challenges ahead. District 131 will need everyone working together to make things better.. Although there has been progress over the past few years is not enough. Change is slow and hard work but we must stay the course. I hope you are able to work with the incumbents and the administration. I truely believe that everyone wants to improve our schools and community. Some how we need to put aside our differences and really listen to each other. Someone asked me if there was any hope for 131 after the referendum failed and I replied yes. There are no magic bullets but we need to work towards a common good not against each other.

Even though I was not re-elected by the voters, I will continue to be involved. I am not going anywhere. This my hometown.

I would like to invite everyone to a rally to support Education Funding Reform on Saturday, May 12 at 2:00. It will be held at Family and Faith Church. This is being organized by A+ Illinois. Now that I will have some free time, I will be helping with this issue. Anyone who wants to join is welcome. We need everyone working on this issue. There was a good showing in Springfield today. A good showing in Aurora would also go along way since some of our state reps are not taking this issue seriously.

I have been reading this Blog and I have been disappointed in both sides. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but insults and name calling is uncalled for. I don't think that accomplishes anything.

Dee and Rayanne,

If there is any I can do to help, let me know.