Today this blog is doing something we've never done before: we're endorsing a candidate for political office. Specifically, we're urging our community to vote for Pat Quinn for Governor. We're very concerned about Bruce Rauner's views on unions, tenure, and the minimum wage. We think Bruce Rauner would be WRONG for our district, and wrong for the state of Illinois.
Vote for Pat Quinn for Governor!
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Democracy took a fall Monday night the school board signed all rights away to a corupt administrator. Hanley actually threaten speakers about comments made and told them they could get sued for commenting about personnel. He stated Dr Popp is about transparentcy but could not provide details on the budget because of confidentiality. It seems like double talk. Mr Newpaper making threats. Gee Matt how much are you going to sell your soul.
It was okay for Popp to say district contractors could
just charge more hours to make up for their billing rate. First off he called the businesses crooked then he said it was okay to cheat. Did Popp ever think he has capable employees to do the work.
Then we heard Hull tell lie that maintenance personnel would not get outsourced. What did Hull think was happening with maintenance contractors. But this is man who reads at the level of a second grader.
Teachers did get a small break on training but our union caved again and kissed up.
It was embrassing that Popp blew off a lady trying to get a letter to advocate for student protective rights. She stated all other superintendents backed her and had letter to prove.
The embrassment of the night was the board. They gave away any rights for staff to speak with them, or visit buildings. Why are they even on the board! what a group.
I agree with the blog's endorsement of Quinn for governor. My husband is a registered Republican, and hardly a day has gone by in the last 2 weeks without a sleek mailing or a robo-call from Rauner's people. Yesterday there were TWO mailings, including one that said "Governor Quinn doesn't think you should have a say in your child's education". According to Rauner, teacher's unions are bad because they oppose vouchers and advocate for public school teachers.
And today, yet another slick mailing. This one said "IF YOU DON'T VOTE EARLY THEY WIN", and featured a picture of Pat Quinn and Blagojevich. Last I checked, Blagojevich is not on the ballot...typical underhanded smear tactics from Rauner's camp. And all these mailings have to cost quite a bit. As others have mentioned, it certainly looks like Rauner is desperately trying to BUY this election. This is repulsive and un-American to those of us who work hard for a living and send our children to public schools.
I will be voting for Pat Quinn, and I'm urging my friends and relatives to do the same!
Dr Popp and Truckenbrod will cost the district millions in a new energy scam. Meeting with consulting friends from 204 is a regular with Dr Popp. If you want to know why the district is in deficit six months after Roberts that is the reason.
Popp knows the distrct scores will increase because of programs put in place by Roberts years ago that are starting to pay dividends. In three years he will leave for a better job and the district will have zero dollars. Popp will say he raised the scores, graduation rates and point to high cost programs. He is building a resume. Anything that benefits students that does not benefit him directly he stops.
Ask yourselfs why Truckenbrod is involved in a Facility study. Is this not Popp, Tyler and Feltes job? He is also building a resume.
The board is to busy trying to defend a stupid decision. They know Popp is a problem but all they say is everything is great. This is a PR campaign designed to fool the public. Take time and look.
In my building they are abusing the credit cards and nobody is watching. England purchased gift cards for staff raffles, lunches and snacks. How can they prove she does not use it for herself. The fact they can spend up to $10,000 is crazy. Our classrooms don't even have the basic supplies. Nothing has changed they should have never reissued the cards. They are cause for abuse.
Typical left-wing public school teacher's union dribble. Why don't you all wake up and realize that Pat Quinn and the dems have bankrupted this state. But you can all continue to put your head in the sand and ignore all the problems in Illinois. Why should I pay taxes to fund the salaries of public school teachers who are so horribly inept?
God Bless Scott Walker and the good things he has done for Wisconsin (oops that's are all I guess I should not have mentioned God as that may offend you).
"public school teachers who are so horribly inept"...
Not in MY experience! And I have PLENTY of experience with public school teachers. I am a product of public schools from kindergarten through graduate school myself, and I have two adult children who are college graduates. So I have had the opportunity to observe teachers both as a student and as a parent.
The vast majority of the probably 200 teachers I've known personally have been hard-working, competent professionals. I have known a handful of situations where a teacher was lazy, burnt out, or just plain bad (one was even a pedophile). In EACH and EVERY ONE of these cases, it was the students themselves (if they were high school or college) and/or the parents who first noticed that something was wrong. Then other teachers and alumni would complain. Finally the administration would be aware that there was a problem and would set the ball rolling to replace the teacher. But Rauner would give administrators even more power to get rid of (not just reassign) a teacher for whatever reason. Bad enough that an educator could be deprived of his/her position, but giving administration the power to deprive them of their LIVELIHOOD is absolutely wrong!
We have a history in this district of administrators bullying teachers. At least one of those teachers had the support of his students, their parents, his fellow teachers, and community members. The tenure system and teachers' unions are NECESSARY protection for teachers against corrupt administrators.
Scott Walker has been bad for Wisconsin's teachers, and Bruce Rauner would be bad for Illinois!
Oh, and I'm a Christian so you definitely are not offending me by mentioning God.
I'm off to church now. I'll be praying for the teachers I know, that they will be secure in their jobs so they can concentrate their energies on doing their best for our kids.
The administration of 131 is corupt" I read the article about credit cards . Why do they need such large balances? Where are they traveling? I believe out of state travel was stopped but now they have a open check book. Our school board never questioned this. A election more important than November is coming up. I hope new blood is running. If this is a representation of our leadership they need to be replaced.
The case you have refered to is Kaisershot. We had a serial bully sup and a board that went along with everything administration wanted.
Today we have the same problem, the only change is that Glotzbach runs the district and she as inept as they come. Always pointing fingers. The board resembles the board from hell, they are actually worse. If you attended the meeting they signed any rights away to ask questions or get community input.
Rauner will not take a wage and provides a checks and balance against the Madigan controlled house.
We also have Chapa who would have to sign the teachers rights away. I am not saying she would or will it seems with her it's the way the wind blows
"Get real", you made my point for me!
If our present administration is indeed worse than the ones "from hell" 10 years ago, then do you want them to have even MORE power over our teachers? Do you want corrupt administrators to be able to FIRE teachers at the drop of a hat, instead of merely reassigning them?
Yes, I was referencing Kaisershot, but he's not the only example in our district (just the most high-profile one). If you think I'm overreacting, just take a look at the video interviewing Wisconsin teachers. Governor Scott Walker's administration has contributed to miserable conditions for teachers in Wisconsin; Bruce Rauner has gone on record admiring Walker and opposing tenure.
So Rauner won't take a wage? Maybe not, but he would create NEW taxes on services such as our kids' haircuts and karate lessons. Like the first President Bush "read my lips, no new taxes" he pretends to be a fiscal conservative while sneakily planning to make middle-class families pay more tax on everyday services. Meanwhile Rauner has spent more than $25 million of his own money trying to BUY the election.
Our teachers and working families deserve BETTER.
Vote for Pat Quinn!
D131 staff and community better worry about the upcoming school board election. Hanley would not respond how many administrators will get a credit card. We have over 100 administrators and they are all allowed spending up to 10,000 per month. P cards to my limited knowledge allow a change in limits on the fly. If someone is going out of town then the limit should get raised. Everyone should not have 10,000. Why the Bank of Montreal? Do we not have banks in the USA.
I don't have a problem with Canadian Banks. In fact, it's probably a wise choice. When the American Banking Industry nearly bankrupted our society because of their greed, the Canadian Banks were all but unaffected. The Canadian Banks were much more conservative (less greedy) before the crash. I don't know if this was by choice or if Canada kept laws in place that protected the average person. (This while the American Politicians were allowing the banks to get away with everything). To this day, not one of the big bank CEO's has been held accountable. In fact, their bonuses just keep getting bigger.
I bank at Harris Bank. It has been around for as long as I can recall. When I go to do my online banking, it comes up as Bank of Montreal. So it is a stretch to think D131 has reached out to a Canadian Bank, when actually they are just banking locally and ended up with a bank based in Canada. Quit the nitpicking and stick with the important stuff! No matter where the money is kept, are the checks being written for things that directly go towards educating our children in East Aurora?
Maybe we need to focus on why they have such high limits. They should only get used for emergency. How do we know all the snacks, and charges are real. Giving that many cards out with such high limits is a recipe for disaster.
Good news about the preschool no thanks to Glotzbach.
Unbelievable, the lady that runs it is Scarpino and many that work with her feel she is saint. She gets no help from anyone and had helped countless families and children. Recently, Glotzbach pushed her in retirement by making her life miserable. You can bet if it is good for students Joan Is there to ruin it.
it will soon become another program that will fall apart.
When will people wake the heck up and see what is happening. There is rampant theft, incompetence and there are things happening that arent getting reported that are putting our kids at risk of serious injury or even death and no one has the guts to do anything about it.
Aren't our School Board members individuals? Don't they come from diverse backgrounds and have different perspectives?
Then why should they be expected to speak with "one clear voice"?
This new "protocol" seems to give WAY too much power to the superintendent. Asking the superintendent's permission before visiting a building instead of just checking with the principal sounds like the School Board members are children having to ask Daddy's permission before going to a friend's house.
And the "no surprises" rule--heaven forbid someone would bring forward new information at a meeting. Couldn't have that; might fluster the almighty superintendent.
Absolutely ridiculous!
My concern is that the new policy further removes the community from having input into important decisions being made for our students.
This is because our School Board members were chosen and elected by US, the taxpaying community. We did NOT directly elect (or choose) the superintendent. He was selected (and not the first choice) by the Board. His role should be to supervise, not control, our district. He is OUR employee, hired on OUR behalf.
It almost seems like Dr. Popp is showing what I call a "Naperville attitude": that because our district is mostly working-class and/or minorities we are unable to think for ourselves and need a "Great White Hope" to come in and make decisions for us. Too bad a lot of us can see that attitude for what it is.
Another district trying to make the whole board speak with "one clear voice". It's not working very well:
I am disappointed in the six board members to be far Johnson voted no. It was stated they can disclose the purchases to the public and not one spoke up. It seems the corupt days of EA are back. By the policy and oversite alone it shows. Who puts a plan together and does not know how many cards are being issued? then allowing a $10,000 limit per card. it shows nobody is watching.
When they hired Tyler I had my doubts WA has broke. It seems we are headed in the same direction.
I have been very concerned about the board. Settlements of unneeded lawsuits, red ink spending, credit cards buildings and ground issues and the payoff of Roberts.
Now this, it is time for a new board. I can't believe the board needs to beg Popp to gain entry in the building. Why are they on the board. As far as speaking with one voice did they all think it has acceptable for Hull to joke about the first time doing it? Shame on them what poor leadership for our students. What if a teacher talked about the first time doing it to a class. They are 7 individual adults that need to conduct themselves that way.
Dr Popp is very dangerous without a board that is asking questions. His first start was building a administrative center when our classrooms are so overcrowded. For the board not to object or tell him about the needs of our children is troubling. I now read this and it shows a pattern back to the serial bully days. The board is forgetting their service to the community.—downstate-grabs/wed-10292014-438pm
"Mrs.Johnson stated that the problem with these agreements is that an agreement must be an
enforceable agreement and this is not; it also takes away from the board’s freedom of speech.
She stated that she is surprised that the board must call the superintendent in order to visit a
school; usually the board would call the principal. She further stated that if questions get
answered there will not be surprises"
I remenber the days Kevin K got rail roaded for doing a wonderful job. Recently the district covered up a teacher at the Magnet school . This teacher who was part of the band program at Magnet allowed students to smoke in class and allowed a student to expose himself and prono video was also produced in the classroom. Nothing happened Truckrnbrod covered up. Truckenbrod is a buddy of his. This district is totally out of control under Popp. Coverups, CORUPTION and lies
Think of what would have have happened to K a man of morals. The BOE needs to ask and investigate this but they have their heads so far up Popps a** it will never happen.
It looks as though Annette Johnson has spent a lot of time today on the blog. She is the only person who should have an issue with this as she is the one who all these rules were created for.
FYI, nowhere does it state that a board member needs the superintendents PERMISION to visit a school. It states that the board member has to INFORM the superintendent of the visit. There's a big difference between the two. The superintendent should know if an out of control board member is in a building creating issues that he will have to clean up.
A board member should not be dropping surprises at a board meeting. Anything that a board member wants to discuss at a board meeting should be a part of the agenda given with proper notice. This is simply following open meetings rules.
It also doesn't state that a board member can't have a differing opinion. That is part of the discussion before a vote. It is during this time that a board member should be attempting to sway other board members to their position. It states that after a vote has been taken, all board members should publicly support the majority vote. One board member should not be running to the press and publicly bashing the majority rule. This is also why the protocols include that the board president speaks publicly for the board.
The rule about a board member only communicating with the superintendent is so that staff members are no longer harrassed by an out of control board member who goes around bullying everyone she can.
Most school boards are able to function respectfully without "protocols" being put in place. The real question is why did the school board and administration feel the need to add such protocols in the first place?
The answer is a simple one. Annette Johnson has all sorts of behavior issues that need addressing. If she were a student instead of a board member, she would have been placed at the alternative school by now.
It looks to me as though the district finally took a big step in the right direction. Hopefully, this will be an end to all the negetive press the district has received in recent years.
It looks like Hanley has to much time on his hands. Nice response Matt. and the community is upset about this agreement. If they had nothing to hide then why have a agreement. The board member and Dr Popp do not own the EA school district the community does.
The truth came out the policy was designed for Johnson. She has now gained the reputation of being the only board member in a decade that actually did something about cleaning up EA. I have criticized her in the past for looking the other way on credit cards, and allowing employees to get free insurance. It was reported years before it was addressed and she was on the board for at least three of those years. She was not the only member who knew about this. To her credit she did do something about it.
Recently the issues of B&G came to light, again she was the only one to address it. One needs to wonder what else are they hiding.
I am not Annette only one of her supporters now.
It was my understanding that the board hired the superintendent. Why are they kowtowing to him? If this is not a good fit the wheels need to be put in motion to send him back to the more affluent communities that he is obviously more at ease with. And Mr. Hull, bring in more minority teachers , please! we welcome them! But don't slag those of us who have been in the trenches for the last 20 plus years working our asses off, buying children supplies, clothing, food, etc., and banging our heads against the wall trying every idea to help our kids. These comments are below you and actually hurt the kids you claim to advocate for. You go into your community and talk this venom as well.. How does this benefit students you claim to love by turning them against the very teachers that are there for them every day? I have 2 advanced degrees from Ivy League schools. I could teach anywhere but CHOOSE East.
"Hopefully" said: "Annette Johnson has all sorts of behavior issues that need addressing"
If so, then Board President Ray Hull has issues as well. Both Annette and Ray have shot off their mouths at one another publicly. And it was Ray who gave that infamous "you never forget your first time" speech a few months ago. Both have been embarrassments to our district. But at least Annette isn't going around our community telling churchgoers that white teachers are incompetent & uncaring.
If the "one voice, no surprises" policy was intended for Annette then it was also intended for Ray.
Speaking of Annette and Ray:
Ray Hull has been an embrassment and his days back when quoting Ray show a return to the serial bully days. Ray was on the board when Radocvich had full control of the board. The distrct at that time chased and humiliated many good teachers away. The Distrist also increased salaries for a few good administrative friends of the serial bully. The district also spent all the cash reserves and programs got cut. The serial bully also brough his incompetent friends in. Sounds familiar. This is the new day in EA and they even have the same first name. Mike
Looking back the only difference is at least we still have one board member who will speak out. I guess I will eat crow and appolize to Johnson. Hang in there!
While I think it is important to hire Minority teachers, I do not believe in patronage jobs. Since Hull became President, Simmons has hired 8 support staff and promoted Jackie Gibson all from Main Street Baptist. The church of Ray Hull. Some of the support staff are for Sped children that are Limited in their language . One can not drive to work because of a DUI charge. This is not only discrimination but corupt.
Students in East Aurora are taught about dictatorships and free speech. Our school board acted and voted on a dictatorship. It is very troubling serveral discussions have ensued about the recent articles in the paper. The consensus is our board needs to inpeached. When a public body losses their rights they are not representing their constituents. Imagine if our forefathers acted like this would we have the same freedoms.
Regarding the hiring of minority teachers: If you are an African-American male or female who is fully certified to teach and highly qualified, you have your pick of local teaching positions. Wealthy high paying local school districts are on the look out for minority hires. They too need diversity. Why go to EA #131 for low pay, poor benefits and all the issues of this district , when you can go to Naperville, Lyons Township or Downers Grove and make a lot more money! That's one of the reasons why we lack minority teachers. They are not being turned down by our HR.
The board and new sup are out of control. Lets review!
Paid settlements to a porn teacher and settled a employee with no finger prints.
Allowed Glotzbach to bully and intimidate teachers.
Allowed Sup to hire friends that do not hold the proper credituals and pay them more than other administrators doing the same job.
Allowed Sup to maker number one goal a new administrative while teachers are forced to work in overcrowded classrooms.
Allowed Feltes to spend millions with construction buddies while trained employees were intimidated and harassed.
Allowed Sup to misspending money and create the districts first deficent budget.
Allowed the board president to make a sexual harassing speech and insult white teachers.
There is more to come on the board from hell. the only problem is staff has their number and is coming to the meeting to watch the circus.
Throwback, thanks for the fun memory. Some things may
be gossip, but the recordings show the true side of these two.
USA history, we would be in a bad way if our forefathers had restricted the opinions and ideas of others.
I am not defending Johnson but Hull did attack Johnson's mother on the one year anniversary for her mothers death. What moron does that.
There is also a public tape at a B&G meeting were Hull screams and yells at a Corditgan and Clark employee. He also makes a racial slur at white Catholics in this tape.
We also heard the meltdown speech of the first time you just did it.
The board then elects him as spokes person. They have no idea how they are the laughing stock.
It looks as though Waukegan also has an Annette Johnson on their school board.
I was a member of the last negotiating team and negotiations failed because Goltzbach was put in charge and did not address contract problems with teachers. Johnson came in and issues got solved and better money was put on table, thus settling the contract. Administration did not live up to agreements but that was mostly Glotzbach.
This year negotiations and the mood of teachers is hopeless. Glotzbach is back to her old tricks. The difference is today the district has no leadership and a board president who has openly stated all white teachers are not qualified. Dr Popp can not control Glotzbach so teachers need to be vocal and that was well represented at the last meeting.
Now THIS is scary...
Maybe now the Chicago Tribune will print the news instead of censoring it for the Mayor of Aurora. Aurora is a broken town with low home values that can not support the schools. Political game playing has put Aurora in the condition it is. You can blame the schools or boards it starts in the Mayors Office.
West Aurora paid millions in educating his World Relief students now the same is happening on the Esst Side. Mr Lawerance was the only one to speak out and he was crucified . All this because a newspaper went along to get along.
The Magnet School is d131's image builder. Yes there was coverup the teacher allowed the students creative time alone smoking and a student exposing himself in a video occurred. All was covered up. That is EA today.
Our Principal would not allow students to have a annual Halloween Party today. Parents got turned away at the door. When questioned she stated Joan Glotzbach told Principals that would not be allowed any longer. This is a day of children and I am sorry Glotzbach and Popp hate kids. It shows the new day in EA. The other story given is candy, cookies and cupcakes are unhealthy. The kids were not allowed to parade in hallways either. I guess it's unhealthy to walk. Shame on the adults in our district!
A ruling was passed down yesterday by Dictator Popp. NO HALLOWEEN ruled the Dictator. This was poorly communicated again at the last minute and left many no knowing. Parents in some schools got turned away. The message came down that Halloween to some is considered a religious event.
Children is this district look forward to this day. Teachers always bring special treats many in our district can not afford special treats. What a dirty trick.
Meanwhile, our neighboring districts allow grade-school children to celebrate Halloween at school. My friend in Geneva posted pictures of her daughter's class doing a mummy wrap, playing musical chairs, and parading around in their costumes.
My son & daughter went to Dieterich, and they definitely DID celebrate Halloween in D131 in the late '90s! Even the teachers would put on a silly costume and/or bring treats. Parents & grandparents would come and take pictures and videos. It was great fun, and good public-relations for the district.
If it was in fact Dr. Popp who unilaterally declared that there would be no Halloween in our schools, then he should be ashamed of himself for taking away our kids' traditional American holiday fun. That's no way to inspire respect from the district he was hired to work for and lead!
If ONE PERSON has the power to determine that a decades-long tradition of celebrating a holiday in our schools will be cancelled, that is ABSOLUTELY WRONG.
As others have asked, are we living in a democracy or a dictatorship?
Kids for the last hour were allowed dress but not allowed to parade in the hallways. Parents did come with treats and were sent away. No candy was served .
It probably goes along the lines of limiting school assemblies. That is the latest push in our district. They claim we need to increase classroom instruction. We can no longer have assemblies. When Popp needs a photo op it's another story. our building had students out of class for the Ice Bucket challenge but Halloween was a no no. our Principal is a big kiss up. The new day in EA is all about our superintendent not students.
Dr Popp is a political animal. He spends his time on State committees or different school committee out of the district. It is clear he is buildinga resume. We have checked and are suprised the BOE did not do a better job vetting him. The reason he lost so many finalist interviews is not because he was not well spoken is because he is, but because of site visits. Being well spoken gets you I to the final rounds. Sites visits tell a BOE what the person does. It is our understanding that the BOE never did this.
The truth is Dr Popp was losing his job with the new superintendent. He had applied for many jobs as Asst Superintendent and Superintendent none would have him.
It was revealed by Leonard Johnson voted against both Popp and Rodriguez The board was split The BOE no longer wanted Dr Roberts and they rushed fearing Johnson was trying to keep him. It now turns out Dr Roberts is sorely missed and EA is heading into major financial problems and Curiculum problems. Teachers, Support staff and maintenace workers work moral is at a all time low because Glotzbach is running the district a discisions are not getting made or they are discisions that have such a negative impact one group or another is constantly in a uproar. Fire drills are a daily battle. The administration knows Popp leads the BOE around by the nose.
Dr Popps campaign of everything is great just looks foolish he is not rolling anyone. THe BOE failed in there most important job. Why no site visits?
Some schools had a parade they are the Principals that did what was right for students. Gloztbach was warning building not to allow kids to get candy and other treats. Some school district have stopped having Halloween because of food allergies. Our district celebrates Christmas and other celebrations other district do not. Some would never have fond memories of school. It is a different population than 204 Mr Popp. Until he learns this changes should not be made. So many necessary programs are changing it appears Mr Popp is listening to the wrong advise. Gloztbach is and has been a long standing cancer in our district.
Aurora Beacon said...
Maybe now the Chicago Tribune will print the news instead of censoring it for the Mayor of Aurora. Aurora is a broken town with low home values that can not support the schools. Political game playing has put Aurora in the condition it is. You can blame the schools or boards it starts in the Mayors Office.
Aurora Beacon is right. Where did 131 schools rank in the latest report card...? Oh, that's right, toward the bottom. When you have a bunch of poor, illiterate Hispanics, this is what you get.
Give Credit
They moved from 9th of the bottom to 11th . sad but true
The BOE ends up this week in public outrage and Matt needs to write a Letters to the Editor and sign Juanita Wells name. Juanita is related to Ray Hull and took part in the BOE from hell. We will never forget Juanitas attack on Mr K when the BOE steps on his rights. We will never forget her attacks on children. How history repeats. They are bankrupting the district and not following up on a Superintendent gone wild. funny how they both share the same name MIke.
So now the DC's get to carry walkie talkies. Now they get to "look" busy and be even more unavailable to talk to if we have real questions for them. Maybe now they won't be on Facebook all day or visit with their family anymore. I've only seen them on the first floor but not on the third floor where we are and actually need them. None of the damn English teachers are out in the hallway during passing periods except for a few of us which is ridiculous. It's our damn job, we should all do it!! I think they are all taking examples from our look busy but not actually accomplish anything. I mean none of the building or district administrators are E-V-E-R seen at the high school. I think our building leader thinks if he interrupts class enough, that counts as being a "visible" and present principal. I know he's gone soon, this is a stepping stone district for him. That was obvious from they hired him. Ask any of the students you see who Mr. Byrd or Dr. Popp is, they will have no clue who they are. And ask them about any of the assistant principals or DC's; no chance of knowing them either. Well maybe the AD, he likes to stick his face (with tobacco in his mouth) in everyones business without actually accomplishing a thing. I'm done for now, get through this week and then we get to have a worthless SIP day Monday, which the Administration hasn't figured out what we are doing yet. I mean don't they meet enough times each week to figure out something positive? W-O-R-T-H-L-E-S-S
Nice article by Mr. Hanley about some of our best and brightest.
No doubt about it...our district has wonderful, hardworking, dedicated teachers and staff!
Election Day is TOMORROW.
Please, please...
If your life has been impacted positively by a public-school teacher (and I think that's most of us), then support them by voting for Pat Quinn for Governor!
Bruce Rauner wants to get rid of our teachers' tenure system and defund their pensions. Administrators would have even more power than they currently do to FIRE (not just demote or reassign) a teacher despite community support for that teacher.
Mr. Hanley's article about "Those Who Excel" is a good reminder of why Bruce Rauner would be dangerous for our district. In the late 1990s Mr. Kaisershot was given several awards: EAHS PTA Teacher of the Year, Excellence in Education Award, and Award of Special Recognition from the Illinois State Board of Education. He was also nominated by his EAHS colleagues for the Kane County Educator of the Year award in 1997. Yet just a few short years later a handful of administrators were able to deprive him of his high-school teaching position against the wishes of the community. If Bruce Rauner had his way, corrupt administrators would be able to deprive a well-liked, community-supported teacher like Kaisershot of his job and income. One day a teacher is awarded honors; a short while later they lose their job because they didn't kiss bigwigs' behinds.
We've seen firsthand how a corrupt administration and rubber-stamping School Board can divide a community and promote distrust and cynicism for years afterwards. Don't let Bruce Rauner make it even easier for bullies to infect a district...
Most school boards are worthless today because they become freinds with the administrators. Whatever it is a job for a friend or child, free trips, student scholarships they are getting perks. They do not respect the resident they serve. Same is true of our board.
This will be a VERY close election. As of yesterday the polls had Quinn and Rauner in a dead heat.
As others have mentioned, every citizen's vote counts equally. Even through Rauner has spent tens of millions of his own money trying to buy the election, he cannot buy MY vote. I will be voting for our public school teachers and for our children's best interests. I will be voting for Pat Quinn.
The few hundred people who read this blog CAN make a difference in an election this critical. The margin is so close that a couple of hundred votes can put Quinn over the top.
Do NOT let Bruce Rauner win this election. Vote for Pat Quinn!
Nov 3rd 2014
The June 6th 2014 purchase order to PCS Industries read
A 4 Rider scrubbing machines @$6,247.50 totaling $24,990.00 ($10.00 short of the Bid Threshold)
B $1,000.00 charge for training
Grand total $25.99k
There were two additional purchases on June 30th and July16th
Grand total $77.97k
Red Flags arise immediately
1 Why were there 3 PO’s for 4 machines within 40 days instead of 1 for 12 machines requiring a bid
resulting in a large reduction in price.
2 Why would you want to pay for training charges 3 times with the 3 PO’s.
The training charges should have been waived as part of negotiations.
3 Was this on the budget plan for Bldg & Grounds? If not- why.
4 Was there a 30 day “Trial/Test” period before for this machine before making this purchase
I spoke with the manufacturer of the machine and was told only “Authorized Distributors” could sell this machine. These companies are given special discounted pricing to sell their products.
3 quotes for this purchase are required by School Policy and none were provided. If you are going to quote “Apples to Apples” this would be the criteria for this machine or a comparable one
A Only have those other distributors quote pricing for this item
B Comparable machines would follow the same rules
C Any unauthorized distributor could not fairly compete due to a great pricing disadvantage.
This is the only way to be fair in awarding Purchase Orders. Was this procedure followed?
Purchase orders followed the approval process but violated policy and law of the 25K threshold to be bid. HOWEVER
A Why would someone submit a request like this, as it is common knowledge what the purchasing rules are.
B Why did someone not question this dollar amount?
C Procedures were in place yet this slipped through the ranks 3 times
There is no excuse for what transpired and those responsible must be held accountable for these decisions. This is a poverty district and Stewardship of Tax Dollars was violated as I have clearly proven. There are many other issues which have surfaced which will be discussed later.
Thank you for allowing me to speak tonight
Ralph Padron
Listening to Ralph last evening he made serveral goods points. What one has to wonder is why would someone issue 3 separate purchase orders breaking the bids up and then pay a company $1000 on each purchase order for training . Why did they not have training all at one time.? Why would the selected vendor not give free training. I viewed the paperwork after the meeting and much to my surprise Dr Popps signature was on the purchase orders. Now the new superintendent is involved in illegal bids.
As for Johnson Hull and Peyrea they all just need to give it up. Allegations aside the board should protect the districts illegal spending that is their job. Johnson needs to bring facts to the meeting not just keep voting no. Thank you Ralph the sad part is we can not vote you onto the board.
It is time for the entire board to resign. Hull talks about Johnson but has a real anger management problem. He attacked a speaker last night after the speaker asked Hull about the budget.
They spend so much time fighting with each other nothing is getting done.
Johnson does make good points but because she is making them the board fights with her.
The bids exposed show the lack of care for tax money. They have given the administration a green light to spend what they want. If Dr Popp signed the purchase orders he needs to be fired. How can he be trusted to manage any district dollars.
Ray told the maintenance staff he would look into the scrubbers in June. He did nothing. Dave Rana brought the company in and they did not provide training that was reported to Hull also. Anything to protect Feltes. THe scrubbers were purchased without a bid they just showed up. The secretary who breaks done into tears daily had to create a purchase order to get the bill paid. That is how things are purchased in EA. We are not sure how Popp was involved or why he would sign the purchase orders.
Popp is aware of everything purchased without a purchase order. It has also been told to her she is providing to much information on the purchase orders. they do not want the public to know.
Hull needs to resign he knows and does nothing.
Thank You Ralph
Looks like this blogs endorsement didn't do jack.
I am disappointed but trying to find some bright spots in the election results.
Dick Durbin and Stephanie Kifowit were both re-elected. Both are strong supporters of unions in general, and teachers' unions in particular.
Although Rauner won by a slim majority of votes, he does not have a mandate from the voters. It would be very difficult for a governor to accomplish a destructive agenda against our teachers without support of the legislature, and there are enough congresspeople (especially in Chicago) who would stand in his way.
The saying goes, "money talks". Looks like Rauner's millions did indeed buy him the election. We'll just have to make the best of it.
Rauner won by 5%. Is that slim?
I am the only one in my family of four adults who voted. My other family members said their vote wouldn't make a difference.
This morning I told them I better not hear them complaining about who won.
My candidate for Governor may have lost the election, but at least I can feel like I did what I could do. I put a sign in my yard, talked to friends & coworkers, and showed up at the polls to vote. As others have said, every citizen has the same power in the ballot box because we have a one-man-one-vote system. Money buys advertising and influence but does not buy actual votes.
If you don't like the results of this election, then get your butt out to the polls next time!
According to the Chicago Tribune website, Rauner got 50.73% of the vote.
That's not "winning by 5%", that's winning by less than 1%.
Still a win, but not a mandate.
Yeah, but see, you're wrong.
Rauner did get 50.73%
Quin got 45.89%
Grimm got 3.38%
So, he did win by like 5% or 4.84% to be exact.
Sorry you're wrong.
He got 4.8 percent more than Quinn, but only a tiny sliver more than half of the votes.
Of the people that voted for Grimm, maybe half would have voted Rauner & half Quinn (if Grimm weren't running).
So probably actually won by 2% or 3% over Quinn.
Still not a mandate...and some votes have not been counted.
After attending many school board meeting I will focus on replacing the four board members. This board reminds me of the serail bully days. We do not need a branding campaign we need a honest transparent board.
How can you just discount the people that voted for Grimm?
Rauner WON by 4.84% PERIOD. You can twist it anyway you want it but the TRUTH is that Rauner won by 4.84% of the vote.
Oct 28 2014
Could East Aurora Board’s ‘one voice’ douse public debate?
by Denise Crosby
Once upon a time in a kingdom called East Aurora, there lived a school board so out of control the people of the land regularly held its collective breath in fear fists would be raised and a knock-down drag-out would ensue.
At the center of the board was a fire-breathing school president, who when she opened her mouth all sorts of heat was generated, igniting controversy and name-calling and plenty of juicy follow-up stories.
Talk about a feudal system.
Surrounding this passionate leader were other board members also willing to share their concerns about everything from a dysfunctional business office to hot-button sexual identity policies to questionable maintenance contracts.
Ruling over this land to the East was a king known for his compassion and intelligence. But this superintendent was also viewed as too weak to control the board that had been elected to help him lead.
As power shifted, the president breathed even more flames and colleagues fired back and the blaze grew hotter and the board more divided.
And so it was that chaos reigned. With bigger headlines that followed.
Then along came a new ruler.
He hailed from a nearby kingdom. Where everyone played nicely and acted with decorum when the camera was rolling.
But even before East’s new superintendent officially took over the throne, shuffling was going on behind the scenes to oust the fire-breather from her position at the center of the table.
So it came to be that the president’s equally opinionated but more discreet nemesis was elected as the new board leader.
And calm – except for occasional public snipes during meetings — settled over the land.
But along with a new king there came a new decree.
It descended upon the kingdom in the form of a non binding contract that stated the board must speak as “one clear voice” to the community. In other words, none could open his or her mouth and breathe any sort of fire (i.e, dissent) without talking to the superintendent or getting consensus from the board.
It also stated there could be “no surprises” at board meetings; and that if a board member’s request took any more than 30 minutes of staff time, the entire group must agree to it.
It even went so far as to forbid board members from going to any of the school buildings without a heads-up to the super.
It was, some would argue, a potent weapon to slay any disagreeable dragons and squelch those public fires they might ignite.
But in doing so, does it also douse important debate?
Does this call to order come at too steep a price?
It was a question that aroused more than a few people paying attention, including the resting dragons.
And so they began blowing off a little steam.
Both former and current board presidents were not so crazy about the contract, especially having to call the super before visiting any of the buildings.
It turns out other educational kingdoms across the land view this one voice (i.e. shorter leash) as “best practices.” Fueling the flames of discourse does no good but leave a scorched land in its wake, some experts argue.
And so it came to pass that a New Day really has dawned in E.A.
The pendulum, in fact, has swung so far in the opposite direction, it will take a while for the watchful masses, including scribes like us, to get used to it.
While the trend throughout the land seems to be tighter control over information, “one clear voice” does not necessarily translate to a stronger district.
Less drama with more open and civil discussions? Now that’s a noble goal.
I did NOT "discount" the votes for Mr. Grimm. I divided them between the two major candidates. Since we have no idea where those votes would have gone if only Rauner and Quinn were on the ballot, the logical assumption was to split the difference.
Bottom line, Rauner won. He had a fraction of a percentage over 50% of the votes. That means that about 49% voted AGAINST him.
If he's smart he'll realize that he does NOT have a mandate, and he would be wise to listen and compromise with the 49% of us who voted against him.
Interesting discussion on the way your districts money is spent. Mr Padron brought out more corruption at the meeting Monday. Again the superintendent looked the other way.
Ralph Padron of 2600 Gateshead Drive, Naperville, IL addressed the board. Mr. Padron had concerns regarding an audit that he did for the district in the past and that his findings were not
acted upon. Mr. Padron had further questions for Dr.Popp and is awaiting a response
Ms. Tyler stated
that when the audit is reviewed anything above $25,000 is pulled to make sure it was not
that should have been bid. Mrs. Johnson asked what the percentage is that the CPA
firm is testing. Ms. Tyler did not have that information readily but will forward.
Mrs. Johnson
further stated that we started outsourcing a lot of work to outside servic
e providers.
She feels we
“bid stringing”.
This is “like” work that did require a bid. She feels this is a huge
problem as we have not “clumped”
the jobs. Ms. Tyler stated that this is an exception to bidding
as this is “skilled work”. She s
tated that we have a list of preferred vendors and is looking to
revisit and update this list so that we go and get the best hourly prices to make sur
e the district
gets charged only for
the hours worked.
Ms. Tyler stated that once the purchasing manager
hired he/she will be responsible for creating procedures.
Mr. Hull stated that once we spec
the work this should go to three
vendors. The vendors should send the quotes to the business
. Mr. Hull also stated that we should not use
the same purchase order for multiple
How many people will be hired to do Feltes job? Now a purchasing manager and additional maintenance supervisors. Jessie Vargas applied for the position and held a degree in Materials Management yet he was turned down and the job description changed for Feltes. Garcia and Swaggert were fired or demoted and names ruined for Feltes.
Crimes are being committed daily in 131 and Dr Popp and Tyler are well aware. They care more about their positions with the board than doing the right thing. Ralph Padron continues to produce facts and nothing is done. East Aurora needs to be taken over by the State. My family and friends gave years of honest hard working service to 131 only to be destroyed and reputations ruined.
The floor machines are the tip of the iceberg employees made the mistake of thinking Glotzbach and Popp are honest now the are being forced out. More will come out about how they steal and I wish the same for their families as they treated everyone elses.
Recent conversations with Dr Roberts revealed plenty. Whether it was Johnson or Hull they played politics with Dick Leonards vote. Leonard is a growing cancer on the board every
one who works here knows that he will sell his first born for Feltes. Dr Roberts stated in his 35 years in education the Feltes situation made him feel like dirt. Millions this summer got mismanaged and everyone was paid off.
Nov 7th 2014
Matthew Hanley, FOIA Officer
East Aurora School District 131
417 5th Street
Aurora, IL 60505
Re: FOIA Request for Documents
Ref: Building & Grounds Purchases
Dear Mr. Hanley
Pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information act, 5 ILCS140/1, the undersigned hereby requests copies of the following documents:
Reference Item 40 x 46 clear liner
A Written specification sheet for the above item to be purchased
B All vendor quotes & other comparable pricing used for the following PO’s
153211 (Please resend this PO)
C PCS Invoices and individual quotes,
D If there any other PO’s for this year for purchases of this item, please include.
I understand that the Act permits a public body to charge a reasonable copying fee not to exceed the actual cost of reproduction and not including the costs of any search or review of the records. I am asking that any fees be waived per 5ILCS140/6(c).
Ralph Padron
We have more than proved d131 is corrupt The State is even more corupt so they will not investigate 131. The newspaper was bought off long ago and recently a reporter daughter was hired. We who work with her know she is treated specially. The union and administration is in bed with eachother. This is a broken community and school district.
The distict is so disfunctional under Popp it brings old timers back to remembering the serial bully.
Popps philosophy is tell the board how wonderful they are and keep telling the public and staff everything is wonderful. He has pitted Hull and Johnson against eachother. They are so busy fighting with her they have no oversight with Popp. Popp is bankrupting the district and spending his days at seminars to further his own career. In a meeting recently Popp slipped and stated that is a great idea let me write that down for MYSELF that will help my future. he quickly corrected himself. He knows the board just wants praise and has no substance.
Tyler recently admitted the situation with Feltes is out of control. they work on unneeded unnecessary repairs. They have no plan and violate State code all of time. Leonard will not allow any staff member to speak the truth because of his relationship with Popp.
Glotzbach runs the district and has the last say often overriding Popp. Popp does not care because he is off working on himself.
Gonzalez has been promised a consulting job and will get it soon after she leaves the board.
They will not give staff the raises promised to them because they claim they are out of money. The taxes will go up for the same reason. This while Popp pays friends big consulting dollars and has divided directors because his friends are paid more. Who does that remind us of.
The board needs to stop worrying about about themselves and ask questions. Danger is for EA
A insider close to Clayton Muhammed knows Rauner was a big contributor to Boys to Men. Now that he is governor Aurora will get their first charter school. Clayton has been in talks with Nobel Network and they are coming to Aurora. East is on board to support this and other school districts are keeping a close eye.
Strand took $50,000 for a urban families program from a foundation supported by Rauner. Rauner became governor because he was able to buy votes by donating to off the non for profits without a 5013c reporting. His ground mobilization was well planned. More dirt to follow
Tomorrow should be interesting. I hope we see boobs again! My guess, after looking at the agenda and CHANGE in agenda, is that this will be obviously haphazardly put together. Which is sad, there's time for each department to get together and the Division Chair's can actually do something and get their money's worth. My thinking is they will either talk AT us or make us do all they work and then get all the credit. Seriously, what do they do except bully teachers and sit in meetings all day, accomplishing N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!! Seriously, this group is worthless. Once Byrd leaves, which will be soon, hopefully we get an all new Admin team at the high school, then maybe something will get accomplished. I hear the mold is still in the SS Department!! What does Renner do all day? I mean how much tobacco can he go through while hiding in his office before he leaves before games? Yes, he does not go to games! P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C
The reason Nobel is coming to the East side is proverty and government grants. The wiz is helping Clayton bring this to Aurora and Chapa Lavia is backing it. Old news . They currently don't have a building and 129 and 204 won't hear of it. Clayton has been speaking at events in Chicago and will be the head master.
Any community that allows charter schools deserves what they receive.
Charter schools are corporations. Corporations have one purpose, to make money. How do they do this? They charge the tax payers every dollar possible and provide the least services possible. Simply put; you will paying more and your children will be receiving less. That is the only way they can put the millions of dollars they do into the corporate bottom line.
Charter schools are just another way the politicians take care of their large corporate donors. When are the people of this country going to wake up and realize that the politicians and corporations are stealing us blind?
While we are talking about the corporate takeover of the American People, check out this link:
Our politicians are selling us out even as we speak.
A charter school, run by "Farrakhan's Disciple" Clayton Muhammad?
Here's an example of what happened when Farrakhan's disciples took over a charter school in California last year:
Remember, Farrakhan told his followers that Scientology was "so very valuable" to Caucasians. And charter schools are not beholden to taxpayers, so they do not have the same standards of accountability as public schools.
To those who think charter schools are the answer to public schools' failures, be careful what you wish for!
Again, the state leaders want us fighting amongst ourselves for the ridiculously small amount they allocate for education instead of stepping up and funding education properly.
It's very simple to understand. The residents of Illinois pay some of the highest tax rates in the nation, why are is Illinois 50th of the 50 states in education spending?
The real question is, where are our tax dollars going? The state is dead last in education spending, we've cut social services to the bone, not only is the state not not paying into the teacher pension system but has been stealing from it for years. Oh, but we are able give the large corporations more tax breaks.
Here's an idea, eliminate all local taxes for education and create one statewide tax. All schools then get funded at the same per pupil rate. Then you won't have some districts spending $4,000 per pupil while other spend over $30,000. I guarantee you that if we did that, the powerful individuals in richer areas would make sure that every student in Illinois received adequate school funding. Just an idea.
Giving money to 131 is just another way for them to steal. They don't give money to the students just line their own pockets
That is correct they have wasted millions on Feltes and his scams. they have paid frivolous lawsuits to a teacher who posted porn. in most normal school districts that considered sextting but not in ours. They paid employees not to work and daily abuse credits cards. they should not get any more tax money. Look at the way they spend it.
Now we have Michael Radacovich Popp to waste the rest.
Agenda for next Monday's School Board meeting:
Now that Rauner is elected we need to get over it. We know we have lost our rights bad administration can now build a case and tenure means nothing.
Division chairs will lead the charge and have been given their marching orders. Popp has three consultants paid to show administration how to write evaluations to accomplish this. Speaking of marriages Dr Popp has more of a checkered past than Rauner. That is something else he has in common with the serial bully.
What is all of the commotion about? We have a democratic state senate and house of representatives- if Rauner wants to propose a bill about pension reform, when it gets to State legislators it dies, everything they don't like, it will die , it won't even get out of committee. They will ask - Can we get this passed? Do we have enough votes? Sorry Rauner--you may have bought your governorship, but Madigan's machine still rules Chicago, for better or worse. He's a lame duck governor for 4 years he will get nothing done. Do you really think Madigan and Cullerton will sell the unions down the river? That's political death- won't happen.
Division chairs, Popp, can do all that they want. Charlotte Danielson is a joke- Really ,this is not subjective? Any evaluation done by a human being is subjective, you dopes! We are already getting some high-powered Chicago lawyers involved -there is a state-wide class action suit forming-- New York teachers have sued and won-- The ridiculous presumption that your entire teaching history is wiped out and you are only proficient--the blurry incompetent videos that are being shown to teachers obfuscate any real understanding of what is considered excellent, proficient. We are shown videos of sub-par teaching with kids fooling around in the background and then being told it is the script that is important not what is observable- the real message here --we(evaluators) can do whatever we want- Guess what? No you cannot. Some of us are lawyered up- already building a case and will bring the rest along with us.
The elementrary teachers who always rubber stamp the union contract have to get real. We will have to unite and demand the wages we deserve. This is zero hour for us. The district is trying to play poor mouth but they owe us at least 5%. That was the last contract plus cost of living. Popp has hired many friends and consultants and it is interesting they never announce the admin. raises.
Sara Intherm and the union it's time to do your job.
Mr Padron continues to uncover fraud and many us in the district wish him a heart felt congrads.
Why does Dr Popp look the other way and the board members. Millions are being wasted and Dr Popp does nothing. Dr Popp is so busy playing politics with Leonard staff ha lost respect for him. This Christmas wish is that Hull, Turza, Gonzalez and Peryea do not run for the board.
I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you, my students, for the time we shared together in the classroom wrestling with ideas, some big … some, not so big. For those of you who were willing to allow me to challenge your base assumptions, I salute you. Critical thinking can be difficult, sometimes earth- shattering, but it is never boring. We made a meal of it.
After twenty-one years and something like four thousand students (either enlightened or polluted, depending on who you talk to) I had to step aside before I was finished. I did an unthinkable thing. I walked away from ninety students in the middle of a conversation. We were just hitting our stride when we smacked right into a wall.
I have had my arguments with the school administrators over the years. I have clawed and thrashed my way into creating enough space to teach the difficult material that most teachers know well enough not to teach. The fight was continuous, but important. In order to create critical thinkers, we must question everything. We have to be critical. We have to ask why and how do you know?
The battles were bloody, but I won them (-- we won them) … until I didn’t. In the end, some school administrators who are unaccountable to anyone, and who know little about teaching and virtually nothing about kids, decided they could put a muzzle on me once and for all. After I taught what they considered an “unauthorized” lesson that didn’t use school board-approved sources, these professional bean counters decided to suspend me for three days without pay. I could have lived with that. What I couldn’t put up with was what they were doing you.
I would be required, in future lessons, to only use school board-approved sources for all my classes. I would be required to submit my lesson plans in advance for approval by a man who was my boss and had made a personal choice not to be a teacher. I could live with the humiliation of getting the approval of a bean counter, but I couldn’t live with using only school board-approved sources … because there aren’t any … just the textbook.
So, for those of you who were there in the end, you will remember our last few days together. I wrote the required textbook pages on the whiteboard, and the questions you were to answer, and I used all the educational jargon that the bean counters like: “exit slip” and “facilitator” and “formative assessment”, and you hated it and I hated it even more. The bean counters loved it.
That was going to be the rest of my professional teaching career … the rest of our time together. We were going to do that every day until I exploded, or you rioted (with good reason) or I quit. This was not a policy created with the students’ best interests in mind. One cannot create critical thinkers if the instructor is muzzled and stuffed into a small cage. This was a power-play devised by bean counters, designed to convince me it was time to move on.
So I did. I had to do it for you. You see, this “Board approved source” nonsense doesn’t apply to all the teachers. It only applied to me. What I understood was that you would not be allowed to take on meaningful material while I was in the classroom. It was not an easy decision, and I have agonized over it, but I believe it was the right one.
The bean counters and I made a deal; the bean counters would drop the suspension and I would retire at the end of the month. The bean counters put me on paid administrative leave immediately.
At first they told me I would have a last day. I needed it. I wanted to explain that this was about the bean counters and it had nothing to do with you. I wanted to tell you to be brave and big and bold and to fear only ignorance and indifference. I wanted to tell you that you shouldn’t take your anger out on the next person who walked into the classroom; he, or she, was going to walk into a train wreck and try to pick up the pieces.
I got a call at 6:15 in the morning of what was to be my last day telling me I was not allowed to come in to school. This ensured you and I would have no closure and I could offer no explanation. I was told I could not speak to you (or my fellow teachers) or step on District Property until after October 31. My Batavia Public School District e-mail account was cut off within hours. The bean counters told the newspaper they were very surprised I decided to “retire”. They told you I had called in sick and I would be back the next day … and, that I was not in trouble. Bean counters are like that.
I had a good run. Teaching was the most fulfilling and rewarding task I have ever undertaken. I regret nothing except that the bean counters are in charge. So, I’m going to run for the Batavia Board of Education next April, and if I win a seat, I’m going to make bean soup. I’m going to fight and claw and thrash out space for teachers to teach. You are too important to me to stop fighting. If I’ve learned anything, in all my years in the classroom, I’ve learned that you young and glorious people are our wealth and our magic. I am forever grateful for our time together. It was an honor I did not deserve, but was blessed to have.
You can reach me at
Cheers, and allow me one last thought, though it is not my own: “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
― Audre Lorde
Nov 17th 2014
Upon auditing recent Building & Grounds FOIA’s regarding the purchase of “Large Trash Liners” I discovered multiple irregularities which were both illegal and very suspicious beginning March 2014.
1 Intentional alteration of key purchasing documents which directed business to 1 company.
2 The description of the item was changed to read very generic thus omitting mandatory dimensions and other key information.
3 Competing Vendors were at a great disadvantage and assured of losing any chance being awarded the Purchase Order. This was an “Apples to Oranges” scenario.
4 The specifications of this item are clearly defined on the Product Bid Requirements (see attached)
5 The 2012-2013 Contract (see attached) was for 4,500 cases to be purchased at a cost of $17.24 cs with the option of a 1 year extension thru August 2014 and I am sure this could have been negotiated for 2014-2015
1 Please provide a purchasing history of this item for the past 3 years
2 Why did PCS Industries awarded these PO’s beginning in March 2014
3 Who initiated and approved this change
4 How did these requisitions get approved for Purchase Orders as recent as Oct 23rd?
The approval log/process is in place to prevent this from happening yet it continues. What can be done to halt it immediately? I have my own opinion and answer to that
Tonight brings out more taxpayer wasted dollars wrongdoings and violations. This can be turned around immediately by.
1 Do not allow B&G personnel handle any Purchasing/Bidding
2 Have an outside agency investigate/audit all spending by B&G the past 3 years
3 Policy/Training on what is required for a price quote and what to look for when approving Purchase Orders
I do find it interesting that the same company is the beneficiary of the Trash Liners, Paper Towels and the Floor Scrubber Purchases.
I will have yet another “eye-opening” issue for the next Board Meeting
Again thank you for allowing me to speak
Ralph Padron
Mr Padron uncovered more CORUPTION last evening. Dr Popp needs to be fired and can not be trusted. His response is to coverup and sweep under the rug. He claims after two years Marty is not trained to do purchase orders. Hull made the excuse Roberts and Johnson would not hire a purchasing agent to do Marty's job. Why should the district pay Feltes $120,000 plus benefits only to hire more people to cover for him. Feltes is a joke who is costing the district millions.
Garcia handled the department with two less supervisors and no purcahsing agent.
Finley ran the department without three less supervisors and no purchasing agent. He also came in on budget with the Magnet school. Feltes was over budget by over a million. He is allowed to keep his job and Popp makes excuses. The law was broken Valdez Supply should sue. We know PCS industries is a personnel friend with Dave Rana it is time to do the right thing and resign.
Thank you Mr Padron
This administration, including each and every Department Chair, is unbelievably bad. They go around thinking they are better than everyone telling people how busy they are. But how much do they actually accomplish? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. I hear from one of the other departments that they haven't gotten any of their post observation meetings in, but that is OK, their DC can have her family visit again or she can update her Facebook status every 2 minutes. What a waste! Also, how many times do we have to complain about the heat? Our AD will tell you how busy he is and will tell you how much he wants to accomplish and then follow it up with doing nothing about it. Can't complain though, I need to get tenure so I can have some job security until we get a new group of competent leaders!
Mr Padron
I work in West Aurora and heard what was going on at East Aurora. PCS Industries is a friend to Ms Tyler she often pushed business to them. It was the same case other suppliers had better prices but they got the business. She is not to be trusted.
To: worked with Tyler
feel free to contact me with documents to support your statement. I can only pursue things if I have the evidence. Look forward in your help in getting to the bottom of this.
After reading the article about the levy I think it is time for the four that voted against it go. Wither we like it or not the schools are funded by property taxes and it is the board responsibility to educate. We spend the lowest on their education no wonder we have the scores we have. The seniors have tax breaks they can use for their taxes and I am a senior have no kids in school and upset that four board members would ignore they are suppose to be educating children. Of course maybe some are running again at election time and that why they are doing this. Our property values would probably go up if we had good schools in the district.
I attended both the testimony in Springfield as well as the EA Board meeting. in both cases the reporters covering the meeting missed the point.
At the Board meeting it was stated that the tax increase would only bring in additional $400,000. Leonard and Johnson both stated that in a $170 million dollar budget it is easy to cut $400,000. I agree
In Springfield some committee members questioned Dr Popp about his school districts poor performance and why administration salaries take up a bigger percentage of budget than other high performing school districts. They also asked why only 19% of the students are college ready. He could not answer and God was with him. The fire alarm made us evacuate.
Saved by the bell. I have attended many meeting at EA and if the administration and board focused on the students perhaps the district would improve. why is it that Mr Padron is more on top of the districts finances than the $230,000 a year Superintendent.
Adam Andrjewski is the founder of, an organization dedicated to promoting transparency in government. Here's an article he wrote recently about corruption at College of DuPage:
Maybe Mr. Andrjewski could do an exposé about corruption in our district.
November 19, 2014
To: Dr Michael Popp (Superintendent)
Christi Tyler (Asst Superintendent Finance)
District 131 East Aurora
From: Ralph Padron
Subject: Violation / Illegal purchase orders issued
Inquiry Requested
Dear Dr Popp
I begin by stating that K & J Painting is a very very reputable company and in no way is this letter questioning their integrity. They are a “top notch” painting company.
I am currently auditing purchase orders 151478, 151022, 151800, 150919, 150093, 150011
Initial questions surface on my preliminary audit.
1 Where is the 3rd Quote for each of these PO’s? Is it non-existent
2 Was/Is there a plan in place identifying areas needing an outside vendor to perform work in this field
3 Where is the “Approval Log” for each PO
4 Why was this sub-contracted out, if various parts of this work could have been performed by East Aurora’s Maintenance Department at a substantial savings
5 Quote requests should have the following areas itemized and responded to
Labor, Materials, Equipment Rentals , other
This does not exist
6 Why was this not put together as 1 PO and sent out as a public bid.
7 How do these PO’s get approved and overlooked with these violations
Please investigate the above and respond in written form.
Thank you for you cooperation in advance
Cc: Board of Education Dist 131
State Senator Linda Holmes
State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia
Try this link
School corruption, just like 131
With our schools being overcrowded and most schools at least 75 years old we need to do something. I can say in the last 2 years my taxes have gone down and so has my property value and part of that is having a bad school system. This board has looked away from the credit card issues where administrators misused used them. One had used it at the casino for parking, another for a health club, another for their personal phone bill and much more. None of them where made to pay it back. Being a board member they should watch our how they spend the taxpayers money but it also is their job to do the best they can to educate the students and have good buildings for the students
Dr Popp wants to take your taxpayer money and build a fancy administrative center for himself. the board has allowed millions wasted with Feltes and looked the other way. They need to be replaced. I attended the meeting and Padron showed $25,000 in overpaid supply's. what are they doing?
Ms Strand is also taking three building off the tax roles on Lasalle St to grow. it is time they all resign. Feltes is getting protected. Why is the board not doing anything.
Central office news is that the corupt board from hell will give Popp a five year contract after. 6 months plus a big raise. Central office cannot be more upset. He is the superintendent from hell. He allows Glozabach to run the district. The finances are in a state of disrepair. Grants and State information has been filed with wrong data. The district is losing funds because of that not any other reason. The mistakes of a junior administrator ie. Popp will cost millions.
The Staff is infighting and nothing is getting done. Popp is unable to manage a large group. He brought in friends and paid more than current employees. Current administration had more years of service and many of
his friends are now taking classes to receive certifications they should have been hired with. They received at least $10,000 more than others. He has also brought in retired friends and is attempting to change suppliers without getting quotes.
The recent scam is a energy company made up of retired past freinds of Popps from 204. The energy company a percentage of utility bills for useless advice.
Then there is the board Johnson and Hull fight constantly. they care more about my guy is better than yours. The others say nothing. Hull is a embrassment and racist. He runs wild with staff meeting with them constantly and making deals. He constantly tells us who to hire. Three recent hires could not pass a fingerprint test. Two cant drive to work because to drunken driving charges.
The mood in the district is at a all time low. It is time for change.
Look for a new lawsuit. Dr Popp and Joan asked the Director of Tech to look at employee emails to find out who is leaking information to Ralph as well as employees visiting the blog. He resigned and is seeking legal.
This is a superintendent gone wild. Why should he worry if the district is following the law. Does Dr Popp really think the employees are using the district computers. Criminal activity is happening daily and Ralph is helping us so we dont get fired. This is life in EA. Look for a class action if this continues employees need to know they are protected by the whisleblower act
Nov 20th 2014
Matthew Hanley, FOIA Officer
East Aurora School District 131
417 5th Street
Aurora, IL 60505
Re: FOIA Request for Documents
Ref: Preferred Vendors Documents
Dear Mr. Hanley
1. The advertisement placed in the paper advertising the Preferred Vendor bid.
2. The D131 request for proposals for Preferred Vendors for maintenance. Specifically heating, plumbing, electrical, roofing any other trades.
3. The summary spreadsheets and proposals submitted.
4. The final spreadsheet indicating the top 3 vendors.
5. Written notification to successful vendors.
I understand that the Act permits a public body to charge a reasonable copying fee not to exceed the actual cost of reproduction and not including the costs of any search or review of the records. I am asking that any fees be waived per 5ILCS140/6(c).
Ralph Padron
Here's a chance to do something good for our students:
Spencer Byrd announced the number of referrals /suspensions had diminished significantly. This must reflect on him Unfortunately all of the teachers who are writing serious referrals for serious offenses are getting back slips that say pm/am lunch detentions. The halls are rife with kids running the halls, no PPA's on the 3rd floor freshman center, most PPA'S giving up --gang bangers congregating second floor freshman center and first floor by the elevator- The high school is not safe-- and has no heat- The admins hate teachers and do not support them and could care less if gang bangers run the hallways. Truckenbrod shows his forehead every once in a while to question how long kids have to get to class- as if most of the kids try to get to class. Why should they? No one enforces anything and the kids are running things. It doesn't matter, teachers. You are merely proficient and this gives us power and ease to mark you down to unsatisfactory- we wipe out your prior teaching
Working at EA today is challenging. Employee moral is at a all time low. Truckenbrod is a joke and allows Spencer to watch porn and make jokes about the way students dress. He and Dennis are low life. The gangs run the schools and students are selling drugs to staff. When the dogs got brought in the students got told ahead of time, Administration did not want the marks on their records. Students have heard you will not get expelled to knives and box cutters so everyone is carrying. After two years I have no hope and am getting out of education.
You need to find a new career. Your bitterness and hostility about your work environment is not what our students deserve.
After attending many many board meetings a dangerous trend is developing. Mr Padron has shown many instances of coruption yet the Aurora Beacon News looks the other way. It is amazing a reporter can attend the meetings and report two versions of the news or not report the news at all. Not only did Mr Padron report the facts but he brought a supplier with him who will probably end up sueing.
I work in the middle schools and the gangs are taking them over as well. Students know they will not get expelled for switch blades and toy guns. The good students are bring weapons to protect themselves. Gand recruiting is up because students needs protection. Teachers know they are not protected because administration is trying to make reports look good. Our building administration have told us zero tolerance is out. I have not seen Truckenbrod in the schools since August. Everyone can bash Marin Gonzalez but she was visible as well as Ms Brown. The new administration sucks.
During the 2011-12 school year, the district received about $2.4 million too much in state aid. That year, the district switched to a new software to track attendance, Abrahamson said, and accidentally over-counted its students. The district didn’t realize its mistake, Abrahamson said, because full-day kindergarten was added that year and an attendance increase had been expected.
Worked with Tyler she directed a staff member to overstate attendance when the State discovered the error Tyler blamed the staff member. She is very underhanded and would change purchase orders all the time or tell us not to bid because it was a to much trouble. We have heard she is up to her old tricks at East beware
November 21, 2014
To: Dr Michael Popp (Superintendent)
Christi Tyler (Asst Superintendent Finance)
District 131 East Aurora
From: Ralph Padron
Subject: Criminal Investigation Requested “Fraudulent Purchasing”
Dear Dr Popp, Ms Tyler
I begin by stating that CPS Industries is not the target of my request nor am I accusing them of wrongdoing based on the paperwork I received. They conformed exactly to the information provided them by the Building & Grounds Dept. What is questionable are the documents provided by B & G purchasing personnel as follows:
1 Quotes provided for PO 153211 dtd Oct 23rd 2014 were
A PCS was intentionally altered with fraudulent information
B Mayfair quote was from Feb 25 2014
C North American Paper quote was copied from their catalog and expired July 31 2014.
All 3 quotes should have been disqualified
2 Quote for PO 152081 dtd Sept 17 2014
A PCS was intentionally altered with fraudulent information
B Quote was expired (ref: Exp Date 05/30/2014)
C Approval Log appeared and was approved by Marty Feltes and Christi Tyler
D PO was signed by Michael A Popp
3 There was no formal written request to these vendors to quote on this PO. A formal request would have been specific on the product to be purchased based on the Custodial specification bid sheet.
4 The PCS Invoice product description differs from the “Altered Quote” proving the purchase was fraudulent and an inferior item was purchased. This was a pattern used for multiple purchases
5 This item was originally Bid Publicly in 2012 and changed to individual purchases in 2014. I do not have documents for 2013.
6 Approval of these purchases were never questioned but allowed to proceed. Where is the approval log for Purchase orders 145310-147608-152168-153211
7 B&G item description was changed to a generic wording beginning June 2014. This made it difficult to know what exactly was being ordered.
There are other numerous issues to support my request as I outline each count and violation.
I am attempting to address this via “Chain of Command” before proceeding to the next level.
I will be submitting additional evidence as I believe Dist 131 legally has grounds to recover lost revenue due to the mishandling of Purchases and Services Rendered transactions this past year at the Bldg & Grnds Dept.
I make myself available to discuss this matter in greater length .
Thank you for you cooperation in advance
And look forward to your written response
Ralph Padron
Cc: Board of Education Dist 131
State Senator Linda Holmes
State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia,0,5549959.story
NBC Investigation Tips
312-836-5821 or
Mr. Padron thank you. Keep the facts coming.
Shake downs and lies are the Popp administration.
Recently the head of Tech resigned because he would not spy on employees. More to come on that
A Secretary will soon leave for the same reason. She pointed out purchase issues and is now being targeted.
Hull is making overtime promises if we will reveal who is talking to Ralph.
Employees you can trust Ralph he has followed up on information and does not reveal our names. Don't trust the Beacon Hanley boosts he has them shut down.
Someone may want to look into the purchasing of the large movie screen in the auditorium at the high school. The old screen had been lowered ontop of a chair and unwound the cables. Byrd tried to bring a contractor to fix it for under $100. B.& G. refused and proceeded to damage the unit by using screwdrivers to short the motor trying to get it to work. The only issue after that was a damaged motor clutch that cost under $400 to replace. Why was an entire new screen ordered at close to $20k? Rumor is the vendor has ties to someone in B.& G. Why did they spend tens of thousands instead of the $100 to fix it the first time?
Keep all the leads posted here!!
I will FOIA info on all of them to investigate and audit. I do have a TV Investigative team interested in this. All I ask is that they be legitimate with as much information as possible!! thanks to everyone for their support
It is too bad that Ralph has to call a TV station and the Aurora Beacon can not do their job. Someone should call the Tribune directly.
The reporters are to busy being friends of the Community Relations Directors to report the news.
Since Hanley started working for 131 very few articles have been printed.
It was not until CBS got involved that the coverup at 129 discovered. That too was a former Beacon reporter Mike Chapin who worked for the Beacon.
Also should be noted the old screen was only 4 years old and was bought to replace another screen that was damaged by negligence of b and g and could have been repaired for under $500 as well. The correct screen for the space would have only cost $ 2000 and wouldn't have been motorized to begin with. Thst space has a fly system to raise and lower fixed screens. The tens of thousands for a motorized screen was wasteful and shows no on in the district has even half a clue.
I hope more people come clean about the huge amount of fraud and incompetence in the will only get worse for our students if we don't st least try to fix things.
Dr Popp
The community and staff will call for your resignation if you do not address B&G.
Feltes has been allowed to change bids and spend millions. This has been pointed out to you by numerous staff members. Today we are targeted because we were honest.
Increasing our overtime may have bought some off but not the hard working rank and file.
Telling us layoffs will happen if the BOE does not vote for a tax increase shows you are willing to look the other way and not address the core problem. Millions have been wasted. Telling us we will have a purchasing agent is not acceptable. That is just more money to do someone else's job.
Mr Padron has been helping but he can not do it alone the community needs to watch 131 and see how your tax dollar is being wasted.Chapa Lavia needs to get involved.
Millions have been wasted on outside service companies all no bid. These duties up until Feltes had free reign were preformed by hard working employees.
We are very capable of heating the buildings, doing plumbing and painting. In fact EA students did painting up until Feltes and Popp took charge. These former EA graduates and college students took pride in painting the halls of EA now we hire high priced painting contractors from Geneva.
Why are you looking the other way Dr Popp and BOE members? Does Leonards vote mean that much to you. We had respect for Strand and Peryea and supported you. Mr Hull you told us EA would be a better place. Why don't you demand answers
It is time for a new BOE and they need to FIRE Dr Popp.
Loyal employees of EA
Feltes allegedly on some type of medical leave. Suspicious timing. Could easily be paving the way for resignation, early retirement, etc allowing him to "disappear" without consequences or being held accountable. It's happened plenty in the past. Remember Jay Augastine? No consequences for these aggregious violations of 131 policies and the Law would be unacceptable. Keep documenting and sharing.
Remember the past Deenan Adams pulled the same. She sat out on family leave and is know a Superintendent.
They allow their pets to get by but rank and file get punished. Many good hard working employees were suspended for purchasing issues. Remember Cam Leadbetter now we have Renner who got caught stealing at his old district. How did he pass a background check?
Dr Popp is a big disappointment he was told the same issues are happening. When they got by with it and Popp punished good employees for whistleblowing it got worse. We appreciate Mr Padron he is not afraid he exposes Dr Popp and Feltes to the public. Dr Popp has been trying to find out who is talking to Ralph we have been told to be careful. Tyler is now trying to cover up and spoke with us about confidentiality.
More to come!
Nov 24th 2014
Matthew Hanley, FOIA Officer
East Aurora School District 131
417 5th Street
Aurora, IL 60505
Re: FOIA Request for Documents
Ref: Building & Grounds
Dear Mr. Hanley
1 All STIPEND summary/reports for Martin Feltes & David Rana beginning from their day of employment to current date.
2 All Credit Card Statements for Martin Feltes & David Rana beginning from their day of employment to current date.
3 Building & Grounds Invoice Summary for the years 2013 & 2014. This would include all spending for this department.
4 All Purchase Orders, Quotes, Invoices, and correspondence with Nedrow Decorating for the years 2013 and 2014.
Please send your response via US Mail and email .
I understand that the Act permits a public body to charge a reasonable copying fee not to exceed the actual cost of reproduction and not including the costs of any search or review of the records. I am asking that any fees be waived per 5ILCS140/6(c).
Ralph Padron
Since Hanley has been involved the Beacon News has been covering up. Aurora needs a news paper that does not play favorites to washed up reporter like Hanley. They are responsible for helping the PR campaign of Popp. The Beacon should Know Popp praises Hanley constantly for having the Beacon in his back pocket with administration. Letters are being prepared and being sent to the Chicago Tribune. Forget the Aurora Beacon.
"Since Hanley has been involved"...
The Beacon has been sweeping negative stuff about our district under the rug for almost 10 years now. As has been mentioned before on this and Openline blog, John Russell got a "sweetheart deal" on the sale of his house in 2004-2005 (when the district was buying & demolishing houses to build the fieldhouse). An older widowed neighbor of Russell was offered a lower price than her house was worth but Russell's house was bought for +$100,000. So Russell was highly motivated (wink,wink) to spin our district's news in a positive light.
Dave Rana ordered the disconnection of a working alarm system being monitored at Quad County Urban building by another company not Alarm Detection. Alarm Detection then got the monitoring and new fees to hook up the building. This was a unnessary expense and damages to the Urban League building now have to be paid in addition. Alarm Detection has ties to some of the board members.
Maintenance personnel were also warned today by Rana that taking records and copying them is illegal. They are paranoid that we are giving them to Ralph.
From what I understand it wasn't John Russell but Larry Malaker (School Board president in 2004) who got a sweetheart deal on his house. He also got to salvage some of the house's valuable items like art glass windows (a privilege not extended to others who sold their houses to the district).
John Russell still lives in his house. His "sweetheart deal" with the district was to be able to stay in his house when others were forced to sell to make room for the fieldhouse.
By Amy Fischer Roth
Chicago Tribune
AURORA -- A petition containing the signatures of 94 East Aurora School District residents requesting the abandonment of the Board of Education's plan to buy six homes adjacent to East Aurora High School was presented to the board Monday by one of the homeowners.
Kathy Russell told the board that residents who signed the petition "would like the school board and superintendent to be honest and disclose information affecting our personal lives."
Russell was angry that she and other homeowners who would be affected by a proposal to purchase and raze their homes to make way for parking lots and storm-water retention did not learn of the plan before reading about it in a local newspaper last month.
The home of school board President Larry Malaker also is one of the six that the district would like to purchase if funds become available for a new freshmen-only East Aurora High School campus.
The proposal for the district to buy the six homes depends on passage of a Nov. 2 construction referendum question.
The petition also "demands that the School Board involve the residents in a discussion of a long-term master plan of future development and acquisitions."
Malaker had no comment on the petition. He said he is excusing himself from meetings where the home purchase proposal is discussed. "I do support the referendum," he said.
As mentioned previously, the Russells did not sell their house to the district. Their "sweetheart deal" was to be allowed to stay. Part of that understanding was probably for Mr. Russell to spin district news in a positive direction and overlook negative stuff when possible.
Alarm Detections has ties to Peryea and Strand they donated heavily to getting them elected and paid for their large billboards.
The current editor of the Beacon has a daughter that was recently hired by the district. Not much has changed in 131 ten years later.
Why would it be a bad thing for the current Beacon editor's daughter to work for D131? Seems to me we need all the qualified people we can get to work in our district. It doesn't matter where someone's from or who their relatives are, but whether they can do a good job!
If you were worried about the recent Quinn/Rauner vote:
FIGHT CORRUPTION. Get your neighbor, friends, and relatives out to vote.
Why is the Beacon not reporting Ralph's finding by what I read they are factual. He provides backup and documentation.
Popp told the teachers union the layoffs could be as high as 200 staff members. How did the district get in such bad shape so fast?
Dr Popp has not addressed coruption nor does he provide and written answers to questions from the public. Mr Padron has asked very good questions they need to be addressed.
We need a completely new board starting with the four stooges that always vote yes.
the district was in trouble when it became Dr Popps first order of business to search for a new administrative center while teachers worked in overcrowded conditions.
The next issue was Glozabach running the district anyone can tell she does.
Paying and hiring friends was also a bad sign Popp
did not set a good example joining in a coruption.
I was no fan of Dr Roberts but compared to Popp he was a super star.
Ralph Heads up
Dr Popp had a meeting with Tyler, Hull, Strand and Hanley to review paper work they are giving you. They were waiting in Morales office for Popp and Hull was overheard saying we are giving him to much make him dig for it. He also has coffee a couple times a week with B&G workers trying to find out who is the leak. Working at EA has never been worse.
Watch WHO you vote for in the spring. ( if anyone runs). At least 4 of the board members are from Ward one. Their agenda is to take care of their neighbors and Ward members. Make sure we vote for an educated board who represents all families in the district.
Public discussion of school finances on December 3rd:
When Ward One was in charge of the board the district open new schools and was not on the verge of bankruptcy.
Dr Popp in a few short months has allowed millions of dollars to be wasted in no bid contracts and not utilizing hard working employees to make repairs. Everyone looked the other way wink, wink. Now Ralph caught them and the are exposed.
Everyone should not have to pay for Dr Popp. My question to the board is why was he not required to move to the community he serves. I would bet $1000 he would have never taken the job.
Let us fact check the districts tax increase will only bring in $400,000 in additional revenue. Dr Popp could cut that in worthless administrators wages.
Nov 25th 2014
Matthew Hanley, FOIA Officer
East Aurora School District 131
417 5th Street
Aurora, IL 60505
Re: FOIA Request for Documents
Ref: AFR Report
Dear Mr. Hanley
Am requesting East Aurora Dist 131 AFR Report for fiscal year ending June 30 2014.
Please send this in an electronic format.
I understand that the Act permits a public body to charge a reasonable copying fee not to exceed the actual cost of reproduction and not including the costs of any search or review of the records. I am asking that any fees be waived per 5ILCS140/6(c).
Ralph Padron
You are wasting a ridiculous amount of distict resources for your stupid investigations that amount to nothing. Use your time in a more beneficial way.
Looking up information and sending it in an electronic format requires only a few minutes of someone's time, and compared to the thousands of $ spent on central office "perks" like meals & conferences it is a drop in the bucket.
What is ridiculous is the fact that our district lacks transparency, so someone like Mr. Padron has to continually request information through FOIA. Thank heavens for Mr. Padron!
Board Meeting Dec 1st Speech
Flag Pole Painting Project
Questions I will be asking about this expenditure at the Dec 1 2014 Bd Meeting
1 Was this money spend prudently, if not why was it allowed
2 Where is the 3rd Quote?
3 Was there a request for quote with the specifics mentioned such as
Labor, Materials (specific paint to be used) and equipment. There were 16 flag poles done equivalent to & 480.00 per flagpole per invoice.
4 I spoke with Nedrow Decorating and although they did not itemize the above
he included $1,200.00 for a lift rental
5 Did EA provide the lift for K & J Painting? Am requesting invoice from K & J for the
lift rental if they paid for it. Please check your PO log for this expenditure to see if EA provided this lift.
6 K & J included labor paid in the amount of $ 1,961.69
Materials according to Nedrow was approx 900.00
These totals are approximately $ 2,861.69
Invoice was for $ 12,800.00 or $ 10,00.00 gross profit
7 Why was this project not challenged yet it was approved
As Ms Johnson pointed out at the Board Meeting
this was a WANT NOT A NEED
9 Why was this project not given to the EA Maintenance Workers or Students which would have been the correct thing to do.
8 Tax Levy being is being voted on soon yet the Wasteful Spending of taxdollars continues
Via the Building & Grounds Dept
Please comment on this Monday evening
It is not only a matter of minutes. It is a pain in the butt. And none of these requests result in any "big reveal". It's just nonsense. Get a life.
Mr Padron is not wasting district dollars he is questioning why? We have a board that will not question anything they are just happy to spend money and can't say yes fast enough. They are the laughing stock.
Mr Hanley has nothing to do and never cover any events in the schools unless it's during his 9 to 5 day. Even then building invite him and he never shows. So answering Mr Padron does not take away from his time.
As for saving wasted money they should start with Hanley.
ralph when looking into pay for Feltes you may ask why is he still getting paid? He has far exceeded his sick days allowed in the two years working at 131. I believe and have been told administration is not allowed to carry over vacation days and should only have 10 or 15 days. Coming this year. Please let the rank and file know if this has been broken. When contracts three years ago got settled administration was very angry that the 24 day vacation period was reduced. The union was told everybody gets the same.
It seems like Feltes is getting treated specially.
The Thanksgiving turkey award goes to DR Popp . He has spent his week playing coverup. Because of Ralph changes will occur but the dead guy will take the fall. Roger Carlson is the blame for all B&G issues. A man who worked hard and died worrying about the children of EA.
Any respect we could have had for EA is done and our Christmas wish is a new board who will replace Dr Popp. Employee moral could not be lower.
Purchaseing fraud has been found and is getting fixed. Most of us that work hard daily for 131 are sadden at the approach Dr Popp is taking. He is blaming Rodger Carlson who is not around to defend himself. In fact he died working on a heating problem up to 1am before he did not wake up. The purchasing fiasco should be at the door step of Tyler she continuely told us don't worry break the purchase orders up quote "that's how we do it at 129.
More major mistakes are coming out about her and now she is pointing fingers about the reduced proverty money the district is receiving. One secretary is being targeted to resign.
This blog is the only way we can express ourselves anonymously or give tips to Ralph. You can not trust Dr Popp he twists everything. He does not have a open door. Hanley has stated the Beacon is in his pocket and we can see that. We know Mr Padron has provided details to them.
The BOE is worthless only one board member is to be trusted that she will try to do the right thing. Nobody listens So let's give thanks to the blog.
Ps the payroll department was told to keep paying Feltes even thought he has no time coming but that is locked up in Gloztbachs office.
Let's state the facts
The one board member is Johnson who was very slow to react to tips given to her about credit cards and insurance. in fairness she did push for change but and heads rolled. Augustine was allowed to retire and receive full benefits.
After Johnson pushed for change she was made the villian so we can understand why some BOE members are hesitant to say anything.
I served on insurance committees and saw the over 8 million in waste a year. That credit should belong with Johnson but she certainly had the ability to do something sooner. I also know Hull worked behind the seens to stop her making trouble with employees. We all know who Hull is. So we are not suprised the district returned to wasteful days.
The credit cards have been reissued and wasteful spending with then are back. Meals, travel and personnel cell phone bills are being charged. Dr Popp is not willing or unable to address anything. Some feel it is because of the BOE, others think he never had finance experience. Whatever it is layoffs, no wage increases and program cut backs are coming. The teachers and community need to speak up. The ones that do need your support we are getting made villians for speaking up.
Agreed, Johnson knew about the insurance problems her very first day being elected to the board. She was too busy with personally advertising herself and making nice with Roberts to do anything except promote herself and him. Once the tables turned, she attempted to do what should have been done years prior. Fix the wrongs. But, It was too late. A new majority was in place and she lost all credibility.
Like all the curriculum programs, years go by with no improvements, we take two steps back to go one step forward. Will education, transparency and financial accountability EVER be priorities in 131?
I have been no fan of Annette's but at least she took care of it. There have been many board members before and after her nobody did nothing. Since that time we have not had a insurance increase and the district saved millions.
Roberts was a total waste he was Superintendent and did nothing. It is the Superintendents job but when he does not do it the board needs to hold him accountable. Nobody is holding Popp accountable.
The new BOE members are a waste they allowed the credit cards to given back to administration and Popp paid his friends more than other administrators now the district is divided. He now claims he will work to bring everyone up to Flanigan and Truckenbrod. That will mean a additional $10,000 increase. This while teachers are being told they will be laid off.
There is also the coverup with purchase orders Ralph exposed. Popp is covering up not being transparent. He has been informed of this many months ago now we are being individually intimidated mistrust is running deep. Many of us made the mistake of talking to him now he has our names. Hull meets with employees and he is adding to the mistrust. District 131 is in more of a mess than ever. Everyone is sick of it.
They always say be careful of what you wish for a return at this point of the Roberts administration is looking pretty good.
After visiting this weekend with friends who live in East Aurora my fears and sadness were confirmed. I work at the new Kindergarden Center. When Mr Hanley showed up with a photographer he went room to room looking for students that wanted to be photographed.
He came upon a student that was white and strawberry blonde. He asked to you want to get photographed. She started to pull away and say NO. This student is very shy after sometime she settled down with the help of staff. View the picture she was very unhappy. Two other students were selected one Afro American one Hispanic. The white student was pushed out front. The others told follow behind.
I have talked with other friends and now feel Mr Handley intentionally did this to show white students attend 131. Maybe he felt the racist audience that attends meetings about their taxes would open up their pockets. Maybe this was the direction of Dr Popp.
In any case we should not tolerate this behavior. The parents should be notified.
Where do I begin now:
1. My paycheck hasn't been accurate all year. What does our payroll do all day besides get things wrong?
2. Our athletic website is not up to date. Someone pointed this out to me but, the boys Thanksgiving varsity basketball tournament info is updated but the girls Thanksgiving varsity basketball tournament info is not. Plus, there is NO information about the freshman tournaments we hosted over Thanksgiving. Our AD is completely ruining what little pride that department had before he came in. He should focus more on being an athletic director rather than intimidating every person he comes in contact with.
3. My DC has DEMANDED we email her information and hounds us and treats us like absolute crap when we don't do things on time. When we do reach out to her for help or advice, she tells us she doesn't have time for us. The communication at this HS is horrendous. It needs to be improved. I mean they are in their office or on their smart phones, how hard can it be to send a quick response.
4. I still would like to know what the Administration was doing during the PT conferences. They all sat at the table over by the entrance and the S.S. department on their computers. No one greeted the parents as they came in and they could not have acted more unprofessionally. They are an embarrassment and I'm glad I'm not in the S.S. department as I would have been tempted to say something to them.
This building is falling apart, literally and figuratively, and I am not sure anyone is noticing or even caring. The Admin "team" is only concerned with talking about getting things done rather than actually accomplishing anything. Sadly, I'm thinking that is their priority this year. I am hoping that when I get tenure within the next few years this pathetic group of people gets out of here!
Leadership starts at the top and we have no leader. Gloztbach run s the district and is running it right into the ground.
Central office is fighting and all they talk about is Dr Popps freinds are getting paid more. Popp told them recently he will work on getting them up. they are overpaid as it is. Word is the board is going to tell everyone how bad it is with the State and we have no money.
If you ask Popp a question he does not respond for days most of the time not at all. He only worrys about himself or talking with the board.
The business office is still a disaster. All the talk about accounts not balancing and the consultants charging over $100,000 to balance checking account was true but now that they are gone it's not balanced again.
Many of us miss Dr Roberts at least he had a open door and everyone could express their opinion.
Money is flying out the door and the teachers, secretaries and support staff will get screwed.
I also work at the Benevides Center and can confirm this happened. It was the first week of school. I am also disappointed the names of the students are in the Enlighter. Many students do not have permission slips and Glotzbach warned teachers about that. It seems what is good for the service center is not good for the teachers. Hanleys position is a waste of money.
Payroll problems are the fault of the 10 people including a Director and Asst Sup of Human Resources. Glotzbach may as well be a department of one. She has the biggest department and has to micro manage everything.
Stipends involve yet another layer which usually involves Garcia who can confuse anything.
Payroll is a mess and Tyler is not capable without her pals at Bloom doing the work.
Glozabach has been promoted under each Sup. Lets review her mistakes.
No finger prints- business office
No certification checks- business office.
No reference checks- business office
Outdated policies. Transgender fiasco
Harassment of teachers.
Office staff charges her with discrimination. swept under rug.
Porn investigation swept under rug.
New lawsuits coming.
Yet she runs the district.
When is the board going to wise up. Office and district moral at a all time low.
The teachers should know last nights board meeting proved hopeless. Hull made an announcement teachers will get rifted this year. Art and sports program will get cut. I lived through the serial bully days and now we are asked to live through the double trouble Mike days.
West Aurora announced support staff is getting a 4% raise. East Aurora expects much more out of us. Most of the time we are teaching small groups , and do take our jobs seriously and participate in professional development on our own time. West Aurora treats their employees as full time workers we are not. A great number of d131 support staff works for insurance. Rumors in the buildings by the School Board is that we will get laid off. Last year the district had lots of money now they don't. They are just starting these rumors to screw us. It is time for the brotherhood and sisterhood to come together and no longer get mistreated. if we have to strike we should.
I work as a support staff member and find the current Kinder half day program a waste. Classes could have been combined to offer students a full day but the district said we are not allowed to do that. our current administrators are lazy and lacked the creativity to help students.
Why is the district considering another All Day Building. it seems it is just another way to get a new administrative center built. Keeping programs and teachers should be paramount not new buildings
It proves they have money reading tonight's online addition of the Beacon. Dr Popp is still advocating for administrative center. We need to strike and show our displeasure. If they can spend for that but not for the children that is criminal. It proves they are lying.
Free seminar on how to pay for college, sponsored by D131:
In a few short months Dr Popp has picked the districts bones clean. Reading the article shows he is more about himself than students. Why build another Kinder Center? Insiders know that is his ticket to a new administrative center. The Center will hold one floor of Kinder students and the top floor will be posh administrative offices. It will look much like the admin center in 204.
Meanwhile Glotzbach/Hull tell teachers and staff members budget cuts are coming. The district is being financially mismanaged. On one hand you tell everyone hard times are coming, on the other hand you continue to look for a center. Dr Popp was out today with Cease the Future surveying possible sites. Does he not have anything better to do with his time.?
The community needs to be very aware Oak Park was not a mistake they have a charter school interested in the property.. What the plans are is still to get revealed. Be careful he makes the serail bully look like a saint.
Teachers and staff members need to come to the meetings. At Monday's meeting Dr Popp stated administration needed to to be brought up to the scale of other districts. Glotzbach is doing a survey. Really? has he looked at what teachers make compared to other districts? Then Hull attacks us and states cuts need to be made to fine arts and we have hired to many teachers. Really? has the board reviewed class sizes. They are clueless.
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