Sunday, July 20, 2014

Here we go again...

Hard to believe, but the 2014-2015 school year starts in only four weeks!  Let's work together to make it a grEAt one!


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ea staff said...

Ray Hull's disgusting display today was a slap in the face of everyone. He started with attacking administrators who were ill-placed in their jobs. He then attacked hardworking long-time teachers who were teaching in the wrong demographic. Then he rambled on about his daughter and named a few teachers who were good to his daughter. You know he wanted to rip into those he felt didn't kow-tow to his daughter, but he stopped himself. This is a board president? He spews hate and is an embarrassment to all of us. I have been in the district and could have earned $20,000 more at a north side or Naperville school but actually feel I can make a difference here, as do most of my peers. Mr. Hull showed himself as a racist today. He needs to be removed!

Hull's comments said...

I was at the Red & Black event also, and thought that Mr. Hull's comments were just this side of incendiary.

Everyone knows that he & Annette Johnson butted heads on several occasions. Both have strong personalities and/or anger management issues. His reference to dealing with a puddle of blood was a thinly veiled jab at Annette.

I wouldn't say any of his comments had sexual overtones though. He did clarify that "first time" was referring to falling in love with teaching.

Remove Hull said...

Using sexual overtones, attacking administration and using the words puddles of blood showed Hull for who he is. Afro Americans in the audience held their heads in shame today. Everyone thought he was on drugs or drunk.
I really have no hope for this district. He needs to be removed.

Hull needs to resign said...

Mr Hull talked about ill placed teachers and administrators in his speech. Maybe that comment should be about. Jackie Gibson. Oh that right Mr Hull she is black so she understands the community. The BOE is the laughing stock. They knew he was a time bomb and it just went off.

Comments about puddles of blood and the first time you fell in love or "did it" made teachers uncomfortable. He owes this district and community a apology. This was a day to celebrate and with comments like that it left many wondering why they teach in 131.

Hull will get a pass said...

If Annette Johnson made any of these comments the entire community would have called for her resignation. yet Hull can get by with it. The puddles of blood comment left me thinking what kind of person thinks this. He came across as a person growing up in the hood. Is he not a minister? He needs professional help.

Tomcat 8 said...

Does other districts have there board president talk to employees of the district before school starts I really don't see why. It does sound like he crossed the line in his talk. He keeps talking about not having enough Afro American teachers but how many of them have applied at the district?
This is the worst board ever and needs to be replaced.

WTF was that yesterday? said...

Red and Black was an embarrassment and I overheard a number of new teachers openly questioning why they chose to work here if this is our leadership. Shame on the admins and the BOE. Hull needs to go as even the African American teacher next to be said he was an embarrassment to his "community"

Current state of Ea said...

Last week Hull had a joke on his Facebook page about Mexicans. Again the usual stuff that get around on Facebook. He is Board President over a 86% Hispanic District. I have never heard him address why they have not hired more Hispanics of Bilingual speakers. This is the population we serve.

It sounds like he was out with his same racial overtones. White teachers can't teach. Shame on to the board for allowing this. Did he not say the new board would allow the Superintendent to speak for the district? Doesn't sound like it. Not one comment about the Superintendents speech.

I will be sending Kristen Strand a email today and I suggest everyone who supported them as well should do the same. He needs to step down.

taxpayer 3 said...

Mr Hull talked about ill placed teachers and administrators in his speech. What are you and the board members doing about this what directive are you giving the Superintendent to change it. Mr. Hill comments about this points back to the board not the employees. Has he never had diversity training, ethics or sexual harassment training like so many of us in the work force? If he had said this to another group of people they would have him up on charges for those things. He has no place on the board and he is making it a hostile workplace for the employees of the district. This is what happens when people get elected and has a grudge or a personal agenda they want done in the district. As a resident of this community I apologize that you had to listen to him.

not a new day this year said...

The teachers, maintenance people and secretaries need to be aware of the hate and contempt this board has for them. Our contracts are up and now we have seen what he thinks about us. Rumors of outsourcing maintenance and new hires that promise to bring tough evaluations and play the blame game with the teachers are a reality.

I do feel sorry for the new teachers and I feel my time a 131 was a waste time.

Yesterday's performance said...

Comparing teaching to making love or falling in love was a mockery. If a teacher talked about the first time they did it they would be fired. Why should the board not be held to the same standards.

The comments regarding administration and singling out Glozbach made everyone uncomfortable. Hull made a point of telling us it would be a kind gentle district. It sure did not seem that way yesterday.

I can now say many feel sorry for Annette Johnson for having to put up with his attacks. He needs to go.

Lost in the madness said...

Lost in the crazy remarks of Ray Hall yesterday was Dr Popp. He talked about a administrative center in the planning works. Dr Popp do you not realize class sizes are over 40 to class at EHS. Shame on you for putting yourself and your administrators first. Not only should Hall resign but it is unfortunate we have a Superintendent who talks a good game and puts himself ahead of all others.

But of course he called Hall a funny guy. there was nothing funny about Hall.

newshound said...

newshound said... Aurora major work PDF.pdf

And the Children Suffer said...

14 hours of meetings over the past two days and not one minute was given to the staff to spend time in our classrooms and actually prepare for our students. Two days of everything administration centered and most of it on the Danielson Model. We have been told ahead of even one evaluation being done that there would be almost no excellent ratings being given out. We should just be happy receiving a proficient rating. Can you imagine if teachers looked at their students on day one and told them it was basically impossible for them to earn a grade of A. You should just be happy if we don’t fail you.

Through their actions the administration has tacitly told the staff that you have to prepare for your students on your own time with no compensation. I left after 8:00 tonight and I have to go back tomorrow to finish up getting ready for my students. Other teachers said screw it and left at 3:00. Their kids are going to be welcomed to rooms that are a mess. I guess the students will have to do the cleaning. Everything is a mess after the custodians cleaned and waxed the floors. They are allowed to do nothing else (except emptying waste baskets) in our rooms. Staffing has been cut back to nothing. I asked why nothing else was cleaned and was told that Feltes cut off all the cleaning supplies. They are not even given a basic soap solution so they can clean and disinfect student desks. Germs and viruses will just be allowed to flourish. (By the way parents, that means you will have more doctor bills because your children will be sick more often). Teachers will also be exposed to more sickness.

So where is the union? Oh yes, they have been signing away our rights with changes to the contract language. Many changes were made to the contract to allow the administration to institute the Danielson Model. Not one word of communication to the staff before this was done. No vote by the union membership before their contract was changed. Sara Imthurn unilaterally signed our rights away.

Further on compensation, speaking to an administrator I actually trust, they were stating that some building administrators are attempting to get teachers compensation for after school activities that they sponsor (this conversation was regarding elementary activities). In a recent meeting, the central office administrators stated that there was no need to compensate teachers, the teachers will continue doing the clubs and activities without pay. Administrators and a board that don’t give a damn about their staff and a union that does nothing, it really is time for a major change.


Parents are Incompetent said...

Did anybody else notice that Dr. Popp stated that he wants all kindergarten students in full day kindergarten next year?

This past spring, we were assured that parents would have a choice in half day or full day kindergarten. It is only taking one year before that idea was scraped.

It really is the philosophy of the educational leaders in this country that parents can not raise their own children. The more time they can keep children away from their parents the better, especially in low income areas. That is why they want longer days, longer years, after school activities, summer school. Every minute they keep children away from their parents the better.

Apparently they believe that the government can do a better job raising children than parents can.

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