Sunday, June 1, 2014

The best school districts share this important characteristic...


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No Stupid Blogs said...

Another characteristic.

No blogs bashing teachers, administrators and students and second guessing every decision anonymously.

Pancake Breakfast Supporter said...

Some people appreciate not being kept in the dark about things they deserve to be informed about.

And if someone is indeed being "bashed" on this blog they and/or their supporters have equal opportunity to refute it and provide examples & evidence of their side.

No stupid blogs said...

Sign your name to your lies!

Insider said said...

Popp should take advice about teamwork instead of listening to Glozabach and Reyes Childress.

Glozabach will some loss to Bob Green again because she did not get her facts straight. The settlement will be six figures. All because she did not do a complete investigation. Truth is she just needed to pull a police report.

This one top of the two big mistakes in the business office. Yet teachers she is allowed to oversee your evaluation just remember that.

Insider 131 said...

Popp says "Identify the problem then we correct it". Has Popp ever considered that Joan Glotzbach is on of the BIG problems in her negligence in many an area. NOT GONNA HAPPEN as she is so politically correct with Popp. Beatrice is another story for another time. More later

Choir Parent said...

This Thursday, June 5th our EAHS choir and band musicians will be traveling to New York City. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them, and the first time a group of student musicians from our district have gone to New York City.

A big THANK YOU to our students, parents, and directors for making this's a grEAt example of TEAMWORK!

"Sign your name to your lies" said...

...but feel free to tell the truth anonymously.


Sad day in EA said...

It is up to the board to stop Glozabach they employ the superintendent. The BOE is totally ineffective these days because they are quote "letting the superintendent runs things". That would be fine if he were qualified but he is listening only to Glozabach.

The union is another story. Today many teachers are very angry about the new evaluation model. They have asked staff to serve on committees but never taken input. then they give a short presentation promise to get back with answers and never do.

This district is screwed .

Sign you name answer to question said...

Do you think Glozabach will not get even if we signed our name she has the complete ear of the Sup. Look at her department serveral are hanging in to retire and the good ones quit. the list goes on

Then of course there are the ones that did not have their references checked and got paid off to quit or committed porn and got paid off.

anonymous2 said...

The best districts hire great teachers and most importantly they keep great teachers!

Our district can perhaps do the first, but they are pretty terrible at the second.

newshound said...

newshound said...

knows131 said...

anonymous 2-- If you did a run down of the degrees held be east high teachers, most have 2 if not 3 degrees = well educated,, lots of time in district that pays less than most bothers = caring and nurturing teachers trying to make a difference with at-risk youth not going to Batavia to make more $ we are here with these kids even getting no support, even getting dunned down, even with Danielson on its way. One arm around our students, the other smacking away ineffective initiatives. Everyone knows the real low-down.

Popp hates teachers said...

After tonight's meeting it is clear that Popp is after the teachers his statements are that the new director is a expert on Danielson. The districts scores went down because of a bad curriculum and poor professional development this year that lacked planning. Now it is the teachers fault and his fishing buddy got the job.

In checking with sources in d204 Truckenbrod contracts was not being renewed and he is a fishing pal of Popps .
His school ranked highest in parent complaints and staff was unhappy. His background is in fine arts not core curriculum.

Taxpayer1 said...

Interesting evening at the BOE meeting. As a resident I learned the City of Aurora has the third largest property tax rate in nation. Of that d131 has the highest tax rate out of Aurora school districts. Three residents addressed the board and asked that they speak up and defend the residents. not one BOE member said nothing expect Johnson.

The BOE proceeded to vote on a budget they never read or had information on. It seems they still don't know how much money is the bank. Johnson did object stating that details should have been provided a month ago. The rest just rubber stamped administration.

I am glad Johnson stayed on board she is the only one asking questions .

Teacher2 said...

This week will finish another year in d131 and it started with a lot of hope and quickly fizzled. More Curriculum without plan rolled out into schools, and the Central Office just hides. Other than Dr Negron, we never saw any of them. Then comes new hope again, Dr Popp? He also never came. Not once. Now comes Danielson and we have learned in 55 minutes our building leaders will evaluate us. These are the same building leaders who have been writing Curriculum without purpose.

Danielson can only be measured as long as there are measurable goals.

I ask can anyone perform their job if you would not know the expectations. Now the administration is going to ruin our teaching careers. That while the person in charge Joan Glozabach is allowed major mistake after major mistake.

I have seen it said...

As a parent in the district, I have seen the lack of support by the higher ups in our district. Knows131 described it very well. I like that analogy-"One arm around our students, the other smacking away ineffective initiatives."

Aurora Parent said...

Saw this on the D131 website:

I know Mark Truckenbrod, from when my kids went to Waubonsie Valley High School. My kids were in the band program there and tell me that he was one of the best in the district at the time.

Kudos to Dr. Popp for bringing him aboard!

oldtimer said...

I read the Beacon article about naming the kindergarten center and almost spit my coffee onto my keyboard when I saw that Bud Herbig & Larry Malaker were being considered. They were both on the School Board From Hell 10 years ago and good buddies with "Serial Bully" Radakovich.

If that building is named after one of them you can bet that there will be public outcry, with people re-hashing the old band issue most of us want to leave in the past.

Truckenbrod said...

Yes Truckenbrod is and was a very good band teacher but as a Principal was horrible after many complaints from parents and teachers his contract was not being renewed.

He will destroy already low moral. Ask yourself why would someone take a pay cut.

Popp is turning into a Radacavick like person.

I can not believe anyone would think of naming a school after Jerome Roberts what contribution has he made to the district?

Board said...

The board is a rubber stamp of everything administration wants. Leonard must be hard of hearing or does not know his mic is on because members of the audience heard him say whatever administration wants.

They are like bobbleheads, not sure want is going on. Most can not form a clear sentence

Kudos to Annette Johnson said...

The Special Ed Department is happy she exposed Suzanne Winthow out to be a liar in regards to what she reports.

This month many teachers and aides have been transferred without good reason. When questioned she stated David Evans knows what he is doing. Many of these teachers or aides have worked in these building for years. The number of transferred is totaling 20 plus.

Special Ed children need routine and many of us advocate for keeping them and not changing their routine.

Now we learn the School Board terminated David for doing a bad job. It sounds like Suzanne used him and backed up the bus. One would wonder why he was allowed then to transfer everyone.

So Kudos to you Ms Johnson that Suzanne thought she could lie and get by with it. The problem is you can defend yourself we can not. That is why Danielson will not work in our district. Suzanne is a good example.

Another shameful event said...

Is everyone ready for some really "Big News" Stay tuned as it will be out by the end of the week !!

No big news said...

Oh yes. Big lies

News said...

Several shameful events will come out that will cast doubt on the new administration forever.

If Dr Popp will not take action his tenure at d131 will be short.

Iwonder said...

What is the really big news ?? What does it concern? Was David Evans fired?

Insider says said...

David Evans was let go but that is not the news. David was set up by Windtrow and Joany of course. I am glad Johnson exposed her throwing people under the bus. It sounds like when the district responded before they knew Johnson was leaving was not leaving.

Now the new Sup looks like a liar and a finger pointer.

Who better to drive the bus but Johnson.

Hmmmmmm said...

So if Popp knows the curriculum is a joke (thanks to Beatrice) and pd wasn't coordinated well (thanks to Beatrice's top gal Jen) does that mean that we will finally get some experts in these areas to lead us?

Shut it said...

The only thing that Suzanne is an example of is honesty and integrity. When Annette becomes a hero to you, your motives and common sense have to be analyzed.

The only thing that Annette's rant proved last night is that she will stop at nothing to bring the district down. Her outcry last night likely caused the distict financial distress, while simultaneously dragging a good admin. through the mud.

If you are that petrified of Danielson and scared about the outcome of a closed session meeting (wonder how you got that information.....seems like someone is defending an administrator that should have been let go to begin with.

Shut it said...

David was a moron and deserved to be let go, if that is really the case....

Hmmmmmm said...

How did annette expose Suzanne? Was it at the meeting last night?

Insider 131 said...

How should 131 respond to a teacher who lied on her application?
How should 131 respond to an administrator who lied on her application? Are they treated the same? Please comment

anonymous2 said...

David Evans was truly a very nice individual and well-liked in the district. He had a humanity about him which of course probably did him in. He was not a vicious cutthroat backstabber, so not a good fit with d131 administration.

Shut it response said...

Shut it must be on the board from hell.

They are the only ones that would possibly be defending themselves. The are pitiful. At least one board member still asks questions the other can't even form a sentence.

Suzanne lies said...

Day two of Suzanne lies;

We learned yesterday from Suzanne that David was terminated. Very unprofessional! After that, we asked again verse all the transfers she made excuses. Which now shows she was behind it all the time and used David.
David probably stood up for the kids and teachers and was fired.

I am not sure what took place at the board meeting but it sounds like Suzanne blamed Johnson and her past administrator Latz for something. This a pattern she is always blaming Latz. I guess she got caught.

Suzanne and Glozbach said...

Suzanne and Glozabach have been behind the transfers.

Suzanne said David did a study on students and space and made the transfers based on his own She said she had not reviewed his work but he was perfecting capable of analyzing data. Now she says he was let go by the Board. She was then asked to revisit the transfers and said all decisions are final.

When you pin Suzanne she gets even.

Shut it is probably the Secretary who comes to work everyday with liquor on her breath but she is the ears and eyes for Suzanne at the CRC . Suzanne is over her head and when she was Asst Director was great. Now she operates in backstabbing mode a trait she learned from Glozabach her boss.

In hell said...


You are a terrible, horrible person to drag someone's name and livelihood through the mud with lies.

There is a special place for you

Insider 131 said...

they fired the wrong administrator Monday night. How can you allow an administrator stay working after it was discovered she lied on her application and there is even more to the story. Very much covered up and 131 won't address it. Guess I will talk to someone who is not afraid to address this shameful event.

Insider2 said...

Insider 131

You should contact Annette Johnson she is not afraid. She stated in public she contacted the State about the district covering up mistakes in Special Ed. One thing for sure she knows the ins and outs and who to call. She also has citizens to board meeting from all races.

Special Ed said...

It is true teachers are getting transferred as well as aids. The State is checking IEP's on the district and there are major problems dating back to Suzanne from last year. James who works with her is from the State and he and David have worked all year to clean it up. She is clueless .

She now scapegoated David because the District is in danger of losing funding. Everyone has been told not to say anything.

Annette should resign said...

Why would Annette report the district to the state? She's crazy. Her little tantrum has brought negative press to the district, cost the district additional attorney fees, and shines a negative light on a school district she has been elected to support.

The taxpayers should be so happy that she tries this stunt....

pops said...

Bud Herbig is no longer with us. States how long some people have been to a meeting.

The new mike said...

History has away of repeating itself and have Mike Radocvich reborn. He brags he has six votes and can do anything. The Central Office is a revolving door threats, he tells the administrators they can not talk to the board unless they stay on message. Joan is second in charge and he has told everyone goto Joan if I am not around. Nobody can control her, She is rude and short with district personnel. BOE you created a monster and you are the board from Hell

Iwonder said...

What administrator lied on her application? I may be naive but I can't believe that would be tolerated...especially if it was a big serious lie like education or experience.

Insider 131 said...

Someone in the Business Office lied on her application. She was about to be fired at Morton Grove. Question on 131 application reads "Have you ever failed to be rehired, asked to resign a position, or resigned to avoid termination If yes explain" There is more to this and how 131 is covering this up. More to come

Business office said...

. In fact it is Ray Hull that should resign he made Popp keep the employee that lied. Many of us this year have been harassed by her this year and filed a complaint with Joan about a hostile work environment. The grant writer left because of her. because of her the grant department lost over 1 million dollars It was discovered she lied on her application and she was suppose to get fired. Now she is still being paid another Ernest Clark. Her name is Melody Ellington.

She has a mole for Clark, Peryea and Hull to setup Johnson. that is why they paid Clark. Remember Clark never completed a background check and should have never been paid. Popp is a dictator that tells us if you speak out to the board you will end up in the newspaper.

Also Ellington had been fired by her last school district after a investigation in the business office.

Also Johnson should come in and audit the bills again since she stopped Marty Feltes is up to his shady business again.

newshound said...

newshound said...

Insider 131 said...

Dr Popp was made aware of this quite some time ago and has not addressed this. Of course he is going to say he gave it to Joan to research. Ernest Clark interviewed and hired Melody is what will be said HOWEVER since when did he have that authority to do Joan's job? Can we get a statement from the Board or Dr Popp on this issue. Not going to happen but this story is far from over.

mike popp needs to go said...

Dr Popp is covering up all kinds of things and it has been brought to the attention of the board. Leonard and Truza comments were we are letting Dr Popp run things. Hull, Strand and Peryea used her as a mole so they will is protect her.

Annette Johnson is now the district only hope and she stated in public the board is not doing their job. The administrators are really afraid of her they know she knows their dirty laundry.

Feltes should be turned over to the State for not following bidding procedures...More to come

Annoyed HS Teacher said...

Where are the division chairs? It's time to check out and they are nowhere to be found. What an easy job they have!

the sad truth said...

They division chairs are out learning how to evaluate the teachers out. That is why Shelly Taylor and Truckbrod got hired. Popp praised him for his evaluation understanding and is now blaming the teachers for the poor test scores. Both are friends of his from 204.

Joan is licking her chops ready to get rid of tenure teachers. She stated in a recent meeting that it is great to now have a free hand.

In fact today Joan is in charge of the entire district because Popp is out on a long weekend.

anonymous2 said...

I think it is time to get some legal representation because what is happening to teachers under the guise of an 'initiative" is legally and morally reprehensible. Remember division chairs if you get rid of us there will be no need for you-- New teachers will avoid this building like the plague-- Already people are flying out of the building--really good teachers. They replace admins even faster than teachers. Remember karma? And now we have a union rep who is the biggest gossip in the district so no one will want to go to her for help-- if it wasn't so nauseating it would be funny.

newshound said...

Special Ed said...

Annette Johnson is not crazy she is stating the facts about Suzanne. I am not sure about her issue but we have had the same problem. She is a finger pointer and backstabber. Suzanne also plays favorites. IEP's from Suzanne have not been followed or are not in compliance with ISBE. That is why teachers and aides are getting moved around. David and James have dealt with her problems all year many started when she was Asst Director. ISBE is wise to the district so the word is they needed to fire David because they will now say the person no longer works here the same as the article.

I am glad summer is coming but will start looking at other districts D131 had too much drama and does not care about kids. They have parents that do not know their rights but at least he State is checking. I wish I could tape the meetings with parents and show you how they are treated.

Tomcat 8 said...

Dr. Popp is suppose to run the district he is the Superintendent and that is his job not the board. If Johnson knew all this stuff why didn't she do something when she was board president. Johnson is just a one member of the board she can't do things on her own. Remember most of the stuff that is coming out is when Roberts let her run the district.

Fed Up with 131 said...

Marty Feltes has to be thrilled all the controversy going on because it takes the focus off his incompetence and wasteful spending. More on him at a later time

Insider said said...

In two months Popp has showed he is Mike Radovich coverups and lies are daily. The issues coming to light are his own doing.

Kickbacks said...

Is anyone investigating kickbacks in EA? Friends of feltes getting no bid jobs? Money deposited in his daughters account??? Anyone looking into it??

newshound said...

Tenure said...

I don't understand why tenured teachers should be worried about being evaluated. As long as you stay on the right side of the law, you aren't at risk for losing your employment in D131 because you have tenure. You could be "reassigned" to a different school/position in the district, but would still have your salary, benefits, and seniority.

Be thankful you have the security of a job with tenure...many in the business world do not, and are at the mercy of their bosses.

Feltes said...

Over 600 bills this year lacked proper purchase orders or authorization in maintenance. Many jobs are going out no bid and the excuse is "it's a emergency" . The trips to Menards are back to the same when Nestor, Scott and Jan got suspended with no pay. This all happened because tricky Dick Leonard used this as a complaint. Now the maintenance department is worst than ever. All of Marty's old pals are getting jobs.

Employees brought this to Dr Roberts attention and for awhile it was better. Rumor was that was the falling out between Johnson and Leonard. Johnson stated others got fired or demoted for this.

The same issue has come up with Popp , Glozabach and Hull and they said wait until we have a business manager. Tricky Dick was in and complained two weeks ago and now it is hands off . More to come on this topic.

Popp is also covering up the. Melody Ellington case.

D131 Teacher said...

Dear Tenure---you don't get it--=the Danielson evaluation system doesn't care if you have 30 years of excellent evaluations. This system "does away with tenure' all it takes is one bad eval and off you go--or you could get remediated and are found not meeting up to what they found as your" flaws." we were told you will not be getting any excellents- even if you consider yourself excellent--we surely do not! In the words of an admin at East "We can make the best teacher look horrible- an evaluation can go any way I want it to go-- so you tell me why we shouldn't worry and about that tenure--I worked my ass off to earn it so yes --I also want it to stand for something and afford me some degree of protection !

retired teacher said...

Here's a link to another blog, and an interview with Charlotte Danielson herself. She answers several questions about the evaluation process she developed.

I see no reason for a tenured teacher to be concerned about losing their job in our district. At the very worst they might be reassigned to another building and/or position, but they would still have employment security assured by the union.

Dear tenure said...

The wheels are in motion already Shelly Taylor, and Truckenburg have been hired to instruct building adminis how to write reviews that will not kicked out if the teacher complains.
Popp has bragged to several that the Union President is in his back pocket and teaching him how to get dot his I's and cross his T's.
Then there is Glozbach who now has free reign to run the district. This is a women who can not even do a background check. She is now involved in a coverup on the business office.
Long and short we are screwed

Answer to retiree said...

To the retiree you must have rietired for several years. In the last three years. The administration in our district is horrible we put up with admins who all tell you something different, a curriculum that is not aligned, not enough books, over 50% of the computers in our building not working, child that comes with social and emotional problems , not ready for school, a classroom that ranged from 60 degrees to 85 degrees in the winter, repo graphics that is 3 weeks behind. High class sizes, and covering other teachers classes plus your own because there are not enough subs.

Yet the new superintendent has not visited our building and listens only to incompendent administrators. Danielson works well only in well run districts. Ours is not one.

Paranoid teachers are typically paranoid because they are not good said...

Great point!

Unbelievable said...

Does anyone know why Lisa Madigan's office is investigating EA? This is a very explosive scenario and look out when all hits the fan.

Insider 131 said...

And what is the update on the Melody Ellington hiring inquiry? Joan Glotzbach has AGAIN put the district in SHAME for this one. Let me spell it out, Clark (never fingerprinted) and Ellington with a big lie on her application. Hey Popp, why don't you give a "State of the District" article with the press in dealing with all this stuff. No BS just handle it like a superintendent should. Comments please

Inside and embrassed said...

Let us not forget Mcclusky Jay Augustine's replacement Joan did not check her credituals also. She stated she had a CPA and did not.

The business office is a series of bad employees because of Joan but she was in charge today thinking of ways to blame the teachers.

newshound said...

Board should resign said...

If I am reading this article correctly the board does not know how much money we have in the bank? Now they voted on spending more money. That is their primary function to worry about the money. What are the consultants doing? Maybe that is what Lisa Matigan is looking into. A governmental agency needs to know what they have in the bank at all times. They are a embrassment.

Unbelievable incompetence said...

Why is Joan Glotzbach immune from accountability on her lack of performance in CRITICAL areas which in essence costs valuable time and dollars. Joan's failures has had a NEGATIVE impact on moving forward. Evidently she knows how to play the game very well to focus attention on others.

Maintenance news said...

Today's article is another example of Marty Feltes and his inability to run maintenance. the reason the board made this hurry up move is because Marty had no money for summer work. The board is covering up for Leonard a long time friend of Feltes. The reason we had penalties in pension is not because of the teachers it is because of all the overtime being worked in maintenance. he also kept the summer temp grounds crew on all year until someone finally noticed we had to back pay all the pension because they exceeded temporary status.

He also has close to 600 bills without proper authorization. People got their reputations ruined by this last year. Most of the money spent is a no bid contract to Marty's friends.

Hull, Strand and Peryea know this people they promised change to in the district have gone to them. The office staff has gone to Popp and he shakes his head and responds I know. He recently told someone there is not a thing he can do the board is stopping him.

Dr Roberts and Annette Johnson did address this with Feltes we all had hoped Annette would say more.

Poor job performance said...

I can not believe our board would pay Clark to do nothing all year. the most basic is to reconcile your bank account. Really? and he has paid $120,000 for this. They need to resign or the voters need to fire them. this is the board from Hell.

Taxpayer1 said...

What it looks like to me is they can't tell the board how much money the district has is because money is missing. the board should have not approved anymore money until they know were the other money is . These people are clueless.

Glad summer is here said...

Does the board ever do anything right. I talked with friends in 204 and had a interesting discovery Popp and Trickenbrog both had been demoted. It seems Birkette in her last years would not rock the boat and they had a unwritten rule that if a buildings performance was poor in 204 for three consecutive years they would demote you. Popp actually took a salary decrease to keep his job. Thruckenbrog was in his third year of negative growth so he was going to get let how as well. Sullivan the new superintendent would have gotten rid of both of them. If you can not have growth in 204 you will not have growth in 131.

The board could have easily found this out with site visits but they never did. My friends in 204 are amazed and the talk is how easy it was for him to slip past everyone for the top job

And the story is _______ said...

So it's the end of the week. Where is this "Big Story" - I don't see anything.

Glozabach said...

If anyone made the mistakes she made they would be fired she continues to set innocent employees up . Any department she has her hands in is a mess. She attends most meetings with Popp. Actually she is now Superintendent. Employee will not speak up to him with her around.

Week in Review said...

Week in Review:

David Evans is fired

Melody Ellington hiring is revealed that she lied on her application
Joan Glotzbach's HR area did not perform background check.

Lisa Madigan's office (Attorney General) is investigating 131.

Dr Popp now makes "Cronyism" return/continue at East Aurora.
Also am learning more about his style of leadership. More to be revealed about him down the road.

Looks like business as usual at EA 131, More investigations/complaints are forthcoming.

Teachers don't get set up said...

Guess what? This district doesn't have enough teachers. Period. She doesn't set up people. People set themselves up. Do your job. Do it well. Don't roll in the mud with pigs. You won't be one.

popp said...

Feltes is spending like a drunken sailor. His friends are getting no bid contracts and he reports to Popp. Popp has been warned and told employees not to talk to the reporter. Only Matt Hanley is allowed. Popp has proved it is a return to the serial bully days and a rubber stamp board. Funny how history repeats itself.

Dirt on Hull said...

To save himself in the Afro American Community Hull is working out a deal to pay the Urban. Leagues mortgage and every cost associated with the upkeep expenses. Look for the district to pay top dollar for this . before Hull became board president he was able to blame Johnson for closing the school now he is in charge and caved. Look for costs to triple on this program. the NEW leadership is sure doing a good job.

News said...

The news has not broke yet but money is missing that is why they will not publish the monthly financials and cash balances. Joan is responsible because she did run credit checks or proper Reference checks in the business office.

The board knows this and is not talking , Clark himself claimed bankruptcy three years ago and is a dead beat dad then there is the whole fingerprint issue. This was brought to Joan's attention when the district could not obtain a surety bond by members of the business office then we learned she never checked the fingerprints. The honest hard working employees have had it with the board they rewarded Clark with money he never earned and Joan with running the business office. Popp came was told now he made her number two.

D131 stalker said...

Ralph Pardon is back and he is now filing FOIA requests at all the districts Melody Ellington is applying for. Recent requests have been made to Oswego, Lake Forest, Plainfeild, River Forest just to name a few. Sick the women has a right to apply for a job.

newshound said...

padron said...

Ralph Padron is crazy and so is the BOE it shows they are more interested in themselves than the children.

The big news with Lisa Madigan is Ralph he turned the utility contract in. Madigans office did not take the case. Ellington may not be a good business manager but she does not deserve her application FOIA with other districts.

He still continues to waste staff time filing FOIA Ellington needs a order of protection

d 131 stalker said...

Proof on Ralph
Oswego High School
13-02, 2/1/13, For years 2011, 2012, and 2013, Oswego School District 308 and/or .... 14-13, 5/8/14, Application and resume for Melody Ellington for the recent ...

Lake Forest Elementary School District 67. LAKE F REST ... 1 Application and resume of employment for Melody Ellington.

Getting the facts straight said...

D131 Stalker
Let's hope the other HR Dept's do their job professionaly and research her background correctly. NOT LIKE JOAN DID !! And maybe Melody Ellington will not lie on her applications. Just be honest about your past and maybe someone will honor that.

Can't wait to miss this! said... golf brochure.pdf

For "only" $125.00 ($450.00 per foursome) a golfer can have an opportunity to spend a day rubbing shoulders with people like Larry Malaker and Daniel Barreiro from the old "School Board From Hell", as well as former district spokesperson/spinmeister Clayton "The Issue Is Over" Muhammad.

Blast from the past, anyone?

Malarker said...

I can not believe anyone would nominate Malaker or Herbig to have a building named after them. !Malaker got his reward when he' was overpaid for his house.

Central news said...

Central Office was buzzing today with news of Padron stalking Melody Ellingtons applications at other districts. it was reported that she fell out of favor with Peryea a close friend of Padrons when she told Jerome Roberts it was Peryea and Hull that encouraged Clark to sue Annette Johnson. We do not believe Ray is behind Padron but Peryea is. More to come on her.

Whatever the case she is being punished and staff members are talking. Everyone is afraid of the BOE and Popp has no control. In the past when Johnson was difficult Roberts would come around and tell us pay no attention I control her. Now the crazy BOE is sending us a message rat us out and we will destroy your career.

Look for more resignations and to all the folks in 204 read the Beacon and the blog and see who you are working for.

Please State of Illinois take us over anything is better than this

EA Alumni said...

Here is the latest about Padron, He has contacted a major Chicago Media Station and has requested and investigator take a look at the Ellington Fiasco. Focusing in on HUMAN RESOURCES lack of research and why Popp has not taken action.

I heart Ralph Padron said...

Mr. Padron's wife was a D131 teacher for many years and was screwed out of her retirement benefits. Mr. Padron has addressed the administration and Board several times at meetings, and his questions & concerns have been brushed off. Now he is all over the place, doing whatever he can to call attention to the district's blunders.

Moral of story: do not underestimate the wrath of spouses of wronged staff members! The employee might be able to move on & get past an injustice to a certain extent, but their spouse/partner is more likely to hold a grudge.

What the...... said...

I am so disheartened about all of this. I knew we had issues...but the last year takes the cake. More suspensions of staff at all levels. Intimidation. Our focus needs to be on our kids!!

HR Department said...

Joan is single handed responsible for the business office here are the reasons why.

Jay Augustine and Joan allowed dead and employees to stay on the insurance costing millions.

Mcclusky claimed she had a CPA but did not. She was reported by a employee who knew she did not a accountant.

Clark claimed bankruptcy and had no fingerprint check while Joan harasses good teachers. The Board pays $72,000 for no work performance.

Ellington fired at Mattenson for ghost payroll and bill pay fraud. Still named in a lawsuit.

Bob Green case will cost six figures because Joan fails to check a police report finding Bob not guilty.

Aird scapegoated for transgender when it was Joan.

Popp knows all and Joan second in command. Central office has lost all respect for him. He is involved in other coverups more to come. These are issues that he could have choose to publically disclose. We shutter to think what else he will coverup while Superintendent.

current district said...

Who is in the middle of this but Joan. Please Padron you are the only hope everyone in Joans department is afraid of her many just want to make it to retirement.

Staff talked openly with Popp and it got back to Joan now everyone is more intimated than ever. He made it every known she is second in command when I am not around.

With the current rubber stamp board there is nobody in control of him. The dark days are ahead for 131 and it is not getting any better.

Marty Feltes is another story of intimidation he has made it clear that all will be fired and a cleaning service will get the jobs of people who have bleed red and black for years.

Exposing the truth said...

I am a personal friend of Lorryl Padron and I did get to speak with Ralph last week. He assured me that the Human Resource Scandal (Clark and Ellington) has now been reported to ISBE for a formal complaint. He is also pursuing the "Cover Up" and the "No Response" he has not received when he met with Popp. Needless to say, Popp's no response to MULTIPLE ISSUES shows he is over his head at 131. Many individuals are now involved in Ralph's group of reporting the "White Collar" crimes at 131.

District coverups and lies said...

Story is Hull is involved in making the Urban Leagues entire mortgage payment plus upkeep to keep his standing in the Afro American community. Hull made a deal with Popp after certain Ministers put pressure on him and the district could not back down. Real good administration I thought the board was going to allow the administration to run programs.

business Office said...

Padron needs to focus on why the district will not tell the public how much money they have spent or how much money they have. The teaching staff is angry that they are harassed on a daily basis but if you work at the McKnight Center no one is accountable. Teachers will not complain because they don't want to be put on the hit list.

Popp makes a lot of promises like I will visit your buildings or agrees in a meeting things should not be done that way and turns it over to Joan. Who is the. Superintendent. Joan is always given the last word. It always ends up back the way it was with Joan saying < we can't change because>.

Popp could have easily sat down and published the problems in the business office disclosed how much was missing, how much was misspent and said this is the plan moving forward.

He has lost all creditability with staff because of coverups you wonder what else he is covering up?

Maintenance said...

The maintenance department is another story Feltes rides around all day long doing nothing. Talk about wasting time. He them gets a complaint and calls somebody from the outside to fix the problem. This is done without a price so they are allowed to mail in a bill that he never checks. His comment is I am not signing that. The business office complained to Popp and he said he would look into it. Yet it goes on.
The payroll department had to pay a $84,000 penalty to IMRF because Feltes hired temps on that over exceed hours. These guys were now considered full time employees not hired by the board so the district had to pay.
He is not punished for all the trips to Menards like everyone else. Why because tricky Dick votes yes. I wonder how many kickbacks Dick and Mardy are getting.
If you want to get back at Dick Annette come in and audit the bills and take them to the newspaper. You did not mind when Leonard ruined good hard working men. How about you Ray you told us stories all the time about tricky Dick and how he got caught and lost his job at the City. Now you turn your back on us.

ea ok said...

The new administration including the Board is makes the Board from Hell look great. The district was filled with hope so many of us told Popp he needed to hit the ground running. He was also told about Joan and the Curriculum with Beatrice.

Now Joan is second in command

He gives his friend a job who was not being renewed at 204

He gives Feltes a pass.

He lies and coverups about the business office.

The board approves more money without knowing how they spent the other money

He fires David Evans and blames him for Suzanne Windthow not giving kids the right IEP's

The Board pays Roberts $78,000 plus a $2,000 retirement party

The Board pays $72,000 to Clark because of Joan

The Board pays $18,000 for a porn case.

Popp allows Joan another pass when she screws up the Ellington background check

What is the excuse of the Board "we are a rubber stamp that will let administration run everything"

Ralph Padron said...

I am working diligently gathering evidence, speaking with former employees, government agencies, major Chicago media station in gathering FACTS about the COVER UP and violations at EA 131. Now have many individuals assisting in addition to many others contacting me to expose the corruption, cronyism, continued wasteful spending at EA. THINGS ARE HAPPENING I CAN NOT DISCUSS AT THIS TIME.

Basement at ea said...

Feltes friends are remodeling the basement of EA for $425,000 he sits and talks about old times and has coffee and donuts every morning

Who would spend $425,000 to build a closet for band uniforms. You are right Mr Padron cronyism and corruption are worst that never before nobody is watching.
Money being stolen from the months of children. They need to be exposed.

Padron said...

Word in the business office is over 2 million is missing they claim the old computer lost it. Sure, also the buildings had turned in cash and checks that can not be accounted for from school registration dating back to last August. Clark had the combination to the safe developing.

Why is the board allowing all this time to go by? Why is theremin monthly bills from the consultant. They do not account from their time. It is time for the taxpayers to demand the boards resignation.

time to call the state said...

Ray Hull is out telling Afro American teachers many of whom did not qualify and never showed up as subs and left classrooms without a teacher this winter that they will have jobs. Joan Glotzbach attempted to stop this now attack dog Peryea and Ralph their trained puppet are attacking her. Popp is beside himself he has found out that he has no control over the district.

Strand is also driving everyone crazy with ideas from her husband and endless emails.

Leonarnd has demanded Feltes only report to Popp so the new business manager can not stop him from no bids and purchases without purchase orders.

Naming the school said...

Meanwhile the board is off naming a school. A simple announcement of Jaybird was in order. It seems our board should be interested in the problems in the maintenace department and business office instead of playing get even with each other.

Tomcat 8 said...

Hopefully something comes out of all this that Pardon had found out and others from the credit card misuse from a few years ago to all the things Pardon has found with the missing money and other things. Some on this board has been told about this but they look the other way since they have gotten away with it for so many years. It is a wonder how the district got such a good rating when now they find out that money can't be accounted for. The district can't keep looking at the mistakes some of these administrators have done and if the board or Superintendent won't do anything than The State Board of Education should or the States Attorney should.

get out of the lives of kids said...

Our unethical corrupt school board

As a long educator I was part of a petition that asked the District to name the building after Anna Sanford. Anna had over 100 names. Then many of us learned of Jaybird and we would have been very happy with that. Now we learn Ann Benevides will be named and it was revealed Ray Hull made a deal with Stella Gonzalez. Stella's best friend is Ann. Many of us who go years back remember Ann promoted Stella and Ann was a bad administrator. She promoted a bilingual model that today the District never recovered from.

To think that our Board took the name away from a child that lived for school is unthinkable.

School Board you are gutless wonders.

Ralph Padron said...

Issue #1
NOT about Melody Ellington lying on her application.
ITS ABOUT WHY WHEN I GAVE POPP THE EVIDENCE DID HE NOT TAKE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Several Board members have the evidence and it is now policy that ONLY POPP will handle personnel matters.
So why has he not responded nor several Board members demand action. Was David Evans terminated. Guess Ellington has "Diplomatic Immunity".

The board needs to resign said...

When Johnson was board president they did not give complete control to Roberts this board has. As bad as she was they are far worst. I will always thank Annette for leading the charge to get rid of Marin Gonzalez. She covered up too much for Roberts but at least the credit cards and insurance got cleaned up.

I do not respect her for mis treating maintenance supervisors like Scott Sweigert . He was punished for things that Marty has had a pass on. Scott may have had to many trips to Menards but he always followed the bid proceed. All the bills had purchase orders and schools assigned. Marty has over 600 bills without purchase orders. Also we never paid the overtime that we pay today. Marty has additional supervisors and still no schedule. Look at the buildings they are filthy.

Business office said...

Ellington has been paid while looking for a job and will be given a great Referance along with unemployment all for lying on her apllication

Tomcat 8 said...

Pardon is right if Popp isn't going to do something about lying on a application it is business as usual at D131. He didn't do anything about the mess up in the financials it isn't looking good for him.

As for naming of the Kindergarten it should go to the kid that liked to go to school. What did this Ann do for being named for a school? A School should be named for someone that you will remember did something good or liked school not because they are a friend of a board that is corrupt.

Ralph Padron said...

Issue #2
Human Resources did not do their job.
IF JOAN would have done the fingerprinting for Ernest Clark and background check for Melody Ellington then all this would not even be an issue. What is the cost in credibility and confidence for both Human Resources and 131. And lets not forget those hard earned taxdollars !! Reason for a "NO CONFIDENCE" vote for Joan and Popp. What will the Board do about this? Now is your moment to address this and make it right.

Board is a rubber stamp said...

They will vote along with Popp and all his poor decisions. Teachers are not happy with the new evaluation model and Joan is behind it. Teachers will now get set up for the failures of d131. We have no rights. She has waited for Roberts to leave so she can have complete control. Many of the issues Roberts told her no on Popp is allowing. She is the Superintendent. The boards response is whatever.

Now we read Stella was paid off by not naming the after Jaybird. Anne Benevides was one of the worst teachers and adminis. She was part of the serial bully days.

Shame on the school board how can they sleep with themselves.

Mr Padron they will do nothing a teacher is forced to resign when they have a series of bad evaluations and is not allowed to collect unemployment.

Ellington did a bad job all year and lied but will have her job eliminated allowing her to collect unemployment.

Benevides said...

Anne promoted Stella that is why the building is being named over a little boy who loved Kindergarden so much.

The Board is the laughing stock. Please State of Illinois come take us over and replace the Board

Comments about the business office said...

Ellington took two hour lunches missed all kinds of time nobody checked her. She did nothing now another free ride and a reward for lies.

What example does this board set for the children. The reward cheats and lies

Ellington said...

Word on Ellington
She now claims she is being harassed by Ralph Padron and is rumored to be filing a lawsuit with. Steve Glink against the board. Sounds like 131 can never get ahead. Thanks Glozabach for doing such a good job checking those referances. If the board had balls Joan would get fired.

Danielson said...

Here is more information about the Danielson method of teacher evaluation:

As a parent, my concern would be whether the people evaluating children's teachers take into account OUR experience and opinions about a particular teacher. My 20+ years of raising children have shown me that when a teacher is ineffective or lazy, the first to notice are always the (involved) parents. Administration does not usually have a clue that there's a problem in that class until considerable time has elapsed. Also, a teacher considered outstanding by parents and students could be removed on a whim by administration, based on an evaluation by outside "experts".

The Danielson model of evaluation may be an effective way to give teachers feedback on their performance in the classroom, but should not be used to determine teachers' employment status. Checks and balances are needed, including input from parents, students, and community members.

Ralph Padron said...

Item #3
I met with Popp on May 6th and presented him documents concerning several questionable issues and invoice discrepancies with Bldg & Grounds. He ASSURED me they would be researched and he will get back to me. Nothing as of yet. Could someone ask him what is taking so long or is he just ignoring those violations. Looks to me like he is. "Going Forward" motto can only happen once the past is cleaned up.

Tomcat 8 said...

Does anyone know what Ellington lied about on her job application?

Bilingual Program said...

Is the Board totally clueless in that Benevides was a major contributor to the decline of 131. I would agree she was a good Principal. As a administrator she was a.complete stuck up and responsible for a bilingual model that ruined the educational lives of thousands of children.

I had no idea she was even a contender. This board is the laughing stock and if it is true they payed off Stella Gonzalez over a child I am not sure how they can sleep at night. These are dark days for EA.

Whatever you say said...


I've never heard anything so stupid.

input from parents, students, and community members.

Really? Every teacher should be evaluated with input from parents, students and community members.

Danielson1 said...

Danielson will not work in our district because of Joan. Popp also feels d131 has many bad teachers and will use this as a way to evaluate them out.

Joan is responsible for many bad decisions and if she can not background checks straight do you really think she can implement Danielson.

I think it's a good about you?? said...

10:45 a.m., I'm confused.

Do you think it's a good or bad idea for teacher evaluations to include input from parents, students, and community members?

Stupid said...

I think it is a stupid idea.

Not stupid at all, just thinking outside the box said...

Who better to give input than the actual consumers of a product? In the case of educators, it's the parents who are "in the trenches" seeing what is and is not effective teaching.

Also, the people who pay for schools through their tax dollars have a vested interest, and deserve to have a say about teacher retention.

Feltes said...

Mr Padron, Popp will do nothing about B&G and Hull will not as well they paid Dick Leonard off. Popp needs to keep control of the Board he brags to staff he has six votes. To think are only hope is Annette Johnson makes me sick.

Now Stella Gonzalez was paid off Anne Benevides was a long shot. A women who got big raises and had the worst school in the district then she screwed up the Bilingual program. They picked her over a boy that died for Kindergarden do you think these people have any morals.

In memory of Jaybird said...

Aries "Jaybird" Gonzalez wasn't overlooked by our district...the media center in the new kindergarten will be named after him.

Big deal said...

The school should be named after the child any employee should not be allowed.

Ralph Padron said...

Item #4
"The Lie"
Morton Grove Superintendent notified Ellington (Director of Finance & Operations) he was recommending to the Board she be terminated. Instead she resigned and was paid for the rest of her contract $11,509.50

She then went to Matteson and was accused of all kinds of wrongdoings and a lawsuit was put in against her and the Superintendent. The plaintiff was paid 20 K to drop the lawsuit.
She resigned with a year left her 94 K contract with 1 year left on it.

After 1 year off she was hired by EA 131 and answered the application question
"Have you ever resigned to avoid termination"

She answered NO


It is about HR NOT DOING THEIR JOB. The background check was not done or was ignored by those in charge.
It would be nice for the Superintendent to give a statement on the above.

After thought said...

They only named the media center after Jaybid as a after thought because the community was pushing so hard for it.

Benvides was a part of the serial bully years and should have been the last choice. It is not up to the board to payoff another board member with a lifetime name. The board is the worst we have ever had.

Such a piece of bull said...

Really Ralph. Calling for somebody to be fired isn't about them? Keep telling yourself that lie so you can sleep at night. It is absolutely about Ellington.

To Ralph said...

You are our hero Joan Gloztbach has been destroying innocent people for years and not doing her job. I have watched her targets teachers and the unless you are near retirement everyone in her department is belittled and mistreated. Lately, we thought the board would have common sense after three in a row. She was allowed to destroy the business office and cause the district all this embrassment.

Ellington also told everyone she was a trainer in Infinate Visions and lied she knew no more about it than anyone else. Why? Because she had already left Matteson. Now she is allowed to collect unemployment. I checked with unemployment and they say that lies on your application are grounds for not paying. Yet they are paying

Clark claimed bankruptcy and never completed his fingerprints. The board paid him from December. The cost was well over $80,000. He is also collecting unemployment.

Claimed she had a CPA when hired. Everyone in the business office brought it to Joan's attention after she knew nothing about filing the or preparing the budget. Joan did nothing, the business office is in shambles because of Joan.

We need good teachers. Out kids deserve it! said...

IT IS A STATE LAW THAT THE DISTRICT USE A DANIELSON-like model for evaluation! It is not Joan making that decision. This is in the best interest of our students. Do you honestly want teachers who are not using best practice educating our students?

Get over yourself! If you have a teacher getting several bad evaluations, they should not be employed our students deserve the best we can have!

Padron, get a hobby said...

When you fill out an application for school employment, you sign a document that indicates that you are being truthful.....and can be held accountable for dishonesty. IF THAT IS TRUE, then the applicant is responsible.

Tomcat 8 said...

Pardon the reason I asked about what the lie was is that anyone can say someone lied on a application but when it isn't stated what the lie was you never know if the person made that remark was the truth.

This district is a joke and the board needs to go they continue to ignore the misuse of money, HR problems with not doing background checks and money not accounted for. I wonder if Joan is still taking her husband on trips with her on our dime.

Popp said...

Employees are fed up with Popp,because he told us he wanted to know how he can improve the districtt. many were filled with hope after Dr Roberts. Who never sought input and would rule with no explanation. At least he would make a decision and if you came to him and asked for confidentiality he would keep that promise.

Popp on the other hand never makes decision and he goes back to Gloztbach and Childress and gossips.
He has not addressed one problem and has been caught in numerous lies.

He also is bring in his friends and his hiring choices so far show cronyism.

Marty Feltes is another story several people from accounting to technology to maintenance to building leaders have complained. in fact he went to Marty and now Marty says just wait I am going to outsource all of you and if you want to work here you will be getting minuim wage and lose your seniority.

The BOE has no respect they are his puppets and they sent the staff a message when they scapegoated David Evans. We hear there is more scapegoating to come. Everyone is walking on thin ice.

Ralph is our only hope.

No way said...

Have parents evaluate a teacher?

Is that parent going to come to school and watch the teacher teach?

Is the parent knowledgeable of what goes on in the classroom on a daily basis?

Does that parent get a copy of the lesson plans every week?

I guess teachers can determine if a parent is a good parent as well since we are in the trenches with their child. We see the product they produce when they come to school everyday or only some days. Makes total sense to me that a teacher can judge the quality of parenting based on your son/daughter at school since you can judge how a teacher is doing at school based on your child.

Enlightened districts welcome parents' input said...

Listen to parents! said...

Administrators should definitely consider parents' and community members' viewpoints when deciding whether a particular teacher is competent...otherwise a teacher could be railroaded out of his/her job simply because an administrator had a personal dislike for them. It's happened before in our district and resulted in nastiness & hard feelings between taxpayers, school board members, parents, and administration.

Like someone said previously, checks and balances are important.

Parents Don't Have A Clue said...

Yeah, but parents are often wrong and have a distorted view of the truth.

knows131 said...

2:53 p.m., I'm sure there are a few clueless parents out there but the vast majority of parents I know personally are intelligent, hard-working adults who aren't afraid to speak up (positively or negatively) in their children's best interests.

Speaking of parents... said...

Happy Father's Day to all D131 Dads!

Parents Don't Have A Clue said...

The listening to parents pay is when YOU VOTE in a school board. Look at the job you have done over the past 20 years with that. Your voice is the school board and you sick at that.

Real truth said...

Hull wants Pardon sued because of Ellington just like only wants teachers of color hired. The man sees things one way through the eyes of race.

For teachers to be evaluated by parents and students is crazy but that is the 204 way. He does not get the community or understand how difficult it is to even get parents to a teacher parent conferance.

Maybe the teachers and staff should be able to evaluate the board. Or better yet lets pilot the program in Strands husbands classroom.

2:53 and 3:01 is the really clueless one said...

Are YOU a parent? If so, then you must be including yourself in the "clueless" category...


Checks and balances said...

Giving input and having your perspective considered as a parent, student, taxpayer, or community member is not the same as evaluating! It would be very difficult for parents (community members, etc.) to actually evaluate teachers as they work in the classroom. That is administration's job...but the administration should be willing to take into account the viewpoint & experiences of the parents & community, especially when a teacher's job is on the line!

School board said...

The school board employees a superintendent and we are stuck with their choice. Most seek input like most high functioning districts. They did have meeting at the beginning which none of them attended but they did not let us have input when they were at the final choice.

Long story short get rid of the board cronyism and CORUPTION are their middle names.

Ralph Padron said...

Item #5
"Update Ellington Scandal"
I have forward MULTIPLE documents to ILL State Board Ed for review.

I have contacted a "major news investigation reporter to research and have requested they come out to EA to get answers. All documents have been forwarded.

Just recently a "Key" ex-employee and I met to discuss previous scandals within 131. More on this later.
Next issue to be discussed will be the Natural Gas contract which is in the office of Lisa Madigan.

Building and Grounds questionable practices.

And lets not forget the lawsuits still in progress.

Hmmm... said...

Wonder who the "key ex-employee" might be?

And what "previous scandals" would be discussed??

Scandal said...

Nobody is watching the store I wonder why Ralph does not come and speak at the meetings any longer. It time for the district to sue him. There will be no more payoffs to him. At one meeting he stated he would work for free but ended up shaking them down for over $10,000.

Also the news media does not listen to him and the gas issue is long over.

It's time to get over yourself Padron you don't scare anyone and in fact you probably got Joan a promotion

Ellington said...

Hull has been around the district claiming that Ellington is racially profiled by Pardon. He seems to forget the relentless targeting of Augustine and Johnson.

Ellington lied and so did Clark, Mr Hull. White teachers can be successful teaching students and NO. We are not afraid of reviews as long as they are fair.

Wait to see the money that will get thrown Quad Urban's way because Hull needs to save face in his community

thank you ralph said...

Ralph, how would we go about getting additional inside information to you about these people. If there was a way for people with some of the really bad practices to get it out without risking their jobs. There needs to be an independent investigator or someone from the state we can safely tell these issues to.
Thank you for being in the position and having the courage to help those of us that can't win against such corrupt administration.

Ralph Padron said...

Item #6
"Ellington Scandal Summary"

1 I was told that Ernest Clark brought in Melody Ellington. All administrators are to go through background checks regardless of their position. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN

2 Human Resources DID NOT DO THEIR JOB !!! Therefore the repercussions are countless in wasted taxpayer dollars, valuable hours in addressing/correcting this travesty. And again PUBLIC CONFIDENCE in EA 131 doing their job is declining lower and lower.

3 Question arises: "Does Popp have the business savy and understanding to get things done. Does he continue to rely on Joan Glotzbach in correcting things that SHE CREATED"

4 This is a business matter and individuals with "Educator" backgrounds calling the shots. Corporate America would have terminated/disciplined Joan for her costly mistakes.
Not going to happen at 131. Popp has created a bigger problem in not understanding.

5 Point is Leadership and Human Resources created the Ellington Scandal. Melody is guilty of lying on her application but the true crime was committed by those individuals who hired Clark and Ellington and not protecting the public from this SHAMEFUL EVENT.


Unfortunately not.

truth is said...

Padron you are correct and I have inside information that Clark never knew Ellington, if fact Joan interviewed Ellington and did the background checks. If you FIOA the interview they hired Clark with she was interviewed at the same time. Both got hired and Joan did all reference checks.

Joan is paid to do background checks not anyone else and she did them herself. She always puts her staff under the bus but we know the truth.

working at ea said...

Watch at meetings Joan is part of every executive session with the board. Staff has also been told she is second charge and if Popp is not in district you need to go to Joan not his secretary to get a a hold of him that is very different from Roberts who would never leave her in charge. If someone had a problem they could either text him or contact Lisa.

Popp has been told by many she is a big problem her direction to staff, principals, administration and her department is rude and incomplete.

Popp shared names with her and now she is targeting us. She controls evaluations so she controls our jobs.

Feltes said...

From the Kane County Website.

Feltes discloses he still has income from his business and he is allowed to work with bids on plumbing this was turned over to Popp and the lawyers also but no answer.

2. List the name, address and type of practice of any professional organization in which the person making the statement was an officer, director, associate, partner or proprietor or served in any advisory capacity, from which income in excess of $1,200 was derived during the preceding year
ANSWER: Name of Professional Organization: MARTY FELTES PLBG & HTG INC Type of Professional Organization: Other Type of Professional Organization Other: PLUMBING & HEATING Role: Officer Address 1: 800 DONNA AVE City: AURORA State: IL Zip: 60505

On Glotzbach said...

Joan's department is suppose to review financial disclosure and she should reviewing Feltes and quotes. Popp knows this and should do something

Tomcat 8 said...

I would think also since Feltes is an employee of the district there would be a conflict of interest.

Board is a joke said...

The Board is a joke they paid Stella Gonzalez off ltonight by naming the building after her best friend Anne Benevides a administrator who was part of the distruction of 131. Her Bilingual models were based on old models.

Anna Sanford had over100 names and the staff loved her. Again the board does what they want and does not listen to the community.

Naming of the building said...

The community has a Facebook campaign for Jaybird and the Board thumbs their noses fora lady who lives in Hinkley.

Do us a favor board move to Hinkley you do not represent the community.

Disgusted said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
You voted for them said...

If the "community" is soo pissed off, don't send your kids there. That would show them. If everybody opts out of full day kindergarten then they would get the message.

voice of reason said...

I don't think they grew pot, what I remember is the Benevides family raising goats and having to move because they were violating zoning regulations. So that's probably why they moved to Hinckley.

And has anyone considered that maybe the Board spoke with Jaybird's family and the family wanted the media center named after him? Maybe Jaybird's family was consulted and it was their preference.

History on Ann said...

The family with d131 staff was involved in naming the Center after the Jaybird. Staff did not speak last night because they are afraid of retribution. We had a petition drive just like some staff had a petition drive for Stanford.

Benevides is one that had many enemies. She singled out many Bilingual teachers and was responsible for producing a hit list of 40 teachers for Radaovich. She also started the teachers from Spain program. teachers on her hit list included ones that pushed for English emerison.

Stella Gonzalez was saved by Anne when Roberts then Principal of East was removing her from a administrative position as department chair. She was then transferred to Central Office. So yes Stella does owe her.

Anne's husband had to be removed from administration after he got caught buying a joint at the bowling alley on Hill Ave.

Trully the Board is a joke and everyone is talking about their disregard for staff and community.

Petition said...

Jaybirds family was asked by staff if we could petition to get the Center named after him. They were happy. Some staff also petitioned for Sanford getting over 100 names. Lets set the record straight. We were promised by Strand that she would advocate for us. I guess another broken promise!

Again the Board showed no regard for the community and staff.

Take a stand said...

Then don't work there, don't send your kids there, and vote in a new school board.

Stop whining you spoiled babies.

Question for "History on Ann" said...

"responsible for producing a hit list of 40 teachers for Radakovich"

Can you provide any evidence for this? If you can, then maybe there is some merit to the claim that she was part of the serial bully mess.

About her husband buying a joint, that's no big deal. Marijuana has been proven to have medicinal benefits and while it was an illegal substance at the time, enlightened states have now come around to support citizens' rights to buy small amounts for personal use.

stupid is said...

Anne was responsible for the teachers from Spain. It is well documented that years ago the serial bully came in and released many teachers. You must be a friend of the Board or a Board member to defend them.

Why not FOIA the District and see the pages of names Sanford had or look at Facebook for Jaybird. If see had cared about kids she would have allowed the child to have the building named after himself.

It is not the boards building it is the taxpayers.

Link said...

Here's the link to the Facebook site about naming the kindergarten center after Jaybird:

And if Ms. Benevides was behind getting those teachers from Spain, then she would have been working with Marin doubt about it, part of the "Serial Bully" administration :(

Ralph Padron said...

Item #7
"B & G invoices"
On May 6th I presented to Popp several questionable charges on certain invoices. He mentioned Marty Feltes was going to research them for explanation.

Today is June 17th and still no reply. Getting answers from the Superintendent in auditing invoices is not going to happen. When I audited the Trash/Recycle contracts, MANY unanswered questions I presented remain unanswered.

I will begin many an audit now of the B & G spending which already has many "red flags" in regards to questionable spending of taxpayer dollars. Have already contacted ISBE requesting a state audit for many an area.

Will update as the reports our finalized.

Excerpted from Facebook page said...

"The school board already had their minds made up. The school did not open the floor and listen the community. It was 8-1 in flavor for Anne. It was all about politics and friendship and not about their story. Only 3 of 9 school board members spoke in deph about why they voted the way they did. Raymound Hull who is on the school board said during the meeting that he is friends with Anne. He also said personally knows her and that's why he voted for her. Another school board member Stella Gonzalez also mention how Anne was her mentor and personal friend and that's why she was voting for her. Both did not say it was because of her story but because of their personal relationship with her. As you read in her bio her whole family is involved with the school district. The rest of the school board also voted for Anne. And why not. Help a follow colleague out. The only person on the school board to stand up Jaybird was Annette Johnson. Annette was the only person to have meet Jaybird. Annette mentioned that Jaybird was the most motivated student she has ever met. Annette also mentioned how Jaybird was layed to rest not far the center and that you can see the center from his final resting place. Annette said because of Jaybird story it was only right to name the kindergarten center after kindergartner. Out of the two names Jaybird is the only one directly involved with kindergarten. Annette was the only person who actually took the story and the community into her decision. The rest took their friendship and personal involvement into consideration. I thought the school board was there for us. So many schools in our school district named after adults which I don't know their personal stories. Why not name a kindergarten center after a kindergartner. So many people in the community wanted the kindergarten center be named after Jaybird. We need to share this story and get the community involed and get the school board to actually listen to the community"

Good job said...

There are only 7 school board members.

grEAt job! said...

According to the "Meet the Board" page on our district website there are 9 School Board members pictured and named. Two are student members, but they are included.

Just be wrong and accept it. said...

Student board members don't get a vote. Nice try.

Get out said...

The board is made up of vile people to put friendship first over a sick child shows who they are please get out of the lives of children. Hull and Gonzalez are sick. Peryea you claim you took your decision serious really get away from kids.

So Stupid said...

The student board members were not even at the meeting Monday.

It is impossible for a vote to be 8 to 1.

east vs West said...

West holds forums to pick a principal East snubs the community for input when they picked a superintendent and now a Building name. Shows West Aurora cares no East Aurora board thinks they know everything.

Tomcat 8 said...

The students can not vote only the 7 elected members can vote.

Mixed bag, but not stupid said...

There are 9 School Board members, according to the district website.

Two are students. They can (and sometimes do) speak at School Board meetings. They cannot vote. They are still pictured on the website and identified as members.

So the Facebook page is correct that there are 9 School Board members, but incorrect that there was an 8 to 1 vote for Ms. Benevides. It was actually a 6-1 vote.

Anonymous 1 said...

To: Excerpted from Facebook page said...

Let's make Annette Johnson out as some great lover of children. All of her decisions are made from her pocketbook, she doesn't give a damn about the children. And don't forget how she treated Jose Vega, the Special Ed. student from Simmons who was being physically and sexually abused daily at Simmons. At their 8th grade promotion Annette Johnson stood there and shook every childs hand except Jose Vega. It was one of the most disgraceful displays I've ever witnessed.

While Jose is out of Simmons, his little sister is still in the building. She doesn't have issues with the other students but she and the family are still dealing with the abuse from the administration.

At the end of the year, Jose's sister asked to use the restrooom multiple times and was refused. Her family came down to discuss the matter with Wilson Morales and Wilson refused to speak with the family. Next, Wilson called the girl in and read her the riot act about using the bathroom.

How much abuse is this family going supposed take from the district before they file a lawsuit? I would have been hiring Glink long ago.

crazy family said...

Ray Hull coached the Vega family children by his own admission. He has put them up to attacking Annette and the district. When the Vega family was offered a transfer to another school they opted to keep him at Simmons. The Vega family is now being encouraged to sue by board members. The Vega family does not represent good parenting. Its more about how much money can I make.

The administration was also forced to review the tape of Simmons graduation the child kept his hands in his pocket. His aunt ran up after the graduation and had to be restrained. Many times her screaming, foul language and verbal abuse are common at Simmons. She has also had altercations at Oak Park. Really!

BTW, I have had to work with this family and their numerous complaints and have found them unfounded.

Jaybird supporter said...

I attended my first board meeting and what a sad group of people we have representing us.

They started the meeting by wasting time figuring out dates to meet. Then they went into a private meeting and everyone was left just sitting around waiting. How rude!
Johnson did speak up and tell them to meet at the end of the meeting. Really she had to tell adults that and Someone with a doctors degree.

Then the naming vote only Hull, Johnson and Gonzalez commented in depth why they voted. Clearly Johnson was the only one who cared about the students needing a role model. Jaybird was a role model to his family and his short time in this world. She said the cemetery was a sign that he would be a guardian angel. The others sat with anger in theirs faces. While the audience was crying.

Hull and Gonzalez talked about her as a friend. no good reason given. There are many great educators not one comment why she was better or different. No all that was given was she was a friend. What a slap in the face to the other great educators of 131 and the community

vega family said...

Wilson Morales does not decide who goes to the washroom the teacher does. The mother is not the issue however the aunt is looking for a lawsuit.

Value-added evaluation said...

For those who are concerned about the Danielson method of teacher evaluation, it could be MUCH worse:

Leonard said...

Check out list of bills our district pays Leonard's phone and internet bill. This is the same guy who lied and ruined employees reputations about spending. now the taxpayers pay his bill.

Between hiring his buddy Feltes and taking tax dollars for no bid jobs it shows his character. What a scum bag.

Ea maintenance said...

Leonard is a scum bag who used information to get hard working honest men removed from their jobs and get Feltes hired. When Hull was working over the maintenance union he told of stories Leonard used his position at the city to make deals and save money building his house. He got caught and fired. Now Hull has sold out the maintenance guys. Soon more hard working men will loss their jobs because Feltes is throwing them under the bus with Glotzbach.

Not surprised what they pull that's a day in EA

Anonymous 1 said...

To: Crazy Family

You’ve got to be Annette Johnson. Nobody else would make such claims and attacks.

You first attack Ray Hull claiming that he has coached somebody to sue the district (this is a baseless claim made by somebody who claims they have inside information and hates Ray Hull). You then claim that the family is only in it for the money. Nothing could be further from the truth. This family has taken more abuse from this district than any other and still has not filed a lawsuit. They could have sued a dozen times over if they had chosen. You are also full of it when you claim that the administration viewed the tape and found Jose Vega with his hands in his pockets. First off, the video (which is available for all to see on the districts website) doesn’t show Annette Johnson or her snub of Jose. What it does show is Jose smiling and shaking hands with everybody else. His hands were nowhere near his pockets.

BTW: Administrators do make decisions about who is and who is not allowed to use a restroom. It’s not made public but there are no pass lists given to teachers by the administrators. If a child is on this list, they are not allowed to go to the bathroom or if they are allowed, it is only with adult supervision. Vega’s sister was refused the bathroom for almost an hour and then when she was allowed, the teacher had to call a deans assistant to escort her to the bathroom. Definitely sounds as though she is on the administrators no pass list to me. It’s pretty obvious that Wilson Morales is abusing his authority and abusing the Vega family and children.

tell the truth said...

To the crazy family

I work at Simmons and am stuck dealing weekly with Jose's crazy aunt. I the child gets bumped in the hall he is harassed it was endless. If you dont like the school district find another one.

Central news said...

Back to the Serial bully days all the players are back

The District hired Brian Dolan to represent land purchases. Brian is the person who did not appraise the Police station property when the district lost 3 million to Walmart.

Brian who dates back to the Malaker days shows history is repeating itself. Looks like instead do reducing overcrowding they are looking to a new administrative center.

Wow said...

The board and Popp are unbelievable while every school is overcrowded and the education is the worst in the State they are ff looking for new digs.

Marty said...

Another days of swearing at employees by Marty Feltes and there is not a thing Popp or Joany will do about it.

Meanwhile his poor management is resulting in cost overruns at the FDK again Popp does not care.

Ralph lets hope you can save us he has told us we will be unemployed next year when our contract is up.

Anonymous said...

And the teachers get in trouble if the agenda is not noticed( it is always up there) but they just don't see it Or if you are a special education teacher and you don't have a lot of higher order questions because your kids have memory deficits and need direct instruction on a daily basis. Will be interesting to see how Danielson will fit into special ed evals with very low functioning kids.... or kids from quad and severely bd/ed kids....

What is up with the board said...

Had to take a detour the other day and I had to look twice pushing a shopping cart and picking up cans was Mary Lou Peryea. is she homeless.? I don't mean anything by it it's just a bit weird. said...
Petition on to get the Kindergarden center renamed and make the board listen to the community.
Friendship aside East Aurora Board do the right thing.

Just saying. said...

Im just a second year teacher but even I can see that the maintenance workers are going to get screwed over. They have no supervision, unsafe working conditions, and not enough staff to take care of our buildings. The horrible condition of the place and overtime issues are from bad management and lack of support.
Just calling it like I see it.

Use this link; the other one doesn't work said...

Don't know if it was really Ms. Peryea, but if so... said...

I know people who pick up cans (and other trash) as a public service, as a volunteer effort to help the community.

My personal experience with Ms. Peryea has been positive. I e-mailed her a couple of months ago with a question about my spouse's length of employment in D131. I received a quick, polite, informative response.

As far as I'm concerned, she's one of the "good ones"!

newshound said...

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