I am calling for the resignation of all board members who attended Jerome Roberts party. Liquor was served in the chocolate moose and the Beacon had the menu. The district should not have paid for liquor.
I understand they all attended. There is a bill in State House to get rid do low performing boards This one needs to go I will be saving this article and forwarding it to Linda Chapa Lavia who is a co sponcering the bill.
That price tag included $980 in appetizers, $200 in desserts and $475 in pizza, burgers and other food, according to a receipt from the event. Among the desserts provided were “mini martini flights of chocolate mousse,” truffle balls, chocolate éclairs, red velvet cupcakes and chocolate-covered strawberries.
The children of our district can not afford chocolate cover strawberries .
If there was liquor in the “mini martini flights of chocolate mousse, you should contact the States Attorney and talk to them about it. Where liquor is in a dessert is the same as buying a drink. Linda Chapa Lavia will do nothing.
I agree that all of this board needs to go we will have to see how the new Superintendent handles this.
The Chocolate mousse was mixed with vodka, the truffle balls had rum. The bar was pay your own but soft drinks had been provided. About 200 got invited only 60 showed.
The board was present with the expectation of Johnson. So yes the board was feeding their faces on pastries that had liquor. For Strand, Peryea and Hull many said it was a oxymoron. since they claimed to have not supported him. They also paid $78,000 to a lame duck that never had the sick days coming. He was absent more that working.
Hopefully with a new Sup comes a eew board next year.
A SLAP IN THE FACE to our children & educators....
When teachers retire, attendees are asked to pay their own way, as it is a PERSONAL celebration. Where do I sign up for MY free retirement party on D131??
OH, WAIT - even IF I had that option, I would not waste $2000, or even $20, because the needs in this district & for our children are TOO GREAT.
HOW on EARTH can this be allowable?
(please note: I am a D131 educator, but I've taken a sick day for several medical appointments and I am in the waiting room. WAIT, can I get paid $78,000 for those when I retire? )
It is a shame and the fact that they bought appetizers with liquor in them shows how they don't think the IL Administration Code applies to them because it is illegal to do that. Everyone talks how Johnson is such a good president and she was at this party when they spent this money. Does anyone else get a retirement party in the district that they pay for and are there any policies about it? If this board approves this when they do the list of bills someone needs to contact the proper authorities and turn them in.
Johnson was not at the party but all the other board members attended. They stuffed their faces and it is a slap in the face to all the hard working staff that anyone could honor him. The district not only paid for employees but his relatives. He used the district and took $78,000 laughing all the way to the bank.
This blog blames Johnson all the time but I did not see any of the others vote no to his money or his party. Johnson will be missed at least she worked on district issues. I did not always agree with her but she tried the others are only on the board to say they do it for the kids. What have they done for the kids?
When did they vote for the party? It was already stated that 200 party invites went out and only 60 attended and Johnson was there and I believe that. She did vote for his contract that gave him 78,000 for unused sick pay. Isn't she the one that said Roberts wasn't a good Superintendent and she had to set in instead of getting rid of him. Give us the proof that all the other board members attended except her I don't think you can.
I just went to the district website and saw no mention of a talent show, either in the press releases at the bottom of the site or on the scrolling list of upcoming events. Are you sure the show is tonight?
Some of us are not on Facebook, you'd think that the district would know that and publicize events better. It's like with the pancake breakfast being cancelled in February. Somebody saw it on Facebook and mentioned it on this blog, which was the only way some of us found out.
Thank you, blog. You're not perfect but you do keep our community informed.
What a shame that the only way you know how to get communication is through a stupid blog. Maybe if you were a bit more intelligent you would figure out a different way.
Today nobody had paper towels in the district all the kids ran around with wet hands. Why? Because Leonard's buddy Feltes does not know how to log into his computer and approve purchase orders yet. Carlson had some days off and nobody was there to cover for him
Lets see the strength of the new Sup. Marty Frltes should be fired. The test will come Johnson and Roberts are not around to protect him and everyone knows he is not qualified to do his job. He sat on purchase orders his story is the F in computer . Paper towels never got ordered and everyone had to use their cloths.
Upon leaving the district Jerome Roberts was allowed to take two laptops, a special reader valued at $7500, two iPads , printers and a note series phone valued at $600.
All told about $12,000 and Joan Glozabach will not tell anyone if he even paid. Who is she, the taxpayers own this equipment not her.
The Tech department updated him with the latest software last month. When it was reported to Popp he stated what happened in this office stays in this office.
"Your" and "You're"...learn the difference!
11:25 a.m., I'm sorry that you are ignorant about the English language.
And who said that the ONLY way they got information was on a blog? On this thread people are saying they get information from newspapers, news sites, social media, and the district website...as well as this blog.
Not Rayanne, but thanks for the compliment!
It doesn't bother me at all that you misuse the English language. Go ahead and display your stupidity...your credibility disintegrates further with every ignorant comment you make!
Agree. There was no toilet paper in any of the student bathrooms, and the bathrooms were filthy as usual. Students are using faculty bathrooms because the student bathrooms are so filthy.
R.O.T.C. walked around the whole building and cleaned up all the garbage after the snow melted. Still the question lingers, where were the two grounds workers who specifically are assigned to clean the grounds at East Aurora? You cannot line fields when they are frozen, and there was not one game played over spring break due to the inclement weather. The truth is they hang out in their cubby hole by the football stadium and do nothing. Not to mention that R.O.T.C. missed curriculum time. Call it community service but , I think during the school day, academics need to be addressed. The grounds crew at East is lazy and always comes up with excuses.
Central office news is the board paid big dollars to get rid of Ernest Clark only to hire the Business Manager that West Aurora is firing. Look for the new manager to be Christy Tyler someone that Johnson has had in consulting on a big contract with Chystal Financial. Chystal comes from Chicago. Interesting Johnson business is right down the block.
West Aurora residents need to ask why is she consulting and being paid by East and West.
On to the Roberts news Johnson was spotted having a cozy lunch with him. In a last effort he forced a big party, took his computers, and got his sick days.
I talked with Dr Popp today and I was not impressed. He seemed to come up with the same old story. It's going to take time, we have great administrators and educators. Ok Dr Popp if they are so great why are they at the bottom of the State.
While I realize Dr Popp is in his honeymoon period I also realize he does not understand the community. I hope he keeps up his enthusiasm. Being shocked a child would not think about college in third grade shows he is green or does not get it.
I six months we will see I heard it all to many times.
Dr. Popp is wondering why an elementary-aged Hispanic girl would say she's not going to college...here's an example of the mindset being promoted by some Catholics/Christians today:
Add to that the economic reality that this girl may have heard adults discussing how hard it is to put food on the table & a roof over the family's head, and it's understandable that she thinks college isn't in her future.
Bravo to Dr. Popp for wanting to encourage her to "reach for the stars"...now let's see whether our community can provide the tools and resources our students need to help them succeed!
To 'Same old" We are still at the bottom because our last leader did not recognize or utilize the talent of our admin and teachers, except when he needed them to make him look good. The rest of the time they struggle to get what they need to do their job as efficiently as possible with no support.
I have not yet had a face to face with Dr. Popp, but I am impressed at what he has shared so far as his thoughts on D131. I do not work in the district but have lived here a long while, so my POV is different from the outside than those who work there. He has my support and I wish him the best. Take the numbers from the retirement party and guesstimate how much support Roberts had in the "large district' he bragged about over seeing.
The parents of this district do not care about education. Mr Popp seems like a caring man but he does not know the culture. In his prior district he had a small population of ELLs. Many of the parents moved into his district fir a better education. EA is another story. We will see how long he lasts. The scores will come up after next year because of changes to the Curriculum, none of them being his. Lets his character, of he uses this to spring board another job or if he really wants to make a difference.
Looking forward to improvements in curriculum and more!
A previous post named Reality made the comment Popp does not know "the Culture." I was born and raised in this district a long time ago and the culture has been very diverse my whole life. That is what makes it such a great place to live and raise children. The demographics have gone through many changes but there are still many 'cultures' represented in 131. To say parents in this district do not care about education only shows how out of touch you are with the families, with children attending school in this district.
The East Side of Aurora is not diverse. It's a majority of hispanic people with a smattering of white and black pockets. Taken from our school district report card: we have 84.7% Hispanic, 8.7% black, and 4% white. Hardly diverse! To top it off, we have 90% low income students as well. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how our district is diverse. Just because it's different than every other surrounding community does NOT make it diverse.
Also, come on people take that stupid 5 essentials survey. Check out this report from our HS Principal (yes I'm a teacher): The parent response rate is 0% for the 2014 Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey. As a reminder, schools need 30.0% of their parents to respond in order to receive a report.
0%?? Come on parents, get up and do SOMETHING for your students!
We thought Roberts was great we appalled Johnson they fell out of favor reality is in 5 years Dr Popp will fall out of favor it's the East side stupid to much disparity and poor.
BTW Annette there are no expensive parties but I wish you well.
As I remember, the main reason we were so optimistic and welcoming about Dr. Roberts was because he knew our district, and we were so eager to get rid of "Serial Bully" Radakovich. Radakovich was a terrible drain on our district financially and emotionally, and Dr. Roberts' calm, diplomatic attitude seemed like a breath of fresh air at the time.
I'm sure Dr. Popp has done some research about the history of our district, both positive and negative. Because of the internet, we would be VERY unlikely to end up with another serial bully. I wish Dr. Popp well as he leads District 131!
Dr Popp does not know our district he only wanted to be a Superintendent and earn the big bucks. Remember many other districts took a pass on him. We know of four. as far as being a finalist in four districts he got there because of working at Indian Prarie.
His own district never made him Asst Superintendent and he never made it in the top group to even interview.
Ea said, you don't know much about the process of hiring an upper-level administrator in 2014! HUNDREDS of potential candidates submit resumes online for each open position, and each candidate applies for at least a dozen positions. It is fairly easy for both candidates and districts to get information on the internet to determine who they want to take a closer look at, and interview in person.
Dr. Popp probably "took a pass" on some districts that might have been interested in him, just as some districts chose another qualified candidate. It's how things work in 2014.
I've heard him speak and I think he's a good fit for D131.
He never got promoted to Asst Sup in his last district. That speaks volumes. We will give him a chance but by his comments one can tell he was not a good fit.
See and hear artwork and performances by our talented musicians, actors, and visual artists. All ages represented, from grade school through high school.
Another board meeting where Annette Johnson says District 131 has "given money back to the taxpayers:. I am a district resident and taxpayer and I have yet to receive a check from the district. If she's claiming to have reduced taxes, I haven't seen that either, but tell it like it is. You have NOT given money back to the taxpayers. In your mind you may have possibly saved them money, but that is not GIVING them money. When you save 20% at the store, the store doesn't claim to have given you money.
I saw that there is new leadership in the district. I know Mr Hull has had some negative comments made about him in the past but I have seen his dedication to our kids over the past few years first hand. He was always supportive of events and activities even when his own kids weren't involved. I think we all should give him and Dr. Popp a chance to show us what transparency, integrity and most of all dedication to our districts kids can do. Best of luck to them all!
Would you rather have had him say you are right you have no need to go to college you are from a poverty district and will never make anything of you life because of this. We need parent involvement and a Superintendent to give the students push to succeed.
Like the heading on this post says-"time to celebrate and enjoy the many good things happening in our district!" Basketball fans are celebrating Ryan Boatright (former Tomcat) and UConn's accomplishments. For many in EA who know him and his family we are all extremely proud of his success. To me another big win for all families in EA is the new School Board Leadership team! Hopefully, they can continue to make improved decisions with more heart and being mindful of what the purpose of the Board truly is. My opinion-to give the students in District 131 the best education they can with the resources they have available, and to acknowledge the excellent resource of teachers we have in EA. Congratulations Mr. Hull, Mrs. Strand and Mrs. Turza!!
One way the board can show transparency, accountability, and integrity is by making the minutes to its meetings available online in a timely manner.
There is no excuse for the February 18th minutes to still be a secret, especially when many school districts have joined the 21st century and broadcast their meetings online in real time.
Dr. Popp, this may seem a small issue but as you probably know our School Board had a reputation years ago for being secretive and corrupt. I'd like to think that's no longer the case...but refusing to publish minutes from a meeting held almost 2 months ago is disrespectful to our community!
Hull is a embarrassment, he publically stated every white teacher can not indentify with the students. That would mean the many fine teachers like Shane Gillespe.
They continue to slap staff in the fac, and electing him was just one more sign they have become the board from hell.
I bet if you contact The States Attorney they will. It looks like the approved the minutes so they should be on. This is a violation of The Open Meetings Act. They will just give them a slap on the wrist but it is time this board started following the laws. I do believe you and do it anonymously on the website.
They just shuffled the deck with the board changes. After Roberts retirement party and the board members that went they know there was liquor in those appetizers and it wasn't stated non employees of the district went and they where ok with it shows they do not know the IL Administration Code or the IL School Code.
Read the book. Read the EA students stories of their walk to bring the author here. Looking forward to hearing the author speak and reading his 2nd book.
There are some stories that have come from this trip that our students will remember for a lifetime. There was a teacher whowas a real inspiration to their students.
It's a real shame that our students had to expose themselves crime ridden, gang infested neighborhood and risk bodily harm raising the money for this learning opportunity.
This at the same time the administration and board brag about the millions they have in the bank (not collecting interest) and giving the departing superintendent an $87,000.00 going away present and a $2,000.00 farewell party.
It appears the district has money for everything except education in District 131. It's a terrible shame.
I can only hope that things will improve with the change in leadership.
"They were traveling a carefully plotted route, staying mostly on sidewalks, with 12 East Aurora staff members as chaperones"
I do agree with you that our district spends money on unnecessary things like a retirement party, when it could have gone to benefit our kids. But the walk to Chicago was a GOOD thing, carefully planned with students' safety in mind.
And now our kids get to hear the inspiring story of Mr. Beah's experiences as a child in war-torn Africa. I'm sure that many of our district's families will be able to relate to this young man having to walk many miles to safety.
The entire board voted to pay Dr Roberts $78,000 as well as attend his party don't expect changes.
The entire board voted to pay worthless Marty Feltes $120,000 while the man without Roger Carlson could not open a purchase order that's why we had no paper supplies last week.
Roger and Jesse are not the schools anymore for that reason. Because they do Marty's job.
The entire board just gave Marty a new supervisor to replace Roger at the HS this while he has four others. the district never had that many.
The maintenance department is a joke under Marty.
The truth is Ray Hull over the fall came to us and asked for dirt on Marty now he sold us out. Good employees are getting written up and forced to retire. He will not return calls now.
I was clear Monday while tricky Dick Leonard Marty's buddy helped him get elected.
Jan Cinto is yelled and cursed at everyday by Marty.
When Ms Strand was told after many of us helped her financially and knocked on doors for her and Montry last year she said well I am sorry to hear that.
The board cares more about power than the district.
TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m., in Rm. 103 of the Prisco Community Center (150 W. Illinois Avenue)...
Coalition for Better Education will hold an Education Town Hall Meeting/Forum. Join us to discuss school districts' performance, challenges facing students, and changes needed to close achievement gaps.
The CBE is an organization that has purchased large billboards in Colorado the past couple of years, encouraging parents to opt-out of standardized testing. As a parent of two college graduates, I agree that our students are over-tested, and that most of these yearly tests provide very little feedback about what students are actually achieving. I would encourage anyone who can to attend this meeting!
"Hull decided to run for president about a month ago, he said, after a school board meeting during which several members of the public expressed negative opinions about the district and the board.
“There were a lot of issues there that were lacking proper information,” Hull said. “It was just a feeling that came over me that I was the person to be the bridge.”
Mr. Hull, if you're reading this would you please do what you can to see that the minutes for School Board meetings are published online in a timely manner? It may seem like a trivial matter, but it's disrespectful of the community to withhold this information (and I'm hopeful that under your leadership the Board might improve its relationship with the public it claims to serve).
I actually did try to contact both Ms. Turza and Mrs. Morales around 10:30 this morning by phone. In both cases I got a recorded voicemail message. Since I don't care to play phone tag, I will try again later this afternoon and post my results.
Of course, this wouldn't be an issue if our district joined the 21st century like so many others, and broadcast School Board meetings online.
Your Lazy Butt (yes that is the proper use of the word your)
Oh thank goodness the minutes were posted. Now the lazy people who do nothing at all can find out what went on a board meeting that they refuse to attend.
I don't "refuse to attend" School Board meetings. I refuse to leave my mother (who has Alzheimer's) at home alone on Monday nights while my husband works his regular shift with the Aurora Police Department.
My neighbor doesn't "refuse to attend" School Board meetings, either. She refuses to let her children go hungry, as a single parent who works weeknights.
I feel sorry for anyone who has to live with you and your ignorant assumptions.
I can't believe what I am reading as a teacher in this district. NOW they paid $69,000 to someone who did not have his fingerprints. Any employee is not allowed to start without them. Why are they keeping Joan Glozabach.
I agree how can someone that has screwed up everything from not making sure people are fingerprinted before working in thr district, conpletely screw up the w2's for all employees and not even understand the needs of the district have been promoted to head of hr. She was a principal and like most the administrators at d131 failed upward. When an employee cant do thier job we just take and hide them at the district office
What I am reading is beyond belief. They paid Clark for doing a bad job, and he had no background check.
Clark also was suppose to make $120,000 per year and they paid him $124,000.
You are correct Glozsbach has responsibility for this. Why would he not have fingerprints. Was he not District Treasurer as well.
If the new Superintendent does not fire her it shows he has no spine.
The board needs to go, and district should be taken over by the State. It is a slap to every hard working teacher but then again Mr Hull does not think we are qualified to teach kids of color.
I saw Hull at the conference tonight. What a racist he got up in front of the entire group of professionals and said EA does not promote blacks. He made no mention of the Latinos and berated the district for not hiring Afro American teachers or administrators.
Did he not see? What was Jerome Roberts? What was Ernest Clark? Lets not forget worthless Deenean Adams.
What did they have in common the all stole the district blind.
It is ridiculous that Ernest Clark is being blamed for not having fingerprints. It is Joan glotzbach's responsibility to make sure that people don't start working in the district without a satisfactory criminal background check on file. He isn't the first person she let start without fingerprints. He won't be the last. She does a lot of things that are unethical or illegal because she doesn't know a damned thing about hr.
She is asleep at the wheel and if dr popp lets her keep her job the he is a joke. She makes every custodian have a high school diploma but joan Glotzbach doesn't care if the district treasurer has a background check that doesn't violate school code? It is illegal to violate school code and illegal to discriminate against minorities. Disparate impact. Look it up.
Hr directors and assistant supt should be real hr people with real experience, not some losers who couldn't cut it as teachers or principals so the district decides to park them in hr. Come on people. Demand better. If mr hull is reading this, make dr popp do the right thing for the employees in this district and fire Joan glotzbavh, and her overpaid secretary/director nancy bradish.
Everyone in this community should be outraged. I had never read this blog before today but if the allegation against some of these peole are true, and many seem to be backed by the beacon news half assed reporting then heads should role. Popp should quickly remove the bad apples in the bunch Asap. And next election its time to get people on the school board who make their job about the students not about protecting their incompetent friends giving the bonuses, payoffs and cushy jobs. Just for one second imagine how much the $100,000 payed out in "idiot payments" just this month alone would do to help our classrooms. Wake up taxpayers and see why all our money ia being squandered and not being used tk better the school which in the long term would raise our property values. My realestate agent said if it were any other school district my home would be worth at least 25% more. Shame on all of them.
You people know nothing about Joan or the job she does. She does right by this district. Roberts and Johnson hired Clarke. He did a sub-standard job, and got rid of him.
Although I am no fan of Roberts or Johnson's they are not responsible for checking fingerprints.
Joan is responsible for checking references and did not do as well. Many people talk a good game when they are hired but good HR people know how to find out if they are good employees or not. She is not a professional HR person.
I can not believe the board paid $100,000 to Ernest Clark and then $78,000 to Jerome Roberts plus had a party for him that cost taxpayers $2000 and liquor got served.
The board has responsibility for all of this and they all need to resign. I am forwarding these articles to the State. There is a House bill calling for the elimination of school boards in low preforming districts that what needs to happen.
They should be held accountable for misspending federal and state dollars.
As for the leadership change. I find it interesting that Hull thinks he can be a leader, look at what he and Strand have been a part of. They had a voice and a vote and they went along.
in all of this I feel sorry for Popp, he inherited a mess. He needs to show leadership and do his own house keeping starting with Glozabach. The fingerprints are a bad thing. He should have been the first person to have them dealing with all the money.
To understand the man, you must walk a mile in his moccasins
When a person is elected to a position, they do not automatically have a free hand to change the system. Whether it be a lower form of governing, as in a school board, or the president of the US, there are policies, rules, laws, bylaws and number of things put into place to keep order and keep people honest. It is when those things are tossed aside and you get people who have personal interests and agendas that you have chaos. More so, when a majority of the governing group is dictated to by one or more, or become sheep who follow.
This is what has been going on in District 131 for a long while. Long before Annette and Roberts. They just saw the opportunities and took advantage, also, as others before them. You cannot expect those who have recently been elected or come into the position to make change, to do it immediately. It took years to make this mess and it will take a slow turn around to fix it. I feel D131 is heading in a new direction and will be better than we have seen in a long while. Denise Crosby wants to give Ms. Johnson credit for making things happen. If people were to dig a little deeper, they would realize Johnson and Roberts took a lot of credit for things others had initiated and/ or implemented. Many times others had to struggle inspite of those two, to accomplish things, yet in the end, they grabbed the glory. That is all spilt milk. I set my expectations high for the new folks at the top of our district, and I think they are focused to reach those new heights.
Lets review the entire boards performance in two months .
Hired the wrong superintendent who could not pass a basic skills test.
Hired Mike Poop < the jury is still out)
Paid Roberts $78,000
Had a Party for Roberts $2000 with liquor
Paid Ernest Clark $124,000
Allowed Clark to work without a background check
Elected Ray Hull
While Annette Johnson had her issues she did clean house which got rid of Marin Gonzalez. She had many accomplishments and I think the Beacon News got it right she was made a scape goat. I do feel her and Roberts will get the last laugh
The Board paid Clark off because he knew something and they didn't want him saying anything. You don't make deals unless the person doing the law suit has something on you.
I have to agree with Discussed about Hull and Strand with the retirement party but again this board doesn't think the laws apply to them.
To: Board needs to go, Johnson and Roberts were leading the charge when all those things you mentioned took place. That is true, within just that last few months! Look over the last few years and all the articles in the Beacon that finally have allowed the truth about all the mismanagement come to the light. Those messes were there when Annette first took office. She knew and let them ride until people made her angry, then she started throwing people under the bus to save Roberts butt claiming to just recently uncovering all those problems. 4 years she sat on that info!
Central Office news is Nancy Bradish the high priced Secretary screwed up and did not get fingerprints.
Employees of the BO went to Glozabach and told her Clark could not become District Treasurer because he had a bankruptcy less than 3 years ago. She ignored it
Employees then went to Morales because Roberts was out surgical leave and told her. She did nothing.
We then a month later went to Johnson in December and everything hit the fan
At the same time 5 employees went to the union filed a complaint against Clark and Ellington for a hostile work enviroment.
That was enough to fire him alone. The truth will come out and some of the board members will need to do the ethical thing and resign.
Wrong Johnson was part of the problem and she look away a lot. We will never know the true story with Clark. Remember a board president isn't suppose to run the district the superintendent did and Johnson knew he was weak and took over. Getting rid of one person in administration is nothing she still had some that used the districts credit card for their own personal use. Where in the article did the Beacon say she was a scape goat?
Who told you this "central office news". Sounds like Glotzbach is up to her old tricks blaming brandish. Brandish is unqualified for her 120,000 salary but the fingerprints were not her fault. Joan has done the same thing before Clark and continues to do it now. If she is blaming brandish it's because she is doing what she does best, throwing people under the bus just like she did to aird.
It's impossible for it to be Nancy Bradish's fault. She started on July 1, 2013 and Ernest Clark started on July 1, 2013. The person at fault is Joan Glotzbach. It's always her. She finds scapegoats. For all we know, the so called central office news probably came from Joan. Who knows she may "central office news". How can it be Nancy's fault when she wasn't even the director when Clark was hired?
TODAY is the District 131 Fine Arts Festival, at East Aurora High School! Our students will be showcasing their talent, exhibiting artwork and performing drama and music.
Beacon article is posted at April 10, 2014 at 9:34 PM.
"After the meeting, they insisted Johnson took much of the heat for a district in disarray, and adamantly hoped she’d decide to stay on as a board member.
“She did a helluva job,” said Howard Koop. “But they used her as a scapegoat.”"
Bankruptcy for a business manager. Wow, no wonder the business office is in a mess.
Did Glozbach not do a reference check. my son works as a Teller and had to have a background check and credit reference . He makes very little and is certainly not in charge of a 100 million dollar budget.
You are correct Joan is always setting up good teachers. Her latest is the reading endorsement drama, that took her all year to notify teachers now many have to rush around and spend the summer in school.
This will be the new Superintendents legacy. if he does not fire her it will show no leadership.
After reading all these comments from these "armchair quarterbacks" I wonder why those making the allegations don't come to Board Meetings and speak. Hiding behind a blog with just "empty words" and assumptions based on gossip shows their credibility.
Central Office news is that the word in the office is Braddish did not do the fingerprints follow up on Clark.
It is Glozabachs responsibility. Glozabach is now in charge of the Business Office.
As to the Bankruptcy, Joan cost the district additional money because the insurance company would only issue a high risk surety bond. He was the district Treasurer and had full charge with signing checks.
The district does get in cash and some was missing in September from Allen School. Some schools send school fees over in cash that get collected from parents
Joan has also cost the districts with other settlements and major mistakes.
So far Popp is not approachable he only works with Glozabach and Childress. Everyone else needs to get direction from them.
I never thought I would say this, everyone is starting to miss Roberts and Johnson.
Answering Taxpayer 3 sorry but lets get the facts straight Mr Koop, how many staff left 131 as a result of Johnson's "Gestapo" tactics. Let me take a guess, Mr Koop you aren't aware of the long list of those individuals who were on Johnson's "hit list" because they did not go along with her. Let's get it right next time.
Watch and wait more stories to come. Everyone is already fed up with the direction the new superintendent is taking.
He is taking the advice of only a few who if Ms Johnson claims to have cleaned house should have had bags and boxes packed with Roberts.
The students have not seen gains this year and EA will go backwards again. Wait until the scores get released.
Glozabach has always been a problem. She has set up many good teachers and administrators. Her talented staff all quit last year or retired. She has been awarded year after year.
it's time for a change but so far nobody is drinking the Kool aid.
The final straw was electing Hull. He is a joke and only cares about the black students. We agree But why not Strand. Strand has lost all creditability.
Really people?! What is the new super s'pose to do? He is the new guy on the block. Until he gets a feel for who is "fronting" and who is for real, he has to play nice with everyone. He can't come in and take everything at face value. Taking his time and getting to know each person down the line will give him a better perspective of who he is working with. For cryin' out load! He just got here! Let him dig his toes in the mud a little and get to know his way around a bit. Mercy me! Some folks just have no idea about taking time to get to know someone and waiting for their true self to show through.
You can't set up good employees who do their job, she helps to move the district in a positive direction by alleviating the criminals, the bad teachers and poor role models from their access to our children.
You people have no one else to attack, so you are foaming at the mouth to find a new victim.
Use your energy and passion for good and not evil. Volunteer at your local school, participate in a service project, find a positive use for your time!!!!
How do my fellow parents feel about this? A lot of what she says makes sense to me...those tests don't always seem to be in our kids' best interests, and may be more politically motivated than beneficial.
For too many years the teachers have had to teach to the test. I know I sound old fashion but back to the basics. The 3 R's and some basic morals and respect. Those are the core for a good curriculum.
I think they need to get rid of standardize testing also. Every student is different and needs to learn at their own pace but needs to be challenged to do more. Our children can't even count change or do penmanship.
There was a time when some students where left behind but when they went to No Child Left Behind they did leave some behind. How did we all learn years ago and make it to college without that program?
Here's a link to an organization that supports parents opting their children out of standardized testing:
And here's an excerpt from their homepage:
The Coalition for Better Education was started by a group of aspiring educators from the University of Northern Colorado, and has expanded to include teachers, parents and students across the state. Our goal is to expand awareness of the costs and limitations of the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP now known as TCAP) and "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB), and to empower parents and teachers.
Parent refusals have increased every year since high-stakes testing began."
Looks like Joan and company are trying to stop the discussion of no background checks. Think of the safety concerns she has put students in. She needs to be put on leave immediately and the Superintendent needs to investigate.
Last year everyone in Joan's office quit except those of is close to retirement. This year the same is happening many are looking for jobs. She is unstable and often has melt downs.
Last year she put Aird under the bus. She will lie, cheat and make up stories the lawyer are in the palm of her hand. She has the district in so many lawsuits they are making over $15,000 a month.
She built several cases against Bob Green and never had witnesses like she told the board. He asked to be allowed to retire with pay but she wanted to destroy him because he won the last case against her.
Bob is now helping many employees that have been discriminated against and the district is paying for it in the terms of settlements.
More to come. The board knows this and needs to go. They are wasting your tax dollars.
Three days into the new board staff that was hired by Roberts and Johnson are being harassed by Hull and Peryea while Strand works behind the scenes.
The new Superintendent is powerless. Betwwen the roller coster with Johnson and now Hull it's a wonder how anyone wants to work here.
Reyes Childress , Feltes and Glozabach are on the chopping block.
The board is distroying this school district.
In other news Johnson was paying Jerome's lunch bill again today. He laughs all the way to the bank and can't buy lunch really Annette are you that disparate.
How are they being harassed? Since Hull has a full time job how can he be at Central Office? If this is true there are places for these people to go to report these things and if they don't they are spineless. Glozabach is a joke she has taken her husband on trips with her on the districts job.
As far as the new Superintendent he has a lot to look into and probably road blocks because most of the board really doesn't want him to know how they let employees of the district misused money.
Centtral news, do you read what you write before you post it? I certainly hope you are not a product of East. Like stirring up people don't you? Have you nothing else better to do?
I won't pretend to know what City Policy is, but I know some companies allow time for employees who are elected officials, to use some time to do business that is need as part of their elected position. I'd rather see the city truck than Annette's vette. ;)
stealing the taxpayers blind WOW !!! Imagine jumping to such conclusions without checking out the facts. Certainly appears you are an Annette Johnson remnant of control and misinformation.
I attended the event last night at EAHS. Ishmael Beah is an amazing individual. His outlook and insight on life, in his book and his live personal accounts, have surely left a profound impact on the students of EA. At 60 years old, I am truly grateful for having had the opportunity to read Ishmael's book and hear him share, not only his story but his ability to find the lightside in the darkness of his youth. Mr. Gillespie has truly given his students an educational gift that will last them a lifetime.
Hull should not be using his time with the City of Aurora to work on board business. They are two separate government bodies. Hull is a quota system employee who has little value to his job or position in life. frankly stated a blow heart.
Look at his track record at a recent event he told the group the superintendent will run the district but never let him speak. He continued on telling everyone we don't have enough Arfo American teachers or administrators.
Never a mention of Hispanics. A member of the group called him out on it reminding him of two Afro American superintendents, Adams and Clark to name a few.
What do all of these people have in common they are losers.
White teachers beware he thinks you should not teach the kids of EA.
Hull is out wasting tax dollars at the district while he should be working because the Mayor wants to control another Board.
He does not want the truth to come out that he ruined the EA school system by not enforcing building codes. Weisner has ruined both East and West and he knows Johnson is the only one with courage to point that out.
I can only hope she stays she is the only hope tax payers have.
It isn't the Board responsibility to run the district it is the Superintendent. While I think Hull is just as bad as Johnson and they all allowed Roberts to stay on so Johnson could do a bad job running the district. Johnson always talked about how The Mayor wanted to run the district so she is posting on here. Why does the Mayor want to control the School Board what benefit is it to him. Maybe some day we will have a board that follows the laws.
hull should have never been made Board President he has been involved many yelling and screaming matches with administrators and Johnson. He conducts himself poorly at committee meeting and insults the teaching staff.
Johnson is no better but she did get out some administrators that needed getting out. Marin Gonzalez would be a good example of that. Clayton was rumored to have left because of her also. Another good thing, one day the truth will come out about him and it will not be pretty.
At this time we needed someone like Kristen Strand. I have lost all respect for her because of her choices.
If Annette Johnson addressed the City issue she should be applauded. The schools have been forced to endure the mass problems related to English learners and poverty. Most of this caused by the City.
West Aurora took the lead and stopped Jerico Circle from getting rebuilt. East Aurora did nothing, because the only one speaking up was Annette.
The City has no power to stop people from buying houses which we have a high Hispanic population on the East Side that started long before this Mayor was in office. If Johnson wants to address these issues as a citizen of Aurora she can she doesn't have to be on the board to address this issue.
Ray why don't you try to work in overcrowded classrooms that had been in built in the 1920s for only 20 kids and they now have 25.
It is the board responsibility to address overcrowding and class size short of building Three new elementary schools, a middle and a new Highschool there is no other option.
So yes the board should address the City and enforce building codes.
I agree the Board should work on making sure our children are educated to the best possible. Giving classrooms and tools to the teachers to do so.
If families are concerned about overcrowding in the schools, they should be attending city council meetings. Good luck! This mayor is the one who wanted to build a huge condo complex downtown for families and expand hometown!
For the complexes you say the Mayor wanted the board has the right to not approve it and I think years ago the board approved a complex that took down the Drive In for Bigelow and we where promised land and how did that go. I believe Roberts was acting Superintendent also.
I agree with making bigger classrooms for out students. While having all day kindergarten may be a good thing but kids don't have to go so instead of buying a building where it will be a challenge for parents to get out and it is a busy road anyways maybe we should start trying to do something about the overcrowded classrooms.
The Mayor employees Hull and is giving Syrand $135,000 iin a building on LASALLE. That is not the type of board members that best serve the children they serve themselves.
This is nw the board from Hell no different than the days we gave away the police station land for nothing and the Drive in.
Today we need a new school. Yes All Day is good but all the schools are so overcrowded we need to work on that first.
Weisner does not want the City exposed and the taxes don't support the schools this is a broken town while his freinds like Syrand exploit the poor and lines her pockets.
District 131 Presents the Faculty and Staff “Razzle Dazzle” Variety Show
When: Friday, April 25, 2014 Time: 7:00 p.m. Where: East High Auditorium Cost: $2 per Student; $4 per Adult An Apple iPAD, Kindle, & Kindle Fire Will Be Raffled
Tickets for the Show Can Be Purchased at Your Child’s School or at the Door Proceeds will benefit the Aurora East Educational Foundation
Reading the online Beacon the board paid another$18000 to settle a case that showed the kids Porn. Are they crazy! How can they claim they are protecting the children.
RESIGN entire board . I will go door to door to get all of you out of office.
Ms Strand and Hull you call yourself people of Christ.
Did you read the article? It was an honest mistake, only a couple of seconds of nude images. And it could have been a family member who downloaded it to the teacher's computer and the teacher was unaware.
This was not his personal computer Brandon used district property. He should have been fired and Board needs to resign is right Lets see in one month they paid the following
$78000 to Roberts $2000 for a party for him that liquor was served. $124000 to a business manager with no finger prints $18000 for misuse and porn shown to kids.
Why can a teacher access their personal stuff on the districts computer who is watching what districts property is being used for? First credit cards that no one was watching and now this. Where I work I can only access work information. What else are some employees doing with districts property? It does seem they settle these things so they go away but then something else comes along. It is time for someone to start looking into what is happening in the district so taxpayers don't have to pay for their mistakes.
Saw this bit of good news on our district's Facebook site:
Congratulations to Ruby Garcia, East Aurora High School senior, who earned the Making Choices for Excellence Award. Ruby is first Tomcat to be admitted to United States Military Academy at West Point in 10 years. Only 9 percent of applicants to West Point are accepted. U.S. News and World Report had West Point ranked as the 11th toughest college to get accepted into. A smaller percentage of people are accepted into West Point than are accepted to Brown University, Duke University, the University of Chicago, Georgetown and Northwestern. Ruby started the application process in July. The application has physical and academic components. She had to get a letter of recommendation from a Congressman. Ruby decided to apply because she believes serving her country is the right thing to do and it is what she is intended to do. Ruby didn’t need to be so concerned about applying. She is ranked sixth in her class. She is the starting goalie for the varsity soccer team. She is a member of National Honor Society. She has done about 140 hours of community service. Her long term goal is to work as a military intelligence officer for the FBI, CIA or Homeland Security because she believes those places will help her be part of the global conversation on making the world a better place.
Why did this teacher have personal pictures on his computer. To top it off nudity. Did DCFS or the police get involved? Why did the district settle this case.? It sounds like they need a new lawyer.
I have to agree the board needs to resign. The Beacon reporter needs to keep up the good work.
Thank you for exposing d131 it's time the State takes over.
Maybe now this man will never be able to teach children.
Picking up today's paper I read the board wasted more money. The article reads his family member put pictures accidently on his computer. I can assure everyone that is not how the cloud system works He had to have been viewing the pictures at home and left them open You don't rambomly select pictures from home as a example. The entire story is a lie. Again, the district did not conduct a proper innvestagation with someone that understood the cloud system.
Moreover the district allowed pictures to be shown to 6th grade kids. In another district the parents would have sued. Everyone is correct in calling for the boards resignation. They have two main duties protect the safety and well being of the children and manage the money., They have failed on all accounts. It is time for the State to take over.
What I find most troubling about the article is that a teacher is teaching kids how to download pictures from the internet and this happened. MR Brandon needed to show students how to be careful.
I don't want the school teaching my child to download. That is my responsibility. The parents should sue the district for exposing the kids to this.
The bigger issue is the district giving him a reference. They should say nothing. My employer will only verify dates. The district is now recommending him to another school district.
They are not protecting the kids. The board should resign and show some common sense.
Ed Brandon had some issues before. A Halloween project last year involved him copying a picture of himself handing it out to students to color and doing a creative writing piece about Mr Brandon is watching you. The district requires lesson plans. Is there no supervision. This is their flag ship program.
Now I read this, I does not surprise me. what surprises me is the district lying to another school district that they would rehire him but having a undisclosed clause that they would not rehire him.
It seems the district needs a new lawyer. It's double talk.
What ever the reason, I think it was a good call. Johnson kept wavering about leaving the board, she made some bad choices, embarrassed and cost the district for harassing finance personnel, Hull made a good choice. Now like a child on the playground, Johnson is going to use this as an excuse to stomp her feet and dig in her heels and say -"I am not going and you can't make me...so there!"
Johnson changed the district a rid it of people like Marin Gonzalez. She has a lot of support don't count her out. Her mistake was keeping Roberts but the others needed to be replaced. hull has been on the board for four years and prior to that was a big backer of the serial bully Radoivich. Ask Hull he will tell you Mike Radoivich has a great superintendent.
Steven Glink is Bob Greens lawyer. if you need to sue the district or need money just call him. The District will be more than happy to write you a check
High school seniors: Will you be 18 by the time of graduation? Looking for summer work? East Aurora School District 131 Buildings & Grounds Department is looking for help. JobID: 2187 To apply, go here: http://bit.ly/1jOWG2N
It is all in what you believe or that you didn't like what happened years ago. Others liked Mike Radoivic and how he handled things and remember he did the will of the board. So goes for Marin some liked her and some did not. Since Johnson has been on the board how many lawsuits have there been. How many times did the find things that where looked over even on her watch.
I do believe that the current board is not much better.
Looking up my taxes today online I thank Annette Johnson. For the first time in years my taxes went down.
She cleaned house and cleaned up finances. Lawsuits happen in every large organization. I am happy to hear she is staying now I can sleep at night knowing my dollars are protected.
Congrads to Nestor Garcia on your appointment to the Hispanic Cultural Committee of Aurora and thank you Ms Strand on your letter of support it's shows you support diversity.
Mr Garcia is a great example to the children of EA on what you can become.
Also thank you Mayor Weisner for working to promote our district.
Another day of gas leaks and poor air quality at Oak Park.
Feltes could not be found but finally showed up and determined they need help. He told staff if they did not like it open a window. Does he not realize we have four and five year olds in the building .
Two days and poor air. Joany G also had her goose neck into this and told the teachers if they ever call OSHA again she will find out. Find out what! The teachers only tried to defend the kids and many felt it was not safe.
Wow….how does someone so incompetent, clueless and absolutely worthless (NG) to our district and children get any recognition at all from anywhere. Well, on the bright side, does that mean he's leaving the district?!?!? One could only hope!
This year the main function of Quad County was to hold young adults under court release because of overcrowding in the jail system. These are already overcrowded schools.
Parents need to understand students will get mixed in with students wearing home monitoring devices.,
If one child gets hurt, stabbed or injured because of poor choices the board and new superintendent should be criminally brought up on charges
As a parent I would not have left my child in that school if I knew there was a gas leak or some kind of noxious gas leak. That teacher should be commended and not threatened.
Razzle Dazzle TONIGHT in the East High Auditorium! Come see Faculty & Staff perform a variety of acts, raising money for the Aurora East Educational Foundation. Doors at 6:30p, show at 7:00pm. $2 student, $4 adult, $10 for a family of 6!
Im so sick and tired of hearing about boatright and his crack head mom with poor extensions. check out his twitter, all he does is flash low ends which everybody knows is GD's. Hes a wannabe gang banger. He has it tatooed on his arm. Check out all is pictures he took with his uconn teamates. he flashes low ends in every pic!! f'ing thug!!
teachers get threatened at the high school for coming forward about the asbestos and black mold problem. The cancer rate on the third floor is very high as are other illnesses and respiratory problems yet no one addresses it. The kids are sick year round.
Hull was in again today bossing staff around this makes his 4th trip this week. when does he work for the city. It shows his character he cheats at his job and cheats at life.
He is around around as much as Johnson. The board needs to let administration run the distrct.
The new superintendent spends too much time dealing with the board and not enough working with staff.
EA Teachers call OSHA we finally had enough at Oak Park and called. Feltes has been on the job two years now and he is blaming prior administration for not maintaining anything.
Mr Feltes you make more than any other B n G person ever did. It is now your responsibility. Feltes is paid $120,000 for a job not done .
The people who work for you don't have respect for you and they get treated like dirt. Since taking over the job the building are falling apart more than ever because the people paid to work on them are not given the work only Feltes outside friends in the construction industry. Many of us have ten or more years e experience fixing the buildings but we are told now that we are stupid Maybe you should look in the mirror.
The new Superintenent has not lived up to his promises yet. He promised in a open house to visit every school and get input during the first month with teachers. Teachers have been lied to for so long that has not gone over well.
We have not had any administrative personal in our building all year long from Central Office expect David Negron who came to PLC meetings twice and played on his I phone during the entire meeting. I guess we knew why, he ran from this district as soon as he could. Congradulations to David for seeing the writing on the wall.
Then we read settlements paid to employees without background checks, the porn case and large settlements with sick days paid to Roberts.
The board elects a President who insults the entire teaching body by saying as a white middle class female I am not capable of teaching the children.
A celebration of staff Together we Shine is in the planning ticket prices increased $2 this year after the district just paid over $2000 for Roberts retirement. That is a nice way to honor Retirees increase prices. When questioned it was told the Superintendent approved it. He sure respects staff
Clayton,Ray Hull and Tom Weisner greeted students in a private room before the Top Ten banquet and informed students upon graduation make sure you sign up to vote.
Mr Hull and Mr Weisner this is not a event to get votes for your cronies it is to honor students.
BTW Mr Hull did you look around at the teachers the kids felt influenced them the most. They are the same white teachers you ridiculed in your comments that we lacked the qualifications to teach.
Shame on you for turning the event into something for yourself and your boss Mr Hull.
I thought the same thing "get it right" The Board bashing cooled down for awhile, until Annette got her stuff in a ringer and started taking heat, again, for her no-so-glorious work on the Board.
Now periodically 'someone' keeps praising her and giving her credit for things she did not do. Hmmmm...who would do that?
I think if more people would reach higher for help when their questions, requests and pleas go unanswered, D131 might see more results. I hope OSHA gives results. There is help outside the district. People need to be made accountable. Don't feel defeated. The internet allows anonymous complaints to be made, along with research to find the proper channels to take to get answers/ help.
Give the new Superintendent time he has a lot to deal with and if he did say he was and will still try to get teachers input. If I was him I would run as fast as I could from this district but it looks like he is going to give it a go.
How do you know that at Top Ten banquet Hull, The Mayor and Clayton greeted them and then what they said unless you where in the room?
I do think Hull statements about the white teachers where out of line. Does anyone know if African Americans that applied for jobs in the district where just passed by or that they don't want to work here.
The students and taxpayers of this district deserve better than this board. Does anyone know how it is going with that taxpayers foundation looking into spending is going?
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»And there are a LOT of things happening this weekend!
Friday at 7:00 p.m. in EAHS auditorium is the Talent Show. $5 at the door.
Saturday morning is the 46th Annual Pancake Breakfast. At East High, 7-11 a.m. $6 at the door or $5 in advance.
Open house to meet Dr. Popp on Saturday from 11-1, in the auditorium lobby. Free.
Badminton invitational tournament on Saturday, in the EAHS fieldhouse and main gym.
I am calling for the resignation of all board members who attended Jerome Roberts party. Liquor was served in the chocolate moose and the Beacon had the menu. The district should not have paid for liquor.
I understand they all attended. There is a bill in State House to get rid do low performing boards This one needs to go I will be saving this article and forwarding it to Linda Chapa Lavia who is a co sponcering the bill.
That price tag included $980 in appetizers, $200 in desserts and $475 in pizza, burgers and other food, according to a receipt from the event. Among the desserts provided were “mini martini flights of chocolate mousse,” truffle balls, chocolate éclairs, red velvet cupcakes and chocolate-covered strawberries.
The children of our district can not afford chocolate cover strawberries .
If there was liquor in the “mini martini flights of chocolate mousse,
you should contact the States Attorney and talk to them about it. Where liquor is in a dessert is the same as buying a drink. Linda Chapa Lavia will do nothing.
I agree that all of this board needs to go we will have to see how the new Superintendent handles this.
The Chocolate mousse was mixed with vodka, the truffle balls had rum. The bar was pay your own but soft drinks had been provided. About 200 got invited only 60 showed.
The board was present with the expectation of Johnson. So yes the board was feeding their faces on pastries that had liquor. For Strand, Peryea and Hull many said it was a oxymoron. since they claimed to have not supported him. They also paid $78,000 to a lame duck that never had the sick days coming. He was absent more that working.
Hopefully with a new Sup comes a eew board next year.
It is a start that Johnson and Roberts are gone.
If they paid for any liquor in any form it is against the law.
If the board and new Superintendent retired they all need to go.
Lets start with the board. They all had a obligation to go to Roberts and tell him no liquor. If they did not want to its shows they are spineless.
The 18th minutes were approved Mar.3, making it a month now since they were approved
When teachers retire, attendees are asked to pay their own way, as it is a PERSONAL celebration. Where do I sign up for MY free retirement party on D131??
OH, WAIT - even IF I had that option, I would not waste $2000, or even $20, because the needs in this district & for our children are TOO GREAT.
HOW on EARTH can this be allowable?
(please note: I am a D131 educator, but I've taken a sick day for several medical appointments and I am in the waiting room. WAIT, can I get paid $78,000 for those when I retire? )
It is a shame and the fact that they bought appetizers with liquor in them shows how they don't think the IL Administration Code applies to them because it is illegal to do that. Everyone talks how Johnson is such a good president and she was at this party when they spent this money. Does anyone else get a retirement party in the district that they pay for and are there any policies about it? If this board approves this when they do the list of bills someone needs to contact the proper authorities and turn them in.
Johnson was not at the party but all the other board members attended. They stuffed their faces and it is a slap in the face to all the hard working staff that anyone could honor him. The district not only paid for employees but his relatives. He used the district and took $78,000 laughing all the way to the bank.
This blog blames Johnson all the time but I did not see any of the others vote no to his money or his party. Johnson will be missed at least she worked on district issues. I did not always agree with her but she tried the others are only on the board to say they do it for the kids. What have they done for the kids?
When did they vote for the party? It was already stated that 200 party invites went out and only 60 attended and Johnson was there and I believe that. She did vote for his contract that gave him 78,000 for unused sick pay. Isn't she the one that said Roberts wasn't a good Superintendent and she had to set in instead of getting rid of him. Give us the proof that all the other board members attended except her I don't think you can.
Nobody every proves anything on this stupid blog.
"Nobody every proves"...what does that mean?
Maybe certain people should shut up themselves, instead of trying to sabotage this blog.
Maybe this blog should shut up and not try to sabotage the district.
I'll be going to the EAHS talent show tonight. It starts at 7:00 p.m. in Hawks Auditorium, $5 at the door.
And thanks to THIS BLOG for getting the word out, since I didn't see it mentioned on our district website or in the local paper.
Support our students--
I just went to the district website and saw no mention of a talent show, either in the press releases at the bottom of the site or on the scrolling list of upcoming events. Are you sure the show is tonight?
Some of us are not on Facebook, you'd think that the district would know that and publicize events better. It's like with the pancake breakfast being cancelled in February. Somebody saw it on Facebook and mentioned it on this blog, which was the only way some of us found out.
Thank you, blog. You're not perfect but you do keep our community informed.
The Bardwell talent show is on the scrolling list of upcoming events (today at 6:00 p.m.)
No mention of the East High talent show on our district's webpage (scrolling list or district news).
That's an unfortunate omission, considering that everyone who buys a $5 ticket is helping our students.
Someone definitely dropped the ball.
What a shame that the only way you know how to get communication is through a stupid blog. Maybe if you were a bit more intelligent you would figure out a different way.
Today nobody had paper towels in the district all the kids ran around with wet hands. Why? Because Leonard's buddy Feltes does not know how to log into his computer and approve purchase orders yet. Carlson had some days off and nobody was there to cover for him
Lets see the strength of the new Sup. Marty Frltes should be fired. The test will come Johnson and Roberts are not around to protect him and everyone knows he is not qualified to do his job. He sat on purchase orders his story is the F in computer . Paper towels never got ordered and everyone had to use their cloths.
Real classy, must have had to pay for the party.
Upon leaving the district Jerome Roberts was allowed to take two laptops, a special reader valued at $7500, two iPads , printers and a note series phone valued at $600.
All told about $12,000 and Joan Glozabach will not tell anyone if he even paid. Who is she, the taxpayers own this equipment not her.
The Tech department updated him with the latest software last month. When it was reported to Popp he stated what happened in this office stays in this office.
11:25 a.m., I'm sorry that you are ignorant about the English language.
And who said that the ONLY way they got information was on a blog? On this thread people are saying they get information from newspapers, news sites, social media, and the district website...as well as this blog.
Learn to read!
The East High talent show was outstanding! The auditorium was packed with an appreciative audience.
Let's see if we can get a good turnout for the pancake breakfast tomorrow morning!
Your so stupid. Your the same person that always posts about the difference between your and you're.
I do it on purpose because it bothers you. I'm sorry your too dumb to realize.
It doesn't bother me at all that you misuse the English language. Go ahead and display your stupidity...your credibility disintegrates further with every ignorant comment you make!
What I could not hear you over your self inflated ego.
10:22 p.m., you identified yourself accurately...thanks for acknowledging that you are indeed a "waste of a person"!
TODAY we have multiple opportunities to support and be involved in our district:
46th Annual Pancake Breakfast from 7-11 a.m.
Open house to welcome our new superintendent from 11-1:00
Badminton tournament
...All happening today, at EAHS.
Agree. There was no toilet paper in any of the student bathrooms, and the bathrooms were filthy as usual. Students are using faculty bathrooms because the student bathrooms are so filthy.
Did it ever occur to you it was his equipment that he purchased?
R.O.T.C. walked around the whole building and cleaned up all the garbage after the snow melted. Still the question lingers, where were the two grounds workers who specifically are assigned to clean the grounds at East Aurora? You cannot line fields when they are frozen, and there was not one game played over spring break due to the inclement weather. The truth is they hang out in their cubby hole by the football stadium and do nothing. Not to mention that R.O.T.C. missed curriculum time. Call it community service but , I think during the school day, academics need to be addressed. The grounds crew at East is lazy and always comes up with excuses.
60 people attended. Thats your legacy Jerome after all those years in education, and nobody really cares that you are leaving.
Carlson is no longer at East. If he was, this stuff wouldn't be happening. There is no supervisor at East for Buildings and grounds.
Central office news is the board paid big dollars to get rid of Ernest Clark only to hire the Business Manager that West Aurora is firing. Look for the new manager to be Christy Tyler someone that Johnson has had in consulting on a big contract with Chystal Financial. Chystal comes from Chicago. Interesting Johnson business is right down the block.
West Aurora residents need to ask why is she consulting and being paid by East and West.
On to the Roberts news Johnson was spotted having a cozy lunch with him. In a last effort he forced a big party, took his computers, and got his sick days.
I talked with Dr Popp today and I was not impressed. He seemed to come up with the same old story. It's going to take time, we have great administrators and educators. Ok Dr Popp if they are so great why are they at the bottom of the State.
While I realize Dr Popp is in his honeymoon period I also realize he does not understand the community. I hope he keeps up his enthusiasm. Being shocked a child would not think about college in third grade shows he is green or does not get it.
I six months we will see I heard it all to many times.
So, "Same old", your expectation of meeting Dr. Popp was that he was going to bad mouth other administrators and teachers?
That's pretty stupid to think he would do that.
EA ok - Can you read, he is not "shocked" that a 3rd grader isn't thinking about college.
He was surprised that at 3rd grader said to him that they are not going to college. The 3rd grader brought up college, not Dr. Popp.
He wants kids to dream. The reason they don't dream is because they have parents who don't dream.
Dr. Popp is wondering why an elementary-aged Hispanic girl would say she's not going to college...here's an example of the mindset being promoted by some Catholics/Christians today:
Add to that the economic reality that this girl may have heard adults discussing how hard it is to put food on the table & a roof over the family's head, and it's understandable that she thinks college isn't in her future.
Bravo to Dr. Popp for wanting to encourage her to "reach for the stars"...now let's see whether our community can provide the tools and resources our students need to help them succeed!
To 'Same old" We are still at the bottom because our last leader did not recognize or utilize the talent of our admin and teachers, except when he needed them to make him look good. The rest of the time they struggle to get what they need to do their job as efficiently as possible with no support.
I have not yet had a face to face with Dr. Popp, but I am impressed at what he has shared so far as his thoughts on D131. I do not work in the district but have lived here a long while, so my POV is different from the outside than those who work there. He has my support and I wish him the best. Take the numbers from the retirement party and guesstimate how much support Roberts had in the "large district' he bragged about over seeing.
The parents of this district do not care about education. Mr Popp seems like a caring man but he does not know the culture. In his prior district he had a small population of ELLs. Many of the parents moved into his district fir a better education. EA is another story. We will see how long he lasts. The scores will come up after next year because of changes to the Curriculum, none of them being his. Lets his character, of he uses this to spring board another job or if he really wants to make a difference.
In any case he is a improvement over Roberts.
A previous post named Reality made the comment Popp does not know "the Culture." I was born and raised in this district a long time ago and the culture has been very diverse my whole life. That is what makes it such a great place to live and raise children.
The demographics have gone through many changes but there are still many 'cultures' represented in 131.
To say parents in this district do not care about education only shows how out of touch you are with the families, with children attending school in this district.
The East Side of Aurora is not diverse. It's a majority of hispanic people with a smattering of white and black pockets. Taken from our school district report card: we have 84.7% Hispanic, 8.7% black, and 4% white. Hardly diverse! To top it off, we have 90% low income students as well. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how our district is diverse. Just because it's different than every other surrounding community does NOT make it diverse.
Also, come on people take that stupid 5 essentials survey. Check out this report from our HS Principal (yes I'm a teacher): The parent response rate is 0% for the 2014 Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey. As a reminder, schools need 30.0% of their parents to respond in order to receive a report.
0%?? Come on parents, get up and do SOMETHING for your students!
We thought Roberts was great we appalled Johnson they fell out of favor reality is in 5 years Dr Popp will fall out of favor it's the East side stupid to much disparity and poor.
BTW Annette there are no expensive parties but I wish you well.
Ea said--
As I remember, the main reason we were so optimistic and welcoming about Dr. Roberts was because he knew our district, and we were so eager to get rid of "Serial Bully" Radakovich. Radakovich was a terrible drain on our district financially and emotionally, and Dr. Roberts' calm, diplomatic attitude seemed like a breath of fresh air at the time.
I'm sure Dr. Popp has done some research about the history of our district, both positive and negative. Because of the internet, we would be VERY unlikely to end up with another serial bully. I wish Dr. Popp well as he leads District 131!
Dr Popp does not know our district he only wanted to be a Superintendent and earn the big bucks. Remember many other districts took a pass on him. We know of four. as far as being a finalist in four districts he got there because of working at Indian Prarie.
His own district never made him Asst Superintendent and he never made it in the top group to even interview.
Dr Popp is everybody's left overs.
"many other districts took a pass on him"
Ea said, you don't know much about the process of hiring an upper-level administrator in 2014! HUNDREDS of potential candidates submit resumes online for each open position, and each candidate applies for at least a dozen positions. It is fairly easy for both candidates and districts to get information on the internet to determine who they want to take a closer look at, and interview in person.
Dr. Popp probably "took a pass" on some districts that might have been interested in him, just as some districts chose another qualified candidate. It's how things work in 2014.
I've heard him speak and I think he's a good fit for D131.
He never got promoted to Asst Sup in his last district. That speaks volumes. We will give him a chance but by his comments one can tell he was not a good fit.
Feb. 18th minutes still not posted!! What happened that they don't want us to know?
The District 131 Fine Arts Festival!
See and hear artwork and performances by our talented musicians, actors, and visual artists. All ages represented, from grade school through high school.
Another board meeting where Annette Johnson says District 131 has "given money back to the taxpayers:. I am a district resident and taxpayer and I have yet to receive a check from the district. If she's claiming to have reduced taxes, I haven't seen that either, but tell it like it is. You have NOT given money back to the taxpayers. In your mind you may have possibly saved them money, but that is not GIVING them money. When you save 20% at the store, the store doesn't claim to have given you money.
I saw that there is new leadership in the district. I know Mr Hull has had some negative comments made about him in the past but I have seen his dedication to our kids over the past few years first hand. He was always supportive of events and activities even when his own kids weren't involved. I think we all should give him and Dr. Popp a chance to show us what transparency, integrity and most of all dedication to our districts kids can do.
Best of luck to them all!
Would you rather have had him say you are right you have no need to go to college you are from a poverty district and will never make anything of you life because of this. We need parent involvement and a Superintendent to give the students push to succeed.
Like the heading on this post says-"time to celebrate and enjoy the many good things happening in our district!" Basketball fans are celebrating Ryan Boatright (former Tomcat) and UConn's accomplishments. For many in EA who know him and his family we are all extremely proud of his success. To me another big win for all families in EA is the new School Board Leadership team! Hopefully, they can continue to make improved decisions with more heart and being mindful of what the purpose of the Board truly is. My opinion-to give the students in District 131 the best education they can with the resources they have available, and to acknowledge the excellent resource of teachers we have in EA. Congratulations Mr. Hull, Mrs. Strand and Mrs. Turza!!
One way the board can show transparency, accountability, and integrity is by making the minutes to its meetings available online in a timely manner.
There is no excuse for the February 18th minutes to still be a secret, especially when many school districts have joined the 21st century and broadcast their meetings online in real time.
Dr. Popp, this may seem a small issue but as you probably know our School Board had a reputation years ago for being secretive and corrupt. I'd like to think that's no longer the case...but refusing to publish minutes from a meeting held almost 2 months ago is disrespectful to our community!
Hull is a embarrassment, he publically stated every white teacher can not indentify with the students. That would mean the many fine teachers like Shane Gillespe.
They continue to slap staff in the fac, and electing him was just one more sign they have become the board from hell.
Poor East Aurora I guess the negative press continues.
I bet if you contact The States Attorney they will. It looks like the approved the minutes so they should be on. This is a violation of The Open Meetings Act. They will just give them a slap on the wrist but it is time this board started following the laws. I do believe you and do it anonymously on the website.
They just shuffled the deck with the board changes. After Roberts retirement party and the board members that went they know there was liquor in those appetizers and it wasn't stated non employees of the district went and they where ok with it shows they do not know the IL Administration Code or the IL School Code.
A really bad story is going to break about the entire board.
...Or not...
Read the book.
Read the EA students stories of their walk to bring the author here.
Looking forward to hearing the author speak and reading his 2nd book.
To Rayanne:
There are some stories that have come from this trip that our students will remember for a lifetime. There was a teacher whowas a real inspiration to their students.
It's a real shame that our students had to expose themselves crime ridden, gang infested neighborhood and risk bodily harm raising the money for this learning opportunity.
This at the same time the administration and board brag about the millions they have in the bank (not collecting interest) and giving the departing superintendent an $87,000.00 going away present and a $2,000.00 farewell party.
It appears the district has money for everything except education in District 131. It's a terrible shame.
I can only hope that things will improve with the change in leadership.
Beyond Belief, read the Beacon article about the kids' walk to Chicago:
"They were traveling a carefully plotted route, staying mostly on sidewalks, with 12 East Aurora staff members as chaperones"
I do agree with you that our district spends money on unnecessary things like a retirement party, when it could have gone to benefit our kids. But the walk to Chicago was a GOOD thing, carefully planned with students' safety in mind.
And now our kids get to hear the inspiring story of Mr. Beah's experiences as a child in war-torn Africa. I'm sure that many of our district's families will be able to relate to this young man having to walk many miles to safety.
Good job, EA!
The entire board voted to pay Dr Roberts $78,000 as well as attend his party don't expect changes.
The entire board voted to pay worthless Marty Feltes $120,000 while the man without Roger Carlson could not open a purchase order that's why we had no paper supplies last week.
Roger and Jesse are not the schools anymore for that reason. Because they do Marty's job.
The entire board just gave Marty a new supervisor to replace Roger at the HS this while he has four others.
the district never had that many.
The maintenance department is a joke under Marty.
The truth is Ray Hull over the fall came to us and asked for dirt on Marty now he sold us out. Good employees are getting written up and forced to retire. He will not return calls now.
I was clear Monday while tricky Dick Leonard Marty's buddy helped him get elected.
Jan Cinto is yelled and cursed at everyday by Marty.
When Ms Strand was told after many of us helped her financially and knocked on doors for her and Montry last year she said well I am sorry to hear that.
The board cares more about power than the district.
A good thing is the change in Superintendent but the entire board needs to resign.
I can understand Johnson motives in that she took care of Roberts everyone knows about that relationship.
However for the others Hull and Strand made promises and voted for the $78,000 plus a fancy retirement party.
It is worst to make promises and to break them that is a lack of keeping your word. Now we hear about Hull and the workers
Post the Minutes from Feb. 18th school board!!!! Why wont they post them?????
TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m., in Rm. 103 of the Prisco Community Center (150 W. Illinois Avenue)...
Coalition for Better Education will hold an Education Town Hall Meeting/Forum. Join us to discuss school districts' performance, challenges facing students, and changes needed to close achievement gaps.
The CBE is an organization that has purchased large billboards in Colorado the past couple of years, encouraging parents to opt-out of standardized testing. As a parent of two college graduates, I agree that our students are over-tested, and that most of these yearly tests provide very little feedback about what students are actually achieving. I would encourage anyone who can to attend this meeting!
An excerpt from the Beacon:
"Hull decided to run for president about a month ago, he said, after a school board meeting during which several members of the public expressed negative opinions about the district and the board.
“There were a lot of issues there that were lacking proper information,” Hull said. “It was just a feeling that came over me that I was the person to be the bridge.”
Mr. Hull, if you're reading this would you please do what you can to see that the minutes for School Board meetings are published online in a timely manner? It may seem like a trivial matter, but it's disrespectful of the community to withhold this information (and I'm hopeful that under your leadership the Board might improve its relationship with the public it claims to serve).
Thank you.
The minutes are Turza and Lisa Morales responsibility. I would follow up with the Staes Attorney.
Minutes said
How bout contacting those responsible before going to the next level
A email was sent to Turza, Morales and Popp.
morales had a out of the office message.
I actually did try to contact both Ms. Turza and Mrs. Morales around 10:30 this morning by phone. In both cases I got a recorded voicemail message. Since I don't care to play phone tag, I will try again later this afternoon and post my results.
Of course, this wouldn't be an issue if our district joined the 21st century like so many others, and broadcast School Board meetings online.
Dr. Popp, are you listening?
The February 18th minutes have been posted:
Oh thank goodness the minutes were posted. Now the lazy people who do nothing at all can find out what went on a board meeting that they refuse to attend.
I don't "refuse to attend" School Board meetings. I refuse to leave my mother (who has Alzheimer's) at home alone on Monday nights while my husband works his regular shift with the Aurora Police Department.
My neighbor doesn't "refuse to attend" School Board meetings, either. She refuses to let her children go hungry, as a single parent who works weeknights.
I feel sorry for anyone who has to live with you and your ignorant assumptions.
I can't believe what I am reading as a teacher in this district. NOW they paid $69,000 to someone who did not have his fingerprints. Any employee is not allowed to start without them. Why are they keeping Joan Glozabach.
I agree how can someone that has screwed up everything from not making sure people are fingerprinted before working in thr district, conpletely screw up the w2's for all employees and not even understand the needs of the district have been promoted to head of hr. She was a principal and like most the administrators at d131 failed upward. When an employee cant do thier job we just take and hide them at the district office
Fat from lazy ASSUMES I live with somebody. Now who is making the assumptions.
I attended the meeting they settled two cases that night.
One case had a 6 to 1 vote with Johnson voting No
The other settlement was 5 to 2 with Johnson and Peraya voting no.
No sure who was what but I beginning to think Johnson was not the problem.
The rest of the board should resign.
This is Mr. Popps first test Joan Glozabach should be fired how can someone work with money without a background check.
What I am reading is beyond belief. They paid Clark for doing a bad job, and he had no background check.
Clark also was suppose to make $120,000 per year and they paid him $124,000.
You are correct Glozsbach has responsibility for this. Why would he not have fingerprints. Was he not District Treasurer as well.
If the new Superintendent does not fire her it shows he has no spine.
The board needs to go, and district should be taken over by the State. It is a slap to every hard working teacher but then again Mr Hull does not think we are qualified to teach kids of color.
I saw Hull at the conference tonight. What a racist he got up in front of the entire group of professionals and said EA does not promote blacks. He made no mention of the Latinos and berated the district for not hiring Afro American teachers or administrators.
Did he not see? What was Jerome Roberts? What was Ernest Clark? Lets not forget worthless Deenean Adams.
What did they have in common the all stole the district blind.
It is ridiculous that Ernest Clark is being blamed for not having fingerprints. It is Joan glotzbach's responsibility to make sure that people don't start working in the district without a satisfactory criminal background check on file. He isn't the first person she let start without fingerprints. He won't be the last. She does a lot of things that are unethical or illegal because she doesn't know a damned thing about hr.
She is asleep at the wheel and if dr popp lets her keep her job the he is a joke. She makes every custodian have a high school diploma but joan Glotzbach doesn't care if the district treasurer has a background check that doesn't violate school code? It is illegal to violate school code and illegal to discriminate against minorities. Disparate impact. Look it up.
Hr directors and assistant supt should be real hr people with real experience, not some losers who couldn't cut it as teachers or principals so the district decides to park them in hr. Come on people. Demand better. If mr hull is reading this, make dr popp do the right thing for the employees in this district and fire Joan glotzbavh, and her overpaid secretary/director nancy bradish.
Everyone in this community should be outraged. I had never read this blog before today but if the allegation against some of these peole are true, and many seem to be backed by the beacon news half assed reporting then heads should role.
Popp should quickly remove the bad apples in the bunch Asap. And next election its time to get people on the school board who make their job about the students not about protecting their incompetent friends giving the bonuses, payoffs and cushy jobs. Just for one second imagine how much the $100,000 payed out in "idiot payments" just this month alone would do to help our classrooms.
Wake up taxpayers and see why all our money ia being squandered and not being used tk better the school which in the long term would raise our property values. My realestate agent said if it were any other school district my home would be worth at least 25% more. Shame on all of them.
Dont expect any changes with Hull he has defended all the losers including Clark. He sold out the maintenance staff out with tricky Dick Leonard.
Popp needs to show his leadership. If he keeps her it will be a slap in the face to everyone who follows the school code. This will show who he is.
You people know nothing about Joan or the job she does. She does right by this district. Roberts and Johnson hired Clarke. He did a sub-standard job, and got rid of him.
Roberts and Johnsoon are not responsible for checking fingerprints Joan is she should be fired.
Joan is always to busy building cases against good employees who stand up for students while the bad employees get by.
Although I am no fan of Roberts or Johnson's they are not responsible for checking fingerprints.
Joan is responsible for checking references and did not do as well. Many people talk a good game when they are hired but good HR people know how to find out if they are good employees or not. She is not a professional HR person.
I can not believe the board paid $100,000 to Ernest Clark and then $78,000 to Jerome Roberts plus had a party for him that cost taxpayers $2000 and liquor got served.
The board has responsibility for all of this and they all need to resign. I am forwarding these articles to the State. There is a House bill calling for the elimination of school boards in low preforming districts that what needs to happen.
They should be held accountable for misspending federal and state dollars.
As for the leadership change. I find it interesting that Hull thinks he can be a leader, look at what he and Strand have been a part of. They had a voice and a vote and they went along.
in all of this I feel sorry for Popp, he inherited a mess. He needs to show leadership and do his own house keeping starting with Glozabach. The fingerprints are a bad thing. He should have been the first person to have them dealing with all the money.
When a person is elected to a position, they do not automatically have a free hand to change the system. Whether it be a lower form of governing, as in a school board, or the president of the US, there are policies, rules, laws, bylaws and number of things put into place to keep order and keep people honest. It is when those things are tossed aside and you get people who have personal interests and agendas that you have chaos. More so, when a majority of the governing group is dictated to by one or more, or become sheep who follow.
This is what has been going on in District 131 for a long while. Long before Annette and Roberts. They just saw the opportunities and took advantage, also, as others before them. You cannot expect those who have recently been elected or come into the position to make change, to do it immediately. It took years to make this mess and it will take a slow turn around to fix it. I feel D131 is heading in a new direction and will be better than we have seen in a long while.
Denise Crosby wants to give Ms. Johnson credit for making things happen. If people were to dig a little deeper, they would realize Johnson and Roberts took a lot of credit for things others had initiated and/ or implemented. Many times others had to struggle inspite of those two, to accomplish things, yet in the end, they grabbed the glory.
That is all spilt milk.
I set my expectations high for the new folks at the top of our district, and I think they are focused to reach those new heights.
Lets review the entire boards performance in two months .
Hired the wrong superintendent who could not pass a basic skills test.
Hired Mike Poop < the jury is still out)
Paid Roberts $78,000
Had a Party for Roberts $2000 with liquor
Paid Ernest Clark $124,000
Allowed Clark to work without a background check
Elected Ray Hull
While Annette Johnson had her issues she did clean house which got rid of Marin Gonzalez. She had many accomplishments and I think the Beacon News got it right she was made a scape goat. I do feel her and Roberts will get the last laugh
The Board paid Clark off because he knew something and they didn't want him saying anything. You don't make deals unless the person doing the law suit has something on you.
I have to agree with Discussed about Hull and Strand with the retirement party but again this board doesn't think the laws apply to them.
To: Board needs to go, Johnson and Roberts were leading the charge when all those things you mentioned took place. That is true, within just that last few months!
Look over the last few years and all the articles in the Beacon that finally have allowed the truth about all the mismanagement come to the light. Those messes were there when Annette first took office. She knew and let them ride until people made her angry, then she started throwing people under the bus to save Roberts butt claiming to just recently uncovering all those problems. 4 years she sat on that info!
Central Office news is Nancy Bradish the high priced Secretary screwed up and did not get fingerprints.
Employees of the BO went to Glozabach
and told her Clark could not become District Treasurer because he had a bankruptcy less than 3 years ago. She ignored it
Employees then went to Morales because Roberts was out surgical leave and told her. She did nothing.
We then a month later went to Johnson in December and everything hit the fan
At the same time 5 employees went to the union filed a complaint against Clark and Ellington for a hostile work enviroment.
That was enough to fire him alone. The truth will come out and some of the board members will need to do the ethical thing and resign.
Wrong Johnson was part of the problem and she look away a lot. We will never know the true story with Clark. Remember a board president isn't suppose to run the district the superintendent did and Johnson knew he was weak and took over. Getting rid of one person in administration is nothing she still had some that used the districts credit card for their own personal use. Where in the article did the Beacon say she was a scape goat?
Johnson got rid of Marin Gonzalez that was good enough for me.
The other things it took her too long and she should have gotten rid of Roberts with the rest of them.
At least she did something Ray Hull has been on the board 4 years and never did a thing.
What would bankruptcy have to do with someone getting a job?
Who told you this "central office news". Sounds like Glotzbach is up to her old tricks blaming brandish. Brandish is unqualified for her 120,000 salary but the fingerprints were not her fault. Joan has done the same thing before Clark and continues to do it now. If she is blaming brandish it's because she is doing what she does best, throwing people under the bus just like she did to aird.
It's impossible for it to be Nancy Bradish's fault. She started on July 1, 2013 and Ernest Clark started on July 1, 2013. The person at fault is Joan Glotzbach. It's always her. She finds scapegoats. For all we know, the so called central office news probably came from Joan. Who knows she may "central office news". How can it be Nancy's fault when she wasn't even the director when Clark was hired?
TODAY is the District 131 Fine Arts Festival, at East Aurora High School! Our students will be showcasing their talent, exhibiting artwork and performing drama and music.
Support the arts in our district!
Beacon article is posted at April 10, 2014 at 9:34 PM.
"After the meeting, they insisted Johnson took much of the heat for a district in disarray, and adamantly hoped she’d decide to stay on as a board member.
“She did a helluva job,” said Howard Koop. “But they used her as a scapegoat.”"
Bankruptcy for a business manager. Wow, no wonder the business office is in a mess.
Did Glozbach not do a reference check. my son works as a Teller and had to have a background check and credit reference . He makes very little and is certainly not in charge of a 100 million dollar budget.
You are correct Joan is always setting up good teachers. Her latest is the reading endorsement drama, that took her all year to notify teachers now many have to rush around and spend the summer in school.
This will be the new Superintendents legacy. if he does not fire her it will show no leadership.
After reading all these comments from these "armchair quarterbacks" I wonder why those making the allegations don't come to Board Meetings and speak. Hiding behind a blog with just "empty words" and assumptions based on gossip shows their credibility.
Central Office news is that the word in the office is Braddish did not do the fingerprints follow up on Clark.
It is Glozabachs responsibility. Glozabach is now in charge of the Business Office.
As to the Bankruptcy, Joan cost the district additional money because the insurance company would only issue a high risk surety bond. He was the district Treasurer and had full charge with signing checks.
The district does get in cash and some was missing in September from Allen School. Some schools send school fees over in cash that get collected from parents
Joan has also cost the districts with other settlements and major mistakes.
So far Popp is not approachable he only works with Glozabach and Childress. Everyone else needs to get direction from them.
I never thought I would say this, everyone is starting to miss Roberts and Johnson.
More will come everyone is fed up.
Answering Taxpayer 3
sorry but lets get the facts straight Mr Koop, how many staff left 131 as a result of Johnson's "Gestapo" tactics. Let me take a guess, Mr Koop you aren't aware of the long list of those individuals who were on Johnson's "hit list" because they did not go along with her. Let's get it right next time.
Watch and wait more stories to come. Everyone is already fed up with the direction the new superintendent is taking.
He is taking the advice of only a few who if Ms Johnson claims to have cleaned house should have had bags and boxes packed with Roberts.
The students have not seen gains this year and EA will go backwards again. Wait until the scores get released.
Glozabach has always been a problem. She has set up many good teachers and administrators. Her talented staff all quit last year or retired. She has been awarded year after year.
it's time for a change but so far nobody is drinking the Kool aid.
The final straw was electing Hull. He is a joke and only cares about the black students. We agree But why not Strand. Strand has lost all creditability.
It is not gossip it is fact everyone in 131 is either in Johnson's camp or Hulls. Do you think any of us will get up and speak at a board meeting.
The fact is the Beacon would have never printed Clark did not have a background check of he did.
That means every board member and Glozabach need to go. It is the law and they have been sworn in to enforce it.
DO the ethical thing and resign.
Really people?! What is the new super s'pose to do? He is the new guy on the block. Until he gets a feel for who is "fronting" and who is for real, he has to play nice with everyone. He can't come in and take everything at face value. Taking his time and getting to know each person down the line will give him a better perspective of who he is working with. For cryin' out load! He just got here! Let him dig his toes in the mud a little and get to know his way around a bit. Mercy me! Some folks just have no idea about taking time to get to know someone and waiting for their true self to show through.
You can't set up good employees who do their job, she helps to move the district in a positive direction by alleviating the criminals, the bad teachers and poor role models from their access to our children.
You people have no one else to attack, so you are foaming at the mouth to find a new victim.
Use your energy and passion for good and not evil. Volunteer at your local school, participate in a service project, find a positive use for your time!!!!
Here's an article about a Nebraska mom who is opting her kids out of standardized testing:
How do my fellow parents feel about this? A lot of what she says makes sense to me...those tests don't always seem to be in our kids' best interests, and may be more politically motivated than beneficial.
For too many years the teachers have had to teach to the test. I know I sound old fashion but back to the basics. The 3 R's and some basic morals and respect. Those are the core for a good curriculum.
I think they need to get rid of standardize testing also. Every student is different and needs to learn at their own pace but needs to be challenged to do more. Our children can't even count change or do penmanship.
There was a time when some students where left behind but when they went to No Child Left Behind they did leave some behind. How did we all learn years ago and make it to college without that program?
Here's a link to an organization that supports parents opting their children out of standardized testing:
And here's an excerpt from their homepage:
The Coalition for Better Education was started by a group of aspiring educators from the University of Northern Colorado, and has expanded to include teachers, parents and students across the state. Our goal is to expand awareness of the costs and limitations of the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP now known as TCAP) and "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB), and to empower parents and teachers.
Parent refusals have increased every year since high-stakes testing began."
Looks like Joan and company are trying to stop the discussion of no background checks. Think of the safety concerns she has put students in. She needs to be put on leave immediately and the Superintendent needs to investigate.
Last year everyone in Joan's office quit except those of is close to retirement. This year the same is happening many are looking for jobs. She is unstable and often has melt downs.
Last year she put Aird under the bus. She will lie, cheat and make up stories the lawyer are in the palm of her hand. She has the district in so many lawsuits they are making over $15,000 a month.
She built several cases against Bob Green and never had witnesses like she told the board. He asked to be allowed to retire with pay but she wanted to destroy him because he won the last case against her.
Bob is now helping many employees that have been discriminated against and the district is paying for it in the terms of settlements.
More to come. The board knows this and needs to go. They are wasting your tax dollars.
We have a LOT of talented students in our district...check out these photos:
Three days into the new board staff that was hired by Roberts and Johnson are being harassed by Hull and Peryea while Strand works behind the scenes.
The new Superintendent is powerless. Betwwen the roller coster with Johnson and now Hull it's a wonder how anyone wants to work here.
Reyes Childress , Feltes and Glozabach are on the chopping block.
The board is distroying this school district.
In other news Johnson was paying Jerome's lunch bill again today. He laughs all the way to the bank and can't buy lunch really Annette are you that disparate.
How are they being harassed? Since Hull has a full time job how can he be at Central Office? If this is true there are places for these people to go to report these things and if they don't they are spineless.
Glozabach is a joke she has taken her husband on trips with her on the districts job.
As far as the new Superintendent he has a lot to look into and probably road blocks because most of the board really doesn't want him to know how they let employees of the district misused money.
Centtral news, do you read what you write before you post it? I certainly hope you are not a product of East. Like stirring up people don't you? Have you nothing else better to do?
The City truck was parked all afternoon yesterday at central office. It proves Hull steals from the tax payers he should be at work.
"The city truck was parked all afternoon yesterday at the central office"
So what? Does the city have only one truck? Is it possible that truck was being used for official city business?
9:00 p.m., you're proving nothing except that some people can put 2 and 2 together and come up with 6.
I won't pretend to know what City Policy is, but I know some companies allow time for employees who are elected officials, to use some time to do business that is need as part of their elected position.
I'd rather see the city truck than Annette's vette. ;)
stealing the taxpayers blind
WOW !!! Imagine jumping to such conclusions without checking out the facts. Certainly appears you are an Annette Johnson remnant of control and misinformation.
I attended the event last night at EAHS. Ishmael Beah is an amazing individual. His outlook and insight on life, in his book and his live personal accounts, have surely left a profound impact on the students of EA. At 60 years old, I am truly grateful for having had the opportunity to read Ishmael's book and hear him share, not only his story but his ability to find the lightside in the darkness of his youth.
Mr. Gillespie has truly given his students an educational gift that will last them a lifetime.
Hull should not be using his time with the City of Aurora to work on board business. They are two separate government bodies. Hull is a quota system employee who has little value to his job or position in life. frankly stated a blow heart.
Look at his track record at a recent event he told the group the superintendent will run the district but never let him speak. He continued on telling everyone we don't have enough Arfo American teachers or administrators.
Never a mention of Hispanics. A member of the group called him out on it reminding him of two Afro American superintendents, Adams and Clark to name a few.
What do all of these people have in common they are losers.
White teachers beware he thinks you should not teach the kids of EA.
I thought the recent post sounded much like Johnson....calling people 'losers' is a common reply of hers.
Hull is out wasting tax dollars at the district while he should be working because the Mayor wants to control another Board.
He does not want the truth to come out that he ruined the EA school system by not enforcing building codes. Weisner has ruined both East and West and he knows Johnson is the only one with courage to point that out.
I can only hope she stays she is the only hope tax payers have.
It isn't the Board responsibility to run the district it is the Superintendent. While I think Hull is just as bad as Johnson and they all allowed Roberts to stay on so Johnson could do a bad job running the district. Johnson always talked about how The Mayor wanted to run the district so she is posting on here. Why does the Mayor want to control the School Board what benefit is it to him. Maybe some day we will have a board that follows the laws.
truth is...Johnson or her friend.....again. Johnson needs to give it up.
hull should have never been made Board President he has been involved many yelling and screaming matches with administrators and Johnson. He conducts himself poorly at committee meeting and insults the teaching staff.
Johnson is no better but she did get out some administrators that needed getting out. Marin Gonzalez would be a good example of that. Clayton was rumored to have left because of her also. Another good thing, one day the truth will come out about him and it will not be pretty.
At this time we needed someone like Kristen Strand. I have lost all respect for her because of her choices.
The other members are zero's.
If Annette Johnson addressed the City issue she should be applauded. The schools have been forced to endure the mass problems related to English learners and poverty. Most of this caused by the City.
West Aurora took the lead and stopped Jerico Circle from getting rebuilt. East Aurora did nothing, because the only one speaking up was Annette.
The City has no power to stop people from buying houses which we have a high Hispanic population on the East Side that started long before this Mayor was in office. If Johnson wants to address these issues as a citizen of Aurora she can she doesn't have to be on the board to address this issue.
Ray why don't you try to work in overcrowded classrooms that had been in built in the 1920s for only 20 kids and they now have 25.
It is the board responsibility to address overcrowding and class size short of building Three new elementary schools, a middle and a new Highschool there is no other option.
So yes the board should address the City and enforce building codes.
I agree the Board should work on making sure our children are educated to the best possible. Giving classrooms and tools to the teachers to do so.
If families are concerned about overcrowding in the schools, they should be attending city council meetings. Good luck! This mayor is the one who wanted to build a huge condo complex downtown for families and expand hometown!
For the complexes you say the Mayor wanted the board has the right to not approve it and I think years ago the board approved a complex that took down the Drive In for Bigelow and we where promised land and how did that go. I believe Roberts was acting Superintendent also.
I agree with making bigger classrooms for out students. While having all day kindergarten may be a good thing but kids don't have to go so instead of buying a building where it will be a challenge for parents to get out and it is a busy road anyways maybe we should start trying to do something about the overcrowded classrooms.
The Mayor employees Hull and is giving Syrand $135,000 iin a building on LASALLE. That is not the type of board members that best serve the children they serve themselves.
This is nw the board from Hell no different than the days we gave away the police station land for nothing and the Drive in.
Today we need a new school. Yes All Day is good but all the schools are so overcrowded we need to work on that first.
Weisner does not want the City exposed and the taxes don't support the schools this is a broken town while his freinds like Syrand exploit the poor and lines her pockets.
From the district webpage:
District 131 Presents the Faculty and Staff “Razzle Dazzle” Variety Show
When: Friday, April 25, 2014
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: East High Auditorium
Cost: $2 per Student; $4 per Adult
An Apple iPAD, Kindle, & Kindle Fire Will Be Raffled
Tickets for the Show Can Be Purchased at Your Child’s School or at the Door
Proceeds will benefit the Aurora East Educational Foundation
Reading the online Beacon the board paid another$18000 to settle a case that showed the kids Porn. Are they crazy!
How can they claim they are protecting the children.
RESIGN entire board . I will go door to door to get all of you out of office.
Ms Strand and Hull you call yourself people of Christ.
I really wonder
No big deal. I'm sure all of those kids have seen porn before.
Did you read the article? It was an honest mistake, only a couple of seconds of nude images. And it could have been a family member who downloaded it to the teacher's computer and the teacher was unaware.
This was not his personal computer Brandon used district property. He should have been fired and Board needs to resign is right Lets see in one month they paid the following
$78000 to Roberts
$2000 for a party for him that liquor was served.
$124000 to a business manager with no finger prints
$18000 for misuse and porn shown to kids.
Please do the right thing and resign BOE.
Why can a teacher access their personal stuff on the districts computer who is watching what districts property is being used for? First credit cards that no one was watching and now this. Where I work I can only access work information. What else are some employees doing with districts property? It does seem they settle these things so they go away but then something else comes along. It is time for someone to start looking into what is happening in the district so taxpayers don't have to pay for their mistakes.
Saw this bit of good news on our district's Facebook site:
Congratulations to Ruby Garcia, East Aurora High School senior, who earned the Making Choices for Excellence Award. Ruby is first Tomcat to be admitted to United States Military Academy at West Point in 10 years.
Only 9 percent of applicants to West Point are accepted. U.S. News and World Report had West Point ranked as the 11th toughest college to get accepted into. A smaller percentage of people are accepted into West Point than are accepted to Brown University, Duke University, the University of Chicago, Georgetown and Northwestern.
Ruby started the application process in July. The application has physical and academic components. She had to get a letter of recommendation from a Congressman.
Ruby decided to apply because she believes serving her country is the right thing to do and it is what she is intended to do.
Ruby didn’t need to be so concerned about applying. She is ranked sixth in her class. She is the starting goalie for the varsity soccer team. She is a member of National Honor Society. She has done about 140 hours of community service.
Her long term goal is to work as a military intelligence officer for the FBI, CIA or Homeland Security because she believes those places will help her be part of the global conversation on making the world a better place.
Why did this teacher have personal pictures on his computer. To top it off nudity. Did DCFS or the police get involved? Why did the district settle this case.? It sounds like they need a new lawyer.
I have to agree the board needs to resign. The Beacon reporter needs to keep up the good work.
Thank you for exposing d131 it's time the State takes over.
Maybe now this man will never be able to teach children.
Picking up today's paper I read the board wasted more money. The article reads his family member put pictures accidently on his computer. I can assure everyone that is not how the cloud system works He had to have been viewing the pictures at home and left them open You don't rambomly select pictures from home as a example. The entire story is a lie. Again, the district did not conduct a proper innvestagation with someone that understood the cloud system.
Moreover the district allowed pictures to be shown to 6th grade kids. In another district the parents would have sued. Everyone is correct in calling for the boards resignation. They have two main duties protect the safety and well being of the children and manage the money.,
They have failed on all accounts. It is time for the State to take over.
What I find most troubling about the article is that a teacher is teaching kids how to download pictures from the internet and this happened. MR Brandon needed to show students how to be careful.
I don't want the school teaching my child to download. That is my responsibility. The parents should sue the district for exposing the kids to this.
The bigger issue is the district giving him a reference. They should say nothing. My employer will only verify dates. The district is now recommending him to another school district.
They are not protecting the kids. The board should resign and show some common sense.
Ed Brandon had some issues before. A Halloween project last year involved him copying a picture of himself handing it out to students to color and doing a creative writing piece about Mr Brandon is watching you. The district requires lesson plans. Is there no supervision. This is their flag ship program.
Now I read this, I does not surprise me. what surprises me is the district lying to another school district that they would rehire him but having a undisclosed clause that they would not rehire him.
It seems the district needs a new lawyer. It's double talk.
What ever the reason, I think it was a good call. Johnson kept wavering about leaving the board, she made some bad choices, embarrassed and cost the district for harassing finance personnel, Hull made a good choice. Now like a child on the playground, Johnson is going to use this as an excuse to stomp her feet and dig in her heels and say -"I am not going and you can't make me...so there!"
Johnson changed the district a rid it of people like Marin Gonzalez. She has a lot of support don't count her out. Her mistake was keeping Roberts but the others needed to be replaced. hull has been on the board for four years and prior to that was a big backer of the serial bully Radoivich. Ask Hull he will tell you Mike Radoivich has a great superintendent.
Steven Glink is Bob Greens lawyer. if you need to sue the district or need money just call him. The District will be more than happy to write you a check
Saw this on the district's Facebook page:
High school seniors: Will you be 18 by the time of graduation? Looking for summer work? East Aurora School District 131 Buildings & Grounds Department is looking for help. JobID: 2187 To apply, go here: http://bit.ly/1jOWG2N
It is all in what you believe or that you didn't like what happened years ago. Others liked Mike Radoivic and how he handled things and remember he did the will of the board. So goes for Marin some liked her and some did not. Since Johnson has been on the board how many lawsuits have there been. How many times did the find things that where looked over even on her watch.
I do believe that the current board is not much better.
Looking up my taxes today online I thank Annette Johnson. For the first time in years my taxes went down.
She cleaned house and cleaned up finances. Lawsuits happen in every large organization. I am happy to hear she is staying now I can sleep at night knowing my dollars are protected.
Mt Hull you will never be Annette Johnson.
Thank You Annette
Happy Taxpayer
Aren't you the same person who said the same about Blago and Jackson Jr?
Jackson equals Ray Hull Blago equals Strand
Congrads to Nestor Garcia on your appointment to the Hispanic Cultural Committee of Aurora and thank you Ms Strand on your letter of support it's shows you support diversity.
Mr Garcia is a great example to the children of EA on what you can become.
Also thank you Mayor Weisner for working to promote our district.
Another day of gas leaks and poor air quality at Oak Park.
Feltes could not be found but finally showed up and determined they need help. He told staff if they did not like it open a window. Does he not realize we have four and five year olds in the building .
Two days and poor air. Joany G also had her goose neck into this and told the teachers if they ever call OSHA again she will find out. Find out what! The teachers only tried to defend the kids and many felt it was not safe.
Oak Park-- Keep up the good work and let us know more of what is really going on. Thanks.
Wow….how does someone so incompetent, clueless and absolutely worthless (NG) to our district and children get any recognition at all from anywhere. Well, on the bright side, does that mean he's leaving the district?!?!? One could only hope!
Another big story will be coming out soon. It will expose many and show the first signs of Mike Popps poor leadership
This year the main function of Quad County was to hold young adults under court release because of overcrowding in the jail system. These are already overcrowded schools.
Parents need to understand students will get mixed in with students wearing home monitoring devices.,
If one child gets hurt, stabbed or injured because of poor choices the board and new superintendent should be criminally brought up on charges
Your children are in danger.
As a parent I would not have left my child in that school if I knew there was a gas leak or some kind of noxious gas leak. That teacher should be commended and not threatened.
Board from hell
How bout giving us some preliminary info instead of just empty statements?
Razzle Dazzle TONIGHT in the East High Auditorium! Come see Faculty & Staff perform a variety of acts, raising money for the Aurora East Educational Foundation. Doors at 6:30p, show at 7:00pm. $2 student, $4 adult, $10 for a family of 6!
Im so sick and tired of hearing about boatright and his crack head mom with poor extensions. check out his twitter, all he does is flash low ends which everybody knows is GD's. Hes a wannabe gang banger. He has it tatooed on his arm. Check out all is pictures he took with his uconn teamates. he flashes low ends in every pic!! f'ing thug!!
teachers get threatened at the high school for coming forward about the asbestos and black mold problem. The cancer rate on the third floor is very high as are other illnesses and respiratory problems yet no one addresses it. The kids are sick year round.
East Aurora staff were very entertaining and creative. Enjoyed all the schools performances at Razzle Dazzle tonight.
Hull was in again today bossing staff around this makes his 4th trip this week. when does he work for the city. It shows his character he cheats at his job and cheats at life.
He is around around as much as Johnson. The board needs to let administration run the distrct.
The new superintendent spends too much time dealing with the board and not enough working with staff.
EA Teachers call OSHA we finally had enough at Oak Park and called. Feltes has been on the job two years now and he is blaming prior administration for not maintaining anything.
Mr Feltes you make more than any other B n G person ever did. It is now your responsibility. Feltes is paid $120,000 for a job not done .
The people who work for you don't have respect for you and they get treated like dirt. Since taking over the job the building are falling apart more than ever because the people paid to work on them are not given the work only Feltes outside friends in the construction industry. Many of us have ten or more years e experience fixing the buildings but we are told now that we are stupid Maybe you should look in the mirror.
Please call OSHA we did and it worked.
I'm sure Hull has vacation time how do you know he didn't use it? I'm sure Popp would rather deal with his administration than the board.
Hopefully, the new supt. will deal with the Board and tell them to back off.
The new Superintenent has not lived up to his promises yet. He promised in a open house to visit every school and get input during the first month with teachers. Teachers have been lied to for so long that has not gone over well.
We have not had any administrative personal in our building all year long from Central Office expect David Negron who came to PLC meetings twice and played on his I phone during the entire meeting. I guess we knew why, he ran from this district as soon as he could. Congradulations to David for seeing the writing on the wall.
Then we read settlements paid to employees without background checks, the porn case and large settlements with sick days paid to Roberts.
The board elects a President who insults the entire teaching body by saying as a white middle class female I am not capable of teaching the children.
A celebration of staff Together we Shine is in the planning ticket prices increased $2 this year after the district just paid over $2000 for Roberts retirement. That is a nice way to honor Retirees increase prices. When questioned it was told the Superintendent approved it. He sure respects staff
It is not a new day in EA.
board from Hell
sounds like you are Annette Johnson writing
Clayton,Ray Hull and Tom Weisner greeted students in a private room before the Top Ten banquet and informed students upon graduation make sure you sign up to vote.
Mr Hull and Mr Weisner this is not a event to get votes for your cronies it is to honor students.
BTW Mr Hull did you look around at the teachers the kids felt influenced them the most. They are the same white teachers you ridiculed in your comments that we lacked the qualifications to teach.
Shame on you for turning the event into something for yourself and your boss Mr Hull.
I thought the same thing "get it right" The Board bashing cooled down for awhile, until Annette got her stuff in a ringer and started taking heat, again, for her no-so-glorious work on the Board.
Now periodically 'someone' keeps praising her and giving her credit for things she did not do. Hmmmm...who would do that?
I think if more people would reach higher for help when their questions, requests and pleas go unanswered, D131 might see more results. I hope OSHA gives results. There is help outside the district. People need to be made accountable. Don't feel defeated. The internet allows anonymous complaints to be made, along with research to find the proper channels to take to get answers/ help.
Give the new Superintendent time he has a lot to deal with and if he did say he was and will still try to get teachers input. If I was him I would run as fast as I could from this district but it looks like he is going to give it a go.
How do you know that at Top Ten banquet Hull, The Mayor and Clayton greeted them and then what they said unless you where in the room?
I do think Hull statements about the white teachers where out of line. Does anyone know if African Americans that applied for jobs in the district where just passed by or that they don't want to work here.
The students and taxpayers of this district deserve better than this board. Does anyone know how it is going with that taxpayers foundation looking into spending is going?
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