Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Ask more questions before jumping to conclusions"

Good advice, from a previous comment!


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Anonymous said...

It is a nice thought, that Board members may care enough to vote for the best qualified person as board president. Or as Johnson has stated before the most recent election......the person who received the most votes from the community. ( would be either Leonard or Strand, not her)
Stella cannot make an independent thought. Nor can the other incumbents. They follow Annette's lead like lost sheep rather than adults over 60. Sad.....

Anonymous said...

Daneen Adams was just hired as the superintendent of Harvey schools.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know why the US Department of Education and a group of civil rights lawyers were in the district this week questioning administrators and teachers? Rumor is the district is facing a civil rights lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Last time Johnson was elected she did receive the most votes and Weaver was elected. Strand has issues because of her husband and should not run. maybe Turza or Leonard would step forward.

proud parent said...

Good job today from all the district student's go EAst

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Fine Arts Festival was outstanding! My personal favorites were:

--the Wind Ensemble's performance of the classic march "The Klaxon", directed by Mr. Brian Liska

--Tribal Dances (a set of 3 short pieces composed by Kevin Kaisershot), performed by our middle-school band students and conducted by Mr. Kaisershot

--Scenes from "I Never Saw Another Butterfly", directed by Mr. Ross Wheeler

--Singsation's performance of "Cantate Domino", conducted by Ms. Lisa Gawlik

--The combined elementary bands' performance of "Star Wars", with Ms. Amy Huggins conducting

--TWO art galleries, featuring artwork from our elementary, middle, and high schools

It would be a REAL SHAME if our high school students lose the opportunity to take electives such as choir, drama, band, or art because of the proposed 6-class bell schedule! Parents, alums, and community members: speak out in support of our talented young people!

Anonymous said...

nester garcia was at the fine art's fest talking to any-one who would listen

You never know when you might need them to bail you out of jail!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what a read with the parents of the District. What is the new Board member Strand paying them $1000 for to be parents, and why. Then the other comment about the teacher saying its like pulling teeth to get parents. How is Strand paying them and from who or what.

Anonymous said...

Many school districts have been offering incentives for parents to become more involved in their kids' schools. Here's a recent example in Chicago:

I remember Kirsten Strand talking at the candidates' forum about a program where parents were paid a small stipend ($1000 or so) for attending a couple of training workshops, and spending a certain number of hours helping in their child's school (kind of like a teacher's aide). Religious schools have been doing this sort of thing for years, with parents giving hours of their time at the school in return for payment of part of their child's tuition.

This kind of "outside-the-box" thinking is one reason I voted for Kirsten. It's definitely worth looking into and possibly giving a try!

Anonymous said...

I believe RayAnne and Weaver received the most votes when they where elected. Johnson was voted in after them. The difference is that both Carlson and Weaver knew that the district needed change by getting a new Superintendent to run the district that the IL School Code says is suppose to do it. Johnson thinks that the board president should step in and do it because she doesn't trust the administration or the superintendent that we pay a good salary. It is not the board presidents job to run the district.

How do you know that Strand before she even gets on the board is paying parent $1000.00 for parents support? Our district pays administrator stipends for doing nothing so why don't we try to get parents involved.

Over the past years many things have come out about employees of the district misusing district money but what have the done to get that money back? It's taxpayers money why shouldn't they have them pay it back unless the board is lying about it?

Anonymous said...

Strand should not be paying the parents she is not employed by the district to run any programs her organization needs to be looked into to. If the district had a program that is another story.

It's the same thing Johnson is accused of doing things for the District. This blog can't have it two ways. There are alot of unanswered questions about Strand and Peryea.

Anonymous said...

8:31 p.m., Mrs. Strand is NOT "paying the parents" anything! She has simply SUGGESTED that our district CONSIDER trying an incentive program that has worked well to motivate parent participation in other districts.

And yes, there are unanswered questions about the new Board members. Feel free to ask them those questions, either by e-mail, phone, or at a meeting.

Anonymous said...

Strand stated in public at a coffee I attended for her that she does pay parents. I do know her program it is at Brady School. I know teachers that teach there and say the same thing if you don't pay them (the parents) then they don't show up. Some of the teachers say they don't trust her and these same women are actually paid church members of hers. Why is her church allowed to operate in the schools alot of unanswered questions with her?

I will be watching and asking.

Anonymous said...

8:31pm Annette you need to stop writing bashing Strand and Peryea and focus on how to run a School Board and quit your tyrancy methods.

Anonymous said...

8:31 is why this blog stream title is perfect! Most of the ridiculous comments on here are by people who do not have a clue. They read and reply based on other people comments as if they are gospel. Do not make assumptions due to someone else's ignorance. Anonymous or not....YOU know how stupid you have been for "jumping to conclusions."

The other type of ignorance is the spiteful comments. They are for the sole purpose of slander or stirring up trouble. This blog has brought up hidden facts about things gone bad in our district. There are some people that feed off the negative and others who do not want the whole truth told. Take what you read anywhere as information to arm yourself with until you go to the sources or research for more facts, not random, anonymous comments. Blog intelligently. It is not an oxymoron. It can be a communication tool, use it wisely.

Anonymous said...

The article in today's Beacon explains why the EA school district is in such academic turmoil. When will parents realize that until they take a sincere vested interest in their children's education, the education process will fail. Our Hispanic population is 83 percent. One-third of that 83% are English-language learners and the district gets 10-50 parents at the Bilingual Parent Association meetings! WHAT A PATHETIC JOKE! Shame on all the parents that just don't care. Stop blaming administration and teachers and take the time to support your children. If you don't show interest in their education where is their incentive to learn?

Anonymous said...

Working at EAHS, I overheard Jackie Walters Montroy say the current sitting Board members are old and will not finish their terms. It was like she was wishing them poor health, or a ill faith. This was the type of behavior that turned many of us off. Also a return to the promised past.Many of us know the current changes to Curiculum are not well thought out but it is up to us to become vocal and work to improve the schools. We also need a new union rep in our building. Rhodes stops teacher growth and stops progress. A recent example is his continued rants about lesson plans. A lesson plan turned in is a part of our job. Who should be teaching without one.

We are happy that the current Board was re elected and hope their work continues. I am very sadden by the conduct of Montroy and am glad he did not win. Walters Montroy needs a new job, she has become more angry through the years and that started when she married him.

Anonymous said...

The article in the Beacon News says it all. Blame the teachers, School Board and Superintendent it's the parents. Now Strand the new member wants to pay them. Not what my taxes.

Anonymous said...

Ray stop writing on the blog and clean the sewers like your paid for. Maybe if you had not been out destroying the school district people's houses would have not been flooded.

One thing everyone can count on Ray for is if he is involved its a mess

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