Thursday, September 6, 2012

May cooler heads prevail!

We definitely had some HOT weather this summer--more 90+ degree days than usual, with hardly any rain to cool things down. Now that we're into September, let's hope that hot stuff's behind us for awhile. And as the political climate "heats up" in this election year, it's good to remind ourselves that maintaining a calm, rational attitude is in everyone's best interests!


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Anonymous said...

Hey 8:52 a.m., YOU just posted on "the dumbest blog ever created".


Anonymous said...

Wow Rayanne when is jealously for the current board going to stop. When it is all said in done they will all be re elected. Who are you going to support Mary Fultz a felon.

Anonymous said...

Hey September 21, 2012 7:39 AM. Just because you have a heart for education doesn't necessarily qualify you to be on the board of education. That's like saying someone who cares about people's well-being should be a doctor. Higher education is an indicator of a person's knowledge, discipline and ability to understand and process complex issues. Higher education teaches you how to think and process information, our board of education should be, well, educated.

Anonymous said...

2:43 p.m., the Board of Education should represent the people of the district. It should include diverse ethnicities (as our district does), a wide spectrum of ages (as our current board does), and a variety of educational backgrounds. So-called "higher education" is not necessarily a good predictor of who would represent us best on the Board. I would much rather vote for the person who has raised kids in the district, who has lived & worked in our community for many years, and/or who has run a business here.

And for what it's worth, I happen to have a master's degree.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid comment I can tell your a loser

Anonymous said...

Good article thank god a end to jay Augustine

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hey,September 21, 2012 2:43 PM we have a district office full of highly educated individuals. Including a few on the Board. Yet, they have not always acted responsibly nor have they had the ability to understand or process some of the most basic pertinent info, in regards to the chldren'seducation.
Heart may not be all that is necessary for making a good Board member, but higher education is not the total package either.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see Mr. Augustine leave. He took direction from the superintendent, who Ms. Johnson has no fault with ?!?

I feel his leaving is a result of Ms. Johnson's bullying. Better to leave than to be 'accused' of things continuously, and now publicly!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that this board made a mistake early in their tenure and gave Jerome Roberts a long extension on his contract (four years if I remember correctly). Then they realized Jerome was not a very good superintendent but are stuck with him.

The board has asked Jerome several times to step down but Jerome has refused. Unfortunately, unless Jerome does something incredibly stupid, we are stuck with him until his contract expires. That is unless the board wants to pay out the remainder of his contract.

The board knows that Jerome needs to be replaced and several board members have stated publicly that they don't believe in Jerome's leadership. He will be gone by the time his contract is over.

Anonymous said...

Will we see how the employees feel once all the problems come out about the way the insurance plans got handled.
He will cost the employees and district children millions.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the new EHS choir director will be D131's own Lisa Gawlik. She's been teaching at Simmons for about 8 years, and has done an outstanding job with our middle-school singers. Now she'll be at the high school. What a grEAt choice for our ChoirCats, and as someone said here recently...well worth the wait!

Anonymous said...

So, all the dominoes fall and retire, resign, or get fired with the exception of Dr. Roberts? Truly this makes sense. Johnson is an idiot, or she knows Roberts will continue to be her puppet. East Aurora is the laughing stock of the state. How about that front page picture of Johnson in the Beacon. Anyone with a mouse pr oblem in their house can put a picture of that u p and keep the mice away. Talk about ugly, Johnson has two chins, a head bigger than Shrek, and could be on the international woman s weight lifting team for Romania and Bulgaria and then be removed from the team for being suspected a man.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that Johnson is looking at these things now that re election is coming up? Lenoard was the one that found out what was going on in the Maintenance Department and he has only been on the board a short time. The one problem the district had with the buying form the Maintenance Department was there was no policy in place for the workers on how or who would buy the materials for a job. Here is how that works in the real world the workers go to a Manager or Supervisor and gives them a work order of things that need to be done and then it is approved and the person that either has a credit card or a PO with a hardware company goes and buys the material. If they don't get a policy in place that will happen again.

The district still doesn't have a policy in place about credit cards which by the State was suppose to be in place by 2009 and everyone who had one had to sign a paper about the use of them. There is also suppose to be a committee in place of people that doesn't have one to look at the charges. Remember some on the board that are re running have done nothing about this.

Do you really think that we should be buying snacks for Central Offices meetings? Where we work if you want snacks you bring your own. How about the food given for stipends and how many stipends do people get for sitting on committees? Do you think pizza is a supply? Read the list of bills and all the money they pay out for food.

Do you think the district really needs a big Holiday Party at Christmas at a restaurant bring their family at a cost of $10,000. By they way by State law the district isn't suppose to pay for spouses or some on other than a spouse if they bring them and that goes for trips they take even if they get a single room in a hotel.

Anonymous said...

Central Office news is criminal charges are now being filed against some people. Looks like Augustine and a secretary may be involved.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know how many of the "Central office News" comments have turned out to be total crap.

Anonymous said...

Agree that Lisa Gawlik's a good choice for the EHS choir job.

Now who's going to take HER place, at Simmons? There hasn't been a middle school opening listed on the district website--is someone being moved from within the district?

Anonymous said...

Talk about the Board from hell that would be Carlson and Wells. wells writes that the Board is to hard on the poor administrators and Rayanne writes a email to Augustine as to what a great guy he was. He had it posted on the info board in the cafeteria. Everyone had a good laugh at her.

Funny they had been on the Board a long time a did nothing.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is Roberts resigned as well and will be meeting with the Board in a special meeting Wednesday. Look for the news to leak out Monday

Anonymous said...

If you morons had a brain you would know you just don't "move somebody up." You still have to post the job and hold interviews.

Anonymous said...

Saw Rayanne today it reminds me what do Juanita Wells, Rayanne Carlson and Mary Fultz have in common. They represent the losers that exist on the east side. Women who made nothing of themselves. Who want to influence other people's kids education but have none of their own. Made poor choices with men and never had a man involved in their kids lives. Had daughters on welfare. So let's go back to that era.

All the current board all are respected members of the community. Let's keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

Nice try. Post is from a board member. Jay Augustine breaking the law, yeah right? The Board has nothing but B.S., and if anyone has cases that will go through the court system, it is several employees who have been harassed by Board Members who broke the law and overstepped their job title.

Anonymous said...

In D131 that isn't necessary. Ms. Johnson has all vacancies reserved for people she wants in--such as her cousin, the new athletic secretary at the high school.

Anonymous said...

Jay resigned over the insurance not the maintenance department. Stay tuned rumor is Roberts will not survive that's why he put jay under the bus.

Anonymous said...

Rayanne only posts what she wants to and edits the rest I tested her today
will start posting the truth on openline. The residents are very happy with the way the District is being run. However many posts are never allowed to post. If she has so honest then why not let everyone just post why edit. You people are being hoodwinked by her. She is so jealous she cant she straight.

Anonymous said...

Certain board members didn't feel that way about Wells back when she wasn't going to run again and they gave her a nice dinner and a two night stay in Chicago when she wasn't going to run again for board. The bill for that dinner was 1,200 and they paid for alcoholic drinks which is against IL School Code Law. Remember Ms. Johnson was the one that got board members to renew Roberts contract and now she is throwing him under the bus he must of done something that upset her she is a cannon ready to go off.

Anonymous said...

Someone seems to be obsessing a bit over Wells, Carlson & Fultz. Possibly a bit concerned people may prefer them over the present educated board. Maybe all those "losers" and welfare families will decide to vote like they did for the referendum, then lets see who is the new EA school board. LOL

Anonymous said...

In fact they tried to hide the fact Wells even went to the conference and that are the board members that where sitting on the board before she left. Are these really the people we feel are doing the best for the district.

Blog admin said...

8:53 p.m., co-administrator here.

You said you "tested" the blog today--not true. Every comment I previewed today was posted; none were deleted.

And for your information, I (co-administrator) have been monitoring this blog for the past several months. Rayanne has been taking a break. Several comments have been deleted because they contained obscenities, were redundant, or contained unfounded criminal allegations. So if something you posted was deleted blame me (co-admin), not Rayanne. However, no comments were deleted today (September 22).

And by all means, post whatever you choose on Openline. They couldn't care less about obscenities, redundancies, or allegations of criminal activity.

Anonymous said...

And this blog doesn't care about slander or the truth about anything. It is all just made up BS and personal, unfounded, and untrue attacks on students, teachers and administrators.

Anonymous said...

Rayanne has no friends if you are the co administrator and so transparent then why dont you identify yourself. Let all the posts post and then delete them once a day. But this blog is only Rayanne we all know.

Anonymous said...

I love that the co-administrator is too chicken to post her identity. She just decides what she likes and refuses to reveal who is censoring us.

Rayanne said...

Just a quick short reply to the person who claims to have tested me. I was working all day with NO access to personal email, not to mention I handed over admin duties to someone else months ago.

You may be feeling "hoodwinked" because of your lack of understanding of the blog and who and how it is administered. Call me, I will gladly explain to you how it works, then you may not be so quick to make such bizarre comments.

Anonymous said...

Here is an article from the Aurora Beacon:

An Aurora East studet seriously injured in a gang related beating. Clayton stated that the child was an alternative school student that was not in school.

Yet another example of the inefectiveness of the Urban League. Sure glad we are giving them a million dollars.

Anonymous said...

9:23 says "Rayanne has no friends"

...absolutely NOT true!

People do not elect themselves onto a school board; their neighbors, co-workers, and FRIENDS have to vote their support. I am proud to call myself one of Rayanne's many, many friends!


Anonymous said...

But you aren't proud enough to identify yourself with your name.

Anonymous said...

I am,also, a supporter and friend of this blog and it's administrators. I recall Rayanne put her name on the blog and did not censor anything. Things were much more slanderous. People criticized the open commenting format. Now the co-admin proofreads and censors and allows freedom of comments with a few restrictions, no cuss words....,restrictions that do not take away from the ability to express an opinion. That person is now being criticized.

Some individuals do not want the blog to continue and will find fault whether the admin put their name out or not. Whether they censor or not. I feel the new admin approach is an improvement. It is the people who comment that should put a name to their comments. They have "made up BS and personal, unfounded, and untrue attacks on students, teachers and administrators." The blog is just a visual place for more people to see what is being heard elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

How can Jerome Roberts not be terminated. It is Jerome's job to oversee the district and every department within.

It's been made public that there are issues curriculum (according to Annette, Jeromes attention has been there) Technology, Buildings and Grounds, Secondary Education (Marin Gonzalez) Sports and other Extra Curricular, Finance, Test Scores, etc. etc. etc.

In addition you add keeping a controversial alternative school program because your landlord runs the program. Allegations of bullying and harassment by teachers against administrators. Bad press because your administration did nothing as a special education child was being bullied and sexually harassed. He did not terminate an administrator (Wilson Morales)who went off school grounds and fought a child because Wilson's wife is Jerome's secretary.

I don't understand how the board doesn't get rid of Roberts and while they are at it, they should get rid of his overpriced secretary and her child abusing husband.

Anonymous said...

You called someone chicken yet you didn't post your identity, loser.

Anonymous said...

Roberts has thrown everyone under the bus, not just his right hand man.

Anonymous said...

To: September 23, 2012 11:02 AM

I absolutely agree. The only common factor of all the failing departments in District 131 is that they are overseen by Jerome Roberts.

The board has an obligation to remove the supervisor who had the responsibility to make sure these programs were being managed correctly.

Jerome must go.

Anonymous said...

Roberts has put everyone under the bus. He tells everyone he fixed the finances. Yeah, he sure fixed them.
Fact is the employees are now going to pay double for their insurance. Last year we did not get notice until a few days before we had to switch plans. Nobody at Central Office understood the plan and emails and calls to Penny Halvax went unanswered. We now have United Healthcare and the first 6 months had been horrible. They did not even cover Rush Copley. Finally the problems got worked out, however the old claims still go unpaid. Nobody ever answers call in the business office to help us.
Now it is said Penny never paid for her own insurance, if so that she gave herself a unauthorized raise. The Board needs to call the States Attorney. Rumor is she fixed rates for other people and some paid very little.
It is great they fired Augustine but he is only part of the problem. The union better step in and protect us. Roberts needs to go the buck stops with him.

As for Johnson, when a complaint happens she always responds. So lets send our insurance complaints to her. Afterall she thinks United Healthcare is so great. Maybe she can collect our lost money. Yeah sureeeeee.

Anonymous said...

The bus driver is hollering "Throw them under Doc!" and he is calling back..."I am running out of people, Madam President!"

Anonymous said...

The only reason the test scores are on the rise is the Board only paid the administrators for the percent the scores went up. Widespread cheating went on. If they would have gone down the administrators would have been paid zero.

I got a idea let Johnson continue to run the District and donate Roberts Salary to the double digit insurance rates we are going to pay. She does his job anyway.

Johnson needs to manage the Urban League the same way. What are you doing about the kid that got his skull fractured.

Another solution would be to let Roberts move in with Johnson. Save the money at the Urban League and Lincoln Ave donate to the insurance fund. Johnson should not mind she has plenty of space. Afterall, she has no friends only a pit bull to fit her personality. Roberts is on a lease anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wilson beat up a kid. Penny ripped us off. Tell me how she can choose not to pay insurance when the rest of us do and nothing happens to her. Augustine knew this was going on forever. He also instructed her to toss all the receipts on the credit cards last month. Last week he was tossing papers like crazy. Time Madam President using her accounting skills to help the District out. Bet she does not run her business like the District.

Also, rumor is the BOE wants Roberts fired and she is protecting him because of her own ego. They need to stand up and have some balls.

Anonymous said...

Last week Wilson broke up a fight and twisted a kids arm by accident. Sure??? Must be nice for his wife to cover and lie for Roberts who never comes to work. Lisa and Wilson got free insurance also.

Speaking of free insurance Roberts Step Son Brandon Geiss who had a summer job at d131 is still on Roberts policy. His step son ran up big bills with major surgery two years in a row for his short lived football career. For those of us who got to know him he was as lazy as step dad and never finished college. It show step dad Jerome could not even educate his kid. Some example

Anonymous said...

Melody Roberts is another one who never got billed Cobra, nor did her son. Sounds like a big coverup and Penny will be made to take the fall.

Last month it was Charity, Deanne Adam secretary. Deanne was missing all week and her reports did not know her whereabouts. Adams cheated and had her purchase fresh flowers weekly for her office. When questioned she said it was Charities idea. Adams took Charity to visit Roberts and Roberts told her if you don't resign I am contacting our lawyers. Charity had no union rep.

Some of us get it the Board needs to clean up. They need start at the top

Anonymous said...

It is now law I believe that children of people on an insurance plan stays there until they are 25 and if Roberts had him on his plan and he isn't 25 then they pay for it.

Adams is a joke check credit cards statements she paid her personal cell phone bill with the districts credit card. As far as the flowers until the BOE has a policy about use of credit cards and have them sign a statement about usage like all other districts have been doing since the law came into effect in 2009 these things will happen. Don't the secretaries belong to a union and if they do no matter what happens a union rep needs to be with the person the Superintendent is talking too. Can anyone say lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

They are on the plan (if they choose) until their 26th birthday.

Anonymous said...

Roberts needs to go. Why is he even superintendant? Johnson runs the whole show.

Anonymous said...

just saw this posted by Clayton Muhammad

it would appear the district has ENDLESS funds.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize the BOE was responsible for the rise in test scores!! Give credit where credit is the teachers who worked their tails off to teach the kids and to the KIDS who busted theirs to learn and where the ones who DID WELL!!!

Anonymous said...

You do if you want to sound intelligent!!!

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