Wednesday, July 18, 2012

District 131 in the larger community

As we prepare for a new school year, it's good to remind ourselves that our district is part of a city, county, state, and country. Like a ripple in a pond, our students' and staff's decisions and behavior can have a wide-ranging effect. Just something to think about...


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Anonymous said...

It's sounds like all are doing something positive how many times does the blog say the administrators , teachers or board should be fired Congradulations to all.

Anonymous said...

The board member that everyone needs to watch is Leonard. He wants his friend Marty Feltes in the job Dave Finaly has. Finaly is a great guy and really knows engineering. He has improved the maintenance department an is a big big improvement over Nestor. Leonard wants Marty Feltes in and will stop at nothing to get rid of Scott and Dave.

The other rumor is Hull got his way and got Leadbetter out. Hull wanted his person in since last winter. Hull is also looking to get rid of the Jefferies. My prediction Jefferies will not last another season.

Johnson and Hull are big friends again they hung about at a lunch last week. So lookout Johnson always gets her way and although she may not be directly involved she knows how to keep the board happy. That is why they always vote with her.

On another note
Stella is already at the High School demanding schedule changes for her granddaughter. Lewis, Hull , Cervantes and Theodia Gillespie already have the new Dr Warren advising them on curriculum. Must be great to be in such high places.

Anonymous said...

The end to the serial bully era is over Marin Gonzalez finally resigned making it official. Central Office news is the best she could get was Middle School Principal at a low income Chicago Public School.

Her side kick Wilson ended up as a coordinator of alternative studies in Glenbard.

Funny how d131 can give them top spots but all the other public schools in the country can't even hire them for low level administrator jobs.

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:36 PM

Remember Marin and Wilson were both teachers before they became administrators. By the way what is a low level adminstrator?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it isn't "buried" anywhere and if you found it isn't it already public? You are really stupid. That is why this blog is so stupid, you think there are big coverups all over the place. "They" are hiding it from us when the reality is that most of the information is right out in the open.

Anonymous said...

To:August 19, 2012 1:58 PM

Here's a link to Indian Prairie's public report of ISAT scores for that district:

District 131 could have made the ISAT information public months ago as District 204 did. Instead, the district has buried this information for months and is only beginning the process of making it public now. I'm sure it won't be released publicly until after the teacher negotiations are done.

It will be interesting to see how the district will try to screw the teachers when they release the new version of the the teachers contract. We should find out by next week.

Despite food prices expected to jump 6%-8% (because of the drought) and gas prices jumping far more than that, I'm expecting them to offer maybe 1%-2%. Far below what the administrators will be receiving. It's too bad the teachers union is so pathetic. I'm sure they wouldn't be among the lowest paid teachers in the Six County Chicago Area if they had a competent teachers union.

Anonymous said...

The teachers of 131are not the lowest paid they are in the top 25% according to the Suntimes. As far as food prices and gas how about the the children you teach who parents lack a education and after they drop out or go through the system do not have an education. They will be hit much harder. You have nerve to ask for a raise when you are still the bottom 5%. And you still are maybe that is why they don't publish the scores.

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher with 131 and I am just so tired of people complaining about what we are being paid to "babysit" some of your children. Yes there are teachers who are really are in it just to earn the dollar but most of us really do care about your child's education. As for those parents who have chosen to not finish school and have children who are following in their footsteps (and you know who you are) you cannot put that blame on teacher salary. Also remember there are teachers who are out there who don't have jobs. Teaching is not an easy task but a gift and instead of being critical try coming to the school's annual educator day to walk in the shoes of many dedicated individuals who work with everybody's child for a day. Whether we are in the top 25% pay scale or not really does not matter. Teaching is a gift for only a few so cut us some slack when you make comments about teacher salary. As to test scores; those are just things the state uses to make it sound like a teacher is Not doing their job which is so far from the truth. There are children who do poorly on state tests (not good test takers) but do very well in the classroom. Please don't make us all sound like bad teachers because again your child (if you have a student in the district) has chosen not to learn.

Anonymous said...

8/18/, 4:36- where are you living? that is the exact job she had in d131. Low income middle and high school.

Anonymous said...

I said that District 131 teachers are amongst the lowest paid teachers in the Sic County Area, which is true. I did not say in the State of Illinois. The simple fact is that the cost of living is far higher in the Six County Area than it is downstate. This is a much more accurate way to judge salaries.

Total ISAT scores for district 131 are low compared to schools in more affluent areas but not compared to other low income, minority students. When you compare apples to apples, you will find that East Aurora Teachers are doing a phenomenal job with the students.

It's interesting that the district has never publicly released that the District ISAT scres are in the bottom five percent of the state but it is repeated here over and over as a means to screw the teachers. It's the same crap I've heard Annette Johnson spouting repeatedly in meeting after meeting.

Anonymous said...

The low scores are directly related to the fact that for the majority of our students English is not the primary language and because many of them have had such transitional lives they are not very strong in Spanish, either. You go and try to take your ISAT's in Spanish and let's see how well you do. Quit blaming the teachers and try to be a support system; try a bit of positivity instead of sitting on the sidelines complaining.

Anonymous said...

I attend meeting and it is apparent you do not. I have heard Johnson for the entire month of July and August in her Board bits give a shout out to the teachers. The Board Bits get sent by Clayton so what are they trying to hide. I have not seen any reporters at the meeting so I guess that is Clayton's and Johnson fault too.

Stop complaining and check your facts.

Anonymous said...

Roberts has also made it very public and I have read the same thing in board bits. You are not a teacher because you would have heard Roberts talking about it at many teacher events this summer or you are one of them that gives us all a bad name and does not attend numerous professional development opportunities around the district. This is a much improved district and we do face challenges stop bring us down.

Anonymous said...

Johnson has one face for the voting public and another for those she feel are her underlings within the district.

Be aware all you read may not be from the public in general, but rather those in authority within the district to make teachers think parents are not in support of their contract requests. Do not be fooled. Your community supports you.

Remind the parents and those within your ranks, that come election time, 4 board members from ward one have not been employee friendly towards your needs.

Anonymous said...

Central office news is that her highness, Annette Johnson was escorted out of the building by police after demanding to speak with Dr. Roberts (who was in a meeting).

What an excellent display of professionalism Madam President.

Anonymous said...

Cam Leadbetter had to have been fired because he was having an affair with a teacher (also a coach) who reported to him. He was responsible for her performance evaluations. I mean come on people, he hasn't had the nerve to make any tough decisions since he's been at East. Example after example can be provided. Hopefully they get a great AD who truly stands up for what is right for our kids...

Anonymous said...

The 5 spots for the Board will all be controlled the same way it was last time. They will be the American sounding names. let us not forget the Mess withMary Fultz

Anonymous said...

I believe every staff member is doing all they can to teach our kids. No one wants to be at the bottom. Every staff member, administrator and parents need to be involved!

Anonymous said...

What is Cam Leadbetters job title? It looks like he is a assistant principle so what decisions does he make?

Didn't something like you said about Johnson being taken out happen awhile ago? At that time the police would not do anything since it was between her and Roberts and he would have to file charges for them to do something.

Anonymous said...

Aug 20 8:42 p.m. What are you referring to? When did this supposedly happen?

Anonymous said...

But WE knew this more than a week ago.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are so happy that the blog spread roomers about Cam stealing money and cheating on his wife. Ohhhhh the blog scooped the Beacon with lies and half truths. Good job morons.

Anonymous said...

The secretary in the business office made up the entire story about them and has not been heard from since the credit card scam hit. Rumor is she tossed receipts.

Anonymous said...

Funny how nobody mentions the d129 band director and the fact that Rydland covered up that is a factual story this blog is a lie and destroys good people . Who in there right mind would ever run for the Board or work in this district with a blog like this,. I give everyone credit.

Anonymous said...

Leonard was over at Dietrich today making up false stories and bad mouthing the maintenance department. He is trying to get his friend Marty Feltes in and get Dave Finnely fired.
Feltes is a loser who has been getting contracts from the district since Leondard has been on the Board. Scott Sweigart has busted his butt and rumor is Leonard is after him as well. I sure he has someone in mind for Scott's job as well.

Anonymous said...

Clayton is a liar

Anonymous said...

To: August 21, 2012 7:38 PM

The Beacon article did nothing to disprove what has been stated here. They would only confirm that he had to step down from his position.

My concern is having Nathan Parry taking over the position. He was the Assistant AD two school years ago (and less than stellar doing the job). Last year, he missed the entire school year with some sort of desease that had him up at the Mayo Clinic. I'm sure the school district wants to portray some sort of continuity but there really is none.

There are also rumors that the East High Sports Boosters have been disbanded. Does anybody know who made that decision?

Anonymous said...

Good luck East Aurora Athletics.

Anonymous said...

What ever was said about teachers salary I think they should get paid more to put up with the stuff kids put them thru. And I agree it's the student that choose not to learn but because they learn at home their parents don't care and use it as an excuse to drop out. My kids attend district 131 IM on top of my kids education 100% and r in honor roll. So, yes it's the students then the parents fault. I had a choice my parents worked all day everyday. I decided my life and how much I wanted to take advantage. That's why I blame the kids before the parents. on District 131 in the larger community

Anonymous said...

Blame the blog, blame the kids, blame the teachers....long ago I learned when you point a finger, 3 fingers are pointing back at you.

I am greatful for those people, such as Cam that have been there for our children. I am happy we have had wonderful individuals taking care of our buildings and setting up for our events.

I am sad to hear possibly the board again may be using it's power for personal agendas.

Anonymous said...

Actually the Beacon article did do something to disprove the stupidity here. Typically if you are stealing money from a school district they don't let you stay as a teacher.

And his relationship with his wife is none of your damn business.

Anonymous said...

Running for the board is a political job and if you can't take the heat don't run. What makes anyone think that things aren't going to be said about how things are ran. I would think it wouldn't be much harder to get someone to run with Johnson on the board it is her way or the highway and if she doesn't get what she wants she will bad mouth the person.

Anonymous said...

Just watching the news this morning and channel 2 is exposing the West Aurora Administration for not protecting the children at 10pm tonight they had a picture of the janitor who came forward.


Anonymous said...

The band boosters are in full swing and Cam is doing fine he is glad to be a coach again. It is a relief for his family.
Let's leave him alone. Please a family member.

Anonymous said...

"And his relationship with his wife is none of your damn business. "

AMEN! Agreed!!

Anonymous said...

To: August 22, 2012 7:29 AM

I agree with you to a point. When you are caught stealing money, a school district does not typically let you stay on as a teacher.

Unfortunately, District 131 is not the typical school district.

Anonymous said...

His family? Which family since he cheated on his wife while her and their girls worked in concessions. You're obviously not a family member.

Anonymous said...

Id that janitor was that worried about what happened and the district did not do anything it was his responsibility for contact the States Attorney.

Anonymous said...

Watch the 10pm news on CBS East looks great compared to West Aurora

Anonymous said...

7:44 a.m., I think you mean sports boosters, not band boosters.

And about the alleged infidelity--I do agree that it is no one's business but the people involved. As someone who's been married +30 years, I can tell you that different couples have different boundaries & expectations when it comes to fidelity. What may be considered cheating to some may not be to others (example: flirtation). And as long as no students are involved, it is not illegal. Unprofessional, perhaps--but none of my concern.

Anonymous said...

The Sports Boosters went down hill last year because of themselves there are only 4 members. Nobody new can join they run them all off. Now that Cams family is not involved they have only Henry Cowherd at hateful old man and Pinky Zepeda who is the main problem that organization is falling apart. Dennis Shambin is the only hard worker out of the bunch.

Anonymous said...

Hull is the person behind Cam getting chased away. I attended a meeting the other day and Kurt Becker was there for his new youth football program. Lewis remarked how great the team was doing and Johnson made some comment that they were going to win. Hull jumps in and yells out he would pay for dinner for everyone if East could get within 20 points of West. That comment was in poor taste.

Anonymous said...

9:22 am as a school employee, he is by law a mandatory reporter and required to report it TO DCFS. Reporting it to your boss does not relieve you of that responsibility. When the teacher caught Orland, she reported it to administration AND DCFS. So basically, the janitor needs to decide which he prefers. That his memory has changed and he's added details since he reported it back then (as the administration maintains), OR that he is subject to prosecution for failing to report the situation to DCFS.

Anonymous said...

Don't think they'd be divorcing for flirting, come on really. Adultery is illegal

Anonymous said...

That is why Rydland is paid $320,000 per year to protect the students. Bridges should also be removed from his job at Naperville the are both losers. If Roberts did that you would be all over him.

I work in d131 and I have friends that teach in d129 this teacher was much loved by the administration they looked the other way. They all need to resign

Anonymous said...

You are right, Cam's relationship with his wife is none of our business, but it is the tax-payers business that he was having an affair with an employee that reported to him. HIGHLY UNETHICAL.

Also-Kurt Becker literally yelled a comment out at the last BOE meeting. How unprofessional is that? The more he's been in public the more I'm realizing how uneducated and unprofessional he acts. Ughh, another WONDERFUL hire (not).

Anonymous said...

I read in the Beacon that Cam Leadbetter resigned and he confirmed that. What did Hull do that caused him to resign. Adults are responsible for their actions. Stop blaming everyone except Mr. Leadbetter for whatever took place.

Anonymous said...

Since when is adultery is illegal?
It might be morally wrong but we have no laws that make it illegal because if it was the jails would be full. There are other country and cultures that have that but no the US.

Anonymous said...

I hope Hull has to pay for everyone else to eat his words! :)

Anonymous said...

It was NOT Leadbetter's choice to resign.

Anonymous said...

Not always do people do as they want, but rather as they are forced to do. I have seen on more than one ocassion where teachers and admin, alike, have moved to new positions or "retired" to avoid the district pursuing slanderous disciplinary action. Again, it is very difficult to prove innocence in a witch hunt.

Anonymous said...

Hull went to west high what do you expect from him. I was at the meeting and Anita lewis said that she was Packer fan and was disappointed when and ex chicago bear was hired. I assume they both have not adjusted to the losing tradition at. Doesn't coach becker live in Yorkville

Anonymous said...

Very well said 4:07p.m.

Anonymous said...

Whose choice was it.

Anonymous said...

I think Coach Becker is aware of the monumental job he has in front of him and is fully committed to the students and the football program at all levels. They really need the support of the community, parents, sports boosters and alumni.

United we stand, divided we fall. Go Tomcats!

Anonymous said...

Cam wants everything to die down and just let him teach. He said it was a blessing . He will also coach boys football which he is looking forward to. Leave him alone

Anonymous said...

Rydland looked horrible why was he taking off his mic. Dan bridges also looked badly too. I heard there is a group of parents filing a lawsuit. I can only imagine what all of you would be saying if it had been our Superintenent. WOW

Anonymous said...

Ignore the naysayer. Go Tomcats & go Coach Leadbetter & Coach Becker!

Anonymous said...

Adultery is a misdemeanor as well as Carrie can sue Rachel for alienation of affection for breaking up her family

Anonymous said...

Like a wise person once told me
Take care of your man or someone else will.

Anonymous said...

Hull had Cam fired and Leonard is getting Scott and Dave Finnaly fired for his friend Marty Feltes. Marty is now getting plumbing work from from district under the name Zacosek Plumbing and it is rumored will be in line for Scotts job.

Hull will get his buddy from East St Louis to become AD.

Funny how that works.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the adultery thing or even Cam having an affair. He had sex with an employee that reported to him. THAT'S THE ISSUE. THAT'S WHAT'S UNETHICAL.

Kind of the same thing as Dr. Roberts renting a house from Theodia Gillespie. Who knows if he even has to pay rent, since the UL gets HUGE kickbacks from the district (D131 is footing the bill to keep that terrible place open). The district just signed a HUGE contract with the Urban League and Hull even asked who was going to handle communication with the UL (since the contact stated the Superintendent would be doing that).

At least it will be convenient for Jerome to call over the Theodia to check on students to ensure they're getting the services they are required to have (which by the way, they haven't been getting) and report that his hot water heater isn't working at the same time. How convenient for him.

Anonymous said...

Believe she did take care of him since she was always at school. But blame the wife, not the woman that can't get a single man.

Anonymous said...

After the fiasco and childish behavior of both Annette Johnson and Mr. Hull they should both have the decency to resign their posts immediately!!!! How they can expext our students to show each other respect and act like that is reprehensible. We teach our kids to act better. Resign now you are only making our district look as stupid as your behavior. We are better than this.

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