Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ingredients for success

Wouldn't it be nice if there were an easy fix for all the challenges we face in life (or for that matter, in a school district)--like a magic spice that would make everything in a soup or salad taste delicious, even if some important ingredients were missing or stale? Unfortunately, even the best chef can only create a quality product from quality ingredients. What are some of the necessary "ingredients" for a successful school district and community?


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A, Sweigart said...

I think most of you people have turned this from a discussion on ingredients for success to a point fingures on why things are bad in the community. Not only has this gone from a positive to a negative discussion but you are just throwing out accusations and do not know what you are saying!! I really hope who ever you are slandering the B&G supervisors realizes the stupidity in what you are doing.It is called slander.What I find even more funny is you are so strong in your feelings but not strong enough to put your name behind your mouth! I am not ashamed of who I am. I am Scott's oldest daughter and let me let you on a little secret.... my dad is on salary which means all those hours he is working to make a better school for you is time away from his kids and grandkids for no extra money. Look at his hours he never leaves at 3:30 and he is always in the building before the sun comes up. None of us kids had anything given to us. We were expected to get jobs by the age of 16 and learn the value of a dollar. There are 6 kids in our family and while some of us went on past high school we all got scholarships or took out loans! PS NONE OF US WENT TO NORTE DAM YOU IDIOT DO YOUR HOMEWORK! 25years my dad has busted his butt for your school...he is fair to his employees and greatly respected by all.Otherwise how did a B&G person receive Dist 131 educator of the year last year? He is not walking around with a personal IPAD in fact he doesnt probably know what one is. He drives a used pick up truck my mom drives a used mini van. And the fact that one of my sisters works for the summer crew shows your ignorance because have you seen what she comes to work in? If Scott has a boat then he must be hiding it from everyone but you because none of us have been on it. FYI if he goes out to lunch with vendors who cares? After 25 years at the district I would only assume you make attachments with some the people you see on a daily basis. I am getting married in 3 weeks (by the way I am paying for my own wedding ) and I have invited some of the janitors that I have known since I was 4...I really hope that is ok with you because I have grown attachments with some of those guys not only because of my dad but also because I worked at the high school in early 2000's and kept in contact. You think that means kickbacks just because there is an ongoing business relasonship? HMMMM well I own a bar and my vendors and I talk and hang out but that does not mean I am getting a special on Miller or Bud products. I pay the same as the bar down the street. I can not defend the others because I do not know their personal business, however, I really think you need do your homework before you just run at your mouth. Again, the original question was ingredients for success and somehow it seems every one just wanted to sit point blame and talk shit. Feel free to grow a pair and show me proof otherwise keep your mouth shut. Cause if my dad was doing anything unethical I will turn him in myself. Since he hasnt been arrested or fired I can only assume maybe you are an employee of the district looking to move up but since you lack the ability on your own you are hoping by running your mouth it may help you. Hsve a nice day and talk about somehting that may benefit the kids of the school not your career

Anonymous said...

"If you worked here or was on the Board four years ago then you did not deserve credit"

You make this comment after saying "teachers, admin's, superintendent and Board deserve credit" Most of them were there 4 years ago! How moronic! I am not name calling, just saying you comments don't make sense.

Anonymous said...

The comments about the maintenance supervisors must have been written by a family member. If you look back on list of bills there are numerous trips outside the building chasing maintenance people around to get parts yet many parts are getting ordered. It shows Scott and company do not know what they are doing id they cant get the workers scheduled and with the right parts. They deserve to get fired.
One residents opinion

Anonymous said...

Feltes is a plant from Weisner. Johnson has no idea how much Weisner and his girl TG are manipulating her. Watch out Annette.

Anonymous said...

No one in this district should talk about anyone else. This board has a long way to go to look into misuse of money and Cervantes is out of line with letting employees talk to him before going the chain of command if they didn't. This board breaks the rules all the time they let family members go with employees on trips with is against the Il School Code. How about that nice dinner they gave to Wells when they went to the Title 1 conference a couple of years ago and bought alcoholic beverages which is against the code also.

Anonymous said...

Unless Feltes has a Business Degree he cant be hired get your facts straight this person will be hired to put in a new Business System, Purchasing System, and Inventory System and control spending. It is another lie on the blog. Get your facts straight.

Stop running Feltes in the Ground he does not even work for the District.

Anonymous said...

Feltes is a friend of Dick Leonards and Leonard is using his position to get his friends jobs. Hulls son is working summer help to. Rumor is Stella's daughter is getting rehired as well. Nacho works at Krug but is paid by CIS Its funny how the do nothing Board gets all kind of favors. I heard Johnson is taking care of Kurt Becker as well and Clayton is doing Chris Walk stuff for Lewis. That is why Johnson runs everything because the Board members are all under her thumb since her good buddy Doc grants favors from his do nothing office. But after all look what he did for Wilson

Anonymous said...

So if ingredients is what the topic is about and we want to keep on topic with no negativity then let's talk about it. One ingredient that needs to be part of this recipe is top-notch teachers. To continue the upswing in scores we need to make sure that we are compensating/ rewarding the professionals we have. If the district continues to pay the teachers 10K to 15K less than neighboring districts we will continue to not have the best and brightest. Otherwise we will continue to lose the best to other districts that pay their teachers as professionals. This ingredient is much needed in making our district the best it can be. But just like fine dining you get what you pay for.

Anonymous said...

I looked at the list of bills you where talking about with the listing for Menards and it looks like they are doing a project. You grunts out there shouldn't have to tell the board about it because they are suppose to be looking at what the employees of this district was spending so since they approved the list of bills it means all is good with it. You should not have to talk to any board member about how money is spent in the list of bill since they are suppose to be looking at them and since they approved all of them there is nothing to tell. Just like someone said before this district likes to spend money on food and even the board has a charge for food under there account.

I think someone in administration or the board doesn't like other things that are being said about them so they are going to attack other people. Remember if this is going on and I'm not saying it is the Superintendent and the Board are as much to blame because they are suppose to be watching the money and if they try to fire anyone there is enough blame to go around for them to be let go too.

Anonymous said...

In looking at the list of bills in the board book it does show a bill from Mernards with amounts and not what was bought so you would have to be someone that works for the district to suggest what was bought and what was stolen July 11, 2012 10:03 PM.

Also there is nothing unethical about employees going out with vendor for lunch as long as it doesn't exceed a certain amount and if anyone in administration or the board read the ethics law they would know that. When the all go to that Title One Conference in Chicago in November they all get free lunches and dinners from vendors so if the maintenance people are breaking the law so is administration and the board.

Anonymous said...

Your dad busted his butt really he is getting paid my husband will take a salary cut busting his butt for the district. Ass far as the trips to Menards the district right your father should be fired for aloowing people to abuse it that is what he was paid to do WATCH. Of course you can see just by looking at him he sleeps all day behind closed doors

And why do any of you family members work for the district besides your father shows what a crook he is. Patronage

Anonymous said...

Why do you people just pick on one person when there are so many employees in the district that really does abuse it. Many have family working in the district. How about all the Sanchez's, Ramirez's and Rivera's. By the way from the list of bills it looks like someone did that all on the same day so you are just trying to stir up trouble for someone else. Also, with places like Menard's they are suppose to watch the purchase for misuse. This district is not going to do anything because these maintenance people have done nothing wrong and if they decide too maybe someone will go to the State's Attorney about how the administration is allowing family members to go with them to conferences and the family member not paying their way like the law says. You also have the worst language skill of all the writers on this blog. You are someone close to this who wants to make trouble and is a very sad person and there are a few like that in administration and the board.

Anonymous said...

You can the State all you want I would like to see that then they can all get fired. Seems like you are really worried afraid daddy is getting fired

Anonymous said...

A. Sweigart is not making those statements it is someone who has proof of what has been said. The proof is in the pudding lets see if any of what you are saying is true about the maintenance workers. Just because those purchase are on the list of bills you will have to prove that this wasn't a project that was approved by the board or that they made purchases for themselves. So many of our schools need work and since it doesn't say what they bought just the amount you have the burden of proof. Also the fiance committee should of seen these purchases and if they thought something was wrong should of made the Superintendent aware of this so he could look into it.

Anonymous said...

If the Board does not look into it I am going to the Beacon News. I have receipts with items from Menards that are not used in the schools. See Frank and Roger are so sloppy they just throw paperwork around. The Superintendent is a lazy N and does not care. Madam Prez protects him so I heard but she is a Accountant and I am sure her ego will not let it go. Will see because my comments to the Beacon are she would not run her business that way.

Anonymous said...

Ok I double dare you to go to the Beacon with the receipts.

Anonymous said...

I really am surprised by some of the reductionist thinking that goes on about education in this district. Some of you never tire of citing that District 131 scores in the lowest 5% in the state- ergo we are a poor district and must attract some of the worst teachers the state can offer. In fact we have low scores because the majority of our students are Hispanic; they have low skills in both Spanish and English, and are taking an outdated, racist, Euro-centric test that they have no chance of passing with high marks. Secondly, In a poor district such as ours, there are social and economic problems that must be addressed before our children can be successful in an educational environment. Third, I have two higher level degrees from Ivy League schools and numerous awards and choose to teach in this district because I believe that poor kids deserve good teachers too. Yes I could make more money elsewhere- but cluephone buddy-- I care about these kids-- The problems we are dealing with are remnants from the ill-conceived and implemented No Child Left Behind Legislation- where all schools - wealthy, affluent, and poor gang infested districts are held to the same standards. Fair? No. Helpful to Students? No. But a whipping post for politicos? You got it.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous 9:09 a.m.

Please don't use the N (word or letter) when referring to anyone and I am hoping you are not a racist.

Anonymous said...

Good statement July 14, 2012 6:37 PM but we still should try to make the students strive for a good education where poor or rich having learning differences we need to teach them the basics and then strive for them to be better.

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2012 8:41 PM -I felt putting the 'N' in reference to anyone, makes worthless any comments that person had, who made the reference.

Anonymous said...

I have to say Jerome is lazy and not bright because its not because he black. He always looks as if he is sleeping.

Also Nestor is to blame with maintenance not anyone else and they promoted him

Anonymous said...

Agenda for tomorrow's meeting under Finance-Personnel Minutes of 7-10 says: "17. Motion to Approve the Resolution Agreement between Elena Salazar and the Board of Education of East Aurora School District 131 in the amount of $5000" Anyone know who Elena Salazar is and why the district is payng her $5000?

Anonymous said...

Maintenance worker the old boys club of Nestor n Scott n roger discriminated against

Anonymous said...

This was on the ABC news web site today:

"According to the Chicago Tribune, the independent fact finder is expected to recommend that teachers salaries should be increased, 15-20 percent in the contract's first year based largely on the longer school day that begins in the fall. The increase would include hikes for experience and pursuing graduate degrees, compensation that CPS has tried to eliminate. That is far from what CPS has been offering, which has been a 2-percent raise."

Since all these school districts are doing this at the same time, you know the directives are coming from the State.

The independent arbiter is taking the teachers side on this (Which is incredible considering they are being paid by the State). If the State/District wants teachers to work longer hours, they need to compensate them fairly.

District 131 and our union should take notes. If the teachers in District 131 want a fair wage, they need to stand up and demand it.

Anonymous said...

10:08 a.m. - what you failed to also add is that that means increased classroom sizes and less teachers. Longer hours/larger classroom sizes/less teachers -- you know the teacher's won't approve that.

Anonymous said...

July 16, 2012 10:08 AM -AMEN!

As a parent in this district, I hope the 131 teachers union members stand up for what they truly deserve: A fair wage with working conditons conducive to a healthy working environment for teaching the students to best of everyones ability.

Anonymous said...

July 16, 2012 12:56 PM

The root cause of all this is that the State wants teachers to work 25% longer hours for no real pay increase. This is something no other employer (or individual) would expect to do to their employees.

Try calling a plumber or electrician and tell them that they have to work ten hours at your place but you will only pay them for seven and a half hours. See what response you will receive.

Or better yet, tell the State to try this with road construction. Road construction companies like Walker will receive the same amount of money they received last year but will have to lay 25% more road for it.

It's very simple. The district has shown that they can afford a cost of living increase for teachers. Now, whatever percentage of increased hours they want from the teachers need to compensated at the same percentage. If the district expects 20% more hours of work, they need to pay 20% more salary on top of the cost of living increase.

If they don't have the funds to compensate their employees, they have no business asking for more services.

Anonymous said...

Bottom 5% in the State. Time for the Board to start cleaning house beginning with Jerome Roberts. How can the Board of Education continue to keep this guy at the wheel when there has been no marked improvement in the district under is tenure? I am beginning to think there is something going on between him and somebody on the Board. There has to be if they continue to renew his contract.

Anonymous said...

How about all the workers over the summer (which I understand are not teachers, but are D131 employees) that work less than 40 hours yet get a 40 hr. week paycheck. this also happens spring break and christmas break.

Anonymous said...

New administrators in our district:


Anonymous said...

Where are the new administrators at Simmons Middle School? If any school in the world needed new leadership, it's Simmons.

We thought it was bad when students at Simmons were being bullied and beaten up daily as the administrators stood by and did nothing but this spring took lapses in judgement to a whole new level with Wilson Morales going off campus to beat a child personally.

It's very simple. Any board and administration who sit back and do nothing as a buildings leadership behaves this way have absolutely no credibility themselves.

Who could follow any leadership who allows this type of behavior from building administrators?

Anonymous said...

@8:21PM thanks for the article...very interesting.
Director of Secondary Programs, isn't that what Marin did as an assistant superintendent? I think it's odd to have a director of secondary programs and an assistsnt superintendent of elementary programs. Shouldn't those two positions be at the same level?
What will happen with the bilingual program if Beatrice is not there to make sure all the changes she made are implemented with fidelity? I haven't seen a posting for a bilingual director. Are they just planning on leaving the assistant director or promoting her? If that is the case, we can count on all the progress Beatrice made with the program to down the drain. Diana is not well liked among teachers, this will surely impact how the new changes are implemented. Hopefully, Diana will work on her people skills before the school year starts and will stop treating teachers and adults like children.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that also July 17, 2012 4:56 PM about the Service Center closing early in the summer when I stopped by there for something and there was a note that said closed early. If you look at the payroll in the board packet it stays the same in the summer and I don't believe these people are using vacation time. That is stealing from the taxpayers and the board knows they do this so they are stealers also.
Our company used to let us go early on the day before holidays and we put in a code but the government put a stop to it because when they did an audit the company was told it was stealing from the stock holders. If the board turns there head on this what else to they overlook.

Anonymous said...

I don't read here too often, but I saw a comment "Funny how the scores have gone up 3 years in a row under the current board but the blog master and her cronies. Saw zero growth."

I am not sure what the cronie thing is all about but most folks will tell you when new progams are implemented, it takes a few years to actually see the results. So if there were results in 2009-11, it was a result of what was done in 2006-08.

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