Friday, September 23, 2011

Money makes the world go round...

...or at least it can seem that way! Whether it's fund-raising, petty cash, legal bills, referendums, pensions, fees, or taxes--money is a hot topic right now. Are we spending our money wisely? Are we getting maximum "bang for our buck"? And if not, what can we do differently?


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Anonymous said...

!!!!! SIMMONS SUCKS !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's be clear, the powers that be don't want excellence in education. They don't want the masses doing higher level thinking. They want people who are trained just enough to be a workforce who can do their job and not question authority.

That is why the state tests all focus on "minimum standards" and anyone who teaches anything that's not on the test (like higher order thinking skills) is attacked and threatened with termination.

And wouldn't you know it, every company who has the correct materials and textbooks is politically connected.

NCLB has been one of the biggest scams pulled over the American People. The government has taken control of your school buildings, dictated what we teach, dictated the textbooks we use and has done it without raising funding one penny. For the first time in our history, local communities have no control over what is taught to their children and their students.

Anonymous said...

11:21 This is from an objective observer who works in another school district, is not a member of the school board, has not previously commented on this discussion, and had 3 kids go thru D131 (who are all doing quite well now): All your actual points are excellent, but you undercut your credibility when you make unnecessary snarky and insulting commments. To use your own words, I have learned to accept it without being an ass. Why don't you try it?

Anonymous said...

Well Obama is changing NCLB now so lets see how well this district can educate our students and the parents of this district need to make their children want to learn.

Anonymous said...

Don't put too much faith in Obama. In many ways, he is a republican with a democratic name tag on. He protects corporate interests almost as much as the republicans do.

Anonymous said...

Obama a republican? Try socialist.... the democratic party of my grandparents' era is gone. The democratic party is becoming very socialist. Obama is definitely a democrat.

Anonymous said...

Obama has continued tax breaks for the rich. Obama has continued corporate welfare. Obama bailed out the banks. Obama has refused to prosecute those in the banking industry who commited fraud and nearly bankrupted this country. There have been no new regulations enacted regarding the financial institutions, they are still unregulated. Obama has given the republicans everything they have demanded.

NO I can not say that Obama has acted like a Democrat or as a socialist. The closest Obama has come has been with healthcare reform and even that hasn't been socialized. Socialized medicine would provide free healthcare to those who need it. Obama's health Care reform only forces everyone to pay for healthcare. His plan makes more money for the insurance industry.

Anonymous said...

October 9 @9:23, you got slammed, Ouch!!!

Anonymous said...

The minutes for the September 6th School Board meeting, including the Public Hearing on the tentative budget, are now posted.

Under "Major Expense Changes", the Payroll/Benefits for 2011-12 is $9,037,176. Projected Payroll/Benefits for 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 averaged around $4,500,000 per year.

Why would this year's payroll and benefits be TWICE AS MUCH as any other year listed? That is indeed a "major expense change"!

Anonymous said...

I see that the Sept.19,2011 approved minutes are showing but the list of bills isn't.

Anonymous said...

Anyone see the band's last halftime show performance last night?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was there. The band did a grEAt job!

And not a moldy uniform in sight!


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