Sunday, October 24, 2010

For the stars hiding in the shadows

It has been requested of the district, at least a few times, to acknowledge those unsung heroes & those shining stars who hide in the shadow of others. There are many who want to place blame why we don't recognize all these folks. Instead, lets try to shout out praise to those students excelling even when no one is looking, those teachers/ staff who go above and beyond without incentive from pay or recognition from their superiors. Let's start early by giving thanks to those, you know, deserving of a story in the paper or a community award or honored as best example of all around great student.


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Anonymous said...

Yes, Rayanne, there are many such examples!

One who comes to mind for me is Kate Keilty at Simmons. Definitely someone who goes "above & beyond" for our kids, and isn't given near the recognition she deserves!

Anonymous said...

Also, Suzanne Allen at East High. If the district paid her what she's REALLY worth, she'd be getting more than the superintendent!

Anonymous said...

Copied from previous thread:

The soccer team became regional champs today but no coverage from Clayton. He is to busy speaking for Boatright who never lead East to a championship. It amazes a District that is 80% plus Hispanic gets ignored for the 5% of Afro American students. Why because Clayton is a bigot and a racist. He only uses the Hispanic kids in B2M to make himself not look like a racist. The same will go for Martinez just image. But when push comes to shove the Hispanic's can can win a Regional but Clayton gives no coverage. Just look at the last two weeks the loser football kid Robinson and Boatright.

Anonymous said...

I recall a teacher named Mr. Everson @ Waldo. Very strict, yet well liked and well respected.

Anonymous said...

Hey RayAnne, great idea for this new thread, an unsung hero award. Acknowledge teachers and staff who continually get results with little or no fanfare.

It's too bad you didn't give credit for the idea where it belongs. At Cowherd, we have been recognizing each other for years with:

The Unsung Hero—“Goes the Extra Mile”… who continually gets results with little or no fanfare

The Sparkplug—“Ignites and Energizes Individuals and Groups”
… who inspires others to take action for the betterment of students

The Champion of Achievement—“Academic or Behavioral Success”
…who, by their actions, has a positive influence on the academic and behavioral goals of CMS

The Dream Team – “Above and Beyond”
…who work together to help students succeed either in or out of the classroom

I know you are aware of these awards as I saw you sit through one of the Cowherd Cougar Excellence Assemblies last year. You met and shook the principals hand. It's too bad you didn't mention Crystal England's name as you made it sound like this award was your idea.

Sad and Disappointed said...

So a grand total of 2 positive posts before we had to turn negative. That may be a new record.

Not Surprised said...

Wow, three people in the district make a difference in the lives of students. I don't know what is sadder, the fact that there are only three teachers, or the fact that you only know three teachers.

Rayanne said...

I was not claiming originality here.
I have requested acknowledgements for others prior to the HR change at the service center when they started the big dinner & prizes awards. Not quite what I had in mind. But I definitely was VERY encouraged when I did indeed attend Cowherds awards. They nailed it! I had no idea how the district might give the acknowledgements when I had originally suggested it, I just knew we needed something in this district.

I had visited Cowherd and met Crystal England prior to the assembly. That is when she said she would send an invite. Admittedly, I could never have created what Ms. England and her staff have done. I only wish each of our schools, but especially the SCC could have given something more sincerely, to so many more who were so deserving over the years.

Unsung hero is a term older than I. My intent was not to plagerize-but if someone feels it necessary-
I will say Thank you Ms. England for your wonderful idea for awarding those who inspire!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This thread just came on here, so I am sure that there will be students, teachers and others that will be recognized.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to give a shout-out to an elementary band director, Ms. Amy Huggins. She is amazing! Not only does she do a terrific job with our beginning band students, but she also directs the district band camp in the summer (with all band musicians from 6th through 12th grades).

We are SO fortunate to have her in our district!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Bednar went above and beyond for 30+ years at East High, she's the most amazing teacher I've ever had. Mrs. Willis also cares deeply for the students, and does everything she can to make us better people. Let's not forget our math tutors, Mr. Schmidt and Skelley. They really care for the students, and do everything that they can to help us with math. Sometimes, they stay until 5 or 6 in the afternoon even if there's just one student there.

Anonymous said...

I second that for Bednar & Willis!
My children both had them and enjoyed there teaching.

Anonymous said...

And then there is Clayton with all that help just got around to putting a press release out for the Soccer team. You can bet if the loser Robinson kid or Boatright sneeze he is all over it.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Boyd was my 3rd grade teacher. 50 years ago she assisted in helping a new student who spoke only italian, in learning English by way of the limited Spanish she knew. She not only taught but inspired. What a wonderful lady she was.

Anonymous said...

Then there is Clayton no announce on the District website about the Boys Soccer. But still the write-up Boatright. It shows his racist attitude being the Soccer team is Hispanic. All that help no annoucement

Anonymous said...

So who's running for the School Board?

Anonymous said...

Nobody in their right minds would subject themselves to the constant attacks from this blog.

For sure none of the current members

Mauricio Palma said...

Ms. Pelkey, Mrs. Gutierrez-Valenzuela, and Mrs. Cipolla. They did a great job preparing us for high school. I haven't gone back to visit lately, but I will soon.

Anonymous said...

Just like any politician if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen. Hopefully there will be some that will want the best for the whole district and not just a few.

Anonymous said...

My children went to Gates a couple of years ago and had Ms. Bruno and great with the children. She took the time to listen to the children and understand their needs.

Anonymous said...

We elect people to serve us and just like most of the politicians that are running in all the positions get you to vote for them and then turn around and only take care of themselves and their pocketbooks.

As far as the school board since they change the way they elect new officers of the board hopefully the board president will change also since some on the board thought it was a good idea the have a new one each year.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Hardy at Dieterich School is another "unsung hero". First grade is an extremely important year for young children (it's when most learn to read, add and subtract, and write coherent sentences)--and thanks to Mrs. Hardy both of my kids got an excellent start!

Anonymous said...

3:25 and 8:34 p.m., you must have this confused with another blog. This one's mostly positive (at least the current topic & posts).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Better to talk about it than pretend it doesn't exist or never happened.

Unless, of course, you're one of those who wants to sweep the stuff under the rug.

In which case, it still stinks.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Sure great planning preschool was canceled after all the parents took the kids for bus pick-up. When I got home a message on my answering machine stated preschool was canceled by Dr Aird. I thought we had a Superintendent is he a no show being the Board allows him to live out of town. When I called the service center at 9:15am Lisa stated he is not in.

Anonymous said...

No announcement from Clayton and his Department of that help. I guess he was to busy planning B2M events and press conferences for Boatright.

Mauricio Palma said...

Come support the EA Jazz band at their 1st concert this Thursday! Concert starts at 7 in the Hawks Auditorium. Admission is only one dollar.

Anonymous said...

excuse me?
there is no reason at all to be bashing current students at the high school!

yes i understand boatright does recieve a lot of publicity but he has the talent to go along with it,plus the basketball team won regionals last year.

and i can't be any happier that the boys soccer team won regionals, now lets see how many of you bigots will actually go to the game thursday and support them!

all you people do it talk,how about some actions!

Anonymous said...

You must understand that a lot of these people really have no lives. So when they hear news that somebody younger than them is already more successful than them, they get pissed off and have to insult that person and try to bring them down.

Nobody on this blog actually ever does anything, and if they do try to do something they usually quit not to long after.

Anonymous said...

The Basketball team never won the Sectional in years even with Showboat. The Soccer team remains to be seen. The Football team is a joke. The Band is still can't play a note and the test scores rank the High-school as 505 out of 535 in Illinois so what does anyone have to be proud of.

And Simmons Sucks

Anonymous said...

You don't know very much. You are sheltered and have not gone out to anything. Never been to a football game, soccer game, basketball game, band concert. NOTHING. You sit in your house and do nothing. You are a waste of a person.

Anonymous said...

3:31 a.m., I feel sorry for you! You can't find even ONE positive thing to say about our district? Let me remind you about just a few GOOD things you chose not to mention:

--Our football and basketball players are learning sportsmanship and team spirit that will serve them well through adulthood. Whether they win or lose is of lesser importance.

--Our winning soccer team is indeed a source of pride for our district! Who knows, maybe one of these young men may represent the USA someday in the World Cup or Olympics.

--Our band students throughout the district are learning to play good music, and enjoying working together as a team. I was SO proud to see all our Band Camp kids (grade school through high school) marching in the 4th of July parade!!

--Yes, our test scores are low. BUT considering that so many of our kids are working with a language barrier it's understandable that this is the case. If I had to take tests in Spanish I'd score poorly, too. Meanwhile a lot of our kids are concentrating on learning skills in high school that will prepare them for actual jobs (instead of college). Who says everybody has to go to college to be a productive member of society?

But of course there will always be people (in ANY district) who choose to see only the negative. I feel sorry for anyone who has to live with those folks. How sad.

Anonymous said...

This could only be Johnson, Lewis or Clayton that would put this spin on the District

Anonymous said...

I don't expect our teams to win every game but I do expect them to be competitive. I did go to several of the football games this year and I only saw the Tomcats score one time in all of them. It was particularly embarrasing to see them lose to Matea. Matea only has juniors (no seniors) on their team and the Tomcats still couldn't score a point.

People don't have a problem with Boatright, they have a problem with the publicity whore (Clayton for those who are new). He has a long history of discriminatory behavior and when he only promotes Black Students and/or Boys II Men members, people get frustrated.

They are simply saying celebrate all the positives, not just Clayton's little click.

Anonymous said...

Actually the football team scored at least once in every home football game.

Here are the scores of all the home football games, off the Beacon Website

Metea vs East - 39 to 6
Streamwood vs East - 34 to 8
South Elgin vs East - 52 to 8
Bartlett vs East - 62 to 13

Just trying to point out the lenghts that liars will go to. You can't trust a single word on this stupid blog. East scored at least once in EVERY HOME GAME. Guess you were not watching the same game. I'm not saying that those scores are good or acceptable, they are terrible and the football team sucks, but you don't have to lie to make your point.

Anonymous said...

If you find these scores ok and you think the team is competitive you must be a Cubs fan.
I feel this team has become a joke and the young men are getting hurt because there is not enough interest in playing. We do not have enough boys to play offensive and defense. Most of the students are interested in Soccer and we are regional champs.
This blog is always looking at the negative many of our children are doing great things.
You are correct Clayton is a major problem. Boatright is a talented young man. The problem is he is so built up by Clayton a young mind is impressionable. Try talking with him he lacks total social skills and already thinks the world owes him a living. Now he is finding out when you compete on a national level other young men are just as good if not better. Clayton has done this boy no favors. He uses him to build the B2M image. We should feel sorry for Boatright he is ill equipped because of Clayton to make it in the real world.
The Board needs to look at the big picture of Clayton is he really best for the kids.

Anonymous said...

Everyone of those scores were in what coaches call the 5th quarter. That is after the game is over, the bottom of the bench is playing and everyone is just waiting for the clock to read 00:00.

As I said, the team has not scored but once during the game.

And your listing of the scores prove my point. East is not even remotely competitive when it comes to football.

Anonymous said...

Most of the scores were not after the game is over and if you actually learned how to read you would have seen:

"I'm not saying that those scores are good or acceptable, they are terrible and the football team sucks"

Most of those scores were actually in the 2nd or 3rd quarter.

So it is only a score if it happens in the 1st quarter. Again this blog is creating their own rules about what they think is acceptable and often it is at the expense of educators and students.

By posting the scores I proved your point. Your point was a lie, saying that they NEVER SCORED - according to my post, they did score.

Anonymous said...

When this district can boost about all our children making AYP then we can be really proud. Just because some students can play a sport well or be a great band means nothing if they do not learn what they need to know. Not to say that those who play sports or are in band or any other extra circular activity doesn't need to be noticed it means we need to get these students grades up.

As far as lies how about the board say that the city would always only charge us a dollar for the building the Magnet Program is in and that that program would not cost the district anything?

Anonymous said...

The City is to blame they had made a promise to the District but poor management by another democratic organization which includes all the alderman and Mayor have bankrupted the City. Just like the State is bankrupt and the Federal government. What do all these government agencies have in common they are run by democrats. So yes the Magnet school is another example of a promise former Board member Barario made and went back on it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, so how about all of those staff acknowledgments going on. Oh wait, you prefer to bash teachers that work with students.

Anonymous said...

The Board President said that The Mayor promised her that the rent would only be a $1 for the year not the others. She even stated that so don't blame the others and still the district said that the Magnet Program would not cost any money not the others.

Anonymous said...

You really think if the city was run by the Republicans you would be that for a dollar? Maybe some of those Democrats saw that the district was taking them for a ride and the lies they tell and made the pay their fare share. We do have three school districts in the city and now that money is getting tight why should they let a district that waste their money get a break while others are trying to make their districts better even in tough money times. How many districts do you see hiring someone to help the PR person before hiring a teacher for the students?

Anonymous said...

AURORA — The East Aurora School District is prepared to sign a lease for its magnet school at the Fred Rodgers Community Center, requiring the district to pay the same fees as every other tenant in the city-owned building.

Jay Augustine, East’s assistant superintendent of finance, informed aldermen on the Finance Committee of the district’s decision this week, bringing to an end a minor controversy about whom the city should support with free rent. The School District has not been paying for the space it uses at the site.

The city has been approaching new tenants for the Rodgers Center for about a year, offering spaces there to non-profits and community charities, like Triple Threat Mentoring and the Aurora YWCA.

The city does not plan to charge rent, but the new leases do require an annual maintenance fee of about $7.25 per square foot. According to Dan Barreiro, Aurora’s head of community services, the amount charged will bring in about $16,000 more per year.

The Magnet Academy takes up the entire fourth floor of the community center at Root Street and College Avenue, and serves about 200 middle school students each year. It was started in 2008, with an initial class of 50 students. And since its inception, the city has not charged East anything for the space.

The fourth floor was initially offered rent-free in 1998 to the Communities in Schools Academy. Communities in Schools was a joint venture between the East and West Aurora school districts, designed to help at-risk teens.

When the CIS Academy morphed into the Magnet Academy, the agreement for rent-free space remained in place.

Last month, Alderman Lynda Elmore questioned whether the city should subsidize one school district’s project over another’s, and suggested the Magnet Academy be treated like any other tenant in the Rodgers Community Center.

Augustine said the East Aurora School Board approved the new lease with little discussion. The lease runs through the end of August 2011.

Augustine said the board is considering how to move forward after that.

“It’s a great location, we like it, we have a good relationship with the city” he said. “But we are looking at options.”

Aldermen also got a look at a lease with a newly selected tenant, the YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago. The group, which is separate from the Aurora YWCA organization, would house its child care services in the Rodgers Center, serving families in Kane and DuPage counties.

The full City Council is expected to take a final vote on the two leases on Nov. 9.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to vote !!!!!

Rudy Reza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rudy, I would agree with you about "self-serving". But Mr. Muhammad is anything BUT lazy!!

The man works 18+ hours a day. He has an extremely strong work ethic. I am definitely uncomfortable with his admiration for (and emulation of) Louis Farrakhan--but let's give credit where credit is due and acknowledge Mr. Muhammad for pouring vast amounts of time and effort into our district.

BTW, is anyone familiar with the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin?

Anonymous said...

Clayton does work hard but it is for his benifit not for the districts.

Anonymous said...

Jazz band concert is tonight at EHS.

Good luck to Rudy, Mauricio, Jakub, and the rest of our JazzCats.

Come hear & support our hard-working band students!

Anonymous said...

Any word on the Soccer team. Of course our pr person Clayton would not keep us informed. If it was Boatright we would know by now. When is the Board going to fire this racist.

Anonymous said...

They lost 3 to zero

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have heard of the Pied Piper. It not only fits Clayton, but the board president also.
Rumor is Roberts is the one who approved the Magnet Academy rent and not the board.
There is a comment in 10/27 @ 7:47am posting that is almost word for word that the board president said at a meeting.

Anonymous said...

They aren't going to tell you everything about Boatright because most of it is bad.

They aren't going to tell you that they spent over $800 on the spread they had out at Boatright's announcement. Apparently, there was a lot of food there. That's $800 of your hard earned tax dollars to promote this kid.

They aren't going to tell you that West Virginia dumped Boatright when they saw his ACT score of 12. This district will play him no matter how bad his academics are but West Virginia said no thank you.

They aren't going to tell you about the two fights Boatright started in the past week. Supposedly the high school has a no tolerance policy when it comes to fighting. Normally you get suspended and arrested if you are caught fighting but not if your name is Boatright.

Boatright was in a huge fight Friday, teachers wrote the referrals on him and nothing was done. No suspension, no arrest, nothing at all.

Boatright was in another fight on Monday. This time the two teachers who saw Boatright beating another kid refused to even write the referral. 1) They knew nothing would be done against Boatright and 2) They are afraid of the repercussions as they are both non-tenured. There is no way they want to cross the powers that be.

Simply put, the administration backed this kid and put him out there in the limelight. Anything bad the kid now does casts a poor shadow on the administrators. They are running around now trying to cover their A$$es.

And the kids who really are succeeding never get mentioned.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a clue if any of that is true. It sounds too outrageous to be true, but sometimes the most outrageous things are.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that most (if not all) of what 12:01 says is true. That's why students such as Rudy (who we know is one of the "good" ones) are criticizing Clayton Muhammad. They see the unfair treatment Boatright gets and aren't willing to excuse or overlook it for the sake of "image".

D131 Administration=

Making choices for ARROGANCE.


Anonymous said...

BTW, is anyone familiar with the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin?

Yes, I do and I see the similarities with Clayton.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Nope, I won't shut up, and there's not a thing you can do to make me! Your ranting & raving will only raise your OWN blood pressure, so keep it up!


Anonymous said...

My ranting and raving? Look in in a mirror moron.

Anonymous said...

Can't--it broke when your mama looked into it!


Anonymous said...

Uh oh--

7 years of bad luck


Anonymous said...

Oh, well now I know I'm dealing with a child. Thanks for the "your mama" joke.

Anonymous said...

What? No clever comeback?

Learn to play the "dozens", moron!


Anonymous said...

No, you're not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not I'm "worth it" is irrelevant.

The FACT is, you are incapable of coming up with any witty comment--and instead choose to hide behind F-bombs and "shut up".

Good luck getting anyone here to shut up.

Anonymous said...

When did I drop an F bomb? See your problem is you think that it is only ONE person that disagrees with you, when in fact there are a bunch of people who don't buy your looser lies and bs.

Anonymous said...

And there's an even bigger bunch of people who dare YOU (and your tiny circle of friends/supporters) to specifically state what these "looser lies and bs" are. It's so easy to generalize when you can't give any detailed examples.

Anonymous said...

Looser than what?

Anonymous said...

Looser than a three dollar whore.

Anonymous said...

I have pointed out on many occasions lies, but some of the lies are unable to be proven lies or true.

For instance, I have no idea what Boatright got on his ACT - It might be a 12, it might not.

I also don't know that Boatright was in a fight, maybe, maybe not.

It was stated as truth here though - as if there was no doubt.

It was also said that the football team NEVER SCORED A POINT - which was proven very quickly to be a lie.

It was also stated that the WHOLE SCHOOL was taken out of class to watch Boatright choose a college. Also proven wrong as the statement was made at 4:30 pm when school is no longer in session.

Don't you read? Or do you just choose to read what you agree with?

Being angry, does not make you right, often being angry skews your perspective to view everything as you wish it was.

Anonymous said...

Were those enough examples, or are you refusing to read them?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and "looser than a three dollar whore," stop talking about your mother, she works hard for that money.

Anonymous said...

If Boatright was indeed in a fight (or two), there should be at least a few people who witnessed it.

Maybe those who actually saw it happen can provide details verifying that it's true.

And the one person who claimed that kids were taken out of school for the Boatright announcement was quickly corrected by someone else who said that it was at 4:30 p.m. So sometimes the lies & b.s. on here are exposed as such.

I would rather filter out the nuggets of truth from a blog than rely on what Clayton "Farrakhan's Disciple" Muhammad decides to make public.

Anonymous said...

Right, I exposed that the kids were not taken out of class. If not for me it probably would not have been done.

It's so funny - Everybody is always asked to PROVE when they say there are lies on the blog, but nobody is asked to PROVE all of the items presented as fact.

Anonymous said...

Some things are "prove-able", some aren't. For example, I remember somebody asking for proof that Anita Lewis hadn't supported hiring Mr. Liska to replace Mr. Kaisershot. Another blogger immediately jumped in and quoted exactly what Anita had said in the Beacon-News, giving the exact date in case anyone wanted to double-check. THERE'S an example of proof--it's too bad that so much of what's on a blog is just opinion and uncheckable.

Anonymous said...

Right OPINION - Let's remember that when you are PUBLICLY SLANDERING students, teachers, and administrators.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, what is put on a blog is technically "libel" not slander - Keep that in mind Rayanne, your name is the only one forever tied to these ridiculous statements. I truly hope that somebody sues you some day.

Anonymous said...

So let's PRETEND that administrators didn't basically give the community the middle finger in 2005. Let's FORGET that the superintendent at the time (called "serial bully" because he was responsible for getting rid of well-loved, respected teachers in at least 2 other districts) is now a professor of education at Aurora University. Let's IGNORE the fact that several people responsible for disregarding and disrespecting kids' best interests are STILL very much in power in our district.

It's not slanderous to remind this community about who was responsible for one of the darkest periods of our district's history.

Anonymous said...

You don't get it. You don't get it at all. You never will get it because you CHOOSE NOT TO - No matter what I post you will Choose to ignore the truth. Calling people names in hopes to ruin their reputation is libel. That is what you are doing when you say things like racist and serial bully.

I'll give you the middle finger again and again because you don't have a clue.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

No, I will NOT shut up.

I care too much about this district to shut up!

I refuse to sit silently while those who screwed our community are REWARDED. Specifically, I refuse to say nothing when the "Serial Bully" is able to mentor our administrators in his new role as a professor at Aurora University (on OUR dime). And if those who were responsible for the nastiness several years ago think they can advance to higher positions they'll find out otherwise: Dr. Marin Gonzalez doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming superintendent in this district, thanks to the way she (and a few others still lurking in the central office) acted toward US, the people they supposedly work for.

Awareness is power. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

Shut up

Anonymous said...

To: October 30, 2010 9:33 PM

It is not libel if it's true. You can call people out for what they are. It is only libel if you knowingly state something false to ruin someone's reputation.

Anonymous said...

And there is the stupidity, when you deem you OPINION as TRUTH. Yes you might believe it with all your heart, but you are still a moron, and it is not true.

Anonymous said...

Here's an excerpt from the November issue of a professional journal for music teachers:

"Directors should not be friends with their current students on social networking sites. The danger with social networking sites is that if a student posts something about a weekend beer party, any teacher connected with that student can be held liable. Even if the teacher never saw that message, he might be held liable that he at least had constructive knowledge that there was going to be a beer party and failed to take any steps to stop it. You own everything that's on everyone else's page, if you are connected with them. If you are not friends, and your students can't get to your page, they're not going to see what's on your page, and you're not going to see what's on theirs".


The above was written by a lawyer. It's excellent advice not only for teachers, but anyone in a position of authority over our children (like, maybe, the D131 Community Relations Director).


Anonymous said...

Well old chaps, I shall have to inform you about the itinerary for this weekend!

I shall be hosting a beer party to which you may all dubiously attend. I hope my gallantry in inviting such peasants is not too forward as I would really enjoy your company at my weekend beer party!

Anonymous said...

Well, where is the beer party? I'll come as long as it isn't Rayanne's house.

Anonymous said...

Better safe than sorry! The more professional teachers & staff in our district maintain an appropriate distance between themselves and their minor students outside of school.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to vote on Tuesday.

Although I'm not thrilled about any of the candidates, I'll be voting for Alexi Giannoulias for Senate. His opponent, Mark Kirk, is against the Dream Act (which would provide a path to citizenship and college admission for undocumented teens, hundreds of whom live in our district).

Anonymous said...

You are only talking about Clayton, he is the only one who has student facebook friends. If you have a problem, address the school board and cite the article in the music journal and then maybe a policy will be set.

Anonymous said...

You now have a professional journal on your side with the facebook thing. It is not just a bunch of bitchy parents so try and get something passed about social networking sites between school personal and students.

Anonymous said...

Not only is Clayton Facebook friends with district students, he had Facebook unblocked by the district web filters. Now students can contact him anytime of the day including during their classes.

It really has been difficult for anyone who teaches a class in a computer lab. We have to constantly monitor for Facebook usage.

But who at the Central Office cares, Clayton can play with children all day long.

Anonymous said...

At the meeting tomorrow the closed session is about Boatwright and the things posted here. Some are very unhappy about what happened and what the heard. They want to see Boatwright's APD score. Hope parents turn out tomorrow for the meeting, but am sure none will. Go to ;your children's clasees and see if they can acess Facebook like is being stated. What happened to what this particular posting was about? No one can think of anyone else that deserves recognition for what the done? There has to be other teachers, coaches etc. that have made a good impression on our students and their families.

Anonymous said...

If the meeting is going to be in closed session as you claim, what's the point? Are you hoping that someone might hear something through the walls? Or is the wall made of glass and that's what we consider transparency in this district?

Unfortunately, the real purpose of the meeting is probably going to be, how can the district and administrators save face with the Boatright debacle.

Anonymous said...

If what is stated is true about Clayton and the Facebook thing the district should watch out he is a PR person and doesn't hold any certificates in teaching or administration which is required by law to interact with children in school. Even aids and teacher helpers have to have some kind of certification. In fact the students shouldn't be on Facebook at all while at school it is not a teaching tool.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think Clayton does have a Teaching Cert. He used to be a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Teaching certificates must be renewed to be valid. Clayton hasn't renewed his certificate in years. He is not a certified teacher. For that matter, he is not a certified administrator either. In fact, he is neither certified or qualified to do anything related to education.

Only in District 131 could someone completely unqualified find themselves in a position of authority.

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at all the great things people are saying about our teachers. Great post Rayanne.

Anonymous said...

People are saying nice things about those teachers that chose to keep their certificates. If you look on the the website for certificates you can see that all our teachers that have them have kept them up to date and we are proud of them. If you look up Clayton with either of his last names there is nothing.

Rayanne keep it up there is someone out there maybe a few that don't like the things that are said here but maybe they will see the light some time soon.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, keep disrespecting teachers, students and administrators. Don't try to change the system, just bitch about it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some administrators are being disrespected now because they sowed seeds of disrespect towards the community in years past.

We reap what we sow, whether positive or negative.

Anonymous said...

No one is disrespecting the teachers or the students in fact I think we are trying to get out how this administration, board and superintendent are disrespecting those that give all and get pushed aside. We will see how much they think of these with the out come of the closed session tonight and if the truth is really told.

There are some on the board that is so memorized by the PR person they can't see the forest through the trees. They put him on a pedestal and he doesn't even hold a certification while others in this district help all the children and do have a certification to do so. One on the board thinks this man is so great they can't even see what he is doing wrong and they shouldn't even be involved in it so much.

Anonymous said...

Yeah one decision that 200 people didn't like then requires over 5 years of name calling and insults.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it needs to go on. I don't really agree with how they keep bring up what went on five years ago and some need to let go I do believe it is still going on and that again some on the board think only one person can save our children let him run or district instead of the people that should be doing sit on the side lines. It takes all of the people working in the district to make it work not just one person.

Anonymous said...

"one decision"--

Plus hiding & covering up the REAL reasons for that decision.

Plus making excuses for blunders in the "new improved" program for 4+ years.

Plus angering many in the community to the point that the only reason a referendum was finally passed was because public-housing residents turned out to vote in the Presidential election.


"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"


Anonymous said...

Plus the Magnet Program will not cost the district any money and how much are they paying for the Rogers building for rent?

Anonymous said...


4 Years of blunders, what BS - How about 5 years of success including:

Playing HIGH SCHOOL level music

Creating a Wind Ensemble

Performing a marching show that teaches kids to read marching charts

Participating in the Panther Marching Band Review

Participating in the IHSA Organization Contest

Participating in the UIC Jazz Festival

Participating in the IMEA/IHSA
Auditions for the District 9 and All-State bands

Participating in the NIU/NU Band Days.

Going to Disney World (yes, yes after 5 years of not going, we know)

Performing and Boys and Girls Basketball Games

Jazz Band Performing at the Roundhouse

And now - Here is your response

The band messed up the National Anthem ONCE (yup they did, get over it)

The band only got a Division II at
the IHSA Organization Contest (yup, but at least they went, and were judged, and had the experience, what did the band Pre 2005 receive? - the band that got a division III was NOT the top band, they were the middle band)

The bands have a lot of the same music that Kaisershot used to play (not the Wind Ensemble, the younger bands do)

One year no students received a Division I at Solo and Ensemble (yup, you're right, I guess they should have practiced harder)

The band "sounds terrible" (ok, that's you opinion - Others say that they need some work, but generally sound pretty good, especially for a school that has zero students taking private lessons)

Anonymous said...

Enough of the bad decisions of the band. They are sounding better and as some of the students that post on the blog have said so. It isn't only about the band it is for the good of all students in the district and as long as the parents of this district let this go on it will. As we move forward change will come in all of the things that happen in the district some good some not but if the parents of these students don't stand up the administration and the board will get what they what either good or bad. You would think that the only thing that mattered was the band and that is not true. What happened was bad politics and that what we are seeing in every path of our lives but it happens and we must move forward and try to change things and not live in the past.


Anonymous said...


Bring your concerns to the board. Send an email. Go to meeting, Put it in writing and mail it. Stand up and be heard.

Congrats to the Soccer Team. Congrats to all students that put in the effort. Your success will not be measured in wins and losses but in what you learn.

Put your complaints into your choices when you VOTE TUESDAY. If you don't like the candidates, write one in. Pick the green candidate or independent.


Anonymous said...

8:54, you are saying that the present East High Band (or specifically the band post 2005) is better than the East High Bands pre-2005? I must say, you have certainly either done a lot of research or lived a long time then to make such a comparison, or are you targeting certain eras? I don’t know about all of them, but have certainly lived long enough to speak for several.
Are you referring to the bands of Conde, Rosenbarger (aka Day), Huen, Trotto, Bender, Forte, Court, Curtis, Nelson and Kaisershot,....I may have left out a couple along the way? Since you are obviously familiar with these groups, perhaps you remember the “mythical” National Championship band from 1935 under Rosenbarger. You might also remember with fondness the trip to Lucerne, Switzerland, (7) appearances at DisneyWorld, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, a performance at King’s Island in Cincinnati, a dedication performance at the new (then called) Comiskey Park (first band to do so), mulitple appearances in the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade, several music symposiums at Illinois State University and Illinois Wesleyan University (I remember this one specifically as my kids were in the band then and I went along as a chaperone) as well as guest conductors from Northern Illinois University. I would think that you don’t garner honors like these if you didn’t have a pretty good group.
Along the way there were the individual student honors as well, including principal chair positions in the IMEA District Festivals (multiple years), Fox Valley Festivals (mulitple years) as well as Honors Band positions in the IMEA All-State Band. East High Band students (pre-2005) went on to MAJOR (i.e. Div. 1) universities in music and became members of some of the major service bands, McDonald’s All-American Band, University Instructors on their instruments and private teachers from coast to coast. Many of them have been (or still are) prominent music educators in the state of Illinois - Galesburg and St. Charles come immediately to mind and another one up in the Northern suburbs somewhere, I forget the name of the district. During their time at East students also achieved for themselves numerous Div. I ratings at IHSA Solo/Ensemble events.
In the community they were seen performing at numerous Aurora University football games and homecoming parades along with several band days at Illinois State University, Northern Illinois and Northwestern Universities. Generations of East High students participated with the Aurora American Legion Band (while still in high school) and were part of Illinois State Championship and National Championship competitions. They brought joy to the faces of the elderly with yearly performances at many of the local retirement homes (especially around Christmas time).
All this of course was in addition to what is generally done on a yearly basis with the usual school concerts, athletic events and so on. As I understand it, these same directors also had multiple responsibilities at the junior highs and elementary schools all the while they were doing the high school.

Anonymous said...

Yup, pre-Kaisershot was also a great time period.

Anonymous said...

And pre-Radakovich, pre-Postlewaite, pre-Malaker were great as well.

Looking to the future:

Post-Marin Gonzalez, post-Joe Harmon, and post-Clayton "The Issue Is Over" Muhammad will be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "wonderful", the EHS Jazz Band performed an enjoyable concert last week.

Interestingly, most of the pieces they played were the same ones played by Kaisershot's jazz groups.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we already know that Liska's great aspiration in life is to be exactly like Kaisershot.

Anonymous said...

It really is a shame that the whole Kaisershot situation was handled so poorly by the administration and board. Instead of a nice transition from one director to the next, the district leadership has poisoned the community against the entire band program for who knows how many more years to come.

This is just one of the many reasons that this district needs a complete overhaul at the Central Office

Anonymous said...

Agreed 10:53

And the students suffer, NOT because of the directors, but because of negativity about their band and their school

Anonymous said...

It will have to start with new board members that wants what is best for all the students and just not a few. We need people on the board that are not infatuated by the Superintendent and Clayton. One that will recognize that we have many fine teachers and other personnel that help the children.

Also this district discriminates against some children with the Magnet Program in such that not all the go there are really high achievers it is for students that can get a ride to any of the programs which is a form of discrimination.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to VOTE, if you haven't already--you have 45 minutes to get to the polls!

Anonymous said...

Why so much negativity?!
What about all of those students that do their best everyday! They work their behinds off just to change peoples view on east aurora high school. But noooo...everyone focuses on the bad kids and bad stuff that happens. And why make a huge deal about a basketball player and where he's going? In that case they should make an assembly where all seniors with great grades and a future ahead of them announce what college they're going to attend.

And about the band: they might not be as great as it they use to but those kids try their hardest and put many hours of hard work into practices just to perform for the audience. They enjoy what they do which is most important and sorry if they aren't great but at least they try. I am very proud of them.

What about The NJROTC program? They do an amazing job with the cadets discipline. Especially if they join the teams. There's drill team, academic team, physical fitness team, & colorguard.

EAHS is full if many bright students.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Roberts you are soo wrong about teachers aides. Why don't you take the time and go to these class rooms and try it yourself. You can't see spending money for aides but you can hire someone to help the PR person so he can promote his program on the districts dime what a shame.

What happened to the Simulus money for teachers and aides was that used for the PR persons helper. You can whistle blow on the Education State board about this.

Now Johnson whats to talk about single family homes and point fingers at the city how about making sure that the children that go here live in the district?

Again we can promote a persons program that helps a few children but we can't help all our students.

As far as Ms. Bruno I am so thankful that she was in my childrens lives she is a wonderful teacher and if she says aides will help they will.


Anonymous said...

In other district they may have 34 students in the class but those students know that if they act up their parents will be contacted and they will on notice with their parents to respect their teachers. Also, those districts have not been on the watch list for 8 years. They might be starting too but you can bet most of the parents will make their children tow the line.

Anonymous said...

Ms Bruno is a horrible teacher who tried to leave the District for another District. Guess what they e class did not hire her. For your information she does have a aide in the class room now I guess she wants two. Why, because it will give her more time to search the want ad's. Don't let the door hit you Bruno

Anonymous said...

You are wrong she is a good teacher and if she is looking for another job I don't blame her who in their right mind would want to work here if not just to get tenure and it shows that she wants to be a good teacher if she is willing to go to another school district since she would lose her tenure.

Anonymous said...

Shed had the guts to go to the school board with a problem that she saw (I think she needs to grow up) but most of you don't have the guts to do it.

Anonymous said...

That is the mentality of some on the board especially the board president. She has found new friends with the superintendent and pr person who will drop her as fast as they can when she can't micro manage everyone anymore.

Anonymous said...

Boatwright does not have good grades. What he has is Clayton, a coach, Roberts and who knows whomever else to let him slip by on his grades. Whatever happened to to fact that he started to fights or whatever that was last week and nothing was done about it.

Anonymous said...

Now here is what a responsible district says.

West looking to volunteers to assist kids with reading

Matt Brennan For The Beacon-News Nov 2, 2010 11:46AM

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AURORA — The West Aurora School Board was given plenty to think about at the school improvement meeting last week.

Board members will have to consider how to balance some of the needs of the district with increasing money problems. The board heard about technology issues, space issues, and helping students read at grade level.

“We will be forced to make some tough decisions,” School Board President Neal Ormond said.

Monday night, the board held its first meeting since hearing from district principals, and discussed some of the issues raised at the school improvement meeting.

In the future, the board will have to consider how to utilize more volunteer effort to help children with their reading, Superintendent James Rydland said.

About 50 percent of West Aurora’s students from grade school through high school are reading below grade level.

In years past, each grade school had a reading specialist.

Because of budget troubles many of those positions were eliminated, so the district is in need of more volunteers to help with reading, Rydland said.

“There’s a lot of individuals out there who can make a big difference,” he said.

Anonymous said...

You didn't see that they hired someone to help the PR person did you. This district takes thing seriously.

Mauricio Palma said...

You can bet that there will be more Tomcats in the Aurora American Legion Band next summer. Rudy and I where in it this summer and it was an unforgettable experience.

Anonymous said...

Catholic schools have been relying on parent volunteers as teacher aides for years! Some schools allow parents a discount on tuition if they volunteer; others require a certain number of hours per family throughout the year.

Having a second adult in a large classroom definitely DOES improve kids' educational experience. The teacher is able to spend more time actually teaching, while the aide helps with classroom management (passing out supplies, restroom requests, attendance, etc.)

Maybe naysayers like Dr. Roberts should spend an afternoon in one of those crowded classrooms and actually see the difference an aide makes. Or better yet, maybe he & Ms. Johnson should spend a few hours every week helping our teachers.

Anonymous said...

Johnson is correct many are only paying taxes for one residence but putting two or more families into our schools. While the others Board members want to play lose with our tax dollars. If a teacher can't handle 31 kids she should look for a new profession. I only wish my boss would hire a assistant to help me with my job. This coming from a person who gets a big pension, great benefits, multiple holidays and summers off. I for one am not a bleeding heart.

Anonymous said...

Johnson is very lose with our taxpayer money like giving the no good Superintendent a raise and the administration and how about all the other workers in the district there pensions and salaries are big. In fact they get the same deal as the teachers and while some teachers in the district get big money not all.

How about that dinner for the basketball student that then got dropped by the college what a waste of money and when the board and administration go to those seminars and take their families on our dime you think that is good money spent?

Again I have seen some of these classrooms and the students do not respect the teachers and don't mind and with the ELL they need the extra help to learn English and pass the tests.

The district got those nice phones for the administration to help them with their jobs but are not will to help teachers.

Start checking residency that might help a little.

Anonymous said...

Again more lies with this blog the administrators have not received a raise in two years. The phones are paid for by a FCC communication grant that covered low income school districts to upgrade phone equipment. So again everyone else pays the bill for the East Side.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha you hard working fools just cost yourself a 2% salary decrease today for Quinn education tax. So well irresponsible Board members like Weaver worry about a teacher in a class of 31 students not being able to handle it she will see her own income go down.

Anonymous said...

Didn't say anything about them getting a raise what I said was they get a good salary and since this district likes to keep things to themselves we didn't know about the phones but you are still paying the bills for them.

The whole board is irresponsible you can't just single out one. We need a recall right for board members.

Anonymous said...

A communication grant for iPhones for all!??!

Anonymous said...

That's Bull. The State does not distribute grants to provide administrators free phone service. Grants are given to educate children.

Someone really should look into this if the administration is using grant money in inappropriate ways.

Anonymous said...

No retard the FCC is the Federal government not the State.

Anonymous said...

That is why the federal government should be looked at spending our money for that crap. I can see spending it if districts have old phone systems at the schools but for IPhones that is crap. It makes you wonder if that grant was meant to upgrade the systems in the schools or give administrators toys.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting if you look into the FCC Grants. They are intended to be used for security measures of phones systems and updating emergency calls so how does that fit into Iphones for the administration?

Anonymous said...

The FCC is the Federal Coomunication Commission and while they do give grants to states and cities they do not give grants to schools to purchase IPhones. There mission is:

Our Mission

To collaborate with the public safety community, industry and other government entities to license, facilitate, restore and recover communications services used by the citizens of the United States, including first responders, before, during and after emergencies by disseminating critical information to the public and by implementing the Commission's policy initiatives.

Anonymous said...

Mauricio & Rudy keep up the good work. I'm glad you are in Aurora American Legion Band and plan to go next summer. You and the other students show how even when things don't go right in our lives others go ahead and do there best no matter who is leading them.

Anonymous said...

This is what some school board discuss at board meetings that are serious about their district.

West considers security, accessibility

By Matt Brennan For The Beacon-News Nov 3, 2010 08:23PM

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AURORA — The West Aurora School Board this week discussed who is able to enter school buildings and how they are able to enter.

The board discussed handicapped accessibility at the schools and how the buildings in the district comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Board members also talked about installing the same card-based entry system in the four middle schools that already is in place in the high school.

Steve Nourse, a professor at the University of Washington, was hired to serve as a consultant and find cost-effective, practical solutions to some of the accessibility issues in West Aurora’s buildings, Assistant Superintendent for Operations Pete Kerl said.

“He gives us some experience you don’t have in-house,” Kerl said.

Nourse evaluates the accessibility of the buildings for students, employees and parents who may be attending events in the building, he said.

As an example, he cited Washington Middle School, where gym space is rented out to the public for some events. There could be some minor renovations to make locker rooms more accessible to people in wheelchairs, he said. He also said they could find a more permanent solution than a temporary ramp placed over a set of stairs at Freeman Elementary School.

Nourse said it’s wise for the district to be proactive, working to correct these issues before there are any complaints.

“I think it’s important you’re putting your money into concrete, instead of litigation,” he said.

School security

The board also discussed adding a card-based security system to the four middle schools. The high school is currently under the same system, Kerl said.

The middle schools now are secured with a lock-and-key system.

One advantage to the card system is that if a card is lost, it is electronically eliminated from the system and no longer poses a security risk.

School Superintendent James Rydland said there have been some security issues at the middle schools, and this system would help.

“We feel that this would improve the safety of the students and buildings both,” Kerl said.

The cost of the system varies for each school: $12,386 to install at Jefferson Middle School, and $160 in monthly operational fees; $15,703 at Jewel Middle School and $160 in monthly operational fees; $15,783 at Herget Middle School and $200 in monthly operational fees; and $22,864 at Washington Middle School, with $280 in monthly operational fees.

The operational fees cover expenses such as monitoring the system, repairs and creating new cards for new staff, Kerl said.

The system has worked well at the high school level, Kerl said.

“We feel it’s really helpful,” he said. “It’s improved our security here.”

Anonymous said...

East Aurora already got the awards for school security and a magazine article so again you only dwell on the negative.

Anonymous said...

But did anyone hear about it at a board meeting and what article was it in?

Anonymous said...

So what does it matter what East's school board talks about? The community does not show up so what does it matter? People can post whatever they want here about other school boards, but maybe, just maybe there are community members in those other school boards that care. Even if it is 10 community members, it is more than attends East school board meetings. So let East's school board discuss whatever it wants.
Good for you, Mrs. Bruno. NOw is other teachers would get some testicles maybe you all could get something done. The other teachers are turkeys and you are an Eagle.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say nothing has been accomplished. The school board has seen a lot of changes over the past few years. That does reflect the community's involvement.

They have become more informed and have exercised their beliefs by voting certain people off of the board. I don't believe every change on the board has been for the better and I believe others will be voted off in upcomng elections.

The community is watching. It's time for positive change.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but now the Eagle has a terget on her back.

It won't be long before she has some kid say she looked at them funny and she'll be written up and put on evaluation cycle.

I'm sure the administrators have already added to her file that she is unsatisfactory because she can't handle 30+ kids in her room.

Trust me, the harassment from administration is going to happen. We'll see how much longer she will be in this district.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The Board has good discussions so you must not be coming to the meeting. Class sizes got discussed and not one parent showed up. So they must be fine with the sizes or they simply don't care. The different between West Aurora and East is caring parents. The East Board needs to go out and research the problems with no parent input. The West Board gets input. I am shocked anyone is even willing to be on the Board. We should help them not rip them down.

Anonymous said...

I do go to the meetings and the discussions are almost always directed by the president. She will always do her best to get the last word. Was there when the man spoke to the board about the overcrowding and read the letter that was sent to him. Was not a good reply. If there was still not a problem then the teacher would not have had to say something. Since this has been stated on this blog then if this teacher has something put in her records, the rest of us will remember. Roberts is useless as is the president of the board as she just goes along with him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe in years gone by a teacher could handle a class size of 30+ but these are different days and students don't respect the teachers and follow directions like before. When you have parents that can't handle their kids at home what makes you think they will behave in class. Speaking of class size some of those rooms in the school are small and to me could be a safety hazard. The children must sit very close to each other and anyone that has children or been around them knows after a while they will be fussing with each other so you expect a teacher to teach them and keep watch that they are behaving which can not be easy.

To say there is no data to support if aides help or not is foolish maybe there is and some can't find it. Maybe the district should do a pilot program like they did with the Magnet Program to see if that would work in this district to have some aides. You know if it isn't Claytons or Roberts or certain board members ideas the shut things down.

This district is in trouble with teaching children and I do believe even without NCLB we would be it is time for this board to do something.

Anonymous said...

If there is no data to suggest that aides will help, then why does Clayton get one?

Anonymous said...

Good Point November 5, 2010 9:27 AM

The best PR this district can do is to get the students grades up and classrooms smaller. As a parent don't you look at test scores and classroom size when you go to move somewhere? Do you really care if the district has a PR person? Wouldn't you like to hear the Superintendent say even though right now we have larger classrooms than we would like we are working on the problem and not say something like putting aides in the classroom doesn't really help?

As far as the board president blaming the city about overcrowding (which they don't help with that situation) shouldn't someone form the board or the Superintendent be going to talk to someone in the city to see if there was something they could do. We all know that with the houses the city bought if they can't sell they will be doing section 8 with them and the district needs to get involved so we don't get anymore students. Are you glad the Shoodeen project didn't go through think where we would be if it had.

Anonymous said...

It is funny Weisner never stepped foot in a East Aurora school but Clayton is now touring him around every other Friday. Clayton is spending his day working on the Mayors stuff that is why he needs help. I can't tell you the countless times he runs out during the day to do work for the city. Everyone in central office knows Clayton is making it look like the Mayor cares. It sound like Johnson hit a nerve. But it sounds like she is not very happy about Clayton. Roberts was running around asking questions and everyone at central office knows when Robert runs around it is usually because Madam President is after him. However, everyone also knows Weisner is a big supporter of BoysIIMen. Clayton is pretty much allowed to come and go as he pleases.

Anonymous said...

Clayton and his new helper B2M Tony Martinez visited today it was a true pr stunt. He pulled out kids all from B2M and was seen running around the High School. It is amazing Conrad allows kids to be pulled out of class just for Clayton. Everyone knows who really runs the District and its not Roberts.

Anonymous said...

Lies, lies, and lies. This blog if full of lies from people that think they know everything. Martinez has not even started in the role yet and was never a B2M member. It is sad that people always try to bring the district down.

Anonymous said...

No one stated that his helper started yet just that Clayton brought him to the school.

Anonymous said...

Lies Lies Lies on your part they introduced him at the Board meeting and Anita Lewis was gushing over him like a long lost friend. He is a B2M he won the award of the year last year. He was at the High School today.

Anonymous said...

Clayton spent the districts dime scrubbing the B2M website of Tony's name. He also uses the districts resources to update the web-site. Ryan Ford has personally done work for him.

Anonymous said...

Another day at the central office when Roberts does not show up neither does Clayton. Clayton's assistant does not work out of the central office they have him on Hill Ave. He started on Tuesday and spent the day locked in Clayton office. All the other Central office admin's work with their doors open. Simply put they do work for the district. Clayton does work for his own B2M group. They can't hire a teachers assistant but they can hire someone for Clayton. Roberts approves of Clayton because when he needs him he will come out to Clayton's door and Clayton will open up. Everyone here jokes Roberts has to send a text message. Clayton once a good employee has turned into a joke.

Anonymous said...

3:14 p.m. says that Tony Martinez was never a B2M member. Here's solid proof that he WAS, taken from the Beacon News (February 28th, 2010):

"Seated among the stars that night were 2010's Phenomenal Men of the Year award winners, Aurorans Tony Martinez and Adam Welton..."

Go ahead and look it up for yourself, 3:14 p.m.--or is it just easier to call people "liars" because you're too lazy to do a little research??

Anonymous said...

You make it sound like B2M is a bad group to be a part of. It's a great group that keeps boys and high school men off the streets.

There is NOTHING negative about that group.

Anonymous said...

This board allows this and they can stop it. When we have a district with over crowed classrooms and poor test scores they only they can think of is to promote the PR employees group thinking that is an end all what a shame. It is too bad the State does not do anything about this but it is the parents of the students of this district that needs to stand up.

It is a shame that we have children that aren't learning and we can use taxpayers dollars to help someone promote their program within a school district.

Anonymous said...

It isn't about if the group is good or bad it is that a PR person is doing this on the districts dime. We have over 1300 students and we can only boost about the B2M and not the whole. How about all the other groups and teachers that help students succeed?

Anonymous said...

How many students have you helped succeed. Clayton has helped hundreds.

Anonymous said...

Has he really? The fact remains it should be done in the district he should do it on his own time. Then you have to ask how many kids has the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Church Groups and Family Focus helped succeed I bet it is more. I don't see this district giving them as much press as Clayton.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the number, it's more than you, and it's more than this blog.

Anonymous said...

Well what have you done to help children? You are in awe of him and let him misuse taxpayers money. So as long as he helps people it is ok that this district let our children sit in over crowed class rooms and disrespect teachers while this administration and some board members let a pr person run his group on the taxpayers dime.

Anonymous said...

Clayton Muhammad is a follower/disciple of Minister Louis Farrakhan. Here's just one example of what Farrakhan has preached in the past couple of years:

“The Earth can’t take 6.5 billion people. We just can’t feed that many. So what are you going to do? Kill as many as you can. We have to develop a science that kills them and makes it look as though they died in a pestilence or they died from some disease.”

He advised his followers not to be vaccinated--because he believes that the flu shot is a plot to kill Black people!

THAT'S the mindset of the man Clayton Muhammad believes is a hero. Farrakhan is racist, anti-Semitic, and sexist. Even Black leaders such as Jesse Jackson, President Obama, and Condoleeza Rice have distanced themselves from his hateful rhetoric. But our own Clayton Muhammad holds Farrakhan up to our young people as an example of greatness.

Anonymous said...

You just proved your own case he received the B2M award.He is older now so he just mentors the group. He is part of this organization he received their award and it proves Clayton hired him based on friendship not qualifications. He has a marketing degree. I for one know a social-worker for the Kane county applied and never given a interview. The position was suppose to help with the mentor program. A social worker would be more qualified than a marketing person. What are we selling that is what a marketing degree accomplishes.
By the way they started the mentor program in July three months into the school year and not one person in the central office is mentoring anyone including Clayton. Clayton is just for show and promoting himself and Boatwright.

Answer me genius what are we selling. It seems a social worker may be a better fit but she was not marketing B2M like Tony.

Anonymous said...

How do we know he has helped hundreds of kids? How much has he helped them? How is this measured? Is there a state agency that does the testing? How much influence does he have versus their parents, teachers, administrators, churches etc.

What we do know is that High School Fraternities are illegal in Illinois. We know that discrimination is illegal. We know that Clayton is creating a whole new level of nepotism with his Boys II Men Family. We know that he is doing all of this on the District 131 dime.

And all of these negatives come from the person whose job, is to create a positive image for the district.

Before you ask, as a teacher, coach, mentor, youth leader etc, I have helped tens of thousands of children during my career and I never needed my face in the news even once.

Anonymous said...

All of the Board members support him but Weaver. Last I heard Clayton attends Main Street Baptist with Board Member Ray Hull.

Anonymous said...

What is your point?

Hitler was also a Christian. At different times in his life he was Catholic as well as Protestant.

He too, was also associated with a few illegal and unpopular views.

Hate is hate and it doesn't matter in what religion you cloak it.

Anonymous said...

amen November 5, 2010 9:01 PM.

As long as clayton uses Muhammad as his last name he will be a Muslim and he might go to a Baptist church but it is only to recruit people to his faith. Let's keep Hull out of this for now because I don't believe they go to church together since his child went to a Catholic church before.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say a Catholic School.

Anonymous said...

Clayton does attend Main Street but he is still a Muslim. His father is a elder at main street. Hull was a personal friend of Clayton's and that is why he was selected for the Board. We all remember Hull from the days of the serial bully and to this day brags about hiring him. Several Hispanic's applied for the position but got passed up for Hull & Trusa(Gonzalez's friend) that is how things are done on the Board you have to know somebody. No different than the old guard Board. We will have a chance to clean house the Board member from hell is not running Wells and we will have a chance to get rid of Hull & Trusa

Anonymous said...

Hull is a youth adviser at Main street and helps recruit kids to B2M. He even gave a shout to him at a Board meeting about a youth pastor award. Hull would show up for Clayton and speak against Dee and Rayanne before he was on the Board. Hull girl attended Aurora Christian and upon starting at the High School was given special favors. He took he out of Aurora Christian as a Junior after going to private school all her life to get a full ride to college. You can bet Clayton is working on that one.

Anonymous said...

6:39 I think you are the lazy one. Do more research. All three award winners were NOT B2M members. Also B2M did not reach out to students in private schools. I advise to do more research. How about just ask martinez?

6:32 don't lie. I have been at central office all week, Martinez has not been in once.

this blog is a joke. All lies. This is a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Answer the question how does a marketing degree help the school. If you were at the central office you would have seen Martinez locked up in Clayton's office except today. Clayton was gone because Roberts was gone.

Anonymous said...

Its a community relations more than just the mentoring.

I was at central office all week like ever other week. I know for a fact that martinez was not there.

You really have no clue and its kind of funny. There is nothing more to say.

Rudy Reza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No, but the person he emulates and holds up to students as a hero & role model definitely DOES matter!

Go ahead, do a little research yourself about Louis Farrakhan.


Anonymous said...

This is the same guy who changed his name from Clayton Kinard to Muhammad. To Rudy who says religion does matter they telling that to the 9/11 families who children grew up without a father. Or to you Rudy who I can only hope does not get a scholarship because so much money is devoted to Afganistan. This is the religion of hate our big student mentor finds ok. He has the choice to use his real name but he believes in the hate speeches of Farraham and often quotes the million man march. Is is no example to children and should not be allowed to work with kids period. Let alone kids who do not have a father figure in the house

Anonymous said...

I love how of this Louis Farrakhan stuff started because one person mentioned it, and everybody again has taken it as FACT.

Anonymous said...

He changed his name if he is not then why not Clayton Kinard. Farrakhan is his god good influence on the kids

Anonymous said...

Lol, FarraHam :3

Anonymous said...

These are things posted on Clayton's twitter page is this a proper discussion with children I got this off the d131 website. I need someone to step forward and file a formal complaint with the Board I work for the District and can not risk this myself. I know Board members read this why to they not do anything.

1. @ClaytonMuhammad #Wowzers Its a picasso! #Shat! She'll have me on one bending knee in 10 mins. < Think of both Fredas!!!! about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
2. @mr_igt212 lol now come on now son! You KNOW me! lol about 1 hour ago via HootSuite in reply to Mr_IGT212
3. LOl I'm getting a kick out of seeing @Jmendoza29 and @Mr_IGT212 using #WOWZERS in all their tweets! I swear Phenoms have their own language about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
4. @hersoulweeps lol ohhhh snap! Looks like I then now move from Boyfriend #2 to camerman #1! lol lol about 1 hour ago via HootSuite in reply to HerSoulWeeps
5. @nvrcomfortable No I don't but I am going to find out. I would think higher because of the lack of direct responsiblity some take. about 1 hour ago via HootSuite in reply to NvrComfortable
6. RT @nvrcomfortable: In other news...I could go for a root beer float....and a brownie and ______ < Now that sound lovely lol about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
7. 25% of teen moms will have a second child within 2 years of the first child! #16andpregnant about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
8. Only 2% of teen moms will graduate from college before the age of 30. #16andPregnant about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
9. RT @EddieConnorJr: You can overcome every obstacle. < EVERY! SINGLE! ONE! #TRUTH about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
10. RT @Gyrl619: #shoutout to @ClaytonMuhammad @Iamamogul. 2 cool tweeps to follow < THANK YOU! SHOUT OUT RIGHT BACK TO YOU! about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
11. @perezreports I KNOW u can appreciate that! I often wonder how u go out in Chi with all the eyes! That's y u should come to Aurora more :) about 6 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to perezreports
12. 1 of the best things about being in a different city is being able to chill solo at a restaurant for breakfast & nobody even looks ur way! about 9 hours ago via HootSuite
13. RT @Stephanie_Alva: Dear People Who DMd Me, NO, Im NOT dating @ClaytonMuhammad. He is an incredible man but belong to me. < yes I do about 19 hours ago via TweetDeck
14. @justmarlon Phaedra? lol ugh 12:28 AM Nov 5th via HootSuite in reply to JustMarlon
15. RT @hersoulweeps: I'm pulling a @ClaytonMuhammad. I will have someone to put my things away. < LOL LOL yessss! I love it! 12:26 AM Nov 5th via HootSuite
16. RT @stephanie_alva: OK lemme put the rest of these clothes away instead of laying on top of them < Got a pile of ties for ya! lol 12:21 AM Nov 5th via HootSuite
17. RT @stephanie_alva: @ClaytonMuhammad SAAAAAAANG BOY!!!!! #Shat!!!!! < LOL LOL 12:16 AM Nov 5th via HootSuite
18. RT @stephanie_alva: #NowPlaying "The Point Of It All" by Anthony Hamilton *looks at @ClaytonMuhammad* < and the reason for it all!!!!!! 12:14 AM Nov 5th via HootSuite
19. @justmarlon lol she is wiiiiiiiiiild! lol 12:07 AM Nov 5th via HootSuite in reply to JustMarlon
20. RT @ubonwgci: @ClaytonMuhammad @Jmendoza29 @boijeanius #dale #DALEx3 lol <<< DALE LOCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol 12:06 AM Nov 5th via HootSuite

Anonymous said...

Just where did you get this off the districts website?

Anonymous said...

Go to Twitter on the front page click on Clayton name as a follower. This is the sad part he does even try to hide it. He is leaving this district open to a lawsuit you can not have this type of discussion with students.

Anonymous said...

I went and checked it out and really does this belong on the DISTRICTS WEBSITE. This just goes to show that clayton uses district money for his own purpose because some on this twitter site has nothing to do with school business.


1. #NowPlaying - Treat 'em Right by Chubb Rock ... Y'all young pantssaggers don't know NOTHING about that! Shaaat! 13 minutes ago via HootSuite
2. @stephanie_alva lol lol sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy 28 minutes ago via HootSuite in reply to Stephanie_Alva
3. RT @stephanie_alva: Now i gotta take this sexy dress I bought back thinkin @ClaytonMuhammad was comin to hear me speak. He plays too much! 28 minutes ago via HootSuite
4. @montsterr lol ohhhh snap! Don't wild out on me homie! lol i'm coming to see you soon! 35 minutes ago via HootSuite in reply to Montsterr
5. @montsterr nahh i was just joking. I wish. I do look forward to meeting you soon however 41 minutes ago via HootSuite in reply to Montsterr
6. #NowWatching FREEDOM WRITERS ... always reminds me of why I entered the noble field of EDUCATION about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
7. RT @stephanie_alva: Who's gonna come to the GRAND OPENING of #TheLounge with me and @Montsterr tomorrow?!? < ME! SEE Y'ALL THERE! about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
8. Did you know that B2M has an Australian Chapter? Yuuuup! Check it out: about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
9. RT @jmendoza29: @ClaytonMuhammad #Wowzers Its a picasso! #Shat! She'll have me on one bending knee in 10 mins. < Think of both Fredas!!!! about 2 hours ago via HootSuite
10. @mr_igt212 lol now come on now son! You KNOW me! lol about 2 hours ago via HootSuite in reply to Mr_IGT212
11. LOl I'm getting a kick out of seeing @Jmendoza29 and @Mr_IGT212 using #WOWZERS in all their tweets! I swear Phenoms have their own language about 2 hours ago via HootSuite
12. @hersoulweeps lol ohhhh snap! Looks like I then now move from Boyfriend #2 to camerman #1! lol lol about 2 hours ago via HootSuite in reply to HerSoulWeeps
13. @nvrcomfortable No I don't but I am going to find out. I would think higher because of the lack of direct responsiblity some take. about 2 hours ago via HootSuite in reply to NvrComfortable
14. RT @nvrcomfortable: In other news...I could go for a root beer float....and a brownie and ______ < Now that sound lovely lol about 2 hours ago via HootSuite
15. 25% of teen moms will have a second child within 2 years of the first child! #16andpregnant about 2 hours ago via HootSuite
16. Only 2% of teen moms will graduate from college before the age of 30. #16andPregnant about 2 hours ago via HootSuite
17. RT @EddieConnorJr: You can overcome every obstacle. < EVERY! SINGLE! ONE! #TRUTH about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck
18. RT @Gyrl619: #shoutout to @ClaytonMuhammad @Iamamogul. 2 cool tweeps to follow < THANK YOU! SHOUT OUT RIGHT BACK TO YOU! about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck
19. @perezreports I KNOW u can appreciate that! I often wonder how u go out in Chi with all the eyes! That's y u should come to Aurora more :) about 7 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to perezreports
20. 1 of the best things about being in a different city is being able to chill solo at a restaurant for breakfast & nobody even looks ur way! about 11 hours ago via HootSuite


Anonymous said...

We have over crowed class rooms and students not making AYP but we can make sure our website has a space for claytons twitters. In fact this district doesn't even have half the teachers information on it but this crap is on here. What value to education does this bring hearing clayton talk to his friends?

Anonymous said...

We first need to make sure they are students of the district and then we need to find the right person to pursue this as in someone not involved in the district.

Anonymous said...

Here is some more news on the districts twitter page from clayton.


1. RT @Stephanie_Alva: U dont have to worry about that. Men dont typically approach whenever @Montsterr is around so itll be the same w/ u lol 18 minutes ago via TweetDeck
2. RT @tami282: @Montsterr That was cute..... - How are you? you watched the vid? Nice huh? 18 minutes ago via TweetDeck
3. "Doing What I Got To Do" 38 minutes ago via TweetDeck
4. RT @BaldHeadQueen: @Montsterr Thanks Monts! - ;-) 38 minutes ago via TweetDeck
5. Thank you @TSummer_ for helping @BaldHeadQueen and suggesting @mistamastabarba #NETWORK about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
6. RT @Stephanie_Alva: @MSPRETTI_SHA Hey bookie!! Are you coming to The Lounge tomorrow at 6pm to hear me and @Montsterr speak? about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
7. @ClaytonMuhammad Man don't be playing like that! I'm a literal Montster, lol. Looking forward to meeting you too. about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck in reply to ClaytonMuhammad
8. #ATLANTA BARBERS: If you are nice with art & the clippers please make yourself known to @BaldHeadQueen she needs your services!! about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
9. RT @BaldHeadQueen: I'll need to find a good barber in Atlanta who can give me some fire art. Any recommendations? @Montsterr about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
10. @ClaytonMuhammad You're in town?!? Can't wait to meet you at #TheLounge tomorrow night! about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck in reply to ClaytonMuhammad
11. RT @Stephanie_Alva: Cant wait to meet yall tomorrow night at #TheLounge in ATL!! Its our GRAND OPENING! Join me (cont) about 2 hours ago via ÜberTwitter
12. RT @MyLifeKeysPR: Join @Stephanie_Alva & @Montsterr Sunday, November 7th for an evening at The Lounge! Only (cont) about 2 hours ago via ÜberTwitter
13. "I can't maintain man I got to keep BALLIN!!!" - Rick Ross about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck
14. Had a great run in the cold refreshing weather, time to hit the gym. about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck
15. Stephanie_Alva Bout to head out into this 48 degree ATL weather and go for a run with @Montsterr. Then its 600 set ab workout & arms.Then: BACK TO WORK about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck Retweeted by Montsterr
16. Make sure ya'll follow MY #DJ @Sab_Music & welcome him to Twitter!!! (rt) about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck
17. Sab_Music Check me out at #Rhythm&Poetry Starting 11/23/2010 Tuesdays @7PM. 675 Metropolitan Pkwy, Altanta, GA 30310 FLYER COMING SOON! #DJ about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck Retweeted by Montsterr
18. Let it be known to ANY Raines Viking that comes my way I'm talking trash!!! RIBAULT TROJANS!!!! about 4 hours ago via TweetDeck
19. I liked a YouTube video -- Nick Cannon - VEVO24s Industry Hustlers: Nick Cannon about 5 hours ago via Google
20. RT @SjBremix: @Montsterr Watching "Monica, I'm Still Standing" reruns & spotted you in the crowd. :-) You are so Hollywood! Hugs! - Hey SjB! about 5 hours ago via TweetDeck

Anonymous said...

Here is something else it says and it doesn't have anything to do with our district or that clayton is the pr person.

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Anonymous said...

That is not on this districts website. You can get to it by following links. That's like saying that the NIU School of Music is "On the districts website" because you link to it from the band web space.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can get this from the district website by hitting the twitter icon and looking at the left and there is a picture of clayton and you click it and them you can see it.

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