Monday, June 28, 2010

Fair & Equitable?

While on the school board, information was shared with me by another board member.
She claimed the district was keeping the daycare within our buildings to give the appearance of buildings being more populated than they actually are. She also shared, though many repairs are needed in our buildings, there was a long range plan that was suddenly made short. This too was for appearances. If more money was budget for more repairs in the upcoming year rather than five year plan, the district could claim a financial hardship due to unforeseen expenses. All these “appearances” would be for the sake of avoiding a 4% raise to the teachers, which they surely could afford. The tactic would be to cry poor and threaten overcrowding classrooms.

Admittedly, this was hearsay. What do the teachers and community hear and have to say about negotiations and giving our teachers a fair wage and a work environment conducive to educating the children in 131? We have the potential. Do we have the leadership?


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Anonymous said...

Central office news is Roberts is scheduling a big meeting next week and his top administrator Serial Bully Gonzalez is not attending. Johnson is after Roberts to shape up or ship out. So in typical d131 fashion the heat trickles down. I don't believe Johnson really wants that, but she is so into her image she has to look like she is doing something about it. The serial bully now feels a set up coming. The thing about Jerome is he is never far from Johnson's right hand. Those two always have each others back, and Johnson was upset when she took the fall for the Urban League. I think its great they all deserve each other in as the world turns.

Anonymous said...

Lewis is a good person, but so far she really has not been good for the board. She changes her mind too often and is not doing what she said she would do or not do, ie, staying in Chicago comes to mind right now. She like the others went for Weaver's jugular instead of going to Weaver and asking questions, and yes, Rayanne was one also that did this. I certainly have not agreed with Weaver at times, but at least she is and was, open, honest and transparent. She also cares about the students, and she certainly backs the teachers, tries to make the administrators accountable and does not appear to stab the rest of the board members in the back like was done to her. Gonzales and Trusa really have to go. Can't wait for when they are up for re-election. For that fact, re-election for the whole board. Hasta la bye bye to all.

Anonymous said...

You are correct Gonzalez is a joke her only mission was to get her daughter a job. She can't even speak English and profits from our district with a big pension. Because she left the district for better wages combined with what she made here she takes home today for being a bad teacher between $60,000 to $85,000. Lets not forget her consulting job they brought her back to be Dr Roberts private Spanish teacher. Now the blog put pressure on administrators & board members to look into her daughters salary. If she was sooooo honest why did she not disclose her vote and in public should have corrected the wages. She knew the wages were not correct since May. Her and her friend Trusa only show up for free lunches just read their board comments it always involves a lunch.
Yes, Weaver does keep the admin's accountable aka the books. Our teachers lack many supplies, books, and computers. I like Roberts telling us books don't matter because teachers us the internet for lesson plans. How Dr Roberts our computers never run most of the time. If you think the books are outdated we still have computers running on Windows 95.

Johnson seems ok and word has it she has a Roberts running around. I have been happy to see she has taken up the cause on computers. Since that build have been taking inventories and new computers are starting to arrive. However, Johnson the reason you don't see your report is because its so tell tail of the bad administration. Someone wrote its not a board members job to visit but with admin's like ours someone has to check on them and hold them accountable. Please come to Simmons.
Lewis could be good but seems to make to many excuses for admin's. Advice to Lewis if asked by Weaver about books agree they are bad don't make a excuse. I do know she really cares for the kids but needs more experience on the board.
Hull and Wells useless what can
you say.
Weaver was a good board president but sadly her board members did not back her. Roberts is trying as we speak to undermine Johnson so the central office can go back to sleep. The difference is Johnson has the support of the board. Also, all those years of being a high level administrator makes her more likely to make positive change for the d131. I can say this the central office has never seen such action. I am also happy Weaver like most would have did not just throw in the towel.

A d131 employee's thoughts.

PS Rayanne I have been encouraging more employees to put idea's in the blog. Some are finally seeing change.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typos I have a bad keyboard. My computer runs no better than a d131 computer.

Anonymous said...

After reading some of these comments I think many are right about Roberts not being a good Superintendent. The board as a whole should not go around seeing the schools that is not their role. They have had a few members over the years that have had children in schools and know what goes on. When boards get involved in the day to day operations that is called Micro Managing which they stated the other president did. Johnson might be better and has the backing of her board but it seems she is going in the same direction as the other president which leads me to believe she has to have the lime light.

It is the Superintendents job to see what is going on in the schools and have his administrators give him information about what is going on. It is his job to go to the schools and see what shape they are in and report back to the board what needs to be fixed.

Anonymous said...

I hate that after reading this lying, ignorant blog you have made a decision about Dr. Roberts. That just shows how stupid you are.

Anonymous said...

Well to be truthful I felt that way before reading the blog. I have paid attention to how he acts for many years and he isn't a strong Superintendent. If you read his goals on the district's website you can see he hasn't meet many of them. I have heard the comments about him that are written on the blog from parents and the citizens in the district.

Anonymous said...

It may be the Superintendents job but when he is not doing it the Board needs to get involved. Things are being fixed because the Board is now asking the right questions. You must be a admin who does not like being questioned. Why didn't you fix the computers then or why did you stop the text books. Why has it become the Boards job. It would be like saying come to class but don't open a book. Its admin's like you that say to the Board trust us don't visit the schools. Just sit back and read reports that are in-accurate prepared by the same loser administrators. It sure shows in the test scores.

Anonymous said...

What a school board is
The local school board grew out of the
town meeting, dating back more than
200 years to the original Thirteen
Colonies. Times have changed, but
the basic function of school boards today
remains the same: to provide local citizen control
over education at a point as close to the parent
and child as possible. This means that the school
board should represent the citizens of the school
district — not just some of the citizens, but all of
them. Because different citizens have different
ideas about schools, this responsibility always presents
a challenge.
The ultimate responsibility for education rests
with the state of Illinois. The state has seen fit to
delegate much of that responsibility to the local
school board. School boards — although elected locally
— are state agencies carrying out a state function.
While school boards are granted wide latitude
in governing their schools, they are subject to
numerous state laws and regulations.
Perhaps the single most important job of a
school board is to employ a superintendent and to
hold him or her responsible for managing the schools
in accordance with state law and the school board’s
policies. The board also should set educational goals
for the schools — based on state laws and community
values — and see that the superintendent and the
total staff vigorously pursue those goals.
Because a school board is a governmental body,
it can take action only by majority vote at a public
meeting. The individual board member has no
authority other than the right to cast a vote at such
a meeting. A board member who attempts to speak
for the total board, direct members of the staff or
make other individual decisions is acting outside
the law.
The school board is required to meet in public.
Except at time set aside for public input, however,
citizens normally do not take part in discussions.
Table of contents
2 What a school board is
3 The school board and
3 What it means to be a
school board member
4 The best school boards
5 The best board members
6 How to talk to your schools
7 Building good schools and
good school boards
8 Preparation for service
on a school board
9 Elections
10 Candidates
11 A Code of Conduct for
School Board Members
12 Further reading

Anonymous said...

The school board
and superintendent
The school board hires a properly certificated
and qualified individual to
serve as superintendent of the district.
Through its written policies,
the school board directs and empowers
the superintendent to function as chief executive
officer in managing all aspects of district operations.
The board regularly evaluates the superintendent's
work in relation to clear district goals and
board expectations regarding district performance
and the protection of district assets.

Anonymous said...

What role does the school board have in approving curriculum?

A step further: What responsibility does the school board hold when a lousy curriculum innovation infests the school?

There often is confusion about the role of the school board in setting the direction for education in the district. Obviously, the board hires the superintendent, so it exerts great influence on this direction at that time. The exact duties and responsibilities of the school board vary from state to state.

In Illinois at least, the role of the board in setting educational goals goes further. Here are some items from the Illinois School Code that relate to this:

* "The school board shall direct, through policy, the superintendent in his or her charge of the administration of the school district, including without limitation considering the recommendations of the superintendent concerning the budget, building plans, the locations of sites, the selection, retention, and dismissal of employees, and the selection of textbooks, instructional material, and courses of study." (105 ILCS 5/10-16.7)

* Moreover, the role of the superintendent regarding curriculum is legally restricted to making a recommendation to the board: The district superintendent is required to "make recommendations to the board concerning ... the selection of textbooks, instructional material and courses of study." (105 ILCS 5/10-21.4 )

* Textbooks can only be adopted in the full light of day, and with board majority approval: "... textbooks and courses of instruction shall be adopted or changed only at the regular meetings of the board and by a vote of a majority of the full membership of the board ..." (105 ILCS 5/34-19)

The Illinois Association of School Boards maintains this policy statement in support of local school boards in curriculum matters:

Anonymous said...

The reason Johnson has the backing of the rest of the board is because she is the one(with Lewis's help)that is responsible for what happened to Weaver. NOw many of the things that they complained about with Weaver is happening to Johnson. One being the Urban League and the way it was presented. The difference between Weaver and Johnson in being president, is that the board would not let Weaver do anything such as Johnson is doing. My guess is that Johnson now will be chummy chummy with Weaver again as she was when she was first elected. Johnson likes to keep everyone in her radar and under her thumb. Lewis still flip flops around like a fish out of water. She was very friendly with Weaver until Johnson started her goal to be president. I do not think Lewis at this point has anyone is her boat on the board.

Anonymous said...

No matter what happened it appears the Board is now focused and Roberts owes Johnson for his contract. The Superintendent and President need to have a working relationship and they certainly have. Weaver should be complemented for not giving up and pushing for her passion of books. I have seen more out of this Board in the last year than any Boards of the last twenty years. I will say the major difference between Johnson and any past President which includes Melchor, Mccue, Farnum and Weaver is she is a leader and does not let administration lead her. She is very skillful at getting people to follow.

Anonymous said...

Here is the Central Office story on Johnson. She has three companies listed in her name Cipriani's, Sauce-Makers and Specialty Natural Brokers which she is either President or Treasurer of. The companies all together are worth between 3 to 5 million. Like her mother she wants a elected position. How better to start than the worst run school district in the area. After making East Aurora Schools look better everyone will see this. That is why the image building she always works on.
Many of us know after Weaver became President all of our loser administrators started looking for a job. Interesting none of them found one. Roberts even interviewed in New York. He actually got that job in November but thought he could get back with his wife and had to turn it down.
So now he needs a contract and Johnson being a good business person makes a deal.
Since his contract he has been trying to make changes and this has come at the cost of staff. See last year they just collected checks blamed Weaver and did nothing. Now the staff is not happy because the District is bad but Roberts is forced to live up. Roberts got his raise and his staff has nothing. Personally, however it was done I am happy that change is coming and issues are getting addressed. I will just bet thought she does not fill out her term.


Anonymous said...

Since having dealings with Johnson in the past and also her mother, I would never vote for her for any political position at all. I will say this is right, she is a good leader, she sure lead the rest of the board to the demise of Weaver being president. It got to the point that Weaver could not even talk to the lawyer but the rest of the board could. The lawyer was not allowed to call Weaver, but could call Johnson. All done by Johnson, her friend Roberts(both of whom told falsehoods about Weaver). Lewis also had a big hand in it. Weaver was barely allowed to talk at the meetings. Yes, indeed, Johnson is a good leader(dictator). Some of us have noticed how chummy she is trying to be with Weaver now. And so goes The Days of D131. Please stay tuned for the next episode of this on going saga.

Rayanne said...

"I did not participate in the Rayane and Weaver battle"

Sorry I missed that one too. What was it about?

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that everyone agreed with a one year term. It seems Weaver did not want to be President and is much more effective in her current role. She is back to looking into things bring them out. She has become best Board member. I have attended meeting with the old Board and Farmun, Wells and Mccue would argue back and forth with Rayanne and Dee. This Board does not they work together as a team and engage in positive debate about issues that are important to the District. It also seems Roberts has been more vocal. I do not attend all the meetings but I do read Board and Superintendent comments. Keep up the good work Weaver, Lewis and Johnson.

Anonymous said...

so why when Weaver became President and mentioned that everyone do a one year term did the board not do it then and wait to do it? The board members could of changed that right away instead of waiting. There was a lot of drama before they did change it why was that? I believe Weaver said when ever someone wanted to take over they could and that would of been Lewis I believe so why did no one say they wanted to be President instead of all of the drama?

This board still has a long way to go. They really haven't changed much just different players. Most don't want to do what a board member is suppose to do they just rubber stamp what the administration wants. I really don't believe they even took the time to read the literature they got when they became a board member of what their duties where.
They diffidently didn't read the Ethics law or they would change how Gonzales seconded her own daughters employment with the district. The daughter might be the right person for the job but when you have a board member that is for the administration and friends with the Superintendent you have to wonder if it wasn't a payback for something Gonzales did for the superintendent or administration.

In any form of government we all ask when a family member gets a government job that someone from a family member is already in a position to vote if it is a payback for something and if you don't you should.

Anonymous said...

Gonzalez was payed off her daughter was unemployed after only working 3 months for Kendall County. Kendall County is also where the late Debra Roberts worked and still has a foundation that Jerome controls. It is my understanding that she got that ob from him as well. By owning him favors don't expect her to ever vote against him or Trusa either.

Rudy Reza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rudy, very good.

Anonymous said...

"Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive"


Anonymous said...

July 27, 2010 8:17 PM
Amen !

Anonymous said...

Marin Gonzalez for Superintendent????
Can anybody tell me what are the achievements of this moron??
Oh, yes...she got her Doctor degree paid by the District (thousands of $$$) and a salary increase of more than 300% in the last ten years. THESE are her real achievements.

Anonymous said...

I think the central office is well aware of Dr. Gonzalez's horrible reputation in this district, based on the way she's treated people over the years.

That may be why Joan Glotzbach was promoted. Don't be surprised if Glotzbach is being groomed to be the next superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about the bi-lingual department! It's such a mess in this district. Is it true that Ms. Lopez who is the department chair at East High is not even certified for high school or even has the bi-lingual endorsement, she is just an elementary teacher from the west side?? Another example of someone who got a job because of who her mother was, she was a dean at the high school. I don't even think that Childress has a bi-lingual endorsement, it's no wonder that our bi-lingual students are in such a mess!!!

Anonymous said...

I do not think anyone being groomed for superintendant that works for D131 should be superintendant. In fact the next superintendant should not come from this district at all, but hopefully from out of state, and if that is not possible, then as far away from Aurora that is possible and has never worked for this district or any district surrounding D131.

Anonymous said...

Roberts is with the District until 2013/2014 in that time the entire Board will be reelected. Rumor is Roberts may claim disability so if you heard the same rumor I did and you are a central office employee it must be true.

Anonymous said...

You can check of the our State Board of Education if someone has the right certification. It can be tricky looking at them but if you have think after looking at it you can email the State and ask them and they will tell you so before you make statements about someone not having the right certifications find out. I have used that tool and didn't think someone had one and emailed them and they told me if they did or not and they do not let anyone know that you did.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link for teacher certification.

If you don't know the codes you can contact the state and ask them about it.

Anonymous said...

Yes Beatrice does have the right endorsements. Her name is listed as Beactrice Reyes doesn't have the Childres she might want to update that.

Code Description Grade Level Issue Date Status
BSPA Bilingual Education Teacher - Spanish Senior HS 07/23/2010 Issued
ESL English As A Second Language Senior HS 07/23/2010 Issued
PS Psychology Senior HS 08/14/2001 Issued
SO Sociology Senior HS 08/14/2001 Issued

I'm not a employee of the district and anyone can access this information.

Anonymous said...

"Serial Bully" Radakovich was brought in from outside the district, and what a disaster he turned out to be! Now he's sitting pretty, collecting a fat pension and teaching courses like "School and Community Relations" at Aurora University. Oh, and coaching soccer.

Although many of our administrators are corrupt, some are ethical and fair. Maybe one of the GOOD ones will step up when the time comes!

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that Childress just recently recieve her endorsements for esl? The date she received it was 5 days ago, shouldn't she have had this while she was running the department?

Anonymous said...

Everyone talks about the serial bully but he was brought in by the board to do the job they wanted. In any form of business and a school district is a business they chose people to do their dirty work so they don't have too. Yes, he moved on but that is the good ole buddy system if government.

Many times we don't like change and districts and government make bad choices but you are blaming the wrong people in this it was the board and that board and this board isn't too different. Change must come and sometimes we don't like it as we move forward to make things better. We all must remember that any Superintendent does the work of the board or they are suppose too. Not so much with this board the administrators and Superintendent run this district as the board forgets what their roles are.

Anonymous said...

I just checked the distrit 131 directory and Beatrice Reyes-Childress is listed as the director of biingual services. I can't believe the board would approve this years ago if beatrice did not have her bilingual certificate! Word is that she is good friend with Gonzalez and that is why she got the job, not competence. Who checks to make sure that all the bilingual teachers are certified? Oh, that's right, Childress. Vey interesting!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Want to see something else interesting, Beatrice makes over $100,000 for a job she is not qualified for. This board should be ashamed of themselves. It's no wonder we can't make AYP, we don't have the right professionals in the right place. They probably helped her get certified after she got the position!!!!

Anonymous said...

The problem with "Serial Bully" Radakovich is, he is still very much involved with our district!

Dr. Marin Gonzalez got her doctorate from Aurora University (paid for with OUR tax dollars). Radakovich is on the faculty there, teaching graduate-level courses in education. Obviously, Radakovich is one of Gonzalez' mentors and role models, as professors usually are. And don't be surprised if the district sends Ms. Glotzbach to study with Radakovich at AU for her doctorate, as well--at our expense.

I'm sure the Serial Bully would prefer to keep a low profile nowadays. Too bad for him, that many of us will continue to remind the community about what he did to this district a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Yes and Roberts is already paid by St Francis College so that is where he is going upon leaving d131 either in 2014 or on disability. Once a pet, Marin is no longer and Joany is. So plenty of time for Joan to take a few classes to become Superintendent. She certainly beats out Marin

Roberts also has a paid position on the Copley Board. Roberts today is more interested in feathering his nest than improving education. Watch for him and Johnson to increase District image programs not educational ones. The two compliment one another well they only care about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of positions that people hold that they are not qualified for I just checked on Ms. Lopez’ certification and this is what I found. Ms. Lopez is the bilingual department chair at East High. She does not even hold a bilingual certification or a high school certification. Her certifications are type 03 elementary which she received on July 24, 2004 and a type 75 administration which she received on October 16, 2005. How can she run the bilingual department and do the teacher’s observations when she is not even a qualified bi-lingual teacher? This is just another waste of our tax dollars. Is this even legal? My next step will be to inform the ISBE about the illegal happenings within district 131.

Anonymous said...

To 7/29 @ 4:34pm
Good for you and anyone else who has tried to do something. As one, myself, who has tried it is nice to hear that somene else cares about the students and what is happening in this district. It takes more than standing before the board and speaking when something is not going the way a parent thinks it should for their child or children. It takes determination to do the right thing and it certainly is not easy at times.

Anonymous said...

I too have to say good for you for starting to try to do something and contacting ISBE. I have contacted them a couple of times and hopefully they will do something but I have found they make rules but don't enforce them. Maybe if enough citizens contact them they will.

Anonymous said...

Roberts also has a paid position on the Copley Board. If this is true this board is really is a joke. How can you have a Superintendent getting paid for a job on another board and being a Superintendent? His one and only job should be that of the Superintendent of the district not for having two jobs. How do you know this about the Copley board show us the proof.

Mauricio Palma said...

Just finished playing at the Legion Band's final concert. Who went?

Anonymous said...

Look at the Rush Copley site Rush-Copley Medical Center Board of Governors

* Ronald Hem, Chairman
* William Skoglund, Vice Chairman
* Thomas Alexander
* Trish Anen
* Susan Barnes
* Dwight Baird
* Kenneth Bertrand
* Zvi Binor, M.D.
* Ed Bonifas
* Pat Carmody
* Catie Cederoth
* Abigail Chiesa
* Lisa Coffey
* Kris Fauske
* Barry C. Finn
* Tom Fisher
* Gary Flori
* Ron Gabaldon
* Sandra Goeken Miles
* Todd Guynn, M.D.
* James Hughes, Jr.
* Wade Joyner
* Joe Lies
* John Lies
* Maryanne Locklin
* Deborah Lovingood
* Jack McEachern
* D. Chet McKee
* Dave Mead
* Mark Metzger
* Michael Ochsenschlager
* James D. Pearson
* Vincent Pellegrini
* Antonio Perez
* Linda Pilmer
* Betty Reed
* Jerome Roberts
* John Shultz
* Christine Sobek
* Kathleen Tollaksen
This is a paid position it comes with a token salary. He is also a advisory professor at St Francis in Joliet. Do you think Jerome ever does anything out of the kindness of his heart.

Anonymous said...

I see the Board is having a Special Meeting executive session no less why?

Anonymous said...

Jerome Roberts also has a position with School Exec Connect he is a associate in this organization. That is the problem he has so many jobs when does he find time to work with d131

Anonymous said...

To 7/29 @ 9:47pm
Would you please restate your question? I do not understand it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I've been reading the BLOG and to me it's a bunch of BULLSHyt.. when it is all Anonymous Step up to the plate with all your true names and POST the truth... to me it's all a bunch of haters this is why I think I would rather send my children to West Aurora School Ditrict where the Drama is to a norm not like East High Blog! haters and old hens just hackling away.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you criticise everyone for posting anonymously while posting anonymously yourself.

Anonymous said...

The Bob Green saga continues to drag out with the district losing battle after battle against the man.

It appears the only plan they have against the man is to drag it out as long as they can and see if they can out-last him.

They tried to go to the unemployment office and state that they did terminate his employment but since he was challenging his termination at the state level that he was not really terminated and should not receive unemployment benefits.

The state unemployment office did not agree with the district and have been paying Green his benefits. The district administrators hate the man so much they are even challenging the unemployment officers decision.

They know they don't have a chance with a fair and impartial judge and their only hope is to try and cut him off financially so he can't fight back.

The district has also refused to release the records of witnesses they have been using against Green. In short, denying him the ability to defend himself. Green took the matter to the circuit court and the judge sided with Mr. Green. The judge ordered the district to release the witness records to Mr. Green and his lawyer.

It's not very difficult but our administration is too arrogant and incompetent to do anything the correct way. They don't follow District 131 Policies and they don't follow Illinois State Law. They are going to again lose against Mr. Green and it's again going to be the tax payers and students who pay the price for our administrators inadequacies.

How many millions are we paying the district administrators for their incompetence?

Anonymous said...


As for the bully administrators--

Making Choices for Arrogance,

as usual.

Anonymous said...

About the Rush-Copley Board:

Several people on that list are my friends and/or co-workers. The Rush-Copley administration invites various community leaders to serve on the Board, in order to have a broad spectrum of ideas and experience represented.

It is considered an honor to be asked to serve. The pay is VERY negligible (maybe enough to pay for gas and go out for coffee); at least one of my friends on the Board has told me that she would prefer NOT to be paid, so she could deduct her transportation costs at tax time!

And it's a cheap shot to imply that Dr. Roberts (or any other community leader) never donates his time for anything. 9:46 p.m., would YOU appreciate someone making assumptions like that about YOU?

Anonymous said...

Here's the link I found for Rush?Copley and their board members and Roberts name is not on it.

Anonymous said...

Summer 2010

I'm honored to support Rush-Copley Foundation and its mission to enhance the many exciting initiatives set forth by Rush-Copley Medical Center. I look forward to sharing my experience, community involvement and committment to philanthropy to help further the success of the organization.

We will miss Richard Edelman's leadership and tireless devotion to Rush-Copley.

Rush-Copley Foundation Executive Committee
•James L. Eccher - Chairman
President, Old Second National Bank
•Lynn Dubajic - 1st Vice Chairman
Executive Director, Yorkville Economic Development Corporation
•Ronald Gabaldon - 2nd Vice Chairman
Vice President, Innerworkings
•Vincent Pellegrini - 3rd Vice Chairman
Partner, Advanced Objects
•Barry C. Finn
President & Chief Executive Officer, Rush-Copley Medical Center
•Brenda Van Whye, CPA - Treasurer (Ex Officio)
Vice President, Finance, Rush-Copley Medical Center
•Barbara Graham (Ex Officio)

Vice President Philanthropy/Chief Development Officer, Rush-Copley Medical Center

Anonymous said...

Rush-Copley Foundation Board of Directors
•Barry C. Finn
President & Chief Executive Officer, Rush-Copley Medical Center
•Barbara Graham
Vice President Philanthropy/Chief Development Officer, Rush-Copley Medical Center
•Thomas S. Alexander
Chief Financial Officer, Alexander Lumber Company
•Zvi Binor, M.D.
Rush-Copley Medical Center
•Lynn Dubajic
Executive Director, Yorkville Economic Development Corporation
•James L. Eccher
President, Old Second National Bank
•H. Kristian Fauske
Vice President of Operations, Fauske & Associates, LLC
•Ron Gabaldon
Vice President, InnerWorkings
•Sherman Jenkins
Executive Director, Aurora Economic Development Commission
•Vince Pellegrini
Principal, Advanced Objects
•John Shultz
Director of Sales/Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
•Brenda VanWhye, CPA (Ex Officio)
Vice President, Finance, Rush-Copley Medical Center

Anonymous said...

Lifetime Trustees
•Richard J. Edelman
•Ronald Hem
•Herbert B. Knight
•D. Chet McKee*

Anonymous said...

The EHS choral director position is listed under "Employment" on the district website today.

What happened with the woman outside the district who accepted the position? Did she do some research about who she'd be working with (administration) and decided she wanted no part of the politics?

Anonymous said...

Maybe she found out about this blog and decided she didn't want anything to do with a district with such small minded petty people.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right--like this (or any) blog has that much influence on someone's decision to take a job.

Or like this district has a monopoly on small-minded petty people.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of proper cert's Roberts only has a Elementary cert not a Superintendents so how can he be Superintendent. It is Lewis and Glozbach job to make sure this is in order. Just like Johnson looked the other way when she was Secretary knowing Roberts was going blind and not checking on other health issues he has. Johnson also knows he should not be driving along with her pal Lewis and Joanie. What if he runs over some kid.
Marin currently is the only one qualified to be Superintendent on the Wedsite.
Sure looks like Joanie did a good job with Green
As the world turns at d131

Anonymous said...

The district administrators have handled Bob Green as incompetently as they handle every situation. Here though, they found a man who won't back down from their bullying. He won't give up when they try to intimidate him.

You can see why so many teachers in this district won't stand up for what they know is right. All you have to do is look at Green or Kaisershot and you see how the administrators will do everything both legal and illegal to make their life miserable.

Anonymous said...

Marin will never be superintendent because of what she did to Kaisershot.

And Joan's career in this district will probably be affected negatively by how she dealt with Bob Green.

Bullying has its consequences, ladies!

Anonymous said...

Bob Green is a Moron who deserved what he got. Kaisershot on the other hand got bullied by Marin. The Serial Bully gave Marin her marching orders. Now Marin is on the losing side Jerome is very close Joanie. Now Joanie reports to Jerome and was given authority for staff members to report to her.

Anonymous said...

Bob Green is a moron but he did not deserve what he got from the administrators. In fact if the administrators simply followed district policies instead of bending them to suit their whims, there would have been no fight to begin with. The real problem is that the administrators don't like anybody who challenges them. They like to have a bunch of sheep for a staff. It really is a shame that they feel as though noone is right but them.

Anonymous said...

Not only did Joanie get promoted but so did her Secretary Pat Wynn her salary doubled. Her duties did not change but her salary did because now she is the Secretary to the future Superintendent. It is true people who once reported to other cabinet members are starting to be turned over to Joanie. I guess that is why Secretary Pat's salary doubled. This is the same Joanie who overpaid a Board members daughter and did not have her act together when Bob Green was fired.

See many years ago Bob Green and Jerome worked together. Bob never approved of Jerome's life style like many Afro American's Bob and many others did not follow in Jerome's beliefs. There started the rub. Jerome is a short vendictive guy who never forgets. Challenge him and he never forgets. Kiss up to him and you get promoted. For Marin she made the mistake of challenging him. Look for Joanie to be movin on up. Look for Lewis to slip another one by. As the world turns at d131

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it at the central office that a certain board member is the one going after Beatrice. something to do with that boar members daughter, the daughter that the board member voted for and Turza really should have not voted for either. As the World Turns or The Days of Our Lives in D131. Rumor has it at the central office also, that Lewis is messing up royally, just not really caught yet and Johnson is sometimes throwing little fits, just has gotten better in how she does them when she does not get her way. Be very weary if all of a sudden this woman seems to be your BFF suddenly. She has something up her sleeve other than her arm and tread water very carefully.

Anonymous said...

So Joanie Secretary gets a big raise and now the buzz is Clayton will have one too. Everyone noticed she had a new title now a raise. Jerome sure takes care of his girl. Watch out Johnson. Joanie now fights his battles with the other admin's and Johnson fights his battles on the Board. How does a guy who never speaks or comes out of his office get soooo many followers.

Anonymous said...

Johnson is fronting for Roberts as the Central Office takes the hit. Nobody is happy. Johnson can be very cunning and everyone is still not sure why she backs the loser Roberts up they are a team. Not sure what she has up her sleeve either but she sure knows how to make it look good at everyone's expense. Roberts is never out of his office but recently he is seen laying down the law. Many feel Johnson has a hand in it.
The Bob Green lawsuit is alive and well they are having a special meeting to discuss all the personal problems.

Anonymous said...

6:57 p.m., do you mean "personal" problems or "personnel" problems?

There's a big difference!

Anonymous said...

oops typo personnel joanie is not doing such a good job

Anonymous said...

It is going to be fun to watch who will stick who in the back first in this on going saga. Will it be Roberts to Johnson, Johnson to Roberts, Joanie to Johnson, Johnson to Joanie? Look at all the ones involved. Marin, Stella G., etc. Anyone want to take bets on this? Rumor has it also in central office that Wells feathers have been ruffled. THis is truly amusing expect for the effect it has on our students and what is being taken away from them or just pure not given to them. All of this mess at the expense of the students. The saga does go on. Also who is paying the water bill for that fenced in field at Gates school? In the hottest of weather last week it was being watered with no one around in the middle of the day. Oh, that is right, we have no financial problems. This soap opera keeps getting better.
To 7/30 @ 11:25 am Could you please state where you got this info on Roberts you posted? To bad no one but the usuals will be at Monday's meeting. Have to go and see if the agenda has been posted now. Toot-a-loo all till later.

Anonymous said...

I hope Johnson never misses a meeting since Gonzales is vice and if she sits in for Johnson we will never be able to understand her, especially if there is food around.

Anonymous said...

Johnson can't stick it to Roberts after all she is the one who stuck us with him for another four years. Roberts needs her to keep the Board in line something she does very well . As Roberts is often quoted my Board President has my back. Joanie is valuable also because she looks out for him in the office keeps everyone in line. So my guess it will be one of the Central Office employees taking the fall for another year of bad scores. Together Johnson and Roberts are very cunning. I heard the same rumor poor Juanita. her brothers won't even give her the time of the day. Clayton was out at a event by himself praising Johnson and Roberts in a speech to no end. See Clayton always knows who his master is for this he will be rewarded.
Marin will get hers along with Juanita for the times they carried Roberts water.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is the Board Special meeting is for Roberts, some members of the Board are not happy with him. No need to fear Jerome, Johnson will sit right by your side and defend you. What can they do anyway you have a four year contract. If Tursa was such a great HR director she would have put language in that allowed you not to fall asleep for four years. Even Wells, Gonzalez,Hall and Tursa are fed up with him but Johnson and Roberts are one step ahead. So basically like last year the Board will complain he will look bored with Johnson by his side and nothing will happen. He will throw a few admin's under the bus but that is it. Then Johnson and him will sit for hours in his office after the meeting joking how they put one over the Board.

Anonymous said...

If they are looking for administrators to throw under the bus, they can start with Patterson and Morales over at Simmons. They are the worst administrators this district has.

The morale at Simmons has gone down the tubes since they were put in charge. Scheduling has been a tragedy, discipline has been nonexistent and the teachers live in fear of the constant backstabbing by these two.

If the board can't do anything with the worst administrators in the district, how can we have any faith that they really care for the students of our district.

Anonymous said...

Lisa covered for Roberts lack of performance for years. Payback is her husband rides around all day while school is in session. Rumor is Roberts will claim disability before the year is out. Lisa knew he had major vision problems and a major car accident while his contract was being renewed. The question is did Johnson know. My guess is she did. So Simmons another scheduling mess upon you. Patterson will soon have her Doctors. Rumor is she will move to the Central Office and Wilson will be moving on up. Oh the price we pay for a back-rub.

Anonymous said...

The buck stops at the board and the superintendent. They are the ones that should be looking out for the best interest of the students and the taxpayers and it doesn't seem so. But what do you do when community members don't want to step up and help change. Even if some don't run in the next election or some that run don't get elected you can bet it will be the same. Board members don't want to take their responsibility serious. Yes, it is a non paying job but why run if you don't follow the rules you are suppose too? They all seem to think the administrators and superintendent know all the answer and they just rubber stamp what ever they say. Things will get worse with this group. As far as Roberts if he does claim disability then same on the board they knew his condition when they signed his contract and didn't seem to think the community should know. This board is no more transparent the the last and they still have some of the old board there.

Anonymous said...

Wilson is riding something (or someone) all day, that's true.

Moving Patterson to anywhere but out the door would be a huge mistake. I wouldn't doubt it though. This district has a long reputation of moving incompetent, vindictive and corrupt individuals up the chain of command. Patterson would simply be the latest in a long line.

Anonymous said...

Lisa has got to give the best BJ's in the world or something equally good to keep Wilson in the position he has.

This guy has programed 450 in one lunch period and 350 kids in one gym period. 9 months into the school year, he is still trying to fix his scheduling screw ups.

Hundreds of referrals from teachers about students simply get lost (I'm sure right into his waste can) because it's easier than doing his job. We've had students beating the crap out of each other and their discipline is to hug each other and go back to class.

There was an incident last year where a teacher went into a washroom and found two students in the washroom with a lit joint between the two of them. Video showed that they had been in the washroom for 25 minutes and no other students had been in the washroom during that time. Wilson did nothing to the two students and when asked why by the teacher, Wilson's response was that he could do nothing because the students would not confess that the joint was theirs. He claimed that he could not prove it was theirs.

We've had students who have received a dozen referrals by noon and the child's discipline is to get a sack lunch. They simply are not allowed at the concession line.

He runs saturday school where 75% don't bother to show up. When they return on Monday they either receive an in-school or they too receive a sack lunch. The discipline in the building is ridiculous. All the students know that Wilson is a joke. It's about time that the board realize just how bad things are at Simmons.

Anonymous said...

People have to go thru the chain of command and and only then is when they should contact to board. Keep records of everything that is done.

Anonymous said...

The big news is Roberts is now putting in a mentor program and admin's and Board members if they choose will be forced to visit the schools. I know Johnson graduated from Simmons and she is always quick to tell that story. So now will she mentor at Simmons it is a middle school program from my understanding or will she look the other way. You can bet if Johnson chooses Simmons Roberts will not be far behind. If that is the case how can the two take a blind eye to the happening at Simmons. Oh that is right Roberts is blind.

Anonymous said...

I wish she would spend some time at Simmons. It would only be better if she did it like any other teacher in the building. I would love to see her response the first time she had to deal with the lack of discipline there.

In the real world of Simmons, a student would tell her to go F*ck herself, she would write a referral and send the student to the office, five minutes later Wilson would send the student back to her classroom and when she writes enough referrals to begin bothering Wilson, she would be written up and told she has poor classroom management skills.

I am telling you, you really have to be dedicated to teach at Simmons.

Anonymous said...

You have video camera's in the washroom at Simmons?

Board members have no business being mentors during the school day. If they want to mentor at night that is one thing and I would think it would be for homework.

You people with complaints about administrators or others there is a thing about whistle blowing that you can use with the state. When you have real proof go to them and don't worry about if the district will get back at you if you really have proof since they will have the districts name in papers and what will that do for their image. When you let these things keep going on you are just as bad as them.

Anonymous said...

No there are not video cameras in the washroom but there are cameras in the hallway outside the restroom. It is easy enough to see who entered the restroom and when. Of course Wilson couldn't do his job even if the camera was in the restroom and he had video of the kids smoking the joint.

If you think the whistleblower law is going to protect you when you report the illegal happenings in this district, just look at Bob Green. They have harassed him right out of a job because he dared to stand up for what is right. He has gone to every state agency and has won almost every battle which indicates that he does have the law on his side. That it is the district who has been breaking school code not to mention their own policies. But in this district, when you challenge the administration on anything, they harass you even to the point of termination and beyond.

It's like fighting the big bully on the schoolground. There is no reasoning involved. You do it the bullys way or he pounds you into pulp.

Anonymous said...

Any good lawyer could get those kids off a charge where you really don't have proof they where the ones. If a group of kids where in that bathroom they would just say the other one was doing it. Remember you have to prove that they where the ones beyond a shawdow of doubt. If someone knew they where in there why didn't have someone go in? Don't they have a police officer in the building? I am not a big fan of the administration but if they couldn't prove it was a certain child they can't punish them.

You all have excusses about not saying anything because of what might happen and it will as long as you just complain and not do anything. From what I hear Bob Green wasn't that good of an employee but he is willing to stand up and make someone hear him and maybe the state will look into the school district.

Anonymous said...

When someone is a whistle blower they do not have to give their name, or they can ask not to have their name used. Bob Greene is being done the way he is because of the lawsuit where his name would have to be mentioned. The district is going against the law with the way the are treating Mr. Greene. Therefore the district will be and is in more trouble due to this. EEOC law is in Mr. Greene's side.

Anonymous said...

Facts of the Joint/Marajuana incident.

1) Teacher walks into a restroom and finds two students cutting class with a joint burning on the floor between them. Report is made immediately to Wilson Morales.

2) Video is reviewed and shows the two students entering the restroom 25 minutes earlier.

3) Video shows no other students entering or leaving the restroom during the same 25 minute period.

4) No joint burns for 25 minutes.

5) It must be one or both students involved. It is physically impossible for it to be any other students.

6) Both students know the details of the incident as they were both in the restroom during the entire incident.

7) There is enough reasonable suspicion to call the Aurora Police Department and have drug testing done on both pupils if they refuse to cooperate and confess the details of the incident.

8) Wilson Morales is a moron who would rather let these students go unpunished than do his job and maintain discipline within Simmons.

9) Word gets around the entire student population: Do anything you want and when you go to Morales' office you simply deny it. Morales will let you go without any consequences.

Does anybody still believe Morales' "DONUT" runs have no consequences for teachers and students at Simmons?

Anonymous said...

I do believe what you say but what can anyone do when you have this kind of leadership in the district. Most of the board thinks the Superintendent can't do anything wrong which most believe is a joke. I wish there where answers for you but those that aren't in the know can't do anything. There is safety in numbers they say so try to get as many as you can to complain. Go the chain of command and let it get it up to the board. Make a big noise contact someone other than someone in the district. Can you go the the Regional to have someone at least listen.

Anonymous said...

I love donuts... Wally knows what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

So what's going on with the EHS choir position? Hopefully they'll find a qualified candidate soon before the administration ends up frantically rushing someone in at the last second, promising them the moon and covering up their blunders for several years.

The thing is, at least one person was interviewed who has already taught choirs in our district for several years, and knows our kids. She would have done a great job at East High if just given the chance. But I guess the fine arts chair and administration at EHS has something "better" in mind.

We're waiting and watching...

Anonymous said...

Right, if it isn't YOUR choice it must be the wrong choice.

Anonymous said...

If it's a last-minute decision based upon politics instead of what's best for our kids, it probably will be the wrong choice.

Anonymous said...

Whomever they pick, you all will deem unfit, before they are given a chance.

Anonymous said...

There are more than a thousand teachers and staff members in this district. Only a few are mentioned on here repeatedly for their incompetence and corruption. Did it ever occur to you that they really deserve the criticism?

The only person who was prejudged in this district was Brian Liska and that was because of how poorly handled the whole Kaisershot deal was. Some of the criticism of Liska has been justified but he faced an uphill battle from the start.

I am sure that the tone of this blog would change if people actually belived in this districts leadership and saw that they dealt ethically and legally with district affairs.

Anonymous said...

People might believe in this district's leadership if certain administrators had not shown themselves to be BULLIES.

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"--Maya Angelou

Anonymous said...

I guess some of us are cynical about 131 administration, and will remain cynical (and mistrustful) until the bullies are all gone--however long that may be.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think if all this administration is gone things will change? As long as you have the same board and superintendent it will be the same. This is called the game of life and it isn't always fair. As long as you just complain on a blog nothing will change it will stay the same. Get a group together and start going to board meetings and speaking up. I do believe some things are changing but it won't until you stand up for what you believe in. Do you really think that school districts are the only place where these politics go on? It goes on in most places and you either sink or swim or be brave enough to stand up and say something. If you don't you are more concerned about your lively hood than the cause you believe in.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous 12:57 about Ms. Morantes being an excellent psychologist and I appreciate the fact that she is fluently bilingual. It is extremely difficult to find a bilingual psychologist to work with our district as they can make much more money elsewhere. We need her desperately to complete our bilingual evaluations. Our student population can be difficult to assess, and Stella has been very good, and worth every penny of her salary.
I also work with Mrs. Farnum's grandaughter, and appreciate the fact that she attended East High, and understands the community. She works well with the students, helps coach athletics, and is very appreciated in the school she works in. I don't think any strings were pulled to get her a job, and if she was not performing, she would not be rehired. She is an asset to our community.
As a district employee there are things that bother me every day about the way we educate children, but continuing to harp on these two employees is hurtful and unecessary.

Anonymous said...

1:16 -- Very well said. But you need to understand that petty, hurtful, and unnecessary describes this blog to a T. I only tune into this blog on rare occassions, and even if it's been weeks, months, or years, the issues and comments are always the same. No matter what the original post was about, even something really positive like the nice pieces on LCDR McNabb or Ms. Nadel or anything else, within just a few comments it's back to discussing the same old things (strike that, not "discussing" because that involves back and forth, respectfully listening to each other; most of the posters here don't actually listen to any viewpoint that doesn't agree with their own, and don't let something as silly as facts get in the way of their opinions -- let's make the verb "spouting"). This blog is not helpful to the district. It's about giving these bloggers the chance to make themselves feel good by saying hateful things to make someone else feel bad, whether it be current or former district personnel -- or even the kids. They claim they care about the kids, but won't admit that any of the kids excel or any of the programs are working well, because they can't possibly work well with their pet no longer running the program. It's clearly counterproductive and harmful to the district and community, but they don't care -- in fact, they prefer it that way. Rayanne did a lot of good things for this district, but starting this blog is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

12:18, maybe you should just avoid blogs altogether! Compare this blog to Openline and you'll see much more obscenity and personal attacks on Openline than on this one. It's just the nature of blogs--there will always be people who vent and hold grudges.

One good thing I've noticed about this blog is the way people speak up freely about both the good AND bad. For example, I had never heard about Ms. Wells' blaming the kids for the mangled national anthem until it was mentioned on this blog. And when the jazz band got a Division I last spring, this blog "scooped" both the Beacon and the district website. This is information that we deserve to know--and we're sharing it with each other and discussing it openly here, thanks to Rayanne.

The most recent post is about school funding--a VERY timely, important topic. Yes, there will always be some nastiness; but it's just part of the nature of a blog. Discussion is a GOOD thing. Bring it on!!

Anonymous said...

1:04 I agree 100% with you that this blog is much better than the openline blog, but that's really not saying a whole lot. You're right, it's REALLY full of hateful and obscene things. The big difference there is that whoever runs that blog doesn't have enough guts to identify themselves, and frequently deletes posts they don't agree with (and leaves the mean & obscene ones in!). I think openline PREFERS the hateful stuff. Rayanne, on the other hand, at least identifies herself. She doesn't encourage the crap, but I do wish she'd do a little more screening/editing; does she really think it's acceptable for someone to post "Lisa has got to give the best BJ's in the world or something equally good to keep Wilson in the position he has"? I agree discussion is a good thing; my point was that the discussors seem to be in the minority. But maybe you're right that that's just the nature of blogs. And isn't that a shame.

Anonymous said...

Just because some people are prudes and feign offense at every comment that doesn't agree with their closed view of the world, doesn't give them the right to censor others. If a blog specifically and democracy in general is to work and prevail, opposing views can not be suppressed.

It is very simple, you are not forced to read this blog. If you are offended by it's content, don't read it. If you really prefer censorship, perhaps you should move to China, North Korea or if you don't want to travel that far, Cuba is still run by a dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

Blah, Blah, Blah

Is this the 5th or 6th time this conversation has happened?

Anonymous said...

The people on the East Side of Aurora are capable of learning but they are rather slow and you usually must repeat yourself many times before they understand. It's something you must know if you are to teach in 131.

Anonymous said...

After reading this blog for weeks I feel as though whomever started it only did it to talk shyt anonymously about others .. BE a bigger person and tell the Board members and Mr. Roberts how you really feel to there face instead of hiding behind this STUPID blog with all these anonymous post!

Rayanne said...

Dear Anonymous @ August 9, 2010 12:23 AM
I am behind this blog. I started it before I was ever on the board and I have always gone face to face as a community member, board member-at meetings and behind closed doors, to talk shyt, take shyt and give shyt-if that is what you want to call it.
I talked with many people within the community and at the schools who weren't quite as comfortable speaking out in public. I saw Openline blogspot and decided to create a space for those who have a special interest in the eastside.

This is me. So, who are you :o)

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