Sunday, January 24, 2010

When strangers start acting like neighbors... communities are reinvigorated.

A fun fair was held at Simmons to raise funds to help ease the burden of medical costs for an EA student who suffered an aneurysm and needs significant, continued treatment.
There was a genuine outpouring from the community. I was in awe of the number of volunteers. The various donations of prizes, games, food and entertainment was amazing! Everything was plentiful. The rooms were full of activity. It appeared to be a highly successful event.

The EA community has many families who are ready to step up when there is a need. They just need to feel they have value and are welcome.
This event was another illustration of the true character of East Aurora that seems to be obscured by outsiders within 131 boundaries that have not taken time to get to know our students and their families.


Anonymous said...

We see this each and every time our community is asked to take part in something like this. Be it an unfortunate fire leaving a family homeless; a national or international tragedy. Our community comes together to help. A couple of years ago my child was part of a fundraising effort at the high school for a family who lost everything. They passed a jar around the cafeteria and within 2 days had over $1,000. This is from students giving up the lunch money and change they had. There were no big advertisements of the event.

I'm glad you are pointing this out. We have a generous community and spirit in times of need.

Anonymous said...

I see we are being very generous to Bob Green. In the December 21st board packet, the board approved a differential payment to Bob Green for a payment of $2,414.00.

Bob Green already received a differential payment for assistant boys basketball. So he received two differential payments for two sports that ran at the same time. It is physically impossible for one person to coach two sports that run at the same time, so how can this board approve to pay him for work he didn't do.

It sounds like some more additional payments on Bob Green's lawsuit against the district.

This must be more of the great leadership we keep hearing about by Jerome Roberts. I am sure glad we gave him a large raise and contract extension.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I didn't see anything about the fundraiser for this child is there somewhere you can send money to help out.

My thoughts and prayers are with this family and the child.

Blog admin said...

All proceeds from the event will be used to alleviate medical bills that have been incurred by an 8th grade Simmons Middle School student, Fabricio Gaitan. Recently, Fabricio suffered an aneurysm. He survived the tragic
ordeal and must undergo significant medical treatment to fully recover.

The community can also assist in the efforts to raise funds for Fabricio
Gaitan and his family by sending financial donations to:
Old Second National Bank
Simmons Middle School – Fabricio Gaitan Account
1350 North Farnsworth Avenue
Aurora, IL 60505

Anonymous said...

Bob Green hasn't done any work for years. His day consists of taking attendance, handing a few balls to the kids and reading a newspaper or his latest legal briefs against the district for the rest of the period. The kids run wild in his classes. He should have been fired long ago. If we had any real leadership in this district, he would have been gone long ago. Long before he filed lawsuits against everyone.

It doesn't surprise me that the district is paying him for coaching positions he didn't coach. They have been paying him not to work for years.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Rayanne.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday at 4:12 p.m. someone wrote:

"Taking the musical, then, for example, if the district decides to have a musical and hires the personnel, the amounts to be spent come from the contract. So maybe the discussion should be if there should be a musical.

But then, if you total up the amounts spend on Football, basketball, etc. you can see the musical is not as expensive a venture.

Maybe it's a discussion of cost versus return. Why are we doing this activities? Are they for the experiences for our children. It is worth it? Can we afford it? Can we afford not to?"


My question would be, why choose to do a musical that requires an expensive guest director, and several adult professional (paid) musicians in the pit? Last year's musical was performed with entirely students (including musicians). Why the unnecessary extra expense this year? There are hundreds of musicals to choose from. In tough economic times we're watching every dollar!

But certain administrators don't seem to care about how our money is spent, as long as their image is preserved. Business as usual at East High.

Anonymous said...

If there are not enough student musicians or there are not enough of them that musically proficient on their instrument to perform a high school musical. This goes directly to the job the band director is doing. After five years there is no one to blame but the current director. If our program can sustain even a high school production without outside help, there need to be changes made to improve the program.

Anonymous said...

I would disagree that there is no one to blame but the current director! Instead, blame those administrators who rushed to replace Mr. K because of a personal vendetta, then stuck their heads in the sand and denied or ignored any criticism. Specifically, the admins who were involved then and are still with the district: Dr. Gonzalez and Mr. Harmon (and possibly Dr. Roberts as well--he was director of secondary education at the time).

Don't blame Mr. Liska; it's not his fault that he needed a job and believed the promises made by those desperate to fill the position. But keep reminding those who were responsible that this was WRONG and that we will keep speaking up to make sure our money is used for our childrens' best interests instead of covering up administrators' blunders.

Anonymous said...

You may want to look towards the "business" end of the musical arrangement.

The Hawks contributed to the referendum,not to mention their politcal ties. So, if she wants to be a part of the musical and be paid-gosh darn, why not? It's not like the district won't eventually get the money back.

Anonymous said...

I love a couple of things on this blog. What a bunch of hypocrites. It has been stated that Kevin used adults in the pit many times. And that was one of the reason sited why he was let go. Whatever. But I love that if Mr. Liska uses adults in the pit, it is because he is a bad teacher.

Do any of you know who the TWO adults were that were in the pit. Yes TWO, because Mrs. Allen is ALWAYS in the pit. She is the rehearsal accompanist and always a part of the pit. Does anybody else know what those musicians played, or how much they were paid. You all have said THOUSANDS without any $ amount

Anonymous said...

The Hawks contributed to the referendum,not to mention their politcal ties. So, if she wants to be a part of the musical and be paid-gosh darn, why not? It's not like the district won't eventually get the money back.

January 25, 2010 3:48 PM

So we're talking pay for play here. Again, this is illegal to do but what the heck it's IL. They help get the referendum passed and we make sure she is rewarded by helping with plays.

Anonymous said...

What are you people talking about?

"If there are not enough student musicians or there are not enough of them that musically proficient on their instrument to perform a high school musical. This goes directly to the job the band director is doing."

You are ignoring several factors and attacking Liska again for no good reason. First, this is a volunteer thing and not all students have the time or desire to do it - but there are more than enough students capable of it - just come to a band concert and you'll witness the talent and ability yourself instead of being such an ignorant fool.

Second, the choice of the musical was Mr. Wheeler's, not Liska's, and the high school was lucky that Mrs. Hawks was available when Mr. Wheeler had a family issue at the last minute.

Third, because I know there have been some complaints about Liska's stipend when most rehearsals happened in school - Liska spent over 100 hours outside of school transposing the violin, viola, cello and oboe parts to instruments the district has. It's not his fault there is no orchestral program here, and if he had not spent the time transposing the music, he would have had to hire three times as many outside musicians.

So quit trying to break a good man down and stop claiming that nothing good has come from his being hired. The band program has grown, the overall level of music played is harder and more appropriate to high school, and they sound better and better every concert. And all this from an "unqualified kid" who nobody wanted. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, attacking Liska is not right but I don't think people are attacking him I think they are attacking the administration even in his behalf. He is a pawn in this game and I'm sorry for this but it shows you how administration will use someone for their own benefit.

There is so much discussion on this subject and what we need to be doing is making sure ALL our children get a good education. Until we can figure out how we can get all of them a good education we are a skeleton of a district. We can make magnet programs, early education and all the other illusions of being a good district but until we make it so all children have a good education we are a poor excuse for one.

Not all our children can go to the magnet program but because they do not qualify for it but are trying to learn and want to go to school are bullied because they aren't like the others. Shouldn't they have the same right to go into a classroom and learn? Maybe they don't have a ride to get to that magnet program should they be left behind because they want to learn but can't get into a program that let's them learn without a class being disruptive.

Anonymous said...

The band sounds better? After five years, they still can't do better than a Division Three at a band competition and you want us to believe you when you talk about how good the band sounds. Apparently the other area band directors don't agree with you.

I came from a school that if we had one point less than a perfect score at band contest we were disappointed with ourselves and that was playing grade 6 music, which is the most difficult.

I have heard the band play and I can tell you without reservation, they are not that good.

I have been in the district for years and can tell you, our kids can do outstanding things with the correct leadership. If our kids are getting anything less than a perfect score, it's because they are not being taught correctly.

If the band director can't get enough students to perform at the musical, it sounds as though he is not inspiring his students. With the right encouragement, he would have so many students trying out, he would have to cut students to fit them all in the pit.

The administration made a mistake five years ago putting a 1st year teacher in charge of a high school program. The have compounded the mistake by not correcting the mistake for the past five years.

I will state it again. After five years in his position, not one student in the band program knew Kaisershot as the high school director. The seniors are the product of four years under Liska. At this point, the quality of the band is entirely Liska doing.

If students cant go to band contest and receive a superior rating, it is solely the fault of Liska.

Anonymous said...

who cares? what does any of this have to do with the original post about people helping each other?

Anonymous said...

Again, more twisted truth from the ignorant blog.

They have not gone to contest this year because IT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET, and they did not go last year because it fell over spring break. The year before, Liskas 3rd year, with Kaisershot kids still in the band, the SYMPHONIC BAND got a Division III rating and the WIND ENSEMBLE got a Division II.

What rating did Kevins Band get at the IHSA Organization contest, oh wait, he never went, because he would have been laughed off the stage with his middle school music that he played.

And what school did you attend, I would bet that you and most of the rest of your band mates took private lessons.

And again I ask you WHO WERE THE ADULT MUSICIANS USED IN THE PIT - well I will tell you, one was a piano player (NO NOT SUE ALLEN, another piano player) and the other was a guitar player, and Liska did have a student guitar player down in the pit along with the adult, because there were TWO guitar parts.

I think you have NEVER heard the East High band and you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. You just like to pick minor infractions and make them out to be HUGE deals.

So the band got a division II. HOW MANY GAMES DID THE FOOTBALL TEAM WIN? How many competitions does the chorus attend? How is our baseball team doing?

Anonymous said...

Guess what, if you are going to pick on the band for getting a division II, then please mention all of the other BIGGER failures at East High

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about the original post, they all just can't get over DEAD ISSUES. That aren't even issues anymore.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong it is not Liska that is the problem it is the administration and I bet they keep him on a tight leash. They put him in for a reason and I bet the Administration keeps him from what he wants to do. I don't know the man never met him my kids have been out of this district for a long time and I wouldn't let my grandchildren go here but this person was put here for a reason and only the administration knows why so go after them not him.

Any of us that has worked in a place that administration thinks they know more than most plays the game against one employee against the other for their own benefit and until this community stands up to the people that don't live in this district and thinks they know the best for it will we be a better district. Remember they don't really care about what goes on here they are only worried about the money they make here.

Anonymous said...

Rayanne - people may criticize you for keeping this blog up as a mechanism for complaining. You try to put a post up about strangers acting like neighbors and it sure goes downhill. But you try...

Thank you for bringing to light the plight of the student from Simmons. I was not aware of this and contacted Simmons today to see if there was anything else besides donations that would be needed by the family.

I was going to post that here and by the time I came back from yesterday this posting had gone way off from the post subject.

Anonymous said...

We should commend the Simmons community for taking on such a huge fundraiser!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Rayanne, that you for posting this and taking the focus off of you being a quitter for the moment.

Anonymous said...

Rayanne thank you for posting the support the community has done for this family.

Remember you are not a quitter. As a community member I don't know why some on the board stay you don't have support from the community and if anyone goes to a board member you can see that there are some that will always go against anyone that opposes the administration. For those on the board that has the best interest of the community and the students of this district keep it up. For those on the board that this superintendent has under his spell remember it is not him you are suppose to in love with it is the students that should be your first priority. You are not there to make his life better you are there to make our students life better and to follow the IL School Code.

Anonymous said...

I also think what the posted stating about wanting to learn, but cannot attend the Magnet Academy for whatever reason is a good subject. Where is the fairness in all of this for the ones who want to learn and are bullied? There is none. Look how that one parent Tony Lowe went on at the school board meeting and what trouble he would cause if this Academy was not kept open for his daughter to attend and has taken her out now because it is not right for her. Regular classrooms should be taken care of first and not that Magnet Academy. The safe enviroment for learning and how the students are handled at the Magnet Academy should be for all. The Magnet Academny IS NOT gifted children but for regular students.

Anonymous said...

Guess what people. NOT ALL KIDS ARE SMART. oh my gosh I said it. Your kid probably isn't, and the smart kids are tired of having to deal with the stupid kids.

Anonymous said...

There is only one school board member that is concerned about the students and community now. Can't wait to see who the new school board member is. I hope it is one that will benefit the community and students and give help to the one school board member that still work for their best interests. The rest of the members follow Johnson like the rats followed the Piped Piper and Johnson only has eyes for Roberts.

Anonymous said...

I saw the presentation the Magnet Academy gave at the school board meeting last year and I can say that what I heard was what I was taught in school and I graduated forty years ago from E.A. In fact the math presentation was the same for the same grade level. Does not say much for the Magnet Acadaemy, does it?

Anonymous said...

The kids are fine, it's the parents that are idiots.

Anonymous said...

40 Years ago District 131 was the premier school district. It started going down hill in the 80's and 90's.

Anonymous said...

7:08 p.m., thanks for your insight. I am 7:56 a.m. and 1:22 p.m.

Please notice that I did NOT say anything critical of Mr. Liska! I tried to be clear in my comments that my concern is with the ADMINISTRATORS who bullied Mr. K out of his position at East High, and who are now spending countless thousands of dollars unnecessarily.

You say that Mrs. Hawks was brought in when Mr. Wheeler had a family issue at the last minute. Does this mean that Mrs. Hawks' stipend was deducted from Mr. Wheeler's?

I remember back in 2005 when the School Board president, Larry Malaker, told a retired teacher living out-of-state that they "had to get rid" of Kaisershot. One of the three specific reasons he mentioned was "he brought in his wife to play for the jazz band". The ADMINISTRATION took Mrs. K's willingness to volunteer her time to help the band program and twisted it around against her husband! No wonder some people are upset when it appears that the rules & expectations have changed--and no wonder that some are still bitter against the ADMINISTRATION.

As was mentioned in a previous thread, there are several things that we can all do to help the EHS band program succeed. Parents can provide private lessons for their students. The community can buy fruit, go to the pancake breakfast, and donate to help the boosters. But we should also continue to remind ADMINISTRATORS that their bullying and wasting our money will not be forgotten!

Anonymous said...

There was a fun fair at Simmons to help out a family of the community.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and there are also several opportunities to help Haiti earthquake victims; one program I'm familiar with is "Coins for Caring".

Our community really does come together to help each other and the larger world!

Anonymous said...

And another program is "Get Dee Weaver off the school board."

Anonymous said...

Enough with the Band... Do you not think 5 years is long enough to complain about one program... If the Band was so important to Weaver, Carlson and Lewis then when they had the votes why not change the Band Director or put administration on notice... Hawks and the play costs took place while Carlson was on the Board if her and Weaver worry so much about money why did they not bring it to the public. Why because the are illiterate white trash that lack the education.. Rayanne approved Liska and Hawks she was always all talk and no action...
It is sad that she attends district events now like she has lost her best friend... She has become the big joke... Poor Rayanne no friends just goes around talking to people at the District who hate her and sending emails pestering admin's like she is still on the Board. What a waste of life. Get over Rayanne you are now on the outside looking in.

Rayanne said...

Yes, I am no longer on the board, but I have never been on the outside, I have always been a part of what has gone on inside the schools that my family have attended for nearly 4 generations. If this is a waste of my life to continue to be active in my community, it is my choice. Unlike some who step up to be a part of the board, not for the children's sake, but to guarantee the board makes choices in their best interest, like keeping their taxes down on the N/E side.

I sent ONE FOIA email to Dr. Roberts and only he or someone he shared that info would have known that.
Hmmmmm.....who could be so worried about what I do in my spare time? LOL

Anonymous said...

Some of us keep bringing up the band issue to expose the hypocrisy of administration. The musical is just one recent example of this!

9:17 mentioned that one thing used against Mr. K was the fact that his wife had volunteered to play piano with the jazz band when no student pianist was available (evidently administration wanted only students to play). Even though an adult was HIRED to play for every choral performance, and a different adult was HIRED to play for the drama dept. (musical), Mrs. K's volunteering to help the band was specifically mentioned by the school board as a reason to get rid of her husband.

And now some of those same administrators are paying adults (plural) to play for and help direct the musical? This is hypocrisy, plain & simple! Administrators are counting on the public to either not notice or not remember--which is why some of us continue to bring it up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Rayanne that you are starting to FOIA the District. I have not seen that information on this blog so I assume you would not be telling lies about yourself. So what now waste more of the Districts time on your petty requests. Waste more taxpayer dollars having District personal pull them. It shows you and Weaver joined the Board just to make trouble. Your fatal attraction to a administrator and the problems you have caused that individual shows and everyone around just feels sorry for you. The fact you have verbally attacked all of us and you still have the guts to come up and speak to us shows your lack of self evaluation. Remember when you were on the Board we had to listen to you and your petty small minded ideas now we don't. Do yourself a favor look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Making hypocritical choices for excellence.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Rayanne may have sour grapes in regards to another Board member. Funny how she states someone ran to watch out for the tax payers. Wow what a idea. Then why did you run to cost the tax payers like you are doing now. Of course Weaver is no different she told the taxpayers she would vote no for the referendum and then she voted yes. That is the only way she/you could get elected. Based on lies like the blog. Weaver and Carlson never had community support in fact they never did produce one supporter other than Weaver husband and sister.

Anonymous said...

10:08, these ladies did not elect themselves! They obviously had community support, or they would not have been on the School Board in the first place.

Why don't YOU run for the board? Let's see how much community support you have. Or are you a hypocrite like the administrators 8:03 was talking about.

On a positive note, there was a nice picture in the Beacon today of the fund-raiser at Simmons!

Anonymous said...

Weaver was elected on a lie to residents. She told residents she was voting no and then voted yes.

Anonymous said...

She said she would vote no on the first referendum and she did but she did state a couple of times when talking and I do believe she said it at the Roundhouse forum that she couldn't say she would not always vote no to a referendum.

What difference does it make all the board members flip flop on issues. We all know Roberts is pulling the strings of most of those board members.

Anonymous said...

Still elected on a lie just like all the lies she has told members of the community. Well the old saying is you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all the time. Weaver is finished.

Anonymous said...

No different than the other members that have lied. I don't feel she lied and what lies has she told the community. Your statement sounds like a treat and I don't think most people feel that way. I think this district is finished.

Get off this get down to board business.

Anonymous said...

Tell you what! All the parents with school age kids should move to the west side. Then there would be no need for 131. Problems solved.

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2010 7:43 PM

Amen I think that is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can see Weaver is finished the Board never votes her way now that Carlson is gone the Board will become a 6 to 1. Weaver can not get one person to support her. Not the public not the Board she is the biggest lame duck I have ever seen. I am glad to see her disruptive behavior finally put to the test. Why is it 6 to 1 because Weaver or Carlson never had a positive thing to say or introduce.

Anonymous said...

Boo hoo Boo Hoo Sit in front of your key board and b tch and whine and carry on. I have said before get off your lazy but and go to a board meeting. Voice your opinion share your complaints, oh but wait we would then see who you really are. Maybe you can't, you might loose your job, or your one of the two ignorante people that sit in the rear of the board meetings always talking and looking at your computers.Can we please get over the band issue, Boys To Men, S.G.

Anonymous said...

If this district and board thinks we are doing they are doing so good why don't the do like D204 and do a survey?

D204 residents satisfied with schools

January 27, 2010

Families in Indian Prairie School District 204 say the district is making the grade, with the majority of those recently surveyed giving it overall high marks.

"We're very, very pleased," Superintendent Kathy Birkett said Tuesday.

In a survey conducted between Nov. 30 and Dec. 13, 87 percent of those responding said they would give the district an "A" or "B" — an 11 percent increase from a 2005 survey when 76 percent of residents assigned those grades.

"We are in the education world, so we asked the people to give us a grade," Birkett said. "Those grades are important to us. It is really outstanding."

The survey consisted of 403 completed phone interviews with registered voters in District 204. Registered voters were interviewed in order for the results to be compared to the district's 2005 voter survey. During the survey, demographics were monitored to make sure they matched those of voters in the district. The overall margin of error for the results is plus or minus 4.5 percent.

District employees received praise, with 28.9 percent identifying faculty and staff as the greatest strength in the district. More than three-quarters — 75.7 percent — said they found district employees' attention to customer service pleasant and helpful.

When asked to rate the job the district does in communicating with the community, 53 percent said the district does an excellent or above average job. In 2005, only 35 percent gave this response. The district has been working to improve communication, Birkett said.

"I think we have a really concerted effort this year to communicate," she said.

More people have visited the district's Web site than in the past. In 2005 just 56 percent of respondents had been to In 2009, that number jumped to 73 percent. More parents are also seeking communication via e-mail.

"Our parents are definitely looking for that," Birkett said. "That's how they want to be communicated with."

Money is on the minds of residents as the greatest challenge facing the district, with 18.4 percent listing funding/money and 5.6 percent listing the budget.The district is working to close a budget deficit.

"Almost a quarter of our parents realize that one of the greatest challenges we face is finances," Birkett said.

District officials used the survey as a chance to gauge public opinion on adding air conditioning to the elementary schools, as most do not have it. In order to do so, voters would need to approve a property tax increase, costing the average homeowner in the district $107 per year. Those surveyed were asked their feelings if the question were placed on a ballot.

The majority of those surveyed, 52.9 percent, opposed the idea, while 45.2 percent were in favor. The district has no plans for installing air conditioning, but figured "as long as we were going the survey, we might as well ask the question," Birkett said. The question was not asked during the 2005 survey.

The complete survey results can be viewed on the District 204 Web site at

Anonymous said...

We'll get over the band issue when the bully administrators are gone.

Anonymous said...

I'll get over Boys II Men when they are removed from our schools or the State of Illinois makes high school fraternities legal. As long as our board and administration are breaking the law, I will speak out for our kids.

Anonymous said...

We have three community members who are negative complaining trouble makers they are Rayanne Ann Carlson, and the 2 relatives of the Board President other than that they can not produce another living soul

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to have a dog lick peanut butter off of your junk?

Anonymous said...

Hey Annette get off your high horse and ride into the sunset with Dr.R S.G.

Anonymous said...

As I was driving past East High tonight on the way home I say the NROTC Students walking out in their dress uniforms and walking very proud they looked nice and what a nice picture of the kind of students we have at the school.

Anonymous said...

WOW, how exciting for you.

Anonymous said...

Now let's fast forward a year or two. They will be standing at attention horizontally with a flag draped over the box they are in. Will you think they still look good. I prefer options with a better future for our students personally.

Anonymous said...

I saw a hooker. She looked sooo hot and happy to be selling her body.

Anonymous said...

No one said they where going into the military they are learning life skills and might go into other avenues in life. Would you rather they be standing on a street corner and be shot by a drive by shooter. This is a positive thing for the district and another way to learn life skills. I know some that went into the program and never joined the military. Maybe you would be happier if they joined a gang and robbed your house.

Anonymous said...

I would rather have them rob my house. I think that would be neato.

Anonymous said...

So if no one went into the military how would you be able to sit where you are at and say these things.

The kids get something from this and it doesn't mean they will go into the military it just means they are learning life skills in a positive way.

Hopefully you will never need a police person, fireman or someone on a plane with a bomb to save your life.

Anonymous said...

I spy with my little eye something that is DEAD

Anonymous said...

I am grateful to our military personnel (past and present) for protecting our freedom. As the saying goes, freedom isn't free. Our NJROTC students are a source of pride for our district, and deserve our support!

Anonymous said...

I just attended the Boys II Men event. The event was great shared by East & West together. Johnson was honored by Clayton. Weaver should take a page out of her book try to do good for the kids. Big event about
400 people showed up to honor Clayton & his Boys. Two bad the two hateful spiteful Board members spent so much time injuring the fine name of Clayton's wonderful organization. Fifty kids with a GPA over 3.5 from East & West coming together. No thanks to Weaver who stills call it a illegal group.

Anonymous said...

To: 8:02

What an ignorant comment to make. You assume that our kids have only two choices, the military or getting shot on a corner. There are many choices they can make in life and most of them are not a choice of learning to kill or being killed.

We should be finding positive options for our kids. College, trade schools, community action, social services, teaching, police work, etc.

Our kids are capable of such great things. You really need to think about the comments you make. I choose to show our children the great things they are capable of. I would never even insinuate that their choices are only become a killer in the military or join a gang and die.

Anonymous said...

Prostitution anybody???

Anonymous said...

You can dress up and put perfume on a pig but it is still a pig. High school fraternities are illegal in Illinois. Make it look as pretty as you like, try to make it smell like perfume but it will still be illegal.

I don't care if you are embezzeling money, selling drugs, bribing a cop or running a high school fraternity. You are a criminal according to Illinois Law. A criminal is a poor role model for our children.

I can't believe that our board and administration feel that our kids are not worth anything better.

Anonymous said...

BOYS II MEN IS NOT A TRUE FRATERNITY. Just because you call a banana an apple, DOESN'T MAKE IT ONE. He just used that word because he thought that kids would think it was cool.

Anonymous said...


Take a look at the law and you wouldn't make such an a$$ of yourself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shakespeare said:

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet."

Boys II Men is a positive organization. Get past the word "fraternity" (or define it as a "brotherhood") and choose to see the good it is doing in our community!

Anonymous said...

A crime by any other name is still a crime and you can call him Clayton Muhammed or Kinnard and he is still a criminal.

Anonymous said...

And you are still stoopid!

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would Clayton honor Johnson?

Anonymous said...

Because Johnson was the one who pushed to make Boys II Men a business partner with the district.

Anonymous said...

No one is saying they only have those two choices just one choice was stated. Each of the students have many things they can chose. It is sad you are so one sided.

Anonymous said...

Wanting a future for our children that doesn't involve killing and death is not one sided.

Anonymous said...

12:53, if my grandfather and his fellow soldiers had not put their lives on the line in 1944, you might be reading this in Japanese.

Anonymous said...

AND THE NEW BOARD MEMBER IS..................................................................................................................................RAYMUND HULL

Anonymous said...

What up now bitches???

Anonymous said...

What a shame if that is true that we had some community members that where maybe willing to act like real board members and take time out of their lives to serve the community. when you watch some on this board it looks like they are in such a rush to get out of there and they don't want to do what they are suppose to and listen to all the information that is brought forth. In fact this board and I mean all the board doesn't really care or do the job they are suppose to do by the law they let the administration and superintendent run the show. This is a sad district and we will never be better as long as this happens. We need people that have kids in this district instead of people that don't and really don't know how these children feel.

May some of the other candidates should investigate how this board picked the new one they might be surprised.

To the candidates that took time out of their live to think they might make a change in this district thank you for taking the time to apply. For those board members that are too lazy to take the time to really listen to the ones that came forward to apply shame on you most of us know that Hull was a shoe in with you because he was a member before and went your way and if what they say is true he resigned from the board also.

Anonymous said...

I bet it took all of 5 minutes when they went into decide who the board member was to be Johnson told 4 of them who they should vote for and they didn't need to decide about the others because she knows what is right they voted for Hull. What a shame same ole same ole in D131.

Anonymous said...

It is true. The agenda is up for the next board meeting. I found it there.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it strange that there was no press release no write up in the paper.

Anonymous said...

Until this community stands up to the board, administration and superintendent these things will go on. Don't say you have stood up before start again it is a new day. don't give up because you lost one battle keep on going.

Anonymous said...

If they chose Raymond Hull, the old-guard throwback, to be on the board then they had better be ready for his ranting and tantrums. Just go to the district website and download some of the minutes from when he was on the board; he had plenty to say and it was usually not supportive of the teachers.

If you think morale is low now, just wait for a few months!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Was he not on the Board that picked the serial bully and did he not vote against the band or had he resigned by then

Anonymous said...

9:47 p.m., Mr. Hull was indeed part of the Board that picked the Serial Bully.

But he was not part of the Board that bullied Mr. K; Mr. Hull resigned from the board (or declined to run for reelection, which is effectively the same thing) in the spring of 2003.

Anonymous said...

9:07, here are two direct quotes by Mr. Hull:

On Tuesday, April 8, 2003 at a School Board meeting he said the following:

"Teachers are the key to stopping the promotion of children who are not prepared. Compensation for our teachers should be based on results and not tenure".

This is just a portion of his statement (look it up yourself if you want to read the rest of it)--but he did NOT mention administrators' role in student success, or suggest that administrators' compensation be tied to results. This statement is typical of the old-guard bully board, blaming only the teachers when students fail.

And in March 2009 Mr. Hull said that he had concerns that those who were running for a seat on the school board were doing so because of personal agendas. That's an ironic statement coming from someone who claims to be an advocate for children, yet chose to support a serial bully superintendent with personal agendas (at least one of which has proven NOT to be in our childrens' best interests!)

On the positive side, Mr. Hull did a lot of great work during his tenure on the Board, as chairman of the Building & Grounds committee. I'm hoping that was the reason he was chosen to rejoin the Board. But we will be watching him closely, because we remember the disastrous decisions made by the superintendent he helped to select not so many years ago.

Anonymous said...

So then why would the Board pick someone who said the new members had personal agenda's. Because Gonzalez is pro administration I am sure he was not referring to her or Wells. That leaves Lewis and Johnson. So I guess the Board showed independence because they voted for the most qualified.

Anonymous said...

How would you know he was the most qualified?

Anonymous said...

When Mr. Hull spoke, he was referring to Carlson and Weaver. He was allowed to go on longer than he should have been and it did seem to appear that someone from the old board might have asked him to speak due to the contents of his words, higher than normal speaking tone and hanging on the brink of really being very nasty and vindictive toward the subjects he was speaking about.

Anonymous said...

That's what worries me about Mr. Hull. We don't need nasty, vindictive rants at our School Board meetings! Someone did mention the good job he did on the Buildings & Grounds committee when he was on the board previously--hopefully that's where he will concentrate his efforts. We should give him a chance, but keep a close eye on what he says at meetings. This could go either way, for good or bad.

Anonymous said...

At the last meeting Wells was offered the Buildings and Ground spot, but she asked if she could think about it. It does make one think about the fact that Mr. Hull was up for the school board opening and was in this position before. We'll find out who will be on this committee more than likely when he takes his spot on the board. Kind of runs along the line of Mary Taurza getting the last opening and who her best friend is on the current board.

Anonymous said...

Why did the other candidates even get interviewed? Just a waste of their time it does appear.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up.

Anonymous said...

It's possible that the other candidates were not as experienced as Mr. Hull was. I'm sure he's aware how this community feels about certain decisions made by the old-guard board. If he's smart, he'll concentrate his efforts and expertise on the buildings & grounds.

Otherwise, we can vote him out next spring, like we did with Salinas!

Anonymous said...

Nope, not me! Definitely not sterile--hubby & I have reproduced ourselves. Be afraid, be very afraid.........

And have a nice day!


Anonymous said...

While I do teach in East Aurora, I did choose to move out of Aurora before reproducing. There's no way in Hell I would let my children go to East Aurora Schools. Neither would anyone else who has a functioning brain.

Anonymous said...

Your choice, 9:18.

Meanwhile, many bright and hard-working young people from our district were mentioned in an article on page 3 of today's Beacon.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, January 30, 2010 7:53 PM. a few of those you are speaking about have no children and are too old to reproduce.

Anonymous said...

I read the Beacon today. I saw an article about the illegal group Bous II Men who honored one former East Aurora Student. He was being honored essentially for doing his job which in this case was being a DJ on a small radio station that no one here listens to. It's a small radio station on the edge of the AM band, 1300 AM.

I did read the other article that stated the East Aurora High School has the worst attendance rate of the 445 schools in Kane County. Many hundreds of our students every day don't even come to school.

It's really very simple, if there was something being offered in the district that the students felt was of value to their lives, they would attend. Nowadays, the only thing administrators value is ISAT scores. Students won't go to school to pass an ISAT test. They go if there are courses that will lead to a real future. They will come for an excellent music program, sports program or Voc. Ed. program.

This should be a real wake up call to those in charge. If you were offering programs that the kids valued, they would do everything possible to be there everyday.

Anonymous said...

Did you really read the article? Because you are really ignorant if that is what you think.

Who else had below state average attendance rate???? NEUQUA, WAUBONSIE. I don't know but I believe that both of these schools have.

"an excellent music program, sports program or Voc. Ed. program."

So why don't you explain that. Yes East had the lowest, but there were 8 other schools that fell below average.

Anonymous said...

That is because all schools are included in the state average, elementary, middle and high schools.

High schools always have lower attendance rates than elementary and middle schools. So, when you average all schools into the equation, every high school in the state is below the average for all schools in the state.

The fact still remains that East Aurora has the worst attendance rate of all the schools.