Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can we afford any more? Can we afford not to?

In the past few months it has been quite apparent in local communication mediums there are definitely many views to whether 131 needs a magnet school, alternative school or a preschool program. Though, all of these programs have young people who need them and parents who want the opportunities for their children, there are just as many families who would like educational opportunities geared towards their own children’s needs. Some neighborhoods have suggested we need a new school built to alleviate overcrowding. How much more should we offer? Is there excess in 131’s attempts to accommodate ALL our children?


Anonymous said...

Would you like to buy some CooooKIESSS!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

Anonymous said...

Hey, there's an idea for a fund-raiser--after all, it works for the Girl Scouts!

Anonymous said...

Or we could sell over-priced popcorn, the way the Boy Scouts do. But seriously, the money for all these programs has to come from somewhere. Maybe having a few fundraisers would be something to try. Every little bit helps!

Anonymous said...

Screw the pre-school. This district half-funds everything, so everything sucks. Maybe if we actually fully funded some programs we would have better success.

Anonymous said...

If this district cuts the magnet school and especially preschool I will move and I am sure I'm not the only one. Preschool has dramatically improved the knowledge base of the kids who enter kindergarten!!! It is unacceptable to cut this program.

Anonymous said...

Then pay for it yourself. Pre-school does not need to be funded by tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Clayton Muhammad gets a 6 figure salary to make the district look that a needed expence?

Anonymous said...

Is it important to focus on positive aspects of a school district. Yes. If you think that firing one person would save this district, you are a moron.

Anonymous said...

Is there data to prove that the pre school has dramatically improved the district? If so why is there so many still in the Bilingual program? Does it benefit all low income children or are some getting in for other reasons and not low income?

Anonymous said...

The preschool is paid for by grant money from the State of Illinois. YOU DO NOT PAY for it. The Magnet school costs the same to educate a child as does any other program. To bad the morons on the school board don't understand this. At least they appointed someone with professional experience that is a step in the right direction.
Clayton has touched many kids lives and is a positive role model. He is respected by all the students at D131 to bad the morons on board don't see it that way.

Anonymous said...

Clayton is still a criminal running an illegal fraternity and this board is no better than the last one because they are still allowing this to happen and still paying a six figure salary for this criminal.

Anonymous said...

Where does Grant Money come from? Our tax paying dollars so yes we do pay for some of it. Still where is the data that it is doing anything for the kids? How many might come from a different district? With this grand children can come from other districts to use this. Also is there really only low income kids in there that's not what I have heard.

Anonymous said...

Money is being wasted left and right in this district. For example, at the high school they're bringing in Mrs. Hawks to direct the musical. Is she donating her services? Also, there will be TWO adult keyboard players (Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Werthmann) in the pit. Aside from the issue that students should be playing (and a previous band director was penalized for daring to bring in a VOLUNTEER adult professional), where's the money coming from?

And how many thousands of dollars of grants could have been funded with this money alone?

Anonymous said...

Clayton has saved many children from a life on the streets. Just look at Aurora compared to Chicago. Our kids have not meet with violent death largely because of Clayton. To bad we don't have ten of him. To call him a criminal running a illegal organization only leads me to believe you are jealous or a criminal yourself.

Anonymous said...

7:58, I would ask whether the money to pay these extra people is coming out of the stipends the district already pays its employees (Mr. Wheeler & Mr. Liska) for doing the musical. If so, that's one thing. If that $ is over and above what was budgeted, that would be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the administration is trying to make sure the music sounds good. Last year's pit was an embarrassment--our kids and the community deserve better.

Anonymous said...

To: October 23, 2009 8:02 AM

Oh yes, Clayton all by himself has saved our children. The thousands of teachers , administratros, counselors, coaches, parents, relatives, police officers, volunteers, social workers etc. etc. etc. have had no influence on these children. It's Clayton's illegal fraternity that has saved these children from a life of crime and desperation.

You need to take your head out of your A$$ and really take a look around before you share your insights. Running an illegal fraternity is not the roll model I want for our children. Nor is a board and administration that allows illegal activities to continue.

As long as the administration and board allow such illegal activities to continue, I'l will not trust them in any decisions that they make.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody remember that stupid documentry about the drive in that was supposed to be released in the Summer of 2009. The Hi-Lites Last Gleaming. Isn't it the Fall of 2009. Where is that stupid thing.

Anonymous said...

Where is the land from Bigalow. Why does the Board not ask. We voted for change and all of Dee and Rayanne's complaining that they only had one vote. Why are we not seeing change.
They put a women on the board that is just like Farnum. It is funny how she comes from pro administation's neighborhood of Gonzalez. Lewis was a band buddy of Rayanne's and can never make up her mind. She finds the Board a big joke. I am not sure what is so funny. Johnson seems to be the worst one of the group. She started out fine but seems very pro administration. She quickly disposed of the lawyers but the new ones are currently fighting hard against the union. They are backing up a claim that needed to be settled. Maintenance is getting screwed. These lawyers are going to play hard ball with the teachers and guess who is the boards rep Johnson funny how that works out.

Anonymous said...

How is the maintenance people being screwed? How much do they make and is their health insurance being fully paid for? There is an article on The Champion that has a piece about maintenance workers in the education system that makes more than others doing the same thing that are in non public jobs. It was interesting because they stated that most of them if they work for a district make 50,000 a year how many in this district make that much a year. Since we have maintenance workers why are so many projects being contracted out costing the district more money?

Anonymous said...

For the cost the district is putting out defending themselves they could have solved the problem. Warning to the teachers that is a sign of times to come. The district is flexing legal muscle.

Anonymous said...

Now that the check register is published online it should be easy to find out whether additional people are being paid to help with the East High musical. And also how much of a stipend is given (above & beyond their regular salary) to the EHS drama director & band director for directing a show that someone else is REALLY doing the work for.

You can bet that we'll get to the bottom of how our money is being spent by corrupt administrators.

Anonymous said...

Where are the teacher stipend posted online? I have not seen them on the check register.

Unknown said...

Good Morning Bloggers,

I have been reading this blog about once a week since Rayanne first started it. In the beginning it was meant as a way to communicate and keep the community informed and another way for people to voice their opinions. I was interested in hearing what things were going on in the district.

However, over the last year it has become a gossip site for people to anonymously make false accusations against others and to make comments with no truth or proof to them. I can’t speak for the other board members, but in my own case I have seen many lies published about myself, most recently that I think the board is a joke. Nothing could be farther from the truth and I would like to challenge the individual who wrote the comment to send me an email through the district with their reasons for feeling this way. But to set the record straight, I spend a great deal of time on Board business. I have gone to most of the evening School visits, attended several of the open houses, taken vacations days from work to visit the schools during the day, went to concerts, events, educational training, etc along with being on two committees and spending a lot of hours reading and doing research to become an informed board member. This is in addition to my full time job as a Manager, finishing us and getting my college degree and doing my professional development to keep up my certification required for my job. Not to mention my family, church, and other community work.

I am not complaining, just stating the facts. I ran for the boards because the District has been a great place for my children to grow, both educationally and socially, and I wanted to make it better and to give back some of what I think we have received.

I am sorry if any of my actions have been mis-construed and would welcome emails from anyone.

Anita Lewis

Anonymous said...

To Anita:

"...over the last year it has become a gossip site for people to anonymously make false accusations against others and to make comments with no truth or proof to them."

It's amazing how things change when a person becomes a board member. You were perfectly content when you were using this site as a means to becoming a board member. Now that the light is shining on you, you all of a sudden claim the site has become full of lies and gossip.

I know for a fact that many of the statements on this site are perfectly accurate or very close.

I guess it's easier to turn a deaf ear and call others liars than it is to fix the problems of this district. It's hard to believe we have any problems in this district when we have such outstanding leadership.

Anonymous said...

Anita should not so glibly discount everyone who writes on this site simply because she doesn't like some of the opinions people have of her. If she believes that some comments have been inaccurate about her on here, she should spend her time clarifying her actions to the community not calling others liars.

Now you see why so many people don't stand up to be heard in this district. As soon as you say anything that those in power don't like, they turn on you.

Anonymous said...

What is untrue?

Jerome is way overpaid and his contract was extended in an unethical way. Clayton does run an illegal fraternity. Simmons has become a pit under it's current administration. Board members have turned their back on the community since being elected. The district still hasn't seen anything regarding the Bigelow deal. The district did give away land at half it's value in the Walmart deal. The high school band still sounds terrible while the districts best band director wastes his talents at a middle school. The students of this district are still not making AYP. The districts administrators are still among the best paid in the county while the teachers are the lowest paid. We still have no buses. We still have gangs. We still have facilities that are falling apart. We do have new pictures in the board room.

Anita, how can you state that this site is full of nothing but lies and gossip?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that this superintendent and board ignored the health department and kept schools open when they had confirmed cases of swine flu, endangering our students and community.

It makes a person wonder if the swine flu could have been contained when it first came out last spring if people like Roberts had actually followed orders. Instead thousands of people have died and we haven't even gotten to the peak of flu season. Let's see what the death count is come March.

Anonymous said...

Anita, please know that most of us who read this blog appreciate your work on the School Board on our behalf. I especially appreciate that you have contributed to making this district's finances more transparent by helping to post the check register online.

But unfortunately there will always be a few disgruntled folks who are upset that things didn't go their way. These childish few will stoop to personal attacks and lies, and try to sabotage the progress that the new, improved School Board is trying to make.

Please hang in there! You're doing a great job, and we elected you because we knew you would be a positive force for change.

Anonymous said...

Board members shouldn't speak. Every time they do, we realize more and more just how ignorant they really are.

They need to go have some more lunches with Jerome Roberts on the districts dime and quit calling the community that voted them in to represent them, gossips and liars.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2009 5:00 PM

You are a moron for more than one reason. Most of what you posted is either OPINION or UNTRUE.

Anonymous said...

Anita, here's a hint for you. People can make inaccurate statements without being liars or gossips.

I believe the vast majority of people on here make statements because they want to see improvements in this district and want the board to know what actually goes on in our buildings, not what the administrators want you to see when they personally escort you through their buildings.

Don't make blanket statements and discount everyone because you don't agree with their statements.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2009 5:16 PM must be a board member.

Anonymous said...

The vast majority of people here don't have a damn clue about what need improving. What they think needs improving doesn't and what they think isn't working is. The vast majority of people on this blog are ignorant fools not worth listening to.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2009 5:28 PM must still be a board member. Everyone is ignorant but you. How does it feel to be so perfect?

Anonymous said...

It feels great. If everybody was like me, the world would be a much better place

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody, we have Mac Davis on here.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
when you're perfect in every way.
I can't wait to look in the mirror
cause I get better loking each day.
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man.
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
but I'm doing the best that I can.

I used to have a girlfriend
but she just couldn't compete
with all of these love starved women who keep clamoring at my feet.
Well I prob'ly could find me another
but I guess they're all in awe of me.
Who cares, I never get lonesome
cause I treasure my own company.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
when you're perfect in every way,
I can't wait to look in the mirror
cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man.
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
but I'm doing the best that I can.

I guess you could say I'm a loner,
a cowboy outlaw tough and proud.
I could have lots of friends if I want to
but then I wouldn't stand out from the crowd.
Some folks say that I'm egotistical.
Hell, I don't even know what that means.
I guess it has something to do with the way that I
fill out my skin tight blue jeans.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
when you're perfect in every way,
I can't wait to look in the mirror
cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man.
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
but I'm doing the best that I can.

Anonymous said...

Leadership...131 needs it badly. There are some outstanding people working for the district and there are some really terrible ones as well.

The teachers are our front line in improving the District (I'd like to say the parents are but it is apparent that isn't true.) If you send people out to do a job without good information and proper leadership you are almost doomed to failure.

The Magnet program is a perfect example of this: a great idea that will certainly benefit kids, add some teachers that want to make a difference for those kids, and you have a good base. But without a plan for implementing the program you WILL NOT succeed. Good intentions only take you so far. The program was rushed and in the 2nd year now it is still far too unfocused. Leadership?

Anonymous said...

What is any of that based on. You come accross as if you know something, but the truth is you don't. Have you talked to the magnet school students, have you talked to the magnet school teachers, have you talked to parents of magnet school kids? The answer to that is NO. So how can you say it is failing, or not doing what it is supposed to be doing. How do you know that the students are not thriving in the program?

It is those kinds of posts that sound credible but aren't that make this blog totally ignorant.

Ignorant is a lack of knowledge either by choice or circumstance.

Anonymous said...

You're just as ignorant for assuming that they haven't done those things. The relevant fact is that after a year and a quarter, the administration of this district still hasn't presented any evidence whatsoever to support their position to continue this program and the expenses that it has incurred.

Anonymous said...

If they had done those things they should have said it. They didn't say it, they didn't do it. A year and a half, please. A year and two months at best.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say a year and a half, I said a year and a quarter. The first quarter ended on Friday, second quarter begins tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

October 25th 5:28 p.m. is probably an administrator at East High or the central office. "What they think isn't working is"--yeah, right. If the pit had sounded halfway decent for last year's musical, they wouldn't have to bring in (and presumably HIRE) an additional professional keyboard player along with a "guest director". All to cover certain people's poor decisions and denial.

Anonymous said...

Question regarding the preschool program. If it is grant funded, is it funded by a grant to be used only by preschool programs? Can it be utilized for other programs?

Just wondering if we said no to preschool would that leave funding for other areas. If not, does it really affect the bottom line?

Anonymous said...

It would not affect any other program because it is to be used only for preschool. Getting rid of it just puts our students at a disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

Does the grant cover all the expenses of the preschool program or are district funds supplementing the shortfalls of state funding?

Anonymous said...

No the State covers all.

Anonymous said...

This is what turns this blog into a joke
To the person who stated Roberts was responsible for the swine flu outbreak. Please give me a break.

Anonymous said...

Hindsight is always 20-20. No matter what Dr. Roberts had decided about keeping schools open last spring (and I think he made the right choice), there will still be those who disagree.

I don't see, though, where anyone on this blog blames him for the swine flu outbreak. Calling the blog a joke because of some stretched interpretation of a comment is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

That is just one reason why this blog is a joke. There are many others.

Anonymous said...

You missed the point. Dr. Roberts, whose doctorate is in education, not medicine ignored the real doctors out there and kept schools open when the health department had ordered them closed if there were suspected cases of swine flu. The district deliberately covered up those cases from the community and their own staffs. They put everyone at greater risk following their own poor judgement rather than those with the real knowledge and authority. This administration can not be trusted with the safetyof our children and community.

Anonymous said...

If keeping schools open instead of letting kids stay home or run around unsupervised is poor judgment, I say bring on the poor judgment.

If giving me as a parent the authority to decide whether or not my child should attend school is poor judgment, I say bring on the poor judgment.

And if making the same decision (keeping schools open) as the vast majority of public school districts is poor judgment, I say bring on the poor judgment.

Anonymous said...

It was been a proven fact that closing the schools was a bad thing. Kids ran around in the community an spread the illness. Schools that did close said they did not see a benefit. So again d131 was ahead of the curve.
I feel sorry for the hateful board members and a few staff members who choose to dwell on the negative.

Anonymous said...

Thinking like the last two posters is exactly why the children of this district are failing. Just complete ignorance.

Anonymous said...

11:43, some of us do not want to live in a nanny district.

Some of us appreciate being given the opportunity to exercise our authority as parents, to decide whether or not to keep our kids home from school.

Anonymous said...

You already are in a nanny district. The teachers in this district keep your children from preschool til 12th grade and as many hours of the day as the state thinks they can get away with.

The reason. The state knows that the parents in this district are completely incompetent and they want to do what they can so that all your children don't end up as pathetic as you are.

If you weren't completely incompetent, you would have known this years ago.

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing post. Good Job.

Anonymous said...

8:52, you obviously don't know me. And you're the ignorant one, for making broad generalizations and assumptions instead of bothering to learn the facts.

My children are both college graduates. Yet you dare to refer to me as "pathetic". Far from being, as you claim, "incompetent", I have achieved my goal of raising two highly educated, productive members of society.

On what planet does this qualify as incompetent and pathetic? Oh, maybe if YOUR children have their doctorate degrees and/or six-figure incomes you can call other parents incompetent and pathetic. Unless that's the case, people like you should just crawl back into their miserable holes and stay there!

Anonymous said...

I never said your children were ignorant and pathetic, I said the parents were. I also said that the schools hold your children from preschool til 12th grade and 8-12 hours a day and don't forget they are trying to extend the school year because they want to limit the amount of time you have with your children and thus limit your chances of screwing up your children.

It is great to know that the system did work with your family. It took a family with ignorant parents and helped their children to do better than they did. Maybe your grandkids be better off still.

Anonymous said...

6:05 a.m., can't you read? I never said or implied that you called any children incompetent or pathetic! But you definitely DID call parents incompetent and pathetic--and I presented evidence that at least one parent reading this blog (me) is neither incompetent nor pathetic.

How does it feel to be a liar and a moron?

Anonymous said...

The fact that you live on the East Side of Aurora and sent your children to schools that are constantly failing proves that you are incompetent and Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

No, it proves that some of us are willing to be part of the solution instead of just constantly dwelling upon the negative.

Many, many of us parents have helped our children find the good in this district! We realize that the vast majority of teachers here are outstanding. Most of the problems over the past few years can be blamed on administrators making decisions against students' best interests. But even that is beginning to turn around with our new School Board.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Anonymous said...

Wouldnt it be too funny if the only board members that contribute to this blog were the one who wrote it and the one defending herself? The rest of the comments are from ignorant school district dwellers, who have nothing better to do than Bi*** and Moan instead of making the change starting with themselves. Change starts with you!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be funny if nobody gave a crap about this blog.

Oh, wait. That's true


Anonymous said...

8:25 wouldn't know what was true or funny if it bit him in the butt.

Anonymous said...

I see in the agenda for next Monday's board meeting that BoysIIMen wants to be an official "business partner" in D131. Should be an interesting discussion.

Anonymous said...

Only in District 131 could there even be a discussion about making an illegal fraternity a business partner with our district. As I recall, the past school board ignored the law claiming that Boys II Men was an outside, not for profit organization that had absolutely no official ties to the school district.

If Boys II Men is "Not For Profit" how can they be a "Business Partner" Businesses are "For Profit Entities". Secondly, if Boys II Men becomes an official business partner with the district, they would then become an officially sanctioned school district backed high school fraternity. It is completely illegal.

Do you really think this would even be discussed if it weren't being pushed by Jerome Roberts and his Mini-Me, Clayton Kinnard? This is the same Clayton who stated repeatedly and publicly that this organization was only for Blacks and Hispanics. He publicly discriminated against all other races.

This is also the organization that closed it's web-site to the public when it was discovered that the web-site was endorsing the use of substances illegal to anyone under 18 years old. It had articles like "Driving while Black or Brown" which told kids not to speak with the cops when pulled over and get a lawyer. It strongly implied that a black or hispanic male could not trust our police officers. It also had the article "Survival tips for black and latino males" and let's not forget the classic "Nigger or Nigga, It's all the same".

They still accept members only if they are "Approved" by their memberships leaders. In other words, it's not open to all students on an equal basis.

The group violates school laws on fraternities and state and federal discrimination laws.

It is a conflict of interest to have a school employee pushing this illegal group on the districts time and dime. Clayton actually goes from school to school during class hours, pulling students out of their academic classes to push this crap.

Now they want to have our new school board officially sanction all of this? I want to be clear about this. I will remember the board members who vote for this and I will make it my mission to have replaced at the next election any member who votes YES. I will go door to door if I have to. I will pay for yard signs out of my own pocket. I will take out ads in local papers.

It's very simple board members, if you vote YES to this, don't expect to be on the school board for very long.

Anonymous said...

I think they need to be very careful about that. How can they be business partners are they a business?

Anonymous said...

(105 ILCS 5/) School Code.

(105 ILCS 5/Art. 31 heading)

(105 ILCS 5/31‑1) (from Ch. 122, par. 31‑1)
Sec. 31‑1. Definition.
A public school fraternity, sorority or secret society, in this Article means any organization, composed wholly or in part of public school pupils, which seeks to perpetuate itself by taking in additional members from the pupils enrolled in such school on the basis of the decision of its membership rather than upon the free choice of any pupil in the school who is qualified by the rules of the school to fill the special aims of the organization.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)

(105 ILCS 5/31‑2) (from Ch. 122, par. 31‑2)
Sec. 31‑2. Inimical to public good.
Any public school fraternity, sorority or secret society is inimical to the public good.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)

(105 ILCS 5/31‑3) (from Ch. 122, par. 31‑3)
Sec. 31‑3. Suspension or expulsion of members, pledges and solicitors.
The governing body of any public school shall suspend or expel any pupil who is a member of or joins or promises to join, or who becomes pledged to become a member of, or who solicits any other person to join, promise to join or be pledged to become a member of any public school fraternity, sorority or secret society.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)

(105 ILCS 5/31‑4) (from Ch. 122, par. 31‑4)
Sec. 31‑4. Solicitation unlawful‑Penalty.
It is unlawful for any person not enrolled in any public school of this State to solicit any pupil enrolled therein to join or pledge himself or herself to become a member of any public school fraternity, sorority or secret society or to solicit any such pupil to attend a meeting thereof or any meeting where the joining of any such fraternity, sorority or secret society is encouraged. Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a petty offense and fined not less than $25 nor more than $100.
(Source: P.A. 77‑2267.)

(105 ILCS 5/31‑5) (from Ch. 122, par. 31‑5)
Sec. 31‑5. Not applicable to universities.
The provisions of this Article do not apply to fraternities, sororities or secret societies in any State University nor to students thereof in their relations to such organizations in these institutions.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to start campaigning with all the neighboring school districts. You are most likely a teacher who did not get a promotion we know you work a Cowherd and don't live on the East Side. So start campaigning on the West Side since Dr Ryland supports this program.

Anonymous said...

Well, since less than 1% of the teachers and administrators in this district actually live on the East Side, you haven't narrowed it down very much.

It's amazing how the vast majority of all the educated personnel who work in the schools day after day would never send their own kids there.

That is the best testament to how screwed up these schools really are.

Anonymous said...

I understand that the judge in the Bob Green discrimination lawsuit was seriously pissed at the districts new lawyers and the administrators.

The district's lawyers told the judge that there was an agreement made over the summer between the parties. The district and it's lawyers have since dragged their heels and refused to see the deal through. The judge had dismissed the jury and all those with supoenas.

In short, the judge told the districts lawyers to finish the deal or bring the superintendent and all board members to his chambers within the next ten days to answer why it hasn't been done.

Can the leaders of this district do anything right?

Anonymous said...

It's OK though, we have pretty new pictures in the board room. Everything is just great.

Anonymous said...

The district is losing a discrimination suit brought by one of it's own teachers. Does it surprise you that they would want to make an illegal fraternity that discriminates against certain races a business partner with the district. Discrimination is rampant within this district by it's administration.

Anonymous said...

What program did Ryland support?

Anonymous said...

So far it looks like our new board has simply picked up the rubber stamp left behind by the old school board.

We'll see on Monday whether or not they actually have a spine. If they can't stand up for something that is as wrong as the Boys II Men Fraternity, everyone will know they are just as bad as our last board.

Will things in this district ever change?

Anonymous said...

It was time to change those pictures since they had all those for the referendum. It was a small thing and at first I think all the board members thought so but now there is so much fighting among themselves and their own ego's they aren't focused on the business of the district.

Anonymous said...

Yes we will see but I bet the ones that stand against it will be shunned by the rest of the board. In reading all this some on the board will go for this and that is Johnson and I'm not sure of who else. If so many people don't like this why don't they stand up and say anything? Nothing will change unless we stand up to what we believe in.

Anonymous said...

Correction the lawyers on the case are still Canna & Canna. Still the incompetence of the old guard and the lawyers who stuck us with Jerome.

Anonymous said...

All of this talk and nobody will show up to talk against it. When the board stopped the Magnet school all the parents showed up and the board backed down. That is when the board feel apart. So for all who did not show support I am sure you won't speak out this time.

Anonymous said...

As long as everyone hides and doesn't speak up this will happen again and again. Let's start something. There are some that will speak out why don't they find some way to all get together and make a big sound. Even if they have to start small it will grow bigger just like these other groups do.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I would much rather have a Mr. Green standing up against discrimination than a Clayton who publicly discriminates against anyone not Black or Hispanic.

It's amazing. So many of the bloggers on this site want people to stand up for what is right and then criticize people like Green when they do.

Let's understand one more thing. Green had no problem Clayton before Clayton went to the newspapers on behalf of the district and took out a half page ad to call Mr. Green incompetent.

If Green was simply an incompetent employee with no basis for his discrimination suit, the district wouldn't be cutting a deal with the man. The district publicly defamed the man and quietly admits he's right in court.

Anonymous said...

Rayanne, please delete 11:40's comment. Using the "n" word is the height of ignorance.

Anonymous said...

It's been awhile since Mr. Muhammad has represented BoysIIMen as a "fraternity". It is actually more of a service organization, and has made a positive impact in the lives of many of our young people. And I notice on their website that the membership is diverse--while the majority of members are Black or Brown, there are some White faces in the pictures as well. But whether BoysIIMen should qualify as a "business partner" is stretching the definition of "business"--can the Girl Scouts or church youth groups be business partners, too?

About the Green case--unfortunately, there are still folks at the central office who care more about their image than about doing what's right for our students. That's why they'll try anything (like lying to a judge) to avoid negative publicity. But that approach could backfire and result in plenty of egg on certain administrators' faces.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter whether you call it a fraternity or service organization. If the new members are decided upon by the existing members, they are legally (or illegally may be more correct) a fraternity. If members come from public schools, it is a high school fraternity. And anyone who runs or recruits for such an organization is a criminal.

Anonymous said...

Someone is not criminal if they are helping children. If you are a educator then it is sad and I don't want you helping my kids.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that d131 had no comments for the lousy test scores. Our spokes-person Clayton must have been out with Boys II Men

Anonymous said...

There are a thousand teachers in this district who help students AND follow the law. Why is it that only Clayton can't figure out how to do both at the same time. By the way, what you call helping children, the state calls "Inimical to public good" and "Illegal".

Anonymous said...

Interesting how Simmons which was nothing to write home about had the best scores in the District. Proves how this blog is full of crap.

Anonymous said...

Simmons has some of the best, most dedicated teachers in the district. It's the administration that is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Administrators teach NO classes. No one has said that there are bad teachers at Simmons. Quite the opposite. It's the administrators who are incompetent.

By the way, failing to meet AYP for 8 years in a row is nothing to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that Simmons has almost 1000 students but only 731 were reported to the state according to Illinois School Report Card. What happened to the other almost 300 students?

Anonymous said...

It's also interesting that significantly less students took the writing exam that took the reading and math exams. It really makes a person wonder how much the administration is manipulating the test scores to cover their rears.

Anonymous said...

Nothing was manipulated. When make up testing is done the focus is on making up the math and reading portions since those areas are scored and counted by the state.

Anonymous said...

Make up tesing is not done on the writing or science portions of the ISAT

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how people on this blog lie and manipulate to make everything certian people do sound wrong.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

By the way...... Simmons does make AYP in math.

Anonymous said...

Yes I know. Under Ellison, Simmons students passing the exam went from 33% to 34% to 37% over three years. When Patterson became principal, students passing the math exam jumped from the 37% to 67% in one year. It's very simple, either the students became instant scholars due to Pattersons awesome influence or someone has been screwing with the numbers. Use your own judgement, which do you think is more likely?

Anonymous said...

I think it is due to the hard working math teachers, finally having a curriculum and getting new, updated textbooks. Corruption is your first thought which tells me quite a bit about your character. It does not take a lot of thought to figure out that having new textbooks and a curriculum to follow could possibly be the reason for raised scores.

Anonymous said...

9:49.... you are referring to the 2005 scores compared to the 2006 ISAT scores. You are correct Simmons jumped from 37 to 68 in math ISAT scores. And I commented a minute ago about the reason behind the jump. If you are indeed correct that Mrs. Patterson is behind the "corruption", she must be one BUSY person because in those SAME two years (2005 to 2006) Waldo went from 37 to 67 and Cowherd went from 31 to 60. She must have been slipping into all three middle schools in the middle of the night to adjust EVERYONE's scores. WOW!!!! I'm glad she wanted everyone to look good too!

Now see how stupid you look. Once again I say... it shows your character.

Anonymous said...

2% or 3% yes, with great leadership maybe even 5%. 30% is way too much under any circumstance.

The only thing we're used to seeing going up 30% in one year is administrator salaries.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say Patterson was screwing with the numbers, I said somebody was. You can decide for yourself who has been doing what.

Anonymous said...

Replacing old textbooks and having a curriculum could easily make that big of a difference. Without a curriculum teachers teach the math book, most likely, page by page. If the book is sooo old that it has absolutely no correlation to state standards, teachers will be teaching the wrong material to students. Newer textbooks are aligned with standards and a curriculum that lets you know which concepts are important and which aren't (no more teaching page by page)will definitely make the difference. I will assume you are not an educator since I need to explain this to you.

Anonymous said...

Without a curriculum teachers have no focus. You teach whatever you want and spend as much time as you want on any particular concept. A curriculum brings everyone together so the correct concepts are taught and in a timely fashion. Teachers are not running around in a million different directions.

Anonymous said...

The new board gave the administrators zero this year. It proves once again this blog is filled with lies

Anonymous said...

10:56.... you say 2% - 3% MAYBE 5% with great leadership. The ISAT standard has gone from 70% needing to meet or exceed last year to 77.5% needing to meet or exceed this year in order to make AYP. If we were moving at your pace we'd never make AYP! I'm glad you aren't teaching the children in this district because your standards are WAY too low.

Anonymous said...

Not all administrators received 0% this year. Roberts received a large raise and a long contract extention. The reason the rest of the administrators did not receive their normal 15% to 30% raise is because the teachers contract is being negotiated. They are setting the teachers up to be screwed again. Once the contract is signed, I am sure the administrators will get a double raise to compensate them for missing out this year.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I'm sure we can lower the standard of the test so that 7% more students can pass it. The kids are certainly no smarter now than they were ten years ago.

Anonymous said...

I'm already telling teachers to start saving their money now. There's a very good chance they will be on the picket line come next fall. Parents can also start planning for extended day care as well. They probably won't have their free daycare come August.

Anonymous said...

shows how much you know...teachers cant picket in this district

Anonymous said...

The new Board does not support administration that is why they did not get a raise. Roberts contract was extended by the old Board. He did get a small raise about 3.5%. He has had year to year contracts because he did not want to live in the d131. Again the Board will address his contract and he will need to move in the District the contract is very clear. Last time I checked he lives in Shorewood and his house is not for sale. The only changes you will see at D131 is no Dr Roberts. Even his new Board members will not get him out of that. Johnson is to political and will never back him. He does not live here and can not vote for her. The other Board members will be 3 yes and 3 no.

Anonymous said...

Isn't not "teaching page by page" basically teaching to the test. Which has no bearing on what "concepts are important" but rather how to look good on the tests? I am NOT an employee of the district, but I can read and I know 131 has allowed our students to fail, for YEARS while they work hard at skewing numbers to fit the need to meet AYP. The efforts have backfired.

In some cases it has worked-131 receives lots of FREE government dollars since we have put out the welcome mat and offered more to the ELL and free and reduced-those numbers have grown. Don't misread the meaning, opening doors to those in need is admirable, but at the cost of letting all other pograms take a backseat, it has decreased our "exceeds" and made even fewer those students who "meet." All the while, in years prior to 2009 admin was rewarded well.
Younger administrators moving in seem to be a light in a dim curriculum plan. The old board is gone, time for more "out with the old, in with the new" administrators.

I believe this board will take care of the teachers. Gonzales may be pro admin, but she IS an educator. Dee, Anita & Rayann have had children graduate from EA and were active in the school. Juanita boasts of her "bleeding red & black" how can she let the teachers down.
I am confident the board will give the teachers a fair contract.

Anonymous said...

To: October 31, 2009 2:20 AM

Teachers can't strike during the current contract. After the contract has expired, there are steps that they can go through that would allow them to strike if the board and the union do not come to a mutual agreement. If the board does not take care of it's teachers, I would expect schools to close.

Anonymous said...

The only reason teachers can't strike is because it's in the contract. Once the contract expires, teachers can strike. An old contract can not take away rights given to employees by the state.

Anonymous said...

How are you so sure that any of that will be taken to the Board. What goes on behind closed doors the Board will never know. I know Carol Farnum always took care of Admin first. The teachers got screwed and the admin got rich. This board more than any does not know what admin is up to.

Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap. We'll see what this board does come August.

Anonymous said...

August is back to school and the teachers will not have a contract by then. We teach large class sizes much bigger than neighboring schools. We have several weapons violations a week. Yes weapons you board members only hear what they want.
Clayton program did put a stop to many of the kids with big issues. Many of us are complaining about the violent students left in the class-rooms. The district is responding by giving us Clayton back. I am sure that is what that is all about. Yes, Rayanne Waldo still has problems. When the board members visited they came in the evening. Then Admin Spy Gonzalez came to she if she could get gossip for Jerome. Gonzalez has been going building to building to get the feel of the teachers. Jerome is worried strike has a good chance of happening. Clayton is only one person and this district has been good at making things look good on the surface.

Anonymous said...

We are being screwed and so are your kids
D129 11.2 years 71,000
D204 10.5 years 63,000
D131 11.5 years 53,000
Refer to yearly report cards and know the District has a surplus. Jerome you WILL be giving us 6% and better benefits not the 2 to 3% that is being floated.

Anonymous said...

You can find the info on the D131 website:
Rayanne Carlson

507 Parker
Aurora IL, 60505

Sorry to hear Waldo still has problems, please share what is below the surface.

Anonymous said...

The teachers of this district face a much tougher job with many more dangers than do the teachers at surrounding schools and for far less money. Everyone knows that.

There are gang members, drugs, weapons and all sorts of other criminals and that is just some of the adults of the community. The kids have to live in this enviroment and we give them grief when they grow up confused.

The administrators have had no problem giving themselves huge raises over the past ten years, they can find the money for teachers. If not, the administrators and board members can teach the classes for a while. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

The admin is worried about the teachers contract last time we helped out because of the referendum. We had been asked to campaign for the referendum and did. We faced many doors slammed in our faces. We had been told of massive lay-offs and increased class sizes. The class sizes have increased and never decreased this year after the referendum was passed. We hired a few new teachers for the actual classrooms. It is interesting that the admin put a report in the Board Packet that we have so many new positions. True, but that was paid for by grant money because it is for Special Ed and Preschool. Again, admin is making it look good.
The Board lacks the background to see what admin is up to. It was also a interesting move when Trusa was selected a former VP of Human Resources. Why not some of the others who lived in the community and worked in community.
We have also heard the Board member Johnson was picked. Funny she has the same credentials as Augustine. Jerome must want two Accountants by his side in this one.
You may say the others are for the teachers but they are the very ones that cut hard working School Admin out of money. They new they could have punished the Central Office. These are the same people at the Grade school organized us teachers to get the referendum passed. Not Jerome and the Central Office.
We have been promised and Jerome knows this. We know you also have a Surplus and have been spending that down. We have united. We have come to the meetings. The other Unions are behind us as well. So come August Jerome better remember how to teach school.
On another note GOOD LUCK Clayton Monday night. We do not consider you part of the corrupt administration. You just have a job to do like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I want to make my comments clear. The Principles did deserve raises. It is so bad for calling in Subs this year many Principles end up spending the day teaching class at the grade schools and doing admin work at night. Central office put the word out to cut Subs this year. Building would arrange if one teacher was out in the morning and another out in the afternoon the Sub would be called and split duties. Now Asst. Principles and Principles do the work. These are the same people who told us to help campaign. Most Principles take up collections and spend money out of their pockets for extra activities for the kids. We have been told only teach to the tests all day.

Anonymous said...

I really hope the last post wasn't by a teacher. I would hope that a teacher with at least 16 years of schooling and in education would know how to spell PRINCIPAL.

Anonymous said...

These last few comments are so full of mistakes and errors that it is almost impossible to understand. You people need to learn how to finish a complete thought and not just type your random nonsensical thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered that maybe those comments were posted by a bilingual teacher? We have many hard-working, competent teachers in this district for whom English is a secondary language. Those teachers may not know "principle" from "principal"--but they are valued members of our educational team!

Anonymous said...

Bilingual teachers who can barely speak english are the main reason that our students spend 12 years in the bi-lingual program. We need to quit sending administrators on district paid vacations to Mexico and Spain and hire people from our own country who truly are bi-lingual.

No more excuses. We need effective leaders, effective teachers and effective parenting.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard to believe district employees are not happy. We are the lowest paid in Kane & Dupage.
We work under hard conditions. We are always told the bad job we are doing. Because a person misspells a few words does not make that person a trouble maker. What is hard for the Board to swallow is that it is true and they can't get to the bottom of it. Some Central Office people do care like Clayton, Val and Christy they lack to power to get anything done. Marin, Beatrice and Roberts only care about themselves. Nestor is not qualified to hold the position he has. The building fireman do not respect him. He is a pal of Jeromes and rewarded for getting a student pregnant. When you pay him $106,000 and have one janitor to keep up the building all day then you feel betrayed.

Anonymous said...

I did not talk about misspelling. I talked about having a coherent though. It is just rambling. If you don't speak or write the language that well, than take some time to double check.

These blogs people just put down the first thing that pops into their head whether or not it makes sense to anybody else.

Anonymous said...

I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.

Anonymous said...

You know everyone complains about what they are being paid in this district and what gets me is this districts has one of the highest poverty rates. What makes anyone that comes to this district to work thinks that they will be paid as much as some districts that have more. You can't get more than people make. If you want to make as much as others than go to those district. What I find funny is most people that work in this district live outside of it and send their children to those schools because they know we don't have that much money. So like most people if you are not happy with what you are making them go somewhere else that pays more.

Anonymous said...

I remember going to school in District 203 and most of my teachers did not live in the district. That is a great school district. Many teachers don't live in the school district they teach in because they don't want to end up teaching their own kids, or they don't really want to live next door to their students.

Anonymous said...

Why have all the Superintendents but Roberts forced to live here.

Anonymous said...

Well Robert's is a different story. If the superintedant is supposed to live in the district by contract that is one thing. The "live in the district" provision is not in the TEACHERS contract.

Anonymous said...

Don't take what people say and then apply it to something else. The poster was talking about TEACHERS, NOT ROBERTS.

Well what about the president of the school board?

Well what about the captian of the football team?

well what about. SHUT UP.

Anonymous said...

The teachers of this district have the same degrees as, are certified by, follow the same laws of and paid by the same state as every other teacher in this state. Why should teachers in this district get paid less because the kids in this community don't live in as big a house as the one's in the community a couple of miles away?

We have a superintendent that is on the list as one of the highest paid school administrators in the state (according to and that was before his latest raise. We have the second highest paid administrators in the county and among the lowest paid teachers in the entire six county Chicago area.

It's very simple. If you want excellent educators in this district, you have to pay them a fair wage. As long as a teacher can go across the river and make $20,000 more instantly for doing the exact same job, we are going to lose our excellent teachers.

Anonymous said...

7:05 p.m., I always thought sleeping was important too.

Anonymous said...

The teachers follow the laws, the administrators and Clayton do not. And now the board is considering rewarding Claytons illegal actions by making his illegal fraternity a business partner with our district.

The new board claims they are different from the last board, that they are not just rubber stamps for this administration. We will see Monday night. If they can't make a stand and state that the district does not want to be a partner with an illegal organization, we will all know that they have been gotten to by Roberts and the rest of the central office staff.

They would also need to explain how they can consider a not-for-profit organization as a "Business Partner" and of course for what reason they are making this alliance.

Anonymous said...

I hope they do make Boys II Men a business partner. Once the district endorses this illegal group, the state will have no choice but to step in and deal with it. The regional office left it alone because our administrators assured the ROE that there were no direct connections between Boys II Men and the district. They claimed it was just one employee working on his own time for this non for profit group. If the district officially sanctions Boys II Men and creates a direct partnership with it, the Roe will be forced to deal with it.

According to the law that will mean large fines for Clayton. The only problem is going to be for the students. According to the law, any and all students involved with this group must be suspended or expelled.

Anonymous said...

If the board endorses this group, it's not just Clayton that would be facing fines and a criminal record. Any adult who is part of this would be equally responsible.

All the board members and administrators could be held just as liable in this groups criminality.

I'd like to see it. It would be the fastest way I know to clear house. You can not hold positions in a school district if you have a criminal record. We could get rid of the whole bunch in one fell swoop.

Anonymous said...

Then why was West Aurora and many other schools not charged. Stop spreading lies. We know your the employee who should have been charged with crimes because you sexually harassed students. That is why they did not let you coach kids.
The sad part is if your lawyer is better and are the right race equal opportunity will take your case.
If you are correct come to the Board meeting and be heard. I can bet not one person will speak up against the program.

Anonymous said...

If the employee you are referring to actually molested students, don't you think that would have been brought up in court. He would have been hauled out in handcuffs. The district would have been screaming it from the mountain tops to protect themselves. The fact is you're the one spreading lies.

Name one other school district that is business partners with Boys II Men. The fact is, there are none and if Clayton wasn't Jeromes Shadow, it wouldn't even be discussed in this district.

The reason Green is winning his lawsuit is because there was a white guy doing the Athletic Director job at Simmons who would hire whites first, hispanics second and blacks last. It didn't matter what their qualifications were. They didn't even have a policy for posting jobs or interviewing candidates. He hired who he wanted.

The district knew this crap was going on and did nothing to stop it. It was just one of a long series of crappy leadership decisions in this district.

It's amazing how many of the districts problems start out at Simmons and are made worse by the central office.

Anonymous said...

"Well what about the president of the school board?

Well what about the captian of the football team?

well what about. SHUT UP."
To be on the school board and go to school in 131 it is suppose to be required to LIVE there. When is this person going to start taking their own advice and quit talking?

Anonymous said...

11:49 your statements about Green are incorrect.

Anonymous said...

New Blooger Random Thoughts:

What happened to the other 300 student scores from Simmons?
>>>>>They ate 'em, tastes like chicken 'urp!

The post with all the spelling errors was NOT written by a was written by a "principle"

Bob Greene- sued to get coaching positions posted and WON a lot of dough. Are coaching positions posted at Simmons now?? Of course not! It is Simmons a favoritism society. You'd think the district would care that anyone could now sue for money that would put 'ol Bob's bank account to shame. Oh, that's right we're paying for their new sue-me referrendum in our taxes for the next 30 years!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really, I mean really, care what happens? Run for cover, protect what is yours and get out of this district as fast as possible. If you do not, quit complaining because it will not change and you know it