Saturday, June 27, 2009

School Board Workshop-Public Welcome

Here's your chance to attend and listen to what is being discussed by the Board.
You will then have an opportunity to bring your questions & comments to the Board meeting in July. There is always time allocated for public comments at each regular school board meeting.

This is a special 131 School Board Workshop Meeting. To be held
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m.

The Board will be interviewing Legal Counsel.
Those to be interviewed in open session:

Canna & Canna
Mickey, Wilson, Weiler, Renzi & Anderson
Whitt Law

Other topics that will be discussed are:

Board Mission Statement, Workshops/Conferences, & the Strategic Plan.

There will be a closed-Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee

All community members are encouraged and welcome to attend.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that the board will be interviewing several law firms, in open session.

How did they determine which law firm the district would use in the past? Was there a bidding process, or did someone just bring in their friend or relative?

Giving us a choice & a voice in this is definitely a step in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is, but how many will show up tomorrow for this meeting? My guess is not many.

Anonymous said...

I am unsure how things were done in the past. Moving forward hopefully the board will allow the community to at least be a spectating participant.

Too much gets done behind closed doors and the community doesn't know about it till it is a done deal.

Community input & involvement is a huge part of a successful school district. Not just through "business partners" who get contracts from 131, but also those who give their time.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see them take a stand. These are the same Lawyers who extended Roberts contract and messed up the Bigelow deal costing the district Millions in poor legal advice.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Bigelow deal- Will the community ever be able to see the contract for this so we know when we get that land?

Anonymous said...

I wonder about the Bigelow deal to since he hasn't sold to many houses in his new development. Will that impact the deal for the district. Isn't this the year they where suppose to hand over the land? What happens if Bigelow doesn't sell any more houses does that mean the district doesn't get the land and we lost the drive-on for no reason. I'm not making a stand on the drive-in but if this land isn't developed with houses does that mean that land will keep on looking that crappy?

Anonymous said...

So how did the meeting go with the interviewing of the lawyers.

Anonymous said...

I just want to encourage everyone who reads this to make sure to attend the Aurora 4th of July parade this Saturday. Our band camp students will be marching, representing us proudly as they do every summer!

District 131 band students from 6th graders through high school participate in a week-long camp each summer at LaSalle Manor. The director is Ms. Amy Huggins, and she does an AMAZING job. The kids rehearse in sections and as a group, and also have fun swimming & getting to know each other. It's a program unique to this district (at least in this area).

Look for the band wearing East Aurora band camp shirts, and cheer them as they march by. They're a great example of what our kids can achieve!

Anonymous said...

The board will have a open discussion to the public about the 3 firms on Monday the 6th please come if interested.

Anonymous said...

The public should of went to the meeting last Tuesday and heard the lawyers interview with the board that's where they would have got their answers answered. Yes at the meeting on the 6th they will talk about that but if the public really wanted to know about these lawyers they should have come to the first meeting that is where they would really know about the lawyers and what they would do for the district. The board members might have their own agendas about which lawyers they would chose. I wasn't able to attend the meeting when they interviewed them and I don't know who attended but that would of been where the public could really have made their own opinion.

Anonymous said...

Yes - go see the band on the 4th! It is only possible through the hard work of the band boosters - all volunteers! What a great opportunity for our students.

Anonymous said...

Canna & Canna is an Orland Park law firm. The other two are located in Aurora. Our district should give its business to local companies when possible.

In addition, Canna & Canna was representing our district from the time of "Serial Bully" Radakovich's tenure. It's time to disassociate ourselves with that era!

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget Canna & Canna worked hand & hand with the old guard to extend Roberts contract. When you write a contract you should live by it not find ways to work around it. Get rid of Canna & Canna. This is the first step in cleaning house.

Anonymous said...

On a positive note--I just got back from the 4th of July parade. Our band kids were terrific! The students, Ms. Huggins, and all the booster parents who helped with band camp can be proud!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the band did a good job. It will be better when all the kids in the district get a good education. There is more to the district than the band.

Anonymous said...

1:30 p.m., test scores were not on public display today; our band students were. They represented our district well.

Why take that pride away from them? The positive things our kids do should be celebrated.

Anonymous said...

Whenever our students do good is a good thing and yes the band that played in the parade should get their do but until we can stand as a district and say all our students are doing good we are not a whole district. We have many students in different areas that make this district look good and I wish they would get that much attention. A band does not a district make put it is good when they do good in a parade. Lets hope that parade goes on with the best education we can give all the children in this district.

Anonymous said...

Extracurricular activities such as band, sports, drama and choir are many times the only thing that everyone pays attention to so its important when the band does good.

Nobody comes to board meetings, open houses, budget workshops, community meetings, etc. so nobody really knows the good things going on. (or the bad)

Most people get their news from the Beacon which is there to sell papers so all they are going to report is the controversial or bad things. No Child Left Behind should not be the only indicator that the students are succeeding or failing. What about attendance rates, graduation rates, number of children that are being successfully transferred from bi-lingual to mainstream classes?? These things are never publicized. Why don't you come up with some things that you would like to see as measures of success and email them to the Superintendent and the Board. Complaining on this blog is a great way to relieve stress but it doesn't change things..

Anonymous said...

I'm not complaining just making a statement. You pay the Superintendent and the administration good money so why don't they come up with things to get the facts out. We elected the board members to represent us so why don't they get busy and find ways to talk about the other children who do good things besides the band. I think I heard one of the board members used to be involved with the band boosters so maybe that is why you hear so much about them on here but it seems it is a little one sided here that the band is the only thing that board member whats to make better in the district. It seems that the board member still holds a grudge about what happened to the band director and takes any chance to maybe rub it in some of the staffs faces when they do good but it is time to hear about others.

Anonymous said...

Actually, at least two of our current School Board members were active in the band boosters. And at least 3 current board members were outspoken supporters of Mr. K against the corrupt administration four years ago. So it's no wonder that there are still strong feelings about that issue.

Some of us will continue to mention the band, to remind those administrators about their blunder and make sure that the community remembers, too!

Anonymous said...

There are a few community members that go to the board meetings, workshops,etc. If this community wants to know what is going on they should go to the meetings once in awhile. I do know that people who work in this time frame could not attend. But, would they really if, let us state, that the meetings were in a time frame that they could? The person who wrote about what the Beacon says is correct. Where was the Beacon on the night of the workshop about the lawyers? The person who gave the hands up for the band in the parade was just doing that. If anyone wants something acknowledged, then why don't they see it is done? For those who have children-do you still lead them to the toliet once they are trained to use and for the rest of your life? Do you really think if a community member went to that workshop and reads this blog that they would post about it here, especially if there was only a few? If they had any comments to make then the ones that read this blog from the district would be able to figure out who is posting and they may not want that. Or maybe they might feel that if this community really wanted to know something that others would have showed up and not relied on getting their information here.

Anonymous said...

We can not turn back the clock but we can move forward to make sure that the things that happened before don't happen again. Those that think if they keep trying to bring up the past will miss out in the future of the children. So right or wrong for those decision that where made a couple of years ago we can't stay in the past we need to move forward.

If you on the board can't get past this and want to hold a grudge against the administration then you need to go because their is no room to hold a grudge about something like this we have more important things to take care of in this district. If you only got on the board to keep reminding the administration about this one thing than you got on the board for the wrong reason and if I voted for you than I'm sorry for it.

Anonymous said...

Bringing up the past is reminding us of our history! It is an important part of moving forward, because being aware of past blunders helps us avoid repeating them.

For example, if our superintendent were to leave the district (as did the D204 superintendent recently), a logical choice for a replacement might be the assistant superintendent (in the case of D204, Ms. Birkett--an excellent choice). However, our assistant superintendent (Dr. Gonzalez) is remembered by many as being one of those responsible for the band mess. She has a reputation for being vindictive and mean, and would have a hard time convincing the new School Board that she has changed for the better.

Yes, let's go forward. But let's also remember our history--good as well as bad.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Ooohh, we must have struck a nerve with somebody who can't handle the truth--we're getting a "shut up"!

Nope, not me :)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, 7:36 will be deleted because of the obscenity. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Anonymous said...

No, truth is fine. Lies and bullshit piss me off, as well as stupid school boar members and lazy bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is good to remember past mistakes but we need to move forward not to make them again. So let's move forward and remember past mistakes but we shouldn't live in them and rubbing peoples noses in them. Let's learn from the past and move forward into the future none of us like to be reminded of our past mistakes if we learn from them.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Gonzalez should never be superintentant and the least of it would be for the band situation. She is certainly vindictive and out only for herself. Although she did do a good job of calling every person with a Hispanic last name to tell them that their children were eligible for the free breakfast program so we could get more money from No Child Left Behind.

Anonymous said...

8:12 p.m. says "none of us like to be reminded of our past mistakes if we learn from them".

Yes,BUT we have to admit that mistakes were made in order to learn from them--and those responsible for the band mess have never admitted to any mistakes. Words like "sorry", "wrong", and "mistake" are not in their vocabulary; they prefer to deny problems or sweep them under the rug.

So they need to have their noses rubbed in it!

Rayanne said...

If you'd like to hear more praise about the band program, come to the board meeting tonight at 7 pm.

I will be singing them during my board comments :o)

Though I was not going to acknowledged the potty mouth naysayers, I feel inclined to remind them, if they were at meetings, they would see how much more is talked about on a bi-monthly basis.

As is true with all "volunteer" positions, they can be very time consuming and thankless. To suggest this is all for a personal grudge is childish goading. seems any mention of the band seems to revive the blog. Especially to those who say shut up- yet according to the site meter, spent much time reading what others had to say.

Anonymous said...

I believe part of the reason some don't go to board meeetings is because of the board comments which have nothing to do with the business of the district. All we need is Rayanne going on for a half an hour about the band again. The board comments are a waste of time and just lets the public know that we still need some work done on the board.

Rayanne you are just to onesided about the band to be on the board. It seems you want revenge and you are not doing your part as a board member on other things.

Anonymous said...

Don't pick on Rayanne for being concerned about the band! Both Anita and Dee were also outspoken supporters of Mr. K (wrote letters to the Beacon, called Openline, and/or put signs in their yards). Those 3 ladies did NOT elect themselves--as the infamous Gordon Postlewaite liked to say, they "speak for many".

Say what you want about the decision made 4 years ago; it's clear to me that we can thank the corrupt administration (at the time) for our new, improved School Board.

rayanne said...

" are just too onesided about the band to be on the board."

You are absolutely correct! The one side I am on is- in favor of!
Exactly, what "other things" would you have me working on?

I am onesided when it comes to money being spent on things that do not directly contribute to our students education.

I am onesided about 131 students receiving the best education we can afford to give them, and as many programs as possible that give them a well rounded education without taking away from the core courses.
I believe NCLB specifies music as one of those.

2 more years there will be a NEW election. Will you step up?

Anonymous said...

Let us end the band debate and talk about the crooked lawyers who have cost the district millions. That shows this board is improving the district.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that we will be using a law firm based here in Aurora, instead of Orland Park.

Anonymous said...

How is it that the lawyers did anything that the board didn't direct them to do.

Anonymous said...

Good meeting tonight. To bad more were not there to hear and see what was going on. Only one of the law firms that wants to represent D131 was there and it certainly wasn't the one we have now. I know that if I wanted to represent us that I would be there. Some other things that were brought up at the meeting was very informative also.

Anonymous said...

The board directed them to give them bad advice on land acquisition?

i.e.-Give land away so City can pay someone else big bucks for property.
or Bigelow's giving 131 land worth over a million, when they are good and ready. Or when the value drops to zilch.
That is sound legal advice.

Anonymous said...

Very informative meeting.

The new Board gave 131 administrators NO raise this year.

Was that bit of news in the Beacon on 131 cost savings?

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why the lawyers that represent us now did not suggest to the board to get a new appraisal for the Indian Trail property? This new board is making headway! I like the way Mrs. Weaver questioned Nestor about that brick school wall. If our maintenance cannot see something like that, then it is time we get rid of them and contract out. It would save this district money. I also like the questions she asked about Corrigan and Clark and why this was not noticed the first time when they checked. I do believe we will see many changes, it just takes time and it would help with more community support. It was good to see as many people as there was there tonight.

Anonymous said...

How is it that Stella Gonzalez can accuse the other law firms of false billing and not wonder if Canna & Canna is doing the same. Also how can she think the district did not get stuck with bad land deals. Must be getting her advice from Roberts.

Anonymous said...

If these Law Firms are billing falsely then they should be turned in. I'm sure they have many clients and if they thought that they would find a new law firm. Does Stella have anything to back that up or is it something she heard. She should be very careful because if they are false statements she could be in trouble.

Anonymous said...

10:20 p.m. mentioned that administrators are not getting a raise this year. I had heard this a couple of weeks ago, but never saw it in the Beacon.

I've noticed that the Beacon goes out of its way to avoid printing anything that could be interpreted as negative or controversial about our district. Maybe they only print what the official D131 spokesperson/community relations director tells them to print.

It's too bad when information we deserve to have is filtered and censored through one individual.

Anonymous said...

Stella Gonzalez did not accuse the other law firms of false billing. What she stated is that if another law firm charges less but takes longer it would still cost about the same or more. She just waanted to point this out. My guess is she was prompted by Farum or Wells on some of her thoughts on the lawyers. Just comparing what I heard last night. Wells spoke and Farum was not there but Mrs. Weaver read her thoughts for us to hear. Dr. Roberts was asked if he had anything to say but he said no. Again, the meeting was very informative on many things.

Anonymous said...

To July 7 @ 7:55 AM
At the meeting last night your subject was brought up. It was pointed out that the Beacon and other newspapers get the agenda also, I believe, a couple of radio stations. It was suggested that the community now get ahold of these places and ask them why they do not have someone there and get the information out. This board does it's part. Now it is up to the community.

Anonymous said...

Who is to say that Canna & Canna don't charge more and work slower. Ms Gonzales should not make statements she can't backup. I did think it interesting that she blamed the board instead of Canna for poor management of the districts properties. When will Farnum, Wells and now Gonzales stop doing the bidding of the administration. Do they realize how foolish they look.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Gonzalez was making a statement on how she thought. She has every right to do that. Yes, Canna and Canna should have suggested that the board get apprasials for the Indain Tr. property and the land deal with Bigelow is definitely bad, but it ultimatly up to the board. It is unfair to put Gonzles with Farum and Wells as she is new on the board. From the meetings I have gone to since she was elected, I did not appear that she was going along with the administration. She is still new so give her a chance.

Anonymous said...

Gonzalez is missing in action so often that I am not what she is about. All I can say is I am glad she does not teach my children. She can hardly communicate and she has been a teacher all her life what a poor excuse.

Anonymous said...

How is it unfair to put Gonzalez with Farnum and Wells? In the short time she's been on the board she's voted with them (and against the other board members) at least twice.

Anonymous said...

Were you at those meetings to hear why she voted that way? For the very few of us that were she stated why she was doing it. I am not stating that Farnum and Wells do not try to influence her(can tell they are by some of the statements she makes), but give her a chance, she just might surprise you. In the long run I think that what those two are doing will come back to slap them in the face. Actually I do not think that Farnum will complete her last two years. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I hope they get another Law Firm than the one they have now because when it gets time for the Bigelow donation I think we will all find out that we got the raw end of the deal in this. I think they said that the donation would come in 09 and if you go by Bigelow's you will see that they are not building any homes on that property. In fact they are not doing anything and the land they promised us is still a big mound of dirt. So we need to ask if they do not build any homes on this land do we get the donation or does the district lose out again. So whose best interest did the district and the lawyers really have in mind.

Anonymous said...

I have not been to a meeting since the new board was sworn in but who can not forget Gonzalez's plea that Wells was qualified. What a joke she is a old guard administrator anyone who thinks she not foolish.

Anonymous said...

Let's give her a chance. There is so many things that need to be done in this district and she might be someone who will help. We all we not agree with what the board decides but let's wait and see how it goes.

I wonder why this district doesn't inspect the schools since someone said that a wall in a school was in bad shape. Why doesn't the maintenance people check the outside of the schools? Where I work the maintenance group checks the buildings and ground every month to make sure that they are in good shape. To not know that a bearing wall needs to have maintenance is not acceptable. You need to keep on top of this so things can be fixed in a timely manner so it doesn't take a lot of money to fix it. Is the district not inspecting the schools in a timely manner to make sure repairs are done. This kind of negligence cost the district money that could be used else where.

Anonymous said...

You could only be a school board member writing that since no one attends your meeting. I get my information for board bits which many of us who work for the district do. We do not attend meetings because to be seen attending only will show admin that you may be questioning them. Nothing ever happens at the meeting so why stick your neck out.

On Gonzalez she is a pro admin former employee who always used her personality to get promoted before her ability. Most teachers know Roberts will leave after the 2010 school year. Marin Gonzalez a backer of Stella Gonzalez wants that position. Dr Aryd also wants that position. Stella Gonzalez hidden agenda is get rid of Dr Aryd. Several of Stella Gonzalez friends were fired about 41 bilingual teachers. Mostly due to Dr Aryd.

When Roberts leaves the new board will get pressure to fill the position. Marin Gonzalez will play the race card because the district is heavily Latino. Many believe that is why Wells & Farnum are holding on. I hope the new board is smarter than that. A good search will take about 3-4 months lets she if they have the stomach for it. It is a good step with the lawyers that has not gone unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

I hope you meant Roberts will leave after 2009-10 year and not 2010-11.

If he left NOW would be the best scenario for 131.
Marin has not fooled anyone. If the board has any feel for what teachers and staff feel and what the families in 131 think of Marin, she will never get the supt. position.

Same for Christie. 131 needs what 129 got. An outsider who is not afraid to make change where it is needed. 131 needs a supt. with the true knowledge of their position and does not just use it as a way to pad their retirement and show they have power only when exerted as a tool of authority rather than a title of respect

Anonymous said...

No it isn't a board member making these statements. There are a few that go to the meetings and who tell others what is said.

As far as not going to the meetings because you feel the administration will question it is a cop out. Nothing will change if no one says anything. I would think if someone who worked for the district went to the meetings and said something and then started getting hassled by aministration the board would hear about it and make sure it was not about speaking before the board.

Anonymous said...

The person who wrote about the school wall is more than likely a community member. This subject was brought up at the meeting and there were community members there. At least 6 were there including myself. If you truly do not attend meetings due to what you stated, I would not want you to teach my children if I had any in school. How will any child learn to stand up for something that is right if they are not taught it? The people who do work for the district that goes to meetings are looked at as administrators supporters by the administration. Of course, one has to go to the meetings to know this. The community members that go to the meetings are quite aware that the 2 you stated wants to be superintendant. If you attended the meetings you would see that not only does this board have the stomach for what you stated-they also have a backbone for it. If anyone went to the meetings they would see this. Two of them had a backbone before they got help from the new members. Stella Gonzalez had friends fired? What did all those bilingual teachers do or not due for this to happen? When did this happen? What did Dr. Aryd do to contributed to this?

Anonymous said...

Many of us did indeed show up at meetings and speak up for our children (and against corrupt administrators) several years ago. Yes, I'm talking about the band situation. Hundreds of us wrote letters, put signs in our yards, made phone calls--but the administration ignored us and the band program has suffered ever since.

But we didn't give up. We spoke up at the ballot box and put new people in positions of leadership. And many of us will keep reminding those new leaders that certain administrators (such as Marin Gonzalez and Joe Harmon) have a proven record of making decisions against students' best interests. Those administrators can count on their poor choices coming back to haunt them, especially if they have any hope of advancing in the hierarchy of this district!

Anonymous said...

Stella Gonzalez's friend were let go in a move to improve the Bilingual program. Aryd was responsible for this. Benavides did not see eye to eye with changes being made. Benavides is a mentor to Stella Gonzalez. Stella Gonzalez was promoted at the district for jobs she never qualified for. Benavides & Marin Gonzalez are close associates and it would be her wish Marin replaces Roberts. Why not web video your board meeting teachers do not come unless asked to board meeting. That is a unspoken rule. If you do and are not invited you will be questioned the next day by your principle. It is done in a friendly manner but we know big brother Roberts is watching.

Anonymous said...

Referring to 8:33, has anyone talked about webcasting the board meetings? Not just record and rebroadcast, but webcast live? Sure, being there is the best thing, but if I have a small family, for example, I could watch the board meeting while it is happening. The webcasts of the graduations was great quality. Perhaps there was some editing but the sound and video quality was excellent. We must have the talent here to do it!

Anonymous said...

I know D. Weaver has asked many times about putting board meetings on the web. It seems I have heard it mentioned, but no follow through.
Amazing OCR cannot get board meetings on the website, but they can get graduations at middle and HS and other things arranged by the distrct, but not the Board meetings. Board meeting videos-many more people would find of value. Except maybe ONE person who may find it to be the straw that breaks his back.

Anonymous said...

The Bilingual teachers that were let go was due to the fact they did not follow through and get certifiedin the time frame they should have. Since they did not do this the district would have been in trouble with the state. The statement about the teachers is really interesting. That must be why that teacher from Gates has spoken so nicely in front of the board afew times so nicely about Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Carlson(sarcasm). I agree it would be nice to watch the board meetings. Yes, Mrs. Weaver has mentioned it in the past and just because she has not talked about it lately does not necessarily mean she has abandoned this(there are really more important things that need to be addressed). So have others. This would cost money. Right now there are more important things for money to go for. That wall at Oak Park is one of them. Is there anyone out there that can volunteer to do set something up so people can watch the meetings? does anyone know of someplace or someone that could volunteer equipment? I have talked to a man that goes to meetings and he is trying to see if something like this might be able to be done. Here is one community member trying to do something. What about the rest of us? As far as follow through, this board is doing a great job. I do not go to all the meetings, but the last one was really informative and proves that this board is following through in a much faster pace than I thought it would happen. If any teachers out there have children going to school in this district, you have every right to attend those meetings. Teachers who live in this district have every right to also, they pay taxes, don't they? These meetings are open to the public and anyone has a right to go to them. Remember, there was the person from D24 that attend a couple of meetings.

Anonymous said...

Maybe with the new community service requirement for graduation some talented east high students could volunteer to webcast the board meetings? Or even better some of the committee meetings? Just a thought. Would take a coordinator but once it was up and running it might work well. It's not like it would take a great deal of camera work or even editing since it's in one room.

dee weaver said...

Comments about future decisions noted, thank you.
I don't get out and read this blog very often (or any blog for that matter) but I do get updates about comments. My hope is we can offer an environment that the community and staff feel welcomed and safe bringing your suggestions in person. For now, this will have to do. I am well aware of what happens when you speak out.
Having the board meeting taped and or a webcast of the meeting has been discussed. I suggested we use our new Television Production class once they are certified. Feel free to send your thoughts and encouragement to our email addresses and we will present them for you.
We have a long way to go so don't give up on us. All of us are working on "projects" to bring improvements. Keep letting us know how you feel...good or bad we need to know. You are correct when you say the board members are here to represent you, the whole community.
Lastly, on the band subject. I was a band member when and it was alot of work, and I wasn't that good. I did enjoy hearing the encouragement and support from the crowd in a parade. Let's face it, there are other groups with fancier uniforms, lots of watchers clapping and yelling for them so it can be intimidating to put yourself out there. Banc camp represents some of the best parts of living here. Community members, parents, and students from all schools getting together to make magic happen for one parade. There are hundreds of things that happen during the course of a year that shows the wonderful diversity and strength of our community and each one should be praised. Right now, it's band camps turn.
To all the volunteers (parents, community, and students) thank you.

Anonymous said...

A couple of things on the agenda for next Monday's board meeting caught my eye:

--There is a discussion about administrative travel. Is this about cutting costs and/or limiting unnecessary trips?

--A band overload is mentioned. Will another person need to be hired, or can current teachers be shuffled around to cover this need? (I remember when the EHS band director also taught at Waldo--seems to me that might work now, since he only has 4 classes at the high school)

Anonymous said...

I notice that district 204 is considering eliminating class rank. I hope we're not going to go that way--our academically talented students benefit from the motivation and feeling of accomplishment that a high class rank can provide!

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher in the district who has spoken and attanded many board meetings. The ONLY time I was questioned was when Radokovich was say teachers are told not to, or are afraid to speak out is misleading and in fact a lie.

Anonymous said...

Some teachers may be unaware that things have changed (for the better) since Radakovich's reign. Unfortunately, too many of us are cautious when we've seen colleagues mistreated by administrators--we don't want to risk retribution if we speak up.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the teacher's union is filing a grievance against Dr. Roberts. Anybody know any more about this?

Anonymous said...

It seems like District 204 is having a lot of articles about their district in the paper lately about how they are making changes. The article about class rank was interesting and had good and bad points to it. It was stated that 45% of schools are doing this and that now colleges have to look at the classes the students took instead of rank because some students take more challenging classes than others even when they have a higher ranking. The article was good and you should read it before making a decision if it is right or wrong.

I see where district 204 is doing something towards students being bullied and is putting something on their website so students or parents can tell when this is happening.

It just seems that this district is releasing good information of what they are doing so the community knows about it and it is being released by the PR department.

I think our district is making some progress and it should be given to the paper so our community members that change is taking place. We need to get that out there so people can see the East Side of Aurora is trying to make change to make the district better.

Anonymous said...

After reading this blog for awhile to many times I hear about teachers being afraid to speak up which is the case in many businesses. I believe that there are many teachers and other staff that have good ideas or things that are going wrong but are to afraid to speak out against the wrongs. There have been people that have said they have spoke out about what is wrong in the district and took the heat but some where not employees of the district but their children where effected. I believe it is time to stop this administration from these kind of things. There has to be some way to stop these people from doing this. I know the board has a thin line they can walk with this but they need to let this superintendent know that this will not be accepted anymore. It is time to get this district back on track and working for the good of the children and not for administrations lack of good judgment. I know there is a whistle blowing law but does this district really support this. This district seems to run on their own laws and not by the laws of the state. What a place this must be to work in where you are afraid to speak up for the good of your students in fear of incompetent administration making you worry about your job.

This district needs a strong superintendent that will listen to the people who work for them. The employees should go through the chain of command but when that doesn't work they should have someone to go too. We need a strong board that will notice things that are happening in the district and address things that they have control over and that is the superintendent. We also need to get up to speed with what is happening now and not what has happened in the past. As we see in the paper a lot today as other districts are moving forward so should we.

Anonymous said...

Again I have to say that as an employee I have never been afraid to speak up, in fact I have been encouraged to do so. Now speaking out against the board is something I would be afraid to do...certain members seem to have an axe to grind against. Any employee who doesn't like the way this board is trying to micromanage better watch out!

Anonymous said...

What you call micromanaging, some of us call being responsible with our money and resources. In this economy we need to watch every penny. The old-guard, corrupt school board was famous for taking expensive trips and wasting tax dollars on unnecessary landscaping and office furnishings.

In this case, micromanaging is a good thing!

Anonymous said...

I think with the new board members the teachers should feel ok to speak before the board or contact them about anything that bothers them if it is proper procedure. I have talked to some of the board members and discused teachers and they say good things about them.

As far as micromanaging I think this board needs to do some of that. It is plan to see that the Superintendent and administration does not follow board policies and that needs to start happening.

Anonymous said...

I have been attending meetings for quite some time. There is one particular employee from Gates that brow beat Carlson and Weaver quite a few times. In attending these last meetings with the now new board, it is quite apparent that this board will not be the way as the employee who made that indicates. The employee still goes to the meetings and should be aware of this especially after what she said before the board after this one took over.

Anonymous said...

To the teacher at Gates she only comes to the board to show support for administration to keep her job. Many teachers were weeded out in the past superintendents era Stella Gonzalez was one of them so who has the ax to grind the old guard.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to see an article in the Beacon today about the Magnet School. I see where administration is holding back giving information about it to the board so they can see the progress it is or is not making. It would seem that if it was doing good they would get this information to them quickly so the board can see how well it is doing and continue it. But it seems to me this admininistration has had free range up till now with the old board members and feel they do not have to give the board that information they want but it is time for the board to let them know there are new board members and they expect to get answers. I hope the board will show the community that they are in charge and if the administration doesn't give them the information they need to make a decsion the board cancels the Magnet School until administration respects the board.

Anonymous said...

I like Rayanne's idea to have the magnet school be a cooperative effort between the East and West districts. That way we could share the costs, and more kids would benefit.

What would need to be done to have that happen?

Anonymous said...

That will NEVER happen.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't something in the Beacon a while ago about the East and West side going together with a Magnet School to share cost? I think it is a great idea and maybe would target more kids that should be in that kind of school. Depending where it was at bussing might be available.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Dr. Marin Gonzalez would support that, because she is using the magnet school to help justify her job as director of secondary education. And Dr. Roberts is counting on the magnet school being part of his legacy as superintendent.

Those two would be unwilling to give up the publicity & prestige, even if the best interests of our students would be served by sharing the magnet school with the larger community.

Anonymous said...

The Beacon did not cover the district now has a new Law firm and they saved money in the process. The firm from Aurora was picked it was Mickey Wilson Weiler Renzi and Anderson. Weiler lives on the East side and will do a good job.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do believe that there was a article stating the two sides where thinking of it.

It doesn't really matter what Dr. Marin Gonzalez wants the board has the last word on that. For too long the old board let the administrators run the district and it is now time for the board to take over and start doing their job which I believe they are starting to do.

Rayanne said...

I want to clarify, the joint venture of a magnet school is not my idea.
A third party is bringing together East & West to see if a magnet school cannot be created for Aurora students.
As it was explained to me -just as Hope Wall was created to accomodate a special group of Aurora's students, the Magnet school would serve the same purpose for a different group of students.

Anonymous said...

The Magnet school is another thing the district jumped into and did not have a plan, The program is failing because it was not set up right from the beginning. It should have been a individual school that took in all grade levels for elementary and middle school. The old guard is to blame because nobody asked questions. The east/west idea is great and it shows if the old guard would have worked with Dee/Rayanne the district would have benefited. Carol Farnum lost touch years ago. Congrads to the new board they seen to be asking the right questions.