Wednesday, January 28, 2009

From the 131 website-Board candidates

Seven candidates have filed the necessary paperwork to be included
on the April 7 ballot for the four open positions on the
East Aurora School District 131 Board of Education.

In alphabetical order, the candidates are:
􀂃 Samuel W. Carson III – 1126 Homer Ave., Aurora 60505
􀂃 Fernando Chapa – 541 Saddle Lane, Aurora 60505
􀂃 Stella Gonzalez – 1747 Briarheath Road, Aurora 60505
􀂃 Annette Johnson – 1050 Northfield Dr., Aurora 60505
􀂃 Anita Lewis – 322 Grant Place, Aurora 60505
􀂃 (Incumbent) Fernando Salinas, Jr. – 1262 Church Road, Aurora 60505
􀂃 (Incumbent) Juanita Wells – 1737 Indian Avenue, Aurora 60505

There are four open positions on the ballot; three 4-year terms
and one 2-year term.
Chapa, Gonzalez, Johnson, Lewis, and Salinas are running for the 4-year terms. Carson and Wells are running for the 2-year term.
Board Members Robert ‘Bob’ McCue and Ken Maurice are not seeking re-election.


Anonymous said...

And lets just mention where this information came from. It came from an email sent out by Clayton last night.

Anonymous said...

Annette Johnson is not mentioned in the Beacon's article this morning. Is she still running?

If not, we have 6 candidates.

Anonymous said...

What about Farnum's spot, especially since McCue has been serving as President in her absence?

Anonymous said...

The great news is that we are guaranteed at least two new board members this spring.

The good news is that we have an opportunity to make a clean sweep of it. Of course, this will be the second time we have to vote to remove Salinas. I would vote ten times to remove Salinas. Mr. "if I don't get what I want the first time (a referendum passed), I am going to pull my children out of the district and forget you all". This wasn't even a moment of stupidity or a quote taken out of context. He was telling this to everybody for weeks.

Juanita Wells is a long standing member of the old guard. We need someone who will actually hold the administration in this district accountable to the community.

I know we can do it. Four new board members in April.

Anonymous said...

We really need to know who these others are before making any kind of statement of who we might vote for.

I have seen Antia Lewis and have heard her speak to the board but of the other ones I haven't heard anything about them so you might just get into the same situation voting for them.

Anonymous said...

I am running, but the Beacon and Lisa Morales failed to mention my name. They know I am opposed to the District's handling of our latest tax increase. I have tried to get the Beacon to print opposing views when they did not I canceled my subscription. Calling the last tax increase a Bond issue confused many voters. It is criminal in this economy to raise peoples taxes.
So was it a mistake or a was it coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Anita when you get on the board just be careful of Lisa and don't let her snub you. I think she needs to realize she works partly for the board not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

I called the Beacon they stated Lisa did not turn the name in.
I called for Lisa she was out of the office.
She did this the last time you would think she would learn not to make the same mistake twice. It leads me to believe she is either incompetent or devious.
I am running, but the Beacon and Lisa Morales failed to mention my name. They know I am opposed to the District's handling of our latest tax increase. I have tried to get the Beacon to print opposing views when they did not I canceled my subscription. Calling the last tax increase a Bond issue confused many voters. It is criminal in this economy to raise peoples taxes.
So was it a mistake or a was it coincidence.
I called

Anonymous said...

Annette since we don't know if there will be a forum for all the school board canidates do you mind answering some questions?

You say you where agaisnt the tax increase because people don't have the money but was there any other reason like how the district handles or spends the money?

What do you think of the Magnet Schools?

Anonymous said...

I have been in education for over two decades and have never seen a secretary receive such criticism. They are not in a position that makes any official decision. They simply do what they are told by their boss, in this case Dr. Roberts. If you don't like what Lisa Morales is doing, you should be directing your criticism where it truly belongs.

Anonymous said...

Well I have been out in the real world and I have seen secretaries gien that much criticism. You can't tell me that she shouldn't have proof read the names before she sent them.

Anonymous said...

Was it your mother who ran for school board last time?

Anonymous said...

If you are talking about the school board elections it isn't Dr. Roberts she is taking orders from he should have nothing to do with that. I believe Juanita should be checking to make sure that things are done right since she was appointed by the board to be secretary and the Lisa always takes over.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the press release from the district ran the names different than what was ran in the Beacon. Salinas and Wells names where first in the Beacon but not on the press release.

Shouldn't Salinas be one of the ones for the 2yr. spot since he took Bud's place and not Wells? How do they determine that on which ones run for just the two year term and the ones for the four years one?

Anonymous said...

The candidates, themselves, specify which position (2yr, 4 yr.)they choose to run for.

Lets make the local election cheer be:

Out with the old, in with the new.

Anonymous said...

Yes my mother did run for the school board.
I have decided to run because the tax payers needs a advocate. I have lived on the East Side my entire life and graduated from its schools.
I have been a Controller for over 20 years managing multi million dollar budgets and five years ago purchased my own food manufacturing business. I have opposed the tax increases in this D131 because it does not benefit the kids. Administrators ask that you and many low income people dip into their pockets and them vote themselves raises. I have prepared budgets, cut budgets, worked with bonds, grants, unions and insurance on a large scale. My experience will fill a void on this board.
I also want to make it clear, I have no financial interest or relatives working in the district. I also do not have any children that would gain by my position on the board. I only want the children and taxpayers to benefit.
You had asked about the Magnet school. I do feel it is necessary but not in its current format. Special Education also could stand a over-haul.
We need to start by cleaning house.

PS: It is 7:30 and Lisa Morales still has not given me an answer.

Anonymous said...

With this current board I see that some really have a dislike for other board members and their positions. Are you willing to listen to what your other board members have to say even though you don't always agree with them?

It seems that when the committees of the boards decided to do the Magnet schools they did not first get the boards approval like the West side did and went out and started asking students if they wanted to be in a magnet school and then went to the board with this information. Do you think that before the administration started this they should of first got the approval of the board. I'm not saying that a Magnet School would not be good but do you believe that the administration should of gone through the proper channels like other districts have done. I also think that these schools should not benefit the whole district and not just a few.

Our middle schools and high schools have been on a watch list of the State for five and six years do you think we need to fix these problems before we start any new programs.

Anonymous said...

Now as we know who the candidates are can we get something together to hear what they all have to say. The district really went out full blast for the referendum can they put something together so we can hear what all the candidates have to say and take question from the community. I don't know all the legal stuff with this but could one of the schools have a forum like they did with the last election to have the community come and ask questions. They would have to have some that worked on that take a lead on this. I know some can't because under the Ethics law they can't but maybe that student that sits on the school board can. We need to get the community involved in this just like we did with the referendum to make sure that all community members are heard and they take ownership of this district just like they did with the referendum. Parents need to know that the school board has a big decision on what is done here and they need people on the board that looks after the whole and not the few.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be Salinas that is running for the 2 year position as he took Bud's place. Bud would have been up for re-election in 2 yrs. Would this not be the correct and ethical way it should be? Things are not going like Hoyle here.

Anonymous said...

What are you waiting to hear from Lisa?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what Hoyle says :o)
But I'd like to try and clarify things as I understand them. When an opening occurs during a time that is not an election year someone is selected by a majority of the board to fill that opening until the next election.

Russ P. left the school board, and of the 131 residents who applied, the majority of the board decided Ken Maurice was the best choice. Russ' term would be up this year, so that is one 4-year term position. When Bud passed away, he had just been re-elected so his term will not end until 2011. That is why there is one 2 year position. That is where Fernando Salinas came in, the same as Ken.

All present open positions are open to the public, who fit candidate criteria.
F. Salinas comes into the pool an equal contender for any position he chooses to run, as did the two who chose to run for the 2-year positions.

I have typed this in a rush before work. I hope I have clarified some questions.

Unknown said...

Yes, Rayanne you are correct about the two year and four year terms. When we signed our petitions we had the option of running for two or four years. In my case I felt like runing four years was a better choice. It will take that long to make some lasting changes.

As far as community forums I believe that the Beacon will sponsor one, I think last election it was at Peyton's Roundhouse. If not I would be willing to attend any formal or informal get togethers. I think its important to have my views and my opponents views known so you feel confident in voting for me an trusting me to guide the spending of your tax money and the education of your children (or in my case ) grandchildren.

I was opposed to the magnet school and went before the board with my concerns. I do not think this was the time to start the school and I was not able to get answers on where the funding and teachers were really coming from. It appeared to me that it was Dr. Roberts pet project and was just pushed past the board.
I also opposed the referendum. Not because I felt we did not need the funds but because I did not trust some of the current board to oversee my tax money. I was very upset that Dr. Roberts had his contract renewed a year early and was given such a huge raise when our economy is collapsing and so many are losing their homes and jobs.
I also was the spokesperson for the group of taxpayers that pushed the District to start posting the check registry. I would now like to see a session on how to read it.
I don't know if this is going to be a forum for sharing of views. That will be up to Rayanne. If anyone want to contact me directly I have set up a private email for the

thanks for listening

Anonymous said...

Let's remember that Mr. Salinas was snuck back onto the board by his old-guard cronies, after the voters had made clear they didn't want him there.

He was part of that corrupt group we can blame for the band mess. Over and over at board meetings he's mentioned that the current East High band sounds "great" (the only adjective he seems to know)--when it's really been just one blunder after another over there, thanks to administration.

Maybe the EHS band can learn to play "Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye" for Mr. Salinas. That would really be "great".

Anonymous said...

Let's also remember his wife works for the District and he seems to only worry about what benefits his family and votes those issues. Maybe this time he will move out of the District.

Anonymous said...

Board members are not to vote on any issues which would benefit them. If his wife is an employee, is he abstaining from issues like contracts that would benefit him?

Anonymous said...

Yes he is. Question answered. Happy?

Anonymous said...

He voted for the Bond and went door to door. More hard earned tax payer
money for his wife to pocket

Anonymous said...

I don't know who can say Salinas is abstaining. Those were closed session discussions.

If I recall in the meeting when they voted on the secretaries contract, he voted in favor. Since the publics minutes do not show how each member votes, I can only tell you what I recall seeing. Maybe the person who saw Salinas abstain can tell us how he voted in open session.

Anonymous said...

That is one problem with the Board Bits not showing how the members voted and it should. It can't take that much to show it.

What I would like to know of these candidates is if they will make the administration and superintendent follow the board policies. I still remember about the teacher that had 30 yrs. and they did not recognize her and when she said something the principle and then the Human Resource person stated that it wasn't policy to recognize 30 yrs of service when if you look at the board polices on the website it clearly states that and not one person in the administration would own up to it and when a school board member brought it up to the board and said they read it on this blog they said they wouldn't believe want was stated here. While there is a lot of stuff on here that isn't right they should of had the common sense to know their own policy. How can we keep good teachers if we treat them so badly.

Another case and I think now they have change this on the website is about if the administration, super intent or board member goes to a conference that is forty or forty miles away they will not pay for a hotel stay and the superintendent over ruled it.

Again and again the over ride the policies of the board and it has to stop.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are relly hard-hitting questions. Do you really think one of the school board canadates is going to say they won't follow board policy?

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for Salinas, Wells, and Chapa

Anonymous said...

If you really care about this district they should. It has been policy that they don't follow policy and they should. Remember we just impeached a governor and the whole of Illinois should be careful of what we do.

You can vote for Salinas, Wells and Chappa but remember it is the children of this district that we are suppose to be taking care of and also the referendum that has just passed. If you have money to throw away than good for you but most of us don't and we are fighting to keep food on our tables to feed our children and pay out bills. We need to have people on the school board that will make sure all our children have the right to a good education. We also need to make sure that the people we elect can make it to all the board meetings.

As of today we impeached a governor because he misused his powers and hopefully some day we can do the same thing to get rid of a school system that misuses their power to benefit their power above the education of our students.

We will be in the same place we are now ten years from now if we don't make changes because the people you have stated are more concerned of the superintendent and administrations salaries than the good of our children.

Anonymous said...

I hope the election commission verifies Mr. Chapa's true residence and how long he has lived there. I don't believe he has lived in the district for at least 1 year.
We can only hope due process will be done.

Anonymous said...

You can file an objection to Mr. Chapas nominating petition. Contact Lisa Morales. This must be done by Monday, Feb 2nd.

Anonymous said...

Found this on

Is there a residency requirement for this position? If so, As a registered voter in Batavia Township, I doubt Chapa would qualify. Even if he is now living with his Mommy.

1/29/09 7:19 PM

Anonymous said...

Remember you can't believe everything that is put on a blog. Can you call down to the election office and find out if someone is a registered voter or do you have to buy the list?

Anonymous said...

You can't believe ANYTHING put on a blog. It is all twisted truth and plain, old lies.

Anonymous said...

12:57 is a liar.

Anonymous said...

In order to qualify for school board membership, an individual must be, in each case as of the date of the election: a United States citizen, a resident of the State of Illinois and of the school district for at least one year preceeding the election, at least 18 years of age, a registered voter, neither a school trustee or nor a school treasurer and is not a child sex offender.

A school board member may not hold an incompatible office. Certain types of school districts have additional residency requirements. Additional residential requirements apply to persons appointed to fill school board vacancies.

Anonymous said...

What is your point?

Anonymous said...

My point is that I know how to copy and paste information.

Anonymous said...

There's supposed to be a residency requirement for the superintendent, too--but that was disregarded in Dr. Roberts' case.

Is it possible that the corrupt D131 administrators can disregard official policy and twist the rules to allow someone who doesn't actually live in the district to run for School Board?

I wouldn't put it past 'em.

Anonymous said...

So do I know how to copy and paste and I know how to look things up. I looked up the qualifications to become a school board member and requirements. Are you saying someone does not have the requirements to run?

Anonymous said...

Chapa he did not live in the D131 for a year. He changed his voter regististion last January from Batavia to Aurora. At the time he is elected in April that would make him qualify because it is one year. It is a slight of hand his children still go to Batavia schools. He also left his wife to date Christine Campos who is running for Township. He brought gang members or kids he claims he is helping to caucus for her. The Township is looking into it.
The organization he runs receives State, Local, Township funds. Linda and her brother have found that it is easy to live of the tax payers than sell real estate.

Is this the kind of Board member we what.
It is interesting that he and Clayton work with each other and these youth programs.
On Roberts the Board passed a special rule to work around the Resident clause. Upon his new contract he was allowed more time according to Carol Farmum because it was hard to sell property. Again a slight of hand.
So moral of the story rules with this Board are meant to be broken.
I sure wish someone would give me $74,000 to work with the youth or a big raise like Roberts received.

Anonymous said...

According to Board Policy 315 under qualifications and appointment of a district superintendent,

"the superintendent will have a valid administrative certificate and superintendent endorsement issued by the State Certification Board."

I again checked the Illinois State Board of Education Web Site. On that site anyone can view the current certifications and endorsement of any public school teacher or administrator. Dr. Roberts does have a valid administrative certificate, however, Jerome Roberts has no endorsements to be a superintendent.

If you go to this link, you can see for yourself what certifications and endorsements Dr. Roberts currently holds.

Anonymous said...

I saw this week that the Board approved a four year plan for the magnet school. I guess the old guard, again, didn't want to let a new school board determine the direction of the district over the next four years.

First an extended contract for Dr. Roberts who isn't even qualified for his position and now with the magnet school.

Anonymous said...

I have checked on the and he does have the right credentials. You can also do this by emailing the state. Find something else on this guy to rid of him. As long has the board has enough votes to keep him he will stay.

Anonymous said...

Here is the email I sent to the state and their response.

RE: Certs and Endorsements
ViewTuesday, September 9, 2008 11:21:18 AM

Our district Superintendent has these cert and just one


Administration Cert Code 75, Cert No. 1270271 no

endorsement under that could be it is not up to date.
Administration Cert Code 75, Cert No 11389193 no

Elementary Teaching Cert 03, Cert NO. 2086155

endorsement SCGE

Shouldn't he have an Superintendent endorsement if he is

one for K-12 grade.

Certificate 1290271 is an Administrative Certificate

with the Superintendent endorsement. It was issued in

1989 and is current.


Anonymous said...

I'll believe the Official State Board of Education Web Site before I believe someones annonymous claim that they received an e-mail from who knows where.

If the official site is inaccurate as you claim, one contact from Dr. Roberts to the regional office would correct the problem.

It was a nice try at deceiving this community though.

Anonymous said...

To check Dr. Roberts credentials you must login first to the state website. Use this link to get in.

Then go to the public search area.

Anonymous said...

Then why don't you call for yourself, you moron.

Anonymous said...

You are such a stupid person. Do you really think DR. Roberts does not have the proper certification. If you do then you are extremely stupid.

Anonymous said...

I did go and look at the website that shows the certs and that is why I email ISBE because if you look at other people's certs they all look different and it's really hard to tell. He has the cert so find something else to bitch about.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I see it documented from an official source. Not until then.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. The district has lied to the community about so many things, I'd prefer to see an official source. Where are Roberts credentials?

I did see that Beatrice Reyes Childress, the Director of Bilingual education did update her certification on the state website. She had no valid certification at the beginning of the year but it does now show proper certification.

There has been no change in Roberts certification though, he has administrative certification but not a superintendents endorsement.

Anonymous said...

He has his endorsements so let it go. You can also contract the Regional Office and they can tell you.

Region Region Description Registered Through
14 COOK ROE - SUBURBAN 06/30/2007
19 DU PAGE ROE 06/30/1998
31 KANE ROE 06/30/2012
56 WILL ROE 06/30/2002

If you read up on this The Endorsement comes the The Certificate.

Anonymous said...

The regional office has already told us all on their official website. Until the official word changes, I will believe that our district is breaking state law and district policies. Of course, this is not the first time that the district has broken state law or their own policies.

Just look at the Boys II Men situation. Clayton is still running an illegal high school fraternity and sorority against state law and district policy.

Anonymous said...

The Regional Office let our district make the call on Boy Z to Men and they said they would let them have their club there is nothing that can be done. If anything you should blame the State and Regional Office for letting this go on they are suppose to have the last say. If you feel so strongly about this contact the Regional Office with a complaint and see what they do.

Now let's get back on track about the candidates they will be the ones that will let this administration keep what they are doing or you will get some in that will stop it.

Anonymous said...

Our leaders always break laws, cover their rears and make personal gains until people stand up and finally say enough is enough. As long as the people of this community allow the administration to break laws, they will.

That is why we need a whole new board and we need it now.

Anonymous said...

Well you are guarenteed at least 2 new people. Guess what, you can't have it now, you have to wait until april. SO SHUT UP.

Anonymous said...


2 board members definately down.

2 more to go.

At the very least, it will make it more difficult for the administration to do the illegal things that they have been getting away with for years.

Anonymous said...

Jerome Roberts:

$193,996 was his total cash compensation last year (that may not include other incentives). $193,996 of your tax money for someone who doesn't even have the proper endorsement to be a superintendent.

That's $193,996 of your tax money and that is before his latest contract extension and pay increase. And some people wonder why we need new board members.

Anonymous said...

Jerome Roberts $193,996
Yvonne Hollingsworth $151,883
Jay Augustine $142,792
Christie Aird $126,880
Marin Gonzalez $126,880
Thomas Hartman $119,336
Janet Klemm $117,982
Valerie Gudgeon $115,752
Gwendolyn Miller 114,355
Sheila Conrad $111,300
Karen Hart $110,708
Joan Glotzbach $110,418
Nestor Garcia $104,380
Rock Johnson $101,272
Beatrice Reyes $100,000

Here are just a few examples of the amounts of monies paid out to the administrators if District 131. That is approximately 2 million dollars spent and not one class taught.

Once again the district does not declare the salaries of people like Clayton, Nick Pinnock, Lisa Morales, Gloria Salinas, etc.

It makes a person wonder just how many millions we waste on administration in this district.

Anonymous said...

That list is outdated. Rick Johnson has (thankfully) left the district, as of last spring.

So Dr. Roberts' salary would have to be considerably higher, since his 12K raise was approved only a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

That list is for the 2007-2008 school year. It supposedly takes this long for the districts to report their salaries to the state, the state to compile these lists and entities like the Sun Times in this case to go through the freedom of information process to get these salaries to the public.

Anonymous said...

I do believe you can FOIA the others salaries they just don't list them under teachers and administration If our district was like others than you could see the salaries in the committee reports when they go into contract talks. I wonder if all the board members know how much they make or do some of the members keep that from the others?

If we are suppose to have transparency then it should be for everyone that works in the district.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if Roberts can take a stand like President Obama and freeze his staffs salaries that make over 100,000 since our budget isn't any better than any other government agency.

Anonymous said...

Obama and Roberts have alot in common. Obama calls his Stimulus while he hides all his liberal pork programs in the Stimulus bill.
Roberts on the other hand passes tax increase along to the working poor will giving himself a raise.
Same difference the little guy gets screwed.
By the way they are all new appointees who are not up for increases anyway in four years. I don't see the career long time office holders getting a freeze.
Whether Obama or Bush they are all about spin.

Anonymous said...

You are right I just want to see if some who say they will walk the walk really do it. But if more get involved we just might be able to make the change. So know matter what little thing you are doing to try to get this district better keep on doing it.

Anonymous said...

These are the salaries of the administrators in the district. Their salaries total $4,860,393.

Jerome Roberts $193,996
Yvonne Hollingsworth $151,883
Jay Augustine $142,792
Christie Aird $126,880
Marin Gonzalez $126,880
Thomas Hartman $119,336
Janet Klemm $117,982
Valerie Gudgeon $115,752
Gwendolyn Miller $114,355
Sheila Conrad $111,300
Karen Hart $110,708
Joan Glotzbach $110,418
Nestor Garcia $104,380
Rick Johnson $101,272
Beatrice Reyes $100,000
Edward Brouch $96,492
Marilyn Healy $96,054
Edward Melchi $95,358
Mary Wilson $95,197
Earline Barnes $95,000
Mechelle Patterson $95,000
Joseph Harmon $92,602
Rober O’Connell $89,174
Mavis De Mar $89,000
Karen Mink $86,349
Kelly McCleary $86,145
Francisco DeLosSantos $85,995
Antonio Rios $85,995
Raquel Wilson $85,334
Alan Hunger $84,275
Denean Adams $84,240
Barbara Stidwill $83,631
Donna Scarpino $82,992
Michael Smith $81,994
Jaime Sanchez $81,515
Janet Kutter $80,262
Stephanie Mitchell $78,000
Armando Rodriguez $77,431
Wilson Morales $76,950
Margret Jones $73,374
Maureen Taylor $70,893
Charles Leadbetter $66,982
Amy Kendryna $65,520
Hilde Elg $65,421
Julia Doverspike $65,200
Sue Gilla $63,820
Jesus Barraza $63,691
Carmen Cabral $63,427
Megan Ptak $61,340
Abdiel Garcia $60,000
Suzanne Withrow $59,293
Amanda Deaton $57,699
Tricia Walton $53,443
Stacy Onak $37,371

These salaries do not include:
Clayton Muhammad, Nicholas Pinchok, Charles Roberts, Clarence Williams, Brooke Young or Lisa Morales who are also listed as administrators on the district website.

In addition to the almost 5 million dollars in administrative salaries are almost 3 million dollars in other non-teaching salaries including couselors, social workers etc. I point them out since they are quasi administrative positions. Counselors for instance handle student schedules. A task which is handled by administrators in most districts.

This also does not include the salaries of all the remaining non-teaching support staff. The administrative offices are swarming with administrative assistants, secretaries, etc.

We are looking at nearly ten million dollars of spending and not one class taught. Do we really need 60 administrators and dozens more quasi-administrators for only 16 school buildings?

The administration in this district has gotten completely out of hand. And do't forget all this is before this years salary increases. This is your tax money.

Anonymous said...

other than dee and rayanne - who else posts on this blog? noone

Anonymous said...

I do not usually respond to the critics. It is the nature of a blog to have a person who loves being "the pot stirrer" so to speak. Sometimes it can be entertaining, sometimes just annoying. Sorry to say, my blog has the annoying person.

I know a few of the people who post, and through the wonderful world of technology, I am aware there are many other people from surrounding cities checking in.

I choose not to comment only rarely. I'd rather let the community speak. When I do comment, I usually put my name. As I believe Dee has done.

There are couple folks out there whose opinions have differed from mine on major issues and choose to target my blog anonymously.
Bring it on, makes the blogging like a reality show. :o)
Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

At last nights school board meeting Anita Lewis was the only Board candidate present. (besides the current members, Salinas and Wells).

Anonymous said...

Saw this on the Openline blog today:

Some people are book-smart, some are street-smart, and some are people-smart.

Dee and Rayanne are people-smart, meaning that they see the wisdom of actually communicating with and representing the people they were elected to serve. I've known Anita for several years and she, also, is people-smart. She'll be a great addition to the board!

Book-smart folks (like "Serial Bully" Radakovich and Dr. Marin Gonzalez) are often people-dumb, making decisions based upon personal vendettas or their own selfish interests.

We need more people-smart Board members and fewer corrupt stuffed shirts running our district!

Anonymous said...

Posted on openline blog:

Dee is not a people person she berates her fellow board members in public. She is also not true to her word she will promise one thing and do another. You do need common sense but not someone who just likes to herself talk. Anita is not responsible for the check register another lie. D129 was doing it and Administration brought the idea back. I read a blog post she now would like a class on reading it. I guess then she needs to go back to 4th grade.
Lets also discuss Serial Bully Dee and Rayanne's pet name for Radakovich not very professional but coming for those is about what you get. He balanced the budget and ran a tight ship. Yes the budget increased but the demand on the D131 did as well.
His major sin was in Dee, Rayanne and Anita's small minds differing with them on the Band. It seems life revolves around this band. Give it up have you no life.
The problem currently with the Board is who for a non paying job whats to get in that mess.
Dee and Rayanne are the ones that need to go.

Anonymous said...

I have never see Dee or Rayanne do one thing and then do another. For the two of them that have gone through this school system and still care for it is amazing. They both put their kids through this district and both have kids that have archived. You can't say that for most of the administrators that don't send their kids to this district. While I do believe that Rayanne needs to let somethings go I don't believe that Dee has the same idea's. These two have the district in their hearts and want the best for all the children in this district. They have never got the respect from the school board or the administrators even though the people elected them. From what I have heard the school board or administration never let them in and kept things from them just like they kept things from the people of this district.

As far as Anita I have heard she talked to Dr. Roberts about putting the check register on the agenda and he said no. So she went to the school board meeting and talked to them about it and they decided to do it. There is probably paper trails on this but you will never see it. Yes, the West side did but their check register on first but our district didn't until someone pushed the button. This administration never brought it back because if they did they would of done it when the West side did.

Yes we can make a change and we will. It is time that every person in this state stop the corruption and get back to the ethics that should be going on in this state. This board walks a fine line with it and they know it. It is time that all kids in this district get a good education and not just the chosen few. I will say that how the administration handled the Boys To Men was bad because they where a fraternity and just because this district said it was ok doesn't make it right. If you notice lately you don't hear so much about them. Marin did say at the one school board meeting that it was illegal but they decide to let them go on so who really doesn't follow protocol?

Anonymous said...

Also from Openline Blog:

So you think Radakovich ran a tight ship? Spending hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of dollars on unnecessary extras like expensive office remodeling, landscaping and taking the School Board to California--I'd say, more like he sank the ship!

And the band situation is merely one major example of the corruption that has been the hallmark of the old-guard D131 administration. Parents, students, and taxpayers were lied to and told that Mr. K's reassignment would result in a better high-school band program; the more time goes by, the more obvious it becomes that administrators made that decision based upon a personal vendetta. Our kids deserve better, and electing a new School Board is a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

There are many things that have gone wrong in this district and the removal of Mr. K was one of them but if you keep on focusing on that we will never move forward. I know that many cared for this man but you need to move forward to make this district right. Lets not focus on just this one thing because that what this district and the administration is counting on. As long as this goes on they know we will not be involved in other things. The school board and others know that some of you can't let this go and they will use this for the good of all children. So lets move forward with new school board members and get this district moving in the right direction. Lets not let what happened to Mr. K happen again. You are just using him for an example of what they are doing wrong and do you really believe that this is what he wants to happen. He has done many good things so let us use this as an example of what can be done in this district. Also he seems like a very good man and loves this district do you believe this is what he wants. Let's learn from our past mistakes and move forward because if we live in the past that's where we will be stuck and we can't move forward. Do you think that you who keep bring this up is what he wants? For those of you that think you will be on the school board and keep thinking if you keep bring this up will change anything will be good for the district will help anything you are wrong. We need to more forward and make sure these things don't happen again. I for one with all the things that are happening in this district will not vote for you if this is the only leg you stand on and I will tell anyone that asks me about who I will vote for that if they still hold this not to vote for them.

Let's get back to the whole district and how we are educating our children and not just how the band is doing. If you that are running to keep this up about Mr. K and what happened with him continue to do this don't expect people to vote for you because there are many other issues. If Mr. K thinks he has been done wrong then maybe if we have school board members that don't just focus on this and the many other issue that are going wrong in this district can change things. There is more to this district than the band it is the policy and if you don't change that then you will always have this problem.

Anonymous said...

I really don't see that the band issue is the only problem being talked about in this district. Yes, it was wrong (and continues to be wrong), but people are also concerned with how our money is being spent, whether information is being hidden, and whether or not our kids are getting a decent education. It's not either/or; it's both/and.

Secrecy, cronyism, deception--it's time to end business-as-usual in D131.

Unknown said...

This is in response to Feb 3- 6:53 pm

To clarify for you. I never said I though of the check registry, I said that I was the spokesperson for a group of individuals who brought it before the board. We saw it was being posted in other districts as a way of being transparent and we felt it could benefit us. I did call Dr. Roberts to talk to him about posting and he would not even talk with me. I then sent an email to all the board members individually stating the need and benefits of posting the check registry. Next step was to speak on the subject at the Board Meeting so it became a matter of public record. Now that it is posted I feel a session on reading it is important because different accounting systems report things differently and it’s important to understand what some of the entries actually mean instead of making assumptions. In my own job I often go to our accounting group after I receive my monthly budget and get clarification on what a particular journal entry really entails. The more educated I can become the better I can serve my company or in this case the community. I am sorry if you feel this is fourth grade level stuff and it probably is if you are Jay Augustine.

As far as Dee and Rayanne. I have worked with them both on school functions, not just the band. I don’t even think Dee had a child in band when K was re-assigned. They have both always been true to their word and spoke what needed to be said instead of what was popular. I also have observed that both of them go the extra distance and back up her opinions with facts by reading Board policy, articles, or other applicable sources. It appears to me at meetings that they are working to make changes with little or no help from the senior board members.

I think your posting was excellent. Instead of just bashing and making cute comments like some people on this post do you stated your opinions intelligently so that meaningful responses could be given. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Anita, you're not only highly qualified for the School Board because of your business background and experience; you have our kids' best interests in mind, and you're a team player.

You deserve to be on the Board.

Anonymous said...

Boy oh Boy what can I say, you can tell which bloggers attend meetings and which ones just run thier keyboards to death. If 10% of these junior high minded bloggers would attend school board meetings they just might increase thier knowledge on the issues at hand. I have yet to see any comments on the cost of the magnet academy Ms Gonzales says she needs 400,000 for her magnet school to run till 2013 to incorperate all class levels. I think this money would buy a few books to help us get off the watch list, but wait you couldnt put up a sign saying DR. Gonzolez Magnet Academy if you got off the list. I know the super has this site monitored by administrators on school time, hi john, marilyn, christo. So why don't you bunch keyboarders get off your chairs come to the meetings before engaging your mouse. Oh by the way I have only seen one of the canidates at any meetings and i miss very very few. So school board wannabies you should start showing and make your presence KNOWN

Anonymous said...

This is from and is a good statement.

Ricci said...

Has this school board been able to get a loan for that referendum. I think not. What good was that referendum then? That Magnet School was NOT suppose to cost this district any money! It is costing us a bundle and yet our regular students still have MANY outdated school books for the different grades and classes. The regular classrooms needed to be given what they need before this Magnet school was implemented, which was done without taking it before the school board. If ones stating that Dee and Rayanne get answers back from the superintendant or other school board members, maybe they ought to go to the meetings when they bring something up and state that they did not get a reply to their inquiries. It does make one wonder how the regular day to day expenses are being paid for the school when we are in the mess we are in. No one but no one needs a college education to figure out you cannot take from Peter to pay Paul and not end up in the hole.

2/5/09 5:57 PM

Anonymous said...

That is a good question about the loan. If they did a referendum for bonds can they use it some other way? What is their credit score. Just like everyone else a district has a credit score and I would believe ours isn't too good so that means we would if we could get a loan pay a very high interest rate at what price for the district. For the people of the district remember we will have to pay this and answer to the others that may come in here while others who don't in this administration can go back to their own community's with no regrets. They will have their big pensions and we will be left holding the cost of this.

Anonymous said...

A question was asked on the under the West Side having a session about how to trim cost since the State isn't coming up with the money they where going to give is when the East side was. They had the session and one of our own that lives in this district and has children that go to this district was there that is running for Mayor. If she is so concerned about the West side don't you think she should be as concerned about the East side since her children go here?

Anonymous said...

In the Beacon lately, there have been several articles about how the State has not been paying their bills to the school districts. The West Side has been open with the public about the situation and has asked for participation from the community in determining the future of the district.

The East Side appears to be conducting business as usual. MAYBE after the changes have been implemented the public will be told what the powers on high have dictated.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering, how is the new Magnet School a good use of our money? It's my understanding that only about 20 of our 600+ 8th graders are in the program. It looks to me like most parents of our brightest kids are opting for them to stay in their regular schools, where they can participate in arts & sports with their classmates.

Is this Magnet School really about serving the best interests of our students? Or is it perhaps Dr. Gonzalez' pet project, designed to distract us from the bad decisions she's supported over the past 4-5 years??

Anonymous said...

The Magnet school is Robert's pet project. Gonzales is just his tool.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link for an article published today in the online magazine "Teaching Music". This magazine is read by thousands of music teachers throughout the country:

Anonymous said...

I went to the link and read the article about Mr. K. It is very impressive and he is an asset even to the city of Aurora. We can't change the things the board has done or the last superintendent and all that was involved in removing him for the High School Band. I think the district should see that he tried to move the children forward. I hope the board and superintendent and all administration reads the article it isn't something that someone did to promote someones agenda but one that just states how he has goals which I think he tried to do with the children. He really is an Example of Excellence for this district.

With that being said I think we need to move forward in this district. For the parents and others that still hold on to this find another way to make sure this doesn't happen again. You can't keep bring up how they did him wrong you need to move forward to see how you can fix things.

We all know when we make mistakes and someone keeps throwing it in our faces it just make us want to make sure that we did the right thing. So as Mr. K keeps making himself move on and excel in what he loves to do you know a district has mud on their faces for making a mistake they will never look back on. If they can't acknowledge his achievements outside the district then they should no longer do it for any other teacher or administrator or PR person that has done things that aren't within the district. What's fair for one should be fair for all.

I do believe that Mr. K is an example for many people. Keep on doing what you have been and we as a district need to support him in what ever he does.

Anonymous said...

To 2/12 @ 6:06PM
Your posting is excellent.

Anonymous said...

A big step in a positive direction would be for certain administrators to admit when a mistake has been made. Otherwise, it looks like they're arrogant and care more about their image than doing what's best for our kids.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it would be nice if they took a big step and admitted they were wrong. Let us the community take an even bigger step, that is, knowing they are wrong, putting this behind us and now seeing this never happens again. This can be done by voting in new school board members. In doing this there is hope of then getting a new superintendant that cares about the students and not his own agenda.

Anonymous said...

I blame Dr. Gonzalez and Mr. Harmon (along with old-guard School Board members) for the band blunder. Yes, we need new Board members--but also some new administrators at the high school & central office. This will take time, but can be accomplished one small step at a time.

Anonymous said...

What if any thing is this district doing to prepare for the money crunch that will be coming like the West side is doing? We can't keep putting our heads in the sand. All you hear is how wonderful this Magnet School is but we all know that this will cost the district money.

We need to start like other district and government agencies to see where we can trim budgets before we are really in trouble.

Anonymous said...

What a great article about Mr. Kaisershot! He is indeed a huge credit to this or to any district, and he is a class act.

Anonymous said...

I "found" this on my ass....a pimple!

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone doesn't like the fact that they made a mistake. I for one don't like the thing about Mr. K. keeps coming up but he is a good example for this district. He loves what he does and he thinks a lot about the children in this district. He keeps going and doing good things and that says a lot about him that no matter if he was taken out of high school band he will keep on going on to better himself.

Anonymous said...

5:12, take a picture and send it to the central office. That sounds like the kind of thing our local media & administration would celebrate, since they don't like to recognize genuine accomplishments like Mr. K's interview in a national magazine.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed the spelling on the sign in front of Rollins regarding Presidents Day? Its atrocious. I suppose we can't expect much from the kids if the adults don't care.

Anonymous said...

What I think is this district needs to start thinking of the money problems that are going to happen. Many districts are starting to do something about it but not ours. We need to start doing something about this and not wait it hits us in the face.

Anonymous said...

It seems that this superintendent isn't any better than the last one. Word is that he has had district workers doing private work at his house on the districts dime.

It's bad enough that Radakovich had district workers go to his house in Aurora to do all sorts of personal work for him but now the district guys have to drive all the way to Joliet and waste the day doing Robert's bidding.

Anonymous said...

What is your source. Because really I think you are full of it.

Anonymous said...

My source was the district guy forced to go to Joliet to service Roberts.

Anonymous said...

And how was the district guy "forced" to go to Joliet? Was he threatened, or maybe just offered some extra $ for doing some work on the side?

Anonymous said...

If this is true the district guy should get in touch with a lawyer or states attorney. There is a whistle blower program and he would not lose his job.

But really I think the people in central office don't have enough to and wants to start something.

Anonymous said...

This administration has harrassed and screwed with so many people that it's very well known that you do what you are told or else, especially if you don't have tenure and none of the maintenance guys will ever have the little protection of tenure.

Anonymous said...

That is what needs to be stopped and it never will. Maybe when they get different school board members if someone steps up maybe they can do something.

If someone without tenure is afraid there are places you can go to protect yourself if you feel the administration is doing you wrong. You are as much to blame if you let this behavior go on by the administration as they are.

Anonymous said...

There are many examples of employees standing up to wrongdoing. Those people have been harrassed, transferred, fired, etc. while the the administrators who did the wrongdoing get promotions and raises.

Why would any employee want to do what's right in this district? Most have learned to hide in their classrooms and do the very best they can for the children of this community and cover their rears as much as humanly possible when it comes to dealing with the administration in this district.

Just imagine what they could accomplish if they had support from above.

Anonymous said...

If what you say is true go to a lawyer and see if they will handle a case like that. If enough do that someone will stop a take a look. Why do you have a union if this is going on? It seems to me that you would have better luck without a union you could go to the labor relations board and they would look into it. Where I work they laid off workers and the workers felt that they where targeted and the LRB came out to look at it and some did get their job back. So don't say there isn't anything you can do you need to go somewhere besides the district.

Also, I hope some of the new board members are reading this and if they get on the board. They really need to start watching this superintendent and administrators.

Anonymous said...

I agree. This union is worthless. If you look at our contract, every provision for teachers in the contract is already mandated in state law. In other words, the union has made absolutely no gains for it's employees. Further Aurora East is about the lowest paying district for teachers in the six county area. The district couldn't pay any less and retain a teaching staff.

There really is no reason to keep the AFT in our schools. It really is time to get rid of the AFT and start looking elsewhere. Perhaps the NEA.

Anonymous said...

I would do what is right because I have to live with myself. I will do what I can and God would take care of the rest. I have done what is right in the past, and yes, had a hard time. When all was done it came out right.

Anonymous said...

You know I for one am tried of hearing we pay the least. You state in six counties I don't believe so. If you weren't teaching in public school and where teaching in a private school you wouldn't be making that much and to tell the truth most times in the private schools the children get a much better education than public schools. The other night on the public access station they had some people on there talking about vouchers and had some very good data on it and I think that is the of the future for our children if we want them to have a good education.

In Elgin awhile ago parents and I believe teachers complained to the Superintendent about the principle and the administration of two schools. After looking into it and finding that what they said was true fired the principle and the staff. Now that is leadership. A Superintendent that listens to complaints looks into it and makes a decision on how to fix it. We will never have that as long as we have this superintendent and board members that think he is a King.

So remember YES WE CAN that our new president has said and that it takes everyone to make change.

Anonymous said...

What is this about the Magnet Academy and Jesse White coming about it? That the publice is not invited? The Mayor will be there and sounds like will be touting his horn about Magnet Academy? Does anyone know what this is about? Seems like that smell from Denmark has got here.

Anonymous said...

You can't compare public schools to private.

1)The parents in private schools give a damn about their childs education. That is why they take extra money out of their own pockets for their childs education. They also volunteer their time.

2)If a child in a private school doesn't follow the rules, the private school kicks the kid out of the school. In public schools, we have to deal with any and all behaviors short of a violent or sexual assault.

Public school teachers are much more qualified than their private school counterparts and have a much harder job to perform. They deserve to be adequately compensated for their training and work.

By the way vouchers are a crock. It is a way of circumventing the first amendment clause of seperation of church and state. It is a backwards way of taking public money and supporting religion. Certain politicians who want to promote religion are taking public monies (your taxes)and giving this money to churches through the guise of "vouchers". These are the same politicians who passed the "moment of reflection and prayer act". The courts are constantly striking down these political attempts at breaking down the seperation of church and state.

Anonymous said...

I want to know why we have now had at least two superintendents in a row using district workers for their personal use and we have not had our school board dealing with this issue.

It is illegal for public resources to be used for our leader personal gain. How many of our tax dollars are being wasted in this way.

Anonymous said...

Another issue that needs to be investigated is the use of the high school athletic field. Outside groups have given Nestor Garcia thousands of dollars for the use of the field and there has been no documentation or transparency about where this money has gone. If this money has been added to the districts coffers properly, then it needs to be documented openly. If this money has not been deposited properly, Nestor needs to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

When an organization, other than a D131 group uses any facility or field on any District property there are forms that have to be submitted and set fees. Also you must pay for janitorial services and anything else used. Once approved the forms go to the district office, the principal of the school where the facility is and the Building staff or athletic director at that facility so everyone is aware. The money gets sent to the District, not Nestor so I don't believe he could be pocketing funds.

Anonymous said...

10:21, don't forget that a public school pretty much has to accept any student living within their boundaries. Private schools can pick and choose which students they will accept in the first place--in addition to kicking out troublemakers later.

Anonymous said...

The question is, were all those procedures followed and the money deposited into the districts coffers or did the money get pocketed?