Monday, December 25, 2006

Perception vs Reality

Perception vs Reality. The pro ref catch phrase.

Dr. Roberts made reference at the meeting and makes reference to it, yet again in the article in the Beacon, Christmas day.
”…..There’s often a disconnect between the workings of a school district internally and the perceptions of that working from the community. I don’t know how to make that right.“

It is this authors belief that the policy /budget makers do not understand, that the voters DO understand and say NO to a tax increase to those “workings of (131) school district.”

One thing that keeps being brought up and is a misconception:
This is not all about the band director. We should give credit to the administration that made that decision. Had it not been for that ridiculous move, many of us would have stayed on the sidelines allowing the school board and admin to continue to make decisions without voice or educated vote of the community. They encouraged us to become involved by challenging our intelligence. We have become informed and we keep trying to be heard, but they don’t seem to listen.

First, I would like to say good job, Dr. Roberts, on getting that just-for-the-kids, sympathy propaganda on the front page. I appears as if the Beacon might be one of the “business partners” the district must be referring to when they speak about the partnerships they have formed, in favor of a referendum. A gift, rather than a “contribution ” is what the Beacon has given to the district many times, in it’s coverage of the community vs. the administration of District 131.

Jerome Roberts open door policy, sounds nice in theory (or we could say in perception). In reality, if within that open door there are not open minds, then the door may as well be closed.

Roberts makes reference to the ”workings of a school district”.
Reality…..we work and live in this district. We are the families of the 13,000 children this guy is trying to help. (As stated in the Beacon today-”just a guy trying to help 13,000 kids.”)

He works here and draws a nice salary from our district. Does he, the board and his co-workers live here, have children going to District 131 public schools? Do they truly have a grasp of what the majority of this community feels is important to us and the education of our children?

Roberts may open the door, but the fact that few walk in, says something about how the community perceives the value placed upon their input. I have seen how the numbers have dropped in parental involvement at the secondary schools. The school admin. tries to figure out where the problem lies. They can try and blame language barriers and working parents, or parents lack of concern. I would guess, it is because the door has been left closed far too long. Now, they swing it open give us a smile and stick out their hand and ask us to trust they know what is best for our schools.

We are on a watch list, our budget has been, in the red for years, major blunders have been made public, and the 131 officials basically say “trust in me.”
The LAW has required the district to balance the budget. They want us to be sympathetic. They want to convince us they are just trying to be “fiscally prudent.” Why did it take a law for them to feel they should be frugal with our schools resources?

When the schools were not performing as they were required, we were told we should fear the possibility of the state taking over our schools. The result- we would lose all the arts, and extra curricular activities and athletics.
If the district is planning on doing that anyway, why are we worrying about being within budget?
Why not let the state take over?

Our kids do not have comfortable consistency within their schools. We lose teachers, and it is not all due to teachers wanting more money. We are threatened with programs being cut. It seems to be a trial and error sort of policy. Too many dollars have been spent experimenting with educational programs, and failing our children and their teachers.

I shall step off my soap box. I’d like to hear others point of view.


Anonymous said...

*LOVE* his "transparency" that Jerome said he had in the Beacon today.

Does that apply to his making the school tapes invisible too?

Sure--a lot of mistakes didn't happen on his watch, but covering up sure does.

And you know what? As long as the schools think they are going to have a referendum right around the corner, they just won't tighten their belts. They have a lot of excess waste--not just in administration--but they are bent on threatening the kids.

December 25, 2006 4:43 PM

The 5th sister said...

I also started my Christmas morning by reading the Dr. Roberts column. I have yet to make my decisions on him. I am not sure if he is sincere or full of crap. Does anyone remember what he was like as the principal at East?

Anyway here is my opinion at this current time. I have been going to Board Meetings and I also spend at lot of time at East. I think that some of the Board members MUST GO in order for anything positive to happen in the district. The arrogance that several of them posess makes it impossible to trust them.

However, I just recently read an article in the Beacon (12-23-06 pg. A3)titled "West compares its taxes with other districts". In it is says that West did a tax analysis and found that compared to the other 15 local school districts West was second lowest only to East. Example-on a $200,000 house Yorkville pays $4245 in taxes, West $2018 and East only $1944. I found this distrubing. Granted our tax dollars are being abused but we are certainly not giving them much to abuse. Don't you think that maybe our low tax base is attracting some of the low class people we have living in our district?

I didn't graduate from East but have lived on the East side of Aurora my whole adult life. I think my kids and grandkids are getting a good education and I would like to see the schools get better.

In fall, I voted NO on the referendum but have become neutral at this point. I am afraid that we are punishing our children for the mistakes we have allowed to happen by trusting our Board and administrators for to long. If anything good came from the "K" incident maybe it was that we now pay more attention.

churchmusician said...

Yes, I remember Dr. Roberts when he was the principal at East High (my husband worked there at the time). He was well respected by students and teachers, and a definite improvement over the two previous principals. I was hopeful that he might be a positive influence as superintendent in this troubled district.

But I wonder how much progress a superintendent can make with a school board that has repeatedly disrespected and ignored taxpayers? The super is just one person (influential & powerful though he may be)--ultimately the board must vote and decide important issues for the district (and then agree to "circle the wagons" to defend their less popular decisions through secrecy). I agree with neon-one that some of those arrogant folks "MUST GO".

Hopefully we'll find out soon who's stepping up to run for School Board--I intend to campaign fiercely at the two large East Side churches where I work, just as I campaigned fiercely against the referendum a couple of months ago!

Anonymous said...

Yes, neon-one, we made the mistakes of trusting our board for too long, and should learn by those mistakes and not let it happen again.
Do you believe by giving this board and the administration more of our money through our taxes, they will spend it any more wisely than they have in the past?

I will not claim to be knowledgeable in the accounting aspects of school districts. I can read the numbers and see locally, we are not so far off from our neighboring school districts comparing through the source I used.

I checked the champion website listed in this blogspot and found info from 2005. I checked East & West Aurora and Indian Prairie. Respectively, District 131, 129, & 204.
The most recent fiscal year posted was 2003-04.
52,896.00; 114,120.00; 140,061.00

school tax rate per $100
4.05; 4.06; 5.00

Instructional exp. per pupil
4,722.00; 4,687.00; 5,351.00

operational exp. per pupil
7,958.00; 7,524.00; 8,666.00

avg. admin salary
90,457.00; 87,736.00; 95,556.00

avg. teachers salary
48,322.00; 58,293.00; 57,415.00

You look at the homes in these 3 areas and it is obvious our homes in 131 cannot compare to the other neighboring districts.

I am unaware of the quality of the teachers, but I think we have top notch teachers, doing a great job for the pay they receive and the support they get from the admin. (That can be discussed in a later blog.)

But the people in admin. who are suppose to be managing the money and the education of our children, they are being paid comparable to districts in higher tax brackets.

Our past superintendent is listed among the top 100 in the state!

So where is the money going. I would need to be an accountant to understand the school budget, but these basics make me believe we need more accountability before we sacrifice more of our hard earned dollars.

Side note, you may be hit with more tax increases by the state in the near future to help with property tax relief.

I hope this helps get your no vote back off the fence. The district wants us to feel selfish and greedy, if we don't "give to the children's education." When in fact our children are being robbed of basic entitlements by the people who have been entrusted with their educational welfare.

Anonymous said...

I read the article too about West survey of the surrounding school districts and how they compare. I also looked into some other things about the districts.
Districts 131, 129, 204 and Yorkville 115.

Average Median Income
D131 60,833
D129 80,085
D204 130,979
D115 100,034

English Language Leaners

131 34.4%
129 7.5%
204 3.6%
115 1.3%

Poverty Levels

131 57.4%
129 35.0%
204 4.1%
115 5.2%
State Average 40%

Yes, we do have one of the lowest tax bases but when you look at these numbers you can see that we no way compare with some of the other districts. I do believe we need more but I also think the district needs to do more to get more revenue in.
I used for this information. I wonder if the board looks at this website. You can contact them and they will look over things for you and give you ideas when you don't have alot of money to work with.

Anonymous said...

As far as the tapes it looks like all school boards get rid of the tapes. When they passed the law to do this it stated that they only have to keep them for 18 months but need to keep written minutes incase someone goes to the states attorney and files a complaint agaisnt the school board. With what I read about closed session tapes the superintendent has nothing to do with getting rid of them it is up to the school board and every district does it. For now on if you feel something is not right go and file a complaint.

Anonymous said...

they are not getting another cent out of me until they publish the total number of illegals that are in East schools.

Sit and work the numbers any way you want. We are subsidizing upwards of 45% and probably more of people who are not citizens and live 2,3,4,5 families to one home and pay only one tax bill.

Fix that and maybe youll get your tax increase. but I am sure you would not need it if that problem was solved.

Anonymous said...

Beacon excerpt:

East High teacher charged with felony pot possession

December 26, 2006
By MATT HANLEY Staff Writer
AURORA -- An East Aurora High School science teacher and former head softball coach has been charged with felony drug possession after hundreds of grams of marijuana were found in his car and home, police said.
Is this the reason we need to pass the referendum? To increase teachers salaries to support their
drug habits?

Anonymous said...

Let not forget this one either:

Teacher accused of sex abuse

East Aurora middle school instructor charged with molesting seventh-grade boy
Beacon News, The (Aurora, IL)
October 17, 2006

Anonymous said...

Love today's Beacon headline

"EX-EAST Coach faces felony charges"

Yes, he may be an ex-couch BUT he is a CURRENT East High Science teacher. Should that not be the headline?

The Beacon has to be one of the worst daily papers I have ever read.

The 5th sister said...

Thanks for all the great posting of websites to check out. These websites are the kind of things we all need to be looking at to make informed decisions although it sometimes takes a rocket scientist to cut through it all and understand what is really being said. I plan on taking some time this week to look at these things.

As far as the illegals it is the law that the public schools educate EVERY student. That change has to come from your state and federal legistlature. I don't think that debate should be part of this decision.

I also agree whit anonymous when they say that they think there are some good teachers. I have encountered some extremely caring and knowledgeable teachers willing to do whatever it takes to help my child. It also pains my heart when I see headlines like those listed about the marijuana and sexual abuse, however, I don't think that is exclusive to our schools.
Churchmusician-thanks for the info on Dr. Roberts. It is helpful to know what he was like in previous jobs to know if he can be trusted now. I also will be campaigning for some new candidates for board.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Anonymous said...

I agree! The Beacon does not write for the average joe unless it is community info. Such as birth, death, local events, and people recognition type articles.

When it comes to real community news they are always on the side of big business, government and in this case playing down another poor choice made by 131 in the hiring of this employee.

Anonymous said...

I agree the Craft web site has good information. Although I agree with how they talk about teachers. Back a couple of months ago I contacted them and found them to be very informed. I see they are moving their website and it has showed back up yet. They funded this mostly by themselfs.
Check out their how to throw a Boston Tea Party for fighting referemdums and they also have questions to ask about how money is spent on schools.
As far as the illegals the one post was right it will take more than the school board to fix this because of the laws. We need to keep contacting our state and federal officials to let them know how we feel. Will it really make a difference if you know how many? As long as NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND is in effect this will happen not only here but all over.

Anonymous said...

just spinning our wheels unless the illegal issue is addressed. East will never have a balanced budget, they will continue to come to the voters and ask for more money. Why do you think all these additions are being put onto our schools. Its not because of the boom in new construction on the east side. So lets put the most critical issue aside and spin our wheels on whether Roberts is a good guy or not or if there are good teachers in the district. It is all irrelevant until the illegal issue is addressed.

Anonymous said...

As 131 community members, we do not have a option at this point, on whether the district allows illegals in our schools and teaches them.

This is not within the power of our administration or board to decide.

Maybe you should address your concern to Linda Chapa-LaVia. It is my belief that in her position she can do something about the way the rules are set. Our schools have an obligation:

Constitution of the State of Illinois

A fundamental goal of the People of the State is the
educational development of all persons to the limits of their

It does not define it as ALL legal residents, it says ALL persons. As long as our laws are not enforced in deporting illegals, we will continue to be obligated to educate them.

And.....give the children free medical benefits in Illinois.

Our district can decide how many programs are implemented to accommodate the education of these individuals.

No other nationality has had our government or our schools, bend so far to accomodate their language as Hispanics.
The sad thing is, when you talk to older Hispanics who have come through the immigration process legally, they will complain and attest to the disservice our government and schools are doing to these families and their children.
Without laws being enforced, our schols hands are tied

Anonymous said...

Again the school district can do nothing about the illigeals that go to our schools. Visit this website of the State Superentendent's Weekly Newsletter where it states the legal reasons why schools have to do this.
What we need to know if is the School Board is using the funding the state gives for programs for illigeals like The Federal Immigrant Education Program Funds.

Anonymous said...

seen it, read it before

The problem will never go away until the illegals do.

East Aurora should be making the most noise out of virtually any other district in the state since they face one of the largest illega populations. Are they? I do not think so.

Explain to all of us why the residents on the east side of Aurora should subsidize the illegals at the expense of all the other children and their programs when school districts like 204 do not have too? Why should my kid get a subpar education so we can have bilingual programs and etc. at a disproportionate level compared to other districts.

Yeah call Linda Chapa LaVia she would not touch this issue because she only cares about what is going to get her the most votes.

Just spinning wheels until the illegal issue is resolved.

Anonymous said...

I got this little ditty as an email forward. Thought it may bring light to this blog.

Recently someone was browsing through the 40th Anniversary Issue of Reader's Digest (dated Feb. 1962), came across this reprint from the Washington News, and found it quite interesting in light of our current debates.

The quote reads: "Vice President Lyndon Johnson received the following message from a Native American Indian Chief on a reservation: 'Be careful with your immigration laws. We were careless with ours.'"
