Friday, April 22, 2011

Shades of Gray

A lot of us have been less than thrilled with the weather lately; it seems like it's been one cold, gray day after another. And yet my neighbor (who teaches at a middle school) notices that her students concentrate better and work harder in this kind of weather. Maybe they're less likely to be distracted by the sight of sunny playgrounds and bike trails outside their classroom windows, or maybe the sound of rain and wind has a calming effect--but for whatever reason, the lousy weather can turn out to be a blessing in disguise in some situations.

Sometimes situations (like the weather) are neither terrible nor wonderful, but somewhere in between. Often the answers aren't black or white, but shades of gray.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Life is full of decisions: how to spend our time & money, who to vote for, what to say and do in a particular situation. Parents, students, teachers, administrators, and taxpayers all have the opportunity and responsibility to make decisions in the best interests of our students.

What are some examples of decisions made recently that have benefited our district?

And how can less-positive decisions be corrected so our students get maximum benefit?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Continuing the discussion...

The topic of the previous thread (our district's image) must have struck a nerve with a lot of folks--there have been more than 200 comments in a relatively short period of time. So I (the co-administrator, and originator of the past several topics) decided to refresh the discussion. Oh, and don't forget to VOTE next Tuesday!