Saturday, February 6, 2016

Meeting in the middle: the fine art of communication and compromise

Deciding how best to spend our district's money is very challenging.  Do we raise teachers' salaries, reduce benefits, lower class sizes?  Should taxes be increased?  Ideally our School Board will make choices in students' best interests.  NOW is the time to let our administration know our opinions and priorities!


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Now or never... said...

So now that we are fighting, you won't strike? Interesting mindset. The district has money, how many times have you heard about our beloved surplus?

It's time the district realizes that if they actually want to hire and keep GOOD teachers, they need to open the wallet. If I were in 204 or 129,I'd be making over $4000 more and I'm only in year 5. That turns into $7,000; $10,000; $15,000; ... as time goes on, PER YEAR. Most students are great, just not raised with education as priority. I enjoy teaching here, but financially, why would anybody stay here?

Away said...

And away we go

Matt are you on crack??????You say the teachers can't give the students a real education--we are furiously writing curriculum ( with no instruction because the division chairs do not know what they are doing- don't know how to show teachers how to link and attach assessments and worksheets to Ubd templates- (scan and attach)Because we had no step by step instruction in this, except for Sara Wadell in the beginning of the school year. To say this tutorial was cursory is an understatement. Hanley, you are supposed to speak for the entire District 131- not to spend your time and district money bashing teachers, (mostly high school) and weighing in (mostly negatively) on strike negotiations. You know well enough that we have some of the most dedicated, inspiring teachers anywhere working in very difficult conditions for peanuts. And if you don't know this, you are clueless, and not worth my breath.

Dear seven said...

Dear seven: while it is correct that the we are grossly under paid, it is not the doing of seven people. This has been going on year after year and we, the EA staff have ourselves to blame for this. We continued to accept contract after contract year after year. This was stupidity and the fact that we have an absolutely horrible union both then and now! Given the fact that this has been taking place for the last 20 or so years it is simply not possible to correct the salary schedule all in one contract. I do believe that the upper administration is also grossly over paid and this is again the culture of a corrupt system, made to pay a select few and never the teachers. I do believe that the support staff and the secretaries are where they should be in the pay scale as comparable to the surrounding districts. I also, believe that we should be paid TRS and the support staff should be paid through their system as well. (The name fails me). Now on to the horrible gross display at the last board meeting. The only individuals that should be held accountable for that outrageous unprofessional display are those that participated. As bad as things are there is no reason for name calling and attacking a single individual. Ganging up on someone weather you like the person or not is simply horrible. Again, I am not Annette and I do not claim to be a fan. I believe that it speaks volumes that there was only one individual that stood up and stated that the screaming/ name calling needed to stop. There was supposedly a ro full of leaders (administration) only one had the dignity to ask the groups to cease the behavior. Finally, it isn't that I am trying to be right here, I am simply stating that the situation is not the doing of one individual. Why were we not behaving this way when Kristen Strand had control of the board. She did nothing for us. It is a fact that she desperately wanted to keep Popp in order to continue with her church. It is simply ashamed that every individual on the board has had their own agenda that benefits, themselves, family or friends on a financial end. There is however one individual on the board that has not done this, like it or not it is Annette Johnson. If we try to remain civil, we can try to get things done, but screaming, name calling, ganging up on people is not a solution.

Not Annette said...

Dear some people, you are dilusional. Why would anyone be proud of the mob action, screaming, and attacking that went on at the last board meetimg. You want to claim that as community support? That was a gross display put on by the church lady aka Kristen Strand. Then to lead and model this for her son to participate in this was even more distasteful. I think to equate Kristen Stand as being highly successful is even more comical. She manipulates the poor to join her church in order to line her pockets and she has done this all while Dr. Popp has allowed this. Why was DR. Popp being supported anyway? What has he done to make EA better? Please tell me? Visiting schools? I don't think so! Even if he did that's his claim to fame? The countless wrong doings have been brought to us via Dr. Popp. No one can deny all of the 204 cronyism and yes Kristen Strand was a part of this cronyism as well. Hence, the huge fight to keep him. She wants to keep it all going because it serves her needs as well. Anyhow, I'm not Annette, but I highly doubt she is salivating over anything Kristen Stand has done. Now throwing up, YES, many of us are, over Kristen and her make me rich of of the backs of the poor church. Again not Annette

Addl info for Comments said...

I am also not Annette, and not a fan of Strand. I look forward to her being voted off next election. But I also believe in truth. I went back and found how to get more info. Your assertion that "both organizations registered recently" is not true. Community 4:12 was registered over a year ago. Emmanuel House was registered last September, over 5 months ago.

Reg. Number: 01067883
EIN: 363848018
Reg. Date: 10/21/2014
Address: 1635 EMERSON LANE
County: DuPage

Reg. Number: 01069942
EIN: 551791780
Reg. Date: 09/23/2015
County: Kane

What the hell is that all about? said...

Why does Truckenbrod have a beef with Becker?

Blah blah said...

Your piss poor excuse of EA educators having no talent is getting old. Try to come up with a newer, more creative insult.

$$$ said...

Let's also remember that at the kick off staff assembly last year, the district bragged about how much money they had in the bank and their excellent credit rating. Now they can't spend it fast enough in order to cry poor.

That's an excellent point said...

...that Hanley represents the district-not solely the school board. He sends out email blasts to teachers that just get them more frustrated, but motivated, by insulting them. I guess it's not saying much about EA when the best guy they can get for a PR position is a hack from the BeConfused.

EA all in said...

Annette works hard for this district and I have talked with union reps from both negotiations she has been on. The comment by many is she is sometimes the only one in the room who works hard for common ground. Remember this many of us believed Kristen and Ken Darby and what have they done. Darby stated in a board meeting come talk to me so I can understand. Mr Darby many of us had and you are still are allowing the bullying and intimidation to go on. We are now concerned by talking to you and vote to keep Popp that you are giving out our names. Many who have talked with you have received additional intimidation. Strand was in control last year that is when the contract started going badly. Think about your actions!

I think we need to lobby the board and treat everyone in a civil manner. Maybe Arroyo, Johnson , Leonard will listen. It is clear now who cares for the teachers

East Aurora Volunteer said...

Please allow me to chime in here and give my 2 cents as someone who spends a significant amount of time in your community trying to help improve the lives of your students. I am not a teacher, I don't work for the district.

I lead a mentoring and tutoring program at 3 elementary schools on Saturday Mornings in East Aurora, under the direction of Kirsten Strand/Community 4:12. I organize 40+ volunteers that meet every Saturday Morning at these 3 schools to mentor and tutor your students; over 50 students each week attend! This program is funded by Community Christian Church and Kirsten Strand's ministry/division called Community 4:12. Kirsten leads several other incredible ministries which focus on helping families and children in East Aurora, including the Gift Mart which is responsible for helping thousands of families have better Christmas's in East Aurora for the last 12 years! I can keep naming projects and programs led by Kirsten to help your children but there are too many to count and name.

Most of you are severely misguided with your accusations about Kirsten Strand and the work she has done in East Aurora so I thought I would try to set some of you straight with the truth. Carry on.

Look at the truth said...

The mentor groups have taken away church members from other churches in the 3rd Ward. If your group was just helping students that would be fine but because of her position on the board Community Christian has an upper hand. We have been told by the school district that we need to participate in mentor training that is not free the cost is $2,500. When asked about volunteering we are given Kristen name.
Many churches because of extreme proverty on the east side can't keep their lights let alone pay $2,500.

The Montgomery Campus Kristen is affiliated with and the downtown campus have over 1000 members mostly generated by the EA school district. They donate. Kristen profits from this she does not donate her time. It's not free.

She won't run again. said...

I am not so sure about the facts on this Community Church thing. I have been to the Montgomery Church a couple times and I haven't see 100 people there, let alone 1000!?!

East Aurora Volunteer said...

First of all, out of all of my mentors and tutors that volunteer each week, I can't think of any that come from the Community Christian Church East Aurora campus that Kirsten attends. They come from my recruiting efforts at the Yellow Box church based in Naperville. So, I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from.

Second, yes, the program costs money, of course. The mentor program at one school spends 2 hours every saturday with kids. They have arts and crafts time, gym time, game time, snack time - at the mentor program. The other schools are tutoring programs and need school supplies and snacks also. Of course this costs money too. We buy games second or third hand in most cases and buy everything in bulk as cheap as possible. Plus, we have halloween parties for the kids and a pizza party at the end of each year, all within a very thin budget.

For example, for one school I lead, I have the ability to spend about $1.00 per week, per child on an art and craft activity, a snack, and a drink. We run this program as cheap as possible while trying to give the kids some positive encouragement and praise. We help them with their school work and reading. We are working hard, every single week, to help encourage these kids to stay in school and graduate.

I am under the impression that the money for our program is funded solely by Community Christian Church in Naperville, as are all the other programs and services we provide in East Aurora.

It's sad when good people who are trying to help these kids are bashed and slandered.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

Please tell me how Kirsten profits from this. What are you talking about. Give specifics, not broad slanderous comments.

Tell us how she profits. And again, you're wrong. She does give her time. Where do you get this information that she doesn't give her time. She makes sure all of her leaders are running the numerous programs. I know because I am leader who she meets with regularly and she has many others under her as well who she meets with too.

Please stop saying things without stating clear facts that you can prove. Everything I state is from first hand knowledge and proof. I can back it all up.

Sad truths said...

Thank you Unknown. I too volunteer in the EA community. I am not affiliated with any organization. I have frequently crossed paths with these projects and people you have referenced. For some reason some one is try to make Kirsten the scapegoat for all things wrong in 131. Hmmmmm.......who would do such a thing. Doing anything on the school board takes a majority vote. No matter who is the president, 4 of the 7 people have to agree to make anything happen.
I will be surprised if any of the present Board members run again, except for Ms. Johnson. All others have other projects and affiliations they are involved with. A few are running for other positions within the community. Anyone interested needs to start educating themselves now what it entails to be a school board member. They need to start being seen and heard in the school and voting community. We need people with the time to commit and a passion for our community and its children.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

I just confirmed the following information from Community Christian Church.

All of the budget for the tutoring and mentoring program comes directly from Community Christian Church and the C412 ministry within the church. Not from the school district whatsoever. The church also donates all of the toys for the Giftmart's held at 3 schools each winter. The church also is responsible for the back to school cookouts and school supply donations to dozens of students in need every single year. This all comes from the generous donations from those who attend Community Christian Church, whether it be at the Yellow Box Naperville campus or from the other area campuses (there are 13 in total).

Furthermore, the person who leads C412 and organizes the leaders who runs all these programs that help YOUR students/children is Kirsten Strand. It's a shame that some of you would bash a person who does so much for your community and children.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

Exactly, Sad Truths....
Well said.

So easy to sit down here and post things rather anonymously and do nothing but go scream at meetings sometimes. But run for the board and do something about it. That is exactly what Kirsten did. She is trying to change that community from the ground up. She moved her family to East Aurora from Naperville in an effort to help and change things...and this is what she gets. No good deed goes left unpunished. It's true.

Kirsten, like everyone else is human. She will make mistakes and not everyone will approve of every single decision she makes. But, at least she is trying and out of all the people I know in this world, she has her heart in the right place and her intentions are genuine and sincere. She is the furthest things from a "crony" or a politician that you could find.

Truth seeker said...

I am a member of OLGC and yes we would like to volunteer as well but we have been to our church was to put up $2,500 to work with EA. The community relations person directed us to Kristen. At that point we stopped our attempts at helping 131. We have our own school and our own problems. We have lost members to Kristen's church as a result of her influence in 131. We attempted to help our families that attend EA but had the door slammed in our face. Please do not make any reference to deflecting from the truth I don't know Annette Johnson and don't care who she is. I am disappointed in the schools and watch my neighborhood declining but I also know Ms Strand is paid and she is not a Mother Theresa working for free.

Church lady said...

Unknown she is paid to run C412 she does not do this for free.

More sad truths said...

I am on the same page with you Unknown. I would like to add, that Giftmart gets contributions from many people in and outside the Community Christian Church families. They request volunteers from the local community. I know this, as I have, also, donated and volunteered. But I do not go to that church and I did not know Kirsten at the time. A friend told me about the volunteer opportunity and I contacted someone and helped out for the day. Kirsten and CCC has been doing things in EA school district for years. Way before she ever ran for school board. Many of the helping projects and programs have been going on a lot longer than most realize. Due to becoming an elected member of the school board, Kirsten put her self in the spotlight. I am guessing a couple of unhappy people are creating a lot of anonymous noise trying to finger point her as the person to blame for all of 131's ills.
Like Ms. Strands good works, EA problems have been around a very long time. Many of those people ranting have just started paying attention and think this mess just happened. For some of us who have been around for years, we have been waiting for the lid to blow. Too many poor decisions, people in positions that care little to nothing about the children in our community and power being given to those who wield it like a weapon rather than use it as an effective tool for building a better atmosphere in our district.

Taxpayer8 said...

Doesn't it bother anyone that if Dr. Popp doesn't find a Superintendent or Administration job at the salary of $150,00 up to $170,00 or if he does get a job that doesn't pay that much the district will pay the difference after he leaves? Then they want to find two retired Superintendents to fill in till they find a Superintendent is a little much. This board could of let him ride his time out he really wasn't that bad. This district is a low income district and says they don't have any money is this a good move.

The board could of done want they are suppose to do and give Dr. Popp policies to follow until his term ended. This board is dysfunctional and needs to start working like a real board. The President is not suppose to be in the day to day business and should not be talking to employees she has only one voice. Some talked to teachers and said they would be on their side and try to help bur remember they only had one voice too. Maybe they have tried but they can only do what the others on the board votes on.

More sad truths you hit the nail on the head.

Interested in the truth said...

Unknown, you seem to be very knowledgeable about the CCC and C412. A number of the people here who don't seem to like Kirsten have stated she is paid to lead C412. Is that true?

Would you like some cheese with that whine? said...

Truth seeker, I am a Christian, of no specific denomination. I can't believe you are blaming one little lady for taking your church members. If your "families" who attend EA slammed the door in your face, did you stop to think it may be what the are seeing at their door compared to what they see at another church.
Shame on you! If you wanted to volunteer and didn't pursue it, you are just making excuses for not getting involved. I went directly to one the schools and offered. There is much help needed at any of the elementary schools. Since you "have your own school and your own problems" and your neighborhood is declining, maybe you should start a neighborhood group. The city is looking for people to start groups to help improve the neighborhoods.
Sounds more to me like you would rather sit and complain that actually get up and do something.

You don't understand said...

I believe Ms Johnson has provided jobs for handicapped job training and teaches them a skill. I guess there is good in everyone.

Ms Strand has hurt the teachers but her many promises that did happen. We wanted her to advocate for us afterall her husband understands our challenges. We have all donated to her gift mart and art supply projects. It is time she make a public statement about her mis vote on Hanley.

I also think Strand and Johnson need to work together. Strand should have not allowed her son to call the board names it shows she is not a team player. Johnson needs to recognize her for her work in the district and Strand should acknowledge Johnson. They could get some things done. Please Kristen heel some fences with regards to your son, and Hanley

Hey said...

Y'all need Jesus.

Matt works overtime said...

It sounds like Matt is working overtime on Kristen Strand imagine. Please Matt spend your time on your resume and don't getting a job teaching kids you will put them to sleep.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

Yes, you are correct. Community Christian Church is an organization that requires smart, educated, and devoted people to run it and lead it! The organization is made up of people who work there 40 plus hours a week and volunteers who work much less than that. They work in various departments and divisions from the Lead teaching pastors, down to people who answer the phones and YES, they get paid to work there. Is this some sort of shocking revelation to people that individuals who work at churches are compensated? Of course there are also hundreds of volunteers, like me, who put time in every week, but don't get paid to do so -but that time is a few hours a week and it allows me to work a full time job also. I could probably get a job there, but I couldn't live on what most of the staff members earn, including Kirsten.

Kirsten leads C412 and makes a very modest salary to do so. She has been doing so for over 12 years to my knowledge. She leads, organizes and staffs programs like "Project Share Food", "Esperanza House", "Family Literacy", "Kids Hope Mentoring", "C412 Buddies", "Saturday Stars", "World Relief ESL", "Justice Film Series", and many others. This is not an 8 to 5 job, it's nights and weekends too, in your community, helping your kids and parents.

She is trying to make changes to help increase the graduation rate in East Aurora to get somewhere closer to the graduation rate in Naperville. She sees the difference in graduation rates to be a distinct social injustice which is why she moved her family from Naperville to East Aurora over a decade ago. She walks the walk while most of us live in other area's and just go to East Aurora to volunteer. Not bashing people who live in Naperville or surrounding communities and go volunteer in East Aurora, but this woman decided she could help more by actually moving her entire family there. Who leaves Naperville schools and sends their kids to East Aurora schools? C'mon. Average ACT score in East Aurora, 17.2. Average ACT score in Naperville, 25.1. Think about it.

She is not a teacher hater - her husband is a teacher in East Aurora. She supports programs like "Brady Buddies" run by C412 which pairs up volunteers from various CCC campuses with teachers at Brady and other schools.

As mentioned previously, she puts in countless hours every year at Christmastime to manage the GiftMart program which has donated over 100,000 gifts to YOUR children over the last 12 years! This program is now being copied throughout the country.

If you want to see all the ways Kirsten helps communities like yours, click this link to see all the programs she leads.

Educate yourselves and stop bashing people who are trying to do good things for your children.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

AMEN to "Would you like some cheese with that wine"!

I get up every Saturday morning along with 50 other volunteers who do NOT live in East Aurora to work with YOUR students to help them improve their attitude, their grades, their motivation, etc.

Where are the parents of East Aurora? Come help us! Get involved! You don't have to go to church to help us! We would love for you to come get involved in our programs. We love your students but we need more volunteers!

East Aurora Volunteer said...

To "Truth Seeker" - not sure where you got your information from, but we have room for all volunteers and do NOT require anyone to "put up money" to volunteer. That is ludicrous. Reach out to me personally please if you would like to help us in East Aurora!

We have a facebook page called "Saturday Stars". Contact me there.

Or email me directly if you would like at I would love to partner with you or your church and get you involved! We need people to help our efforts!

Community church give me a break said...

Dear vollunteers: I want to make this point perfectly clear. EA TEACHERS have been doing all of the these enormous volunteer items that you have mentioned their entire educational lives! After school homework help, after school student incentive parties, clothes, food, gifts to families all year long not just at holidays. Events at schools both during the week and the weekend. Not one of the teachers is paid additional funds. Many many times the materials party supplies, raffle prizes, etc are also paid by the teachers. So again, I'm not impressed with Kristen Strands paid programs that line her pockets. The real vollunteers go unrecognized and are really ok with it because they do what they do completely for the children and families of our ea community. Pay the teaches a for wage! It is long long over due! Kristen Strand is out for her own agenda that serves her!

Facts...just the facts said...

EA Volunteer. Thank you for giving the facts on all the work being done for EA by many people, paid and non paid which includes Kirsten. Again, you have to wonder who would want to try and bring negativity on all these great efforts being done by so many for the children of EA at no cost to our community, our district or our families.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

"Community church give me a break"

Yes, that is great that teachers do this already, but they get paid for it; they chose that profession. They aren't volunteering. I am not looking for a pat on the back here, but I do this in my own free time. I'm a single father who works full time. I do this in my free time and take time away from my family and friends and hobbies to do this. There is a big difference between a volunteer doing something in there free time and a teacher who does it for a living. Clearly.

And I am not saying to not pay teachers. This has nothing to do with that. I am just saying that the comments on this board are totally unsupported and outlandish, they hold no merit - it's just people babbling and venting.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what proof or evidence you have that supports this "lines her pockets" notion. Who lives in East Aurora and is lining their pockets illegally. How ridiculous to make such a slanderous comment about someone!!! Please support your statements with evidence.

Do you not understand that HER OWN HUSBAND is a teacher in East Aurora?!?! How ridiculous to think that she doesn't want to help teachers when her own husband is a teacher!

I know I can't fix this junk on this board, was just trying to help people understand a little bit - but I see that isn't possible. Kirsten doesn't read this board and now I know why.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

Thank you "Facts...just the facts". I appreciate that. We love the community and we are just trying to help make a difference. Programs like the ones I mentioned under C412 would never exist if not for the vision and tireless efforts of Kirsten Strand.

To community church vollunteer said...

You are absolutely wrong! Did you not read correctly. Teachers work after school for free, on weekends for free, pay for materials, pay for incentives to motivate the children, buy food, buy clothes all year round. You think that is a teachers job? Really? Because someone becomes a teacher they have chosen to tutor after the work day has ended and should work for free because they are teachers? Pay for all the items I have noted and much much more, create programs which requires countless hours after work and this is a teachers job to do all of this because it's their they are teachers. Food, gifts, parties, it's to be paid for by teachers because they chose to be teachers? Weekend activities should also be done because we chose to be teachers? Our weekends and after work ours are not our own because we chose to be teachers. Our own families need to go without because we chose to be teachers? Also what is this continued remarking on these threads from this church group, we help YOUR KIDS" really any underdressed child is everyone's kid. What a horrible- self rigorous attitude. " YOU HELP OUR KIDS" thank you community church for letting everyone read how you see the children of EA. They are not your kids, they are OUR KIDS! I do not appreciate your wrapped attitude regarding educators and an even grosser display of this we are doing much for the children of EA. Look at us! Look at what we do for YOUR KIDS! We HELP YOUR KIDS. That's one thing I will agree with you on. They are definitely our kids and I will claim OUR EA KIDS any day of the week. Again thank you for making it crystal clear that we the EA teachers have chosen to work for free and to pay for ALL because we chose to be teachers! By the way, if Krisyen Strand told you she does not read this blog, that's a lie too.

Peace said...

I think there is a misunderstanding here. I would like to play ref and say take your corners and do NOT come out swinging.
To church volunteer, I don't think you realized when the other person spoke of what they did as a teacher, it was not just those duties in their job description they spoke of, but rather MANY other things our* teachers give to our** students outside the job of educating. Unless you work within the 131 buildings or volunteer during the work day and see what goes on, you can't fully appreciate the things the teachers do that go above and beyond what they are paid to do. That is why the other person responded with an obvious defensive comment.
*As a 131 taxpayer those who teach here are being referred to as OUR teachers.
**general term referring to the students in 131

To that person who was offended, and rightfully so, we should not alienate people who are coming into the EA community to help our children. How else can we help to make outsiders***understand what really goes on within the school buildings. We need to welcome them, help open their minds. Their hearts are already reaching out to OUR children. Don't let semantics build a wall between two groups of people who are actually doing good things for our children.
***referring to people who do not work within the district, or do not pay taxes here, or who may live here but do not involve themselves on a regular basis in the EA schools.

The current dissection in our district is between the teachers and those who should be concerned with negotiating a fair contract for them. Justifying the teachers worth should be focused to those at the bargaining table. It seems that is where all the problems in the district stem from, those who are on BOTH sides of the table. Don't let the frustration with those people, make the people who are reaching out to help, feel estranged from our 131 community.
I know how much many of the EA teachers give of themselves to our children. I have, also, seen how much people outside our EA community contribute to our students. I thank you ALL!

Dear peace and volunteer said...

I thank you for your remarks, however when a volunteer makes remarks that they are helping "your kids" I think that really does speak volumes on the mindset of the individual. Somehow they are doing even more because they are helping "your kids" I would not equate my remarks as being defensive as much as I would note my remarks as making the arrogant mindset of the volunteers crystal clear to all. Something to the time of "we should be grateful, look at us we help your kids" I would not denote a me mark such as that as semantics. It's simply how the group views what they do on the EA community. I view as what I do as doing what I can do for kids that need help in the general regardless of where I am at. I mean because I live in Naperville do a lot for the children of EA I would never remark I'm helping "your kids" you know why because that's not how I view it. Those that have remarked that way, it is because that is the way they view it. So please do not refer to that as semantics. Also, the person feels that teaches took a job that requires them to do all that we do, well that's how they feel as well and they are just self righteous individuals. So to the volunteer thank you for all you do for my kids, we are grateful! Teachers continue to carry on and do all that we do and remember this is what we signed up for. Work during and after all hours, weekends and pay for it all. It's what we chose to do.

East Aurora Volunteer said...

OK - beat me up over using a pronoun. Amazing how people can get so worked up over a pronoun. I mean, I have a child, she lives with me. You have children, they live with you.

Of course, kids are kids, whether I say they are "yours" is irrelevant and I think you are unfairly over analyzing the statement. I thought I was talking to EA parents so of course I referred to them as yours. All of us have a responsibility to help them when we can which is why this program led by the very person you condemn exists in the first place.

I don't want to get into a pissing match over how much teachers do and how unfairly they are paid, that isn't what this was all about, but I guess I opened that can of worms so I'll address it. I think most would agree that teachers are amazing and work long hard hours and are usually not fairly compensated, right? But, I would respond that you are not paid an hourly wage, correct me if I'm wrong. You get paid a salary and that salary includes time in school teaching AND it includes time at home grading papers or preparing lesson plans and such on the weekends too. Look at it this way, for the time spent after hours outside of the classroom, you get the summer off and winter break and every imaginable holiday! See, now it seems much more fair, right? :)

But seriously, who doesn't work extra hours? I work long hours too in my day job and I work during nights and weekends as well answering emails and fielding calls from clients - most of us do this already, it's part of our jobs and careers. I am not fairly compensated in my opinion either. I leave work at 5 or 6PM and then go home and work more and on weekends too. Please realize we all work hard and are underpaid in our professions. Nobody works 40 hours a week anymore and nobody feels they are paid fairly.

I would just like Kirsten's efforts to be appreciated and not condemned. Most of us take away from our free time with our families to spend time with "the kids" (i'm being more careful now!)but we choose to be there to try to make a difference in their lives - and make no mistake, they are worth it! Just a tiny bit of appreciation for what Kirsten has created would be nice.

I don't know all of the politics at hand obviously or what she did or didn't vote for that was or wasn't in your best interest. What I do know is that she is doing her best to do what is in the best interest of the kids which may not always line up with what is in your best interest.

Semantics NOPE said...

I get up every Saturday morning along with 50 other volunteers who do NOT live in East Aurora to work with YOUR students to help them improve their attitude, their grades, their motivation, etc.

Now you are really dilusional if that was a matter if semantics stated above. In regards to education, you are even more delusional with regard to the after hours that teachers out in. No where in my commentary did I speak of grading papers, or preparing lessons. You really need to comprehend what you are reading. In addition you want to seriously state that teachers get all if this time off??? You absolutely are dilusional. Now again on to your mentality. Pissing match? Again this is your mindset. Not mine. Again, I'm chuckling over the backpedaling with referring to your commentary.
Thank you for making all if us aware you do NOT live in Aurora and you come with another 50 volunteers to help YOUR kids. Semantics, I think not. While you are at it work on improving your attitude before you state you are trying to improve the attitude if EA kids. I would also recommend prayer. Oh that's right your with the holy robbers group. Never mind. Peace and still laughing

East Aurora Volunteer said...

I do live in Aurora actually. My volunteers all come from various suburbs, some live in Aurora too. 2 volunteers have students in EA. Most volunteers understand and want to do something about the graduation rate in EA, so our goal and mission is to encourage and motivate kids to stay in school and graduate. We are fed up with the "system" that seems to perpetuate and accept a graduation rate of 62% in EA while just down the street in neighboring cities, it's 99%. And the answer isn't "pay teachers better". It could definitely be part of the solution - but there is obviously much more to the problem and that is what we are trying to address.

I'm sorry you're so angry with me and people who are trying to help. I'm sorry you have such a distorted and inaccurate view of a church that gives so much to the community. Perhaps you're not aware of the Giftmart or all the programs in place to help the community and the children. You should consider educating yourself on these programs and how they are funded, organized, etc. Perhaps before making slanderous comments about "Holy Robbers" you should find some evidence to support such statements.

If you can put down your cross for a minute and stop thinking about yourself and your bank account, you'll find that there are people trying to help your students and make a difference in the community that they may or may not live in.

Dear Volunteer thank YOU said...

Again HOLY ROBBER, you really need to comprehend what you have read. No where in my commentary did I speak of my wages, YOU DID! In addition, I'm not angry, as I stated in my last thread I was chuckling (laughing) and guess what? I still am :) now see when you think about it more clearly or simply read a bit slower it all makes more sense to you. There that should make it all better now, right? Now on to gift mart, thats great! There, that should help too. :) (see you were just shown a little appreciation) next, on to graduation rate in EA. Yes, it is correct that the graduation rate is far below where it should be. I do not ever recall that we as a staff, or EA community were willing to accept this. That is again, another HOLLY ROBBER mentality/ ASSumption. We the EA staff and Community are doing all we can to assist our children. Again, here it comes, get ready for it, thank you, HOLY ROBBER for all that you do for OUR KIDS. See ( more appreciation) now, you really should just get over yourself, many do far and away great great things for our EA community and I do not need a thank you. However, as you stated in one of your loony toony threads, you feel the need to be appreciated so there you go. Now see, that makes it all better. Wouldn't you say. Ok, I'm actually rolling with laughter now. So on that positive note, I will say farewell, for the laughter must always come to an end. HOLY ROBBER, please write, scribe, piss match, tantrum as you must, I will not respond, so as to provide you with the last HOLY ROBBER and COMPANY and HOLIER than THOU WORD! PEACE be WITH YOU MY CHILDDDDD. (YES the pun was intended) :)

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