Monday, May 21, 2012

"One size fits all"...sometimes doesn't fit at all

Someone in the previous thread mentioned that "one-size-fits-all" is not the best approach to dealing with the issues facing our district. Because we in D131 are diverse in backgrounds, economic resources, political views, etc. it is a good idea to explore multiple solutions to our unique challenges. Brainstorming, anyone?


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Anonymous said...

The change in this district never happened until this current board. I am not sure about Johnson or not but I never see or hear of the other Board members. I feel changes to the Curriculum will help this District and am excited about the Bilingual as a teacher. I have attended those meeting and I never hear her say I. In fact her Board comments are the only ones that talk about the school. The rest of them talk about vacations and Hull is always saying something wild to get recognized. But I have been hear a long time and we have never seen change or new programs. I do attend meetings about once a quarter

Anonymous said...

It's funny how Marin had a site visit last week from one of the worst school districts around and we can never do site visits for all the administrators we hire. Oh we just promote from within. Funny how that works.
BTW anyone who could get rid of the one remaining serial bully is ok in my books

Anonymous said...

To: To: June 2, 2012 9:25 PM

The reason "our state government is so screwed up (on both sides of the aisle)." is because of the Supreme Court ruling on "Citizens United". They ruled that corporations are people and have all the free speech rights of people and therefore can dump unlimited amounts of money at our politicians.

The Corporations know that the first step to eliminating unions in the private sector, is to eliminate them in the public sector.

In Wisconsin, the unions have fought back and Tuesday, they will be recalling many of the political leaders there including their Govenor Scott Walker. Unfortunately, in Illinois, the unions have just caved in to the politicians who have caved in to the corporations.

You are incorrect about the Federal Level. They have no business in education. Read your constitution. Any powers not given to the Federal Government in the Constitution are States Powers. The Federal Constitution has no provision regarding education. they have no legal jurisdiction over education and are violating the law by interferring with education. That is why they call it the NCLB Act (not law).

If you want to fix the educational system and the State and Federal political system, there are a few amendments that would solve the problems.

First, follow the Federal Constitution and get the Federal Government out of education.

Second, the State must provide a majority of the funding for education or they should lose their power to dictate policy. Currently, the majority of funding comes from local sources but the State makes all the decisions. This includes many unfunded mandates which force local communities to raise their taxes to meet these demands.

Third, add a balanced budget amendment. If the politicians spend more than they did the year before plus cost of living, they lose their right to run again for office. We would never run a deficit again.

Fourth, repeal Citizens United. Until corporations have a body to incarcerate and a soul to save, they can not be considered individuals with all the legal rights of individuals.

We live in a democracy and in a democracy, it is supposed to be majority rule. Currently, a very powerful few are making all the decisions. And they are not our politicians, it is the rich few hiding in the shadows behind our politicians making the decisions.

It is time for people to wake up and rebalance the system.

Anonymous said...

@7:53 where have you been? The bilingual director has made some drastic changes to the program. With the new bilingual program test scores will most likely improve next year. If its true that Beatrice is being considered for the assistant superintendent position, good for her, she would be a great positive change for the district. Hopefully they will not be thinking about promoting her assistant director (Diane) to Bilingual Director, she is beyond unprofessional and treats teachers like crap, plain rude!!

Anonymous said...

I had always heard Ms Carlson started this blog to gather information for the Board and District that she was once on. The teachers should use this to get things out there I have seen things complained about on here that have changed. I know the Board and administration even talked about ion read this. Craig even talked about it. I always hear Roberts and administrators are paid to address this. Big news guys they don't but things do get fixed with this Board more than any of the others. That is by no accident. Now we have a chance to be heard as teachers lets get the word to the Board.
As far as the comments about Johnson herself thank you for doing what you do change does not happen by accident.

Anonymous said...

Well that had to have set the record for the shortest board meeting in the District 131's history. I'm not sure if we started on time but the meeting was over at 7:14.

The room was packed with teachers. Every seat filled, the walls all around the room had teachers standing and there were more who couldn't fit, standing in the hall way.

If it wasn't for Clayton making us clap 20 times for the 4 high school tennis players who finished in 2nd and 3rd place, we would have been done in half the time. Every item was postponed to their next meeting and they skipped Item XIII (legal bills and confidential newsletter)all together.

What I found most revealing was that the board members couldn't look the teachers in the eye. They sat up there behind their desk and stared down at their computer screens throughout the entire meeting. It was clear that they were ashamed of their actions. I've been to many board meetings and I've never seen the board members act this way.

It is clear that if we continue to stand together and put pressure on the board, we will have a much more fair contract. Keep the good fight going.

Anonymous said...

June 4, 2012 7:55 PM
Best wishes going to you and your union. I hope you are successful in your stance to get a fair contract and respectful treatment.

Anonymous said...

I am an elementary secretary and I am sick and tired of you people that keep saying secretaries are over paid and under worked. Tell me who is making $50,000 plus because I sure ain't. I'm not even seeing half of that and I've been doing this job for more than 10 years. Those must be the people higher up that get that salary and do nothing. You teachers want to talk about disrespect we get no respect at all. We get told all sorts of crap. We have to deal with all the freaking parents that you teachers piss off. We have to deal with all the behavior kids that you guys decide you don't want to deal with yea its so easy to tell them get out of my class and go to the office. We also have to make sure you teachers don't lose half of your kids. You want to talk attendance I can't even get you people to take freaking attendance. Who cares whose here I have to supposively start teaching. Then when you notice one is missing oh wait I'm sorry I didn't know he was gone oops there goes your job now but its the secretaries job because its easier to just blame her than you take responsibility for your own stupid mistakes. We also get all your crap ready for the beginning and the end of the year and oh boo who you have to do some attendance reports please give me a break those reports are done for you all you have to do is click print but I guess that's too hard to do. Most of us work longer than you teachers do and get paid pennies. Therefore don't try to point any fingers at us under paid secretaries because we ain't the ones making no 50 grand.

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting as well and it was the shortest Board meeting Roberts and Johnson did thank the teachers for coming. The two of them both said they had a productive meeting. None of them would even speak. We had gathered outside and Johnson came out and jumped into a very expensive Corvette. She was out before anyone. Must be nice well we pay for the kids to get pencils and tissue out of our own pocket.

Anonymous said...

Not one board member could look us in the eye last evening that was correct , with the exception of Johnson she said something like thank you for caring. The union reps said they had been very cooperative and Johnson did not seem to know all these things went on in the buildings. I guess her and Roberts are now involved. My question is why so long?
So let's see these problems have been for years. Let's see if the board cares.
Some of the High School teachers know Stella and she promised when elected to the Board that she would adovcate for us. That sure did not happen, she could not even say hello.

Anonymous said...

All of the Asst supers secretaries and directors make between $50,000 and 60,000 a year so does your union rep Joanie. Yes it is another example of people who do the work don't make the right wages...Let's send the admins a lesson. BTW Lisa morales makes$75,000 per year. She has no degree but she reads to are blind boy Jeromy

Anonymous said...

The job of a BOE is governance not management. What exactly does the BOE have to be ashamed of? they do not negotiate contracts the administration and lawyers are responsible that. The BOE does not set the parameters for negotiations the administration and Superintendent are responsible for that. The BOE only gets involved to accept or decline an agreement. Since you are not aware of BOE responsibilities I suggest you go to the board policy section on the d131 website.

Anonymous said...

To: June 5, 2012 11:06 AM

You are talking about how the board is supposed to run. In District 131 reality. Annette Johnson runs everything. She is in charge of the finance committee and nothing gets approved without her say. It doesn't even get out of the finance committe and to the full board for approval until she OK's it. If you have ever been in any meeting with administrators and board members present, you would know, nothing gets done until the board member gives their approval.

The superintendent doesn't even keep his job without the boards approval. He knows it and kisses the board rears daily to keep his position.

The layers of governance and management aren't as seperate as you would like to believe.

Anonymous said...

To June 5, 2012 2:58 PM

Anonymous said...

Please provide your proof and your source for the secretaries salaries.

Anonymous said...

These central office people (secretaries, Clayton, etc.) are paid for with tax payers dollars. Their salaries should be public and on the district website.

Anonymous said...

You should provide proof they don't June 5, 2012 9:20 PM.

Anonymous said...

OK. That comment doesn't even make sense. I never said they don't. I just asked for proof of what you are claiming. I know their salaries are public, but to my knowledge only come out yearly and I don't have last year's information. It is not posted on the website.

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ 5:42. The onus lies on the person making a claim to prove it's true, or at least provide a credible source to back up their claim. It's not up to 5:42 to disprove the claim.

Anonymous said...

What do you guys think of the 8 East Aurora students studying abroad? That's amazing in my opinion. They beat West Aurora this year. West usually sends more students abroad.

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