Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Good things happening in our own back yard"

Quoting from someone a couple of days ago, who was referring to a band concert and spaghetti dinner...there are always plenty of activities going on throughout our district in late winter & early spring. Enjoy--and support our students!


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Anonymous said...

Here's an excerpt from an article about a recent award won by our EHS students:

"...East Aurora High School students accepted Sodexo’s Healthy High School Challenge and their efforts and achievements won the school $2,500 in cash!

Sodexo, the student nutrition provider for East Aurora School District 131, issued the company’s first-ever Healthy High School Challenge between 201 participating schools and 257,000 students throughout the nation! The Tomcats at East Aurora High School earned 2nd Place throughout the entire country...Through this program, students earned points for their school every time they selected healthy foods in the cafeteria. Students also earned double points for purchasing the featured healthy item of the week. Each school’s points were totaled and the top 56 nationally earned between $500 and $5,000 for their school"

Way to go, Tomcats!

Anonymous said...

I am one who has posted positive things and agree about the charge of negativity. I do also see, though, how sometimes over kill on the positive spin on all things EA can get frustrating for many of us who know that all is not as it is made to appear.

When you read the Beacon, Triblocal or get district email and see the same 'good news' repeated over & over as the news gives us a heads up on whats to come, as it happens and rehashes again when a month later they are now awarded at the school, at the board meeting. I am glad for 'good news' but dig a little deeper for the many things happening, not just the few things that can be retold to the point of being annoyingly pleasant.

Anonymous said...

To 6:28 And I for one get tired of the constant rehashing of the negative (some real, some just perceived), and especially when we can't seem to have a new post stay positive for more than just a few comments. In this case, after JUST ONE COMMENT. That makes me question whether you really ever make any positive comments or not. And your comment about always digging deeper, and putting good news in quotes, shows your true colors.

Anonymous said...

Ok, focusing on the positive is important. Yes, it is imperitive. But, the test scores are horrendous and that needs to be addressed. This is a school district whose primary purpose is to provide an education. By this measure the east aurora parents, board, administration and faculty have failed miserably.

Anonymous said...

"by this measure" is the key point. Reliance on standardized test scores has done more harm than good. The scores reflect how well the students have been prepared for taking that test, and NOT how well they've been educated. Although the majority of colleges require a test of some kind (either SAT or ACT), others recognize that studies show that those test scores aren't really good predictors of student success in college and look at other factors in their admissions decisions.

Anonymous said...

A better measure of success than test scores might be to look at how well our students function in the "real world". Do they have marketable skills? Can they communicate well? Have they learned how to study (important not only in college, but for on-the-job training)? How about work ethic--do they act like the world owes them success, or are they willing to work to achieve it?

These are things that cannot be easily evaluated in a standardized test, but are vitally important in a young person's ability to succeed. I know many EHS graduates who do, indeed, have these traits; we can be proud of our district for helping to nurture them!

Anonymous said...

6:51 a.m., if you want to see more positive comments on this blog then POST MORE POSITIVE COMMENTS. It's that simple!


Anonymous said...

My initial issue was this:

Why don't the positive comments create a overflow of positiveness like the negative comments create?

Anonymous said...

Living in a dreamland. My house has been for sale for three years. Why? Every single person who looks at it runs like hell when they find out what school district its in, its horrible reputation (which is justified), the fact that it has no school bus service and there is no respectable businesses to go to in the area.

Anonymous said...

And now we have gone completely negative - Good work blog.

Anonymous said...

"completely negative"--

I am 1:28 p.m., and I don't see anything negative in my post, nor in Feb. 26th 10:00 p.m.

Interesting use of the term "completely negative", 4:46 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Our EAHS jazz band got a Division I today at the UIC Jazz Festival--scoring 94 out of 100.

Way to go, JazzCats!

Anonymous said...

1:28 pm, this is 11:22. I'm pretty sure that 4:46 was referring specifically to 4:40. Your post indeed was thoughtful and appropriate, not negative.

Anonymous said...

If everything is so great why did the board call for Roberts to resign

Anonymous said...

5:39 that is a great thing but good people do not move into a school district for its band program they move there for the academics. Until East improves its academics it will continue and always be a failing school district.

Anonymous said...

9:06 p.m., everything is not "so great". Some things are great; some things are o.k.; some things are in need of a lot of improvement.

The quality of our district is NOT an all-or-nothing situation--it's a (very) mixed bag. Positive and negative forces coexist, often in the same school, area of study, or principal's office.

One of the challenges we have is to applaud the many good things we have going on, while also recognizing (and improving) those areas where there have been blunders. Pretending that no mistakes have ever been made is not serving the best interests of our students. Refusing to learn from our district's history could set the stage for the same type of thing happening in the future.

This is OUR district. We who live here, work here, have received an education here, or have children/grandchildren here have a stake in its success. An all-or-nothing mentality serves no one.

Anonymous said...

You are right February 28, 2012 7:35 AM. We should also be watching to make sure the district is spending our money the right way and not misusing it. As we see in the paper how some of the surrounding districts are making cuts ours seems to keep on spending and when they run out they will ask for a levy to help them. Is this administration watching how they spend the money? In looking at other districts I noticed they do not have staff or administration Christmas Parties or for banquets do they rent a place out they use what they have in the district.

If you look at the list of bills from our district you see that some committees get multipul stipends for a month. The district does like to eat also.

Anonymous said...

2 Band director job openings at West Aurora HS

Anonymous said...

No, they're not both at West High. One is at Batavia H.S. (longtime director John Heath is retiring at the end of this school year).

Anonymous said...

And what is your point.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of band, here's another positive bit of news (besides the already-mentioned EHS Jazz Band's Division I award--I didn't want it to be lost in the shuffle of previous comments, so I'm mentioning it again): our middle-school instrumentalists had their D131 solo & ensemble festival last Saturday, at Cowherd. All entries from Simmons received a Division I.

Congratulations to our hard-working students, parents, and directors!

Anonymous said...

Our EHS musicians (vocal and instrumental) will be going to their Solo & Ensemble contest this Saturday, March 3rd.

Best of luck to them!

Anonymous said...

Way to go middle schools! An extra thumbs up to Simmons!! What a great foundation that is being set. Makes the HS directors job much easier to have well taught students joining his bands.

This is definitely a positive thing to have these young people instructed well by their directors and encouraged by their parents.

Lets hope our PR at least gets this out to our district news, I realize the Beacon may not think this is newsworthy.

Anonymous said...

Oswego's superintendent, Dr. Dan O'Donnell, is resigning (effective at the end of this school year). Here's what he said at the School Board meeting a couple of days ago:

"After the meeting, O’Donnell said his resignation was due to a difference in leadership style between himself and the current board.

“This board is a lot different than the board that hired me, and I think it would be better for everyone if they were to hire a superintendent who more closely matched what they have in mind,” he said"

What a class act! He's not blaming anyone, just doing what he feels is best for his district. Dr. O'Donnell is a friend of mine, so I'm not the least bit surprised at his willingness to speak publicly about such a sensitive subject (unlike our own administrators, who tend to hide behind our Community Relations Director). Here's hoping that D308 is fortunate enough to find another great superintendent!

Anonymous said...

If everything is so great why did the board call for Roberts to resign

February 27, 2012 9:06 PM

Did this really happen?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Board, the minutes from the Feb. 6th meeting should have been published online by now.

I'm wondering if certain people in the central office are delaying this, to avoid having to reveal the Board's responses to Ms. Carrillo's and Mr. Rohlf's comments at the previous meeting. The letters sent to both of them (and included in the online agenda packet) indicated that the responses would be included in the minutes from the meeting.

Looks like another tactic may be added to administration's arsenal: denial, distraction, and DELAY.

Anonymous said...

I always get a good laugh when you guys try to "Praise Kaisershot" without actually saying his name. It is just so funny to me, you people who can't move on.

So many times on this blog it has been said that the band is not the issue in the district it is the test scores, yet at least one person (probably Rayanne or Malinda) can't stop kissing Kaisershots butt at every pass.

You people make me smile at how clueless you really are.

I know what is going to happen on Monday - All of the High School kids won't get a division I rataing so there will be a HUGE bashing on Liska that he sucks and that the Simmons kids are obviously better since all of them got a division I.

I can see the future - It's coming, just wait (oh yeah and then you will remember the ONE year that nobody got a division one like 5 years ago, and then you will remember the ONE time that the band messed up the National Anthem).

You won't remember though the ONE time that the High School Band brought over 1,000 people to the Music From the Movies concert and blew everybody away. Hmmmmm, why won't you remember that, hmmmmm, oh yeah, because you didn't go.

Please keep the ignorance flowing - It is really a lot of fun to read about how you will NEVER get your way.

P.S. The issue is over!

Anonymous said...

The East Aurora Middle Schools ran their own solo contest this past weekend. It was not sanctioned by any official organization. To be clear, only 2 of the 3 middle schools participated (Waldo opted out of the contest). Every student received a Division 1 from both schools. The district has finally found a way for every student to be designated as above average.

If everyone receives a Division 1 rating no matter how good or bad they played, it really is not a true contest.

Anonymous said...

308 resigning super says "his resignation was due to a difference in leadership style between himself and the current board."
Too bad we do not have a current opening in 131. Any leadership style is better than what we have seen in the last 2 superintendents. Probably no chance EA could catcha fish like that :(

Anonymous said...

11:05 a.m., nice job ignoring the fact that 9:29 p.m. also mentioned (for the second time on this thread) the Division I award won by the EHS Jazz Band. Looks to me like both the high school & middle school directors are being complimented (or, as you put it, having their butts kissed!)

And 12:21 p.m., maybe all the bands at the UIC Jazz Festival got Division I--if so, does that make it less of a positive experience? This year is the first in several years that East High musicians will be participating in the official IHSA solo & ensemble contest (the past few years they've gone to an "Extravaganza" in Naperville, not sanctioned by the state). So you've got some nerve criticizing the middle-school festival: pot, meet kettle!

Anonymous said...

Yep, 1000+ people saw the multimedia band concert (Music at the Movies). Every student in our district got a colorful, shiny poster. The screens above the stage projected images from movies as the bands played. It was very entertaining. That's the GOOD news.

Too bad the bands played out of tune, out of rhythm, and split a lot of the high notes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a youthful director with a paranoid ax to grind with 2005 band boosters should try to take his "issue over" to the westside, where he won't have to feel the need to constantly have people reaffirming his worth in a blog. "NEVER get your way"-What exactly does that mean? Maybe the 'way' has already been gotten.
Maybe the 'way' was a hidden agenda to pack the auditorium with band families. In that case- according to the post about the concert-we did it!

Anonymous said...

You can listen for yourselves here:

The Wind Ensemble (top group!?) performance of Raider's March is especially "recommended".


Anonymous said...

Well put 1:37pm!
Apparently "blew everyone away" may not have been a positive thing.

Anonymous said...

11:05 says:

"then you will remember the ONE time that the band messed up the National Anthem"

Actually, I remember multiple times (at least 2; maybe 3). I also remember board member Juanita Wells accusing the kids and/or parents of purposely messing it up.

But whatever--time passes, we move on. Standards & expectations are lowered. The issue is declared over. The community adjusts to a new (not necessarily better) way of doing things.

Rayanne said...

February 29, 2012 1:45 PM may have hit the nail on the head. Why would anyone think I or Malinda would be writing on here about the band. Our youngest children graduated in 2005. I happen to know Malinda has no knowledge of this blog. Her and I rarely see or speak to each other since our kids graduated. There were many people who had signs in their yard supporting K, so why would anyone make a reference to us 'kissing his butt."
No one in our community would say this, nor the school community of people who know truly us.

Let's see....Malinda and I were outspoken ONE time, together at a booster meeting when the new director first came with his parents. We did not speak against him, but rather questioned the decision of the admin. As did a few other parents that night.
So who would even possibly make any suggestive comments finger pointing the 2 of us other than ONE person who cannot let go of some events from 7 YEARS AGO.

P.S. (2-29-11:05am)
The issue is over!

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

...about lowered standards & expectations?

Anonymous said...

Not me!


Anonymous said...

And you guys talk about bullying like it is a bad thing yet you do it by the hour.

This blog is the definition of cyber bullying.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Speaking of bullying, where are those February 6th board minutes (the ones that are supposed to contain the responses to Ms. Carrillo & Mr. Rohlfs)?

Anonymous said...

And 2/29 11:05 a.m. is the definition of paranoia. Only their "team" takes positive news and compliments and twists them around into perceived insults. And then when the other side blasts back with refuting evidence, they go into "who cares" mode.

Denial, distraction, and paranoia.

Anonymous said...

The board minutes don't have to be posted for seven working days after they have been approved according to the Open Meetings Act. Most district wait until the seven days some put them on in a timely fashion. If you feel they are violating the law you can contact the States Attorney and file a complaint.

Anonymous said...

The minutes for each meeting are approved at the next meeting. That means the February 6th minutes would have been approved at the February 21st meeting. It has been more than 7 days since that meeting; therefore, the board/central office is in violation of the law.

Anonymous said...

Actually, today is the seventh WORKING (school) day since February 21st. So they have until the end of today to post them.

Anonymous said...

If you feel that they are breaking the law do something about it. It doesn't have to be school days since Central Office works on some of non school days.

Anonymous said...

The minutes for the February 6th meeting have just been published.

Anonymous said...

what is the website for the minutes that just posted

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the Feb. 6th minutes:

Anonymous said...

How come the list of bills are not showing up after the minutes are approved? It was some time ago that the board voted on posting them why stop now?

Anonymous said...

Wow--what's going on over on the West Side? There are FOUR admin positions available at WHS (including principal, deans assistant, assistant principal)--that's a LOT of turnover!

Could it be that some of it's fallout from the Orland situation (admins who should have known what was happening, or tried to brush it under the rug)?

Anonymous said...

Did Morales really write up two teachers at Simmons yesterday because their "kids" were not in the proper crouched technique long enough during the tornado drill? If true, this whole "Good things are Happenning" pile of whatever is a joke because for every good thing that a student or teacher does, an admin has to turn around and kick the entire district in the crotch. O'Donnell ain't coming here- he has a brain!

Anonymous said...

If, based on Parent Teacher Night invites at Simmons, so many, many many students are failing everything-including lunch- how do they all seem to pull up their grades in the next 3 months and pass/move up. How is this possible? It's not possible, but every year same thing. We do not need a new superintendant- we need a wrecking ball and alot of erasers and white out

Anonymous said...

Yes Morales did. It was just another way for the Simmons Administration to further harrass the teacher who stood up for the SpEd student. They have been in his classes every period of the day, Morales sits in his office following the teacher around with the security cameras, they warn other staff members that they are not to communicate with this teacher.

This is just standard operating procedure for the administrators at Simmons. It's just a matter of time before the harassment suits are filed.

proud parent said...

we are so proud of ouf band students at the IHSA band competition at waubensee Valley Hs

Good Luck Student's

proud parent said...

Dont't forget to buy some Butter Braid Danish from all of the D131 band student's it is so good all proceeds go to band Boosters

Anonymous said...

1:30 p.m., it's not just for bands or band students--it's the IHSA Solo & Ensemble festival, for vocalists and instrumentalists. Singers as well as instrumentalists participate; it's a wonderful opportunity for young musicians to prepare a piece (either solo, with piano accompaniment or with other students in a duet, trio, or larger group), perform it for a judge, and receive ratings and comments.

And this year the event happened virtually "in our own back yard", at WVHS in Aurora.

Anonymous said...

Proud parent, I have not seen any announcement about the fund raiser. Have sales started ?

Anonymous said...

Last year in mid May, Wilson Morales had an assembly to talk to all the 8th grade students who were failing 2 or more subjects. There were 164 of the 8th grade students at that assembly. More than a hundred of them were failing 4 or more subjects. He lectured them that they had to buckle down, do their work and pass 8th grade.

They had done nothing for 38 weeks and were supposed to make up the whole years work in the last two weeks of school.

Somehow or another almost every one of these students was passed on to the high school.

And we are supposed to believe that this school is producing the best ISAT results in the district???

Somebody needs to investigate this place.

Anonymous said...

So how did our kids do at the Solo & Ensemble contest today? I remember "back in the day" my son participating; he never had the guts to take a solo, but played in a couple of ensembles. He still has the Division I medals to show for his hard work!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd say it was a "mixed bag". First the GOOD news: several choir members received Division I ratings on their solos, and two of our band students (Mauricio Palma and Roxanne Abrica) received Division I on their solos. Great job, Tomcat musicians!

Now the not-so-good news: Not ONE instrumental ensemble received a Division I rating. In fact, SEVERAL (at least three) ensembles received a Division IV. That's a rating that, to my knowledge, was NEVER received by any EHS band students until the "new, improved" current band program.

Can someone explain one more time how this is better?

Anonymous said...

And so it begins - The lies, and the ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to know where you got your information from. Because this is the kind of GARBAGE that just gets made up on here, and then taken as fact.

Please - Site the website, site your source, site whatever you got your information from.

I will be waiting.

Anonymous said...

I remember those good old pre-2005 days when EHS instrumental ensembles were coached by the band director. The same band director who would carefully select appropriate music for each ensemble, and even compose or arrange pieces especially for the students.

Those days are in the past...



Anonymous said...

9:22 p.m., the ratings were publicly posted this afternoon at Waubonsie Valley High School, in the atrium.

Anonymous said...

Then you don't know how to read -

Anonymous said...

I know the difference between the Roman numerals I, II, III, and IV.

I would mention the names of students whose groups got Division IV, but that might be embarrassing for the students.

Anonymous said...

The one thing that gets this blog going every time - band -

Anonymous said...

You read that "several" choral students got a division I - THEN YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO READ

One choral student got a Division I.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, the blog administrator must be arguing with me - I really wonder who the new blog administrator is - It must be somebody who was at the contest today for at least a little bit of time today - That is interesting to me.

Anonymous said...

9:31 p.m., my mistake! I meant that several soloists received Division I, including two band students.

Anonymous said...

That's a big mistake :)

Anonymous said...

What is interesting to me is the FACT that years after the so-called "improvement", our band students' achievement has not only not gotten better, in this instance it is much worse.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My guess is, a friend or family member of the blog administrator was at the contest and called or e-mailed the ratings to him/her, and mistakenly said "several choir students". But yes, it does look like someone had firsthand knowledge.

Anonymous said...

9:36 p.m., the big mistake happened in 2005.

Anonymous said...

Cover you tracks all you want - It is very interesting to me that the blog administrator was at the contest today.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to me that for the first time in recorded EHS history, our band student ensembles (THREE of them, no less!) were "awarded" a Division IV.

Anonymous said...

It was only two of the ensembles - Again - you are a liar.

Anonymous said...

Please now, make some more conclusions about the music, Mr. Liska, the students, how they practiced, etc.

None of which you know. All you know is that they didn't do well and you use phrases like "the first time in history" which you don't know is true.

And you make it big and exaggerate the truth and you are going to blame it on Mr. Liska because if he doesn't motivate every single student then he is somehow a failure but when a math teacher or social studies teacher gives a student a D or an F it is the kids fault.

But some how when it comes to band - it is ALWAYS the fault of Mr. Liska - And my guess is you will give the credit for the 1's and 2s not to Mr. Liska but to the middle school band directors for giving them such a "strong foundation" so the success are not the fault of Mr. Liska but all of the failures are.

Again - your comments regarding band are always dripping with HATE for Mr. Liska whether or not you want to acknowledge it.

proud parent said...

yes sales have started ask any band student he or she would be happy to help you

Tanner Cassidy said...

I would like to note that this contest was a difficult and harsher one than in years past. The judges were more nit-picky, the environment was harsher, and the students were put under a lot of stress. Considering that I was there ALL DAY (8-3) I firsthand witnessed the stressful and pseudo-professional atmosphere. So, people who were there have no right to disclaim the students' scores, because it was harder than usual. Nobody's mentioned (I believe) that there has been more students involved than ever. Also, that division 4 cannot stand for us all. Also,the students should be commended for attendance, as only one choral student (no band) was absent today, which shows perseverance that seems to have been an issue in the past. I feel that solo/ensemble has grown the most, and has culminated in this year, and I know that it will be even better next year.

Anonymous said...

Tanner, you are personally to be commended for your hard work yesterday at the Solo & Ensemble festival. But you should also check the facts before you commend your fellow band students for attendance.

The FACT is, at least two band students did not show up yesterday for their performance. Specifically, Cesar S. and Jesus C. were listed as "DNA" at 9:10 a.m. And maybe there were more who didn't show up (would have partially explained the low rating for the mixed brass ensemble at 12:30 p.m.)

Anonymous said...

9:48 p.m. said:

"It was only two of the ensembles - Again - you are a liar"


Here are the specific events that received Division IV:

--Clarinet Duet

--4 Saxophone Ensemble

--Mixed Brass Ensemble

There may have been others as well, as some ratings were not yet posted as of 3:30 p.m.

Denial, distraction, paranoia...

...the official motto of the "new, improved" EHS band!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for our students; they deserve much better than this! They deserve to be coached and helped with their ensembles by someone who knows their abilities & is able to arrange and/or compose music that both challenges them and that they can play well. That someone is what they had for more than 20 years, until corrupt administration decided our kids deserved differently.

But that's in the past.

Move on--get over it--buy ButterBraids.

proud parent said...

right on 6:25 ask any band student spend some of that cash you have break loose with it support the simmons band program
Go panthers $$ell more Butter Braids

proud parent said...


Anonymous said...

6:25 is absolutely correct. It is not about hating Liska, it is about his ignorance & arrogance. He doesn't even own up to his lack of skill at teaching or controlling his students. He came in with an attitude of being better than anyone, he instills in his students that same attitude, and when they are judged otherwise, they do just as he does-makes excuses for their shortcomings. That is the difference between other teachers and the band teacher. Maturity!

Anonymous said...

The blog of lies and half truths continues. You don't have kids in band, you don't know what music was played, you don't know any of the details of anything yet you continue to insult, degrade, and bully the band director.

I wish you all the best and I will never read this again ad I feel that every time I post it just fuels the fire witjin you to perpetuate more and more lies on the students. I urge anybody that really wants the truth to contact somebody who actually knows the truth and to take what is posted in this blog as lies, exagerations and misinformation.

Anonymous said...


I hate to say I told you so but I told you so.

I said our students are going to have a rude awakening when they start to get out into the real world and realize, they can't compete.

This competition is just a small taste of what's to come. In the real world, you produce or you are fired (or not hired in the first place). This district is always trying to spin things in a positive light but the fact is, you are not being prepared for the challenges to come.

Make whatever excuses you want (the judges were nitpicky, the eviroment was harsher, there was more stress) but there were hundreds of kids from other districts who did succeed. These are the people you will need to compete with when you grow up.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

7:37 used the word "lies" THREE times in that one post.

What "lies" are being referred to? Certainly not the factual information posted here about the IHSA solo & ensemble festival yesterday; it's hard to dispute publicly posted official ratings, viewed by many hundreds (perhaps thousands) of people passing through the WVHS atrium yesterday.

Denial, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Any Butter Beer to go with those Butter Braids?

Anonymous said...

Cesar S and Jesus C DID perform. They were there for a few hours before and went to their practice room. Get your information straight 6:10, as you probably are reading off some mistaken attendence sheet.

Yulisa Feliciano said...

Hey the track team did well at Friday's meet...just thought we should commend the athletes in this blog.

Anonymous said...

Stop blaming band and their post-2005 band director. Some of us must also consider that the attention span of students has been dropping desperately, with many kids doing stuff just for the fun and experience of it, with no regards for whether or not they do well. This is on the students, but also the parents are to blame for not making their kids go through with something and make them proud of something beautiful they could have potentially accomplished. Also, most people on this blog weren't in attendence, so if anyone's words should be listened to, it should be Tanner's or the post 2005 band directors'. Also, go track.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to our track team!

Anonymous said...

5:47 p.m., no I was not reading off an attendance sheet. I was reading off the official ratings sheet posted in the atrium of WVHS. Cesar and Jesus were listed as DNA (Did Not Appear). That means they were NOT there in their performance room at 9:10 a.m. If you saw them there, then they weren't there to perform--because, according to the judge & festival office, they DID NOT APPEAR.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you would even print who was there or not it isn't your business to go around stating those things.

Some can't get over the past and keep dragging it up. Yes, what happened to the band director was bad but it happens in all forms of business and school districts. You can tell the one that keeps posting about this is close to the situation. Let these students move on and if they are happy that is the only thing that matters.

I think someone stated this before the one that keeps bringing this up needs to seek medical attention.

Anonymous said...

Friday, March 02, 2012

NJROTC Rifle Team Sets New Record and Earns Spot in National Competition

(Aurora) – The East Aurora NJROTC Rifle Team continued its tradition of excellence during the 2012 Area 3 Navy JROTC National Air Rifle Championship Match held at Camp Perry, OH.

East High Junior, Matthew Miller, set an impressive new Navy NATIONAL record by earning a 2nd Place silver medal in the Sporter Individual Final with a score of 96.7.

The hard work of the cadets also earned the East Aurora Rifle Team a berth at the CMP All-Services Championship March 22-24 in Anniston, AL.

“We are so proud of all of our cadets,” said EAHS NJROTC Commander Darryl Person

Here is something besides the band that shows how we have good students.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason 8:21 was printing who was there was to correct a previous poster. Some people who post here seem to be sticklers for facts, for whatever that is worth.

Anonymous said...

Wow...this blog is the worst kind of bullying. Anonymous and from adults. Pretty sad when we supposedly have an "anti-bullying" initative in our schools but the adults can't keep from gossiping and bullying each other. Great example for our students.

Anonymous said...

10:16 a.m., thanks for posting this grEAt news!

And congratulations to our outstanding NJROTC--you make us proud :)

Anonymous said...

Let's see...Division I band soloists Mauricio & Roxanne, NJROTC, track team...

Good news is always nice to hear.

Keep it coming, EA community!!

Anonymous said...

It's pretty sad when the biggest thing we have to be proud of is how we have taught students to use firearms. Good work. Eventually those targets are going to be replaced with live ones.

Anonymous said...

I was speaking to a college recruiter the other day and he was talking about recruiting good athletes (the same is true in other areas but he was specifically referring to sports at that moment) from a district like East Aurora.

He said that he is very hesitant to recruit students athletes from here, even when they are excellent athletes. When you recruit players from failing programs, your challenges are doubled. You need to develop the athlete as you would with every athlete, but you also need to teach them how to win games, how to finish. Losing programs don't do this. You also frequently have the baggage of family and the neighborhood weighing them down.

In short, even when they are looked at, students recruited from East Aurora need to be better than those from other schools to even be considered by colleges.

The real world is tough, I wish you well.

Anonymous said...

11:30 a.m., I am an amateur marksman (I go to an indoor shooting range 2-3 times per week), and my daughter is also learning to shoot.

Shooting is an excellent way to strengthen hand/eye coordination. It is also an Olympic sport, and many universities offer scholarships for it. In addition, a young marksman develops confidence and self-defense skills.

I applaud our district for its support of the NJROTC. I'm proud to be a Tomcat and a marksman.

Anonymous said...


Apparently, you are an ameteur thinker as well. There is only one reason why the military wants to teach young people to shoot firearms. It's in the hope that someday they will be soldiers ready to kill for their country.

Some will join the military, some will simply be on the streets with these "skills".

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing to bring up the good but it is also wise to see the bad in the district and bring it out.

Mauricio Palma said...

Cesar and Jesus where at the Solo and Ensemble contest. I also know they performed because even though I didn't walk in to hear their performance, I saw their sheet from their judge. I can also confirm that they arrived early and practiced for a while.

Congrats to my girlfriend Roxanne for getting a Division I (and ultimately the high score from D131, achieving 38 out of the possible 40)

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to an article about the recent parent-teacher conferences at East High:

Looks like a lot of parents are picking up the ball and showing up for this event...definitely a step in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

If people really wish to improve this district, I strongly believe we should become more functional as a whole and instead of complaining about teachers and minor problems in our school board, we should all help and act to improve the education of students. The only reason my band student peers received their low scores is because the people in this blog are so negative and never help or aid in the search of private lesson instructors. So unless you mean to act on your words, you should honestly refrain from speaking.

Anonymous said...

With so much ignorance flowing through these comments it is hard to believe that most of you are adults. As an EA alum and current college student, I am beyond disappointed with the constant put-downs and vulgarity coming from this blog. When students are constantly belittled it is no wonder they doubt their potential to be great. It has been close to two years since I have visited this blog and it has yet to show signs of maturity. I suppose it was foolish for me to believe that adults could converse with students in a respectful manner. Rather than working together to make the district a better place, you’re just adding fuel to the fire. It seems as if the same narrow-minded individuals have continued to comment with nothing but negativity. While I do appreciate the supportive and compassionate adults, it is those nay-sayers that really grind my gears. I have had it with the constant criticism and lack of support from this said “community.” As adults, I would expect for you to be encouraging of these young adults NOT the other way around. You consistently bring up the success of other districts, but you fail to mention the supportive and motivational adults/community that stand beside them. The difference between us and them, is YOU. You all have the potential to assist in the betterment of our district, but instead you add to the downward spiral of it all. As we ,the students, attempt to take two steps forward you take us back three. Even as a college student, 7 hours away, I continue to hear these false and pathetic rumors from naive outsiders. I can’t help but attribute the poor success rate to this blog,after all it is said that an ill-informed person can lead to the destruction of a people. Not only does it seem that you all harbor animosity towards the district, you also neglect to highlight our success. While some students have picked the wrong path in life, so many more have taken the right one. There are so many accomplishments that have stemmed from EA, but you only pay mind to the contrary. It is time to take action, fight, support and encourage our students. Besides, anyone can steer the ship while the sea is calm, yet it is those who fight with us that are the real heroes.

- A Proud 2011 Graduate of East Aurora

Anonymous said...

11:03 p.m. says:

"The only reason my band student peers received their low scores is because the people in this blog are so negative and never help or aid in the search of private lesson instructors"


Hardly ANY of the students who proudly represented EHS at the IHSA Solo & Ensemble festival for 20+ years took private lessons. In the late '90s when my son was in the band, I knew of one student (John V.) who took private lessons (he played the flute, and got Division I on his solo). All students in ensembles were coached by Mr. K, who would help them choose a piece that both challenged them and that they could perform well--and that is not just my opinion as someone who admires Mr. K, but backed up by consistent Division I and II ratings (with a very occasional III, but NEVER a IV) by IMPARTIAL JUDGES with no agendas or axes to grind.

And as far as your saying that we should "honestly refrain from speaking"--ever hear the expression, "speak truth to power"? That's what some of us will continue to do to corrupt administrators in this district!

Anonymous said...

For anyone to believe that this blog is the reason of the low scores for band is pushing it. I believe it is some of the old band boosters that do most of the complaining about the schools since the only band director that they think was good got moved. You are in control of what you do as a band participant and to say this blog is the reason is a cop out.

This district has more than just the band and we do have to get test scores up. There is a lot of good things in the district but there is also bad things like our administration. When you look at other districts and how they go about fixing problems and ours we lack in fixing them. As far as the board they overlook many things and one area is spending. They also break the Illinois School Code in some of the things they do.

I am a proud graduate of 1972 and still live in the area and see that while we have good things there are bad things and the subject of the band has gotten out of hand.

Anonymous said...

For our NJROTC students, here's a link about scholarships:

Anonymous said...

Did Ms. Carrillo speak at the Board meeting last night?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know whether or not the board has hired a new varsity football coach yet?

It's already March. Other schools are already months ahead of our kids with conditioning etc.

Anonymous said...

As money gets tight and with districts applying for the Race to the Top why hasn't ours.

We had 140 districts, including the Chicago Public Schools, submit Statements of Intent to become participating districts in our Race to the Top 3 grant. The preliminary allocations have been posted on our website at
prelim.pdf. The U.S. Department of Education requires all Race to the Top states to calculate each Participating LEA share based on the Title I share of the Participating LEA compared to the Title I share of all Participating LEAs combined. Due to the Title I numbers of the Participating LEAs, the preliminary allocation for the Chicago Public Schools is $16.4 million or 77 percent of the $21.4 million total, rather than their overall statewide share of Title I, which is about 48 percent. This means substantially smaller shares for other Participating LEAs than what many of us expected, but the formula is set in federal law so there is no leeway.

West Aurora has applied for this know that this will help the students and taxpayers out if only a lttle bit.

proud parent said...

very well said 2011 alum

Good Luck in your career

Anonymous said...

Central Office news is that the Board of Ed finally grew some.
Out is Marin Gonzalez, Raquel Wilson and Clayton assistant Martinez.

Also administrators left the Central office grumbling that they now must pay for insurance and they some generous vacation time.

Welcome to our world administrators they had free insurance for their entire families toooo long.

In fact poor Jerome will now have to pay for the step son that is still in college at 24 while people in d131 go without insurance.

Anonymous said...

If that is true, SHAME on the BOE. Those admins are some of the only ones who actually CARE about what is best for the kids!

Anonymous said...

The sooner Marin Gonzalez is gone the better for our district.

Anonymous said...

11:39 am must be Marin posting, promoting herself. That is the one she cares most about. You can find her where the limelight shines. Even if it means nudging aside the person who should be spotlighted.

Anonymous said...

The end of Marin Gonzalez was long overdue. I do feel the Board reacts to this blog they also got rid of one person in Clayton's department.

Anonymous said...

When is the board going to get some and let Roberts go?

Anonymous said...

Personally, I feel the person in Comm. Relations was an undeserved cut. I know many of you think Clayton has too many people in his dept. but this young man worked hard at his job and did it well, represented EA well. I think there were many others who could have been cut before him. I'd be curious to know the reasoning behind it. Anyone with inside info ;)

Anonymous said...

Hull announced at the board meeting Roberts should be fired. Gonzalez, Wilson and Martinez are a good start all of them added nothing to the district and Marin ruined many teachers careers with her lies. How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot Marin

Anonymous said...

It's a sad day in East Aurora if the BOE actually reads this blog, it's just a bunch of people who don't 'have any' writing hateful things about people who care about our kids.

Unfortunately, we're letting a silent majority take over our district, we're letting people with no experience in education tell educators how to do their jobs. A woman who makes spaghetti sauce for a living and acts like she's on the autism spectrum is determining the trajectory of eduction for thousands of kids. It is a very scary day time in East Aurora!

Anonymous said...

Just because something is exposed as true doesn't make it hateful. When stuff comes out that certain people would have preferred be kept secret, that is not hateful. Unpleasant, maybe. Embarrassing, maybe. But not hateful.

Anonymous said...

8:26 AM-I'm guessing you were one of the sub-par educators that was let go because you weren't a good educator?

There's nothing wrong with releasing teachers who were terrible at their jobs. Raquel and Marin both had heart and thought outside of the box for our kids sake. Too bad for our district-now our lovely (mostly uneducated) BOE is running the district instead of people with doctorates in eduction...

Anonymous said...

8:32, a doctorate in education is no guarantee that a person will put students' best interests first, or listen to parents and community. Look at "Serial Bully" Dr. Radakovich--he was brought in largely because of his academic credentials, and turned out to be a huge disappointment on many levels.

And no, there is nothing wrong with releasing teachers who are terrible at their jobs--as long as those teachers are indeed terrible/incompetent as judged by their fellow teachers, the parents, and community. Administration has no business acting as "judge, jury, and executioner" in such matters!

Anonymous said...

When will people understand that
Radakovich was hired by the then board to do exactly what he did. He did what he was hired to do regardless of if anyone likes what he did or not. Therefore blame the then board and not the man. This board has kept a worthless superintendant and the board president is getting to do exactly what she wants to do.

Anonymous said...

Well stated!

Anonymous said...

It seems the BOE has a better education than the admin's Marin and Tony have a degree from AU home of the serial bully. Wilson took online courses. I believe Lewis and Turza have a degree from Depaul and Johnson has a MBA from Northwestern Kellogg School of Business.

By the way I bet the Johnson has a bigger bank account and the other BOE members have done well for themselves and at the very least all earned a honest days living. Unlike the three losers

Anonymous said...

I agree. I have worked with both of those women and admire their devotion to students. I find it real hard to believe anyone can find fault in the amazing job Dr. Wilson does for our district. She advocates for students, supports her staff, follows through on the tiniest of details, multitasks like a mother of 10 AND manages to keep smiling! Shame on anyone who tries to tarnish her outstanding, well-deserved professional reputation!

Anonymous said...

Its funny how Marin can write about herself being a lovely lady and Raquel give me a break. Raquel has harassed many teachers and destroyed many lives of many good teachers. Marin the same way lets not forget her railroading of K.

As for selling sauce where can I buy some and toast the Board. You are my hero's. Now if you could just get rid of Roberts.

Anonymous said...

Martinez was a loser from Marmion that was to good for the Mexican American population Way to go BOE

Anonymous said...

The brooms are out at the District and the witch is gone

Anonymous said...

I have never written on this blog but I find it entertaining, however I could not let the word lovely go by.

I heard Marin & Raquel had been let go. Lovely, please devilish yes. Marin caused the death of a teacher who was a Vietnam Vet who lived for the kids. Upon harassing him he quit the teaching profession became a recluse and with no children of his own was found dead. Raquel harassed many teachers, one even had a break-down and never returned to the teaching profession. Let us not forget Kevin. The only thing I hope is Tim is looking down today with a smile.

Anonymous said...

Here's some wonderful news.

The Cowherd Girls won the City of Lights Basketball Championship tonight. They did an awesome job coming from behind at the end of the game. They finished the game with a 14-0 run against Annunciation to seal the deal.

Cowherd has been outstanding this year (Last year also). The boys also won the City of Lights Championship. The Cowherd Boys actually won three different tournaments this year and went undefeated.

Some really grEAt things have been happening in the Cowherd Sports Programs. Someone should be figuring out what they are doing there to create so much success. We could really use some of it at our other buildings.

!!!!!Go Cougars!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As a Freshman teacher at East I had the pleasure (I say that as a joke) of working with Dr Wilson. Professional again what a joke. She would scream at you become cross eyed and enter into you human respect space. One time she was so angry that I was 2 minutes late to a meeting with her she got so close she actually spit on me. Many teachers got together and formed a group to file a class action discrimination suit against the district. One of the teachers tried to contact the BOE and Dr Gonzalez, before long BOE member Hull shared the letter with Wilson. She became hostile to the group and was transferred to Central Office. After that the teachers dropped the long laundry lists of complaints against the district. Teachers only want what is best for kids. I wish her well but in another district and hopefully she has learned to a lesson. Even teachers should not be bullied

Anonymous said...

Teachers should know, if not, they should be informed....the BOE is not to be trusted. CYA ( cover your backside) when speaking with anyone at central office. It may come back to bite you.

Anonymous said...

March 8, 2012 8:51 PM sounds like one of the bigot BOE.

Anonymous said...

12:06 a.m., thanks for sharing this--we need more GOOD news here!

And yes, GO COUGARS!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Bigot who only targets white teachers

Anonymous said...

At least the BOE made some changes residents have lived to long with the horrible education being produced out of East Aurora schools. I can not afford my taxes but I can not afford to sell my house.

Don't give up Board

Anonymous said...

to the BOE

sometimes your the windshield and somtimes you are the BUG

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:35 PM-Johnson DOES NOT have an MBA and would never get into Northwestern. She has a BA in accounting from Lewis University. NO, NO, NO she does not have graduate education and anyone who has interacted with her KNOWS it.

Read here:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of great band teachers, anybody else see that Orland got 12 years?

Anonymous said...

Marin and Raquel give it up because of tenure you will go back to the classroom and screw up some kids education. Only the teaching profession would have such a rule .

Anonymous said...

The High School was taken away from Marin last fall when the scores went to a all time low. This district has not made any changes in years and I would think they need to. Rumor was she was offered another job and refused. The positions of Alternative School and others got eliminated since the Board wanted to increase the class day for students andspend money on that. The administrators are now upset because the Board is asking them to increase their day by losing vacation days and paying for insurance.

People just need to get over themselves. I think the Board is doing a good job . Prehaps they did not act fast enough since test score are in the bottom 5 percent of the State of Illinois but at least they are keeping a eye on spending. The old saying goes don't complain until you have walked a mile in someone's shoes. Let's give everyone a chance

proud parent said...

it is a sad day for the student's and parent's for West Aurora band program's. wa should all feel sorry for them to have the trust that was given to be so crushe'd.
Our problem's seem small compared to those on the other side of the river

Anonymous said...

Yep, the Steve Orland story was on the front page of today's Beacon.

I feel sorry for Steve's son, parents, brothers, and cousins--it can't be easy to have the last name "Orland" right now in Aurora.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should remember Marin inked him to replace K. It was the committee of parents that turned him down or Orlland would have doe it to a kid on the East side.

Anonymous said...

Especially when the guy doesn't even apologize.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to an article about an opportunity for our high school students to sharpen their business skills:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that link, 10:15 p.m.--it's always nice to hear good news about our district!

And more good stuff: the Simmons choirs & bands will be having their concert tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. Come support our developing musicians!!

Rayanne said...

There will be a meeting of the EA Alumni Association at 5:30 p.m. at the EA Admin bldg @ 417 Fifth St.

They will be reviewing the honorees for our 8th Distinguished Alumni Awards Program. All alumni invited-tonight!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Kurt Becker is the new coach saw him at the McKnight center today

Anonymous said...

Becker is sure to be announced as the football facilatator so they can pay him more.

Anonymous said...

Come out and support he East band members tomorrow night starting at 5:00 all you can eat pizza at Luigis pizza 732 Prairie st only 5 dollars

Rayanne said...

Clarification for Luigi's event. This is NOT a public fundraiser. It is for 5th-12th grade band students and their families. This will allow for the younger students to get to know the older ones and have good food & a good time.

Anonymous said...

I see the district Facebook is talking about a big announcement must be Kurt Becker. I think that will help improve sports in the district. I am glad they are trying to improve this. EA Pride

Anonymous said...

Kurt Becker is definitely an image maker. EA to Super Bowl and back 'home.' Hope the EA pride can bring some EA strides in academic excellence to our students.

Anonymous said...

It was a start when they got rid of Marin. She made horrible chooses for excellence. Saw a news release the Simmons kids won the band regional competition. Must be the teacher. Oh but Marin did not think he was good enough for East.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to the Beacon article about our new EHS football coach, Kurt Becker:

Anonymous said...

11:14 a.m., I think the news release you're referencing is about the Simmons CHOIR getting an "Excellent" rating at contest recently. Ms. Lisa Gawlik does an awesome job with our young singers at Simmons. Together with Mr. K, they make a grEAt team for our middle-school students!

Anonymous said...

11:14 - I think you need to learn how to read.

You saw TWO announcements - One announcing that the East High Jazz Band received a Division I at the UIC Jazz Fest and the other announcing that the Simmons Choir received a Division II at the state contest.

Now, you are damn right, it must be the director.

But here is what I find interesting, you praising the choir for a Division II. Wasn't it last year that the East High Wind Ensemble received a Division II at the state contest and they SUCK because of it, but if the Simmons Choir receives a Division II they are doing a wonderful job.

I'm sorry, you hypocrites, but you can't have it both ways.

If anything short of perfect isn't good enough, then it isn't good enough for anybody.

And we don't know what Kevin got at any of these state contests because he doesn't let his bands get judged, ever. Not at the high school and not at the middle school.

So which one is it. Is the Simmons Division II good or bad?

Anonymous said...

How much do you think they are paying him to coach for the district? It has to be a good amount for him to commit is full time to it. Are you as a taxpayer willing to pay him a 6 figure number for football? Remember the district wants to ask for a levy to get more taxes from you is this worth it?

Anonymous said...

4:27 p.m., I don't think anyone has said that "anything short of perfect isn't good enough". And it has already been mentioned at least twice on this particular thread that the EHS Jazz Band got Division I at the UIC Jazz Festival (hey, I just mentioned it again!)

It's not just this blog praising the Simmons choir--it's our Community Relations Director, who puts out the press releases.

Anonymous said...

You missed the point. Let me explain it to you.

This blog said the East High Wind Ensemble was a bad band because they received a Division II from a state contest.

This blog said that the Simmons Choir is excellent for receiving a Division II from a state contest.

This blog has said Mr. Liska is a bad band director for getting a Division II at a state contest.

This blog said that Mrs. Gawlik is an excellent choral director and we need more like her.


Is a Division II and achievement or a disgrace?

Anonymous said...

This blog has said a lot of things, positive and negative. Some say Division II is "excellent"; some say it's "second-rate". It depends on your perspective.

But our CRD, Clayton Muhammad, seems to think that Division II ratings are grEAt--not only did he put out the most recent press release about the Simmons choir, he wrote up the EHS band's Division II a few years ago as "Tomcats Take It All the Way to the Top". So according to our official district spokesperson, Division II ratings are "excellent".

Anonymous said...

Thank you for avoiding the question?

Anonymous said...

The district is paying the stipend of what they paid Bryant instead of making false stores up I asked why not call the district and ask yourself.

Anonymous said...

7:10 p.m. did answer the question. They said, "it depends on your perspective".

Anonymous said...

Anybody go to the Luigi's event on Thursday night? It sounded like a good idea, to bring together band kids & families throughout the district. Maybe something similar could be planned for athletics (meet the new football coach)?

Anonymous said...

What a stupid, cowardly answer.

Anonymous said...

Depends on your perspective.


Anonymous said...

From this morning's Beacon-News:

East Aurora High School’s drama department presents “Wonderland,” an original ensemble adapted retelling of “Alice in Wonderland,” at 7 p.m. March 23, and 3 and 7 p.m. March 24 in the Hawks Auditorium at East High, 500 Tomcat Lane. For teens and adults only, this is not the Disney version. Tickets are $3 for students, $5 for adults. VIP tickets available from cast members.

Anonymous said...

Is a Division II an achievement or a disgrace?

I'll give my perspective, which is different from the person who attempted to give you theirs,but you rejected, March 16, 2012 6:54 PM.

If a teacher is humble,dedicated and works deligently with their students and they get a division II that is good. If a teacher came into the job demeaning other teachers, is an arrogant blowhard who toots their own horn louder than the band, and then gets division II, that is a disgrace by the teachers own self proclaimed standard.

The 'blog' is many people and can have it both ways....yours & mine!

Anonymous said...

How did Mr. Liska demean anybody. What the hell are talking about. You have sooo much hate that you aee changing history ang making stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Good point March 17, 2012 6:22 AM.

Who is the district paying a stipend and you can look up the stipends on the district website.

Anonymous said...

How about if a group gets Division II, then the director orders a plaque that says Division I--then clears out all the other displayed material from years of previous history, and puts the plaque falsely claiming Division I on display?

Would that be "changing history and making stuff up", 7:26 a.m.?

Anonymous said...

What stuff was removed - All the trophies from when? I think some stuff was removed that was really old to make room for some of the new stuff, because that cabinet is pretty small and it is difficult to put a lot in there.

It's not demeaning unless you take it that way.

You also called him " demeaning other teachers, is an arrogant blowhard who toots their own horn louder than the band"

How? When? Where? Who?

It has NOT HAPPENED - That is the most ridiculous statement ever made - Just because you don't like somebody does not make your comment true. You HATE Mr. Liska - Fine - SHUT UP. GO THE HELL AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK. You don't have to like him, but you don't have the right to be a rude piece of S%&*.

Could it be that Kaisershot did it one way, Liska does it a different way, Oswego schools do it their way, Naperville does it a different way and all ways work, all ways teach music, all ways help kids be successful.

It sucked what happened to Kaisershot but GET OVER IT. Move on, GET A LIFE.

Anonymous said...

12:47 is referring to the fall of 2007, when a fraudulent plaque claiming the band won Division I was displayed in the lobby of East High School. That was when the cabinet was cleaned out, and everything related to previous band history removed.

Anonymous said...

Everything related to the previous band IS NOT REMOVED - YOU ARE A LIAR - Some stuff was removed. There are many items in there from the 90's - Like all the Mickey Mouse statues.

And there is lots of stuff in there from when G. Edward Nelson was band director. Go look you stupid liar.

Anonymous said...

Everything in that cabinet WAS removed in 2007, when the bogus plaque was displayed. Later (when the plaque was removed) some of the historic items were put back. Now the cabinet looks good--representing EHS bands through the years.

Anonymous said...

So you are saying that the whole cabinet was empty with only one plaque in it.

You are a LIAR.

Anonymous said...

That is completely UNTRUE - NOTHING ABOUT THAT IS TRUE. NOTHING - But here is STUPID-VILE you all will believe everything.

Anonymous said...

That's what I remember; but I can understand if it's convenient for you to remember it differently :)

Anonymous said...

Why is choir director being asked to leave

Anonymous said...

You really remember an Empty cabinet with one plaque in it.

That is stupid.

Is it possible you remember wrong. Could you (God Herself) have made a mistake?

Anonymous said...

I understand why you like to lie. You ant to do everything in your power to make Liska look bad.

Luckily the only power you have is the ability to post on a useless blog. Not much power.

Anonymous said...

This is March 17, 2012 6:22 AM speaking to 7:26 AM. Who said Liska? How is it of all things mentioned, the only thing you chose to deny was the demeaning part.
Since you put the name out there, yes, Liska repeatedly made comments to students and others about K. teaching HS students below HS level music. He made criticizing statements about K. to many people, thinking those HS students would remain his BFF and never share the things he said. He was sadly mistaken.

It doesn't matter anymore, most people are over it.
But it won't be forgotten. It sounds like it will best be remembered by the one who 'dismembered' the EAHS band program. Sort of like the Tell-tale heart. LOL

Anonymous said...

So we're cutting people up and putting them under the floorboards now? What has this district come to where we can't get along and we feel the need to use such strong metaphors such as dismemberment and murderous actions?

Anonymous said...

It is sad that people can only remember one bad thing in the district and it is about a band director. I bet there are others that where treated wrong. maybe Liska did say something about the other one why not look at how all you band boosters treated him and what did he do but take a job you would to if you needed one. It is time to let go you are not doing the students any good by this and if they don't win a title then that is up to them.

It is time that K stopped this I believe he enjoys it and I think that make him lessor as a teacher. It is someone close to him that can't let go I'm thinking his wife. If he can't get her to let go and see that she might have a problem he doesn't need to be teaching it is time to move on there is more to a district than a band.

Anonymous said...

The reference to tell tale heart was about how desperate a person can be to be rid of something (prior band memories) all the while convincing themselves they are being logical about their actions, only to go to extreme measures to have things the way they want.

The main character is so confident after his "deed" is done (trash talking K, etc....)that he can sit accused and feel he is not recognized as being truly guilty of any wrongdoing. Yet, his guilt is so great for the wrong he has done, he hears things that do not exist. (people are hateful & liars).

The only part that has not yet played out in this blog is the confession of wrongdoing. Not literally, but rather metaphorically speaking. (grin))

Anonymous said...

It is true that the cabinet was emptied. It was not done to remove any objects but to remove dust. The cabinet was filthy and all items were removed to do a thorough cleaning. Items were not immediately returned but added back in over time. It is possible that the cabinet was empty sans a few items but there was no purposeful intent - just cleaning.

Anonymous said...

8:37 a.m., I like your Edgar Allan Poe analogy. And here's another one:

When will certain D131 administrators admit that they made a decision against students' best interests several years ago?

..."Quoth the raven, Nevermore".


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