Saturday, May 28, 2011

End of the school year!

And what a year it's been...we've dealt with extreme weather (including a record-breaking snowstorm in February, and an April with the least amount of sunshine in recorded history). We've said "goodbye and good luck in retirement" to some of our district's finest, including Rollins Principal Karen Hart and Dieterich teachers Ms. Diane Backes and Mrs. Liz Hardy. We've witnessed a contentious School Board election, and are hoping to have a full Board seated later this summer. And we look to the future with optimism, because those of us who've been part of this district for awhile know that our KIDS are the best, and deserve our support and encouragement!


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Anonymous said...

Come support our kids on Monday at the Memorial Day Parade.

Anonymous said...

If you do go to the parade, make sure and applaud the West High band. They're going through some rough times right now.


Anonymous said...

To the idiot who said the old board investigated good luck. Do you think Wells would have cared what he did as long as he was black. Do you think the rest of them cared either. They are the same people who forgot to appraise the Walmart property. All they cared about was get even and covering up. mistakes like Kaisershot. This was reported in a newspaper the Southtown owned by the Tribune do you think they would are wrote Roberts was fired in Feb 2004 if it did not happen. The old board was a group of bubbling who hired him without a reference check.


The article is on school district with poor records of hiring. Maybe the new Board needs to investigate why Jerome Roberts was not allowed to fill out the school year in Calumet Park they let him go in Feb 2004 I wonder why. I was written in a newspaper. The tax payers are owned a reason maybe he is doing the same thing here. The Board should at least look.

May 27, 2011 11:22 AM

Anonymous said...

You are a moron, learn how to type.

Anonymous said...

2:19 p.m., people have said some pretty nasty things about the EHS band directors (past and present).

But at least they don't fool around with students.

Anonymous said...

@ May 28, 2011 3:02 PM
I think your link was suppose to read:

Good post about "End of school year" Hats off to D131 retirees!

Anonymous said...

Radakovich was the one the(old) board wanted when they hired him. He did exactly what the board wanted him to do. This same board is the one who hired Roberts, so therefore they probably did not check into him as well as they should have. He has not done anything at all for this school district except to cause dissension between thr teachers and administration, get high raises for doing nothing and making more admin postions not needed, creating admin postion for Clayton with a very high raise that was rectroactive and also for Deann Admans. There are other admin posttions that were created and one was for Joan. Gonzales postion was created because of her actions so she would not be teaching anymore.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think this Board would have checked they renewed his contract and did not check. I sure he has fired the man is lazy and full of himself

Anonymous said...

6:14 p.m., do you mean "he was fired" instead of "he has fired"?

There's a huge difference!

Anonymous said...

Just got back from the Memorial Day parade--WOW! Our JROTC group was SO impressive! It looked like there were more than 300 of them, looking sharp in their khaki uniform shirts and crisp black pants. People around me were commenting about what a wonderful bunch of young people they were, and how proud we should be of our JROTC program.

A very POSITIVE thing happening in our district!!

Anonymous said...

For kids who can't think for themselves

Anonymous said...

Those students make a choice to join that program and remain in it. It is not an easy credit. There is hard work, team work, discipline and respect required.

I am unsure where the last comment was coming from and what prompted such an outrageous statement.

Anonymous said...

Its a program that we are all "so proud of" for a bunch of kids who need to be yelled at and told what to do. It's nothing special.

Anonymous said...

All children need guidance (told what to do).
How the parent, teacher, mentor or boss delivers that guidance is a personal decision. Some yell, some get physical, some are verbal, some deliver emotional blows. Others give praise, rewards, or positive physical reinforcement, such as hugs or pats on the back.

I am an alumni as are my children and yes, we are "all so proud of" EA NJROTC!

Anonymous said...

AMEN to your comment May 30, 2011 5:22 PM

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself, NJROTC is there for one purpose and one purpose only. The early indoctrination of our children into the military mindset. It an early recruitment program for our military.

Fresh Meat for the Meatgrinder.

Anonymous said...

The majority of the kids in JROTC do NOT join the military. They learn valuable skills such as a work ethic, self discipline, and teamwork, which will benefit them in any field of endeavor. And they learn to appreciate those who serve our country, and to be better citizens themselves. They are not "indoctrinated" into a "military mindset". These 3 negative comments obviously come from someone who either has no clue what JROTC is about but isn't going to let the facts get in the way of their erroneous opinions, or from someone who DOES know about JROTC and is jealous because they know they wouldn't be able to hack it.

Anonymous said...

It's more than ONE person by the way. More than ONE person can disagree.

Anonymous said...

AMEN May 30, 2011 7:40 PM

you hit it right on the head.

Anonymous said...

Today is Memorial Day--a day set aside to remember those in military service who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. I am grateful for those brave soldiers who chose to join a branch of the armed services. Far from being "meat for the meatgrinder", they PRESERVED OUR WAY OF LIFE.

As the saying goes: if you love your freedom, thank a veteran!!

Anonymous said...

I always love the way some people on here assume they know anything about the people posting. The fact is I spent 4 years in JROTC and do know what I am talking about. Many of my JROTC classmates went into the military and many came back injured, maimed and dead.

The "valuable skills such as a work ethic, self discipline, and teamwork" you referred to should be taught in every class. There is no need for a special program for them.

It's amazing how when recruiters come to low income areas, people come out to protest how recruiters target the disadvantaged but when they set up a JROTC program (with the same goal in mind), there are those who praise it.

Anonymous said...

May 30, 2011 8:09 PM - YOU ARE A GENIUS. That is the truth, undeniable. That is exactly what is going on. You don't see the JROTC programs in the white schools with a lot of money. Any JROTC programs in Naperville, St. Charles, Batavia?


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how we tell children that fighting is always wrong. They should find peacefull ways to resolve their differences. Yet we allow our leaders to get us into one war after another after another.

I wonder how many wars we would have fought if our leaders and their children had to be the first ones into the battle zone.

I agree with John Lennon, "Give Peace a Chance"

Anonymous said...

8:19 p.m., if my father (and many thousands of other patriotic young people) had not put their lives on the line after Pearl Harbor was bombed in the 1940s, there's a good chance we would be speaking Japanese right now.

It took military might to stop Hirohito and Hitler. "Give peace a chance" only works when dealing with reasonable people; dictators tend not to be reasonable!

Anonymous said...

There is such a thing as a just war.

I do not support pre-emptive war, but when another nation attacks our shores (or our allies' shores), we fight back to protect the way of life we hold dear. Freedom isn't "free".

And I don't know how many other area high schools have JROTC programs, but I can tell you that our public universities are definitely involved in training military personnel. At my daughter's recent graduation from Illinois State, several graduates were announced as having been commissioned into the Army, Navy, or Air Force. The crowd vigorously applauded each of these announcements.

Anonymous said...

To: May 30, 2011 9:08 PM

If the USA had not sent our Navy to block all oil shipments to Japan, the Japanese would not have bombed us in the first place.

As we say to children all the time, the other kid did not just hit you, what happened before he hit you? What did you do that angered the other child in the first place.

It's no different between nations, no country started a war for no reason. There were always many decisions that could have been changed to avert the conflict in the first place.

Brilliant leaders would find a way not to fight wars.

Anonymous said...

So we should have just given away Hawaii to the Japanese? We should have just watched Hitler take over all of Europe and done nothing?

Yes, it would be wonderful if our world leaders were reasonable, peaceable people. But in the real world we often have no choice but to use military muscle.

I am thankful for those in the "Greatest Generation" who put their lives on the line to help insure that their kids & grandkids can enjoy the same freedoms they grew up with.

Anonymous said...

So 10:27, what are we supposed to say to Clayton Muhammad's friend-of-a-friend Mohammar Gadhafi?

"Please, Mr. Gadhafi, stop terrorizing and murdering thousands of Libyan citizens"?

"Pretty please?"

"With sugar?"

Anonymous said...

It always amazing to me how those who advocate for war always have to go back to World War Two to try and find a just war. How many wars and battles have there been since. If our leaders were children, they would have been expelled for violent anti-social behavior.

As for Libya, NO we don't belong there. Why ard we going halfway around the world at a cost of billions of tax dollars and American lives to settle an internal matter In Libya. He's their leader and their problem, not ours.

Anonymous said...

Why do some people feel that America should be the policemen of the world. It's time America started minding it's own business. Maybe then we wouldn't be 14 trillion dollars in debt.

Anonymous said...

America needs to stay here and take care of this country. This is no longer a melting pot, but the ones coming here want to run it, get what the citizens and legat aliens have without doing what is right, getting eveything for free, being give a free ride and taking over. We need to enforce our own laws and take care of our own country before it no longer is our country.

Anonymous said...

9:57, I am not "advocating for war"--I am advocating for protecting the way of life I hold dear. And if that means joining forces with other nations against brutal dictators such as Gadhafi, we absolutely MUST unless we're prepared to see that evil spread like cancer.

War should be a LAST RESORT. Negotiation and compromise should always be tried first, but if words fail actions are an appropriate next step. You compare our leaders to children on a playground; when my own kids were grade-schoolers I told them to avoid conflict when possible, then use words--but be prepared to defend yourself with force if absolutely necessary. My son is a black belt in Karate for that reason, so he can defend himself.

And for the record, I was one who protested the war in Iraq in the spring of 2004 in downtown Aurora. I am against pre-emptive war, but very proud of our freedom as Americans.

Anonymous said...

I love the "stay here and take care of ourselves" attitude. They seem to forget the French and others who helped us back during our own Revolutionary War. And those talking about immigrants moving in and taking over. There's a well established precedent for that here. THAT'S how this country was founded in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I read the article about the Superintendents and it does make you wonder why Elizabeth Reynolds spent five months running the troubled Calumet Park School District 132. She was hired as interim superintendent in February 2004 when Jerome Roberts was fired for undisclosed reasons. The article talked about a few that where let go and gave reasons but not for Jerome which might mean it was something illegal that they cant't disclose. Shame of this board for not looking into this before they renewed his contract but maybe some of them did know.

Anonymous said...

It starts with Fartman, Wells, Mccue, Barrerio, Salinas, & Herbig who gave in once again to the black community and hired him. It is well known fact Theodia Gillespe had a big hand in forcing Weisner to force Barrerio to hire him in the first place. Has Juanita Wells ever meet a black person she would not cover for.

The other blame is Johnson who had the goods on him four weeks ago and did not fire him. As of the rest of the board they do not exist you never hear from them or see them around. They are just there to get jobs and favors for their kids. He is here today because of Johnson she had him but her ego allowed him to stay

Anonymous said...

"...had the goods on him four weeks ago..."

What happened 4 weeks ago, 2:23 p.m.?

What are "the goods" you're referring to?

Anonymous said...

This country was founded by immigrants and those immigrants made the rules and laws. Many undocumented immigrants(illegals)now are not following those rules and laws and are demanding a free ride. This is what this country needs to address.

Anonymous said...

Our country also undocumented immigrants(illegals)to break the law and if we keep electing the same people that allows this it will happen.

Anonymous said...

To 6/1-6:54pm
I am sorry, but I did not understand what you are trying to say.

Anonymous said...

6:21 p.m., what do you mean by a "free ride"? I know many immigrants personally, and every one of them is a hard-working, family-oriented individual. I'm not saying there aren't some deadbeats among the immigrant population (just as in any group); just that I've never met anyone who came to this country expecting a free ride of any kind.

Anonymous said...

It should read allows undocumented immigrants(illegals)to break the law sorry didn't proof read.

Anonymous said...

Johnson can not just fire Roberts she has to bring it before the board and they have to vote on it just like when they renew his contract. I don't know if this board or the last board looked into or knew about Roberts being fired in Calumet City for undisclosed reasons but he should have been looked into before the did renewed it and it seemed like the district that was going to hire him back in 1995 had no problem finding this out.

Anonymous said...

A free ride is when they want all the rights that citizens and legal aliens have, like health care, etc. They get it too due to the fact that they do not have to declare thay they are illegal, so therefore get free medical, education and many other things that the citizens and legal immigrants get. I know many also that work hard and do what they are supposed to do. Is it fair that undocumented people bring their children here, have them educated here and then think they should have citizenship due to this? How come we look like the bad guys, when the children of these undocumented ones should be asking their parents why they did not do it the right way? Is this fair to everyone whodid it the right way? This is for all ethnic groups that do it the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

I would much rather give benefits to an "illegal alien" who comes here, works hard and contributes to the system than to an "American Citizen" who sits on the A$$ collects welfare and has never even tried to be a contributing member of society.

Anonymous said...

The Native Americans (the only ethnic group who did NOT immigrate here) have a saying:

"Oh Great Spirit, keep me from ever judging a man until I have walked a mile in his moccasins.”


My Mexican friends, neighbors, and co-workers have told me how horrible things are in Mexico right now. Drug cartels control large areas of the country; police departments in many cities are corrupt and/or incompetent; there are very few decent jobs available. For many Mexicans, moving to the U.S. is their only real chance at a better life for their family.

I try to imagine myself in their "moccasins"--coming to a place where I don't speak the language, where the climate is harsh, where my friends and extended family are thousands of miles away. I'm not sure I'd be strong enough to do it, but I believe that the least I can do is welcome them, just as my own great-grandparents were welcomed when they immigrated from Germany.

I care a great deal about whether my neighbors keep their yards clean, their noise level reasonable, and their kids respectful. I couldn't care less whether or not they have a particular piece of paper.

Anonymous said...

There are many problems here with the gangs and drugs that are brought here by many of those who do not have that piece of "paper". Many are getting killed here due to this. This is just not in Mexico. It is in our own back yards as the old saying goes. I have never given a person from where ever they may come from a hard time. I do have a problem with any ethnic group that does not even try to learn the language here. I find it even more amazing that at a gas station on the pump where it asks if the language will be English or Spanish. If it is to be done for one ethic group it should be done for all. Bi-lingual does not mean English & Spanish, it means speaking 2 different languages. Anyone wanting to come here to better their family lives can get a working visa to do it no matter what ethnic group they are.

Anonymous said...

10:34 p.m. says:

"I do have a problem with any ethnic group that does not even try to learn the language here"


I am a volunteer tutor at the Dominican Literacy Center, and I can tell you that Hispanic immigrants are definitely trying to learn English! There is a waiting list for students in our program, as well as for the literacy and citizenship programs at Waubonsee Community College. I've known hundreds of Mexican immigrants, and every one of them (to my knowledge) has been eager to learn our language, as well as retain their own (just as my grandparents did with German).

As far as the gang-bangers & drug dealers are concerned, they should be sent back where they came from, and/or thrown into jail along with the many native-born Americans who commit those crimes.

Anonymous said...

Are the classes that people are lining up for free? If I, who speak English, want to learn another language, I have to pay for it. Can't those trying to learn Enlish take a community college or private business class - oh, wait, they'd have to pay for something then!

Anonymous said...

A video for those questioniing war. Not an arguement for or against, just a peak inside.

Anonymous said...

9:10 a.m., the students at the Dominican Literacy Center do pay a fee for materials, so it is not free. The tutors are volunteers from the community who are trained by the Dominican nuns who organize the program.

I have just completed my fourth year as a volunteer tutor, and I can tell you that it's a wonderful way to make a positive difference in our community.

Anonymous said...

Saw the article in the Beacon about the Dieterich teachers retiring. Nice article, but they're not the only retirees in the district, are they? Anybody know anyplace w/ a list of who retired this year? You'd think there'd be an annual press release thanking all the retirees, but I can't find one.

Anonymous said...

So, by now May 2 and both May 16 meeting minutes should be up, but are they? NOPE

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

cuz lisa's busy planning parties

Anonymous said...

That is Anita Lewis and Lisa job to make sure this is done. If Anita was not so busy getting favors for her grand-kids maybe she would have time.

Rumor at Central is Stella Gonzales kid was so inept she never showed up to work or turned in a report had another person at the child service center assigned to do her job and Roberts finally pulled the plug. It must be pretty bad if you are a board members kid and gets fired.

Denean Adams is now assigned to working on schedules for Hill & Hull.

Johnson and Roberts are friends again and Roberts continues to melt down as his divorce gets closer

As the world turns at d131

Anonymous said...

The board is a joke they are too busy trying to control people while they don't really pay attention to how the district money is spent. There may be only a few that care how their tax money is spent and that the board follows the School Code and that will happen as long as no one complains. If the board wants respect then they need to give respect to the taxpayers of this district and they don't do it.

For those that wonder why the board minutes aren't posted which they should be contact the States Attorney to complain and if you don't then quit complaining because it is the law to do it.

Anonymous said...

The board minutes have now been posted, including several pages of Juanita Wells' rambling remarks before a captive audience as she summarized her years on our School Board.

Dee Weaver also bid farewell to the Board--but she spoke very briefly, respecting people's time. What a contrast between these two ladies!

Anonymous said...

WOW, what an ass hole you are. The woman served for 18 YEARS on the school board, no matter what you think of what she did while on the school board, she did MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER DO.

Dee spent 2 years on the school board (maybe 4, I can't remember) but whatever it was she shouldn't speak long.

18 vs 2 - I think the time they spent talking was equal to the time they spent on the board.

Anonymous said...

Weaver was on the Board 4 years and did not cost the district 10's of thousands of dollars defending the Mary Fultz lawsuit. Wells is the one who told her you are elected does not matter if you were registered or not. But is that not the black way yell discrimination long enough and the law does not matter. So I for one really do not want to here how the welfare queen Wells single handed passed a referendum, or insulted the band students, or voted only the way her two black brothers Roberts & Ponquient asked her to

Anonymous said...

In all of her comments, she didn't mention the band even once--probably because she knows everyone remembers how she accused the kids of purposely messing up the National Anthem.

But she sounds like the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost personally selected her to serve on our School Board. Typical arrogance from someone who spent years rubber-stamping the Serial Bully and Farrakhan's Disciple.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yeah she really did a shitty job getting elected on at least 6 diifferent occasions. The "community" had at least 6 elections to get her out and YOU didn't.

Anonymous said...

And the "community" also voted in Mary Fultz, who wasn't even qualified to run.

Just goes to show that sometimes people get their friends to vote for them or for their particular issue.

And I like the way Ms. Wells takes credit for the referendum finally passing in 2008. No, that was mostly due to thousands of public housing residents showing up at the polls for the Presidential election, and while they were there voting to HELP THEMSELVES to a tax increase, knowing damn well THEY wouldn't have to pay a dime.

Anonymous said...

I love how that little tidbit of information

"Public housing voted for the referendum and that is why it passed"

has just become truth on this blog. There is absolutley not proof of that but you all just throw it around like it is fact.

That is a specific example of why this blog is a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

So, 4:03 p.m., why do YOU think the referendum passed?

No one in my neighborhood (all homeowners) said they voted for it. But the front yards of the housing projects were littered with "Vote Yes" signs. Coincidence?

It is a FACT that thousands of Aurorans who do not pay property taxes were at the polls that day to vote in the Presidential election (as is their right). I saw them come in by the busload. If my neighbors & I did not support the referendum, it's not too much of a stretch to say that the public housing residents did.

Anonymous said...

Wells just got her friend to vote for her and her church members. She got a lot of benefits from the district like a phone and trips out of the taxpayers. In fact many of the board members and administration and Lisa have gotten trips for their families from us the taxpayer but as long as no one does anything it will go on everyone is afraid to stand up and fight.

Anonymous said...

Everybody in this district is so anti Hispanic they will vote for anyone as long as he or she in the case of Wells, Fultz and Hill live theirs lives on welfare. Yes recently Wells finally paid taxes after the district got her a job at AID

Anonymous said...

Pleasse remember that we did not need that referendum. Roberts has admitted to this.

Anonymous said...

We need it now. Look at the past few board reports and see how much money we're spending.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the board reports. Is anyone else tired of hearing how busy HR is? Yes, there are more students and that has a trickle-down effect to ALL departments. Not just HR. And they request to have their admin. pulled from the 'helping buddy' program cuz they're too busy! Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

"No one in my neighborhood (all homeowners) said they voted for it."

Well 5:10, that's because at least some of them knew you were against it, and have probably heard enough of your rants and didn't want to deal w/ another one, so they told you what would get you to leave them alone even though they DID vote for the referendum. I DID vote for it. I AM a homeowner, and pay all my taxes (probably before you do). Now after the fact, maybe we shouldn't have voted yes, but it wasn't all the public housing people that passed the referendum. It was people who at least TRIED to do something to help the schools -- unlike you.

Anonymous said...

I pay my taxes every year and did not vote for the referendum because I looked into how this district really uses the money did you? Our taxes are suppose to go to help educate our children and to give a fair wage to the employees not to give them perks. We still have overcrowding in our schools we do not make good test scores and the administration during school breaks get their perks if you care to look into it. We have a board that doesn't really take care of taxpayers money and some get their perks. So since you will give your money to people that care more about their own causes we will be in the same place for many years.

Anonymous said...

8:41 p.m., you SO obviously do not know me!

You said,

"It was people who at least TRIED to do something to help the schools -- unlike you"

I have been volunteering my time for many years to help the schools (and community)--as a chaperone, tutor, sports booster, etc. Too bad people like YOU think the only way to help our schools is by giving corrupt administrators a blank check. Some of us actually get physically and emotionally involved in the community.

But you would rather make ASSumptions.


Anonymous said...

For you who did vote for the referendum have you looked at the list of bills to see how the money is spent? How can pizza be a school supply or food for the curriculum committee be a stipend and now for some reason they don't post the bills ,which the board voted on some time back to be posted, what don't they want you to see? Shame on the board for not making them post it. That is just another example of how the administration doesn't follow policy and how the board lets them disrespect them and the taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

They do post the bills it is in the Board Book section along with all the other information about the school district so just read they are very transparent. I live on the west side and we don't get half the information you do. The majority of the people in the district will never show up at a meeting, teacher/parent conference or care less. I for one thing Dr Roberts/board/administration are doing a wonderful job we have money in the bank the teachers were given a nice raise this year, we had no layoffs in fact we are hiring, we have had upgrades in all of are class rooms and building remodeling is going on. Test scores are on the raise just wait until the district puts the results out.
I would say the money is getting spent wisely. This blog will always have something to complain about. Good job EA

Anonymous said...

I do read the board minutes and the last one did not have them in there. You are a fool if you think they spend the money wisely and the test scores are not going up.

Anonymous said...

Just wait you will be the fool and they only produce a check register once a month.

Anonymous said...

Uh, 5:10, you missed the point. YOU'RE the one that started making "ASSumptions" when you claimed that all the people from public housing voted for the referendum, and that's why it passed. I was just pointing out that you were wrong in YOUR ASSumption. I'm very glad you're involved in the schools. My wife and I (more her) also have been for 20 years -- and she still is even though all of our kids are now graduated. I didn't vote for the referendum to give anyone a blank check, I voted for it to give the district resources to work with.

While there are problems in this district (and every district in the state), I believe that overall our schools are doing reasonably well dealing with the challenges we have in this district. And test scores are really NOT a very good measure, because there are so many factors that affect them that the school has NO control over whatsoever. All reliance on test scores does is force the teachers to teach for the test, rather than for the students' learning.

You know, 5:10, you're right that I don't know you, but you SO obviously don't know me, either. Maybe YOU shouldn't make ASSumptions.


Anonymous said...

They had been posting the list of bills till the May 16, 2011 board packet and it says list of bills but you can't access it like before. Also, all the ones from before that was just under check register are gone. Time will tell if they spend money wisely.

Anonymous said...

> >>A woman is driving her car and realizes she's lost. She stops and asks a man for help.
> >>Excuse me! May you help me, please? I have a meeting a 2pm, I'm already late and I don't know where I am.
> >>Of course! -said the man- You are in a car, around 7 miles away from downtown, between 40 and 42 degrees latitude North, and 58 longitude East.
> >>You are a teacher, right? -said the woman
> >>Yes, I am. How did you know?
> >>Oh, very simple: everything you told me is precise and accurate but not useful. I'm still lost, I'll be late to my meeting and I don't know how to use your information.
> >>You're a school administrator, right? -asked the man
> >>Yes -responded very proudly the woman- How did you know?
>>> Because you don't know where you are, or where you are going, you have an obligation you can't fulfill, and you expect others to resolve your problem. Actually you're in exactly the same situation you were before asking me, but now for some strange reason it seems that it is all my fault.

Anonymous said...

WOW, a satirical joke that tries to prove a point but is really just your perception and not actual fact.

Thanks for wasting my time.

Anonymous said...

How true June 11, 2011 5:08 PM

Although not all teachers are that great anymore we do have bad ones just like their are good administrators but not so many in this district.

Anonymous said...

Teachers aren't allowed to be great anymore. They are forced to focus on the minimum standards instead of greatness. As long as politicians and administrators dictate what teachers do in the classroom, it will never change.

Anonymous said...

9:15 a.m., no one knows for sure exactly who voted for or against the referendum. But I do know that there were ZERO "Vote Yes" signs in my neighborhood (about a 3-block square area). There were, however, many "Vote Yes" signs in the yards of the housing project residents near Dieterich School.

And it wasn't that people in my neighborhood don't put signs in their yards; at least 3 houses had "Keep Kaisershot" signs on my block alone!

Anonymous said...

You can goggle the election and see how each ward voted on the referendum to see.

Anonymous said...

June 11, 2011 8:27 AM -sounds like Marin!

Anonymous said...

June 11, 5:12PM is just another mediocre administrator. Please, make a difference and take yourself a language arts class: I don't wast your time.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me why there has been a mass exodus from Gates?? Whats the story over there?

Anonymous said...

Interesting the administrators were out at retreat today no one was in charge at the service center must be nice to waste the tax payers money on a meeting at a country club

Anonymous said...

Yes, they seem to like to take serveral of them on our dime and how does this benifit the district? You can bet they had a nice meal.

Anonymous said...

As other districts are laying off and the State not paying them money owed to them our district a high proverty district that the state does make sure we get our money and this district a few years back cried how they needed money for the students and they got it are now out having retreats at country clubs, going to conferences and eating Jimmy Johns a lot and having pizzas for school supplies some of our taxpayers going without food and try to make mortgauge payments.

The School Board members that we voted for had said they would watch how the money was spent so they must think this is ok but I don't think so and this board is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Who else retired? I know of one, Mr. Davis from East High. When I was a student there was an assistant principal that did not let the gang bangers run the school. He had other jobs before and got grants for over 4 million dollars. Someone screwed him over and he went back to being a teacher. Some of my friends brothers had him and he was the best teacher they ever had. He made them work and learn. East high will miss him.

Anonymous said...

Here is a article about teaching ELL and what works we should try this.

Anonymous said...

I see they aren't letting taxpayers see the list of bills again in the board packet.

Anonymous said...

Get on Anita Lewis she asked for this before she was on the Board. She is now the Secretary and should be making sure Lisa posts these after a meeting.

Anita Lewis also was part of the Band Booster and promised reform.

Lewis, Hill, and Hull all have children or grand children that get many benefits from being on the Board its about time they start doing the job they were elected for. Instead of lining their grand children/child college resumes with things their kids never did.

I also see out Board President spent time at ISMA this week with Clayton sound like she is brown nosing for her kid as well.

Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder after all this time why they stopped. If they are so honest as they say and this district is spending money wisely why not post it.

Anonymous said...

I do believe you are right Lewis did go before the board and talk about posting the list of bills and the board approved it and they started doing it so I would think that when they stopped the board would have to approve it. Now that Lewis is getting favors for her grandchildren I guess it doesn't matter to her that the board should have to vote to stop posting them. Johnson always talked about how the district was spending money but now that she is on the board and it seems to me she thinks she can control the superintendent and administration she doesn't care about how the district spends its money. I don't know about Hill yet he did say he was going to make sure that the money was spent for the best of the district we will see about that. The others are just as bad I bet they don't even look at the list of bills. I have to wonder why many other districts list their bills at both board meetings and our doesn't? Maybe other boards care how the money is spent and they can stop some of the misuse of taxpayers money but this district doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I read the minutes of finance for the last 2 months to see what they say about the list of bills. I looks like they don't even discuss them. I also say Robb Hill does not attend meeting. It is the community who elected these people I don't understand why someone would run for the board is not a tax payer and would not attend meetings.

Like Fultz this guy is a loser. At least the other ones so up. The Board is a joke

Anonymous said...

What child are you referring to when mentioning Johnson? She does not have one.Please enlighten me. Her boyfriend has a child or two, but I do not believe he lives in this district nor his children.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is Johnsons attempt to have some credibilty of having parenting skills, by claiming to have a boyfriend with children. She has been critical of parents in the district not doing their job. But she is no ones Mommy and should not criticize others.

Anonymous said...

Johnson does not send these children to d131 schools so I guess that must be her parenting skills. Well she runs around talking about how wonderful these schools are. It shows what a good liar she is. If these schools are as wonderful as she says they are then why not let her precious Dr Roberts educate them.

As far as the other members they are all brain dead and let her do all their thinking for them. Of course we know they are all on the Board for special gain. Both Lewis and Hull have recieved special favors for they kids well Gonzales got a job for her daughter and then put Tuzsa on the Board to vote yes.

Hill is still on the district website advertising his financial planning even though he can't afford his own house.

The list of bills has been missing since administration had a big party for Wells and Roberts does not want to let people know how much it is costing to get rid of Fultz being she was Wells choice.

Let us not forget the days of name calling on the part of Wells to the band parents Lewis sure has.

Rumor is Lewis and Hull do not pay for the private lessons Liska gives their grand daughter and Hulls daughter

Anonymous said...

You are a joke and a liar and everything you just said is complete BS

Anonymous said...

Thank blog administrator for leaving lies and ignornat BS on your blog but removing posts with the word F***ing. You are such a coward.

Anonymous said...

You can FOIA the list of bills but I don't think you will see any party they gave Wells it would be on the credit card statement which you can also FOIA.

Since someone posted after reading some of the listings on the list of bills about the supplies of the PR person being pizza and some of the stipends being food and other things they have stopped posting so they must not want to let people see these things and it makes you wonder if it is legal. If they aren't doing anything wrong then they should post them and if you really want to see them FOIA them.

Anonymous said...

Some of what 7:04 p.m. is saying is probably B.S.--for example, the part about private lessons.

But I know from personal experience that any time a lawyer is hired for anything, it can get extremely expensive. 7:04 says:

"Roberts does not want to let people know how much it is costing to get rid of Fultz being she was Wells choice"

THAT'S what we should be concerned with! Instead of worrying about money spent on something trivial like a farewell party, we should be asking how much it is costing US, the taxpayers, to straighten out the legal mess caused by Ms. Fultz.

Court costs, billable hours, attorneys' fees--it all adds up to many thousands of dollars. No wonder some in the central office want to keep expenditures a secret!

Anonymous said...

Central Office News Flash

The Board will appoint Deanne Adams Asst. Sup tomorrow nite. That will stopping the hiring of low paid rank and file secretaries. The Board is also forcing that anyone hired will be Bilingual. Now they will not come out and say that but job descriptions will change to say Bilingual preferred.

Adams will get rewarded for being Hull and now Hills kids Curriculum adviser. In fact we have so many admin we need a bigger building

The secretaries are suffering because Stella Gonzalez's daughter was fired for being a ghost pay-roller.
One of the secretaries complained to Cutter about doing her job and Cutter was forced to take action. Now a freeze on hiring secretaries was forced and as we all know the secretaries complained about Johnson so she was more than willing to help.

Last Board meeting Raquel Wilson was rewarded with a Director title must pay to be nice to Johnson.

Lewis is also the recipient of favors her grand-child now receives special services and the district pays for a private academy.

As far as Johnson everyone knows she looks the other way as Roberts continues with the summer of his break down.

Anonymous said...

Do you realize that if the district spent money on a party for Wells it is legal? If they would do that what else are they doing that is legal.

It is a shame that the district has to pay so much for the legal bills for the Fultz thing but I think there where signs that she might not have been a registered voter or have lived in the district for a year but that wasn't looked into. This mess with Fultz is a shame but it is what the district has to do and the shame is on Fultz for making them spend the money she should just step down it makes you wonder who is fueling the fire in this.

Anonymous said...

8:47, do you mean "illegal"?

And about all the administrators--my grandpa had a saying:

Too many chiefs & not enough Indians.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I meant Illegal and if what is said is true that they did give Wells a party on the districts dime or any other favors the board and administration could get in serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

Hull and Wells can be blamed for Fultz it is my understanding that even after it was discovered Fultz did not live in the district they told her Martin Luther King would have stayed and fought

Anonymous said...

When Adams was first brought here to work her position was made u by Roberts. She sure has come along way since then. They put that party for Wells on the credit card and I also believe also the one at the Roundhouse. This is a no-no for both of these parties.

Anonymous said...

If Fultz did indeed check to see if she was registered, she should have voted at that time. That is what I would have done. Why worry about the money, we have so much from that referendum we did not need. It seems so far that all the money from the referendum is going for raises for the superintendant, Clayton, helpers for Clayton, admins, Deann Adams, making new admin positions and nothing for the students and teachers.
Are they going to stipulate that bilingual is English and Spainish for the teachers requirements now. That is discrimination because many speak dual languages, but the second is not Spanish.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Dr. King would have been clueless about the requirements for running for public office, or that he would have dug in his heels and caused thousands of dollars of legal expenses that could have been spent on our children.

Shame on Hull and Wells if they did, indeed, invoke the memory of Dr. King in this situation!

Anonymous said...

I love when one of you morons says "Shame on." Are we 4 years old? Damn you are all so stupid.

Anonymous said...

It is a "shame" the way this Fultz thing is playing out and it is "on" the hands of those who have encouraged this fiasco.
The only thing child like, is when people resort to name calling to attempt to make their point.

Anonymous said...

Well, Shame on me then, moron.

Anonymous said...

@June 20, 2011 6:13 AM -nice to see a person take responsibility and maintain a sense of humor :)

Anonymous said...

If it is true about them giving Wells a dinner at the conference and a party at the Roundhouse and the board went to them and approved it then they are breaking a couple of laws and Wells as a board member should not accept any gifts beyond $500.00 I believe that is in the ethics law. This board has looked away on a lot of parts of the law they are suppose to be following in the School Code.

Anonymous said...

So 9:36 p.m., you think it's a GOOD thing that Wells & Hull twisted around Dr. King's legacy to encourage Ms. Fultz to waste thousands of our tax dollars on legal fees?

Shame on YOU, then...


Anonymous said...

Prove it you can talk but you are a low life living on the east side who can't do any thing about it

Anonymous said...

Good news--the EHS band is planning to go to Disney World next year!

For many years, there was a proud tradition of going every other year. Then after 2005 the ball was dropped and they didn't get there again until last year. But now it looks like our kids will be able to look forward to a wonderful experience next June!

Keep checking the district website, local papers, Facebook, and THIS BLOG for information about fund-raising opportunities--and support our kids!!

Anonymous said...

Or the biggest recession since the great depression happened and students were not able to afford such an elaborate trip.

Now, the middle schools also had a long tradition of taking students to Washington D.C. When was the last time that trip was even ATTEMPTED.

Anonymous said...

I don't follow the logic of your statement 'The Board will appoint Deanne Adams Asst. Sup tomorrow nite. That will stopping the hiring of low paid rank and file secretaries.' How is her appointment going to stop hiring?
I don't know if plans are to change hiring to only bilingual, but for many years secretary job descriptions have said 'bilingual preferred.'

Anonymous said...

The List of Bills is on Board Book not under the Board who knows why they changed it does make it hard to find and I am sure that is what they want. but it is interesting

Vision Friendly 8844.50 I guess Clayton needs more help.


Canna & Canna $1055.84 I thought they are not the lawyers any more

Travel Agencies for Human Resource $2323.0 where are they vacationing

Mickey Wilson $11,447 Fultz is sure costing big bucks

Anonymous said...

11:41, you are obviously clueless or a moron or both.

Students from our middle schools have participated in school-sponsored trips to Washington, D.C. EVERY YEAR for at least the past several years, as part of an incentive program based upon their grades and leadership potential.

And you mention "the biggest recession since the great depression"--did the economy suddenly & miraculously improve LAST YEAR? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Actually I do believe that things have gotten better.

The Middle school bands have done NOTHING - Since you are so quick to pass off other trips in place of the band trip.

The NJROTC has gone to florida when the band did not at the high school. No that doesn't count though right, because you hate Liska so much and are in love with Kaisershot so much. Right


Anonymous said...

"The middle school bands have done NOTHING"


Interesting definition of the word "nothing". I guess premiering several of their director's original compositions counts as "nothing" to you. Performing 5 concerts last year counts as "nothing" to you. All I can say is, I certainly hope the middle schools keep doing your kind of "nothing"!

And as a parent whose child DID go to Washington, D.C. a few years ago, I can tell you it would be a very hard sell to try to get parent support for two trips to Washington, D.C. for the same child in the same school year--no matter how strong the economy was.

Yes, the NJROTC went to Florida when the band didn't. So did the Community Jazz Ensemble (which included EHS students and alums). So much for your argument that students couldn't afford to go because of the recession.

Anonymous said...

Your hatred is noted.

Do you think the middle schools band students could take a trip somewhere else, besides Washington?

Maybe they could do something else instead of NOTHING.

Everything you just said is stuff they are supposed to do. There is nothing extra - They are supposed to play music (no matter who wrote it) they are supposed to play in concerts. What is special about that.


(I await your post that repeats a similar phrase since you have zero originality and have no idea about band, no i don't care how many years your kids were in a hitty high school band program playing middle school music)

Anonymous said...

I am now officially done with this blog. I wish there was a way to erase websites so that even if I wanted to I would not be able to see what stupid posts are being put here.

Anonymous said...

2:47 p.m., I can find no hatred at all in 2:17 p.m.'s comment.

And 2:48 p.m., don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out.

Anonymous said...

Only Simmons 8th graders are afforded the luxury of going to Washington, DC. I think it should be opened up to all 3 middle schools.

Anonymous said...

Still can't find the list of bills where under the board is it? They are really trying to hide it.

Anonymous said...

tonight's agenda - am i reading it wrong, or was the lowest paper bidder not awarded the contract?

Anonymous said...

It was interesting I attended the Board meeting tonight and Robb Hill did not show along with Ray Hull. Mary Fultz did have nerve to show her face so I guess the district will still continue to spend money on her. It shows the level of losers the east side elected . Thank-you Ms Wells this is your legacy.

Anonymous said...

Aw, but it had to be the shortest meeting in history. Out by 7:30.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone reveal the favors and benefits board members are getting? Whats the name of the scholarship; how can I get one for my kids? Free lessons; Really. Who hired the lawyer? Pitiful, ignorant, clueless, bigots would actually be a compliment so lets just go with A joke; thats what you people are. What kind of parent and adult attacks children? Why didn't some of you run for the board if you can do better. Does it make you feel better about yourself to put others down? That kind of hatred says more about you that the people you are attacking. If you tell a lie long enough you will begin to believe it.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, I hear the band is going to Florida next year and Hulls daughter is going for free. The board voted for new uniforms, think thats a coincident?

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that Mr Hill choose not to come to the meeting. Why would you run for a position and not come to a meeting or in the case of Ms Fultz why would you not make sure your paper work is in order and you are a registered voter. These two do not reflect the entire Afro American Community but they sure don't make it look good

Anonymous said...

11:38 p.m., you're the "joke".

I don't see anyone on this thread attacking CHILDREN. Questioning and challenging certain decisions made by those in authority over our children, definitely. Refusing to turn a blind eye to thousands of dollars spent on unnecessary legal expenses, absolutely.

Be specific, 11:38 p.m.--where is the "hatred" you're talking about? Looking back over this thread, I do see some negativity but that's the nature of a blog.

Anonymous said...

Many people go on vacation in June, July, and August; it's possible that those missing board members were out of town last night. If they are repeatedly missing meetings, then they should consider resigning (as some have done in the past). But let's give them a chance to enjoy some recreation time during the summer months, as most of the rest of us do!


Anonymous said...

Hill and Hull have missed several committee meetings and Hull/Wells are responsible for the Mary Fultz mess. Let us not forget the Wells party it was my understanding that everyone attended expect Weaver.

Anonymous said...

June 20, 4:54 p.m. says:

"Only Simmons 8th graders are afforded the luxury of going to Washington, DC. I think it should be opened up to all 3 middle schools"

WRONG. Cowherd's honor society students are going in the spring of next year; and I know at least a couple of Waldo kids who went last year. Maybe more kids from each school should be given the opportunity--but it's definitely not limited to Simmons!

Anonymous said...

Have looked everywhere on the board book and still don't see where you saw the list of bills for the meeting what is it under.

Anonymous said...

They have it under BoardBook and you need to go to the May 16th they only seem to pay bills once a month. then its under finance and list of bills

Anonymous said...

Nope that is how I used to see it but now for the general public it only says list of bills and there isn't a link to go to it. The last one you can see under that is the April one.

Anonymous said...

7:30 its funny you didn't question anyone about their accusations about benefits for board members. Has anyone questioned the roundhouse or FOIAed the financials about a party for Wells. Stellas daughter is inept, anita gets favors for her grand children, johnson getting something for her kids, hull getting free lessons for his daughter, adams assigned to work for hill and hull, wells and hull supported fultz. Only hate makes someone lie like a rug but you say wha,da, ah . Its because of your kind that people move away.

Anonymous said...

They do have the May listing of the bills they must be posting them after they approve the minutes now of those meetings.

Anonymous said...

I am in the general public and it is on May 16 under finance 1-f
f. List of Bills
List of Bills.pdf

Anonymous said...

The list of bills used to be able to view in the board packet for the latest meeting and now it looks like they are there after the minutes are approved so we don't get to see them until then.

Anonymous said...

Something was done for Lewis's grandson so he would not have to go to Waldo. Hull's daughter gets special tutoring(or help)with her studies.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that ALL students can get extra help with school work.....right? They can stay after school and ask the teachers, or go to the math tutoring class room, or go to the language lab for english help.

And you know that is all FREE to the students right, not just Hulls kid, or the ones you like to pick on.

Anonymous said...

Central Office news is Lewis's grandson had suspension issues so the district moved him out to a private school.
Hull's daughter got booted from a Private School and got placed at East. Conrad gave her job in the office for community service, Adams planned her classes, Clayton features her at Rotary like she is a good student. This all helps when Lewis and Hull's kids go on to college because we all know East treats you like a number.
Hill is now getting the same treatment only problem is they don't know were he is.

Anonymous said...

A little truth mixed in with lies really sound good. Give me more. This is not the nature of blogs it is the nature of ignorance and hatred. Let it out, you will feel worse

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree, when you mix up your truth and lies, the stupid people (90% of this blog(believe everything).

Anonymous said...

5:50 a.m., why don't you give any specific examples of lies you CLAIM are being told here?

Is it because you don't have any examples that haven't been refuted with evidence?

Or is it just easier to make a general statement without supporting facts?

Anonymous said...

"Conrad gave her, Hull's Daughter, job in the office for community service"

When you say the above statement like this it implies that it is "special" or a out of the ordinary.

Lot's of kids have "jobs." They are called monitors. There are probably 50 to 100 kids perfroming this task throughout the day for various offices (main office, deans, various academic departments, attendance).

This is for kids with good grades who would rather not have a study hall.

Anonymous said...

THERE, is that specific enough for you?

Though I know, because of years on this blog, you will twist the facts. Another example was refuted too if you know how to read. earlier in this stupid blog. I will go let you read the two posts by yourself, I don't feel like reposting them.

June 19, 2011 7:04 PM - make a really stupid comment at the end of the post

June 21, 2011 10:23 PM - figured it out

See how I'm refuting the stupid people? The thing is that most of you just gloss over the truth posts and latch on to the ignorance as truth. Just like this post, most of you will just brush it off like it isn't true.

Anonymous said...

"June 19, 2011 7:04 PM - make a really stupid comment at the end of the post"

And 8:36 p.m. jumped in with:

"Some of what 7:04 p.m. is saying is probably B.S.--for example, the part about private lessons"

So sometimes those of us you consider "stupid people" actually DO challenge the accuracy of claims on this blog.

Anonymous said...

50 to 100 out of 3000.

Yes those jobs are for the good students which she is not Hull's daughter gets favors

Yes how is it she ended up at Rotary were the kids are given scholarships as a 10th grader seems like they are already out worrying about her scholarship. Do you think having the new Asst Superintendent show up Deanne Adams show up as your class adviser may be advantage. She is not a adviser to any of the other 300 students explain that Clayton.

Anonymous said...

Johnson is another one who is it her children attend d204 now she does explain that way. However this Winter and Spring I personally saw her at Meatha Valley with her son on the Meatha side of the court or field and she was not wearing red & black as she so likes to brag about makes you really want to believe her until you know the truth

Anonymous said...

Oh, one more thing - What I DID SAY, was undeniable TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

Lewis grand daughter does come to the high school for private lesson from Liska and he jokes well it is a price I have to pay. Rumor is the Band got a lot of money from the board and new uniforms even though there was no need.

Hulls daughter and Hills daughter are also in the band.

Lewis does have a grandson receiving special favors and was taken out of Waldo by Roberts himself.

I pays to be on the Board

Let us not forget Gonzalez daughter who was a ghost payroller
until the secretaries union caught up with her and Roberts had to sweep it under the carpet. The story is non certified staff were doing her job. She was also paid for full time work and did part time work

Anonymous said...

"Lewis grand daughter does come to the high school for private lesson from Liska and he jokes well it is a price I have to pay."

PROVE this statement.

Anonymous said...

"Rumor is the Band got a lot of money from the board and new uniforms even though there was no need"

Those band uniforms are 23 YEARS OLD. They definitely are due to be replaced!

And about certain kids getting special treatment, sometimes "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". In other words, if parents (or grandparents) ASK for something for their kids, they may get it. That's not necessarily a bad thing as long as other kids aren't denied.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This is from the IASB

Question : How can I protect my reputation and make certain things I do are above reproach while I serve as a school board member?

Answer : Your good name is your most prized possession — no doubt your good name, including your reputation for honesty, had a lot to do with your being elected to your local school board.

Unfortunately, school board members sometimes find themselves in situations where their reputations are at risk. You don’t have to be dishonest to break the law; you can break it unintentionally. Or you can share the blame when others break it. And a reputation for honesty is almost impossible to regain once you’ve lost it.

The areas where school board members are most likely to put their good names at risk include violating the Open Meetings Act, abusing travel expense policies, providing jobs for relatives, holding a financial interest in district contracts, and neglecting to assure that adequate records and minutes of meetings are kept and open for public inspection. These and many other areas are addressed in the board policy manual, so one of your first objectives should be to familiarize yourself with that document.

Following is a brief review of both the legal and public relations pitfalls that you, as a school board member, need to consider in order to protect your good na

Anonymous said...

Travel expenses
School board members need to travel to educational meetings and the cost of such travel is a legitimate district expense — including the cost of registration or tuition fees at workshops and conferences. The School Code empowers your school board to reimburse members for expenses associated with educational meetings.

However, state law does not guarantee reimbursement for such expenses. The school board must authorize the reimbursement. Your board should have a policy that defines the kinds of meetings for which it will authorize travel and the process necessary to qualify for reimbursement, e.g., what vouchers and receipts are required.

The law requires that expenses be “actual and necessary” and directly associated with the meeting itself, including travel to and from the meeting. It specifically bars reimbursement of expenses for anyone other than the board member, meaning expenses for family members who accompany you are not reimbursable.

Anonymous said...

11:23, if you cannot make your point without using obscene language, maybe YOU'RE the moron.


Anonymous said...

See good things happening with EA students on Youtube :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, adult men yelling at kids. What a FANTASTIC "EDUCATIONAL" experience.

Anonymous said...

Very good video of our TomCats. In life we have people shouting at us a lot. The managers we work with, administrators of schools and other people in our daily life and these young adults will know how to deal with it and know how to show respect to those that give them respect.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that all the students with a gun are male and all the students without a gun are female. Apparently the district is encouraging gender bias. Sexism at it's worst. Indoctrinate sexism while they are young and impressionable.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where the hell you work but my boss never yelled at me like that.

Anonymous said...

Just want everybody to know that the BLOG NAZI is a complete liar.

"This is Rayanne's co-administrator--just wanted everyone to know that I'll be deleting any comments that include the F-bomb."

I have posted many times WITHOUT the F-Bomb, but still my comments are deleted because they contain the S-Bomb, A-bomb, or anything else that the BLOG NAZI does not like, even if there are no "curse" words in it or not.

Anonymous said...

From the "Blogger" rules

Please note that Blogger does not remove blogs for containing insults or negative commentary. While blogs that contain such content can be distasteful,

Even "Blogger" is disgusted by this stupid blog.

Anonymous said...

@June 22, 2011 10:13 PM

And where did you find "Blogger" rules and Bloggers opinion?

About NJROTC-students choose to participate in the armed competition. The video was a snippet of a much involved process. The yelling and guns being checked was just tiny pieces of a much bigger process.

Though their bosses may not holler in their face,If the students can maintain dignity and composure,the students will be able to stand up to many of life's pressures and walk away without responding in kind.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you defend that NJROTC crap. What a waste of time and government money.

When a news story talks about how Al Qaeda is teaching childern everybody is in a uproar that that is disgusting and brain washing, but when the US does it we have competitions and think it is a thing to be celebrated.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:09 am-tho I read the rule you quoted I did not see where "Even "Blogger" is disgusted by this stupid blog."

To those who keep saying this blog is stupid, even IF I were to give you that point as fact, the only thing more stupid is the people who think it is stupid to keep returning to read it!

Anonymous said...

MORON - You actually think that blogger said:

"Even "Blogger" is disgusted by this stupid blog."

NO - That is not what my post at all.

Blogger does say

Please note that Blogger does not remove blogs for containing insults or negative commentary. While blogs that contain such content can be distasteful,

YOU ARE A MORON (by the way, if blooger knew you, it would think you are a moron too)

Anonymous said...

Blog administrators may remove any content they choose, at their discretion.

The administrators of this blog choose to delete posts containing certain obscenities. Their blog, their rules; your blog, your rules.


Anonymous said...

I don't have to get over it until certian administrators live up to the rules that they set forth.


I posted the only rule the BLOG NAZI gave us when it took over. Then all of a sudden the rules changed without notice and it has changed to not only delete posts with bad words, but to delete posts that the BLOG NAZI does not agree with. THAT IS THE TRUTH and THAT IS WRONG.

Anonymous said...

Since this blog serves no purpose maybe the blog-master should get rid of this stupid blog.

Funny thing the blog master really thinks people at the service center like her and want to work with her fat chance.

Her life is so sallow she really thinks these people want to talk to her funny thing they all know she is a lonely hateful individual looking for attention. That is why she has this blog

Anonymous said...

Awww--call the "WAAMBULANCE"--7:13 a.m. is upset! Doesn't like being told to "get over it"; can't stand a taste of their own medicine.

And 7:16 a.m., I know who the co-administrator is (the one who deletes posts with obscenities, if I'm not mistaken). It is someone who has never set foot inside the service center. So you are obviously clueless!

Anonymous said...

I'm 7:13 - my comments were a parody of EVERYTHING EVER SAID ON THIS BLOG

Thanks - I really don't care what is posted here, I come back day after day to this blog because the diluted, idiotic comments from you people make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

So glad this blog makes you laugh, 7:39 a.m.--we all need some humor in our lives!


Anonymous said...

The Blog administrator wants to work with the very people she destroys I think that is funny that she thinks they will actually forgive her

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "people she destroys", 11:38 a.m.? You seem to be admitting that this blog has considerable influence. Oops...


Anonymous said...

Do you mean if someone questions the administration, superintendent or board about certain things they have concern over they destroy them? I don't think so and if any of the above have nothing to hide they should be happy to answer the questions. I think there is something in a posting above that states that and how board members should act if they don't want people to talk about them.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this why the teachers woho post here say they will not ask questions, etc. due to repucussions they receive? I have seen how a certain teacher talk before the board many times praising Roberts(sounded like Roberts wrote what she said) and putting 2 certain board members(Carlson and Weaver) down royally that dared question anything about the superintent. This teacher was from Gates. Her nose could not have been any browner. She was made an asst. principal

Anonymous said...

The Blogmaster is responsible for the context of the blog. If it was meant to help the district then she would not allow peoples children to be attacked. Yes she has been trying to work at the district this blog drags down.

Many qualified people do not want to run for the district because of the personal attacks. This is also a site that gets googled by new applicants to the district. So if she can not see the harm she causes then I feel sorry for her.

The sad part is Weaver gets lumped in with her and she always conducted herself in a professional manner.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the children are being attacked it is the parents on the board. In any political position and a board member is one they should be careful of how they act and what their child do or get. I bet others wonder how when Hull's daughter first went to this district how she was picked so fast. Hull was a board member before also. There has been things said about a lot of the children that the parents are either administration or board members and some things stated not so nice but in life they will have people saying things about them and they will have to learn to deal with it. In fact about a year ago some things where said about a board members children that is much worse then what is being said now and there wasn't this much of an out cry. Not every district has a blog but every districts has people that talk about what goes on and I bet there is worse things said among people that don't post on the blog. If someone uses this blog to decide if they want to work in the district then we don't need them because in any workplace there is talk between employees about others that they feel get favors and at least those that are being talked about on here know what is being said and stand up for themselves to let the rumors go on. It seems that no one complains about the children that are talked about until Lewis grandchildren are talked about so if these things are not true she can address them at the board meeting.

I have read worse things on openlineblog about our aldermen, mayor and other city workers and that let most of it run off their back so if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

They let Openline blog run off their backs because EVERYONE knows that blog has NO credibility and just ignores it. I check in on it from time to time purely for entertainment value. And saying this blog is not as bad as Openline isn't saying a whole lot. It would be impossible to be WORSE than Openline. And THIS blog has a long history of negativity and attacking adults AND kids. And not just the kids of board members. Every time you focus on the negative aspect of the band, NJROTC sports programs, or any other school program, and don't mention the positive aspects (and there are plenty), you're making a direct assault on all the kids involved in those programs. I assume the new blog administrator is just as frustrated as Rayanne was. Rayanne would TRY to get something positive going, like w/ the post about LCDR McNabb retiring. She had a nice positive post honoring someone who was a good role model for our kids, and within 3 or 4 posts some rectal orifice starting posting negative crap that had nothing to do w/ McNabb or the purpose of the post.

Hey, here's a suggestion for the new blog administrator. Start a new policy. Start a new post called "A Place to Bitch Just for the Sake of Bitching" and let them have at it. Delete the obscene and libelous posts, otherwise let 'im go. Then start regular posts on specific subjects. For those posts, delete any comments that are off the topic (or that meet the above criteria). Or create "Upbeat" and "Downbeat" sections. All negative posts go under the downbeat section and positive go under the upbeat.

Anonymous said...

12:01 p.m., many posts on this blog are a combination of positive and negative, just as many situations in our district are a combination.

For example, June 20 11:25 a.m. said:

"Good news--the EHS band is planning to go to Disney World next year!

For many years, there was a proud tradition of going every other year. Then after 2005 the ball was dropped and they didn't get there again until last year. But now it looks like our kids will be able to look forward to a wonderful experience next June!

Keep checking the district website, local papers, Facebook, and THIS BLOG for information about fund-raising opportunities--and support our kids!!"

No one was specifically blamed for the kids' not getting to go to Disney for five years--just that "the ball was dropped". The beginning & end of that post were definitely positive; yet some chose to see the entire comment as critical of whoever supposedly "dropped the ball".

There's no pleasing some people; they see what they want to see and ignore the rest.

Anonymous said...

To say that post was not "Critical" of somebody is stupid. It's stupid. You are taking as a FACT that the "ball was dropped." That is NOT a FACT. Maybe there were some other reasons as to why they did not go. You don't know because you REFUSE to actually find out information (you prefer to gossip).

You know back in the 60's and 70's the band took some trips to Europe and then in the 80's and 90's the ball was dropped and they have not been since.

Anonymous said...

"The ball was dropped" could mean:

Administration dropped the ball.

Parents dropped the ball.

Faculty dropped the ball.

Or a combination of people dropped the ball.

But I repeat, NO ONE WAS SPECIFICALLY BLAMED for the 5-year absence of an out-of-state band trip in June 20, 11:25's post.

And 2:35 p.m. says:

"You know back in the 60's and 70's the band took some trips to Europe and then in the 80's and 90's the ball was dropped and they have not been since"


The EHS band under the direction of G. Edward Nelson took ONE trip to Europe (specifically, Lucerne Switzerland). ONE trip--not "some trips". And Mr. Nelson NEVER took his bands to Florida. That was a tradition started by Kevin Kaisershot.


Anonymous said...

Wrong they took multiple trips.

Anonymous said...

Rayanne is the new blog admin do not let her fool you maybe if she got a job at the district they could make a deal with her a job for the end of the blog. The only reason she is trying to distance herself is she thinks people at the district actually like her and would want to work with her. The only skills she has is general rudeness and allowing people to attack kids

Anonymous said...

1:14 thank you for making my point. You went searching for a post that was positive, and even when you found one it STILL had to throw some negativity in. The poster couldn't just talk about how great it was that the band was going and how proud they were of our kids, and exhorting us to support the band. THAT would have been a totally positive post. Instead, they had to bring up the past and make sure they got SOME negativity in there. Of course, if they hadn't, someone else would have brought up the negativity within the next post or two. You say that many posts are a combination of positive and negative. If you went back thru all the posts, I'm absolutely sure you'd find that the vast majority of the posts on this blog have negativity in them. The smallest number would be all positive. The rest would be divided between combo and all negative; my guess is the all negative would outnumber the combo.

I still like my idea of upbeat and downbeat sections. Unfortunately, the downbeat section would most likely have the most posts and readers. What a shame. Doesn't bode well for the future of our schools, community, or country.

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