Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

Some called it "Snowzilla"; some called it "Snow-mageddon"; some called it "Snownami".

Whatever we call it, it was the third worst snowstorm in area history.

And we all can call ourselves survivors of the Blizzard of 2011.

We east-siders are a hardy, resourceful bunch! Share your experiences over the past few days.


Anonymous said...

God bless all the Com-Ed workers who kept the power on (or fixed it if it went out)! Also, our street was plowed twice last night & once this morning.

Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to remember the blizzard of 1967. What made things different with this storm was that we had plenty of advance notice. Everybody was able to stock up with groceries, gas up cars & snowblowers, and hunker down for a couple of days. In 1967 my parents said that the weatherman had predicted 4 inches of snow.

Like the old commercial said, the best surprise is no surprise!

Anonymous said...

The other Districts canceled school this morning. Jerome called this afternoon

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why there is no school - Suck it up kids.

Anonymous said...

Yup, our district didn't do it right again. Always wrong.

Anonymous said...

The streets are (mostly) plowed, but the sidewalks are nonexistent. Unless kids walk in the street, they'd be trudging through 2 feet of snow.

Anonymous said...

Yes, suck it and walk to school through three feet of snow and climb over the six to eight foot piles. Or you can walk in the streets which haven't even been fully plowed yet. And they need to do this in wind chills expected to forty below zero. Yes just suck it up.

What? Are you trying to be superintendent? If you you are, it's going to take a lot more than one idiot decision.

Anonymous said...

Oh right, because by Friday the big piles of snow will be gone. I forgot.

Anonymous said...

It is going to be really cold tonight and tomorrow and heating all those schools to be open tomorrow would be costly and I bet they still have plowing to do to make room for employees cars to park. I bet a lot of people are tried and sore from shoveling also so another day is not big deal.

I'm thankful for neighbors who helped with the shoveling and some of them where kids that go to East Side schools.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, NO buses.

Walk in the bitter elements.

Only on the East Side do we tell the kids to go play in the street.

Anonymous said...

The vote for buses was put up to a vote and the PUBLIC said NO. Blame yourselves.

Anonymous said...

From today's Beacon:

Virtually every school district in the Fox Valley will be closed again today because of the Tuesday-night-into-Wednesday-morning blizzard — and the freezing temperatures in the forecast.

The East and West Aurora, Indian Prairie, Oswego, Yorkville, Plano, Newark, Sandwich, Somonauk, Geneva, Batavia, Kaneland and Hinckley-Big Rock districts all called off classes for today.


And about the transportation situation, I remember driving my kids to school in bad weather. Sometimes I'd give my neighbor's kids a ride as well--or if I was busy she would take mine along with hers. Some of my kids' Waldo classmates were dropped off by grandparents, took the city bus, or carpooled.

A friend of mine who manages the Phillips gas station on Montgomery Road says he thinks gas will get up to $5 per gallon this summer. Districts around us that have buses will see most of their tax revenue sucked up by the gas pumps.

Anonymous said...

Most of the times schools dont run a lot of busses in the summer.

Anonymous said...

True--but doubt prices would drop much at the end of August.

Anonymous said...

In all school district kids don't ride the bus unless they live a mile from school so only the middle and high school would need busing. No matter if we had busing today or not the roads are still to bad to be driving on and the cost of heating the schools isn't worth it.

Anonymous said...

You really think the heat is off in the schools? You think it is even turned down? Really?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the heat has been turned down, but NOT off. Pipes could freeze--which would be much more costly than keeping buildings warm.

Anonymous said...

Heat isn't even turned down. You all are crazy

Anonymous said...

9:48, how do you know? Maybe YOU'RE the crazy one!

Anonymous said...

School District who have buses are broke. That is one of the reasons Roberts has all the money. Many people before him made good choices he reaps the benefits.

Anonymous said...

They do have to keep the heat on the make sure pipes don't freeze but not as much as if the school was full of students and facility. As a way to safe money on the weekends where I work they cut back the heat to save money and according to them it does. Why have the heat way up if no one is there. Good business practice in doing that.

Anonymous said...

I think the new blog administrator is the blogger who used to post as "Churchmusician"

I didn't like Rayanne, but at least I knew who I didn't. The new person is a coward.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's probably someone who's retired, judging by the frequency & times she (or he) posts.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the new administrator will say who they are if you tell who you are but really the new one doesn't have to say who they are and why do you care?

Anonymous said...

I'm your mother.

Anonymous said...

I like your eggs mom. And not the chicken kind.

Anonymous said...

Are you hitting on me?

Anonymous said...

No, i'm offering to buy your eggs. You sure are dense.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm dense. Which one of us actually thinks this blog makes a difference?

Anonymous said...

Lol not me. Funny how anonymity works eh?

Anonymous said...

Just got one of those automated calls from the mayor. All area schools are in session tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Can you repeat yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully no kids get run over while walking in the streets.

Anonymous said...

I'm prepared. I'm wearing a thimble on my head.

Anonymous said...

I would say be prepared for the traffic jams around the schools since a lot of them get rides to school.

Anonymous said...

There were a lot of kids not in school today. I had some classes where half the students were absent.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because parents don't value education and the kids say they don't want to go because it's only one day before the weekend. They just got a 5 day weekend. This community SUCKS.

Anonymous said...

This blog will blame it on Roberts and Clayton though.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there's a nasty bug going around--a respiratory flu, that has affected lots of our students over the past week or so. Many kids have been out with that bug, and wisely choose to stay home until they're 100% better and not likely to contaminate their classmates.

That wouldn't account for all the absences, of course--but it's definitely an issue right now.

Anonymous said...

Any parent who would make their child walk to school in these conditions should be brought up on charges of negligence as should the school district. Not all children can get rides and it is simply too dangerous to walk in the streets. At home, they may not be receiving an education but at least they are alive and safe.

Anonymous said...

Then don't bitch about test scores. You can't have it both ways ass hole.

Anonymous said...

Kids for years have been walking to school in all kinds of weather and if they can make it to the Mall or out to have fun they can make it to school.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people are just completely ignorant.

Just because some kids have a ride to the mall from their parents doesn't mean that all or even most kids have a ride to school each day. Do you really expect some 5-10 year old kid to walk 8 blocks to school in the streets or over 6 foot high piles of snow.

It's extremely dangerous and anybody who argues that they should have to is a complete imbecile or a district administrator (which is the same thing).

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA - What a great one liner you stuck in there at the end. So creative and original.

Anonymous said...

Rayanne (or co-administrator), please remove the duplicate posts.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Why is there always some moron who thinks Rayanne or the "New Bitch" needs to be told what posts to remove?

Anonymous said...

Maybe because there's always some moron who wants to put duplicate posts, or gratuitous obscenities?

Anonymous said...

That does not answer the question.

The question is why does someone feel the NEED TO TELL Rayanne or the "New bitch" to remove the posts.


Anonymous said...

a+a = a+b
2a = a+b
2a-2b = a+b-2b
2(a-b) = a+b-2b
2(a-b) = a-b


Anonymous said...

I don't know where you live but I live by two schools and all sidewalks are shoveled but a few so the kids don't have to walk in the streets. Where did the children have to walk when some places didn't have sidewalks back in the day. So what you are saying is to close down school until the snow melts and then the kids can go to school into the summer and when it gets really hot they can sit in hot classrooms all day.

Anonymous said...

Ya that's exactly what i'm saying STUPID.

Anonymous said...

The kids at the north end of town who came from Simmons area and go to the high school have to make their way through many areas without sidewalks and snow 6+ feet high. The kids in Hometown have to walk down Farnsworth to Cowherd. Where are the side walks??? Take a drive down Farnsworth and see for yourself what the kids have to walk through to get to school.

The city/district should be providing sidewalks (cleared) and/or buses. It is ridiculous to expect that every child is going to have a ride to school. It will never happen and many students who are already at risk are not going to receive the education they desperately need.

Anonymous said...

Students can walk through snow. they don't need sidewalks. You just want more tax money.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot.

You do the walk first. Start at Hometown and go to Cowherd. Then come back here and tell everyone how easy it is.

Anonymous said...

I'm back. Well that was easy. If I can do that, kids can do that.

Anonymous said...

So you are liar as well as an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It's so adorable that you think you're intellectually on par with me! So cute!


Anonymous said...

Here's an idea:

The district (or individual schools/classrooms) could have some educational activities available ONLINE for kids to complete & "turn in" if they're unable to get to school because of extreme weather conditions.

It wouldn't be as good as actual time in a classroom, but at least some learning would be taking place that day. And while not every student has access to a ride, I'd venture to say that just about every student in our district has access to a computer.

Anonymous said...

80% of our students are low income, receiving free breakfast and lunch (and insome cases an after school meal) so that they dont starve and you think they all have access to a computer and Internet?

Here's a news flash for you. We have kids living in trailers. Some of their homes have dirt floors. Some are homeless. Many come from abusive homes that don't give a crap about the kids. Some parents are drug addicts who are much more concerned about their next fix than the well being of their child. Many of the parents are gang members.

If you have never experienced these things, consider yourself lucky and quit bashing the kids, telling them to "suck it up" or just expecting them to have rides, Internet access, etc. Many of the kids will simply never have the life you take for granted.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a pointless conversation we are having.

Anonymous said...

Comments on Oswego East
It is called a ghetto school because of all the assaults and theft going on at this school. I had 3 kids who were attended OEHS for certain courses not offered at OHS -- I could not believe what they saw and told me about EVERY DAY they were there. Of course, Liptrot makes sure none of this hits the papers.
To say that "everyone's friends with everyone" is BA-LONEY. The blacks have their own hallways that the whites stay out of and blacks are treated with kid gloves for fear of discriminatory lawsuits.
The school holds a HUGE pep rally for an athlete, but ignores the students who are academically high achievers. This shows where priorities lie with the current administration at this school.
Don't buy into this feeble attempt to boost the image of this school. Don't move into an area where your kids would have to go here.

Anonymous said...

I have back in the day made the walk from Moecherville to Simmons in the snow. No it wasn't easy but we did it. Maybe instead of starting PreSchools and Magnet Programs they should first get another Middle School and High School to balance things out. We have had two other big snows in '79 and in '99.

If you know of children living in trailers with dirt floors you need to report them to the housing authority.

Anonymous said...

You would support the building of another high school and middle school before you would support buses.

No, lets fix up our current schools so that they are on par with other districts (MAJOR RENOVATIONS/ADDITIONS NEEDED) and then add buses.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to have buses but remember it would only be for students that live a mile from School. This district has chosen many times not to have buses. That includes the parents of the students that go to our Schools. Why now the outcry for buses when buses where needed from the start and many students made it to school.

Anonymous said...

I heard they are buying another building

Anonymous said...

Right, and that pisses me off to because Waldo is a Nightmare, parts of East High SUCK BIG TIME, Bardwell is old, and those are just the three I have been in recently.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Waldo it is in bad shape. It is too bad the district can buy some of those house around Taldo and make a bigger and better school.

There was something in the Board Packet awhile back about the district looking into buying some properties which they all where small and would need work and would only help a few of the students.

Anonymous said...

Waldo should be TORN DOWN and parts of East High need to be completely gutted, and I'm sure that there are other building that could use some major cash sunk into them so that kids don't have to go to school in a dump

Anonymous said...

When the district got all that money back around 2000 to renovate and expand many of our schools, they pulled tons of cash from the other buildings and sank it into Waldo. They knew, even then, that it would be cheaper to simply level Waldo and start again but couldn't because it is a historical landmark.

They should buy some of the houses around Waldo, build a new building and make sure they will have enough land left over so that the school can actually hold home soccer and football games. All their games are away because they only have half a field.

The district bought houses to expand the high school. They can do the same for Waldo. There will never be a time when those houses are cheaper than they are now. With the housing market crashed, the houses are a bargain.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhh oh, Christina Aguilera messed up the national anthem. I bet we will talk about this for YEARS to come.

Anonymous said...

Remember that this district now has all that extra monees because of that referendum we did not need. So far it seems like all they are doing with that extra monies is make more admin positions and what seems to be non esential things. It certainally is not not going for the students or things that the students need. Since we are a low income district that referendum should be now made null and void. Also, the president of the board should bring this up, after all, she knows all about finances, as she is always stating, and she was against the referendum. but, of course, she is one now is is spending the monies foolishly.

Anonymous said...

5:41, if Christina Aguilera had been hired by our district, mangled the anthem more than once, and a school board member accused our kids of sabotaging it--then maybe we'd discuss it for years to come.

Anonymous said...

Or not.

Anonymous said...

Wind chills of up to minus 20 degrees today, maybe we should have had a snow day.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not we have a snow day will depend entirely on what the West Side and Indian Prarie do. Jerome Roberts is completely unable to make a decision for himself and/or lacks the cajones to do so. Unless he can state that the other districts did it first, it won't be done. This in spite of the fact that thier kids walking more than a few blocks get on warm buses while ours walk outside in the cold.

Anonymous said...

Not all other district students get bussed. Yes, they have bussing, but students still have to live a mile and a half away to qualify. Otherwise it's parents, car pool, walk, etc.

Anonymous said...

From what I hear the buses aren't that warm inside.

Anonymous said...

They are a lot warmer than 20 below.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happened to the check register/accounts payable on the D131 website?

Quoting from a "news relEAse" from Monday, November 03, 2008:

"On Monday, October 20, the East Aurora Board of Education approved posting the district's monthly check register on the district's website. Beginning in November, all approved check registers can be viewed online at under the 'Board of Education' section located on the left navigation bar on the home page."


Since November 2008, the district's monthly check register had been available to the public on our district website--but when I tried to find the January 2011 register it wasn't available (and the "Accounts Payable" bar is gone from the "Board of Education" section).

What's going on here? Is it an honest oversight that will be corrected soon? Or is someone in the central office trying to go back to the days of secrecy in our district, and making choices for arrogance?

Anonymous said...

I questioned someone myself the District is converting to a multi language site like other Districts have had for years.

They now put it in Board Books under that month.

Anonymous said...

Saw this in today's Beacon:

AURORA — Starting in the summer of 2011, Nataly Rios will be able to add one more thing to her already extensive resume at West Aurora High School.

The junior has been named the next student representative on the West Aurora School Board, beginning in July......The application process is also fairly rigorous, (Board President Neal Ormond) said. There is an application that must be filled out; a candidate petition that requires signatures from 50 West Aurora High School students, three teachers, a counselor, an administrator, and two coaches or sponsors; a statement of interest; two letters of recommendation; attendance at a December 2010 Board of Education meeting; and an interview with Bridges and Superintendent James Rydland.

Anonymous said...

We have requirements also. You must, in some way, be associated with an illegal fraternity and have the approval of the districts Muslim leader.

Anonymous said...

Great job, Tomcats!

We're proud of you!!

Anonymous said...

I watched the East-West broadcast last night. In addition to the great game, I was very interested to hear about all the great programs and events happening on the West Side. There were stories about the awesome things that the students and teachers have been doing. Students receiving awards for academics and community work. The fund raising for the new West High football field. Academic inovations being instituted by their teachers.

During the entire broadcast, I did not hear about any East Side programs. No student accolades, no teacher recognition, not even an administrative or board mention.

Maybe we should hire the PR person from the West Side, they apparently have time to do their job and provide positive public relations for their district. It makes this community member wonder what we are paying our PR person for. It is obviously not for public relations.

Anonymous said...

I was at the game and saw two East High Rowdies taken out in handcuffs during the first half of the game.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect?

The administration maintains no control over the kids in any of the buildings. The kids run wild. Any administrator who actually does discipline, is immediately called on the carpet because there are too many suspensions.

Kids tell teachers to "Go F### Yourself", they are sent to the office and sent back to class 5 minutes later, only to tell the teacher "Go F### Yourself, the administration won't do anything".

They then try to do the same to the cops at the game and find out the real world is not like District 131 at all. That's the only time they begin to understand discipline and respect. They certainly have none for the adults in our schools.

Anonymous said...

All right, all right blog administrator.

"Go F### yourself"

Anonymous said...

There's an echo in here.

Anonymous said...

I seated by the door no students got
taken out in hand cuffs

Anonymous said...

Really? "The door" - yeah, because there is only one door. Maybe they weren't taken out in handcuffs but they were taken out by two police officers.

Anonymous said...

I worked crowd control no student was hand-cuffed

Anonymous said...

There were definitely 2 students removed from the crowd. It possibly happened before you arrived because it would have been impossible to miss. It was in front of the rowdies. (the isle between the two sections) Two students and two police officers. The officers actually knelt on the students to get them under control enough to handcuff them. It was a wrestling match between students and police. It did happen somewhat quickly, so maybe you missed it, but did happen. Two officers escorted two handcuffed students out through the east end gym doors.

Anonymous said...

Pinky Zepeda and Raquel Wilson were on hand to keep further students from getting involved. Talk to them if you want to know more.

Anonymous said...

Is Clayton not the PR person how could West Aurora make PR announcements at East.

Anonymous said...

The East West game was broadcast live publicly. There were announcers and it was streamed live over both districts web sites. I sat at my home and watched the game over the District 131 web site and the announcers stated several times the name of a television channel you could also view it on.

During the broadcast many announcements were made on behalf of the West Side but none for East Aurora. You could call it a public relations debacle for the East Side.

I heard more positive stories about the West Side than I've seen in the Aurora Beacon for the past six months. It was a huge missed opportunity by Clayton.

It does make you wonder what we are paying him for because he doesn't do much when it comes to positive public relations. Quite the opposite, his personal groups have cost the district big in the public relations department.

Anonymous said...

Clayton does what he wants. I heard the game on Uverse. It must have been the same as the website. How could West make all those pr statements at East. What about the person they hired to help Clayton. West and East both had announcers Gilkey was for East a former teacher. I am sure they gave him nothing to say.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Board President in this. She is always talking about pr. She always looks the other way for Clayton and thinks he is the only one who can save kids.

Anonymous said...

I am sure we paid to bring in the company to advertise West. Clayton not only has two people working for him but my building and all others got a web masters. Teachers are now paid to do this. That is while are building are over-crowded and we have 8 computers that don't work. Last month the District paid a private photography company to come in take pictures. The State has a law that these people should be finger printed to take pictures. You can bet Clayton did not do that. The Board should be replaced.

Tursa and Hall are running we should send them a message

Anonymous said...

Tursa is a friend of Gonzalez who's daughter got a big job. Hall is getting his daughter's college paid because he get special treatment. You are correct they need to go.

Anonymous said...

Clayton is completely unqualified for anything education related. If the board members were competentent, they would know this and hire someone qualified to do the work.

It was his complete lack of understanding of the Illinois School Code that got him in so much trouble with Boys II Men. It is also his complete incompetence that gets him in trouble with discrimination against students and religion.

Incompetence is the nice way of stating it. The only other explaination is he knows the laws and has a complete disregard for them.

Anonymous said...

If we could find the check register you would see all the money paid to Vision Friendly. This on top of his salary, Ryan Ford's and Tony Martinez. Now Web-masters. Why can we not find the cost or salary on these people. Does anyone know how much the Web-Masters are being paid. All of Clayton's employee's are on paid health as well.

Anonymous said...

At the middle school level, the web masters are paid according to the differential scale "B".

According to the contract, that means that they are paid anywhere from $1,449 to $2,575 (depending on experience). That would be at each building.

It was not clear on the web site if that was before or after the teacher raises.

Speaking to the "Web Master" in my building, they had no clue what the job entailed. There is no job description or list of responsibilities. In fact, they were asked to create one for themself.

It is amazing what this districts administrators and board members will do to cover Clayton's incompetence.

Anonymous said...

10:17 p.m., why is it a bad thing if a school board member's daughter gets a job in our district, IF she is qualified?

I don't care who my kid's teacher's parents are, as long as that teacher does a good job teaching my child.

It's also none of my concern what religion, race, age, or sexual orientation my child's teachers are. I just want a quality education for him.

Anonymous said...

Looking at Facebook today and found out Clayton was busy with Ryan Ford & Tony Martinez planning a B2M event. They are listed as speakers for the Sunday program. Now we all no why Clayton had no time for his job. The East/West game was a joke Clayton did not provide one word on East Aurora the District that pays him, Tony and Ryan.

Anonymous said...

IT'S NOT A JOB. She is a "monitor." Lots of kids are monitors. If they have good grades and no discipline problems they can apply to be a monitor for the main office, freshman office, attendance office, deans, etc instead of sitting in a study hall.

She does not get paid, and MANY MANY students are monitors, not just her. It isn't special treatment. Man you guys are dumb.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the game I saw all board members or most sitting in the bleachers with everyone else and also the West Side ones. Seems like last year the West Side did a good job of making sure all board members had seats by each other.

Anonymous said...

So how many board members can sit together before it is a violation of the open meetings act???

Anonymous said...

Not to many can sit together but you would think with respect for them they would at least get them good seats and not with the general population. I don't think they would be talking about anything to do with school politics at this kind of game. I would also think that it would be good PR to make sure the West Side Superintendent and Board members where given good seats also. I hear the radio broadcast spoke more about how good the West Side was doing and nothing about the East Side what a shame since we have so many good things going on in our district.

Anonymous said...

I can see why the community relations department has no time for the District Business they are all doing the work of Boysiimen on district time this is proof. How can the board allow this. West Aurora gave credit to teachers,students and alumni yet not one mention of East.

Quoted From the Beacon
But this was one subject where Muhammad couldn’t claim expertise, so the founder of the mentoring program called in reinforcements.

All married this July, Ryan Ford, 25, Tony Martinez, 24, and Bryan Shore, 22, shared their advice in all things love with the boys.

Ford and Martinez work in the East Aurora School District Community Relations Department, while Shore is pastor at Community Impact Church.

Anonymous said...

You can see now why the Illinois State Legislature states that

"Any public school fraternity, sorority or secret society is inimical to the public good".

It's not just the fraternity itself but all the corruption it breeds.

Anonymous said...

Why does the Board allow Clayton to have Ryan & Tony Martinez work on B2M. this is misappropriation of District funds. I see no updates on the website and all the pictures the district pay outside photographers for goes on facebook. Last time I checked facebook is free. Clayton & Ryan Ford are no longer a luxury this district can afford.

The blame rests at Clayton doorstep because Ryan is a fellow B2M he is allowed to do a job he knows nothing about. We are still paying Vision Friendly for video cast because Ryan is unqualifed.

Anonymous said...

The Board will do nothing Johnson likes the image Clayton gives her and is playing to her.

Juanita does not have a clue and only judges you if you are white or black

Gonzalez & Tusra are one voice and Gonzalez can't anything anyways one because she speaks no English and two because her daughter works part time and is paid full time.

Weaver the only voice of reason is leaving.

Hall His daughter received special favors for district employees doing her class planning to make sure she receives the best college scholarships. Which for those not educators the way a persons classes are chosen and the teachers you are given effects grade point average.

Lewis- Her grandchildren are all featured in Clayton's press and he planned a big event for her this fall. Just look at the way she gushes all over him.

Roberts needs someone to talk for him and go out in public because the man can't form a though.

Its not about B2M is all about what these people want out of their positions that is why Clayton gets by

Anonymous said...

I liked that part in the article about about how they were all married this past July.

These are four men who between them all have about a year and a half of total marriage experience.

3 or them have 6 to 7 months each and the forth has never been married giving our kids lectures on their vast experience with women. What a joke.

There are individual teachers in this district who have 20 times the marriage experience that all these guys have combined.

Anonymous said...

We got a notice from our principal today that money expected from the state is not coming in (and if it's being cut in our building, it will be cut in all the buildings). We are expected to make cuts in programs.

Homework club will no longer be funded, no more professional development for teachers and few if any teaching materials will be able to be purchased.

It makes me sick to think about the tens of thousands of dollars the district is wasting to support Clayton (for little or no PR) while the kids are going to go without.

The kids will no longer be able to get help with their homework from staff (unless the teachers volunteer their time). Their teachers will not receive the professional development that helps them to be better teachers. The kids will also be going without basic supplies in the classroom.

If this doesn't show the community what the administration and board value, nothing will.

We have money to give Clayton two personal assistants and 16 assistants in the form of building web masters but we don't have the money to give students help with their homework.

I think Jack Nicholson said it best in the movie Batman,


Anonymous said...

How can this be about having cuts when the district has money to buy buildings and has said they have surplus money? Don't give me the crap about money being directed to certain funds when the basics are not being meant. How is it that this district can have a PR person that has two employees under him that we all know spend time on his group. It is time for the board to really look how the money is spent. Just look at what happened at the East/West game which district was talked about the most? How can it be said that we have money and it not be spent on the students? Before buying any building for the pet projects of the district we should be making sure nothing is cut for all the students.

Anonymous said...

I think some do care on the Board but are given the wrong information by administration. I bet the Board never knows those types of letters go out. If we really want to turn this blog into something positive then lets put the name of the school down not just say homework club got cut. Cut where?

Anonymous said...

To: February 16, 2011 1:31 AM

So basically you are stating that the administration is purposely deceiving the board and/or the administration has no clue what is happening in their buildings.

If the district were really functioning properly, the board would have known that a program is not being funded or was being cut before it happened.

If the district is functioning in a half a$$ed way, the board could ask the administration which building sent out the notice and the administrator could give them the answer immediately.

If the district is being run incompetently, you would have to come onto this blog and ask for the information.

Which way is this district being run???

Anonymous said...

If the district ran properly a letter could not be sent out like that until the Board approved the cuts but the board lets the administration run the district. The chain would start with Jay since he would get the information first.

Anonymous said...

So basically you are stating that the administration is purposely deceiving the board and/or the administration has no clue what is happening in their buildings.

Yes, that is what I would say. From what I hear the Administration sent in the Improvement Plans for the schools and the state sent them back because the board did not approve them. Most of what they put on the improvement plan was ideas from other districts which anyone here would know that our district is different from most of the districts around us.

Look at how the East/Game went the administration didn't even care about making places for both sides board members or the West Superintendent. From what I hear last year the West Side made sure our side had a place to sit.

If what they say about the State not sending the money I would think the board would of know that and said something at the last meeting. If we had a board that wanted to serve all the students in the district a like and give them all a good education they would make sure the administration followed the rules. Not the case here we have board members that don't even know the laws and responsibilities of a board member except to make sure if they have students in the district they get the best and board members family members get jobs with the district.

Anonymous said...

My daughter just walked into the living room and said "Dad, cancel my allowance, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, stereo, IPhone, IPad, and jewelry to the charity shop. Sell my car and take my front door key and throw me out of the house".

Well, she didn't actually put it like that. She said, "Dad, this is my new boyfriend, Muhammad."

Anonymous said...

what is your point in that statement?

Anonymous said...

There is no point, there is no point to this blog. They are racist people.

Anonymous said...

It shows what people on here have said for years, Clayton is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Nothing on twitter about our big win with West what a shame.

Anonymous said...

No announcements to the staff either.

I guess the PR department must be on vacation.

Anonymous said...

Yup, nothing on twitter for the sad East High Alumni who are trying to relive their youth through a stupid high school basketball game.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we treat our alumni like crap and wonder why we don't have any rich alumni who want to give back to the community.

Anonymous said...

Yup, just what I thought. The blog administrator chose to delete the post with the "naughty word" rather than the post the is senselessly attacking a person.

Anonymous said...

From the Aurora Beacon:

East Aurora buying site for preschool, special ed facility

The East Side is getting a new school for its youngest students.

The East Aurora School Board recently approved the purchase of a building that will house eight preschool classrooms and the district’s special education programs.

“We’ll have eight classes of preschool. That’s a really important program in our district for preparing children for the classroom,” said School Board President Annette Johnson. “It’s a really good deal for the taxpayers. We purchased the building for $1.6 million, and it will also accommodate all the special ed administration.”

The building, formerly Bethesda Lutheran Nursing Home at 1480 Reckinger Road, is roughly 30,000 square feet and sits on 10 acres of land, Johnson said.

It will house eight classrooms for half-day preschool, serving a total of 320 children. It is space the district sorely needs, according to Johnson.

“We fill in the buildings where we can with preschool, and we try to accommodate as many people as possible, but last year had to cut 200 kids out of preschool,” said Johnson. “We’re trying to get that back and alleviate some of the overcrowding in the other schools.”

The building will also house the child development center, according to Johnson, putting the district’s special education administration and screening services all under one roof.

Johnson said the cost of the project likely will be covered by grants.

Preschool classes are expected to begin at the new facility this fall.

Meanwhile, the district is still on the lookout for more solutions to its overcrowded classrooms.

“We’re still continuing to look around the area,” said Johnson. “The goal is still to have the magnet school to be under one roof, so we’re working on that as well.”

Anonymous said...

So did they fire Clayton and is Johnson now doing his job. Well at least she got the school in the paper with something unlike Clayton who only writes articles about himself.

Anonymous said...

You are correct about sending into the state and the state sending it back. That is what the special meeting was about. Go to the district website and read it. When I read it I laughed out loud. Read it under the board packets and not just the notice of the meeting. Some of the dates on what was sent in was for last year when some things were supposed to the started.

Anonymous said...

It is just another example of the administrative incompetence in District 131.

Anonymous said...

They actually sent in the very same Improvement Plan that they sent in last year. My understanding is that the state also helped them last year. It is there for anyone to read for their selves

Anonymous said...

Johnson was quoted as saying-the cost of the project "likely" will be covered by grants.

Johnson and at least 2 other board members live in the Ward where this school building is being purchased.

I am sure this will be an easily accessible location for those using this school, in this far northeast location. Or not!

Many district are having problems receiving state money owed to them for education. Yet 131 is paying $1.6 mil for a bldg dependent on grant money. Or not.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the "likey a grant position". What if they don't get a grant? With other districts begging for their payments from the State how is it this district has that kind of money to spend. Then in an eailier post someone stated they where told that the State was making a payment to the district and things would have to be cut. Shouldn't the district and boards first responsibility be to our students in K-12the grade. PreSchool is good if the students coming out of it are well on their way to speaking English but that is not the case here they still are speaking Spanish into the grade school level.

Anonymous said...

It seems pretty obvious to me. They are not ADDING a preschool building. They are REPLACING programs that are currently in place to pay for their own pet projects.

Preschool will have it's own building but the students at the rest of our buildings can't even get help with their homework.

Anonymous said...

Saw this on the Openline blog this morning:

Clayton Muhammad is an admirer (if not a true "disciple") of Minister Louis Farrakhan!

I WAS THERE at Dieterich School years ago when he brought in his boys' drill team, called MBK or "My Brother's Keeper". The group of grade-school-aged boys performed a routine including lyrics that encouraged kids to be heroes "like Martin Luther King and Farrakhan". Several parents expressed their concern about the Farrakhan reference to the principal, Dr. Gwen Miller; she agreed that it was offensive.

And where do you think Mr. Clayton Muhammad got that last name from? From Farrakhan himself, after then-Clayton Kinard had organized area participation in the Million Man March.

So is it accurate to refer to Clayton Muhammad as "Farrakhan's Disciple?" Well, as the saying goes, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and quacks....

Anonymous said...

WE did not need that last referendum so this district has alot of money. That is where the money will come from. You are right about the location, it is very far and wonder how the low income will get their kids there?

Anonymous said...

The story I hear from this is they are closing the office on Indian trail and Special Ed is moving there. They never had any kids there. I would say that is good it is the district crony Dan Dolan who was getting the rent anyways and they were paying thought the nose. Let us not forget Dan was paid a commission twice with the Walmart land debacle

Anonymous said...

Did anyone go to the band concert today?

Anonymous said...

Did you???

Anonymous said...

Why or why not?

Anonymous said...

Hey, read this. It is a part of the school boards agenda to get approved. It is a part of the Employee Agreement for internet access:

District approved communication tools that are part of the
District’s electronic data and communication systems, including its computer network,
servers, workstations, email system, access to the internet, and other software
applications, can be used both inside and outside of the school setting to communicate with
students to extend teaching and learning opportunities. Communication tools such as
social networking sites, email, instant messaging, and other emerging technologies (e.g.
Facebook, MySpace, personal email etc.) can be used to work directly with students
outside the school setting for teaching and learning opportunities provided the teacher has
given written notice to the student’s parents or guardian on the District’s approved form at
least ten (10) days in advance of any such communication.

I guess you all just lost the facebook battle.

Anonymous said...

I believe the battle was won. They acknowledged a need for covering their backsides. So now any problems fall back on the parents.

They will probably have to hire another central office person to handle all those "District’s approved forms."

Anonymous said...

Heard on the news this morning that Gov. Quinn wants to consolidate the school districts in IL down to 300 districts. Sounds like a plan to me it would save lots of money and maybe our students would get a better education if the right administrators got in. IL has the most school districts in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know how many school districts we currenlty have?

Anonymous said...

There are somewhere around 890 school districts in Illinois.

It will never get down to 300 - That would mean that East and West Would have to combine with Indian Prarie.

Then from those funds combined, they would have to spend so much money to get East and West up to the standard of Indian Prarie that it would be crazy

Anonymous said...

The racist Clayton strikes again it is noted on Facebook that Eboni Hull daughter of Ray Hull was a speaker at noon hour rotary. It does seem that the resume building to get a Board member daughter scholarships has started. That is why Clayton is allowed to take district employees and build his B2M program because he has Board members like Hull who will look the other way

Anonymous said...

Not really that would not have to spend more money the other districts would have to follow the rules like the other district does. West doesn't have near the problems we have and they don't let students slide and not make their grades and play a sport.

In doing the combining of district it would save the State millions and that is what we need.

Anonymous said...

There would be a lot to reconcile if they were to combine the East and West sides and/or Indian Prarie.

Administration: Which administrators stay and which ones are fired? Would the county ROE's remain?

Central office staffs: Again which ones stay and which ones go.

Teacher salaries: the West Side and Indian Prarie teachers make significantly more than the East Side. Salaries would have to be reconciled, as well as, insurance programs and benefits packages.

Curriculum: How do you merge curriculum in districts with significantly different populations? Book purchases alone would cost a significant amount of money.

Building and grounds resources. The other districts take pride in their buildings and take care of them. District 131 does the bare minimum to keep schools open.

Federal subsidies: How will the merger of our district with weathier districts affect the monies we receive from the Federal Government?

Each district has different during and after school programs. Again which ones stay and which ones go. Who will make these decisions?

Which school boards will be dissolved?

The East/West football and basketball games would be forever changed.

These are just a few questions. I am sure there will be a few hundred more

Anonymous said...

Quinn is just saying what people want to hear, and then he will do the exact opposite. He is an ass hole.

There were 7 other students who also spoke at the Noon Rotary Club meeting. Go F#$@ yourself.

Anonymous said...

None of the large districts are effected only small ones want the three you mention would have to want to do that. Do you really thing anyone would want to join East Aurora.

Anonymous said...

There is no way that he will get the number to 300 from almost 900 by only working with the small districts.

Anonymous said...

..if they were to combine the East and West sides and/or Indian Prairie.

Administration: Which administrators stay and which ones are fired? Would the county ROE's remain? I would think county would still exist, as would bldg admin. Top dogs would be cut. Only one king on the mountain.

Teacher salaries: as well as, insurance programs and benefits packages. This is all contractual and all would be under one contract.

Curriculum: How do you merge curriculum in districts with significantly different populations? New admin could probably figure this out in the best interest of the students.

Building and grounds resources. Ditto on new admin.

Federal subsidies: How will the merger of our district with weathier districts affect the monies we receive from the Federal Government? We may not qualify. There goes bilingual programs & preschool programs!

... after school programs. .... which ones go. Who will make these decisions? New admin will fix.

Which school boards will be dissolved? All and one to represent the whole district and supervise the one superintendent.

The East/West football and basketball games would be forever changed. Other districts have more than one high school. East and West have been in different leagues in football, they only play each other for braggin' rights.

Nothing will happen soon if at all, so I wouldn't spend much thought on this. It can only be a win-win for EA.

Anonymous said...

There are no administrators who will want to lose their jobs. There are no school boards who will want to be dissolved. There are many districts who will not want to join with their neighboring districts.

For these reasons and many more, the Govenor stated, merging districts will not be an option by the school districts, it will be a mandatory decision handed down from the State.

NCLB swelled the ranks of school administrators in this country. Many school districts have seen a 50-100% increase in the number of administrators they have hired over the past several years. Along with hirer numbers of administrators, we have also seen their salries go through the roof. It is time to trim the fat.

Anonymous said...

To: February 20, 2011 4:21 PM

It doesn't sound like you spend much thought on anything.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear that they are finally going to trim the fat in areas that have no negative effects on student learning.

Little to nothing that administrators in central offices do have any real effect on student learning.

And the state is looking at at least $100 million in savings by eliminating these unnecessary positions.

Anonymous said...

Are we in the business of making Administrators rich and the Superintendents or are we in the business of educating children. Just look at what happened recently in our district the administration sent the school improvement plans in without board approval. How many districts do you think do that?

In Elgin they have two high schools and they still have the rivalry between the two schools. The board members are run from the different areas of the district so all are represented. It can be done but some don't want it because of the money they get. The teachers where not even mentioned and would most likely stay the same for awhile since even though there are different districts the pensions are the same for all.

Then you have to ask about the taxpayers all are getting hit now and shouldn't be get more bang for our buck since we don't get the pensions and medical that the school districts get. If one person can be the president of a country I think the school districts can give up some of the jobs they have to run a district.

Anonymous said...

Pensions are based on the average of your last three years salary, therefore, the pensions are not the same for all. The more you make the larger the pension.

Anonymous said...

Anybody up for a one night stand?

Anonymous said...

No one pension is the same and in the public sector when salaries get so big they get 75% of their salaries and most get a bump up on their last three years not so for most of the others that are not in the public sector.

In the private sector most companies no longer pay for a pension you have to have a IRA or something like that. Most companies now don't contribute into the pension while us taxpayers pay into public employees it is time for change.

Anonymous said...

School teacher pensions are a drop in the bucket in the overall budget. If you really want to make a dent, you have to look to entitlements and defense. That's more than 80% of the budget.

You really think the government needs to cut, I agree. Raise the retirement age for social security, increase worker contributions into social security and medicare/medicaid. Cut social security benefits and control medicare/medicaid costs through HMO type administration of the benefits.

In addition, the military is way oversized. Example: The US Navy is larger than the next 9 largest navies in the world; and 8 of those of those countries are our allies. Looks like a great place to cut.

In Illinois, we spent 21 Billion dollars on road repairs last year (mostly for roads that could easily have serviced the public for years to come). In comparison Indiana spent about 8 Billion while Wisconsin spent less than 4 Billion.

Just because it's popular doesn't mean that it's right.

Anonymous said...

Those of us who has or had worked for many years contributed quite heavily into Social Security and Medicare. THis government has taken monies from it for decades and given I.O.U's which has never been repaid. Social Security and Medicare would be solvent if not for the government. Age for retirment needs to raised for people who work for the government, Cities, etc. not the publice sector.

Anonymous said...

To: February 20, 2011 9:45 PM

First off, people who work for the government, cities, etc. ARE the public sector. The people you described are the private sector. Get your terms correct.

Secondly, the teachers you are complaining about pay into all the same programs you do except social security. We don't pay into it and we can not collect from it. Instead we pay into TRS (Teacher retirement service) Last month alone I paid over $800 into my retirement. So when I heard that the state last year stole a billion dollars out of the teachers retirement fund to pay for roads, it pissed me off. And when I hear people like you who want to demonize teachers, it again pisses me off.

To be clear, in my check I saw deductions for:

Federal Tax
State Tax
Teacher Retirement Service
Health Insurance
Dental Insurance
Life Insurance
Union Dues and
TRS 'THIS' (I still don't what that deduction is for)

Total deductions over $2,500 just last month alone.

Why then do you feel that the State of Illinois should balance their books on the backs of teachers? Why should you not contribute an equal amount to balance the states budget?

Anonymous said...

Social Security has been raised for people now at the age of 60 have to wait until 67 to retire with full pension benefits teachers can at 50 is that right? Medicare is a joke and we don't get the same coverage as teachers.

Anonymous said...

Teachers can retire at age 50??

That's news to me! My spouse is a teacher--they have to work until at least age 58 to get any kind of pension benefits, and then most have to start looking for at least a part-time job.

Retired ADMINISTRATORS, on the other hand, get a sweet retirement package--even if they screwed our district, like "Serial Bully" Radakovich.

Anonymous said...

Teachers pay something like 9.4% of their paycheck into TRS - That's 1/10 of our paycheck - How much does social security take

Anonymous said...

The average college graduate earns $52,200. Teachers start teaching at an average of $34,700. We are underpaid for years with the understanding that it is made up for on the backend. We pay huge amounts (almost 10% of our salary) into our retirement system so that we can have a semi-comfortable retirement.

Now the States like Wisconsin, Illinois and many others who have spent money recklessly for years. In good times, spending everything they had and then some, find that the economy doesn't grow every year.

Now they want to cut the very benefits that teachers have already been sacrificing many years for.

It's outrageous.

Anonymous said...

It was pointed out during the K. fiasco at a board meeting, a past booster parent had a massive spread sheet showing the huge wage increases given to central office admin. Marin was one of the largest pay increases, but the "old" board turned a deaf ear & blind eye to this man and his chart.

Anonymous said...

The protests in WI are exactly the problem one of the bloggers does not seem to understand.
Some politicians and others like to pit the public and private sector against each other. Basically, creating a middle class battle for the scraps they care to toss our way.

As another pointed out, teachers ( park employees, postal workers and such) are not the problem and finger pointing them as the culprit for IL financial woes is feeding the frenzy blaming the working class. Public & private.
Politicians creating those problems are laughing while padding their income and retirement packages.

Blaming one group of working class for the governments bad budget practices will take labor laws back decades.

Anonymous said...

It was not right that they took that money from the teacher's pensions. Chappa La-Via was for it. Must be nice to retire and get some pension at the age of 58.

Anonymous said...

BIIM is NOT funded by D131 dispshits.

get your facts straight.