Sunday, September 20, 2009

Feeding off the negative will keep you constantly hungry

A frenzy has erupted in the media and community forums such as blogs. On the national and local news levels, healthcare, education and the economy are the topics that hit every person close to home.
Media loves to quote the rude and feed into the negative frenzy. While some are busy trying to point fingers, outlook to a future with positive change is passing by.

At home, in 131, change is happening. You will find whatever you are looking for, whether it be change or reasons to continue to be a EA cynic. I won't deny we need to keep looking for the flaws so they can be mended. At least equal time to rejoice in those things that have been accomplished.

It has taken more years than most will admit for our district to get to the level we have been. We are on the upside of this cycle of change. Naysayers delay change. We can make excuses, sit and do nothing or be an active part of change.

Where are you?


Anonymous said...

Well said, Rayanne. With everything the board had done to bring information to people, there is no excuse for not being informed.

Yours is not the only blog that sometimes turns negative with comments. It's sad that we cannot disagree on an issue without resulting in name calling and personal attacks.

I always think when I am typing, "would I want my child to read this?" No one can say for certain how many d131 students read comments posted on here. It's one thing to debate an issue, it's another to make personal and demenaing comments about people our children see everyday.

Thanks again for your comments and your work on the board.

Anonymous said...

So what do we have to rejoice about. What really has changed?

As far as the students reading this they are more hurtful to each other sometimes then what is put on these blogs.

Thanks to all the new board members and what they have been trying to do. One person does not make the difference.

Anonymous said...

Since some of the negativity in the last thread was about Simmons, I'd like to mention a positive:

The Harlem Wizards are coming to Simmons on Wednesday, Sept. 20th!!

This is a great, family-friendly fundraiser. The Wizards came to Simmons last year, and they put on a wonderful show.

Let's get the word out, and PACK THE PLACE!

Anonymous said...

Since talking about how beautiful the rose is (or the pictures in the board room) while you're neck deep in crap isn't going to make you smell any better, I'll remain a naysayer. You don't need a fundraiser over at Simmons, you just need to collect the money that Trejo has been taking from the kids and not reporting. We need to fix the scheduling over at Simmons so that children can actually receive an education, not schedule an exhibition basketball game. Last year students left classrooms to watch this basketball game, how is this educational. The board requires all field trip sponsors to prove the educational purpose of the field trip before it can be approved but students can leave class at Simmons to watch a basketball game with no educational value whatsoever.

If this board can't do anything to monitor student education or the illegal activities of it's employees, then I suggest they leave education to the professionals and straighten out the pretty pictures in the board room.

Anonymous said...

You are correct leave the education of our students to the professionals
The pictures are a big improvement

Anonymous said...

As far as the pictures in the board room I think the ones they wanted to get out was the ones from the referendum which we all know that most of the people that voted for it was either the ones from the low income community and the older people that they had the students mislead. I for one was glad they got rid of them but I think that was just a cosmetic thing they did. It seems this board wants to stop one thing and then when parents come to complain some fold. I wonder how when some of these things came up how they felt before the vote.

The problem at Simmons and if Trejo took cash money from students can only be addressed if the parents come forward and ask about it or if Rayanne decides to look into it.

As far as the professionals in this district I don't think there are any or we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now. Middle schools 8 yrs and high school 6 yrs on the watch list. Many schools have overcome these numbers with the same problems have we had but they have found a way to overcome it.

Anonymous said...

7:21, I doubt that students will be leaving class to watch the Wizards, because it's an evening event. I'm pretty sure it was an evening event last year, too--could you be thinking of something else (that happened during the school day)?

Anonymous said...

8:19 - I'm not saying being on the watch list for 8 or 6 years is something to strive to correct - but NCLB has it stacked against anyone trying. You say many have overcome these numbers - please give more detail. Where?

I'm a teacher at one of the middle schools, and I know how hard we work. I also know from being on several committees over these past 8 years that we have looked time and time again not only for the best practices to assist our students and increase achievement, but we have also searched for schools who have moved off of the list. Few and far between and now finding themselves back on. Why? Because the AYP number is a moving target. This year it's 77.5% of all students must meet or exceed to make AYP.

We have programs in place and they are working. Real change - like the board changes everyone praises, takes time. Did you notice that our elementary schools (not all) are back on the list? Are they getting worse? No, the AYP number is moving faster than the improvement programs can take effect and make change.

You have schools all over - 204, 129, St. Charles, that are now on the list.

It's the saying that there are two types of schools: Those that are on the list and those that are going to be on the list. In 4 short years - it will be 100% meeting in order to make AYP.

And no, I'm not an "insider" I come to work. I teach. I participate in committees because they help me be more effective at my job. D131 has it's own problems, but no more than other districts.

So, 8:19, more detail please on the many schools that have overcome these numbers. Please help.

Anonymous said...

People just need to know what they are talking about. Get the facts right and then proceed if necessary. There are many great things going on in all of our middle schools and people overlook them. If we look hard enough for a negative, we are going to make something negative. Live, laugh, appreciate.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the Wizards performed during the day for the students and then again in the evening for the community. They have also had a professional boxer come in and muscle bound guys breaking bats and ripping phone books during the day instead of conducting class.

They have had popular movies in the the gym for students that didn't get a referral during the quarter and performances of the school play. Jerome Roberts came to put them to sleep and they brought the students in to see basketball and volleyball games between the faculty and students.

All these events have happened at Simmons during the school day. It's amazing that any learning gets done at all in that building.

Anonymous said...

Yes, school should not be any fun. Kids learn better when they have no interatcion with anybody but their teachers. Rewarding students for good behavior or no tardies should never happen. School should be like prison.

Anonymous said...

One reason I was hopeful about Obama being elected was that maybe we could finally get rid of "No Child Left Behind". Even the woman who coined the term (Dr. Marian Wright Edelman) was opposed to the way President Bush twisted her words around to support his unfunded mandate.

NCLB has been a disaster, pointing blame at everyone except parents & students themselves when kids fail. And it is extremely negative and punitive: labeling an entire school as "failing" when only one tiny subset of students tests poorly on a particular day.

It's gotten to the point where many of us just ignore reports that a school is on a watch list or hasn't achieved AYP. NCLB is meaningless bureaucracy.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it only took 2 months to do it but the "New Improved" board finaly got the minutes up from the July 20th meeting.

Anonymous said...

The AD taking money from kids who can pay and not from those who choose not to pay? No receipts? Teachers who teach 1 class on full salary while others teach 5 and 6 classes- some with over 70 kids? Your worried about a stupid Wizards event and "Packing the Place". My god, if there was ever an opportunity to bulldoze the whole Simmons deal and start over, this is the time. How can there not be negativity when certain admin/teachers are getting there own pots sweetened and others are getting screwed- Royally!

Anonymous said...

11:12, I don't think it's the new board's fault that the minutes from July 20 took 2 months to post. I think that the administration and/or Lisa didn't want people reading that Carol Farnum repeatedly abstained from voting at that meeting.

If those minutes had been posted at the beginning of August, we would have figured out that something was going on, before Carol was ready to officially announce her resignation.

Anonymous said...

You must not have anything better to do with your life than worry if the minutes are being posted. I pity you.

Anonymous said...

Well I think that if the "New Improved" school board president made it a priority then they would have been posted. Obviously she has no respect for the community.

Anonymous said...

Minutes are posted when Lisa is ready to post them. It has very little to do with the board president.

And 4:26, because I work Monday nights I am unable to attend board meetings and I count on reading minutes online in a timely manner. Obviously, I have a life (working)--but some of us do care about what's happening in our district, with our tax dollars. I pity YOU if you don't care!

Anonymous said...

Can you believe what happend at the board meeting?

Anonymous said...

What happened?

Anonymous said...

Lewis and Weaver were out of line. Charities are stressed to the max and they were worried about making a profit off of a non profit. We all remember the extra work our janitors went through in cleaning up the mess Weavers daughter caused. Yet her and Lewis wanted to charge. They came off as cheap and petty.

Anonymous said...

I do believe Weavers daughter paid for that clean up.

Anonymous said...

This district cried for money said we wouldn't make it if we didn't get a referendum that we got the lest money of any district and our teachers where paid less also than other districts and now all of a sudden we have the money to give away. I for one as a tax payer am tired of the hands out. If this is such a wonderful thing than why can't they go somewhere else and use their building.

Anonymous said...

Many of the residents that have fallen on hard times are also taxpayers or they pay rent that pays the taxes. Janitors are in the building on Saturdays and we would be paying them anyway. Weavers daughter like all the other students who do senior pranks have never paid. In fact East Aurora's Principle paid some money into the last senior prank. We at the high school support this program and can't believe the board is even discussing this.
Thank goodness the other board members are reasonable people.
Good luck to Ms Farnum she served the district well and we will miss your common sense

Anonymous said...

What is with Weaver and Lewis attacking a charity now I hear they are trying to shut down the early childhood learning center. This is funded by grants. That means WE DON'T PAY. Yes is does take up rooms in our schools. That is what a school is for to teach. Do they think the building should be empty like neighboring districts. The others board members seem to be concerned about the well being of the residents.

These two have proven once again they are two loons that need to fly far far away from any children.

Anonymous said...

You need to look at the check register and you will see the district does pay on some of the early childhood classes and guess what next year the state isn't giving any money.

As I hear quite a few classes rooms are getting overcrowded should our children have to sit in classrooms of 35 so we can have an early childhood program.

Anonymous said...

This is the month of Aug. Mini Grant money 149,168.94.

This I believe is the out of pocket money from the district.

Pre School OPS Maint Rent

Pre School Transportation


Food Services 2,642.44

Instructtional Supplies


This is a cost to the district.

Anonymous said...

When looking at a program one must look at the entire year to the month of August before school starts. It does not cost the district money. We have a budget and hire according to that budget. Grant money comes in based on many factors, number of students and student needs are the biggest factor
This can only be a supporter of Lewis and Weaver because they look at one thing and jump on it. Leave the education to the professionals.

Anonymous said...

We can't leave it to the professionals. This "community" decided to elect uneducated amatures to the school board.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a supporter of them and that is not grant money and by the way I'v been through all the check registers.

Yes, our professionals are so great how many years now have we been on the watch list?

Anonymous said...

Who cares, how many years have the schools been improving. Are the numbers going up or down. That is what you should look at.

Anonymous said...

Again a Weaver/Lewis supporter that does know how a check book works so lets explain
We get money in with a grant we pay money out with a check. A check goes on a check register.

Anonymous said...

If you were at the meeting last night you would have heard the Charity discussion was not about whether this was a worthly charity or not it was about following the policy. The policy says that organizations will pay for janitor fees. Does the board have the right to decide which charities should be exempt and which should be charged janitor fees. You bloggers always complain the the board is not following their own policies and in this case Weaver and Lewis followed the policy and are getting condemned. Can't have it both way..

Anonymous said...

The latest posts point to the very problem Rayanne posted about herself - the feeding off negativity. And one more thing - having all the information.

Some posts point out that if you were not at the board meeting, how do you know you are receiving the correct information about what was discussed? This alone can lead to misinformation and inflamed responses.

We wait and we see the minutes.

Anonymous said...

I challenge you to go to the board and ask them if the grant money covers all of this.

Anonymous said...

The board has a right to wave the janitor fees. The janitors are already in the building so we would pay anyways. Maybe the public should ask Lewis what was donated to Chris's Walk. Funny how her charity did not pay. Talk about double standards.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that our janitors work on Saturdays without overtime? They are in a union aren't they so I don't think that they would be in on every Saturday without getting overtime and that cost the district money and really they are getting paid to much.

Anonymous said...

The janitors are on a rotating schedule that pays them for 40 hours a week. The district does schedule its employees give us a little credit and yes Chris's walk did get a free ride.

Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between Chris Walk and the other one that they want to have.

The charity one is a big event and I would guess very labor intense and would take more than one maintenace man. I believe that is an all day event also.

Where in the policy does it say the board can waive that? This board is starting to look like the old on with some having personal agendas and don't know how to play with others.

Anonymous said...

After reading policy 830 and 830.1 about renting of school buildings the only person who can waive the fees is the Superintendent or someone he choses to take care of that responsiblity there is nothing about the baord being able to do it.

Anonymous said...

If you charge one group and don't charge another, the group that got charged would have a legitimate discrimination suit they could file against the district. It doesn't matter what the policy is, but it has to be applied equally to every group.

Anonymous said...

The old board and new board have alot in common they rubber stamp every request the administration makes the only difference is they like to appear they are questioning everything. It is clear Weaver is not getting the support she needs.

Unknown said...

Good Morning,
Since being elected to the board I rarely have time to check out this blog but I was informed that people were questioning the fees paid by “ChrisWalk” for the use of the East High Cafeteria. I don’t care if you tarnish my name but “ChrisWalk” and “Hearts of Hope” do not need to be subjected to gossip as they do good work. So for the record, we are a 501c Non-Profit Organization so we got the rental of the Cafeteria for free. The janitor fee of $160 to cover 4 hours of the janitor being on site will be paid as soon as we receive the invoice from the District. I can’t get it paid till I get the bill.

Also in case anyone is interested. Last night on Fox News there was a piece about the rise of Heroin use in the suburbs. It highlighted the 17year old boy who died of an overdose and was driven by friends to Chicago and left in an alley. One of the boys involved was interviewed from Kane County Jail where he is serving time for the event. Heroin is now becoming an epidemic in our area and is very fatal. The strength of the drugs coming into the country has increased and it is quite easy to overdose. Heroin can cause the heart to stop leading to death.

Hearts of Hope and ChrisWalk attempt to help families struggling with addictions ranging from alcohol to heroin. Addiction affects the whole family as many of you know. We have a support group, a jail life skills ministry at Kane County, help with the Drug Court Graduation ceremony, send letters to officials regarding addiction issues and legislation and health and high school fairs to let our youth know of the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

Thanks for your time.
Anita Lewis

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing that up Anita and your work on Chris Walk.

It seems now that some board members want to create problems between themselfs and that isn't good for the whole. There are seven people on a board and they might not think alike all the time and even desagree with things but the one thing that keeps them from looking like spoiled kids that didn't get there way is when they act like adults and keep there dislike of one another way from the board meetings.

Many citizens voted for some of these people because they believe that they would not act like the old board members but yet they are and even worse when some don't get there way or think others do agree with them act like children.

I had hope that this board and district would move forward but it doesn't look like it. The board is playing into the hands of the administration acting the way they do. This is what this administration wants from the board and you are giving it to them.

Anonymous said...

And thank you, Anita, for enlightening us.

I'm convinced that there is a small (and small-minded) group of people who are angry about certain decisions and attitudes displayed by our new School Board. They are channeling their anger toward trying to discredit everything the new board does--even those things that benefit not only our children, but the larger community.

You're doing a great job, Anita. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I now someone who works at Smith School on the West side and they said there is a business in Naperville that is downsizing and they donated some tv's and viewgraphs to the schools. I asked how could our district contact them so see if we could get some and they heard that someone did tell the district they could but they had to send a letter to the company to make sure it was non profit but we never followed through.

The tv's are old but in good working order they hardly have been used. What a shame. I don't know if they have more butif would hurt if we tried.

Anonymous said...

So Anita did not get a invoice as a board member she should look into why the district did not invoice her. It is easy to now claim this because you are being questioned. This board is no different than the old they use their positions to further their personal agenda's The problem is they do not know what they are talking about how many district programs are going to be attacked.

Anita may care about drug users but how about the early childhood kids she attacked. What gives her the right to table additional staff for that program. She is on record as not wanting to grow this program. Education needs to start early if you are really concerned about improving young minds.
So Anita if the heats to hot get out of the kitchen because you are violating the teachers contract as a result of your actions.
The residents should know your organization has never paid and has run this at the district for three years. Talk about a double standard and I hope Share the Hope is something you or Ms Weaver will never need in your personal lives.

Anonymous said...

"Education needs to start early"--how true.

How about PARENTS teaching their own preschool children? Or letting them learn as they play, in a quality daycare program? That's what I did, and my kids are college graduates.

8:56 sounds like someone with an ax to grind. Anita, ignore the naysayers--you're doing an outstanding job, with our children's best interests at heart.

Anonymous said...

This district is spending money like water noe knowing what FY10 will bring.

How does this early childhood program benifit us. The hispanic children do not learn English and they are in ELL well into grade school.

As far as Anita asking about paying the bill what is wrong with the district. As far as I'm concerned they should ask for the money up front or at least half of it. This is poor accounting of money by the district.

Alot of the people that come to that charity thing know where to get help. I bet most go to several other places most know how to play the system I see it everyday where I work.

Anonymous said...

How is Anita ivolating the teachers contract? By the way isn't it this year the district is suppose to post the contract?

I suppose it is ok the overcrowd the regular classrooms so you can have early childhoold development.

Anonymous said...

I love this comment from the minutes:

"Mrs. Annette Johnson ...
She stated that our school buildings are in top notch shape."

What the hell is "top notch shape?" Is she kidding. East High alone needs about $1 million to get to good shape. And Waldo, lets not even go there. What a joke this board is.

Anonymous said...

Well Well the negativity of some brd members to other brd members is apparent. Maybe each of these should take a long hard look in a mirror and ask why am I doing this? Is it for the kids or personal self gratification? If I wanted to hear whinning and btching from blondes I would go to bingo on Sunday because they are exactly like a bunch of old hags I want it my way. Ive only been attending meetings since the election, here are my views dump the magnet school it is segregation you can only attend if you have a ride, share the money. Dump the urban league deal with the kids in house , we do have social wrkrs and counselers; Take the money lease some trailers to lower class size or put preschool in, I realise this would cost some money, think a head. Would you buy a house not knowing the price Our two blondes on the brd would. Teachers and Adm may be book savy but not dollar savy so our two blondes can join the teachers side. Like I said look in the mirror if you have political goals get the f off the brd. oh by the way the band still sucks they should let band camp play all events or just cut the program along with cheer dance drama football baseball save some real bucks to spend on nclb

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let’s take advice from somebody who can't spell anything, use proper punctuation, and who can capitalize a single word. Yeah, you know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Stupid moron

Anonymous said...

Very good comment September 24, 2009 5:59 PM.

This person isn't stupid and I bet they do know who to really spell I think they are trying to make a point see if some of the blonds can figure it out.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing about that comment that is good. You are a moron.

Anonymous said...

"How does this early childhood program benifit us. The hispanic children do not learn English and they are in ELL well into grade school."

You Fat Cow Racist

Anonymous said...

I'm not fat and I'm not a racist I'm someone tried of people expecting things for nothing.

My family has many different ethic groups in it and find a way to keep their heritage and the ones of the USA. They have their children learn their language and also English someone how they do it without having their children be in a bilingual program well into middle school. They keep their heritage and respect ours since they are in this country. They do their best not to be a burden on the government and don't except the government to give them a hand out but a hand up.

Are we racist because we expect people from other countries to follow our laws?

You must be a democrap.

Anonymous said...

Everything you said was right on until you had to bring "democrap" into. How ignorant to think that all democrats think the same way. I don't think that any two people think the same way. Everything you said is now void and stupid.

Anonymous said...

For you to try and justify your comments just proves what I said. Its about the children and who are you to say how an individual parent raises their child. We owe it to all our children to provide the best learning opportunity we can. All I hear from you people is how the district is or isn't spending your money. News flash, Your property taxes only account for about 1/3 of the entire budget. Thank God for the government and their commitment to our children because the people of this community sure as hell does not have the true interest of our children at hand.

Anonymous said...

If you all think you can do a better job than run for the board it seems like you know so much and can solve the problems of the world so there is a opening so run

Anonymous said...

Well guess what the government state and federal are almost broke so next year we won't be getting as much which we should be looking in what is going to happen next year.

Lets not forget there is head start and other programs out there low income people can qualify for.

Anonymous said...

You can see the kind of person Weaver is by her sister. For those who do not come to the board meetings she is the lady who stood up and thanked the board for Patty's Pottie and then asked the board how to get a board tee-shirt. Taking up the meeting with unimportant comments. Just like her sister Weaver talking about nothing for hours now the meetings go on for hours and they have turned into a freak show starring the Weaver family.

Anonymous said...

Simmons should be careful what they wish for, they just may get it. In 2006 the faculty was all to happy to usher in a new administration. They got exactly what they wanted!

Anonymous said...

I've brought this from the posting under this one. It says a lot. Get your act together board. You should be in the business of giving our children the best education they can get and instead you are fighting among yourself and it is taking away from the children. Stop acting like children and do the best for this district. Some are going beyond what board members should do and making one person think that they can speak for the whole board with the administration and make changes. The administration should know better and they should know that one board member can't make promises for the whole board and that in the end they will not get what they want. Stop acting like children and do want is best for the district and not your own agendas.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

New board old board sure looks the same, Rayanne is bob bossy and no idea, annette tall no common sense just wants to be bossy, dee the only one with a back bone willing to make a difference. Yes I agree all the new board members have there agenda, It is real hard to rope in a bunch of menopausel women Good Luck Dee the new members are showing thier lack of courage and are starting to buckle like the old boys club

September 24, 2009 4:57 PM

In the end no matter what some on the board want to do to make someone on the board look bad they all will look bad because when one of them don't like what the other said they will turn on them. Remember some on the board has spoken badly about all of the others and it is time that came out.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how many times Weaver and Lewis agree with what Johnson says in board comments so to me it looks like someone is just starting trouble,

Anonymous said...

Wow, our football team sure is doing well. 0-5 for the season so far.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Simmons did not get a new administration in2006. Patterson was an assistant principal under the last corrupt Simmons principal, Randal Ellison. Further, they brought in two assistant principals from Brady elementary. Brady is the worst elementary school in the district and most of the staff at Simmons would tell you that Morales and Mitchell are the reason at both schools. Their incompetence has been dragging down this district for years.

Anonymous said...

Here's one more example of the favoritism at Simmons. The 8th grade students are sent to Washington DC every year. The principal sends her personal secretary on a trip to Washington DC every year to set the educational agenda for this trip.

This is not a highly qualified and certified teacher setting the educational goals for our children but an unqualified and uncertified secretary. This is not to mention that any good travel agent and the internet can give the teachers and administrators all the information they need to know to set a educational trip for the children.

This is just another example of the corruption at Simmons. If you are part of the principals "In Crowd" you get taken care of and if not, you're screwed.

Anonymous said...

Actually this certain secretary at Simmons is a certified teacher. Make sure you know what you are talking about before you smear someone else's name on here.

Anonymous said...

The secretaries name is Rhonda Bass. I just did a search of all certified teachers on the ISBE website and she does not have a teaching certificate on file. Even if she did, she is a secretary and not the teacher of these children. You are also missing the point. No one should have a week's vacation on the district for this purpose. Certainly not a secretary. Next question. Let's assume that she were a certified teacher (even though we know otherwise)How much is the district paying this secretary, so that she would want to be a secretary rather than teach?

At least we're not sending her to Spain to recruit teachers for us. Or maybe we should look into it deeper, maybe we are.

Anonymous said...

By the way, huge numbers of students are still receiving schedule changes at Simmons. The quarter is half over, the first grades have come out and the schedule is still screwed up.

Kaisershot has twenty kids in band who aren't band kids and don't play instruments. They sit in the corner doing busy work and are waiting for the administration to do something. It really is a scandal over there.

Ask any teacher there, they haven't even put students names into the grade books. Ten students come in one day fifteen go out the next. If they tried to put students into a grade book, it would be an inch thick with white out.

The secretaries are pissed also. Grade sheets are supposed to be done electronically with a scantron machine. The secretaries are having to input all the grades by hand because the students actual classes don't match what's in the computer.

It's no wonder students are failing and discipline is so bad in that building. It really is time the district took a closer look at the happenings there.

The district can certainly do a better job with the quarter million dollars a year it's spending on the administrative salaries in that building.

Anonymous said...

And who is the administrator who is in charge of middle-school programs? Isn't it Dr. Marin Gonzalez, Director of Secondary Education? Shouldn't she be held at least partially accountable for this mess?

In fairness to Simmons administration, I think part of the scheduling problem is due to the fact that so many students transfer in and out, or show up a month after school has begun. Some students' families take extended trips to Mexico, Texas, or California and school attendance is a low priority. So who knows which kids will show up on a particular day (or week)? Sometimes the best the administration can do is guess.

Anonymous said...

Last that I checked, the two counselors are the ones who do deal with student schedules. I believe that would be Larry Sidel, talk about dragging down a school, and David Hamilton. Administration may have a say to what happens with the students, but where are these two individuals? Rapping in the hallways (Sidel) or dealing with the misplaced bilingual students and all that drama (Hamilton?) Who knows.

Obviously someone is not very happy working at Simmons...why are you still there? Are you simply 'stuck' and cannot find a job elsewhere? Let me ask you many school districts do you drive by on your way to Simmons every morning? Exactly.

Certain secretaries do their part and then some. What it comes down to is that people see who gets to work at 7:45am (if that early!) and who leaves at 3:15pm (in their cars and out the parking lot by 3:15 sharp!). The sad reality is that those people are students---the one’s you became a teacher for in the first place! Why don’t you try and remind yourself of that and move on?!?! Quit whining and bitching. Get at it and make the most of what you have every single day. Whether you are at Waldo, Cowherd, Jewel, Washington, Still, Thompson...wherever. Enjoy and discover.

Anonymous said...

Scheduling classes for the school is not in a counselors job description, it is the administrators job. Why are we paying three administrator salaries if they are passing their work on to subordinates.

Don't try to blame the migration problem. All three middle schools have a migration problem, so does the West Side and Elgin and Romeoville, etc. They schedule their students expeditiously. It's just administrative incompetence at Simmons.

Do you really think the people complaining on here are the one's coming in at 7:45 and leaving at 3:15. NO, they don't give a damn about anything. Most of the ones complaining on here are the ones putting in huge numbers of hours for our kids and want to see things improve at Simmons. They know the best thing for our children is a new administration but also know if they speak out publicly, there will be retribution.

Here's another thought for you. If there are incompetent counselors and demoralized teachers and secretaries at Simmons, these are just further signs of an incompetent administration.

Anonymous said...

No I think it is a sign of uncooporative students and ignorant parents

Anonymous said...

Here's are some examples of unprofessional behavior by Stephanie Mitchell at Simmons. There was a football pool among the teachers and staff for the superbowl. Stephanie used Jenna Jamison (a porn star's name) in place of her own. She was the only person to do such a thing.

Stephanie sent out an e-mail for the science fair. She directed the teachers to speak to the children about their dress. She didn't want the mexican girls looking like senora fluzy. Talk about culturally insensitive.

Last year we lost an excellent teacher because Stephanie groped him and when he spoke to Patterson about it she had him transferred to another building instead of doing an investigation and dealing with the harrasser, Stephanie Mitchell.

You wonder why the kids are failing at Simmons? The answer always starts at the top.

Anonymous said...

Complaining on the blog will not get you anywhere you need to get together and complain to those that will hear. Most won't because they feel that something will happen to them or their children but if enough get tired of it and complain change will come. The Administration can't keep it quite if enough come forward. This community needs to get community programs involved and make a big voice. It will take time but things will change. Just look when they wanted to stop the Magnet School cut funding for alternative schools find someone that believes in what you do and take it to the board fill the meeting and make them listen to you.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that the central office administrators and board have selective hearing. That is why so many illegal things happen in this district. That is called ethics and morality, both of which is lacking in our leadership.

It's a simple concept...Put the children first. If you do, the rest is easy.

Anonymous said...

Well at least the school board finally did something for these kids. Read today's Beacon

Anonymous said...

"This is just another example of the corruption at Simmons. If you are part of the principals "In Crowd" you get taken care of and if not, you're screwed."
This is very apparent at Simmons. There is very obvious favoritism and if you are not in "Mitchell's group" or "Patterson's group" you are nothing. My child has talked to me about it and even the students are aware of it. All Patterson cares about is looking good in the eyes of the district admin.

Anonymous said...

Johnson lives up there on the north end why don't you bring your concerns to her? She seems to be ballsy and able to get things done.

Anonymous said...

Sure Johnson can help Simmons she should just call in a favor to her buddy Roberts since she helped him out with his favored program the Urban League and his review process. The new board tried to make changes and hold Roberts to task but Johnson stopped it. She is the new Carol Farnum just a better politician. She does get things done and at a faster pace than Carol but for her new pal Roberts

Anonymous said...

This board needs to start acting like a board and following the rules of what a board is suppose to do. No one board member can change anything and doesn't have the authority to change things that are happening in any school. If parents or members of the staff have concerns they need to follow the chain of command. That is reporting things to their administration and if that doesn't work go to the Superintendent. If that doesn't work go to the media and let them know and protest. Let your community members know what is going on. It seems like some when the board wants to make changes they will go to the board meetings and speak out when they think their children are not getting what they want eg. Magnet School and the Alternative School and preschool. The teachers have a union what are they doing about the situation at Simmons?

No one board member can make changes that is not their job. They hired a Superintendent to do it and that person hires administration to do what the board has for their policy which we all see isn't the case in this district. We have many good things going on in this district but we must take care of the problems also. Complaining on this blog isn't going to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, the previous building union representative at Simmons resigned his union position because the building administration was harrassing him so badly for standing up for the teachers and the higher level union reps wouldn't back him up at all.


Anonymous said...

I hope that 9:37 means that the union should be replaced, ALONG with the administration.

Replacing the union with the administration would be replacing corruption with worse corruption.

Anonymous said...

I hope the board will pick the best person for the job and not just because the person is pro administration. Several good Latino leaders have stepped up. Latino know the district is failing our community. Roberts will never serve our children. They hire teachers from Spain to teach our kids. They pay housing and travel and help to educate them. Teachers from Spain can not communicate with our kids. The district recently paid over $50,000 to bring them here. We need a good member to represent us.
Gonzalez is a bust she is pro administration and a good friend of Roberts. However the board will never do it because Dee and Anita are only one vote. They tried to make Roberts accountable but the board let them off the hook. Gonzalez is a poor communicator and is no representation for the Latino committee.

Anonymous said...

How do you know the Latino leaders that have stepped up. I have heard of one but that is because I saw that person and he mentioned something to me about it. Do we need someone strong yes I believe so but you better believe if Rayanne or Johnson and maybe Jaunita doesn't like them they will do anything to stop it. After going to meetings it seems that they only want to make problems not solve them.

As far as the teachers from Spain you can thank the state for that and other districts do this because the state gives a grant for this.

It is time for this board to act like a board and not people trying to get back at someone because someone doesn't agree with them. They look like a bunch of school children trying to get their way and this will never help our district. Some on the board think they can be one voice for the board and that is not true. This board needs to start acting like one and do their duties and not think they can break policies.

The best thing that could happen to this district is for someone to take it over.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the real problem is Dee Weaver that why they had the executive session she could not make her mind up on the alternative school now she wants to stop the preschool. She has no formal education but thinks she is a teacher. She answers the phone for a living and I guess that qualifies her to teach school. Say what you will about Johnson she has her own company, employees the handicap, and has a degree as a accountant. I have talked with her and she wants to create a positive image for the district. She knows the teachers in this district work much harder than in other districts. She gets it.
Test scores are only a small part of the education of a child. I would match our children up against any children. At least Johnson is big enough to say she made a mistake. That is what the other board members need to do. Look at the positive things going on... Look a the creative ways we teach... Look at the ways we are getting parents involved. Johnson said this district gets bad press and it does...
Weaver has been on the board and bashed this district for 2 years and never stepped foot in the buildings until now. The negative message she sends has made people in the district feel worthless. She is a cancer. Johnson took the time out to visit all of us and she said her mind was changed. She has given me hope that the board can change. Keep up the good work Annette we just need more like you. You have changed the atmosphere of the district keep up the fight. You rock

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ Weaver has been in many of the schools her children went to Waldo and she had family members that she went to school functions at Gates and other schools. She went to Allen school for elementary, Waldo for middle school and East Aurora for high school so yes she has seen the schools.

Also she does more than answer phones she makes sure a lot of people get their paychecks on time. Sometimes people have to say the negative to get the positive from this district.

Most of the people in this district is a cancer they can't see into the future and how the money is going to stop pretty soon.

As far as Johnson I have heard her complain about her taxes and even heard her say that the district shouldn't need a referendum. She has complained about how the city has used some of our best land for the police station and other non paying groups that have buildings on our land in this district.

It is not one person on this board that is bad it is a group they all have their own agenda and it is not helping the children at all.

Anonymous said...

Worry not Simmons-

Test scores have dived. The Reign of Terror and Incompetence is almost at an end. Not even being hot and black cannot save her now.

(Of course, who knows what they'll give us next)

>Hopefully someone more interested in the STUDENTS than dominating teachers.

>Someone who doesn't make vendettas against the staff.

> Someone with more than two brain cells under her bleached head.

> Someone who communicates BOTH ways, not just from "god" to pee-ons!

>Someone who doesn't hide from the parents (both Mitchell and Patterson sat in their offices during Open House and did their emails! We all got emails from them when they should have been talking with parents.

>Someone who doesn’t send threatening letters to staff and call them “The Weakest Link” in front of the school.

>Someone who comes out of their ivory tower occasionally...not that we want to see her, she's like a big negative cloud to tell us what we are doing wrong when none of them have ANY clue how to how to teach. Any compliments are trite and insincere. Your actions scream so much louder than your lies.

>Someone who can empower the staff to tap into their internal motivation instead of killing it.

>Someone who is interesting in more than looking good to district and shutting the mouths of all detractors.

>NO BULLYS...this isn't the students, the administration is the worst kind of insecure power-mongers.

Look at the PASSION in these blogs. We us turn that to the students instead of fighting the adminstration. Work WITH us, not against us!!

Help us Jerome/Joan/Christie/Marrin- Why can’t you see this? We need you to do something! NOW!!!

No…the STUDENTS…they need you. Don’t let them down again.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That last posting is something and you can feel the passion in it. I wish I had the answers but I don't but for all the community members that say they care about this district that comes to want the Magnet School and the Alternative School and the parents that show up for these things they should care about what is happening.

For Clayton and the administration listen to this I can't believe this is only happening at Simmons. You say you care then lets see it..

We have board members fighting among themselves and what they want but they only want what they think is right and to demean their peers. They can't get over their own petty problems they can't see the forest before the trees. Stop fighting between yourself's and get this district where it should be.

I don't care if someone has their own business or how answers phones or who works in a factory I care about the children of this district and so should you. It doesn't matter if we have a Magnet School, Daycare or a Alternative School it matters if our schools are doing what they should be doing a giving our children the best education they can get. Get over yourselfs and do the job you should be doing.

Why is it that if some have problems like the last posting that they can not go to someone with this and not be afraid of their job?

For October 1, 2009 6:29 PM you do not rock it seems that you have problems but you only want to attack your fellow board members and not want to address the problems of this district.

May GOD have mercy on your SOUL.

Anonymous said...

The Board is fighting because the President is not strong enough. She gets into debates and then votes yes.
Don't forget long before Weaver has Board President she got voters to vote for because she opposed the referendum. Once on the Board she voted for it. She started the Magnet debate and then voted for it. She started the Alternative debate and then voted for it. If Weaver does not believe in these programs then why just not vote no.
To her support don't write back and blame the other Board members that they will not back her. Does Weaver not understand that you can vote no. Now she and gal pal Lewis want to stop the preschool. Again based on what that she claims the districts funding will be cut. Obama is not cutting preschool he is giving States like Illinois more money to support these programs. Plain and simple Weaver stop creating the drama because you love to be the center of someones attention.

Anonymous said...

Great article in today's Beacon. I hope they follow what they say. We need more professionals on the Board.

Anonymous said...

10 people want to join the abomination that is D131 School Board.

Anonymous said...

Alex Arroyo, 1342 Grove Street, Aurora, IL 60505

Samuel Carson, 1126 Homer Ave., Aurora, IL 60505

Fernando Chapa, 541 Saddle Lane, Aurora, IL 60505

Mary Garza, 1910 Reckinger Road, Aurora, IL 60502

Raymond Hull, 1075 Joel Ave., Aurora, IL 60505

Jason Leonberger, 374 N. Union, Aurora, IL 60505

Michelle Russell, 1752 Linden Park Lane, Aurora, IL 60504

Juan Sifuentes, 1024 Peterson Ave., Aurora, IL 60505

Mary Ann Turza, 1659 Briarheath Drive, Aurora, IL 60505

David Williams, 2140 Walcott Road #103, Aurora, IL 60504

Anonymous said...

The abomination will end when they get a new President.

Anonymous said...

It is so funny that D131 lists on the web-site the first goal is to improve reading for black students. The second and third is reading & math for special ed. The forth goal is for English learners. We need to speak up as a group and tell the board this is not acceptable. Roberts and Clayton only care about the black kids. Take note they are number 1. Four Latinos have stepped up to run show them your support. The leader of the group is Arroyo he has been fighting for our rights for years. He and Weaver will put a end to the serial bully Roberts.Arroyo has many friends at the State of Illinois and D131 will be afraid to leave our kids behind. Gonzalez the Latino board member will fall in line because she can not work against her community. Put pressure on the board They will cave. Come pack the board room.

Anonymous said...

12:29, the serial bully was the previous superintendent, Radakovich. Radakovich earned that description because he bullied teachers (Mr. K, among many) in at least 3 different school districts.

Dr. Roberts, on the other hand, has never been a bully. He has always impressed me as going out of his way to be diplomatic and reasonable. I don't always agree with him, but he's a decent, honorable man and a tremendous improvement over his predecessor.

Anonymous said...

Arroyo is not a good spokesperson in his time a democrat chair he split the party into three parts. This board does not need another split.
That will be the path they are heading in 8 out of 10 all have political ties. I wonder why d129 never gets that kind of group of self servers not one of the 8 are looking out for the kids.

Anonymous said...

Johnson will go for Fernado Chappa since her and her mother and beating the streets to get signatures for Linda. They approached me to sign petition for Linda. Don't know about the others but you can bet if any don't agree with some on the board they won't get in.

The goal of the district should be for all children to learn and that the district spends our money wisely because federal, state and local money is going to get pretty tight. It is time for all to stop spending first and asking for money later.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the name of the business Johnson has? I have been hearing rumors about it and how she employees older people and only pays minimum wage and no benefits. Since someone posted on here about her owning her own business I would like to look into it and see how she runs it. Is she willing to spend the kind of dollars she wants the district to spend in her own business. How does she treat her employees? Before will give her praise for running a business lets see how she runs it. Is she that generous with her employees as she is with our money?

Anonymous said...

Hey....Oct. 1st
I went to Simmons open house. The Principal was there. She lectured all the parents and made me feel like an 8 year old. Extremely condesending..."Don't talk when I have the microphone" "You parents over there get in your seat!" I was really offended.

I don't know where she went after that but I had no idea where to find my kids teachers. They turned up down a long hall and around a corner. The princiapl was doing her email when like 50 parents couldn't find the teachers??? Daaaamn! She could have been directing traffic? Isn't helping parents her job? Probably too far benieath her.

I used to think Simmons was okay when my older daugther went thru but I really wish I had the money for private school.

Sounds like they are really screwed up. If I have a little time this week end I'm translating this. Most of the parents can't read it and need to know what's going on. That's the only way we'll get anything done.

Anonymous said...

There. It is translated. It took me 10 seconds on the internet.

Fui a la casa en exhibición Simmons. El Principal estaba allí. Ella sermoneó a todos los padres y me hizo parecer a uno de 8 años. Sumamente condesending... ¡"No hable cuándo tengo el micrófono" "Usted los padres ahí entran en su asiento!" Realmente fui ofendido.

No sé donde ella fue después de esto pero no tuve ni idea donde encontrar mis profesores de niños. Ellos levantaron abajo un pasillo largo y alrededor de una esquina. ¿¿El princiapl hacía su correo electrónico cuándo como 50 padres no podía encontrar los profesores??? ¡Daaaamn! ¿Ella podría haber estado dirigiendo el tráfico? ¿No ayuda a padres su trabajo? Probablemente demasiado lejos benieath ella.

Yo solía pensar que Simmons era bien cuando mi daugther más viejo fue a través de pero realmente lamento que yo no tuviera el dinero para la escuela privada.

Sonidos como ellos realmente son atornillados. Si hago que poco tiempo esta semana se termine traduzco este. La mayor parte de los padres no pueden leerlo y tienen que saber lo que continúa. Esto es el único modo que haremos algo.

Anonymous said...

It seems the claws are out since Weaver lost control of the school board. It is interesting every-time one of her supporters start attacking fellow board members she comes out getting the worst of it. The person getting signatures for Chapa is Weaver daughter. Since her no experience kid was given a job by Chapa working in her office. Weaver's unemployed husband has also has gotten a job from one of the districts big business partners. She is the one people should be looking into since she has used her position on the board to benefit family members.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Patterson doesn't just speak down to parents, she speaks down to everyone, teachers, students, etc. If ever a school needed new leadership, Simmons is it.

Anonymous said...

To set the record straight Weaver's daughter has a BA in Psychology and is currently pursing her Master's Degree is Social Work. She is interning for the office and has no part in the district business. She is not paid and does not collect signatures for Rep Chapa LaVia. Mr. Weaver is also employed. So please get the facts straight before posting.

Anonymous said...

I believe if you have a personal issue with the board president ELECTED, then you should keep those issues with that person. Also keep the facts and issues straight. Her husbands employment and daughters right to further her education is not a board issue. Unless you are going to comment how how a graduate of East Aurora is out there trying to better herself and will be saying she graduated from east aurora proudly when asked or on how a father living in east aurora is working hard to better the life of his family then leave the board Presidents family life out of your comments. Be respectiful you two are a representitve of east aurora community and we do not need to be shown as a community against one another!

Anonymous said...

I believe that same respect should have been afforded to all board members including Ms Carlson who is always attacked and Ms Johnson who's business was also attacked. These members do not except pay for these jobs. Ms Weaver's friends need to clean up their act as well and get over the fact she is no longer in charge.

Anonymous said...

Yeah everybody deserves respect except the teachers that you bash, administrators, and anybody who does not share your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I believe that people that stood with Mrs. Weaver stood up for Rayanne I don't know about Johnson. How did they attack Johnson? It looks like someone asked about her business so how does that make it game to attack her children.

What does all this have to do with the benefit of this district. It is taking away from the good of the children of this district.

I think some would be surprised what say about teachers and administrators behind their backs but in front of them it is something different.

Get back to the working of this district and not personal agendas. This board does not follow the rules of how a board should act. They don't have the power to talk to anyone as one person. They have a Superintendent that they employed to follow the policies of this district and he has the control not the board.

Anonymous said...

What does all these attacks on people and their families have to do with the running of this district? Do you not think that in every district people don't talk about the teachers and the administration and how they don't like what they are doing? I think it happens all around.

This district is in sad shape with the fighting going on. The best thing is for the state to come in and do their job. Middle school in 8 years of Ayp and East High in 6 yrs. The state makes the rules they should follow it.

By the way I have talked to Weaver about the up comming teachers contract and I was surprised that she said they should get one but some on the board doesn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Be careful when you sleep with dogs you might get fleas.

This is what the board members are doing. They are not paying attention to what they are suppose to be doing they are to busy trying to make each other look bad and what does that do for our district.

As I look at these board members they are not in it to help our district they are there to attack each other. What benefit does this do for our children.

Get your act together and get back to educating our children. I believe not one of you have the best interest of our children in mind just your own agendas against each other. Then you take the Superintendent and the administration into the factor and we have a train wreck waiting to happen. Shame on all of you.

Anonymous said...

Here we have two women both East Aurora Graduates making something of themselves with Linda going on to be a State Representative making our district proud and after many years her staff picking someone to be a who happens to be a graduate of East Aurora doing a internship for community service being attracted about being picked for their mother being on a school board. Do you really believe that? Did that school board member have some connection with Linda? I don't think so. Why would we as a district not want someone from our district a intern for Linda? Doesn't this show how we do have children that make an attempt to make a Excellence in this district. What will happen if a child that did good in sports or some other positive activity in the district be chosen to be her intern would people complain? Why can't we just show people that we have good students even after they graduate that they want to show everyone that we have good students in this district that want to follow through and make good choices for our state and to show we have good children in our district. This is a good example of the education our district is giving the children and how they grow in life. I don't really know Linda and I don't know if she has any connection to the Weavers but to think that this is anything but some staff picking someone that will improve the image of this district is crazy. I would like to believe that Linda would like the whole state to see that yes we do have many children that graduate from this district that can make a change and that we Expect Excellence and nothing else from our students even after they leave here.

This board needs to get back to taking care of our children and not fighting among themselves. The Superintendent and administration needs to get back to educating our children and not fueling the fire with the board nothing gets done by doing this. No one board member can make changes in the board or promise anything to them.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same daughter of Weavers that spray painted the school or is this the daughter that ran away from home. It sounds to me that Weaver has a unstable home.

Anonymous said...

It is time for some board members to stop attacking others children and that includes the administrations children also. You are suppose to be adults start acting like it.

Anonymous said...

11:24, have you raised children? If so, has their behavior always been absolutely perfect?

My kids are human--they have had occasional lapses in judgment, sometimes influenced by immature friends. But they've learned from their mistakes and are law-abiding, productive adult members of society.

Far from being what you call an "unstable home", it looks to me like Dee Weaver has done a great job of raising her kids. I'd definitely rather have her as a parent than someone judgmental or unforgiving, as you seem to be.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you think that you know what you are talking about, then instead of posting your so called Facts and opinions about the Weaver family as Anonymous you should let everyone know just who you are? Oh but why not is it because you dont want to look like a JERK? Maybe you should take a good hard look at the family you are bashing and see one think about them that yuo are not and that would be REAL. Mrs. Weaver tells it like it is. So if you arnt to scared lets see the Jerk that thinks they know so much about the family. Are you scared becuase you are a board member or are you just CHICKEN? So everyone take a momemnt and think about that. I think this blog has turned very far from its purpose. To your next comment of being why am I posting anonymous.... it is because I am not questioning anyones character or trying to slander someones family.

Anonymous said...

Or Maybe because you are Mrs. Weaver or one of her kids.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 8:21 is one of the old-guard former board members. Or someone who is so bitter about the people elected to our current School Board that they resort to personal attacks on their family members.

Either way, most of us can see right through that nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 10:57 is Hitler and maybe 8:21 is Jesus Christ, and maybe this blog is stupid, and maybe this school board is a joke.

Anonymous said...

If a dead person or the Son of God were posting comments, that wouldn't be a joke--that would be a miracle.

Anonymous said...

The real miracle would be if Simmons ever got their scheduling correct. It's October and they are still screwed up over there.

Anonymous said...

Who cares

Anonymous said...

Obviously not the administration or board. If they gave a damn about our kids, the illegal, incompetent or the "I'm too lazy to do my job" crap would be ended. Do your job or go elsewhere. If you are not doing what's best for the kids, you're not needed. It's amazing how the administration has ingrained this concept with teachers but they don't practice it amongst themselves.

Anonymous said...

You need to address your concerns to the Superintendent he has the power to do something.

Anonymous said...

How do you no we have not. Lisa has been working behind the scenes at Roberts request. It is so messed up because Patterson does not have a clue. Roberts will never get rid of her because black.

Anonymous said...

bring back John Struck to Simmons!!!

Anonymous said...

John Struck?

It's really bad when you have to go back 20 years to find the last really good administrator at Simmons. This district needs to quit looking for administrators that abuse underlings and kiss the A$$es of their superiors. We need real educational leaders that can lead our district up and out of our failing status.

Anonymous said...

There was a teacher in-service yesterday morning at the high school for the staffs at all three middle schools. It was on closing the achievement gap for our students. In other words, how to get our students to pass the state tests and make AYP. It was presented by a Harvard professor.

The only staff members that did not show up were Michelle Patterson, Stephanie Mitchell and Wilson Morales. The principals at Simmons Middle School. All other staff members from the three middle schools were there including the administrators. Only the Simmons Administrators were missing.

Worse yet, when we went back to Simmons in the afternoon. The administrators had no idea we were returning and nothing was planned for the afternoon. BS had to be made up on the spot. No school improvement activities were planned for or done. This was the entire purpose for the day and the Simmons Administrators had no clue.

This is just one more example of the complete incompetence and lack of caring by the administration at Simmons.

When is somebody going to do something about Patterson, Mitchell and Morales. Patterson does nothing but hide in her office and stab people in the back, Mitchell is busy harrassing the staff and saying the most unprofessional things and that's all Morales is good for is buying coffee and doughnuts for the office staff. He spends the first couple of hours, almost every day going out and buying the coffee and doughnuts. I can't believe we are paying these three $250,000 a year for their ineptness.

I guess Morales needs the extra caffeine to spend the afternoon yelling at staff members to try and hide the administrations incompetence. He goes after anyone who says anything he considers a threat to the three of them.

Simmons needs real leadership.

Anonymous said...

Back to Rayanne's original post about emphasizing the positive in our district--

The Simmons Middle School bands will be presenting a concert TODAY at 4:30 p.m. You won't want to miss these groups performing under the direction of Mr. Kevin Kaisershot. Come and show support for our talented young musicians!

Anonymous said...

Simmons did get lucky when the district administration kicked Kaisershot out of the high school. The Simmons band actually sounds much better than the high school band.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. K had been as good at kissing administrators' behinds as he is at directing bands, he would still be at the high school.

But the middle-school students in our district also deserve a quality band experience, and they're getting that from all three of our directors: Mr. Kaisershot, Mr. Koch, and Mr. Holhut.

I'm trying to emphasize the positive, so I won't say anything about the high school band program.

Anonymous said...

I have to LAUGH at October 10th and 1:33pm. Roberts HAS been told. The following letter was sent to Roberts, all upper admin and the local paper last March.

Did it do any good?
What were you thinking?

Why do you insist on torturing the students and staff at Simmons? Are there no competent administrators anywhere in the western suburbs? Could you entice Dr. Struck out of retirement or at least have him give some lessons? He knew the teachers and the students.

Mechelle is a ghost. She was never out much before, but this year she is totally absent. It must be nice to have a job you can stop doing when you want to spend more time with your family and work on your doctorate. She has turned the reigns over entirely to Stephanie…Stephanie. Have you ever talked to her? MY toaster has a higher I.Q. Yeah, I know she has experience…how close have you checked it out. I’ve counted at least three administrative jobs she’s been fired from. She couldn’t get a reference before this job? That should have been your first clue. I have seen so much of her body that I have night sweats. I always feel like she coming on to me. The clevege you could loose a hiker in or the two inches of bare belly roll? Can you have a conversation, a professional conversation and ignore that? She talks about wanting to look good naked, she has told people she “got laid this morning”. Can you ever respect someone who does that when they tell you how to do your job? My spouse thought she was the bar tender!

Anonymous said...

Part 2:

She admits and brags about how she doesn’t plan anything. She is the most flightly, disorganized individual you’ve given us yet. She has ideas, they spout from her like a fountain, but never NEVER is there any thought as to the logistics, consequences, repercussions, who has to do the work, what benefits will it bring. No data, nothing… just “fun” for Stephanie. She brags about being a party girl and goes out with the two smoking teachers to the parking lot “to get something” frequently and comes back stinking of tobacco. Good role model, eh? She misses a lot of Mondays, well many days in general. Talks about how much she likes to party. Said she wanted to just “do shots” at one of our parties and bemoaned that fact she was an administrator and couldn’t do more than one.

Mechelle has actually said, “We are so lucky to have Stephanie because she is a curriculum expert.” Expert? TALK to her. She might have a few buzzwords, but she has less classroom knowledge than a first year teacher. Her evaluations say the same thing to everyone. They demonstrate a total lack of substance. She told one teacher to “put a funny hat on and stand on her desk” to build student interest. How can teachers improve teaching if reviews are adversarial and impossible to do well on? She enjoys getting rid of people. She has gotten rid of a few that needed to go, but her lack of knowledge and the administrations lack of having any connection with the classroom make sure they flush the good with the bad. She tells veterans with active, productive classrooms that they have no management, but those classrooms that are chaos go without a comment.

She takes some sort of sadistic pleasure from humiliating men. She patted the tummy of one teacher and told him he was getting a little chubby. He said he wanted to grab her butt and tell her the same. Is that a professional or harassment? There are other guys she picks apart lesson plans, rooms comments to an extreme and unreasonable degree. Is it a power thing or was she rebuffed? She has a couple of guys on a string, enjoying watching them wriggle while she torments them with bad reviews and harassment.

While we are on the subject, what exactly do their reviews accomplish? How does it benefit students? If you are doing your best, what will make you do better: a pat on the back or some one slamming you from left field? Now you’re nervous, you say f*** it, if that’s all they think of my effort why bother? It is proven that you motivate with positive comments; you get “compliance” only with critisism.

The administration needs to create a nurturing atmosphere …teachers are afraid of them, afraid of making a “mistake”. How does that improve instruction? You should be able to work WITH your administration to become a better teacher, not hide from them. They are so punitive and vindictive. They jump on weakness; I don’t know anyone who welcomes them in a classroom, at least not without breaking into a cold sweat.

Administrators should not be forced by the district to make “focus walks”. Why don’t they know what goes on in classrooms? Anytime you see them they are judging and adversarial. There are teachers that aren’t tenured that can’t manage classrooms, can’t teach and have no clue. Why can’t they identify them? They don’t know what going on. Teachers are let go so it will look like they are doing something. EVERYTHING is image. Our image to you, the district, is paramount. God help anyone who criticizes. Mechelle will get you and she is viscious. She will not fix anything but will attack the person who complains and she goes for the jugular. This letter alone will cause a firestorm of hell upon the staff. There will be a witch hunt of epic proportions. How about instead of telling them about it, why not check it out yourself?

Anonymous said...

Part 3

The many/most ideas in the school improvement plan aren’t actually being done. They look good on paper. Faculty advisory looks good on paper. It is just another way they use to tell us to shut up, but it does NOTHING. The communication is pitiful. Entirely one-way and nothing we need to know. There isn’t any communication at team-leader meetings- just planning of interdisciplinary units, run by…who else…Stephanie. Mechelle doesn’t do meetings and couldn’t give a presentation to save herself. She has been known to read from a prepared power point or overhead for an HOUR … snore. She covers her butt, but doesn’t accomplish anything. Where are those surveys of administrative performance? By the way, could we have someone other than the administration pick them up? Some one who won’t hand them over like they did with Ellison.

Wilson has, to be fair, improved. He isn’t really connected to the other two. His jobs are mainly buildings and punishment. Referrals used to be broken up between the administrators, but now they are all him. At the beginning of the year an effort was made to get disruptive students out of the classroom. In-school suspension was full every day. Now it is back to the way it was for the last few years, a couple kids per day. Most referrals aren’t even addressed or go without consequences. The students catch on to this fast. They love to tell you how they didn’t get a consequence after skipping your detention or telling you to F*** yourself. They tell their friends too- then what happens? It would be nice to actually get the chance to teach.

Did someone tell you we loop at Simmons? Then you are being lied to in a big way. There is only ONE teacher that looped. Now the rest are moved. They change subjects, teams, grades, yearly for no other reason than “We thought you needed a change.” What does that do? There is no continuity, no incentive for teachers to invest in a job they won’t be doing next year, no way for them to be come familiar with the curriculum, let alone experts. Will they make units, activities, power points, spend money on supplies, plan fun engaging lessons? No, unfortunately those take time. We aren’t asked about our preferences. They pretend like they know what best for us like we are two years old. Treat us like professionals and watch us rise to the occasion.

There are probably ten teachers in this building (and a chimpanzee or two) who could do a better job. Why aren’t Kristy Cortwright or Michelle Henson in administration? They are qualified and Mechelle has them run the school anyways. They get told they are running the faculty meetings 5 minutes before the meeting.

By now you are thinking that I’m just some disgruntled employee. Come to Simmons. Talk to EVERYONE. Ask if the Ditz or the Death Star is in. NO ONE will ask who you are talking about. Teachers might be hated by students, parents and administrators, but we’re all you have. We are capable of great things…we are not unreachable, we are not unmotivatable. Try – give us someone to work with. Someone competent, worried about more than image or career, who can make a family and a team out of the teachers. Only then will you reach the students.

Anonymous said...

Wow--that's some letter--did you get any kind of response?

Anonymous said...

And have you been documenting specific examples of administrators' behavior, for legal purposes? Have you spoken with an attorney? Seems to me there might be cause for a lawsuit here, especially if several staff members join in complaining (class action)?

Anonymous said...

If you sent it to the Beacon you probably won't get anywhere. Try the Daily Herald or even the Trib it might get someones attention. If you sent this to the board why not trying the ROE or The State Board of Education.

Anonymous said...

Roberts should have handled this but how could he. Patterson is his pal and Morales is Lisa Morales husband.
To those who don't know Lisa is his right hand gal. Since Roberts is not bilingual Lisa does his job. Roberts main goal is to promote his own Afro Americans like Patterson and tough luck to the Latino's. He will never educate your kids because he likes to keep his thumb on them. He did show up several weeks ago. Stayed in Patterson Office ate a big lunch sat in the hallway on his cell phone and took off. Marin has also been here same result ate a big lunch a left.

Anonymous said...

Roberts is leaving in the spring he was interviewing at Scholastic in New York last week while Simmons is crumbling. He at one time was a VP at Houghlin Mifflin. It was overheard the interview went well.
Marin Gonzalez recently purchased a Condo in Chicago and rumor has it she will be working in a high level position with the Magnet program in Chicago. So lets face it Simmons the two people that should care don't because they are leaving.
I guess if we can say anything positive about that board they made it difficult enough for them to leave.

Anonymous said...

Response to letter? Zero!

No the paper did not print it.

Let's face it, they know...they just don't care! They don't care about students. Why are you surprised?

We are wasting our time whining about it. Nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

So who is the new school borad member. Which one of Dee's or Rayanne's friends got the job.

Anonymous said...

Serving the negative and calling it an administration or board policy keeps everyone hungry. If someone sits on you'd head and takes a crap, are you the negative one for saying you don't want to be crapped on any longer? There are many administrative personnel changes that need to be made. Simmons is just the best example of what's wrong administratively in this district. We can and should be doing much better at Simmons and in District 131.

Pot Belly said...

It's Harry Wahl's fault

Anonymous said...

Can you believe what happened at the school board meeting tonight?

Anonymous said...

Who is Harry Wahl and the board meeting hasn't even started!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a robot from the future.

Anonymous said...

Just what we needed on the board, another old woman with absolutely no experience in education. At least this one isn't completely ignorant, she does have a bachelors degree in something although we don't know what in.

She does have human resources experience. I am sure the board members wanted that experience to learn how to fire lame administrators and replace them with quality individuals.

Anonymous said...

7:29, just because someone is not a classroom teacher does NOT mean they have "absolutely no experience in education"!

Ms. Turza has been a PTA president, which means she has been very involved in children's education. And anyone who has successfully raised children to adulthood (as she has) is, among other things, an educator.

Sometimes the most effective advocates for our students' best interests come from outside the school walls. I look forward to Ms. Turza's perspective as she joins our (new, improved) School Board!

Anonymous said...

In attending yesterday's meeting they had a great deal of discussion on how they could get along. I was happy to here comments from Johnson that they need debate. The problem with the boards of the past was that they became a rubber stamp of administration. I like the new board they do have discussion and weight the pros and cons.
I was happy to see Trusa picked it seems by her background she will bring a since of professional to the group. The past members always down played education but it shows that in Johnson and Gonzalez. Go for it ladies you are doing a great job.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have to say I have read this blog and am offended that one person seems to be voicing his/her opinion about how all staff feels at Simmons, I work there and I do not feel the same and I am not in the "chosen group" which was stated; running a school is not easy, but this is not a reflection of how the entire staff feels at Simmons and as an employee I am offended that a professional would personally attack others in the workplace in this public matter! Sure Simmons has its problems like any other school, but it is not entirely the administrators fault! Negativity breeds negativity, and nothing is going to be accomnplished with these comments on the blog!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one of the administrators is sounding off here. Simmons is a pit even by East Aurora Standards.

Anonymous said...

Mechelle, you've checked in at last on October 20. You are under the mistaken impression that this is one person? You are truly deluding yourself.

This is a hot topic that I have heard from many quarters a minimum of five poeple (that I know) have written this and MANY more read it.

Anonymous said...

As a former Simmon's student I think that Simmons is an awesom and terific school. I have freinds in the two other Middle School and they wish to be here at Simmons to learn and enjoy all the greatactivities that Simmons offer us. All my family and me are proud to be part of this great school.