Friday, August 22, 2014

Something to keep in mind as we begin a new school year...


newshound said...

Are you kidding said...

In read Popp wants a administrative center. Is this guy kidding? With the schools overcrowded he wants to build a fancy building for himself while the teachers sit in hot overcrowded classrooms.

This is as bad as Ray Hull and his insults. This board is the worst ever along with Popp

Messed-up priorities said...

Before money is spent for an new administrative center, how about a little concern for the health and safety of staff members and students?

For example the Simmons choir and band rooms are not only not air-conditioned, they are poorly ventilated. Up to 60 students at a time will be packed in each of those rooms on Monday, which is supposed to be 90 degrees. Meanwhile administrators sit in air-conditioned comfort in cushy offices.

It will serve D131 right if a student or teacher collapses from heat. Just another example of making choices for anything BUT excellence!

Thoughts on red and black said...

In listened to Raymond Hall is disbelief. Is this a example for our students? The comments just did it would have had any teacher fired. The comment regarding ill placed administration and then using Glotzbach's name would have been a lawsuit if she decided enough with this district.Then the puddles of blood comment. What a classless act. The highlight was comments about his daughter. I sat next to a teacher so intimidated that he was going to name her she started shaking. Apparently Hull had a run in with her when she gave him a honest assessment of his daughter. He also attacked the teaching profession in general with comments about demographics.

We have many great teachers. Yes they are white Mr Hull but that does not brand them with a scarlet letter. He set the tone for a negative start to the school year. The board will say nothing. It is a embarrassment to work in our district.

Central office news said...

Central Office was told if addressed about Ray Hulls embrassing comments to just say we need to give him a speech next time. Quietly People are just shaking their heads. His voice overs of Joan has left administration to hope the board takes action and removes him. We know that will not happen but everyone has questioned why they work for EA.

Dr Popp does not have any leadership skills and can not make a decision. He feels it necessary to point out Dr Roberts failures or blame Annette Johnson. Admistrators feel it's time to move on. The admin building is a embarrassment . Teachers are in unconditioned small classrooms and he is worried about that. The negotiations are already strained. The only puddles of blood are the budget which again Popp blames the past administration. The district had surpluses every year now they don't. We are already being told is Dr Popp afraid to work in the hood. many of us fear a total collapse.

The maintenance workers are getting mistreated and Feltes can not get stopped by Popp because of Leonard. After Hulls display it only confirmed what was not being said.

Somewhere Dr Roberts must be enjoying himself on a beach and Annette. Johnson is getting a good laugh.

BTW Doc and AJ thanks for the FDK Center with the current leadership kids would have waited for a admin center first.

Kindergarden opening said...

What a joke. The community honoring Wells today. You can see the board from hell is alive and well. Although by comments about Red and Black this week it seems the current is has pasted up the board from hell.

oldtimer said...

According to the Facebook article, "Wells represented the taxpayers who contributed to opening the building".

Wasn't Juanita Wells the School Board member who blamed the students for messing up the National Anthem? She certainly DIDN'T represent the hundreds of taxpayers who spoke out against the band director's being deprived of his high school teaching job back in 2005. She was one of the handful of board members & administrators who gave the community the middle finger back then. Now she gets honored with a key to the kindergarten center?

And don't forget, either, how she got her Bionic Temple sorority sister Mary Fultz to run for School Board, then we find out she wasn't even a registered voter in our district.

It's been awhile since people have brought up the past and "School Board From Hell", but when someone like Juanita Wells is selected for honors, you can bet those of us who know our history will NOT be silent!

Juanita Wells back in the day said...

Tomcat 8 said...

Annette is still a problem and she looked the other way on lots of things so there is no need to praise her. No one board member makes a decision of what will be done it takes all of them to vote on things.

Juanita Wells said...

Jaunita called the white taxpayers racist at a meeting at Simmons and Brady for not supporting the referendum. She certainly does not represent me. She attacked the band program and angered many parents. This entire board needs to go. She only represents the black community. I am surprised they had him speak again after Red £ Black it shows Dr Popp and the other board members have no respect for this community.

She Speaks said...

If Ray Hull had any decency, he would resign from his position as President of the board. His speech left some openly wondering if he is mentally ill. If the board has any integrity, they will call for his resignation. He is a liability. Shame on him for being so inappropriate and shame on our board if they do not hold him accountable.

Anonymous One said...

The comments here are just supporting ray Hull’s statements about certain teachers in this district. The only problem with Raymond Hull’s speech is that he was using humor that is very common in urban areas. He made a comment that was only dirty in your own mind, it was simply suggestive. He was neither, vulgar or obscene. The teachers who have to defend themselves that they understand our community and relate well with our children are the ones who are now screaming that they are offended by Hull’s speech. The speech was meant to be humorous and motivate. If you were offended by his speech, perhaps you should be looking for a different district because you will never get it.

Say what you want about Hull’s and Popp’s speeches but at they least they weren’t the Valium inspired speeches of Johnson and Roberts. If the pharmaceutical industry could bottle Johnson and Roberts, they would make a fortune in anesthetics and sleep aids.

Hostile work place said...

I heard Ray was rambling at the Kinder program. What happened to him telling teachers the Superintendent will speak. At Red & Black Popp stated he had to cut his speech short because of Ray. It was important for us to hear his goals and vision. Hull needs to resign. Comments about falling in love and doing it had no place. Much worst was the Joan Glotzbach voice over. He created a hostile workplace for all that attended the event.

Did the board approve Juanita Wells as the taxpayer community member or did Hull pick. He is related to Wells by marriage so is that fair. Why would Benevides not open the Center?

Response to hull said...

The teachers union should file a hostile work enviroment charge against Raymond Hull. Teachers would not be allowed to speak in the classroom of to fellow staff in the manner he conducted himself. Hull has harassed his daughters teachers in the past. in fact they would hand pick teachers for his daughter they felt he could get along with.

Like our union sells us down the river with grievances and evaluations we know they will let this one go.

Anonymous 1 said...

To: And the Children Suffer

It’s not just the first two days, it’s all year long. As a middle school teacher, I am in over 200 different meetings during the course of the school year. This includes team meetings, PLC (Professional Learning Community) meetings, SLC (Small Learning Community) meetings, Faculty meetings, district level meetings and county level meetings. In addition, there are team leader meetings, PBIS (Positive Behaviors Intervention System) meetings, SIP (School Improvement Plan) meetings, SpEd meetings, BiLingual meetings, Math department meetings, Language Arts Department meetings, Coaches meetings, special meetings etc. etc. etc. It is multiple meetings every single day. These meetings are anywhere from 45 minutes long to the entire 8 hour day. This doesn’t include conventions and other outside the district professional development. This is hundreds of hours a year for every teacher spent doing mostly administrative BS. These hours used to be spent dedicated to our children but are now wasted with administrative tasks.

Here’s another thought for you, multiply all these hours together and you start to realize that the district pays teachers and staff for nearly half a million hours every year to be in these meetings and not teaching. That is millions of dollars every year spent on administrative tasks and not teaching. Once again, administrative centered, not child centered.

Response said...

anonymous one must be the following

The two people who thought the speech was ok was Jackie Gibson and Avis Miller. Avis acted like she was at a Baptist revival. Hulls speech was offensive and he was not humorous. His speech broader on hostile and violent. talking about puddles of blood and doing a Joan Glotzbach imitation showed his ignorance. If Annette Johnson mocked Ray like he pulled Operation Push, Jessie Jackson and the Reverend Al would be marching. A double standard.

Mike Popp was ok and if the teachers are a problem those types of remarks should have come from him not Hull. That said, Mike Popp has lost the support of the teachers with his new administrative center. He is putting himself first and not the kids. Rumor is the building is located on the Far East side . Central Office is located in the center of our district for a reason. He talked about it becoming a teacher training center. So now a teacher at EHS would have to travel 20 minutes just to get to a meeting.

The district has lost priorities.

Taxpayer who is interested in our community said...

What a waste of my tax dollars to not allow you not to teach. I shows the administration is totally out of touch.

I am also disappointed that the current school board is allowing the administration to buy or build a administrative center. The schools are overcrowded and I thought last years idea of bring administration to downtown Aurora was a good thing. The district should have purchased the Waubonsee building and the Mayor should have supported education. A multi purpose building would have been good for administration and children should learn a career in school. Many of the youth in Aurora can not afford to go to college or trade school. Administration should share a building with a school they can see what is going on.
The building was off the tax roles and is in a TIF district so what was the point? Weinser has no trouble taking buildings off the tax roles on the East Side for River Edge Park.

That is what we lost in Johnson she was not afraid to speak against Weisner.

Hull is employed by Weisner and Strand receives donations from him. They are totally ineffective. Hull has openly insulted taxpayers in our district at board meetings. Reccently he told the public it is the boards meeting and we taxpayers are only guests .

i have attended many board meetings lately and she is the only person sticking up for stopping wasteful spending. I suggest the community watch closely what is going on at EA is not a good.

One other comment I am very disappointed in Richard Leonard, Stella Gonzalez and Mary Turza . They should understand what it is to live on a fixed income and when we addressed the board about being the third highest property tax in the county not one of them responded.

Comments said...

Hull is a reflection of the entire board and he was elected to speak for them. They should have known he has a hate for white teachers he has stated that many times. They should have made sure his ideas reflected the boards. It shows the disregard they have for us. Moreover his sell out of the maintenance workers shows his lack of character. Do the teachers and secretaries believe the BOE will be fair in negotiations. not after his public display. Fool me once

Feltes has told everyone he has the support to hire a cleaning service and fire our maintenance people. Popp supports Feltes and his prior district has done the same.

Juanita wells taxpayer really said...

Hull is making fun of the community. I looked in the board minutes and did not see were the others approved this.

I supported Peyea and Strand but they have lost my support. Wells sat on a board that bankrupted the district. Sold out to Bigalow for no money, got rid of the HiLight that did pay taxes, made a bad deal on the police palace property costing the district millions, ran a women that was a felon and insulted the kids. Let us not forget her public comments against band parents and Hispanic children.

Leonard, Truza and Gonzalez are so senile they are ready for the retirement home.

Please do the board a favor and retire and we will make sure to retire the others

Works at ea said...

I will go back to school with great sadness this year. Tomorrow will be the hottest day of the year and our Superintendent is worried about a new Administration Center. Kids will sit in rooms over 100 degrees. My friends teaching in West Aurora have already been given instructions and a cooling plan and no word from Popp.

Hull embarrassed himself and set the tone for the school year. By know he has heard from many about the speech and yet he has no class to say sorry. what leadership.

anonymous2 said...

No one likes Ray Hull and his speech was inappropriate. If people were offended then they were offended and it was more than one person who was insulted. Maybe Ray should learn how to speak and carry himself as a professional and a be a leader who can be trusted. Hes a joke and so is the district. Lets get rid of all white educators at EA and see who we have left to teach our kids. Promote gibson and whoever they want. Administration is short lived. Let her have her day in the sun, it wont be long. Ask Ray what college he went to and what sports he played. Hes a joke. As we need teachers who know where the kids come from, we need leaders to be the same, and Ray is not fit intellectually to lead a school district

Safety and heat said...

"Works at ea", I feel your pain. My husband also works at a 131 school in an un-airconditioned classroom. For the past several years his administration has talked about putting in some airconditioning but evidently were just blowing hot air (in more ways than one). The school office is, of course, comfortably cool.

I'm actually hoping that a student or teacher is affected by heat & humidity and an ambulance is called. That kind of negative publicity might be the only thing that can get administration's attention.

Meanwhile I would suggest that staff members document the temperature and humidity readings in their classrooms today and report it to the news media and union representatives. Our district's teachers and classroom aides DESERVE safe working conditions!

Tomcat 5 said...

Is the district going to post a video like before of the Red and Black Day so the community can see if what you saying about his speech is right. If they don't then it is a good bet it was inappropriate.

Juanita Wells does NOT represent me! said...

Just a few short years ago, Juanita got her sorority sister to run for her seat on the School Board. That was a big embarrassment for our district:

What do you want to bet that it was Ray Hull who asked Juanita to "represent the taxpayers" at the kindergarten center opening?

Feltes and air conditioning said...

Feltes claims there is no money in his budget for air conditioning units. He stated the classrooms don't get that hot. He said fans would be enough. This while he gave district work to friends at Youngerans and Arlip all summer.

It is time for the teachers and maintenance to unite. You can see by the Red and Black event what they think of us!

That goes for Popp while he plans to spend millions buying a new building off I88 for himself. Teachers need to demand not to work in overcrowded classrooms while maintenance employees need to demand respect and their jobs.

News you can use! said...

Saw this just now on the Beacon website:

"East Aurora School District canceled middle school after-school activities Monday due to high temperatures. High school activities will continue as scheduled. Staff will monitor students and take weather-related precautions, the district said"

No money for AC, but plenty for administrators' projects? said...

1:40 p.m., if Feltes really said the rooms don't get that hot than it's time to prove him wrong!

Any teacher who has to teach in an un-airconditioned room today should document the temperature and if possible the humidity level. Feltes may be correct that some rooms are an acceptable temperature IF there is good ventilation (lots of windows, a cross breeze). But spending hours at a time in 95 degree heat and 80+% humidity is very unhealthy and may be cause for legal action against the district.

No respect for parents said...

Again I will pay a neighbor $20. Per week to pick up my child at Cowherd. It is impossible for me to get from Allen to Cowherd to Fred Rodgers with schools letting out at 3pm. I discussed this with Peryea and Strand and they promised me this would get handled. Peryea spent time telling me how bad the prior administration and Johnson was. it is far worst. My child's class size at Allen this year is again over 32 and it is the same at Cowherd. My son starts lunch at 10:30 am. The Magnet School has small class sizes.

Now I read they want a administrative center. I will be working to get a new board in spring. they have no respect for the taxpayers.

Dont tell me to call the school or administrative building I already have and they do nothing. I also sat at EA High for hours just trying to pay fees. No administration to talk with.

teachers rights said...

Other districts have cooling centers the teachers and kids rotate in and our of. Not in our district it's tough luck. WE did not have fans today and Dave Rada not sure of the spelling said Feltes was checking into it. The fans should have been ready first day of school. The distrct is not kid centered it is admin centered.

After Red and Black little to no hope existed. Hull was a embrassment but the Popp was just as bad. A administration center is a joke. I hope our union is ready for a fight.

Taxpayer 3 said...

I am tried of the board blaming the last one for things that is crap. Most of the things going on has been going on for years.

The traffic is terrible by all the schools and jams up traffic by the schools. I bet there are other parents that have to get someone to pick up a student at one school while they pick up one at another. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to solve the problem why don't you try.

In the know said...

Last year teachers agreed to work a extra 15 minutes and the district did not have time to adjust the day end times. It looks like administration forgot this year. Another Reyes. Childress blunder. Yet again it shows no respect for students, teachers and parents.

Tomcat said...

Juanita and Ray never disclosed they are related when she nominated him for the board. They also did not disclose they are related to Jackie Gibson. Shows Ray has no class just like his speech.

newshound said...

Ea resident said...

It is shameful the board named the building after Benevides she was not well like. Aries Jaybird should have been given the honor. Anna Sanford was also someone that should have been given a mention She was the first person in the district to apply for Preschool dollars.
Hulls evil ways were on display at Red and Black. It was that same evil spirt that allowed a buildings name to get taken away from a child.

The rest of the board are just worthless sheep.

anonymous2 said...

I am looking for any contact info for My son had a fundraising campaign in July of 2014 and we have never received the funds. Phone calls and emails go unanswered. Has anyone had funds raised with them and received them??? please contact me

Angeldorm Donor said...

My understanding is that the funds are not given directly to the student or family, but sent directly to the university and applied to the student's account. The student could check with the university office to verify that the funds were transferred.

Please answer a.question said...

I heard the school board under. Popp and Hull refused to give the student board member scholarship this to the two student members this year. is that true? My cousin received the money two years ago and now they refused just wondering?

Ghy said...

How the heck could we contact "anonymous2". Why the heck are you posting that question here. Nobody here has anything to do with angeldorm.

whykick your son out? said...

anonymous2 - i am glad the money went to the University. Since you kicked your son out of the house, if you had gotten the money he would never have seen it. And since I contributed I was very glad to see that it is sent directly to the University for his use.

What's up with the scholarships said...

Popp just sent money on a country club retreat and over $1200 on portraits of himself and his team. That is your answer why the student board scholarships did not get paid.

The new administration is more concerned about themselves not the students or teachers. Recent events looking for a Administrative Center before working on over crowded classrooms showed what they think.

newshound said...

Here's a link to 13 pages of recent articles about our district, from local media:

Taxpayer 3 said...

Since we a a low income district it is surprising about the golf retreats, food at meetings of administrators and Christmas parties. I looked at the list of bills of other districts and you don't see that. They also don't buy bottle water for administration like we do.

No new Administration center should be obtained until our classroom size is smaller and our students have a good environment to learn in.

When are they gong to put the video on of the Red and Black Day so we can judge for ourselfs Ray Hull comments.

newshound said...

Oldtimer says said...

I have seen great things out of the football program kids are just looking for leadership. Becker provided that. However Roy E Davis field is a embarrassment. Becker went to the Bears and got a matching grant. The School district allocated $500,000 with the Bears $200,000 the bleachers and track could have been fixed. So what happened to the money? Feltes took the money and built a closet for $425,000 in the basement if EA. Much of the money went to his heating and air conditioning friends. asked again this year the district says the have no money. Friends in Central Office say Popp is already in negative spending and there are many signs the district is headed for the days of Radocovich again.

A return to the past said...

The budget is on public display and it is in a deficit they stated they can file it that way. The report also says the district only has 62 million. A year ago it shows they had 90 million. What is the board doing we have another Mike Radocivich.

Throwback Thursday! said...

Speaking of the alternative school said...

Interesting tread. It seems the district is no better off with that organization than before. we are now paying their mortgage payment, maintenance and utilities. The year started off with only 5 students at the building while you can't move in the hallways. The new administration is hopeless rumors are flying all over EAHS as Orstead spends half her at the Alternative program and her afternoons and evenings at East. What about the Central Office and Michelle Brown or Thurkenbrod. what poor planning. How about are department chairs also missing in action.

Minutes said...

Minutes from July 21 still not posted!

What happened? said...

To throwback Thursday. Looking back seems as if we are looking at the here and now. Only the names have changed and the we are still not protecting the innocents. Board from hell, reckless spending and treating staff like they have no value.
Seems like for a short while change was on the way and now things have reverted to Depressing times.

district news said...

Joan blew another one Bob Greens case is moving forward the district offered. Back pay for two years but Bob turned them down. He will expose the Joan for sloppy investigations. Bobs lawyer knows the district is stupid and can get big dollars out of them. Bobs lawyers got money on the porn case and Ernest Clark. Watch and learn. More Joan screw ups it is unfortunate Hull made her the victim the other day by mocking her in front of staff.. Don't think she will not use it. Her intimidation of staff needs to end.

In the know said...

@Speaking of the alternative school... What are you talking about?? Jessica Orstead is one of the best administrators in the district!!! She works her butt off helping these "alternative" kids graduate. She truly is an asset to the district. About Michele Brown. She is the most dedicated administrators in the district!!! She too, works her butt off!!!!

@in the know said...

The Quad program is a mess but through no fault of Orstaed. They have her spread to thin and the administration screwed the program. They never notified students or parents. They never set up a Curriculum and they hired staff at the last minute. It shows another poorly run program in EA. Blame Childress, Popp, and the Board for this one.

Orstead is asked to run night school, alternative and deal with registration problems.

Horrible admin said...

Anyone look at the poor planning in all day kinder. Some classrooms have less than ten kids while other have over thirty. The large classrooms seem to be related to Bilingual. You would think the District would have encouraged more Bilingual students into the full day program. It shows we have poor administrators.

newshound said...

Reason why district is going broke said...

Feltes is spending with all his friends (add it up). Repairs from outside service companies are running in the millions. No bids are going out. Feltes just assigns them to his freinds. Popp knows and claims all is ok. Weiler is constantly pulling Feltes out of jams and making up the law as it goes along. Look at the overruns at the Kindergarden Center.

Attitude said...

The article about the family shows they way people of poverty are treated. The administration showed no respect with the parents that day and the police discriminated against them. We pay taxes, and they treat us like dirt.

pops said...

Kindergarden is not mandated by the state, neither half a day or all day. Before getting this started and also the magnet school, regular schooling should have been taken care of. Then these two could have been done. So much money has been spent on these two and the community was told this would not be. Instead of the new admin building, again the regular shcools shood be taken care of. But this is what the public wanted and now they are not happy. As for it being too hot, keep the kids home. But I do agree that their should be air conditiong, but everyone wanted that magnet school and all day kingergarden. Don't blame just the board, everyone is in on this. Glad to see more of the community is going to the meetings, but it is a shame that it takes things like taxes going up to get people envolved. Do be wary of Johnson, she has her own agenda. Give the board a chance. I am going to. Joan does have to go.

Goes to meetings said...

Johnson is the only one who asks questions. When she ran the Board everything was far more transparent. We never praise everyone only tear them down perhaps we should recognize that. Without her pushing everyone many things would not have changed. now we see the hands off approach is not working. Administration is running around spending and nobody is stopping them .

As for the Magnet school the district should have a school for the higher performers or kids that want to learn. All Day Kindergarden is necessary to give kids the right start. D131 is just catching up. All Day has been in West and other school district for years. I do however agree with the taxpayer who spoke about the poor location of the All Day Program. It seems the District needs to get rid of Cordigan and Clark. They also made to many mistakes on this project.

Central news said...

Popp does not allow his email address to get posted along with the other staff in the directory. He wants everyone to go through Lisa Morales. it seems to be a power quirk of his since it is easy to figure out with staff. The only ones who would find it difficult are the parents or community. It shows he has no respect and thinks he is better than you. We know a specific request made by Morales for Popp was made. This is the silly everyday types of issues he has. BTW a administrative Center will get built that is his number priority.

current Board said...

We were promised a kinder more transparent board. By the agendas alone that is not the case. The staff was embarrassed and humiliated by Hull and the video will prove that if the district releases it. He has had several melt downs look at his past.

His agruement with Johnson in public.

His scream and yelling at a open B&G meeting at district architects. That included comments against whites again.

His public comments at board meeting calling white teachers not capable of education.

His public comments calling EAHS a housing project.

His melt down at Red and Black. This included a sexually explicit comment and telling everyone they are not in the right positions.

How is he qualified to judge. Why did the board elect him? No they do not deserve a chance.

Many poor financial choices can also be documented with this board.

Scratches Head said...

Perhaps if Feltes had a buddy that owned a sign company all the handicap signs and everything else would be in place.

Simmons sucks said...

At the recommendation of. Ray Hull and Sister Jackie Gibson another Main Street Baptist Minister was hired. The position was Tudor which does not require a teaching degree but anyone else who has Tudor positions has a degree many have masters degrees . Ray Hull should not be hiring staff. He is over the top not only was Red and Black a fiasco but now he is hiring teachers and administrators. The employees name is David Williams

I will not give this board a chance if you have been around you can tell the school board is destroying the district.

Joany said...

How Popp can keep Joan is unbelievable Bob Green is going on today at Central Office rumor is they will pay over $250,000 because of. Joan's record keeping

Ralph Padron said...

August 29th 2014
Matthew Hanley, FOIA Officer
East Aurora School District 131
417 5th Street
Aurora, IL 60505

Re: FOIA Request for Documents regarding multiple subjects.

Dear Mr. Hanley

Pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information act, 5 ILCS140/1, the undersigned hereby requests copies of the following documents:

1 Reference Purchase Order# 150010 dtd June 26th 2014
To: Youngrens Inc for the amount of $ 45,462.000

A Attached proposals per PO
B Bid results for this purchase
C Minutes from BG, Finance, and Board Meetings discussing this purchase.
D Copy of Invitation to Bid

2 Reference recent sidewalks and other exterior concrete work performed at Dist 131.

A Purchase Orders, invoices, and scope of work.

3 Document (s) authorizing/qualifying HR Manager Joan Glotzbach be entitled to Bonuses
Reference Bonus $ 7,719.00 for school year 2012-2013.

4 Authorization in 2012-2013 for Superintendent Jerome Roberts
to receive Bonus of $ 12,707.00. What was this for?

5 Compensation packages (ref: previous reports sent 2012-2014) for School years
2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2014-2015

6 Purchase order, Invoice for Donnell Collins for recent photography work

I understand that the Act permits a public body to charge a reasonable copying fee not to exceed the actual cost of reproduction and not including the costs of any search or review of the records. I am asking that any fees be waived per 5ILCS140/6(c).


Ralph Padron

MPercie said...

Let's put aside all of our differences this holiday weekend and come together as one district.

The East Aurora High School football team opens their season tonight at home against West Chicago High School. The Tomcat varsity has 60 members this year. Optimism is high. They are favored to win their first season opener since 2000.

So bring your family to Roy E. Davis Stadium and cheer for East High this evening.

Are you kidding me said...

Popp said the deficit budget doesn’t put in jeopardy any of the items on the district’s wish list for the near future, such as the expansion of full-day kindergarten to all students who want it, more space for high school students, a new administrative building or a permanent space for alternative education.

Popps regarding the budget. Is he kidding he is 14 million in deficit spending but he is still planning a administrative center. Mike Radadovich is alive and well history repeats.

Patronage said...

It is true the Tutor position went to David Williams a friend and fellow church member of Hull. Did someone do a background check my guess is not. I don't know him but he is no role model.

Tomcat said...

Deferences aside the stadium looks horrible. What I read on this blog about Feltes is true. I am embarrassed for the students. then I read about administrative centers. it shows the lack of care.

newshound said...

Roy E Davis said...

Went to the opener with all the hopes of a better season there may be 60 players but the results are the same.

The Track had holes and was crumbling. The bleachers had open rust spots and lead paint all over. The kids deserve better. Reading the BOE Is now building a administrative shows the public the lack or respect they have for the students.

We should organize like the community came together for the band. Administration who puts their own conforts before the community. election is coming up the Board needs to go and Dr Popp should follow.

Concrete work said...

Stokes is receiving all the concrete work there is no competitive bid process followed. Bids if done are not bring opened by the Superintendents or business office like in the past. Rodger Carlson is allowed to open them with Jessie Vargas. They show them to Feltes and their pals are called to adjust prices. That is if bids go out at all. Most of the time Feltes says it a emergency.

He also happens to be a personal friend of Hulls. The B & G under Feltes has turned into a slush fund of his pals. In the past many different trades got considered now its just a few.

The story he is using on heating and air conditioning is we don't know what we are doing. We asked for filters he never ordered them now he claims the schools could have had carbon monoxide. Really his lies are getting more disparate. I guess he knows April is coming and a new board may fire him.

Hull is a racist said...

Hull was off his leash again when he addressed a group at his church calling the EA District a group of white teachers who have no clue how to educate students. He told the students they face difficult odds because of these teachers. He encouraged them to speak up for themselves. He bragged that he got Popp to hire or promote at least 5 people from his church community alone. Not all are happy with his message of hate.

He is leading the district into the racial wars of the past. The union should have filed a grievance at Red & Black. Many white teachers have changed the lives of EA students.

Pull application said...

someone should FOIA David Williams application and look at the box checked for has he been convicted of a felony. The question would be how did this by Joan?

anonymous2 said...

I think a lot of the complaining is due to people having a very narrow view. You do not have the big picture or really even know what you're talking about. The complaining about an administration center, really?! You don't see the advantage to having all of your administration in one place instead of spread out around the district? Proper communication is key to effectively running a district. Once administration is together in one place, there are buildings available to repurpose. The SSC can be repurposed, for example, as the alternative education building, etc. Before complaining, maybe you need to step back and think about some of the advantages or reasons people have for making the decisions they make. Stop the constant uninformed whining.

This blog is full of disgruntled employees. I probably could name each of the people who write their stupidity said...


Fed up with ea said...

Anonymous must be a administrator.

Today computers and the many communications software have changed the office enviroment. You do not have to be in room to communicate. You do have to be in a classroom to teach.

At East High this year over 600 students did not get science lab time this year. We do not have enough science labs and core classes are all over 34 students. So do they need a administrative center or classrooms?

Please we know Dr Popp is afraid of the neighborhood. All the administrators also would like to exit the Tollway and be right at work. Then they would never have to visit the schools.

Priorities said...

We don't need a new administrative center. The one we have has worked fine for at least 35 years. And there are too many things our children need more (others have mentioned science labs & reducing classroom size).

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Especially if the "fix" costs a lot of our money.

Not disgruntled said...

I am not a disgruntled employee just fed up with the stupidity. The New Superintendents propriety is to build a administrative center when the classes are overcrowded and the HS is approaching a danger level.

Then there is the wasteful overpaid Feltes he has his own proprietys and they are not the students

Lets talk about the board Hull has showed a hate for all the white teachers and made a public fool of himself. He also has been directing to many employment discussions and to many unqualified people are getting hired.

The settlements and payouts of the board show they all need to go.

We heads hopes a new leader would bring great things but now Roberts era looks better and that is saying very little.

Dr Popp said...

Dr Popp lost the respect of staff when he put the administration in front of children. To many remember the serial bully. His actions appear to be moving in that direction. That coupled with the crazy BOE the district is hopeless

newshound said...

Urban league said...

How many times is the BOE going to pay the bills for this organization? Now they are paying the rent and all the expenses while the Urban League shares the building and gets by paying nothing. Everyone knows Gillespe is a friend of Tom the wiz Weisner cheif sleaze in town and Clayton Muhammeds

Beyond Belief said...

To: Hull is a racist

Oh yes, the problem in this district and America is that the black man has been keeping the white population for far too long. The oppression has been unbearable.

It's interesting how Dr. Popp hires friends, no problem. Feltes is funneling millions to his buddies. Joan Glotzbach has been hiring white teachers at a rate far higher than the State of Illinois for years and you don't have an issue.

However, let a black man help a friend and it's Helter Skelter time. The race wars begin. You really need to get your racist A$$ into the Twenty First Century.

To beyond belief said...

Nobody has a problem with hiring black educators as long as they are educators. Mr Williams does not hold a teaching degree. He has a theology degree. The position he was given at Simmons can be filled by someone without a degree but across 131 is filled by people with teaching degrees in most cases master degree bilingual teachers. That is important to the education of the students to get the best.

Hull should not be hiring only administration. Hull should have not insulted the staff. If the Board President was Johnson and she would have given the same speech she would have been asked to resign.
For the record Popp, Glozabach, and Feltes are very bad examples of district leadership and should be removed.

Hires said...

Many teachers in our District are hired on the basis of if they are Bilingual or have ESL endorsements. I have not heard Hull encourage his community as he refers to it to the following skills.

What about the Hispanics our district is 88%. I don't hear anyone talking about that.

Ugh said...

I think you mean priority.

Ralph Padron said...

Defendant East Aurora Dist 131 LAWSUITS pending hearing at Kane County Courthouse

Case# 13CH293 Oct 17 2014 Room 110 09:30
Plaintiff Robert E Greene

Case# 13AR673 Oct 28 2014 Room 320 09:00
Plaintiff Janco Supply

Case# 12MR584 Oct 9 2014 Room 110 11:00
Plaintiff Tina Kosicek

Truth is said...

Hull should have been asked to resign by the BOE in any other district making a sexual overtones in public gets you fired. Mocking Joan' Glozsbachs voice created a hostile work environment. That is what administration tells the teachers. The BOE should follow the same rules.

It is interesting the newspaper gave him a pass. Was it race or because they know he is a idiot.

Haiku said...

Wants a new service center
We don't have the funds!

Haiku said...

Plaintiff Robert Green
Plaintiff Tina Kosicek
Janco Supply, too!

Haiku said...

It has been six weeks
Since July the twenty-first
Where are those minutes??

Rants and raves said...

Funny the District is hiding the tape of Hulls rants and raves also. Not posted Huh!

peek a boo said...

It sounds like someone is reading the blog

Beyond Belief said...

It's too bad Ralph can't FOIA the depositions taking place in the Green termination case with the district. Annette Johnson's testimony was quite revealing.

Annette was repeatedly asked about details in Green's termination case to which her response was a continual I have no recollection/knowledge or I was not made aware of any of that information.

When asked how she (as the school board president)could not have any knowledge of the case Annette responded that in most issues brought before the board, she and the other board members were not informed of any details, the board just signed off on anything the administration wants. Essentially, Annette testified that the school board is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the district administration.

Of course, this will help Bob Green in future lawsuits against the district. The school board is supposed to ensure that a tenured employee is afforded due process before they are terminated. Annette Johnson testified that the school board never gave Bob Green that due process. They could not have given Bob Green proper due process if they were not informed of any details in the case.

Annette really is an liability to District 131 and her testimony alone probably just cost the district another $100,000 or so.

The administrators testimony was just as damaging to the district, especially Joan Glotzbach's, Jerome Robert's and Crystal England's. It was clear that they were following no established policies or laws, they were just making things up as they went. It's obvious they had it out for Mr. Green and they bent or broke every rule/law going after him.

Mr. Green deserves every penny he is going to get. I only wish that the money would come out of the pockets of the administrators who deliberately violated his rights at every turn instead of coming out of the tax payers pockets.

RIP to Rodger Carlson said...

Our friend and co worker Rodger. Carlson passed away today suddenly. He had been running Building and Grounds and trying to stop Feltes from really pounding us into the ground. He defended our rights as much as he could. He was a stand up guy who people could go to. we know the last two years at work were horrible for him. His wife works in our District.

oldtimer said...

Beyond Belief said: "the school board is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the district administration"

Sounds like almost 10 years ago, when hundreds of community members tried to get a handful of administrators to consider what the community wanted. Instead the school board just rubber-stamped the serial bully superintendent and his pals.

I hope Bob Green gets everything he's asking for. And Ray Hull should be the one to hand him that big check, along with an APOLOGY.

Bob green said...

Bob. Slammed the child's head to the floor in this case. at he police department did their usual poor job investigating and stated they did not witness anything so they find nothing. Bob has sued his union has had sexual harassment charges has had eleven different cases against the district. He has taken hundreds of thousands away from students in our district and should not be treated like a hero.

As for the Board they always take the recommendation of administration when terminating a teacher. They are not in the buildings and that is why they pay a Superintendent. It is interesting that Bob likes to play the race card but Jerome Roberts terminated him.

Traffic said...

The careless ways of the district have come to roost. no traffic control at East Aurora today may have cost a student his life. To a students life hangs in the balance because another student accidentally ran him over. Even a good driver has challenges driving at East. There are way to many students and cars for the small neighborhood streets . it is time the school board address this instead of allowing administration to build a center for themselves. Dr Popp and the Board are responsible for this student they are all scum pushing students around just because the parents don't speak English .

Sad day today said...

Rodger is now at peace now. All of us knew the hard time he was having being a bridge between Feltes and employees. He was doing Feltes job.Feltes would call him day and night. Weekly calls after mid night
Rodger just took it. He was trying to help us keep our jobs.

Rodger came to work sick yesterday after a holiday and the first week of school he needed to. Feltes can not run the department. Feltes worked him to death. It proves scum lives on and the good die young.

Need some challengers said...

Dear Bob Green wannabe, " as for the board" taking the admins recommendation....that is why EA has had so many troubles. The board is suppose to question and challenge, if they deem necessary, the decisions of the admin. Otherwise, what is the point of having a board if they just go with the flow. I am not saying that is a bad thing, if things are " flowing" according to law and policies, but they have to make a personal educated determination. Not solely based on what he said, she said.

Traffic is an idiot!! said...

@Traffic...The accident happened several blocks away from the high school. It was at Union and Parker. And yes, there was traffic control at the high school. His name is andy, and directs traffic EVERY day. He wears a bright yellow safety vest. You cant miss him!! Get your facts straight!!

taxpayer 3 said...

In reading about the accident in The Beacon it happened on South Union and Parker at a four way stop. The driver of the car was ticked for failure to stop at a stop sign. So you saying no traffic control at East High today was the reason is wrong. Also the Beacon stated it was by the High School when actually it is closer to Gates school.

need busing said...

The boy was riding his bike to school several blocks away and was hit by another student. This is shocking that it has not happened more. Without busing our kids walk, get attacked by gangs and bullied. It is the communities wishes not to support the schools. Now the old white folks come to the meetings shaking the board down for tax decreases. We finally have a board that will say NO to them. Johnson admitted defeat last night blaming it on house values.

By next election Johnson will be gone and busing will happen

Board responsibility said...

The Board needed to take the recommendation of the administration. As for why Bob thinks he is getting a big settlement Ray Hull was seen having lunch with Bob. I am sure like Earnest Clark Ray encouraged Bob.

It am not a big fan of Annette's but in this case I am sure the boards politics with each other far out way the good of the students.

Bob was given many chances and one would have hoped he would have been very careful when touching the students. The staff of Cowherd testified against Bob as well as the students. Ninety Nine percent of teachers in our District do not have a problem why always Bob?

Haiku said...

Busing would be nice...
Would need a referendum.
Fat chance THAT would pass!

Sad times said...

I had to move back to the East Side of Aurora hopefully for just a bit and I am surprised that my 8 grade student is re learning what she learned in 7th grade at another school. This just shows how this district is behind in time. On the other hand she will probably make honor roll since my child has all ready learned what they are teaching in 8th grade here and they learned in 7th grade in another district.

Anonymous 1 said...

Unfortunately, students (and teachers) being hit by traffic is much more common than you know in District 131. When it happens, the staff is reminded that we are not allowed to speak to anybody, especially news reporters or lawyers. If we are approached, we are instructed to have the person contact the district spokesperson.

There was a teacher named Cathy Bloom several years back seriously injured in the Simmons parking lot. She suffered a serious brain injury and was no longer able to teach. The district covered it up as they do everything.

I would recommend that Ralph Padron FOIA the traffic safety information from the district but I'm assuming the district doesn't bother to keep this type of information. If they did, it could only be used against them. They certainly don't want that.

Truth is said...

Bob Green did not injure any child and certainly didn't slam some kids head into the ground. You're full of it if you are claiming such. There were three investigations into the incident. The Aurora Police Department, District 131 and DCFS. Both the Aurora Police and DCFS both came back and said that Bob Green was not the aggressor and he did not cause any harm to the child. In fact, it was the child, who had a history of behavior issues and who acted violently. The real issue is that Bob Green, for years, has been very vocal about the illegal crap that the district administration has been doing. They don't like being held accountable, especially by one of their employees. Roberts and Glotzbach have repeatedly blown up any little incident involving Bob Green in retalliation for his outspokeness. Now the district taxpayers will be paying the cost of the administrators arrogance. I hope Roberts is enjoying his retirement down in Florida

Option for "Sad Times" said...

Sad times, you sound like an involved parent. May I suggest that you consider sending your child to Our Lady of Good Counsel school? Since she's in 8th grade it might be easier for her socially to fit into a smaller school, and she would have more individual attention from her teachers than in a D131 school.

They have a financial aid/scholarship program as well.

Life in 131 said...

the administration is more concerned about themselves than the children. Strand is the greatest disappointment her husband is a teacher and she knows first hand what is going on and will not speak up. She fooled many of us!

Everyone knows Hull is a idiot who often puts his foot in his month. It shows who bad the board is when they elected him.

For Strand to openly support a new administration center is crazy. Anyone can see Feltes is not qualified he swears and loses his temper often. Lets see how he gets along without Carlson. You are correct scum bags life forever.

Parents have responsibilities also said...

To: Sad Times

We are only in the second week of school. The first thing teachers begin with in a new school year is a review of material from the previous year. They next build upon a students experience and knowledge and take them forward. I believe it may be a bit premature to call the school year a loss.

Perhaps you should be talking with your childs teachers and finding out what your child will be learning this year. An involved parent works with their child's teachers to improve their child's education. They don't bash teachers on a blog the second week of school with limited information.

Confused said...

Sad Times is merely stating that his or her child already learned the material being taught in her classes.

How is that bashing teachers?

Sad times said...

I know that in a new year they review things but in this case none of the other students knew how to do the math problem so that tells me they didn't learn it last year.

Sad times said...

I have nothing against the teachers they teach what the Administration tells them too.

No kids in the district, just speculation said...

Sad times was a bit quick to judge the standards and what is being taught. If it were my child, I would not be so quick to accept the honor roll status, but rather go to the school and find out if my child may be better off in a higher grade level. Or as the teacher stated, it may be the review is what is happening, so the teacher can get a better idea what each of her students level is.
For too many years our teachers have seen students move in and out of the district (as the Sad times plans to do) and they are expected to evaluate each child, each year and teach the class with a wide range of learning abilities along with getting an idea where each students already is at. I think this could be the reason for 'common core.'Eventually, no matter where a family moves all children everywhere will have the same standards. We can only hope it is an elevated standard.

Throwback Thursday! said...

East aurora said...

They finally opened the Kindergarden center. How many districts have had full day for years. Ours is just catching up with the times. Children come to our classrooms never picking up a book all summer long. They start Kindergarden with little knowledge.. Review is necessary because this reason.

Sad times said...

This is not about the teachers it is about how Curriculum is done. Doesn't the Administration chose what is taught? It is true we are coming in at short notice and the children where placed in spots that was open. I will wait and see if after a month they say they are still doing what they learned last year.

Ea teachers said...

we started the year with over 80 substitutes do you think that good for a child's education. Joan is behind all these problems and nobody does a thing about it.

Central news said...

Mike Popp will be spending over 12 million of the district money remodeling the old public library for a administration center. You heard it here first.

Ivory-tower mentality? said...

If that's the plan, then SHAME ON HIM.

There is nothing wrong with the current administrative center. It is spacious enough, centrally located, and the building is in better condition than some of our school buildings.

Meanwhile today some of our teachers are having to work in rooms that reach temperatures close to 90 degrees, and humidity levels of 85%. When was the last time Dr. Popp spent even one hour in one of the many poorly-ventilated, un-airconditioned classrooms in our district?

Twelve million dollars could buy a lot of much-needed improvements and supplies for our students and teachers. If Dr. Popp truly has the best interests of children and taxpayers in mind he will NOT try to spend our money on a new service center. We don't need one!

Library idea said...

The building was on a list for possible schools two years ago the report is that it would cost more to fix than its worth. I have heard he was out with Seize the Future looking at this. He is constantly talking about a administrative center only. Why does the board not stop him? They all need to go.

At the last school board meeting Hull claimed the only way to balance the budget is by laying people off. How did we get to that in such a short time.

so sad d131 said...

Congrats to our amazing district being in the bottom two percent of schools in the state. 763 out of 774 Worst large district too. So much d131 pride right now. To all the admins that I know read this. Shame on all of you for your greed and incompetence. Let me know why you deserve that new admin center would you. And for the parents teachers and community. You have failed our kids by standing by as this community just blames the kids, blames the "system" and blames each other. We have needed leadership and vision on how to fix this for decades and you have let the corruption and ineptitude ruin multipe generations of our children. All of you should demand change and fight for their futures. Where are the people that claim to be the leaders why do they all stand by and do nothing. Real change in this district is needed or perhaps its time for the students to rise up and raise some real hell.

Dr Popp said...

Dr Popp was suppose to be new leadership, but his continued pushing of a new administrative shown he only cares for himself, and not the students. I have heard many issues regarding him. I continued to opt to form my own opinion, but now, I see we have serious problems.

Many teaching positions are still unfilled. Substitutes are not expectable, and parents should complain in public, since nobody will listen. The Retirees that attend the meetings did submitt a petition to balance the budget at the last meeting. That is a good start! Lets hope they keep it up.

The Board needs to get replaced. Hull has demoralized the teachers with his racist remarks. His Red and Black performance should have gotten him a reprimand. The board has wasted taxpayer money by paying lawsuits, allowing Feltes to continue misspending , and now the latest not stopping Popp and his crazy ideas.

Yes, EA is in trouble .

Anonymous 1 said...

To: so sad d131

How are the rankings compiled? Who is running this website you referenced? What agenda's do they have?

According to the, they have 136,000 schools in their database. It also mentions that one person compiles the entire list. What are his credentials? What makes him qualified to rank 136,000 schools in the US? Has he ever been to a District 131 school? Has he ever been to Illinois? It states he lives on the West Coast.

The biggest problem in District 131 is idiots like you who want to bash the district every chance they get (usually in a vain attempt to avoid taxes). No issue has ever been solved by complaining. It gets solved by finding a better solution and convincing others to go with it.

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? It's pretty obvious which "so sad d131" is.

She Speaks said...

The children of D131 are the legacy of this board and it's administration. What will the be the pillars of their legacy be?

Greed, self-interest, corruption and lust for Power?


Hope for the future, self-sacrifice, integrity, and wisdom?

It's never too late to do the right thing. If the failure if our students is YOUR failure, then their successes will belong to you as well.

Recent comments said...

The lastest in the district is that if the State does not pass Senate Bill 16 we will have layoffs next year. Yet Popp continues to talk about a Admin center .

This is on top of the teachers contract expiring. If the union does not protect our jobs and become more vocal on the districts wasteful spending then they need to go. We can control that. Why is the teachers union not speaking out? Recent articles in the paper has shown this . Again, why will the union not speak out?

Then there are the issues of climate. Ray Hull should have been asked to resign after his speech. Certain administrators have also echoed his racist comments.This includes, Childress, Gloztbach, Flanigan , Carla Johnson and Thruckenbrod. They have publically stated our teachers are in it for the money. Have they not reviewed the wages. They are overpaid , but the teachers who still rank the lowest.

With moral like this we need to speak up. Popp needs to stop talking about the Admin Center and have the grace to apologize for Hull.

Tomcat 8 said...

Our mission was founded in 2006 to serve one purpose: to empower parents like you to make informed choices about choosing a school for your child. Our database contains detailed profiles for over 136,000 schools in every state in the US, including 20 years of enrollment data, several years of test scores, crime data, real estate data, and everything our team hopes is useful in helping you make better school choices.

But all this data can be overwhelming -- that's why our core mission is to make the easiest, most useful school search and comparison site on the Web. We do our best to ensure that our site is easy to use, easy to navigate, and our data as up-to-date as possible.

Anonymous 1 said...

The mission statement says "Our" and "We" a lot considering it is a one man organization. That's the way it is with many groups, they always want you to think the whole world agrees with them when in reality, it is one disgruntled guy sitting alone at his computer. Maybe you should find out a little about a group before jumping on the bandwagon.

so sad d131 said...

to anonymous 1.
The facts are pretty hard to ignore and this latest review which I might add is just done by compiling readily available governement statistics, of our districts failings are just further proof. Perhaps taking even five minutes to educated yourself might have saved you all stress from your little rant. I am guessing you are not a parent or a teacher if you honestly think taxes are the reason for my feelings of betrayal by the people running this district. I have given more to this district and its children than you could ever imagine and your quick defense and reaction to my comments show that you truly fail to grasp the extent that we have failed our children. I pay my taxes, attend events to support our programs and even volunteer in our schools and have never once tried to get my taxes lowered. Rather I want my hard earned money to be used to support our communities students. Not pay for the constant screwups by HR, the ridiculous lawsuits we are constantly having to pay, the fraud and incompetence in our B and G department and the general inability of anyone in our district to be an effective leader.
There are some issues coming down in the near future that I think the community should be aware of and those will show them how much the admin and boards screw ups take away from our children. Its time for new leadership on the board, and perhaps cleaning house of the administrators in the district.

Central News said...

Dr Popps comments to admin have been we have to get off Fifth Ave. The building he wanted on the tollway would have created a approval by residents via referendum to move money out of the education fund to the construction fund. The fear was they could not sell it to residents as a non tax increase.

Buying the old library which our architects have previously stated should get knocked down is the best option since intra governmental agreements do not require a community vote. They are now in talks as to the best way to hide the cost from the residents and Annette Johnson. The cost is projected to take over 12 to 15 million once complete. The other board members are on board with this.

East High is so overcrowded the kids can not take science lab. They will now schedule science lab this summer. Everyday classes change as the district attempts to adjust class sizes at EAHS. There is simply no room. The rest of the district continues to run with the highest amount of subs ever. Mostly due to Joan Glozabach. Teachers are leaving in record numbers each day. Many say it is impossible to teach in our district. After hearing administration echo some of Ray Hulls statements teachers have had it. Popp is talking about layoffs in cabinet. Hull accidentally made public comments last week that is the only way to balance the budget.

The silent majority can not believe he still continues to push a administrative center that only benefits administration.

In a mess said...

The Business Manager hired from West Aurora (Christi Tyler costed West $800,000 or 2.2 million. The State will need to be paid back over three years. She also made numerous accounting errors while at 129. Employees over at West stated the new Sup wanted her gone. West is now broke. it appears her same accounting is coming to EA. The district can not account for its current loses. Now she claims teachers will be laid off. Why,?

Also reference checking with fellow professionals show all of Popps hires from 204 and his friend Flanagan had all been passed up for promotions or would not have been offered contracts at Indian Prairie. Popp offered to take the administrators off the other districts back. In education you do not get fired you just get moved to another position. In this case EA OK.

Time to clean house said...

Dr Popp in 6 months has proved to be be a ineffective leader who does not understand the population. It is interesting Ray Hull will blame the white teachers for not understanding the population they serve but he sat on board that picked Popp who is from a school district far different than. East Aurora. Did Strand not promise a bilingual leader? All of Popps hires have not been bilingual and came from school districts NOT like East Aurora.

It is time for a change starting with Hull, Peryea, and Turza.

Change said...

Stella Gonzalez to I believe her seat is up.

New service center said...

How can the board allow him to spend his time and money with this. They all need to go.

newshound said...

newshound said...

Layoffs said...

Hull stated tonight again we would have to layoff employees to balance the budget next year. This year was to late.How could it be that they are out of money. How could that be the past administration always had surpluses.

It shows how out of control they are when the board allows the Superintendent to make a administrative center and tell teachers they will get laid off next year.

anonymous2 said...

You are looking in the wrong place. Dr. Roberts knew he was leaving so the spending last year was out of control. Now Dr. Popp has to pick up the pieces.

as 131 turns said...

The Board is at fault they allowed Roberts to get paid and settled foolish lawsuits. Popp will not fire Glozbach who did not check fingerprints on the business manager. He will not fire Feltes who has ran the building and grounds as his personal checking account. This has been pointed out to Popp but he is to busy looking for a new administrative center while the kids sit in overcrowded classrooms.

No this one is on the board for not doing anything.

Wasteful spending said...

Someone needs to review Marty Feltes more long time friends are getting work and recently Bohr Construction was given concrete work. Marty is related to Don Bohr this information was shared with Popp he should be fired. Follow the money trail. He is bankrupting the District.

Throwback Thursday! said...

Not such old news said... years later and the Bob Green case is still going on.

Some things don't change in this district.

quit complaining maintenance workers!! said...

I have to believe, most of the Marty bashing is from maintenance workers that aren't getting overtime anymore. They used to clean up on paydays with a ton of overtime that wasn't needed. Marty eliminated the overtime, now all they want to do is bash him.

Really said...

Marty spent $800,000 on overtime last year and is budgeted to spent $400,000 this year. Working in the business office everyone can see Marty is scamming the district. We have paid Youngrens to date $440,000 and all his other pals $388,000. None of these pals have to submit a bid any longer. Dr Popp knows this the missing budget money is in the pocket of Marty's friends. at he money was moved last year from the Curriculum department to pay for Marty in addition to the BOE increasing his budget. Not to mention the FDK Center fiasco. No it is not just the Maintance employees it all of us. Dr Popp needs to grow a pair and put a stop to this. He will not because of tricky Dick Leonard.

Maintenance department said...

Comments to quit complaining

Feltes and Popp should be charged with purchasing fraud. Scott Sweigert was forced to resign and other had time off for nothing.

Feltes had $1,200,000 in no bid work go out in July and August. Where is it going to stop? The community needs to file a investigation against the Board and District.

You are all scum and crooks.

enough is enough said...

They claim they are going to layoff teachers and.hurt our kids because of a deficit. Add up the fruad by feltes, the mistakes from human resources, the stupid mistakes by building and grounds, the overages on the kindergarten, the payouts to people like roberts, all the court settlements, and the underserved 50% administrative pay raises and bonuses and you easily see where the money went. These people shouldnt just be fired and run out of town, some deserve jail time for what they are doing to this district

Ralph Padron said...

Will be announcing BIG NEWS next week !!!!

Test scores said...

The scores are up because the past board lead the charge to get rid of Marin Gonzales and Aird.. Teaching the students in a more English based Curriculum proved successful. Lets hope the new board does not mess that up like they have done with everything else. Maybe Hull the white teachers actually do know what they are doing when given the tools.

The Board needs to stop with current politics and support Dr Popp with Feltes. The department is the only one that has not improved along with HR.

Ralph Padron said...

September 12, 2014

To: Superintendent Dr Michael Popp
District 131 East Aurora

From: Ralph Padron

Subject: Trash/Recycle Contract Violations

Dear Dr Popp

Recently I submitted FOIA containing the following
1 Invoices for the months of June, July, August 2014.
2 Reports pertaining to reviewing recycle usage and expanding this program.
3 “Right Sizing of Containers” audit/report for all buildings.
4 “Reduction of Service” schedule for the summer months. Also include “Spring Break and Christmas” reduction of service schedule.
5 District policy on what department was responsible for adhering to the above.
6 District policy on who is approving invoices for payment.
7 Please include cancelled checks for this current calendar year and Dec 2013.

If none of the above services were not performed, please provide documents explaining why these were not in compliance.

The response given, verified these cost saving measures were not performed resulting in thousands of dollars being wasted when it could have been avoided. Last year I was hired to audit this contract and to give my recommendations to reduce costs, analyze and recommend policy for this program. My report included multiple recommendations which were implemented, unfortunately many were not acted upon resulting in wasteful spending and poor stewardship to the taxpayers of Illinois.

I still find it appalling that service was not reduced when schools were not in session during the Summer, Spring and Christmas break.

Please investigate and respond.

Thank you for you cooperation in advance


Cc: Board of Education Dist 131
State Senator Linda Holmes
State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia
Lisa Morales

Answer to ralph said...

You wasted the taxpayers money downloading a trash spec from Arizona the district had to spend their own dollars studying the trash and doing your job. Give it up to crime was committed.

Yeah Right said...

I can't even count how many times some moron on this blog said "big news coming" and then. ........ nothing happens.

I am a skeptic, too. said...

I won't resort to name calling as the previous commentor, but I have to agree, I haven't seen any big news after all the announcements in the past. It is like the crying wolf......I am not holding my breath for any "big news"

Tomcat 8 said...

Before they lay off anyone the administrators need to stop having meetings in restaurants, snacks at meetings, bottled water delivered and all the food they order for different things. Why was a punch bowl set bought for $600.00? Take a good look at the list of bills to see how they mis use money.

It is a shame we can't lay off this board.

Ralph.....go away said...

STOP WASTING TAX PAYER DOLLARS TO GATHER THIS INFORMATION. So not necessary!!!! You don't have the skills to discern what any of the decisions that were made mean, anyway.

The real EA said...

A article today in the Tribune about Chicago Public Schools

Filthy buildings. Principals overseeing cleaning or hiring extra help out of pocket. Teachers scrambling to clean classrooms in time for the first days of school. Reports of missing, broken and misplaced equipment. Mouse poop.

This is what East Aurora will become when Feltes and Popp get their way. Feltes tells us he has the support of BOE. They need to be replaced. They are allowing Feltes to hire all his pals. Just look at the number of no bid contracts. Recently long time school mates Bohr construction who is not a cement company got work. Heikutter Dry Wall was given work for double the cost. Again no bid. Arlip charges $25 more than others and is getting jobs over Oneill. 'The jobs in the past were all handled by us. We don't need Arlip, Youngrens or Oneill. Over one million was wasted this summer when is someone going to step up and fire him.
Why is the board not asking questions. it is not enough to vote against list of bills Johnson. Although she is probably smart enough to cover herself verses the other bobble heads. It time for action. The BOE had not problem supporting the displine and termination of great employees. Everyone believes Rodger went home every night with worried and the stress caused his death.

Dr Popp only cares about himself

Spending for food said...

Why is the district spending so much money on snacks and food I thought that stopped. The administrators make good money over $100,000 per year they can well afford their own meals.

The board is at fault not one publicly opposed the $2,000 spent on Robetts party which included liquor. they all need to go election is coming lets not forget.

Gonzalez and Truza say they will not run maybe Peryea and Hull will have the same ethics .

Go Ralph! said...

It costs very little time and money to comply with a FOIA request. Basically just someone looking it up and photocopying/sending the information.

And 9:39, how do YOU know what skills Ralph has to discern the information he obtains? Maybe one reason Ralph is FOIA'ing is just because he can. In other words, proving that administration cannot sweep information under the rug.

maintenance dept said...

Rodger Carlson was under pressure everyday from Feltes. Feltes called him all hours of the night because he was incapable of running his department. Rodger was just a nice guy that could not say no. He felt nervous all the time because the processes he was forced to look the other way on had been the same processes that others got disciplined and fired for. Talk is Marty and his incompetence contributed to Rodger death. Stress kills and Rodger was under unbelievable stress.

Marty should be a man admit the job is beyond him.

dr. Popp loser said...

The Advantage. Illinois meeting took place in Aurora this week. It was well attended from district all around. THe meeting actually took place ten minutes from the service center at Quad County. Superintendents as far as Rockford attended. The Senate Bill would benefit East more than any school distrct. It was shocking that Dr Popp did not attend nor did any one else from East.

They are complaining about laying people off but they can't attend a meeting that benefits 131 the most. Is this the leadership we have. The Board is worthless they promised a Superintendent that would be visible not just to build his own resume. What are they doing?

Peryea is on Facebook advertising she is running she needs to go. Please do us a favor don't run.

Tomcat 8 said...

When I heard Hull had said that new bill would hurt D131 I wonder then if he knew what he was talking about since I read about it help low income districts. Shows how out of touch our board is.

You go Ralph you never know what will pan out but this man is a go getter and ask questions to find out if what this district is doing with some of the money is wrong.

employees sick of the board said...

Popp did not go to meeting because he was out of town at a committee he volunteered for. Gloztbach was left in charge again. Popp has joined many committees so he can put it on his resume. If anyone believes he long to 131 then I have swamp to sell them.

His first duty is with 131, not running around the State. This while the board pays his mileage. The board has not set goals for him. He could care less if Feltes steals or teachers get laid off. The board failed to hire the right superintendent therefore they should not get reelected.

The committee need to review the list of bills then you will see how your money is being spent.

The way it going said...

This is what Marty. Feltes and Popp will do at 131. Martay has told many he has the support of the Board. that means Hull has sold us down the river. Listen to Hull at Board meeting he wants to layoff teachers. D131 will never be the same. Wild spending with all of Marty's pals showed us what will happen when millions were wasted in no bid contracts. Wise up everyone

Sun, 09/14/2014 - 1:37pm
Lauren Fitzpatrick And MATT McKINNEY
@bylaurenfitz | Email
Some 476 custodians who clean Chicago Public Schools will lose their jobs at the end of the month, according to district officials.

The custodians will be notified of their job status by Sept. 30, said Leslie Norgren, who oversees custodians for the district. They are privately employed

The cuts come after CPS officials agreed to a $260 million contract in March for the work to be contracted out to the firm Aramark. They are employed by Aramark subcontractors, spokesman Bill McCaffrey said.

CPS principals have complained about school cleanliness since the district privatized the janitorial services, according to a survey by AAPPLE, a new activist group under the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association.

Troy LaRaviere, principal of Blaine Elementary School at 1420 W Grace St., said the cuts mean “residents of Chicago lose out, and the corporations profit from our losses.

A representative of SEIU Local 1, the custodians' union, was not available for comment Saturday.

Anonymous 1 said...

Is there any public resource left that our politicians won't corporatize? School maintenance is just the latest way to funnel public tax dollars to corporations that pay off our politicians.

Here is something to FOIA. What did repairs cost when we had district guys doing repairs versus what are we paying now bringing in Feltes' buddies?

People here complained that the district was wasting money by having a district maintenance guy run to Menards and purchase a swith to repair in a building. Instead, now we call local contractors and they charge the district a thousand dollars for the same repair that would cost two man hours. Did you know that we pay exterminators $125 per mouse trap they set in the buildings and our district guys still have to throw it away?

These millions of tax dollars that are being funneled to corporatations is being dictated more and more from the federal level. That is why you hear of about all these different district doing these things at the same time. The reason the testing has been raised to impossible levels (nearly every school district in this country is now on some watch list) is so that the Federal Government can come in and dictate everything. All of which benefits corporations.

We've corporatized road repairs, street parking, prisons (which is why we incarcerate people at a rate 5 times higher than any other country in the world) etc. Education is just the latest in a long line of corporate takeovers. We are allowing our politicians to give away every public resource for their own profit. When is this society going to wake up?

Shout to maintenance people said...

You need to report what is going on and make a record of it. A good way is to put it in writing on the blog. The community needs to know what Feltes is up to.

Ralph Padron said...

I have been in contact with Illinois Attorney General of Illinois regarding the "Natural Gas Contract Scandal". Their response to me was as follows:

Upon contacting East Aurora, Bernie Weiler stated that "It was a bad contract and EA had no intention of pursuing lost monies"

1 Who authorized Bernie to make this statement to the AG office

2 Why would EA NOT pursue this when the evidence I presented was blatantly clear of wrongdoings?

3 Whatever happened to the investigation EA promised for this matter

Unfortunately these questions will never be answered by EA nor can we trust them for holding individuals accountable.


Questions produce more questions and point to a cover up when EA is confronted with these issues.

Stay tuned for more to include B G questionable spending currently being researched.

newshound said...

Budget joke central news said...

Don't believe Popp and Hull they are still pursuing a administrative center. They have publically said they are not because of complaints from the teachers and public. After election and after teachers get a major screwing with the new contract they will then purchase the old library and spend over 10 million. John Cordigan is drawing up plans. Popp has informed administration to keep quite.

Waiting said...

Waiting for big news.

Maintenance department said...

Feltes has misspent millions yet nobody is doing anything about it. Feltes's friends are getting rich not the teachers working in over crowded classrooms. It is time we stand together . Feltes is always off with Cordigan and Clark meetings what do you think they are planning a new administrative center.

Look how much money they went through last year.

Administration said...

The bonus column represents our raises. We had raises frozen and had been forced to pay health insurance premiums. The bonus represented the test scores that went up in each building. We received the percentage of increase. The teachers had set raises for those years. Maybe teachers should ask for the same. I personally liked this system many had problems with it.

Meeting about maintenance said...

Popp was told again today about all the problems with Feltes. The maintenance workers explained that they are very capable of doing their jobs. Feltes had filled Popp up with a bunch of lies. Popp will not do anything because of Leonard. It was a waste of time but everyone knows Feltes is breaking the law. Something needs to be done. Popp is worthless.

Ea knows said...

Popp does not care about this district. He cares about the resume he is building. He knows graduation will continue to go up because of the students staying in school for a path to citizenship. The test scores will continue to go up because of the new Curriculum changes and PLC models put in place last year. He has joined many committees at the State level, again to build his resume.

Meanwhile the district will continue to run out of money and the teachers will get screwed.

newshound said...

School board said...

History repeats the school board is spending money and they don't have a clue as to what they are spending it on.

The Building in Grounds under Feltes has been allowed to spend and spend without bids. millions in work has been given out to outside workers this work was handled in house. Fireman and Principals are not told when outside workers show up. they are allowed to put down whatever they want. They claim units are broken but they are not. Again because nobody is watching. The workers of 131 have been told hands off you are not qualified.

Since Dr Roberts has been gone Feltes has a free hand Popp is to busy playing board politics with Hull and Leonard. the other board members are clueless and concerned more about socializing.

I never liked or could stand Annette but she seems like the only one trying to stop this madness.

anonymous2 said...

poor, poor administrator "forced to pay" your insurance. welcome to what most of us have done our entire career.

Unbelievable said...

Reading the article about the budget brings back memories of the Serial Bully days. The board rubber stamps whatever administration wants. I was very disappointed nobody asked questions just rubber stamped.

Throwback Thursday! said...

Here's some GOOD news said...

Here's a recent picture of 2014 EAHS valedictorian Angel Chavez:

As you can see, he is wearing a Marching Illini uniform and holding a shiny silver trumpet.

Because of the generosity of our community (including many who found out on this blog), Angel was able to realize his dream of attending U of I and participating in the marching band.

This blog may be full of complainers and petty whiners, but we are also capable of pulling together to help a deserving young man like Angel. Take a bow, bloggers!

Library said...

More lies from Popp and Hull the Library appraised the old building for over $1.3 million. The Library will move and was told 131 will purchase the building in May 2015.

A newsletter in the Library proves this.

Blog said...

The blog is more necessary than ever. We have returned to the serial bully days.

A new superintendent who thinks a administrative center is more important than overcrowded classrooms and children.

A board that is a rubber stamp with some board members taking kickbacks. Namely Leonard and Feltes. Hull who thinks all teachers WHITE are not capable of teaching students.

The district running into bankruptcy because of wild spending.

Payoffs and misspending.

Teachers and maintenance employees getting mistreated.

Only to name a few!

Looks good on the surface, but... said...

This looks like a step in the right direction, opening committee meeting discussions to the public. But it's still only open to those who are available to attend on Monday evenings. A better way to promote transparency would be to put meetings online, as many of our neighboring districts do.

If we have the technology to broadcast programs like "Razzle Dazzle", graduations, and halftime shows, then why not School Board meetings? This question has been asked multiple times...

...but never given the courtesy of a response by administration.

We DESERVE better!

Story behind committees said...

Committee meeting are always open to the public, now they will be on one day starting at 5pm. Most of this is driven by Popp and administration not wanting to attend multiple meetings. The board also did not as well. Don't expect to much transparency they had committee of the whole a year ago. Actually the 5 pm right in the middle of everyone dinner shows that.

Link, please said...

post the link to the library newsletter please

maintenance dept. said...

This will be Dr Popp and Marty Feltes. they are violating school code and stealing the district blind. Dr Popp you are responsible for him.

Former Harvey schools chief gets probation for misconduct, theft of $78,000

Football team said...

When is EA going to admit no matter how much money they throw at Football they will get blown out. A recent check with officals at EAHS on the cost of HS football showed they spend $150,000 for the buses and coaches wages. Becker has 16 paid helpers compared to 300 kids in the soccer program with 6 people.

Why does the district not publish the soccer scores. handles has not been out to one game. It is the sport kids like in this district.

It shows how out of touch the distrct officals are with the Distrct.

Ray hull said...

Hey Ray

I wonder who is paying for your numberous trips? Last year you cried poor month now four big vacations in one year could it be the no bid work kickbacks. Have a great time in Hawaii at the tax payers expense.

HS Coach said...

Here is the website for updated athletic information:

A word of caution though, our current Athletic Department does not update nearly enough. It's not like it was the the past few years when information was actually up to date and accurate.

newshound said...

No bids said...

Hull has directed work to Danny Stokes in the district.. Six figure work with no bids Stokes was given landscaping work that is not is speciality . He is a plumbing company. It is financially very beneficial for some board members. Leonard and Hull have benefited follow The money trail. the State needs to be brought in . millions are going out the door.

newshound said...

poor EA kids said...

They allow Feltes to misspend millions but the kids still have to fund raise for the books.

Shame on the adults who are in charge of the district. I am not sure how you can sleep at night.

"Once EA-OK, always EA-OK" said...

Wise words from our superintendent said...

the drama of ea said...

Popp and Feltes have a opportunity to do the right thing and retire Feltes. Since the death of Carlson it became clear to everyone he had run the department. In fact many say Feltes worked him to death. Feltes himself now out on long term disability felt the pressure of not knowing how to run his department and investigations by this blog got Feltes out.

Now Popp puts a 3 month employee in charge because he is Feltes buddy. Not the experienced worker.

We wish him no bad health but please do us a favor dont come back.