Saturday, May 22, 2010

Farewell, Mrs. Nadel, thanks for the memories!

"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness." ~Maya Angelou

Lynne Nadel touched the lives of countless EA students. Many found "refuge" in her classroom. She went beyond the duties of her job as a choir director. Mrs. Nadel was an adviser and inspiration to her students. She listened to their woes, shared joy in their accomplishments. She will truly be missed.

Here's wishing Lynne the best in her new home and her next season of life!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Speaking of Board meetings

I know many people don't like the dead horse being beaten but I was curious, and felt like I hadn't gotten the end of the story. So I went to the Board meeting and commented.

"While sorting through papers I found an article. Aug 2006 the Beacon's “Our View” commented: Promises made should be promises kept. Referring to a promise of 8.3 acres of land to be donated to D131. One year later in July 2007 results were approx. 5 acres worth about $1 million.

Now, nearly 4 years later, I want to ask, have the improvements to connecting properties, sites & infrastructure been made? Since the agreement was reached in 2007 who has been paying the taxes, insurance and maintaining the property? What is the present appraised value?

I know recently the district compiled a list of property owned by the district and paid for either market analysis and/or defining the lines and amount of actual property in the districts possession. What is being done with all these properties, specifically the one that was used as a carrot to encourage voters to favor D131 plans and to justify demolishing the drive-in?"