Thursday, May 3, 2007

The work continues

Hello fellow Bloggers,
I apologize for the lack of new posts to this blog. I had been a bit busy and openlineblog had good dialog going on a few of their posts, so I did not see a need for encouraging discussion on this blog.

That will hopefully change. Over the next few months I hope to encourage community input and keep district 131 residents informed of things going on concerning our schools. Our open forum here can be a useful tool to our school board to survey the community and keep it's members up to date on issues that are not normally news worthy to the local media.

I will update this post as I fine tune this blog site to continue to serve the old purpose and realign it as a communication tool within the district.

In the mean time, Dee and I would like to thank all of those who have encouraged and supported us throughout the election process. We look forward to being representatives of our community in District 131 as board members.

We would like to invite everyone to attend the School Board meeting on May 7th @ 7pm. We are scheduled to be sworn in that night. Due to some information that is required to be delivered to the school board prior to our swearing in, the swearing in may be rescheduled to Tuesday May 8th.

The regular board meeting will still take place Monday. Please attend and show support for the dedication of the out going members.

Please note in the comments. An excellent beginning to this blog as a communication tool. I have copied a comment and entered it in this post from Dan Barriero. His dedication is continuing, I hope community members do not stop their campaign to support our schools.